Depression measures
OSA measures
Cross-sectional study
5201 community sample of 65 year or older
Partner observed
Association in women, not in men
Records of 773 pts with OSA matched with controls
Physician diagnosis
Physician diagnosis
OSA pts OR of 1.4 past depression
Sleep clinic sample of 93
Relationship of RDI and BDI total score and BDI somatic dimension. Independent relationship b/w RDI and somatic dimension for men
Records of >200,000 patients
Rx of antidepressant meds
Physician diagnosis
Likelihood of having OSA increased in depression
Cohort studies
1408 community patients (788 men)
Modified Zung depression scale or use of an antidepressant
1.8 odds ratio of developing depression in a 4-year interval as OSA develops or worsens.
Dose–response relationship between severity of OSA and depression
Table 8.2
Studies suggesting no correlation
First author/date | Study population | Depression measure | OSA measure | Conclusion |
Kripke/1997 | Community sample of 335 | CES-D or items from SIGH-SAD-SR | Desaturations | No relationship |
Pillar/1998 | 2271 referrals to a sleep clinic | SCL-90 | RDI | No consistent relationship |
Sforza/2002 | 44 OSA, 16 snorers | HAD-D | AHI, mean low oxygen saturation | No correlation b/w AHI and HAD-D, but with low O2 sats |
Pathophysiological Relationships
Sleep fragmentation and hypoxias a cause of depression.
The two major pathological events that occur in association in OSA with upper airway obstruction are: (1) fragmentation of normal sleep because of ‘micro-arousals’ occurring due to recurrent apneas and hypopneas leading to (2) recurrent, intermittent hypoxemia causing diminished saturation of oxyhemoglobin. These then lead to reduced daytime wakefulness, impaired cognitive function and low mood. Sleep fragmentation has been hypothesized as the principal cause of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in OSA and patients with EDS and OSA are more likely to be depressed than patients with OSA without EDS [32].
Animal studies suggest that recurrent, intermittent hypoxemia, a central feature of OSA, is associated with a dose-dependent cell loss in the areas rich in noradrenergic and dopaminergic pathways important for both sleep/wake and mood regulation including the hippocampus and cortex. Concomitant depression can worsen neuronal injury accompanying OSA. Effective treatment of OSA with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment leads to neuronal regeneration evidenced by gray matter volume increase in the hippocampus and frontal cortex volume [33]. This results in improvement in memory, attention and executive functions. Antidepressants have been shown to cause similar effects (increase in hippocampus volume via neurogenesis) [34].
Neurotransmitter Disturbances
Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with elevated levels of the cytokines interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF). It has been hypothesized that these compounds are mediators of daytime sleepiness since administration of a tumor necrosis factor antagonist has been shown to dramatically reduce the level of daytime sleepiness in patients with OSA [35].
A vast body of literature has also documented the close association between major depression and the inflammatory immune response involving the proinflammatory cytokines IL-1, IL-6 and interferon [36]. While none of the studies are confirmatory for causation, they do suggest shared pathways between these conditions.
Further, obesity, particularly visceral obesity (a known risk factor for OSA), is also associated with an elevation in these cytokines [37].
Patients with OSA while awake are able to ‘prop open’ the upper airway through activation of the upper airway dilator muscles; when asleep, however, the neurochemical ‘tonic’ stimulation to upper airway motoneurons is lost as is muscle tone, resulting in pharyngeal collapse [38]. Abnormalities in central and peripheral neurotransmission of Serotonin have been implicated as a potential cause of major depression. It is now established that during wakefulness Serotonin, most probably acting through 5-HT2A receptors, provides a tonic excitatory input to hypoglossal motor neurons innervating the genioglossus and other upper airway dilating muscles. It is hypothesized that withdrawal of this serotonergic input during sleep might predispose to airway obstruction in the form of apnea or hypopnea [38, 39]. If we conceptualize a central pathology in OSA as easy upper airway collapsibility during sleep, then anything decreasing the activation of upper airway dilator muscles during sleep can potentially cause the disorder. The activation of Serotonin receptors innervating the genioglossus and other upper airway dilator muscles, particularly 5-HT2A receptors, is excitatory. The release of Serotonin from the raphe neurons steadily declines with the transition from wakefulness to NREM sleep and is minimal during REM sleep. Thus, loss of ‘tonic’ serotonergic activity is one potential basis for the reduced upper airway muscle activation and increased collapsibility of the upper airway characteristic of OSA [38, 39]. However, this pathway is extremely complex, with multiple receptor subtypes, and there may be other pathways shared with other neurotransmitters.
Norepinephrine has several similarities with Serotonin as a neuromodulator of motoneuronal function although studies suggest that its role is complementary [38]. Hypoxia secondary to OSA also alters motoneuronal and extracellular levels of the purines Adenosine and ATP, specifically reducing ATP and increasing Adenosine. Adenosine injected into the hypoglossal nucleus suppresses hypoglossal motoneuronal activity. This association needs to be explored further [38].
A similar inhibition of hypoglossal nerve activity is observed with Acetylcholine (ACh) which targets two specific groups of receptors: muscarinic and nicotinic. Activation of the muscarinic receptors inhibits hypoglossal and can be blocked with atropine, a muscarinic antagonist. This likely occurs via presynaptic suppression of glutamate release. ACh also causes excitation through activation of nicotinic receptors that is masked by the overwhelming muscarinic effect [38].
In addition GABA and glycine are the primary inhibitory neurotransmitters acting at these areas. Glycine plays an essential role in REM sleep postural atonia. However, the actions of these neurotransmitters on hypoglossal muscles are still under debate [38]. In one study, strychnine, a glycine antagonist, completely abolished apneas and regulated ventilator effort in OSA [40].
Hypocretin (orexin-A) increases electromyographic activity in the genioglossus muscle and reductions in orexin in upper airway motor nuclei in NREM sleep could contribute to the suppression of upper airway dilator activity in NREM sleep [38].
In addition to the above, a number of lesser studied neuropeptides modulate brain stem motoneuron activity. Many of these have significant excitatory effects, e.g., Vasopressin binds to the V1A receptor on facial and hypoglossal motoneurons [41]. It may play a greater role in newborns as the receptor density declines with age [42].
There is binding of Substance P to the NK-1 receptor in the hypoglossal nucleus, and this declines with recurrent hypoxia [43]. Substance P (NK-1) agonists have been shown to be excitatory [44]. Hypoglossal motoneurons also possess Oxytocin binding sites [45], but their physiological significance is currently unknown. Histamine activity is also increased in the brain while awake and it is thus excitatory [38]. There may be more, as yet undiscovered substances that may have additional roles to play.
Hormonal Factors
Hormonal factors may also influence the activity of upper airway muscles. The genioglossal musculature in younger women is highly active compared to postmenopausal women and men of the same age. Thus, progesterone might be protective against sleep apnea. Exogenous progesterone administration has been shown to improve ventilation during sleep in men and women with sleep apnea [46]. Estrogen administration has been shown to decrease plasma levels of interleukin-6, which are higher in patients with sleep apnea [47]. Thus, postmenopausal women undergoing hormone replacement therapy (receiving progesterone and estrogen, both protective against OSA) have lower rates of OSA.
On the other hand, the exogenous administration of testosterone in women and healthy men can induce sleep apnea secondary to greater upper airway collapsibility independent of weight gain [48]. One cause might be greater deposition of soft tissue in the pharynx causing relaxation of the pharyngeal dilator muscles. This can because of redistribution of body fat under the influence of testosterone. This usually resolves if the exogenous testosterone is withdrawn.
Testosterone can also play a role in central apneas by altering the sensitivity of the central chemoreceptors to PaCO2 [49].
Obese young females with polycystic ovary syndrome (POS) (who generally have higher circulating levels of androgens) develop sleep apnea at a higher rate than controls, and women with OSA have a higher level of circulating androgens hormones than do normal women paired by age and weight [48].
Thus, in relations to OSA, female hormones are protective and vice versa for male hormones.
Impact of Treatment
- (a)
Impact of treatment of OSA on depression and anxiety
CPAP treatment improves daytime sleepiness in patients with OSA. In clinical studies, improvement in daytime sleepiness often translates into improvement in the depressive and anxiety symptoms as most mood and anxiety scales have sleep-related questions.
The effect of CPAP on mood and anxiety is inconsistent. In a systematic review of 26 studies [50], nine evaluated the effects of CPAP on psychological status. Six of the studies used a comparison group for CPAP treatment other than pretreatment status. Three studies showed an overall improvement in psychological performance.
In the same review, eight studies looked at the effects of CPAP on depression. Five showed significant improvement, and none showed worsening. The authors concluded that CPAP has significant and positive impact not only on symptoms of sleepiness, but also on depressive symptoms.
In another review [51] the authors included studies in which patients were diagnosed with polysomnography for OSA and then subsequently treated for at least 3 months with CPAP. Various scales were used to evaluate for depression and anxiety. Four out of seven studies showed significant improvement in depression and anxiety.
Sanchez et al. [52] looked at randomized clinical trials in which CPAP was compared with more conservative measures like sham CPAP, oral appliances and placebos. In this review, five out of seven studies showed reduction in depressive scores with the use of CPAP. Comparison of CPAP with sham CPAP conducted by Yu et al. [53] showed significant reduction in mood scores (POMS (Profile of Mood States), except vigor subscale), which were not treatment specific, suggesting a placebo effect. Other authors reported significant lower depression scores (POMS and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS)) after CPAP treatment as compared with a control group [54, 55].
Published reports also show negative findings, suggesting that improvement of mood may not be clearly related to treatment of OSA. For example, Barnes et al. [56] compared CPAP with oral placebo and did not find significant difference between the two groups in quality of life and POMS and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI).
Engelman et al. [57] found no differences between CPAP and oral placebo on HAD scales.
There are discrepancies with regard to prevalence of anxiety and depression in patients with OSA. Although OSA is more common in men, various studies suggest that women have (or report more) depression than men [58].
Most authors suggest that treatment of OSA has an overall beneficial effect on quality of life and mood. The improvement in ‘depression’ may imply that CPAP is having an effect on epiphenomena such as fatigue, sleepiness and motivation rather than depression.
Impact of Treatment of Depression and Anxiety on OSA and CPAP Adherence
In some cases, treatment of comorbid insomnia and anxiety with a benzodiazepine and hypnotic may worsen OSA. These medications may decrease muscle tone in the already functionally impaired upper airway dilator muscles, blunt the arousal response to hypoxia and increase the arousal threshold for an apnea event, therefore increasing the number and duration of apneas [59].
Depression is known to have an effect on adherence to treatment of chronic medical conditions like cardiovascular disease, and treatment of depression tends to improve acceptance and compliance. Depressed patients might have poor adherence to CPAP use, suggesting that depression should be treated aggressively in these patients [60].
Patients with anxiety disorder, particularly with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), have worse adherence to CPAP [61]. These patients complain of claustrophobia feelings with the use of CPAP. In some cases treatment of OSA improves subjective nightmares by reducing sleep fragmentation. Behavioral treatments like relaxation training and systematic desensitization can help some individuals get used to CPAP despite the feelings of claustrophobia [62].
Adherence to CPAP varies. In a pre/poststudy of 54 newly diagnosed OSA patients, neither pre-CPAP depression scores nor post-CPAP improvement in these scores were related to CPAP adherence [63].
In another study [64], depressive scores predicted poor CPAP adherence. Treatment of depression might improve acceptance of CPAP, reduce excessive sleepiness and improve quality of life, but this remains to be confirmed.
Central Sleep Apnea
Central sleep apnea (CSA) is characterized by cessation of airflow without respiratory effort. This is in contrast to obstructive sleep apnea, in which respiratory effort is present during breathing cessation.
In CSA, there are repetitive episodes of decreased ventilation due to complete or partial reduction in central neural outflow to the respiratory muscles. Congestive heart failure and dwelling at high altitudes are classical conditions in which CSA is present. Moreover, opiate pain medications also suppress breathing centers in the medulla and can cause CSA [65]. There are no studies looking at the relationship between CSA and psychiatric disorders or relationship of CSA caused by opiate pain medications and depression.
Hyperventilation syndrome is a behavioral condition in which minute ventilation exceeds metabolic demands, resulting in hemodynamic and chemical changes that produce dysphoric symptoms. Hyperventilation syndrome is frequently caused by anxiety and panic disorder. Behavioral hyperventilation, which is associated with anxiety, has been postulated to trigger CSA in three cases [66].
It is thought that patients who develop CSA have hypersensitive chemoreceptors, which respond briskly to increased CO2 in the blood, resulting in overcompensating with hyperventilation and thus overshooting the apnea threshold [65]. In one study, authors found that children with congenital central hypoventilation, in which there is lack of chemoreceptor responsiveness to CO2, have decreased anxiety rates. This might suggest that hypersensitive chemoreceptivity might be related to anxiety, though there are no studies available looking at this relationship [67]. With more attention to CSA and complex sleep apnea (central apneas triggered by CPAP therapy), we hope there will be studies looking at this possible complex relationship between anxiety, depression and central sleep apnea.
In the authors’ clinical practice, most patients with CSA have insomnia and excessive daytime sleepiness, which could mimic symptoms of depression.
Effects of Sleep Loss on Mental Health
Sleep loss (referring, in general to less than 7–8 h per night) is highly prevalent and continues to worsen, as a result of both social factors (shift work, the availability of television, internet, etc.) and biological factors such as advancing age. The main symptom of sleep loss is excessive daytime sleepiness, but other symptoms include depressed mood and poor memory or concentration [68]. Chronic sleep loss can have serious consequences for health, performance and safety. It has been estimated that the percentage of men and women who sleep less than 6 h has increased significantly over the last 20 years [69]. Chronic sleep deprivation and sleep disruption affect a wide range of body systems.
Neuroendocrine and Hormonal Effects
Sleep disruption is a stressor and, like all stresses, activates the body’s established stress–response systems: the autonomic sympathoadrenal system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis system [70]. This causes significant disruption of cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) levels. Numerous studies have reported a higher prevalence of obesity, impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes in subjects with partial or total sleep deprivation after controlling for age, Body Mass Index (BMI) and other confounders [71].

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