Although there have been great strides in the biologic understanding of lung cancer, new chemotherapy agents, and new radiation modalities, such as Cyberknife, surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Current major issues for thoracic surgery include minimally invasive surgery for the lung and surgery after multimodality treatment.
- ▪
VATS (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery): thoracic surgery through small incisions without spreading the ribs.
- ▪
Thoracotomy: thoracic surgery through a larger incision with rib spreading.
- ▪
Muscle-sparing thoracotomy: thoracic surgery with rib spreading but without cutting major chest wall muscles (latissimus dorsi or serratus anterior).
- ▪
Wedge resection: nonanatomic resection of lung tissue (less than a lobectomy)
- ▪
Lobectomy: anatomic resection of a lobe of the lung
- ▪
Sleeve resection: anatomic resection of a segment, lobe, or lung with transection and reconstruction of the bronchus or artery, or both.
- ▪
In the United States, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women. The rise and, more recently, the decline in the incidence and mortality rate of lung cancer have paralleled the increase and decrease in smoking.
- ▪
Tobacco is the world’s leading cause of preventable death.
- ▪
Lung cancer mortality rates among Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians/Pacific Islanders are significantly lower than the rates among blacks and non-Hispanic whites.
- ▪
Worldwide, lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer, but there is a wide geographic variation. It is most common in North America and Europe, whereas it is much less common in South America and Africa.
- ▪
Women appear to have a higher risk of developing lung cancer and a greater susceptibility to the effects of smoking.
- ▪
The National Research Council reports that approximately 15,000 to 20,000 lung cancer deaths per year in the United States are caused by radon.
- ▪
Doll and Peto, in their 1981 review of the causes of cancer, estimated that perhaps 1% to 2% of lung cancer cases were related to air pollution .
- ▪
In the United States, smoking roughly accounts for 87% of lung cancer cases (90% in men and 79% in women). The remaining cases are due to occupational exposures, radon causes, and outdoor air pollution (perhaps 1% to 2% of lung cancer cases). The impact of nutritional factors is undetermined, but dietary factors have been hypothesized to account for approximately 20% (range, 10% to 30%) of lung cancer cases.
- ▪
The United States Environmental Protection Agency estimates that one in 15 homes in the United States has radon levels above the recommended guideline of 4 picoCuries per liter (pCi/L).
- ▪
Smoking causes a 20-fold increase in lung cancer risk. The incidence of lung cancer follows patterns of smoking, with a 20-year lag.
- ▪
A threefold increase of the number of cigarettes smoked per day triples the risk of lung cancer, whereas tripling the duration of smoking leads to a 100-fold increase in lung cancer.
- ▪
The longer a former smoker abstains from smoking cigarettes, the lower the risk of lung cancer ( Table 23-1 ). However, even for periods of abstinence of more than 40 years, the risk of lung cancer among former smokers remains elevated compared with that of people who never smoked.
TABLE 23-1 ▪
No Asbestos
No smoking
- ▪
Passive smoking: The National Research Council concluded that nonsmoking spouses married to smokers were about 30% more likely to develop lung cancer than nonsmoking spouses married to nonsmokers.
- ▪
In the United States, passive smoking accounts for approximately 3000 lung cancer deaths per year.
- ▪
A 1997 meta-analysis showed a 20% increased risk associated with marriage to a smoker.
Nontobacco Causes of Lung Cancer
- ▪
Occupational agents are known to act as lung cancer carcinogens. Arsenic, asbestos, and chromium have the highest risk. An estimated 2% to 9% of lung cancers are related to occupational exposures.
- ▪
Dietary factors can modify risks. Higher consumption of fruits and vegetables is associated with a reduced lung cancer risk, and an increased dietary fat intake may lead to a higher risk. Supplementation with vitamins A, E, or beta-carotene has not positively influenced risk.
- ▪
Theoretically, antioxidants may prevent oxidative DNA damage and thereby protect against cancer ; however, because cigarette smoking is associated with less healthful lifestyles, such as poor diets, it is difficult to separate dietary factors from cigarette smoking as a cause of lung cancer.
- ▪
The studies with retinols are also equivocal.
- ▪
The case controlled studies for carotenoids , beta-carotene, and vitamin C suggest a reduction in lung cancer risk. However, three randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled chemoprevention trials showed no benefit.
- ▪
The studies about silica dust are equivocal, but asbestos is clearly associated with lung cancer. A sevenfold excess of lung cancer was subsequently observed among insulation workers in the United States. The peak incidence occurred 30 to 35 years after the initial exposure to asbestos.
- ▪
NSCLC comprises 80% of lung cancer cases. Adenocarcinoma has surpassed squamous cell carcinoma as the most common histologic type of lung cancer. (see Chapter 22 on pathology of lung malignancies.)
- ▪
Staging for NSCLC: See Chapter 21 on lung cancer staging–current and new proposed systems.
- ▪
In the United States in 2004, approximately 173,770 new cases of lung cancer were diagnosed. Lung cancer accounts for approximately 28% of all cancer deaths.
Male-to-Female Ratio
- ▪
In the United States, the male-to-female ratio is 60:40.
- ▪
In 1984, the incidence was 86.5 per 100,000 men, and it has subsequently been declining (69.1 per 100,000 in 1997).
- ▪
The incidence of lung cancer in women increased during the 1990s, with a leveling off toward the end of the decade (43.1 per 100,000 women).
- ▪
From 85% to 95% of patients with lung cancer will be symptomatic at presentation.
- ▪
Symptoms may include cough, hemoptysis, dyspnea, chest pain, hoarseness, headaches, weight loss, bone symptoms, or neurologic symptoms.
Imaging Studies (also see Chapters 1 and 2 on Imaging)
Chest Computed Tomography Scan
- ▪
The computed tomography (CT) scan is a critical part of the workup because it helps stage the tumor and gives the surgeon anatomic information that allows the surgeon to determine technical details about what procedure will be required. Reports of CT scans rarely give the surgeon all the information needed, so the surgeon needs to view the actual images.
- ▪
Radiographic features suggestive of malignancy include the absence of a benign pattern of calcification in the detected lesion, a nodule or mass that is growing, a nodule with a spiculated or lobulated border, a larger lesion (larger than 3 cm is malignant unless proven otherwise), and a cavitary lesion that is thick walled (larger than 16 mm).
- ▪
The appearances of lung cancers on CT scan are quite varied. Figure 23-1 shows a large cavitary cancer in the right upper lobe. This appearance is most commonly seen with squamous cell carcinoma. Figure 23-2 shows a lobe with three synchronous primary tumors, each of which exhibited a different histological type. Figure 23-3 shows extensive nodal metastases in a patient with Stage IIIB disease. In evaluating a lung mass, chest CT scans should extend down to include the liver and adrenal glands. Figure 23-4 shows adrenal metastases in a patient with an incidental discovery of a lung mass on chest radiograph.
Figure 23-1
Chest x-ray study ( A ) and CT scan ( B ) of a large cavitary squamous cell carcinoma of the right upper lobe (stage 2B, T3N0) tumor that invaded the chest wall.
Figure 23-2
Synchronous primary lung cancers in the right upper lobe ( A and B ). There were three different histologies: bronchoalveolar carcinoma, adenocarcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma.
Figure 23-3
A and B, Stage 3B (T2N3) right upper lobe tumor with extensive mediastinal and supraclavicular nodal metastases. B, The extensive nodal metastases on the mediastinal windows. C, Extensive mediastinal adenopathy plus contralateral subaortic nodes plus (R) malignant pleural effusion. D, shows subcarinal nodal metastases.
Figure 23-4
Computed tomography scan depicting adrenal metastases from lung cancer.
Positron Emission Tomography Scan
- ▪
The positron emission tomography scan (PET) uses [ 18 F] fluorodeoxyglucose.
- ▪
It has a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of 78%, as used in clinical practice. PET scan is commonly used for evaluation of a lung mass and staging.
Assessment and Follow-Up of Solitary Lung Masses
- ▪
If a mass is PET positive, there is an 80% chance that it is cancer. False-negative findings occur in masses smaller than 1 cm and in bronchioalveolar cancer (BAC). Note: PET standard uptake value (SUV) thresholds commonly cited, such as larger than or smaller than 2.5 SUV have come under critical review and appear not to as robust as previously stated (See Chapter on Radionuclear Imaging by Waxman for more details); therefore, SUV greater than 2.5 is not to be used as a cutoff point for the diagnosis of lung cancer on PET scan
- ▪
If the mass is PET negative, there is a 5% chance of cancer so those masses are often watched. If the mass is suspicious, such as a ground-glass opacity or a spiculated mass, then it should be resected if the follow-up CT scan shows that the mass is stable or enlarged. If the appearance of the mass is less suspicious, then it can be watched if it is smaller or stable.
- ▪
Our experience with the PET scan evaluation of the mediastinum has been that the false-positive rate for mediastinal nodes is about 30% so positive nodes on CT scan should be biopsied to properly stage the cancer.
- ▪
Nuclear scans are used much less frequently since the advent of the PET scan, although a PET scan may not rule out bony metastasis and a bone scan may be indicated if bony metastases are suspected.
- ▪
Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or CT scans: Although some physicians obtain brain imaging for all patients suspected to have lung cancer, most surgeons use brain imaging selectively because the incidence of brain metastases is very low for clinical stage 1 lung cancer. Indications for brain imaging are seen in Table 23-2 .
TABLE 23-2 ▪
New onset headaches
New onset neurologic symptoms
Weight loss
Stage 3 cancer by CT or PET scans
CT, computed tomography; PET, positron emission tomography.
- ▪
Resect a mass if it looks suspicious and is PET positive.
- ▪
Follow a mass if it does not look suspicious and is PET negative.
- ▪
Continue follow-up if a mass decreases in size.
- ▪
Resect a mass that remains stable on follow-up but has a suspicious appearance (spiculated or ground glass appearance).
- ▪
Resect a mass that has increased in size on follow-up.
Pulmonary Function Tests
- ▪
The pulmonary function test should be performed before lung resection in order to assess the postoperative predicted FEV 1 . A postoperative predicted FEV 1 of greater than or equal to at least 40% of predicted after any resection is associated with a lower incidence of respiratory failure postoperatively.
- ▪
In the past, the recommendation was that the postoperative FEV 1 would equal 800 to 1000 mL, but % predicted is a better approach because 800 mL may be adequate for a small person but inadequate for a large person.
- ▪
If the FEV 1 is predicted to be marginal, a quantitative lung perfusion scan will demonstrate if the part of the lung to be resected is functional. If it is not functional, then an operation should be tolerable.
- ▪
Diffusion capacity should be greater than 40% predicted. If it is less than 40% predicted, an operation has a significantly greater risk.
- ▪
For marginal patients, exercise studies are helpful. If the VO 2 max is greater than 20, the patient should tolerate the operation; if it is less than 10, an operation carries a very high risk.
Diagnostic Studies
- ▪
The use of the needle biopsy is slightly controversial. Some centers perform needle biopsies on any suspicious mass. Others do not because the biopsy rarely can prove that a mass is benign so both a positive biopsy and a nondiagnostic biopsy lead to a resection of the mass. Needle biopsy of a suspicious mass rarely changes the decision to operate. A suspicious mass needs to be resected if the biopsy shows cancer and if the biopsy is nondiagnostic.
- ▪
Preoperative needle biopsy is cost effective if wedge resection of a mass and frozen section takes longer than 30 minutes.
- ▪
Bronchoscopy has a high diagnostic yield for centrally located tumors but a diagnostic yield well below 50% for peripherally located masses.
- ▪
Bronchoscopy is routinely performed at the beginning of a VATS procedure to position the double-lumen tube to look for any endobronchial pathology and to assess the extent of resection for a centrally located tumor (standard lobectomy versus sleeve lobectomy versus pneumonectomy).
- ▪
Wedge resection is the definitive diagnostic test for a lung mass. Centrally located masses may not be amenable to a wedge resection. In such cases, a lobectomy may be needed, and is perfectly reasonable for suspicious masses. We prefer to not perform a pneumonectomy without a specific diagnosis.
- ▪
Surgery is the mainstay for treatment of lung cancer and has the best chance for cure of lung cancer. Unfortunately, an operation is most effective for stage 1 cancer and less than 25% of patients are found to have lung cancer at an early stage. Table 23-3 shows the standard treatment for lung cancer by stage.
TABLE 23-3 ▪
1A and 1B
2A and 2B
Surgery and postoperative chemotherapy
Neoadjuvant Treatment and Surgery
Usually Palliative
- ▪
For stage 1A, 1B, 2A, and 2B NSCLC, an operation is the treatment of choice. Adjuvant treatment should be considered for patients after resection for stage 2 lung cancer. For incidental finding of mediastinal lymph node involvement from surgical specimens (unexpected), adjuvant therapy can be considered.
- ▪
Selected patients with stage 3A and 3B may be candidates after neoadjuvant treatment. The 6-year survival rate for both stage 3A and 3B patients treated with preoperative cis-platin, VP-16, and 4500 rads of radiotherapy was 22%.
- ▪
Stage 3 patients are generally not surgical candidates, although patients with technically resectable stage 3A (N2 disease) can be surgical candidates after neoadjuvant treatment.
- ▪
Stage 4 patients are rarely candidates for resection. If a patient has a solitary brain met or solitary adrenal met and otherwise a stage 1 lung cancer, then both sites can be resected.
- ▪
Medically inoperable patients.
Extent of the Pulmonary Resection for Lung Cancer
- ▪
Many factors that determine the extent of the pulmonary resection. Careful review of the preoperative CT scan and a thorough understanding of thoracic anatomy show the relationship of the tumor to vessels, bronchi, chest wall and the pericardium.
- ▪
A randomized, prospective study by the Lung Cancer Study Group showed a lower local recurrence rate for a lobectomy compared with wedge resection or segmentectomy. Therefore, for patients with adequate pulmonary function, a lobectomy is the most common type of resection for lung cancer.
Wedge Resections
- ▪
Occasionally, the size of the tumor and the cell type may lead to a wedge resection as the definitive treatment for lung cancer. Although a lobectomy is considered the standard of practice, lesser resections are again being considered in special circumstances. The increasing use of screening CT scans has led to the finding of tiny pulmonary masses for which a wedge resection might be appropriate. For small peripheral BACs, a wedge resection is adequate.
Wedge Resections with Brachytherapy
- ▪
To reduce the chances of local recurrence after a wedge resection in a patient who cannot physiologically tolerate a lobectomy, local radiation can be used.
- ▪
External beam radiation can compromise pulmonary function as much as a lobectomy, so localized radiation (brachytherapy) can be used with wedge resection.
- ▪
Brachytherapy technique can be either via placement of a mesh embedded with low-dose radioactive seeds on the pulmonary resection site or suturing afterload catheters on the lung. If afterload catheters are used, patients go to the radiation department for temporary placement of high-dose radioactive seeds. The potential advantages of the afterload catheter approach include the following: it minimizes radiation exposure to hospital personnel and contacts of the patients, and there is no need for an isolation room for the patient.
Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Lobectomy
- ▪
A VATS lobectomy should have the same anatomic dissection and the same individual ligation of vessels and bronchi that is used with a lobectomy by thoracotomy. Although some surgeons have compromised the standard anatomic dissection in order to perform a minimally invasive pulmonary resection, this technique is to be avoided. An operation should not be compromised in order to make it a minimally invasive operation. Therefore, a VATS lobectomy should be an anatomic dissection of the vessels and bronchus with individual ligation of these structures.
- ▪
The intent of a minimally invasive procedure is that the same procedure is performed safely with less pain and earlier recovery for the patient, but this remains controversial in the minds of many thoracic surgeons. Although we first performed a VATS lobectomy in February 1992, the acceptance of the procedure was slow for many years; however, the momentum for that approach has been steadily growing in the last few years.
- ▪
The relative contraindications for VATS lobectomy are shown in Tables 23-4 and 23-5 . The contraindications include larger tumors that cannot be removed without spreading ribs, conditions that compromise the safety of the dissection (preop treatment with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or both), the invasion of extrapulmonary structures (chest wall or pericardium), and pathologic lymph nodes. The assessment for and performance of a sleeve resection may require a thoracotomy, although we have performed sleeve lobectomies by VATS.
TABLE 23-4 ▪
Clinical stage 1 or 2 lung cancer
Tumor less than 6 cm
Elderly patients
Patients with compromised performance status
Inflammatory disease (destroyed lobe)
VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery.
TABLE 23-5 ▪
Tumors larger than 6 cm
T3 tumors
Preoperative chemotherapy
Preoperative radiation
Centrally located tumors
Abnormal lymph nodes
VATS, video-assisted thoracic surgery.
- ▪
VATS lobectomy must use a standard anatomic resection with removal of lymph nodes.
Open Versus Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Lobectomy
- ▪
Since 1990, the trend in thoracic surgery has been toward less invasive approaches, with a switch from traditional posterolateral thoracotomy incision to the muscle-sparing thoracotomy and now to VATS procedures. In the United States at the present time, 10% of the lobectomies are performed via VATS. In 2005, we performed 94% of our lobectomies, including sleeve resections, with VATS. The majority of lobectomies could likely be performed by VATS.
- ▪
Although some thoracic surgeons are still concerned that a VATS lobectomy is unsafe, an incomplete cancer operation, and offers no advantage over a thoracotomy for lobectomy, current data show those concerns to be unfounded. Proponents believe that VATS lobectomy is a safe and effective treatment for lung cancer.
- ▪
The evidence is mounting that a VATS lobectomy may have advantages over a lobectomy by thoracotomy, although there are very little data from randomized, prospective studies to compare the two approaches.
- ▪
Demmy showed shorter hospitalizations (5.3 + 3.7 versus 12.2 + 11.1 days, P = 0.02) and chest tube durations (4.0 + 2.8 versus 8.3 + 8.9 days, P = 0.06) for VATS lobectomy.
- ▪
A randomized trial from Germany showed fewer complications after the VATS approach (14.2%) than for thoracotomy (50%).
- ▪
A Japanese study showed that financial costs (anesthesia charges, laboratory charges, and hospital charges) were lower for the VATS approach than those for thoracotomy. Postoperative pain (visual pain scale, total dose of narcotic, need for additional narcotic, need for intercostal blocks, and sleep disturbances) is less after VATS than for thoracotomy.
- ▪
There appears to be an earlier postoperative recovery for the VATS approach than a thoracotomy. Demmy reported earlier returns to full preoperative activities ( P < 0.01). less postop pain ( P = 0.014), and less shoulder dysfunction than with thoracotomy.
- ▪
Suguira reported better short-term and long-term quality of life .
- ▪
There is less impact on the immune system after VATS than with thoracotomy. In this study, patients who underwent VATS also had reduced postoperative release of both proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines. Although the postop release of tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were minimal for both groups, the levels of IL-6, IL-8, and IL-10 were higher in the open group. The clinical significance of these findings remains to be fully elucidated.
Concerns Unique to Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Lobectomy
- ▪
The biggest concerns regarding VATS lobectomy center on three issues: risk and management of intraoperative bleeding, tumor recurrence in the incision, and the adequacy of the cancer operation, but the incidence of these complications is low.
- ▪
The incidence of bleeding is less than 1%.
- ▪
Cancer recurrence at an incision happens in only 3/1321 (0.2%) cases. We have not experienced a trocar site recurrence in our VATS procedures for lung cancer since we switched to the Lapsack for removal of the tumors.
- ▪
The adequacy of a cancer operation is measured by survival. In a nonrandomized series of VATS lobectomy for stage 1A (T1N0) lung cancer, the 5-year survival has been 72% to 94.4%. Others have reported a survival rate that is the same as that reported with thoracotomy-treated lung cancer (McKenna and colleagues [72% at 5 years] and Walker and associates [77.9% at 5 years]). It certainly appears that a VATS approach does not compromise the survival for lung cancer patients.
- ▪
Bleeding can occur with VATS lobectomy, but this appears to be rare and manageable.
- ▪
Recurrence in an incision can occur with VATS lobectomy, but this appears to be rare.
- ▪
Cure rates for a lobectomy by VATS and a thoracotomy appears to be the same.
Sleeve Lobectomy
- ▪
The goal of resection for lung cancer is to obtain clear margins with preservation of as much pulmonary tissue as possible. Pneumonectomy is required in approximately 10% of resections for lung cancer. At times, pneumonectomy can be avoided if a sleeve resection is performed.
- ▪
For example, if a tumor is at the origin of the right middle lobe bronchus, clear surgical margins could be obtained with resection of the right middle lobe and the right lower lobe (seven pulmonary segments). Alternatively, a sleeve resection of the right middle lobe and the superior resection of the right lower lobe can be performed with reimplantation of the basilar bronchus into the intermediate bronchus (resection of three segments). This sleeve resection can provide clear margins with resection of only 30% of the right lung, rather than resection of 70% of the right lung with a bilobectomy.
- ▪
The CT scan in Figure 23-5 shows a tumor at the origin of the right upper lobe and the main stem bronchus. A right upper lobe sleeve resection can be performed with transection of the main stem bronchus and the intermediate bronchus. The intermediate bronchus and the main stem bronchi are then anastamosed.
Figure 23-5
Computed tomography scan showing a tumor at the origin of the right upper lobe bronchus in a patient who subsequently underwent sleeve lobectomy.
- ▪
Sleeve resection has been shown to provide the same cure rate as a pneumonectomy for selected patients while providing significantly better quality of life.
- ▪
Usually, about 10% of resections for lung cancer require a pneumonectomy, but that increases to 30% when the resection is after neoadjuvant treatment for stage 3 lung cancer. The operation should provide clear margins and save as much lung tissue as possible. Pneumonectomy can be performed with VATS or a thoracotomy.
- ▪
The overall mortality rate is 5% to 10% but 2 to 3 times higher for a right pneumonectomy. The mortality rate for a right pneumonectomy for stage 3 lung cancer after chemotherapy and radiation approaches 25%.
- ▪
The risk for atrial fibrillation after lung surgery increases with the patient’s age and the amount of lung resected. After a pneumonectomy, the risk for atrial fibrillation is 25% so prophylaxis (calcium channel blocker or beta blocker) is indicated.
- ▪
If the expected postoperative FEV 1 is not at least 40%, then a quantitative lung perfusion scan should be performed to determine if a pneumonectomy would be tolerated.
- ▪
Indications include
- ▪
Central tumors involving the main pulmonary artery or the bronchus, if they are not amenable to a sleeve resection
- ▪
Tumors crossing the fissures
- ▪
For selected patients, sleeve resection can provide the same cure rate and better quality of life compared to pneumonectomy.
- ▪
Sleeve lobectomy has now been performed by VATS.
- ▪
Lobectomy is the standard of practice for most lung cancers.
- ▪
Wedge resection and brachytherapy are reasonable treatments for patients with poor pulmonary function that precludes lobectomy for lung cancer.
Conversion to Thoracotomy
- ▪
There is no shame in converting from VATS to thoracotomy. This is necessary in 2% to 20% of VATS cases. Many surgeons perform a VATS wedge resection and then a thoracotomy for a lobectomy. In the United States, about 10% of lobectomies are now performed by VATS. There is a strong trend toward more cases being performed by VATS.
- ▪
Reasons for conversion include the following: patient disease (tumor invading the chest wall, need for sleeve lobectomy), surgeon skills (lack of training or skills to perform a VATS lobectomy), and intraoperative complications (bleeding).
Postoperative Management
- ▪
See chapter 6 on VATS surgery.
Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma
- ▪
A subtype of adenocarcinoma that is characterized by a well-differentiated histology in which tumor cells grow in a lepidic fashion (i.e., grow along intact alveolar septae) without distortion of the lung architecture. There is a tendency for aerogenous and lymphatic spread but no stromal, vascular, or pleural invasion. This lesion is referred to as pure BAC.
- ▪
More commonly, a mixed histology consisting of invasive elements of adenocarcinoma and BAC coexist and is referred to as a mixed subtype. This can range from BAC predominance to minimal focal elements of BAC.
- ▪
BAC subtypes include: mucinous, nonmucinous, and a mixed/intermediate form (both mucinous and nonmucinous). The mucinous form accounts for up to a quarter of cases, whereas the nonmucinous form accounts for up to two thirds. The cell of origin for the mucinous variety is thought to be the goblet cell, whereas nonmucinous BAC likely arises from type II pneumocytes and Clara cells.
- ▪
Possible progression: atypical adenomatous hyperplasia; premalignant (AAH), to BAC (generally low grade malignancy), to BAC with adenocarcimoma (more malignant) to adenocarcinoma.
- ▪
The above-mentioned definitions are important because the varying histopathologies affect both clinical presentation and prognosis.
Epidemiology and Prevalence
- ▪
The incidence of BAC has been reported to be on the rise, with a reported prevalence as high as 20% to 24%. However, this likely reflects data on mixed tumors because the incidence of pure BAC has been reported to be less than 5% of NSCLC.
- ▪
There is a higher proportion of women affected than in other types of NSCLC, with the male-to-female ratio about equal.
- ▪
Not associated with smoking as much as other types of lung cancer. About a third are life-long nonsmokers.
Clinical Subtypes and Presentation
- ▪
Different patterns of BAC:
- ○
Solitary nodule (most common). Peripheral in location. Tends to be nonmucinous in type.
- ○
Segmental or lobar consolidation. More likely mucinous variety. Diffuse infiltrative (much less common than 20 years ago)
- ○
Multifocal nodule (multiple pulmonary nodules)
- ○
- ▪
Symptoms and signs
- ○
Frequently asymptomatic and an incidental finding (solitary nodule or nodules)
- ○
Cough, sputum, hemoptysis, dyspnea, weight loss (all in <35%)
- ○
Bronchorrhea: copious (>100 mL/d) watery sputum. True incidence lower than in early studies (likely 5%). Described with consolidative subtype
- ○
Extensive consolidation associated with dyspnea and hypoxemia
- ○
- ▪
Radiologic CT appearances
- ○
Localized ground-glass attenuation noted in 94% of pure BACs.
- ▪
Small, pure ground-glass opacity (<1 cm) likely AAH and may be removed with a wedge resection with nearly 100% cure rate
- ▪
Larger (>1 cm) masses, especially with punctuate white areas, usually contain areas of adenocarcinoma and are treated like adenocarcinoma
- ▪
May have associated consolidation producing “open bronchus sign.”
- ▪
Nodules can display pseudocavitation (bubble-like areas of low attenuation), spiculated margins, cavitation, pleural tags.
- ○
Consolidation (segmental, lobar, multilobar) with heterogeneous attenuation
- ○
Multiple nodules: often a mix of well and poorly defined nodules and area of ground-glass attenuation.
- ○
- ▪
- ○
- ▪
PET scans
- ○
Significant proportion of false-negative scans (up to 60%)
- ○
Most false-negative findings with focal BAC
- ○
- ▪
Early stage disease
- ○
- ○
As in other forms of NSCLC, surgery is the gold standard approach.
- ○
Primary treatment is resection (usually lobectomy, depending on size and location)
- ○
Sublobar resection may be appropriate in the following circumstances: pure ground-glass appearance on CT; small size: 1 to 2 cm; intraoperative pathologic confirmation of pure BAC; no evidence of invasion; free surgical margins (see the Appendix: ACCP evidence-based practice guidelines, 2007). Small peripheral lesions may also factor in (e.g., 1 cm peripheral ground glass opacities)
- ○
This approach is also supported by the fact that pure BAC rarely involves lymph nodes.
- ○
Koike and associates offered all stage 1 patients with BAC limited resection. One hundred and fifty-nine patients underwent lobectomy, whereas 74 had segmentectomy or wedge resection. No survival differences between the groups were observed at 3 and 5 years or in the incidence of recurrence.
- ○
In patients with mutifocal disease or with metachronous lesions evident over time, limited resection may be necessary to preserve lung parenchyma and function
- ○
Thus, follow-up is very important because patients with solitary BAC may develop metachronous tumors. If solitary and peripheral, they may be removed with a wedge resection.
- ○
- ○
Radiation: rarely needed. Similar efficacy as in other forms of NSCLC.
- ○
- ▪
Systemic disease and systemic therapies
- ○
- ▪
No good data on adjuvant treatment exists
- ▪
BAC has traditionally been believed to be not as sensitive to chemotherapy as other adenocarcinomas. The first International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC)/American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) concensus conference on BAC concluded that there was insufficient evidence to answer this question.
- ▪
Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations have been found in up to a quarter of patients with BAC and are limited to nonmucinous forms of BAC.
- ▪
EGFR blockers (e.g., erlotinib or gefitinib) are more effective for BAC than other types of adenocarcinoma.
- ▪
The 2007 American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) evidence-based practice guidelines recommend standard chemotherapy for unresectable BAC patients with good performance status (see the Appendix ).
- ▪
EGFR inhibitors can be considered in patients with advanced disease and poor performance status or who have failed standard chemotherapy regimens.
- ▪
- ○
- ▪
Stage for stage, BAC has a better survival rates than other forms of NSCLC.
- ▪
Stage I BAC 1-year survival is 81% to 83% versus 63% to 65% for other NSCLCs.
Synchronous and Metachronous Lung Primary Tumors
- ▪
- ○
Synchronous: primary tumors occurring at the same time
- ○
Metachronous: primary tumors occurring at different times
- ○
- ▪
Synchronous primaries are much more common than appreciated. Two to four synchronous primary tumors can coexist ( see Fig. 23-2 ) .
- ▪
In one series , synchronous and metachronous primary tumors were observed in 8.4% of 369 patients with adenocarcinoma.
- ▪
Criteria for synchronous primary tumors:
- ○
Different cell types (e.g., squamous cell and adenocarcinoma)
- ○
Different Immunostains
- ○
Different degree of differentiation
- ○
Solitary, bilateral upper lobe spiculated masses
- ○
Both have radiologic appearance of primary lung cancers
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Satellite tumors currently make the tumor T4 (stage 3B), but the new staging system will make satellite tumors resectable stage 2B.
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Patients should be given the benefit of the doubt in presence of what appears as two separate primary masses, because the cure rate for resection is reasonable and the long-term survival for palliative chemotherapy is poor.
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Workup generally includes PET/CT scan, brain MRI, and mediastinoscopy.
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When possible, usual surgical principles pertain.
Association with Other Malignancies
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Patients with aerodigestive cancers, especially laryngeal cancers, have a 40% incidence of developing a primary lung cancer, so they require careful follow-up.
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Patients with leukemia and lymphoma have a 50% increased incidence of developing a primary lung cancer
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Patients treated with radiation (for lung cancer, lymphoma, etc.) have a 50% increased incidence of developing a primary lung cancer
Adrenal Masses
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The adrenal glands need to be evaluated in patients suspected of having lung cancer.
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Four percent of patients with lung cancer have benign adrenal adenomas.
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MRI can be used to detect fat in an adrenal mass that may suggest the diagnosis of a benign adenoma.
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Patients with adrenal masses that are irregular or larger than 2 cm in size are likely to have metastatic disease (see Fig. 23-4 ) .
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If the diagnosis is uncertain, CT-guided biopsy may be required
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Patients with adrenal metastases usually exhibited clinical or biochemical evidence of advanced disease.
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A 74-year-old, asymptomatic physician underwent a screening CT scan that showed a spiculated 3-cm mass in the right upper lobe ( Fig. 23-6 ).
