Teams, Team Training, and the Role of Simulation

Difficulties coordinating conflicting actions

Poor communication among team members

Failure of members to function as part of a team

Reluctance to question the leader or more senior team members

Failure to prioritize task demands

Conflicting occupational cultures

Failure to establish and maintain clear roles and goals

Absence of experienced team members

Inadequate number of dedicated trauma team members

Failure to establish and maintain consistent supportive organizational infrastructure

Leaders without the “right stuff”

Modified from Schull et al. [17] and others

Teamwork requires an iterative evaluation that must include the review of the secondary management including careful delineation of team structure, thorough and ongoing team training, effective support structures, and continuous quality improvement. Valuable tools for team training and performance improvement, discussed in this chapter, include reflective learning, authentic communication, rehearsal, debriefing, simulation and videotape-based analysis.

Role of Higher Education

Higher education methods have shifted from providing instruction to facilitating successful learning opportunities and engagement of the learner. Interactive simulation environments support learner-focused, constructivist approaches that would be unethical, inefficient, and unfeasible in actual perioperative care situations. Team training has a long history in aviation and the military, and, more recently, these experiences have been translated to health care. Studies of aviation teams reveal failures of coordination, communication, workload management, loss of group situation awareness, and inability to use available resources [57]. In thoroughly investigated adverse events, whether patient-or aviation-related, causes of failure were similarly multifactorial, team based, and complex [811].

Most of health care is performed and delivered by interdisciplinary teams – individuals with diverse specialized skills focused on a common task in a defined period of time and space, who must respond flexibly together to contingencies and share responsibility for patient outcomes. This is particularly true of cardiac surgery. Traditional specialty-centric clinical education and training are remiss because they assume that individuals acquire adequate competencies in teamwork passively without any formal training. Reviews of malpractice claims indicate that communication problems among the treating team members are major contributing factors in 24 % of cases that result in such claims [12]. Substantial evidence suggests that teams routinely outperform individuals and are required to succeed in today’s complex work arenas; in these settings information, wisdom, and resources are widely distributed, technology is becoming more complicated, and workload is increasing [13]. Other studies using root cause analysis to examine contributing factors have found teamwork and communication issues cited as root causes in 2/3 of adverse events [14]. Our understanding of how medical teams coordinate in real-life situations, especially during time-constrained and crises situations, remains incomplete.

Teams and Teamwork

What Is a Team?

One must distinguish between a group of individuals sharing a common task (e.g., a jury) and a team (e.g., a marching band or a football team). A team is “a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable” [13]. Weick and Roberts [15] defined medical teams as “a loosely coupled system of mutually interacting interdependent members and technology with a shared goal of patient care.” Katzenbach and Smith [13] argued that any performance situation that warrants a team effort must meet three criteria: (1) collective work products must be delivered in real time by two or more people; (2) leadership roles must shift among the members; and (3) both mutual and individual accountability is necessary. They go on to assert that teams must have a specific team purpose (distinct from that of its individual members), shared performance goals, a commonly agreed to working approach, and, in general, make use of the team’s collective work products to evaluate the team’s performance. Others have suggested that smaller teams (5 to 10 members) are generally more effective than larger ones, partially because of familiarity, more cross-checking, and high interdependence of team member’s roles.

There are five themes associated with effective teams (the 5 Cs [18]): Commitment, Common Goals, Competence, Consistency (of performance), and Communication. The effective team is committed to the achievement of specified goals. Team competence is measured across multiple dimensions and includes technical, decision, and interpersonal skills. The diversity of team members with complementary skills is a hallmark of many effective teams, particularly when the team is required to adapt to complex and changing circumstances. Acute-care medical teams, including trauma teams, typically excel at the first two Cs (i.e., commitment and common goal) and explicitly strive for competence, but may be much less successful in their consistency of performance (i.e., ability to sustain best practice reliably at all times), and effectiveness of communication between team members [16]. The very best trauma teams maintain an intuitive understanding and situational awareness of the evolving processes of events (see discussion below of distributed team situation awareness), appreciate and expect the unknown, and exhibit a high level of trust and respect between members [19].

Importance of Conflict

Conflicts among members are inevitable in every team, and many experts believe that conflict and its successful resolution, is essential to attaining maximal team performance [17, 20]. Without resolving these conflicts, trust cannot grow and thus accountability for improvement will be lacking [21]. The natural tendency of teams, especially among health care professionals, is to avoid or gloss over conflicts. However, doing so may sew the seeds of impaired team performance when the next challenge arises. There are four primary conflicts inherent in teamwork [22]. First, there are tensions between individuals and the team as a whole in terms of goals, agenda, and the need to establish an identity. Second, to attain optimal team performance, one needs to foster both support and confrontation among team members. If team members are unwilling or unable to challenge each other’s decisions respectfully, then there is a real risk of poor team outcomes – a team devoid of conflict leads to “group think” [23] and the acceptance of suboptimal team decisions. Third, daily team activities must balance moment-to-moment performance against the need to continually enhance team learning and individual member development. Finally, the team leader must strike a balance between managerial authority, on the one hand, and individual team member autonomy and independence, on the other.

Teamwork Training in the Medical Domain

Surgical team performance is one of the most complex in health care and is centred around ill patients, a large and diverse range of health care providers, sophisticated equipment, and severe time constraints [24]. The cardiac team, which assembles rapidly at unpredictable times, must attempt to manage a sudden unique and chaotic situation such as acute bleeding, ruptured graft, etc. involving one or more patients presenting with complex underlying physiology.

The successful management of complex congenital malformations requires effectively coordinated prehospital care and information management followed by transfer to a well-organized and well-prepared dedicated healthcare facility. During the resuscitation, the team typically adheres to hospital protocols based on Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) principles. In most modern surgical teams, multiple team members have dedicated roles and simultaneously perform individual patient care tasks [25, 26]. While more efficient, and leading to more rapid resuscitation, this kind of horizontal structure requires team coordination, leadership, and organizational structure [27]. Studies in advanced trauma units have highlighted the difficulties of attaining effective teamwork, noting team breakdowns under dynamic and distracting conditions. Cardiac surgical teams typically consist of five to ten individuals from several clinical disciplines [28].

Medical teams, often consisting of a multidisciplinary group of members, might come together for a single clinical event (e.g., a specific surgical procedure) or be together for a short defined period (typically a month or so). Not infrequently, some team members are consistent and well defined (e.g., the intensive care unit team) while others join on an ad hoc or an as needed basis (e.g., respiratory therapists, nurses, pharmacists, anesthesiologists). Thus, a specific group of individuals do not have the opportunity to work together and develop trust and shared mental models, as a fixed team for long periods of time. Further, cardiac surgical care is often provided in academic medical centers where the trainees who make up much of the surgical team rotate on and off the team on a regular basis, which can lead to inconsistent care and awkward and ambiguous communication. Research in aviation shows that non-“rostered teams” are less effective than more stable “fixed” teams [29]. Additionally, Simon, et al. [30] have shown that rostered teams are less likely than ad hoc formed teams to call each other out when safety infractions occur, but, are more resilient and have better outcomes than non-rostered team when challenged.

The Team Leader

The team leader’s functions may include the performance of specific tasks such as the conduct of the primary and secondary surveys (Table 5.2).

Table 5.2
The team leader’s responsibilities

Know the job (e.g., know guidelines expertly).

Communicate clearly and effectively, and enhance the team’s communication.

Foster teamwork attitudes through tangible behaviors.

Keep the goals and approach relevant and focused.

Enhance the team’s knowledge and shared expectations.

Build commitment, confidence, and trust.

Remain positive and supportive, especially under adverse conditions.

Acknowledge and manage your own limitations, and those of the team.

Strengthen the skills of each team member, and of the team as a whole across all performance dimensions: technical, functional, problem solving, decision making, interpersonal, and teamwork.

Manage relationships with outsiders and remove obstacles.

Create opportunities for others to grow into leadership roles.

Lead by example.

Reward team performance and discourage individualism that detracts from team performance.

Provide constructive feedback and opportunities for reflection.

Modified from Cooper and Wakelam [27] and others

However, given sufficient personnel, the team leader must assume, as quickly as possible, a supervisory role, prioritizing and delegating tasks, and reviewing and overseeing the team’s (and patient’s) progress throughout the resuscitation [31]. Studies suggest that teams are less effective when the team leader spends significant time performing procedures than when delegating them to other team members and not maintaining feed forward abilities. However, the team leader should have recognized expertise in treating patients and be willing and able to intercede when other team members are not performing up to acceptable standards or the patient deteriorates.

The cardiac surgery team leader is also responsible for formulating (or at least approving) the definitive treatment plan. Thus, the team leader must quickly assimilate a large amount of disparate information from other team members with his/her own observations. This leads to an overall assessment, which includes decisions about therapeutic and diagnostic interventions, communicating with other team members, coordinating consultations, making triage decisions, and ensuring that all team members are aware of the evolving situation [32].

Although skill and experience are valuable for every member of the team, it is particularly critical for the team leader. Additionally, the personality of the team leader has a large impact on team performance. Work by Chidester and colleagues [33] led to a broad classification of three personality types of team leaders: “right stuff,” “wrong stuff,” and “no stuff” (Table 5.3). Teams led by individuals with the “right stuff” performed better than others. Team-oriented behaviors do not come naturally in a culture that rewards individualism above teamwork, but they can be learned and practiced with regular feedback and coaching.

Table 5.3
Team leader personality types

“Right Stuff”

“Wrong Stuff”

“No Stuff”






Low self-confidence

Interpersonal warmth/empathy

Limited warmth/empathy

Moderate warmth/empathy


Impatient and irritable


Prefers challenging tasks

Prefers challenging tasks

Low desire for challenge

Strives for excellence

Strives for excellence

Doesn’t strive for excellence

Modified from the work of Foushee and Helmreich [5]

Acquiring Expertise in the Cardiac Surgery Setting

Data from over 100 surgical root cause analysis (RCA) investigations demonstrated a number of themes that are relevant in understanding why and how surgical care can go wrong [14]. These themes (Table 5.4) represent a mixture of the outcomes of clinical care (e.g., procedural complications), and explanations relating to problems in the clinical environment (e.g., skill mix of the surgical team, and missed diagnoses).

Table 5.4
Themes and issues identified from surgical adverse outcomes and their related Root Cause Analysis (RCA) investigations


Issues identified

Failure to recognize or respond appropriately to the deteriorating patient within the required timeframe

Post procedure complications



Workforce availability and skills

Orientation, training and supervision of new or junior members of the surgical team, especially outside of normal working hours

Transfer of patients for surgery

Difficulty in organizing an OR for surgery

Failure to handover information about patient acuity

The management of trauma

Coordination and response of trauma teams

Clinical decision making process for trauma patients

Coordination of care between multiple clinicians

Access to emergency operating room

Hemorrhage and emergency bleeding

Urgent orthopedic procedure

Urological complications requiring urgent OR

Missed diagnosis

Thoraco-lumbar fracture in a trauma patient

Sub arachnoid hemorrhage thought to be drug overdose

Unexpected procedural complications

Airway obstruction

Failed intubation

Sentinel events

Wrong level procedure – chest tube thoracostomy at wrong level

Retained surgical products requiring surgical removal

Source: The analysis is derived from a metropolitan health service, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Personal communication, Deputy Director for Clinical Governance, January 2007

Expert Performance Approach

The expert performance approach offers a systematic framework for examining issues related to improving patient safety [34]. It is based on an analysis of health provider superior performance and traces the acquired processes responsible for the development of high level skills. The focus on measurable performance avoids documented shortcomings of traditional methods of identifying and studying experts, such as those based on the accumulation of knowledge, experience and/or peer nomination. The expert-performance approach proposes that learning, and improvement in performance, are not merely a passive accumulation of professional experience. Such gains are mediated by user engagement in goal-directed, self-regulated learning in a way that is quantitatively and qualitatively different from the mere accumulation of experiences [35].

Research shows that experienced and knowledgeable individuals do not always outperform naïve individuals [36]. Highly experienced financial, medical, and psychology professionals often fail to make superior forecasts or implement interventions that lead to enhanced treatment outcomes when compared with less-qualified and less-experienced professionals. Experts are typically identified on the basis of peer nomination, the degree of knowledge each seemingly possess, or their length of experience within the domain. In medicine, researchers have reported that the length of professional experience is often unrelated, and sometimes negatively related, to the quality of performance and treatment outcomes [37]. Ericsson and Smith [38] suggest that researchers interested in studying expertise should focus on trying to empirically capture performance with reliable and objective measures. They recommend a three-step approach known as the expert performance approach.

First, researchers must recreate the task(s) in the laboratory with sufficient fidelity to elicit the requisite expertise. Second, the antecedents of, and processes responsible for, superior performance should be identified using experimental manipulations and process tracing measures. Third, activities that lead to a performance improvement need to be identified so that the path to excellence is clearly delineated and is targeted for training and improvement [39]. Statistical process control (SPC) may be a useful tool in identifying individual clinicians and teams displaying higher levels of performance using longitudinal outcome measures.

In the 1980s, researchers began to study the way experienced people make decisions in their natural environments or in simulations that preserve key aspects of their environments called the (naturalistic decision theory) [40]. These studies showed that, in contrast to “normative decision theory,” experts make real-world decisions through a serial evaluation and application (“trying on”) of options that seem appropriate to the apparent situation in an iterative and rapid cycle. Naturalistic decision making (NDM) theory argues that, especially under time pressure in complex task domains (e.g., flight landing, surgical OR care), experts recognize patterns of events in situations, or their integral components, as typical or familiar, and then respond to each specific situation with appropriate pre-programmed, patterned responses. Choosing the first acceptable response that comes to them is called “recognition-primed decision making” [40, 41]. Thus, competent decision makers in complex domains are very concerned about quickly assessing and maintaining awareness of the current clinical situation.

Expertise is more than simply having extensive factual knowledge – it also includes the complementary skills, attitudes and the ability to deploy these skills in timely, measured and precise manner. Experts have specific psychologic traits (e.g., self-confidence, excellent communication skills, adaptability, risk tolerance) and cognitive skills (e.g., highly developed attention, sense of what is relevant, ability to identify exceptions to the rules, flexibility to changing situations, effective performance under stress, and ability to make decisions and initiate actions quickly based on incomplete data). Clinical experts use highly refined decision strategies such as dynamic feedback, decomposing and analyzing complex problems, and prethinking solutions to tough situations [42].

A key attribute of expertise in cardiac care is the ability to anticipate or to predict what might happen to a patient given his underlying pathology and the resources available. Mental simulation including rehearsal, whereby individuals or teams envision (simulate) a possible future clinical event or clinical action before it happens, is essential to gaining the expertise to make diagnoses and to perform or function during an evolving or future real event [43]. When expert clinicians simulate situations and actions mentally before they undertake them in real life, the evidence in this review suggests that they save time and improve performance in crucial situations (see simulation section below).

Human Factors and the Environment of Care

Human factors research on team decision-making in complex task environments is of relevance to cardiac team performance. One must carefully consider the impact of the many “performance shaping factors” that can shape and degrade cardiac surgical outcomes (Table 5.5).

Table 5.5
Performance shaping factors affecting surgical care

Performance shaping factor


Individual factors

Clinical knowledge, skills, and abilities

Cognitive biases

Risk preference

State of health
Fatigue (including sleep deprivation, circadian)

Task factors

Task distribution

Task demands


Job burnout



Teamwork/team dynamics

Interpersonal communication (clinician–clinician and clinician – patient)

Interpersonal influence


Environment of care



Temperature and humidity

Motion and vibration

Physical constraints (e.g., crowding)



Device usability

Alarms and warnings


Maintenance and obsolescence

Protective gear


Production pressure

Culture of safety (vs. efficiency)

Policies Procedures Documentation requirements

Staffing Cross coverage

Hierarchical structure

Reimbursement policies

Training programs

Situation Awareness

One of the most important skills in cardiac surgical care is to decide what to devote attention to and what can wait. Where data overload is the rule and the patient’s status changes continually, the ability to recognize clinical cues quickly and completely, detect patterns, and set aside distracting or unimportant data can be life saving. Situation awareness (or situation assessment) is a comprehensive and coherent representation of the (patient’s) current state that is continuously updated based on repetitive assessment [44].

Situation awareness appears to be an essential prerequisite for safe operation of any complex dynamic system. In the case of cardiac surgical care, establishing and maintaining a “mental model” of the patient’s overall situation and the associated OR/intensive care unit (ICU) facilities, equipment, and personnel are essential for developing effective situational awareness. Successful team situation awareness requiring constant communication enables members to converge around a shared mental model of the situation and course of action [45]. Effective teams adapt to changes in task requirements, anticipate each other’s actions and needs, monitor the team’s ongoing performance, and offer constructive feedback to other team members [46]. When team members share a common mental model of the team’s ongoing activities, each may “instinctively” know what each of their teammates will do next (and why), and often communicate their intentions and needs non-verbally (sometimes called implicit communication).

A Systematic Approach to the Evaluation of Teamwork Training

Assessing team performance is key to understanding methods to improve the team performance and increase the safety of patient outcomes (Table 5.6).

Table 5.6
Questions to ask when assessing surgical team performance

Is the team the right size and composition?

Are there adequate levels of complementary skills?

Is there a shared goal for the team?

Does everyone understand the team goals?

Has a set of performance goals been agreed upon?

Do the team members hold one another accountable for the group’s results?

Are there shared protocols and performance ground rules?

Is there mutual respect and trust between team members?

Does the team leader instill trust and mutual respect by the team members?

Do team members communicate effectively?

Do team members know and appreciate each other’s roles and responsibilities?

When one team member is absent or not able to perform their assigned tasks, are other team members able to pitch in or help appropriately?

There is an ongoing argument in the literature that team process and outcomes must be distinguished [47]. Processes are defined by the activities, strategies, responses, and behaviors employed by the team during task accomplishment, while outcomes, are the clinical outcomes of the patients cared for by the team. Process measures are important for training when the purpose of performance measurement is to diagnose performance problems and to provide feedback to trainees. Until recently, the medical community has focused more on outcomes than on process measures. Medical educators have begun to appreciate the competencies that define effective team processes [48]. The key is to identify and measure processes that are directly related to patient outcomes (e.g., successful resuscitation). Perhaps most importantly, the results of the assessment must be translatable into specific feedback about technical or non-technical issues that can enhance the team’s performance in achieving a safe outcome [49].

There are a variety of methods to support the team’s reflection and evaluation of their team performance including debriefing with or without the use of videotaping, simulation with or without standardized patients, and the use of trained observers. Although metrics are available in nonmedical domains, there are few well-defined validated metrics to assess competency in complex clinical team activities such as resuscitation. No rigorous evaluation studies have been undertaken that relate the training experience with actual clinical outcomes thereby validating metrics for assessing team performance.

Simulations that use pre-scripted learner-focused scenarios not only ensure that relevant competencies are being assessed, but also ease the assessment process because instructors know when key events will occur [50]. Evaluation, both formative and summative, must provide a basis for diagnosing skill deficiencies. In other words, it is not enough that a simulation captures performance outcomes; it must also evaluate the process of moment-to-moment actions and reactions to help better design effective care.

Video-Analysis of Surgical Care

Videotaping of surgical team performance can be a tremendously valuable training tool because it addresses factual challenges, helps trainees clearly visualize the event, and can be used as a permanent record or as an archive for future educational activities. Beginning with the experience of Hoyt et al. in the late 1980s [51], videotaping and review of resuscitations has become a standard quality assurance method for many trauma centers. Subsequent work has confirmed benefits from improved team education and training, more efficient and accurate quality assurance (QA) processes, interventions to improve care processes, and better patient survival [33, 52]. In a study of simulated anesthetic crises, trainees’ review of their performance on videotapes of the events led to a decrease in “time to treat” and workload in subsequent simulations [53]. Scherer et al. [54] found that video-based feedback of trauma resuscitations reduced patient disposition time by 50 %.

However, videotaping of patient care requires overcoming substantial obstacles including medicolegal, confidentiality, logistical and resource issues, and analytical limitations [55, 56]. Nevertheless, the ability of multiple instructors to score performance from videotape allows the evaluation of the inter-rater reliability of performance assessment metrics. In a simulation-based study, investigators used videotape to develop and assess a systematic rating system of behavioral and clinical markers with the objective of creating effective team-training and assessment programs with high correlation among different observers [57].

Simulation for Team Training and Assessment

There are substantial ethical and educational limitations to the use of patients for the clinical training of individuals and teams. The opportunities to learn and practice desired responses to uncommon events or types of injuries can be quite limited, even in a busy medical center. In fact, actual surgical resuscitations such as massive bleeding, air embolism and acute tamponade are not optimal training opportunities because patient care takes precedence over teaching. Meaningful learning occurs after events when there is time to reflect and review events of the care, and examine what worked well and what could have been improved. Moreover, many cardiac surgical emergencies occur in an uncontrolled environment under time pressure constraints. Societal and regulatory pressures will increasingly limit the use of real patients, especially critically ill ones, for hands-on clinical training. High-fidelity patient simulators allow educators to provide repeatable, controlled clinical scenarios, affording individuals and teams the freedom to fail without jeopardising patient health [58]. The simulation environment allows concurrent assessment of response processes while increasing competency training. Simulation training enables trainees to become proficient before treating patients [59]. The fidelity offered by simulators provides the best approximation of the novelty that may be encountered when performing other complicated clinical procedures in situ. Although access to simulation tools and approaches is rapidly expanding, there is no general agreement about what is optimal process, device specifications, metrics to evaluate curricula or their effectiveness, standardized performance measures, or validated protocols for training.

Inroads have recently been made in this area with the development of frameworks such as Non-Technical Skills for Surgeons (NoTSS) [60], Anaesthetic Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) [61], and Scrub Practitioners List of Intra-Operative Non-Technical Skills (SPLINTS), which allow a common taxonomy and framework with which to develop process measures in the teamwork domain within the operating suite environment, and which may carry over to other settings [62]. It is important to note that these are observational frameworks, designed to be used to measure observed behaviours in the operating room. They do not establish standards of performance, and are not specifically intended for use in a training environment, although may provide useful measures in some simulation scenarios.
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Jul 13, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Teams, Team Training, and the Role of Simulation

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