Stress Echocardiography and Echo in Cardiopulmonary Testing


Stress echocardiography is an established tool to assess for both myocardial ischemia and viability. However, the utility of exercise echocardiography extends beyond the evaluation of coronary artery disease. Assessing the cardiovascular response to exercise can also be used to unmask the presence of, and to assess the severity of, valvular heart disease, heart failure (HF), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), and pulmonary hypertension (PH). Resting echocardiography may not fully capture the dynamic nature of these diseases, which are influenced by loading conditions and changes in cardiac output. In this chapter, we review the use of exercise and pharmacologic stress echocardiography for evaluation of myocardial ischemia and viability. We also discuss the most relevant exercise echocardiographic assessments for individual valvular lesions, HCM, PH, and HF with preserved ejection fraction, along with the existing data supporting these assessments.


exercise echocardiography, heart failure preserved ejection fraction, pulmonary hypertension, valvular disease



Ischemic Cascade

Myocardial ischemia is classically characterized by a consistent, time-sequenced series of events known as the “ischemic cascade” ( Fig. 27.1 ), which form the physiologic basis for greater sensitivity of stress testing with imaging (including echocardiography) compared to electrocardiography alone. The imbalance between oxygen demand and supply driven by heterogeneity in coronary flow initially results in metabolic changes, followed by abnormal mechanical function, and ultimately electrocardiographic changes and symptoms of angina.

FIG. 27.1

The ischemic cascade. ECG, Electrocardiography.

Stress Protocols

Exercise Protocols

Either exercise or pharmacologic stress agents can be used to increase myocardial oxygen demand. In general, exercise stress should be preferentially employed in any patient able to exercise given the wealth of prognostic and diagnostic information provided by functional capacity, heart rate response and recovery, blood pressure response, and electrocardiography. Symptom-limited exercise can be performed using a treadmill or cycle ergometer. In general, treadmill exercise is more widely available, allows for the attainment of greater maximal oxygen consumption (VO 2max ), and is more physiologic, but has the disadvantage of allowing for imaging only after exercise, which limits the number of images that can be acquired and fails to record echo parameters at peak exercise when hemodynamics are maximally affected ( Table 27.1 ). The semisupine cycle ergometer with a tilting table permits acquisition of images during each stage of the exercise protocol, including peak exercise. Initial workload and increases in workload are usually adjusted to each patient’s expected functional capacity (10–25 W increase every 2–3 minutes). However, in patients who are not used to the cycle ergometer, VO 2max is expected to be lower than with treadmill exercise. Compared to the cycle ergometer, treadmill tests tend to demonstrate 10%–15% higher VO 2max , 5%–20% higher peak heart rate, and more frequent ST segment changes. The contraindications for performing exercise echocardiography are the same as those for classical exercise testing.

TABLE 27.1

Comparison Between Treadmill and Semisupine Exercise Testing

Stress Modality Advantages Disadvantages
Exercise Treadmill More physiological
Widely available
Allows imaging only pre- and postexercise
Semisupine Allows imaging during each stage of an exercise protocol, both at lower workloads and at peak exercise Lower expected maximal oxygen consumption
Patient adaptation
Pharmacologic Dobutamine Allows for assessment in patients unable to exercise
Allows for imaging at each stage of dobutamine infusion, both low and high dose
No data on functional capacity or exercise performance
Risk of atrial and ventricular arrhythmias

A standard set of echocardiographic images is obtained in the resting state, prior to exercise initiation, and either immediately postexercise (treadmill testing) or at peak exercise (cycle ergometer testing). Standard imaging views include: (1) parasternal long axis view; (2) parasternal short axis at the left ventricle (LV) base; (3) parasternal short axis at the mid-ventricular level; (4) apical 4-chamber; (5) apical 2-chamber; and (6) apical 3-chamber views. For treadmill testing, imaging is performed with the patient in left lateral decubitus position preexercise and immediately postexercise. As with standard exercise testing, achieving a peak heart rate of at least 85% of age-predicted maximal heart rate is considered a diagnostic workload. As ischemia can rapidly resolve following the cessation of exercise, images should be acquired within 60 seconds of exercise termination. With cycle ergometer stress, imaging is typically performed at rest, submaximal exercise (∼25 W), peak exercise, and during recovery.

Pharmacologic Stress Protocols

Although either dobutamine or vasodilator agents can be used with echocardiography, dobutamine is the preferred and most commonly used agent for pharmacologic stress echocardiography. Dobutamine increases myocardial oxygen demand by increasing contractility primarily at lower doses and primarily heart rate at higher doses. In a standard dobutamine stress echocardiogram, dobutamine is infused at 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 mcg/kg per minute, with the subsequent administration of atropine in 0.25–0.50 mg doses to a total of 2.0 mg to achieve a peak heart rate of 85% age-predicted maximal heart rate. Indications for test termination include (1) achievement of 85% of age-predicted maximal heart rate; (2) new or worsening wall motion abnormalities involving at least two segments; (3) significant arrhythmia; (4) hypotension; (5) severe hypertension; or (6) intolerable symptoms. Although rare, given the potential for serious risks, clinical judgment is essential in selecting patients appropriate for stress testing, as is careful monitoring by appropriately trained staff pre-, during, and posttesting. For dobutamine stress tests in particular, beta-blocking agents (e.g., metoprolol, esmolol) should be available if necessary to treat potential atrial or ventricular tachyarrhythmias, severe hypertension, or angina.

Assessment of Ischemia

Image Interpretation

Regardless of the stress modality, interpretation of the echocardiographic images is based on assessment of the excursion and thickening of each myocardial segment at rest and with stress, along with changes in left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and LV size with stress ( Table 27.2 ). American Society of Echocardiography (ASE) Guidelines recommend use of the 16-segment model (or 17 segments with inclusion of the apical cap if comparison with other imaging modalities is anticipated) to evaluate segmental motion ( Fig. 27.2 ). Wall motion is classified as: (1) normal [resting] or hyperkinetic [stress]; (2) hypokinetic defined as preservation of thickening and inward systolic endocardial excursion but not to the extent of normal segments; (3) akinetic defined as absence of wall thickening or inward systolic endocardial excursion; and (4) dyskinetic defined as wall thinning and outward motion of the myocardial segment in systole (see Table 27.2 ). The normal response to stress is for all segments to become hyperkinetic. Based on segmental wall motion at rest and with stress, each segment can be classified as normal, ischemic, infarcted, or viable ( Table 27.3 ). An ischemic response is characterized by worsening contractility of at least two contiguous segments ( Fig. 27.3 ). Infarction is characterized by resting dysfunction that fails to improve with stress. Using the 17-segment model, the Wall Motion Score Index (WMSI) is one method to quantify the global ventricular burden of ischemia and/or infarction. Segments are scored as 1 (normal [rest], hyperkinetic [stress]), 2 (hypokinetic), 3 (akinetic), and 4 (dyskinetic) at rest and at stress. The WMSI is calculated as the sum of segmental scores divided by the number of visualized segments. Moderate-severe ischemia is considered present when three or more newly dysfunctional segments are observed with stress. Additional potential etiologies for lack of a hyperkinetic response that must be considered during image interpretation include: (1) low workload including low heart rate secondary to beta-blocker use; (2) prolonged delay in image acquisition following test termination; and (3) severe hypertensive response to stress. Variability in image quality is the main limitation of stress echocardiography. The use of echo contrast to enhance endocardial border delineation in patients with poor acoustic windows can improve the diagnostic performance of the test and should be considered when two or more endocardial segments cannot be visualized at rest.

TABLE 27.2

Classification of Regional Wall Motion

Wall Motion Score a Definition
Normal 1 Normal thickening and inward systolic endocardial excursion
Hypokinetic 2 Thickening and inward systolic endocardial excursion but not to the extent of normal segments
Akinetic 3 Absence of wall thickening or inward systolic endocardial excursion
Dyskinetic 4 Wall thinning and outward motion of the myocardial segment in systole

a Wall Motion Score Index (WMSI) is calculated as the sum of the segmental wall motion scores (using the 17-segment model) divided by the number of segments assessed.

FIG. 27.2

Segmentation models of the left ventricle.

(A) 16-segment model; (B) 17-segment model. AHA , American Heart Association; Ao , aorta; ASE , American Society of Echocardiography; LA , left atrium; LV , left ventricle; RA , right atrium; RV , right ventricle; , also termed apical 3-chamber view.

From Bulwer BE, Solomon SD, Janardhanan R. Echocardiographic assessment of ventricular systolic function. In: Solomon SD, ed. Essential Echocardiography: A Practical Handbook with DVD. Totora, NJ: Humana Press; 2007: 89–119.

TABLE 27.3

Image Interpretation of Stress Echocardiography for Ischemia Assessment a

Diagnosis Rest Stress
Normal Normal Hyperkinetic
Ischemia Normal Worsens to hypokinetic, akinetic, or dyskinetic
Ischemia Hypokinetic Worsens to akinetic or dyskinetic
Infarct Hypokinetic, akinetic or dyskinetic No change
Viable Akinetic Improves to hypokinetic or normal

a See text for further discussion.

FIG. 27.3

Example of a treadmill stress echocardiogram demonstrating an inducible wall motion abnormality involving the mid and apical anterior segments. Arrows indicate segments of regional hypokinesis induced with exercise.

Changes in global LV function and size are also important for test interpretation. Normally, LVEF should increase and become hyperdynamic with stress. With the treadmill, exercise is normally accompanied by a decrease in LV diastolic and systolic volumes. Increase in LV volume with stress is a high-risk finding in this context, associated with multivessel ischemia ( Fig. 27.4 ). Of note, increase in LV cavity size is not necessarily an abnormal finding with supine cycle ergometry, given the associated preload recruitment.

FIG. 27.4

Example of a treadmill stress echocardiogram demonstrating left ventricle end-systolic enlargement with stress.

These findings are suggestive of multivessel coronary artery disease and were accompanied by a poststress reduction in left ventricle ejection fraction in this patient.

The sensitivity and specificity of stress echocardiography for the detection of coronary artery disease is approximately 80%. Patients with an intermediate probability of coronary disease will benefit most from stress echocardiography. Diagnostic performance is superior to exercise electrocardiography alone, and similar to nuclear perfusion stress testing. Studies suggest the stress echocardiography has a slightly lower sensitivity but better specificity compared to nuclear perfusion stress testing. As noted previously, the risk of a false positive result is increased in the presence of abnormal septal motion due to left-bundle branch block and a hypertensive response to exercise, while low workload, beta-blocker use, and prolonged delay in poststress image acquisition increase the risk of a false-negative result.

In addition to providing diagnostic information, stress echocardiography also provides important prognostic information. In patients with suspected coronary artery disease across a range of pretest probability, stress echocardiography provides incremental prognostic value beyond clinical, electrocardiographic, and resting echocardiographic variables. A negative stress echocardiogram is associated with a rate of myocardial infarction or cardiac death similar to age-matched controls (<1%/year), suggesting that additional testing and intervention is unnecessary. Similarly, among patients with known coronary artery disease, including prior revascularization, an abnormal stress echocardiogram is independently associated with a twofold greater risk of adverse outcomes. Additional prognostic information is provided by the pharmacologic dose or exercise workload that elicits the ischemic response, the affected coronary territory (left anterior descending vs. left circumflex or right coronary), the presence of multivessel wall motion abnormalities, the peak WMSI, the LVEF and end-systolic volume changes during stress, and the time necessary for recovery of the stress-induced abnormalities.

Assessment of Viability

Dobutamine stress echocardiography is a useful tool for the assessment of viability in patients with resting LV dysfunction and segmental wall motion abnormalities. Myocardium with reversible contractile dysfunction (e.g., with revascularization) is termed viable. Echocardiographic evaluation of viability typically involves assessment of dysfunctional LV segments at rest, low-dose dobutamine (typically 5–20 mcg/kg per minute), and if necessary, high-dose dobutamine (typically 30–40 mcg/kg per minute). The presence of myocardial viability is suggested by an improvement of function in at least two segments during dobutamine infusion ( Table 27.4 ), whereas no improvement in contractility suggests nonviable myocardium. The biphasic response is characterized by an early improvement in contractility at low-dose dobutamine, which then worsens with high-dose dobutamine, and suggests both viability and ischemia. Improvement in contractility at low-dose dobutamine is the more sensitive pattern for viability, whereas the biphasic response is the most specific and most predictive of functional improvement with revascularization.

TABLE 27.4

Image Interpretation of Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography for Viability Assessment a

Diagnosis Rest Low-Dose Dobutamine High-Dose Dobutamine
Viable Abnormal Improves Improves further
Viable b Abnormal Improves Worsens
Not viable Abnormal No change
Ischemic Abnormal Worsens

a See text for further discussion.

b Biphasic response.

Similar to ischemic evaluation, when compared to nuclear imaging assessments of viability, dobutamine stress echocardiography demonstrates lower sensitivity, but higher specificity. Older data suggest a sensitivity and specificity of 75%–90% to predict LV functional recovery with revascularization. Poor image quality, concomitant use of beta-blockers, and variable interobserver agreement—particularly in the face of several resting dysfunctional myocardial segments—are the main limitations of stress echocardiography.

Emerging Echocardiographic Approaches to the Assessment of Ischemia and Viability

Advances in echocardiographic imaging techniques promise to further improve the performance of stress echocardiography for the evaluation of myocardial ischemia and viability. Considerable interest has focused on the use of echo contrast for the evaluation of myocardial perfusion, 2D speckle tracking-based assessments of strain to quantify segmental LV deformation at rest and with stress, and 3D imaging approaches to improve the quality and rapidity of image acquisition at rest and—particularly—post stress. Although all of these hold promise, none have matured to the point of clinical implementation at this time and are not recommended by current guidelines.

Utility of Exercise Echocardiography Beyond Ischemia

The utility of exercise echocardiography extends beyond the evaluation of coronary artery disease. Assessing the cardiovascular response to a stressor (e.g., exercise) can also be used to unmask the presence of, and to assess the severity of, valvular heart disease, heart failure (HF), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), and pulmonary hypertension (PH). Resting echocardiography does not fully capture the dynamic nature of these diseases, which are influenced by loading conditions and changes in cardiac output. In addition to this advantage, exercise echocardiography can assess ventricular reserve, which is an important prognostic marker in cardiovascular diseases. In clinical settings outside of coronary disease evaluation, there is no data comparing the performance of treadmill versus semisupine bicycle protocols in exercise echocardiography (see Table 27.1 ). Furthermore, exercise protocols can also be adapted to the specific aim of the testing (see section on heart failure with preserved ejection fraction [HFpEF]).

Valvular Disease

In general, the goal of performing exercise echocardiographic assessment in patients with valvular heart disease is to (1) clarify symptom etiology in nonsevere valve disease, (2) rule out the presence of symptoms in patients with severe valve disease, or (3) identify predictors of adverse events or rapid disease progression in asymptomatic severe valve disease. In addition to information on the presence of exertional symptoms, blood pressure response to exercise, or complex ventricular arrhythmias, exercise echocardiography will report on (1) parameters related to the affected valve, (2) the left ventricular contractile reserve, and (3) the hemodynamic consequences (pulmonary arterial pressure, left ventricular filling pressure) during exercise.

In the following subsections, we describe the most relevant exercise echocardiographic assessments for individual valvular lesions ( Table 27.5 ). However, it is important to be cognizant of the limitations of the studies in this field in appropriately interpreting and acting upon the information given by this exam. These include small sample size, single center design, exclusion of patients with more severe disease, and the inclusion of aortic valve replacement (AVR) as an outcome for tests assessing aortic valve disease. “High-risk” echo findings on exercise echocardiography should always be comprehensively weighed with the clinical features and resting echocardiography findings. The timing of exercise-induced changes in transvalvular gradients and pulmonary artery pressure should be also considered, because abnormalities at low workloads provide valuable evidence in favor of more advanced valvular disease.

TABLE 27.5

Primary Imaging Measures of Interest With Exercise Echocardiography for Indications Beyond Ischemia Evaluation a

LVEF TR Velocity Mean Transvalvular Gradient Other
Aortic stenosis
Aortic regurgitation
Mitral stenosis
Mitral regurgitation Measures of MR severity (EROA, RVol)
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Dynamic LVOT gradient, SAM
MR severity
Pulmonary arterial hypertension LVOT VTI
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction Diastolic measures: (E wave, septal and lateral e’)

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