Fig. 6.1
Total vascular exclusion of the liver
6.2.2 Hemodynamic Changes of the Caval Cross Clamping
Total vascular exclusion leads to a decrease of 10 % of blood pressure, 25 % of the pulmonary arterial pressure, 40 % of cardiac index, and 80 % of systemic vascular resistance [4, 5]. These hemodynamic changes are variable and depend on the volume of blood circulating and cardiac function of the patient. The inferior vena cava flow (3.5 l/min) contributes to 70 % of the total cardiac output (5 l/min). The remaining 30 % of the cardiac output comes from the superior vena cava. The inferior vena cava carries deoxygenated blood from the lower half of the body (abdomen, pelvis, and legs) into the right atrium of the heart. Inferior vena cava clamping has two consequences: (i) a significant decrease in venous return and an impaired cardiac output and (ii) clamping of the venous renal outflow and the venous drainage of the gastrointestinal tract that causes congestion of the kidney and the gastrointestinal tract. If the consequences of the infrahepatic inferior vena cava clamping are usually well tolerated, infrahepatic inferior vena cava clamping combined with suprahepatic inferior vena cava clamping induced much more marked hemodynamic consequences with a risk of cardiovascular collapse.
6.2.3 Hypothermic Perfusion Techniques
The liver can safely tolerate total vascular occlusion for only about 60–90 min [3, 6]. The vast majority of hepatectomies performed under standard vascular exclusion can be made in less than 60–90 min. Periods of ischemia of this order are usually well tolerated by a healthy liver, unlike the pathological liver (steatosis, cirrhosis, chemotherapy) which cannot tolerate prolonged warm ischemia [7–9].
This ischemic period may be too short for complex tumors which are in the vicinity of major hepatic veins and/or the retrohepatic vena cava. Recently, we showed that preoperative factors such as portal vein embolization and/or large tumors and/or a planned vascular reconstruction were predictive for total vascular exclusion > 60 min in patients needing this vascular control [10]. A prolonged total vascular exclusion may lead to severe hepatic ischemia, hemodynamic disturbances, and potential acute kidney injury [10]. To reduce liver damage, the technique of hypothermic liver surgery has been developed [11]. The hypothermia technique has been used as an adjunct to increase the tolerance of the liver to prolonged ischemia [12]. It has been demonstrated that every 10 °C fall in temperature of liver parenchyma decreases the liver enzyme activity by 1.5–2-fold [13–17]. The principle of hypothermia approach is to perfuse the liver with conservation liquid used in organ transplantation. The temperature of the liver decreased then to about 20 °C. The most popular methods of cooling for liver surgery include hypothermia portal perfusion and topical cooling. Total body cooling technique is abandoned [18], and extracorporeal cooling (used in cardiopulmonary bypass with profound and circulatory arrest) should be considered in highly selected patients with a huge tumor associated with cardiac tumor thrombus [19].
Longmire et al. was the person to report in 1961 the use of hypothermia induced by external body cooling during a hepatectomy for liver cancer [18]. The in situ hypothermic liver resection was employed by Heaney et al. in 1956 [1] and Fortner et al. in 1974 [20]. In their technique, the liver is perfused with preservation solution at 4 °C and packed with ice during the period of total vascular exclusion. This technique has been shown to prolong safely the vascular exclusion up to several hours [10]. Pichlmayr et al. reported the technique of ex situ liver resection (Fig. 6.2) [21]. The main steps of this technique include the installation of total vascular exclusion, venovenous bypass, and the removal of the whole liver. The latter is then perfused ex situ via portal and arterial route with preservation solution. The liver is maintained in cold solution packed with ice for optimal preservation during bench hepatectomy. The remaining liver is reimplanted as an auto-transplantation. To improve the access to the dorsal part of the liver without resorting to the division of the portal triad, Hannoun et al. developed the ante situm technique in which the hepatic veins are divided, allowing mobilization of the liver anteriorly (Fig. 6.3) [22]. The future remnant liver is perfused with the Belzer’s University of Wisconsin solution chilled at 4 °C (UW solution) via the portal vein or the hepatic artery [13]. The remaining hepatic veins are reimplanted into the vena cava. Then, Belghiti et al. [23] described a variation of the latter technique in which the vena cava is cut above and below the liver, enabling the resection to be done while the liver is being perfused to induce the hypothermia via the portal vein [24]. The vena cava is reconstructed after liver resection using synthetic [23, 25–30], autogenous [31–33], or pericardial grafts [34].

Fig. 6.2
Ex situ liver resection

Fig. 6.3
In situ ante situm liver resection
6.2.4 Venovenous Bypass
Besides the need to protect the liver parenchyma, prolonged total vascular exclusion requires protection of the renal function altered by the caval clamping, decongestion of the splanchnic venous system subsequent to portal triad clamping, and maintenance of systemic hemodynamics since the caval clamping decreases the cardiac preload. The cavo-porto-jugular venovenous bypass achieves these triple goals (Fig. 6.4) [10, 25, 35–37]. The venovenous bypass circuit is used to divert blood during the vena caval interruption to the right heart from the portal venous system (i.e., inferior mesenteric vein or portal vein) and inferior caval venous system (femoral vein) through the superior caval venous system (the internal jugular or axillary veins). Venovenous bypass is indicated when resection followed by complex reconstruction of the inferior vena cava is performed or if caval cross clamping is not hemodynamically tolerated despite adequate feeling measures.

Fig. 6.4
Venovenous bypass
The conventional technique for establishing vascular access for bypass involves cannulation of the portal (or inferior mesenteric vein) and right femoral veins to provide pump inflow and cannulation of the left axillary vein to accept pump outflow. This procedure implies a surgical dissection of the inferior mesenteric or portal veins that can be technically demanding in case of portal cavernoma, can prolong operating time, and can be associated with significant complications such as hematoma or bleeding. The puncture and cannulation of femoral and left axillary vein is then done under ultrasonography control as described by Oken et al. in 1994 [38].
6.3 Perioperative Management
6.3.1 Anesthetic Management
This complex surgery should be performed with anesthesiologists experienced in liver transplantation and liver surgery. The anesthetic management should be specifically adapted to the risks of massive bleeding, gas emboli, general hypothermia, and coagulation disorders subsequent to ischemia-reperfusion injury [39]. They should be able to manage prolonged inferior vena cava occlusion and the rapid hemodynamic changes that occur with liver reperfusion. Patients planned to undergo total vascular exclusion with hypothermic perfusion should have a Swann-Ganz catheter and an arterial line in addition to standard noninvasive techniques. Body warmers are routinely employed to prevent hypothermia intraoperatively.
6.3.2 Anticoagulation Protocol
In our experience, the use of anticoagulation in patients with vascular reconstruction (caval and/or hepatic vein/s) is systematic [40]. Anticoagulation with intravenous heparin is commenced in the operating theater at 1 mg/kg body weight/24 h, and the dose is titrated to maintain the coagulation time between 1.5 and 2 times the normal level. The intravenous heparin is maintained for nearly 7 days and then replaced by daily injection of low-molecular-weight heparin for 1 month. Long-term anticoagulation is not applied. On the other hand, patients in whom only a vascular plasty is performed receive one daily injection of low-molecular-weight heparin from day 1 to discharge from hospital.
6.4 Specific Technical Aspects
In our center, the vascular control is planned preoperatively based on the morphologic evaluation of the liver anatomy and relations of the tumor with the hepatic veins, the vena cava, and the portal triad. The common basis for in situ and ante situm liver resection is total vascular exclusion of the liver and perfusion of the liver by preservation solution under hypothermic conditions. With this technique, the use of venovenous bypass is relatively high due to hemodynamic intolerance and/or the need for complex reconstruction of the inferior vena cava. Vascular resections are performed only when the vessels cannot be separated safely from the tumor, irrespective of the preoperative procedure planned. In this paragraph, we will not describe the ex situ technique (for review, see Chap. 7).
6.4.1 Total Vascular Exclusion of the Liver [4, 6, 7]
A bilateral subcostal incision combined to midline incision is usually sufficient and provides adequate exposure for almost all types of liver resection. After surgical exploration of the abdominal cavity to eliminate extrahepatic and peritoneal metastases, a double examination of the liver by palpation and ultrasonography is performed to confirm the number and size of the lesions, to define their relationship to intrahepatic vascular structures, to assess the resectability of the tumors, and then to determine the planned resection line. The next step is to prepare the total vascular exclusion. This step can be combined with the installation of the venovenous bypass. The technique of total vascular exclusion involves complete mobilization of the right and left liver lobes and exposure and control of the supra- and infrahepatic inferior vena cava as well as the portal structures (portal vein and hepatic artery). The suprahepatic vena cava should be mobilized for cross clamping at least one or two cm above the hepatic veins. The diaphragmatic veins should be ligated and divided before. To achieve the exposure of the vena cava, a systematic ligation and division of the right adrenal vein is necessary. Once the above step is completed, the infrahepatic vena cava, portal structures, and suprahepatic vena cava are sequentially clamped (Fig. 6.1).
6.4.2 Hypothermic In Situ Liver Resection [10, 20, 25, 41]
Following preparation of total vascular exclusion and installation of the venovenous bypass, the preparation for hypothermic perfusion is done (Fig. 6.5). Hepatoduodenal ligament should be dissected, and the portal vein completely exposed. A small purse string 6/0 polypropylene suture is placed in the anterior wall of the portal vein. A venotomy is done at the same site, and the portal vein is cannulated above the portal clamp with a catheter, which is secured with the ends of the purse-string suture. The main portal vein, proper hepatic artery, and common bile duct are occluded individually with appropriate vascular clamps. Vascular clamps are then placed on the infra- and suprahepatic inferior vena cava, completing the total hepatic vascular exclusion. Crushed ice is placed around the liver (topical cooling), and the preservation solution cooled to 4 °C is then commenced via the inflow catheter, with the perfusate solution positioned at a height of 0.5 m. A cavotomy is performed in the retrohepatic vena cava to drain the perfusate. The catheterization via 30-Fr catheter of the cavotomy is necessary as it prevents the spill of the cold perfusate in the peritoneal cavity, in turn decreasing the core temperature of the patient. We run the first liter wide open in order to cool the liver rapidly, and then the rate is slowed to maintain a constant low temperature of the liver (roughly 1 liter every 15–20 min). The next step involves the division of the hepatic parenchyma under total vascular exclusion, followed by the vascular reconstruction (when necessary), paying special attention to the correct orientation of the liver to ensure good outflow.

Fig. 6.5
In situ hypothermic perfusion of the liver
6.4.3 Hypothermic Ante Situm Liver Resection [21, 24, 42–51]
In this technique, the three hepatic veins or a segment of the retrohepatic inferior vena cava is divided, and the liver can be anteriorly mobilized out of the abdomen (Fig. 6.3). While the liver is perfused with cold preservation solution through the portal vein as described in the in situ technique, the resection plane is performed without the need for dividing the structures of the hepatic hilum. During the hypothermic phase, the inferior vena cava and venous outflow reconstruction is performed with or without the use of autogenous, pericardial, or prosthetic grafts.
6.4.4 Reperfusion
After informing the anesthetist to be prepared for release of the vascular clamps, the liver is flushed with serum albumin via the portal vein. The portal cannula for perfusion is removed, and the portotomy and the cavotomy are closed. The suprahepatic clamp is the first to be released, followed by the infrahepatic clamp. The portal vein and hepatic artery are released slowly as dictated by the patient’s hemodynamics. Finally, hemostasis of the remaining hepatic parenchyma is performed. Peritoneal and liver lavage with hot saline was performed until the central temperature is more than 36 °C. The venovenous bypass is removed as the last step, after hemodynamic stabilization. The inferior mesenteric vein is ligated, whereas hemostasis at the femoral and jugular puncture sites is achieved with cutaneous sutures.
6.5 Surgical Indications and Outcomes
The major indication for this complex surgery are liver tumors, including primary (Figs. 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 6.9, 6.10, 6.11 and 6.12) [31, 52] or secondary [53, 54] tumors and some huge benign tumors, that involve the retrohepatic vena cava and/or the confluence of the main hepatic veins or are in close proximity to them. In addition, extrahepatic tumors such as renal cancer [55–61], adrenal tumors [62–65], and leiomyosarcomas of the vena cava [66–73] involving the main hepatic veins or the retrohepatic vena cava may also be indications for this surgery. Severe liver trauma with injury of the inferior vena cava and/or hepatic veins may be another indication. Several reports have reported in situ, ante situm [19–21, 24, 41–51, 74–88], or ex situ [21, 44, 47, 48, 78–84, 89–104] resection techniques for these indications.

Fig. 6.6
A 56-year-old patient with a recurrent huge hepatocellular carcinoma after partial hepatectomy in the segment 5. Preoperative computed tomodensitometry (a, b) and ultrasonography (c) showing a huge hepatocellular carcinoma of the right liver with inferior vena cava tumor thrombosis

Fig. 6.7
Intraoperative views showing the inferior vena cava thrombectomy (a, b) and the resected specimen after right hepatectomy (c)

Fig. 6.8
Postoperative computed tomodensitometry after right hepatectomy and caval tumor thrombectomy

Fig. 6.9
A 56-year-old woman with a huge hepatocellular carcinoma. (a, b) Preoperative computed tomodensitometry showing a huge hepatocellular carcinoma of the right liver with caval involvement. (c) Intraoperative view showing the caval reconstruction using a prosthetic graft. (d) Postoperative computed tomography showing the patency of the caval reconstruction

Fig. 6.10
Retrohepatic inferior vena cava reconstruction after right extended hepatectomy. (a, b) Preoperative computed tomography. (c) Intraoperative view

Fig. 6.11
Retrohepatic inferior vena cava and left hepatic vein reconstruction after right hepatectomy combined with contralateral partial hepatic resection. (a) Preoperative computed tomography. (b) Postoperative computed tomography

Fig. 6.12
Tumor involving the hepatocaval confluence. (a) Schematic view. (b) Right hepatectomy combined with hepatocaval confluence resection preserving the posterior wall of the inferior vena cava. (c) Left hepatic vein reconstruction using a prosthetic graft. (d) Inferior vena cava reconstruction using a prosthetic graft
The debate over whether hypothermic perfusion of the liver should be performed in or ex situ remains unresolved. The decision which type of resection techniques is suitable depends on the location of the tumor, the vascular reconstruction required, and the experience of the centers. Compared to the in situ technique, the ex situ technique includes the division of the hepatic pedicle and then requires reconstruction of the portal triad following bench hepatectomy. In theory, ex situ hepatic resection is the optimal treatment option for lesions affecting the main vessels of the hepatic hilum. But ex situ liver resection is an invasive procedure and is associated with significant morbidity and mortality rates as high as 27.4 % [41], the main cause of perioperative mortality being liver failure. These high rates of mortality limit the use of this technique (for review, see Chap. 7).
It is not mandatory to remove the liver from the body completely (ex situ) but to mobilize it ventrally as much as necessary (ante situm), since this avoids the additional morbidity of arterial and biliary reconstruction. With this approach, the ante situm technique would be the most appropriate technique in the majority of patients in whom the portal pedicle can be usually maintained. The ante situm technique for liver resection is usually employed in tumors of the liver located centrodorsally extending to the hepatic venous confluence. In this technique, the hepatic veins are excised allowing the mobilization of the liver ventrally (ante situm). After the resection phase, the hepatic veins are reconstructed and reimplanted to the inferior vena cava or, in case of inferior vena cava infiltration, to the interposition graft. The final decision between in situ or ante situm resection can only be made intraoperatively.
To review the current clinical application of these techniques, the English language literature was analyzed (Table 6.1). From 1974 to 2015, 205 cases of in situ (n = 158) or ante situm (n = 47) hepatectomy have been reported. Malignant liver tumors included primary (hepatocellular carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma) and secondary liver cancers. Benign liver tumors were mostly hemangioma. Other tumors such as leiomyosarcoma or schwannoma were most common among the extrahepatic tumors. Postoperative mortality occurred in 23 cases (11.2 %). The most frequent causes of death were liver failure, respiratory complications, bleeding, and sepsis. Recently, we have reported a case series of 77 cases of in situ hypothermic liver resection [41]. This series is the largest reported to date. Seventy-two cases were malignancies, including hepatocellular carcinoma (10 cases), cholangiocarcinoma (24 cases), and other malignant tumors (7 cases). Interestingly, complex liver resection using hypothermic perfusion was performed in five cases of benign lesions. This complex procedure achieved a 5-year survival rate of 30.4 % and a high 90-day mortality of 19.5 %. Yet, all 4 cirrhotic patients died after surgery. By multivariate analysis, an age-adjusted Charlson comorbidity index ≥3 (indicating at least 2 comorbid conditions), the maximum tumor diameter ≥10 cm, and the presence of 50/50 criteria on postoperative day 5 were independent predictors of surgical mortality measured in 90 days.
Table 6.1
Reported series of liver resection performed with standard total vascular exclusion of the liver and in situ or ante situm hypothermic perfusion
Reference (year) | No. of cases | Indication | Ante situm | Venovenous bypass | IVC resection and reconstruction | 90-day mortality |
Fortner (1974) [74] | 29 | Primary liver cancers (16 cases) Metastatic liver cancers (10 cases) Benign diseases (3 cases) | None | None | None | 3 deaths (pulmonary embolism 6 h after surgery, intraoperative hemorrhage, hepatorenal syndrome 4 weeks after surgery) |
Belghiti (1991) [24] | 3 | Cholangiocarcinoma (2 cases) CRLM (1 case) | Yes (2 cases) | Yes (2 cases) | IVC plasty (1 case) | 1 death (intraoperative hemodynamic failure after revascularization) |
Yamanaka (1993) [88] | 3 | HCC, hemangioma | None | Yes (3 cases) | None | None |
Forni (1995) [44] | 1 | Liver metastases | Yes | NA | NA | None |
3 | CRLM (1 case) HCC (2 cases) | None | Yes (3 cases) | NA | 1 death (liver failure 1 month after surgery) | |
15 | HCC Cholangiocarcinoma Liver metastases | Yes (4 cases) | Yes (at least 3 cases) | NA | 1 death (portal vein thrombosis on postoperative day 7) | |
30 | NA
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