The Christie NHS Foundation Trust and Manchester University, Manchester, GB, UK
ALK Rearranged NSCLC
The anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene was first discovered as a component of the chromosome 2, 5 translocation in anaplastic large cell lymphoma [1]. Subsequently, a small inversion or translocation of chromosome 2p comprising portions of ALK creating a transforming fusion gene was identified in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) cells [2, 3]. ALK-fusion positive (ALK+) NSCLC is estimated to account for 2–5 % [4] of all lung cancer cases which translates to an incidence of more than 60,000 patients with this molecular subtype annually worldwide.
In NSCLC, the most common fusion partner of ALK is the echinoderm microtubule associated protein-like 4 (EML4) gene. At least 27 fusion variants have been identified according to the specific chromosomal location of the gene fusion [5]. A ‘functional’ fusion variant is one which leads to the constitutive activation of the ALK tyrosine kinase domain, with oncogenic sequelae. The variants described to date are oncogenic both in vitro and in vivo. Effective targeted therapy for ALK + NSCLC is reliant on the inhibition of the constitutively activated ALK tyrosine kinase protein.
The first step to treatment of ALK + NSCLC is accurate identification of the ALK fusion gene in the diagnostic biopsy. Epidemiological studies and clinical trials of ALK inhibitors demonstrate various clinico-pathological factors to be associated with ALK gene fusion (see [6] and [7] for review). The strongest clinical factors are a history of never or light former smoking and adenocarcinoma (ADC) histology, then younger age and female sex. Also, the rare signet ring subtype of ADC is very strongly associated with presence of ALK gene fusion [8]. These clinical and histopathological factors help to identify ‘high risk’ populations for ALK testing but ALK gene fusion is not exclusive to these populations and so clinico-pathological factors alone cannot be used to reliably identify all affected patients. As a case in point the first reported case of ALK + NSCLC was a male patient with a significant history of smoking [2].
Detection of ALK-Gene Fusion
The gold standard objective method for detection of a gene fusion is fluorescent in situ hybridisation (FISH) and this is the currently approved detection method for ALK + NSCLC by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FISH is a reliable but resource intensive technique for detection of ALK gene fusion that requires specific training and skill. The protein product of ALK gene fusion can also be detected using immunohistochemistry (IHC) since ALK protein is not normally expressed in lung tissue and IHC is less resource intense. A high level of IHC ALK expression has been shown to correlate strongly with the presence of ALK-fusion gene using FISH. Lower levels of ALK protein expression detected by IHC are more likely to represent false positive cases, that prove to be negative using FISH; and high concordance has been demonstrated between IHC negative and FISH negative cases. To date a number of antibodies have demonstrated reliability and utility but the best performing antibody is debated. A third method uses RT-PCR and this is anticipated to become more widespread in clinical diagnostic laboratories as technology improves. Currently the emerging consensus is to prescreen cases using IHC and confirm ALk status using FISH where resources limit the routine use of FISH for screening of all cases. The reader is referred to evidence-based guidance and recommendations for ALK testing [9].
The First in Class ALK Inhibitor: Crizotinib
Crizotinib (PF-02341066, Pfizer) is an oral, small-molecule inhibitor targeting ALK, MET and ROS 1 tyrosine kinases [10–12]. It was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of ALK + NSCLC in August 2011 [13] and by the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) in July 2012 [14]. The FDA approval allows crizotinib to be administered in any line of treatment but the EMEA approval restricts use to previously treated ALK-fusion positive patients. Crizotinib was first developed as a MET inhibitor but observed activity against ALK prompted a shift in its clinical development to patients with ALK + NSCLC who had exhausted standard therapeutic options [6]. In this patient population marked antitumour activity was observed in single arm phase I [15] and II trials [16] with objective response rates of approximately 60 % and median progression free survival rates of 8.1 and 9.7 months, respectively. These results, although non-randomised, were in stark contrast to response rates of 10 % or less and median progression free survivals of 2–3 months experienced historically with standard single agent chemotherapy [17]. Although these statistics are for unselected (ie not molecularly defined) patients with NSCLC, ALK gene fusion does not appear to be a favourable prognostic factor in advanced NSCLC [18].
A randomized, controlled, open-label, phase 3 trial (PROFILE 1007) of crizotinib compared with chemotherapy in previously treated ALK + NSCLC patients was reported on following FDA approval of crizotinib. The results from this study confirmed a longer progression-free survival (PFS) of 7.7 months compared to 3.0 months for chemotherapy, hazard ratio [HR] = 0.49, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 0.37–0.64, p < 0.001) [19]. In the chemotherapy arm, patients received either docetaxel or pemetrexed depending on prior first-line treatment and/or tumor histology. Significantly higher response rates of 65 % [95 % CI 58–72] for crizotinib compared with 20 % [95 % CI 14–26] for chemotherapy were observed. In this study the response rates for chemotherapy were slightly higher than expected but the PFS was consistent with that for non-molecularly selected historical controls [17]. The results for patient reported outcomes and quality of life also favoured crizotinib with marked improvements in difficult to palliate symptoms of cough, dyspnea and fatigue in addition to pain among patients who received crizotinib compared with chemotherapy. It is not yet known whether crizotinib is superior to chemotherapy in the first line setting for advanced ALK + NSCLC. A first line trial (PROFILE 1014 [20]) of crizotinib compared with pemetrexed and platinum chemotherapy recently completed accrual and the results, due to report in 2014, are awaited with interest.
Safety Profile of Crizotinib
Crizotinib is generally well tolerated and the safety profile has been consistent across Phase I, II and III studies [10, 16, 19]. Most adverse events attributed to crizotinib are low grade. Nausea, diarrhoea, vomiting, constipation and visual effects have been reported most commonly. Rarely have the reported adverse events led to dose interruption, reduction or discontinuation. In randomised comparison of crizotinib to chemotherapy higher rates of (mild) nausea were reported for crizotinib [19]. Importantly, routine prophylactic antiemetics were mandatory in the study protocol for chemotherapy but not for crizotinib. Other relatively common and usually low grade toxicities include peripheral oedema, dizziness, fatigue and decreased appetite. Endocrine effects, specifically testosterone depletion may be common and more rarely, hepatic and pulmonary effects have been observed. At the time of writing data continues to emerge on the clinical impact and significance of these effects. With respect to hepatic toxicity, transaminase elevations on crizotinib treatment have generally occurred within the first 2 months of treatment (median onset 40 days). Among 1,054 patients on the PROFILE 1001 and 1005 studies [15, 16] ALT elevations of more than 3, 5 and 10 times the upper limit of normal occurred in 15, 7.4 and 3 % of patients, respectively. Grade 3 and 4 events were more frequent for ALT elevation but total bilirubin elevation was less common. Currently it is recommended to monitor liver function at least once per month on treatment, more frequently if results are abnormal, and to interrupt dosing to resume treatment at a lower dose on normalisation of liver function.
A rapid decrease in total testosterone levels after initiating crizotinib has been observed [21, 22]. This is postulated to occur via a hypothalamic or pituitary effect and may account for some of the fatigue experienced by some patients. Testosterone levels were noted to normalise on discontinuation of crizotinib. There is a general lack of data on testosterone levels in patients with advanced lung cancer and/or the effects of other treatments such as chemotherapy on testosterone. Data from prospective, randomised trials (including the PROFILE 1014 trial [20] is awaited to further clarify the causality and sequelae of testosterone deficiency with respect to crizotinib.
Treatment Resistance
Initial response rates to crizotinib are approximately 60 % in the ALK + NSCLC population which suggests primary resistance in a proportion of cases. At a cellular and molecular level in vitro, activation of the EGFR pathway has been observed to confer crizotinib resistance [23, 24]. Similarly, pretreatment levels of the proapoptotic protein BIM are described to influence response to crizotinib [25]. In general the reasons for primary resistance are not well understood. Relatively more progress has been made in understanding acquired resistance. Invariably, patients who initially respond to crizotinib treatment develop disease progression. Studies in vitro and in biopsies taken from patients with progressive disease after initial response have identified various molecular causes that have evolved during crizotinib treatment. Currently the most significant with respect to drug development is the occurrence of ALK gene mutations that alter crizotinib binding. ALKL1196M in the gatekeeper region, ALKS1206Y near the ribose binding pocket and ALKG1269A in the DFG motif, ALKC1156Y, ALKL1152R, ALKF1174L, ALK1151Tins and ALKG1202R mutations account for crizotinib resistance in approximately one third of patient samples tested ([26, 27] and [6] for review). Other identified mechanisms of acquired resistance include ALK gene copy number gain, loss of the ALK fusion gene, EGFR pathway activation including EGFR mutation, KRAS mutation and KIT amplification [28]. In addition to molecular mechanisms mediating resistance, crizotinib has poor penetration through the blood brain barrier and into the central nervous system (CNS). Consequently the CNS is a sanctuary site where ALK + NSCLC can progress [29].
‘Second Generation’ ALK Inhibitors in Clinical Development
Second generation ALK inhibitors are in development largely with the aim to overcome and/or reduce the rate at which acquired resistance to ALK inhibition evolves and to have better efficacy against central nervous system metastases.
LDK 378 (Novartis)
LDK378 is a selective ALK inhibitor that is active against ALK gene fusion with the crizotinib resistant gatekeeper mutation C1156Y. In phase I evaluation [30] an overall response rate of 70 % was observed and a response rate of 73 % occurred among patients who had progressed on or were resistant to crizotinib. Responses were also observed in patients with untreated CNS metastases. In this study the progression free survival among all NSCLC patients (n = 123) was 8.6 months. The most common adverse events were nausea (72 %), diarrhoea (69 %), vomiting (50 %) and fatigue (31 %). LDK378 is generally well tolerated. The most common grade 3 and 4 adverse events in phase I were ALT elevation, diarrhoea and AST elevation that occurred in 12, 7 and 6 % of patients respectively. Several studies of LDK 378 are ongoing to evaluate its efficacy in crizotinib treated, crizotinib naïve, and CNS disease in patients with ALK + NSCLC. A phase II multicentre, single-arm study of LDK 378 aims to enrol 137 patients for the primary endpoint of response rate. Patients must have previously received chemotherapy and have progressed on crizotinib [31]). A similarly designed but separate study is enrolling patients who are crizotinib naïve [32]. Two randomised phase III studies are open to evaluate LDK378 versus first line chemotherapy [33] and second line chemotherapy [34] respectively.
AP26113 (Ariad)
AP26113 (Ariad) is a potent ALK inhibitor with activity against known resistance mutations to crizotinib. It is also active against ROS1 tyrosine kinase and mutant epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) including EGFR harbouring the T790M gatekeeper resistance mutation. Results of a first-in-human study have been reported [35]. The study design included cohorts of ALK inhibitor naïve ALK + NSCLC, crizotinib resistant ALK + NSCLC and ALK + NSCLC with active brain metastases. The response rate was 61 % (19/31) in patients who had previously received crizotinib and responses in brain metastases in crizotinib resistant ALK + NSCLC were observed. The toxicity profile of AP26113 appears similar to that of crizotinib with mild nausea, fatigue and diarrhoea most commonly. Rash has not been observed despite activity against mutant EGFR. Of concern, severe pulmonary symptoms of dyspnoea, hypoxia and pneumonitis occurred in approximately 10 % of patients in the early stages of clinical development. Onset was typically within the first few days of receiving AP26113 and was reversible with interruption of AP26113 and supportive treatments including steroids. As a consequence the dose of AP26113 (90–180 mg QD) was re-evaluated in a cohort of patients with narrowed inclusion criteria; specifically no supplemental oxygen therapy, no interstitial lung disease and ECOG PS 0, 1. With these narrowed inclusion criteria there were no pulmonary adverse events observed. A dose of 180 mg QD is the recommended phase II dose for further evaluation and full details of several planned trials, including randomised, are now awaited.

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