Increased arterial stiffness has been shown to be associated with aging and cardiovascular risk factors. Speckle-tracking algorithms are being used to measure myocardial strain. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether speckle-tracking could be used to measure carotid arterial strain (CAS) reproducibly in healthy volunteers and to determine if CAS was lesser in individuals with diabetes.
Bilateral electrocardiographically gated ultrasound scans of the distal common carotid arteries (three cardiac cycles; 14-MHz linear probe; mean frame rate, 78.7 ± 8.9 frames/sec) were performed twice (2–4 days apart) on 10 healthy volunteers to test repeatability. Differences in CAS between healthy subjects ( n = 20) and patients with diabetes ( n = 21) were examined. Peak CAS was measured in each of six equal segments, and averages of all segments (i.e., the global average), of the three segments nearest the probe, and of the three segments farthest from the probe (i.e., the far wall average) were obtained.
Global CAS (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.40) and far wall average (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.63) had the greatest test-retest reliability. Global and far wall averaged CAS values were lower in patients with diabetes (4.29% [SE, 0.27%] and 4.30% [SE, 0.44%], respectively) than in controls (5.48% [SE, 0.29%], P = .001, and 5.58% [SE, 0.44%], P = .003, respectively). This difference persisted after adjustment for age, gender, race, and hemodynamic parameters.
Speckle-tracking to measure CAS is feasible and modestly reliable. Patients with diabetes had lower CAS obtained with speckle-tracking compared with healthy controls.
Arterial stiffness, a mechanical property of the arterial wall, has been shown to be associated with cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular events. Local arterial stiffness can be estimated using calculations based on changes in arterial diameter (i.e., arterial distension) during the cardiac cycle.
Echo-tracking devices have emerged as the most popular method for measuring vessel distension because of their higher resolutions (on the order of 0.001 mm). However, echo tracking is sensitive to tissue motion in directions other than that of the ultrasound insonation and to interference from other reflectors (e.g., speckles) within the arterial wall. Furthermore, the reproducibility of echo tracking has been shown to be only similar to that of B-mode ultrasound–derived changes in diameter.
Advances in echocardiography now permit the quantification of myocardial stiffness via myocardial strain measures based on speckle-tracking. Strain is a percentage or fractional measure of the spatial deformation of an object relative to its original size and has been validated in animal models as a surrogate measure of myocardial stiffness. Speckle-tracking is angle independent, has been shown to reduce error in myocardial strain measurements over Doppler tissue imaging, and hence may offer significant advantages. We aimed to adapt the myocardial speckle-tracking technology and evaluate its feasibility for measuring carotid arterial strain (CAS).
We hypothesized (1) that we could measure CAS reproducibly using the speckle-tracking technique and (2) that such a technique would detect differences associated with diabetes, a cardiovascular risk factor known to be associated with increased arterial stiffness. We chose to examine circumferential strain because it more closely approximates changes in luminal dimensions than radial strain, which represents change in wall thickness.
Study Population
Patients with diabetes ( n = 21) were recruited from individuals presenting to the noninvasive cardiac laboratory at Ben Taub General Hospital (Houston, TX) for routine transthoracic echocardiography. A diagnosis of diabetes was confirmed using criteria from the American Diabetes Association’s 2010 guidelines or the active use of insulin and/or oral hypoglycemic therapies with a historical diagnosis. Healthy individuals without any previously known cardiovascular risk factors ( n = 20) were also recruited as a control comparison group ( Table 1 ). All volunteers were recruited on presentation to the noninvasive cardiac laboratory and thus were not asked specifically to refrain from food, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, or vasoactive medications before the study. This scenario was considered to represent conditions encountered in a clinical setting.
Variable | Controls ( n = 20) | Patients with diabetes ( n = 21) | P |
Age (y) | 56.6 (1.9) | 57.0 (1.8) | .88 |
Men | 50.0% | 47.6% | .88 |
Caucasian | 30.0% | 28.6% | .92 |
African American | 30.0% | 33.3% | .82 |
Hispanic | 25.0% | 28.6% | .80 |
Asian | 15.0% | 9.5% | .59 |
Systolic BP (mm Hg) | 120.8 (2.7) | 125.7 (4.5) | .64 |
Diastolic BP (mm Hg) | 73.8 (1.6) | 75.2 (2.6) | .86 |
Pulse pressure (mm Hg) | 47.0 (1.5) | 50.5 (2.9) | .68 |
Heart rate (beats/min) | 63.3 (2.3) | 77.6 (2.3) | .0001 |
Hypertensive | 0% | 76.2% | <.0001 |
Antihypertensive medication | 0% | 85.7% | <.0001 |
Current smokers | 0% | 23.8% | .02 |
Past smokers | 30.0% | 23.8% | .65 |
Exclusion criteria included age < 18 years, history of carotid stenting or carotid endarterectomy, history of radiation therapy to the neck, or a life expectancy < 6 months. The study was approved by the institutional review board of the Baylor College of Medicine and the Harris County Hospital District. Written consent was obtained before study entry. All coronary heart disease risk factors as defined by the Adult Treatment Panel III guidelines were noted for each subject.
Acquisition of Ultrasound Images
All subjects were interviewed and scanned by the same study investigator. The subjects were positioned supine with elevation of the head of the bed at a 30° incline. Electrocardiographically gated B-mode bilateral carotid artery ultrasound scans were obtained (carotid artery presets, Vivid 7; GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI) over three cardiac cycles at 14 MHz with an M12L vascular transducer. Images were acquired at a mean of 78.7 ± 8.9 frames/sec and at a dynamic range of 72 dB. The gain was set to just below the presence of echoes in blood. The probe marker was always oriented to the left of the patient, regardless of the side imaged.
The probe was placed anteriorly over the carotid artery, and image sweeps from the proximal common carotid artery (CCA) to the carotid bifurcation were used to survey the CCA anatomy in transverse (cross-section). The transverse distal CCA, approximately 1 cm inferior to the carotid bulb, was used for our analysis. Subjects were instructed to perform a breath-hold maneuver and to refrain from swallowing during the acquisition. The presence of significant motion artifact was noted on each scan, because motion would interfere with speckle-tracking and thus measured strain values. If motion artifacts occurred in a scan, image acquisition was repeated for that view when possible. Images were exported in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine format for offline analysis with an anonymization code unique to each subject.
Speckle-Tracking Strain Analysis
Ultrasound images were uploaded to a computer workstation with a software package designed to measure myocardial strain using speckle-tracking algorithms (2D Cardiac Performance Analysis; TomTec Imaging, Munich, Germany). TomTec provided the analysis software but otherwise had no input into the study design, data accrual, analysis, or manuscript preparation. On images of the transverse distal CCA, the image frame at the end of electrical diastole (the start of the QRS wave) was identified, and the vessel on this frame was manually marked with a contour at the lumen-intima boundary ( Figure 1 A). The analysis tool was then run to obtain strain data.

The speckle-tracking algorithm divided a manually marked contour into 48 equidistant points and tracked the vessel intimal wall using a cross-correlation velocity vector imaging algorithm, which was accelerated with a fast Fourier transform function and optimized for myocardial strain analysis. In principle, the algorithm would enable tracking of the smallest strain corresponding to the motion of a fraction of the ultrasound wavelength (on the order of micrometers). Strain was calculated with reference to the end of electrical diastole of each cardiac cycle ( Figure 1 B). The raw data were exported to Excel spreadsheets (Microsoft Corporation, Redmond, WA) for further processing.
Postprocessing of Speckle-Tracking Strain Analysis
Because a myocardial analysis tool was used, the six-segment convention of the myocardial short-axis views was adopted for the identification of vessel wall segments. Anterior regional segments were identified as near wall segments and inferior regional segments as far wall segments. The septal segment was identified as medial for the right CCA and lateral for the left CCA, because the probe marker always pointed to the left, and similarly, the lateral segment was identified as lateral for the right CCA but medial for the left CCA. The anterior segment and the inferior segment themselves were identified as mid segments (i.e., near wall mid and far wall mid, respectively).
For each arterial wall segment, the peak strain value (i.e., the most positive value) was determined for each of the three cardiac cycles, and the mean peak strain value was calculated. With this method, the circumferential strain values for the six segments corresponding to myocardial segments on short-axis views were obtained.
Superficial probe pressure may affect vessel wall segments near the probe. We observed medial-lateral echo dropout in our images ( Supplemental Figure 1 ), and the reliability of strain measurements has been shown in phantom models to be lower in medial-lateral segments, likely because of heterogeneity in the density of ultrasonic lines or echo dropout that can lead to unreliable strain measurements when the ultrasound beam is not aligned with direction of strain. Thus, machine settings were optimized to achieve frame rates not too low to result in errors in lateral displacement and not too high to result in a decreased number of ultrasound scan lines. Furthermore, we opted, a priori, to use the far wall as the primary segment for analysis. We also examined the global net average of all segments for comparison with traditional luminal measures. We later tested intervisit repeatability and intravisit and intervisit reproducibility of the strain measures in each segment and of their averages.
Distensibility Measurement
For comparison of speckle-tracking–derived strain with ultrasound-based distensibility measurements, we measured the minimum and maximum of mean arterial diameters along 1 cm of the distal CCA on longitudinal views with an analysis system (Carotid Analyzer; Medical Imaging Applications, LLC, Coralville, IA), which has been shown to have a mean difference of 0.02 pixels (95% confidence interval, −2.98 to 3.02 pixels) between repeat measurements. Luminal strain was calculated by taking the difference between the two and dividing the minimum of mean arterial diameters. This method differs from previous methods that have used M-mode assessments of the carotid artery or aorta, by assessing diameters over a length of the CCA instead of a single-beam axis.
Statistical Methods
Statistical analyses were performed using Stata version 11 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX). The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to determine nonnormality of the data. Appropriate parametric and nonparametric tests (two-tailed two-sample t tests and Wilcoxon’s rank-sum tests) were used to compare the characteristics and strain measures between the groups of patients with diabetes and healthy controls. Values for each side were examined separately and as an average. Regression models were then used to adjust for covariates in the side-averaged strain comparisons (i.e., the mean of the left and right measures), with normalization of the dependent and predictor variables as needed. Two models were examined adjusting for participant characteristics and hemodynamic parameters, because these may account for variations in CAS, and both models included age, race, gender, heart rate, current smoking, and history of smoking. The first model added systolic and diastolic blood pressures as covariates, and the second model added pulse pressure. These analyses were conducted with and without exclusion of image scans having motion artifacts.
Evaluation of Reproducibility
A separate set of healthy volunteers ( n = 10; mean age, 34.1 years; SE, 3.2 years; five men, five women; 20 carotid arteries in total) underwent ultrasound imaging as described in the above sections to allow testing for reproducibility. After a baseline scan, all the volunteers returned 2 to 4 days later for repeat imaging at approximately the same time of the day as the baseline scan. All carotid artery wall segments (the lateral, mid, and medial segments of the near and far wall regions) were analyzed. One reader conducted the speckle-tracking strain analysis on the images acquired at both visits for intervisit reproducibility analyses and repeated the analysis for the first visit for the intraobserver repeatability analyses. Another reader analyzed the same set of images for the interobserver reproducibility analyses. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs; type [2,1]) and coefficients of variation (CVs) were used to assess intervisit repeatability and intrareader and interreader reproducibility. Bland-Altman plots were also used to assess for bias.
Reproducibility Analyses
Given the potential influence of heart rate and pulse pressure on strain values, we tested repeatability with and without consideration of these hemodynamic parameters. When segmental CAS values were examined for significant intervisit differences, all wall segmental CAS values and their averages showed no significant difference between visits ( P > .05). This trend persisted after accounting for heart rate and pulse pressure ( Supplemental Table 1 ).
For the primary repeatability study, test-retest analysis showed the greatest correlation for the far wall segments (ICC = 0.63) and the global net averaged strain of all segments (ICC = 0.40) ( Figure 2 ). The intervisit CVs for the averages of the far wall segments and of all segments were 27% and 26%, respectively. When the ratio of strain to heart rate–pulse pressure product (i.e., heart rate times pulse pressure) was used, test-retest analysis showed the highest correlation again for far wall average (ICC = 0.59; Supplemental Table 2 ). These observations supported our a priori decision to examine the average strain of the three far wall segments for our primary analysis.

Intrareader and interreader reproducibility was assessed for each segment, with agreement given as ICCs. The highest agreements for within-reader (intrareader) and between-reader (interreader) correlations were again observed for the far wall average and the net average of all arterial wall segments ( Figure 2 ). The intrareader CVs for these averages were 15% and 12%, respectively, and the interreader CVs were 14% and 10%, respectively. Bland-Altman plots showed no systematic bias for all reproducibility measures and reasonable intrareader and interreader limits of agreement ( Supplemental Figure 2 , Supplemental Table 3 ).
Comparison of Patients with Diabetes and Healthy Controls
The mean age of all individuals (patients with diabetes and healthy volunteers) was 56.8 years. As a whole, the group consisted of 49% men and 29% Caucasians; had mean systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressures of 123.3 mm Hg (SE, 2.7 mm Hg), 74.5 mm Hg (SE, 1.6 mm Hg), and 48.8 mm Hg (SE, 1.7 mm Hg), respectively; and had a mean heart rate of 70.6 beats/min (SE, 1.9 beats/min) ( Table 1 ). No significant differences between the two groups were noted in baseline characteristics, except that patients with diabetes were more likely to be hypertensive, to be on antihypertensive medications, to be current smokers, and to have higher heart rates than controls ( Table 1 ). Of the 21 patients with diabetes, nine were on β-blockers, two were on nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, and one was on amiodarone. No controls were on medications that affect heart rate. Despite repeated acquisitions, motion artifacts were still present in scans of the right carotid artery in two patients with diabetes. When the two individuals with motion artifacts were excluded, the baseline differences between the two groups remained similar.
Some participants (seven patients with diabetes, two controls) had atherosclerotic plaques at or above the level of the carotid artery bulb, but none had plaques in the carotid artery segments analyzed. No subject had a history of aortic valve disease, which may influence arterial hemodynamic measurements and potentially strain measurements, or any irregular heart rhythm such as atrial fibrillation.
Overall, side-averaged CAS values (i.e., the individual mean of left and right measures together) were normally distributed among healthy controls ( P > .05) but positively skewed among patients with diabetes ( P < .01) for all segments and their averages. Therefore, all comparison tests were nonparametric. CAS values were lower in patients with diabetes than in controls for the far wall average (4.30% [SE, 0.44%] vs 5.58% [SE, 0.29%], P = .003) and global net average (4.29% [SE, 0.29%] vs 5.48% [SE, 0.30%], P = .001) ( Figure 3 ). When each far wall segment was examined, CAS values continued to be significantly lower in patients with diabetes than in controls for the far wall lateral ( P = .004) and mid segments ( P = .0008) but not for the far wall medial segment ( P = .18) ( Figure 4 ). When scans with motion artifacts were excluded, side-averaged CAS values continued to remain lower in patients with diabetes ( n = 19) than in controls ( n = 20) for the global net average (3.95% [SE, 0.18%] vs 5.48% [SE, 0.30%], P = .0001) and for the far wall average (3.78% [SE, 0.25%] vs 5.58% [SE, 0.29%], P = .0002).

For the entire group (patients with diabetes and healthy controls), the CAS values on the left were much lower than on the right for the global net average ( P = .003), far wall average ( P = .0007), and the far wall segments except for the far wall medial segment, which had no difference ( P < .0001 for far wall mid segment, P = .005 for far wall lateral segment, and P = .33 for far wall medial segment) ( Figure 3 , Supplemental Table 4 ). After exclusion of the two individuals with motion artifacts, the lower left-sided strain values persisted.
There was no significant difference in CAS values derived from measures of luminal dimensions between patients with diabetes (mean CAS of left and right sides, 8.00%; SE, 0.55%) and healthy controls (mean CAS of left and right sides, 7.14%; SE, 0.51%) ( P = 0.32), even after exclusion of the two participants with motion artifact (CAS in patients with diabetes, 8.25% [SE, 0.58%] vs CAS in controls, 7.14% [SE, 0.51%]; P = .16).
Regression analyses were performed on log-transformed values of CAS to normalize the variables. On univariate analysis, diabetic status, current smoking status, and heart rate were significant predictors of lower far wall average and global net average strain values; age and blood pressure measurements, notably pulse pressures ( Supplemental Figure 3 ), were not ( Supplemental Table 5 ). After the exclusion of scans with motion artifacts, this relationship between CAS and predictors persisted ( Supplemental Table 5 ). When the comparisons were adjusted for covariates (model 1, including age, gender, race, heart rate, current and past smoking, and systolic and diastolic blood pressures; model 2, including age, gender, race, heart rate, current and past smoking, and pulse pressure), diabetic status was no longer significantly associated with speckle-tracking–derived CAS values for both models. However, when the two participants with motion artifacts were excluded, diabetic status became significantly associated with the global net average strain ( P = .01 for both models) and the far wall average strain ( P = .01 for model 1, P = .02 for model 2) ( Table 2 ). Overall, these results suggest that diabetes significantly and adversely affects circumferential CAS, even after adjustments for covariates.
Variable | Log-transformed CAS measurements | |||||||||
Net average | Far wall average | Lateral far wall | Mid far wall | Medial far wall | ||||||
β (95% CI) | P | β (95% CI) | P | β (95% CI) | P | β (95% CI) | P | β (95% CI) | P | |
Model 1 † | ||||||||||
Presence of diabetes (without image exclusions) | −0.146 (−0.332 to 0.041) | .12 | −0.176 (−0.426 to 0.073) | .16 | −0.316 (−0.692 to 0.060) | .10 | −0.158 (−0.478 to 0.162) | .32 | −0.071 (−0.332 to 0.190) | .58 |
Presence of diabetes (with image exclusions) | −0.226 (−0.405 to −0.047) | .02 | −0.284 (−0.521 to −0.048) | .02 | −0.470 (−0.840 to −0.101) | .01 | −0.182 (−0.508 to 0.144) | .26 | −0.190 (−0.440 to 0.059) | .13 |
Model 2 ‡ | ||||||||||
Presence of diabetes (without image exclusions) | −0.132 (−0.321 to 0.057) | .17 | −0.151 (−0.407 to 0.106) | .24 | −0.281 (−0.660 to 0.099) | .14 | −0.143 (−0.462 to 0.176) | .37 | −0.041 (−0.319 to 0.238) | .77 |
Presence of diabetes (with image exclusions) | −0.228 (−0.407 to −0.050) | .01 | −0.283 (−0.522 to −0.044) | .02 | −0.463 (−0.832 to −0.095) | .02 | −0.189 (−0.511 to 0.133) | .24 | −0.188 (−0.451 to 0.075) | .16 |
∗ Covariates common to both models included age, race, gender, heart rate, current smoking, and history of smoking.
† Model 1 covariates included the common covariates plus systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
‡ Model 2 covariates included the common covariates plus pulse pressure.
Reproducibility Analyses
Given the potential influence of heart rate and pulse pressure on strain values, we tested repeatability with and without consideration of these hemodynamic parameters. When segmental CAS values were examined for significant intervisit differences, all wall segmental CAS values and their averages showed no significant difference between visits ( P > .05). This trend persisted after accounting for heart rate and pulse pressure ( Supplemental Table 1 ).
For the primary repeatability study, test-retest analysis showed the greatest correlation for the far wall segments (ICC = 0.63) and the global net averaged strain of all segments (ICC = 0.40) ( Figure 2 ). The intervisit CVs for the averages of the far wall segments and of all segments were 27% and 26%, respectively. When the ratio of strain to heart rate–pulse pressure product (i.e., heart rate times pulse pressure) was used, test-retest analysis showed the highest correlation again for far wall average (ICC = 0.59; Supplemental Table 2 ). These observations supported our a priori decision to examine the average strain of the three far wall segments for our primary analysis.
Intrareader and interreader reproducibility was assessed for each segment, with agreement given as ICCs. The highest agreements for within-reader (intrareader) and between-reader (interreader) correlations were again observed for the far wall average and the net average of all arterial wall segments ( Figure 2 ). The intrareader CVs for these averages were 15% and 12%, respectively, and the interreader CVs were 14% and 10%, respectively. Bland-Altman plots showed no systematic bias for all reproducibility measures and reasonable intrareader and interreader limits of agreement ( Supplemental Figure 2 , Supplemental Table 3 ).
Comparison of Patients with Diabetes and Healthy Controls
The mean age of all individuals (patients with diabetes and healthy volunteers) was 56.8 years. As a whole, the group consisted of 49% men and 29% Caucasians; had mean systolic, diastolic, and pulse pressures of 123.3 mm Hg (SE, 2.7 mm Hg), 74.5 mm Hg (SE, 1.6 mm Hg), and 48.8 mm Hg (SE, 1.7 mm Hg), respectively; and had a mean heart rate of 70.6 beats/min (SE, 1.9 beats/min) ( Table 1 ). No significant differences between the two groups were noted in baseline characteristics, except that patients with diabetes were more likely to be hypertensive, to be on antihypertensive medications, to be current smokers, and to have higher heart rates than controls ( Table 1 ). Of the 21 patients with diabetes, nine were on β-blockers, two were on nondihydropyridine calcium channel blockers, and one was on amiodarone. No controls were on medications that affect heart rate. Despite repeated acquisitions, motion artifacts were still present in scans of the right carotid artery in two patients with diabetes. When the two individuals with motion artifacts were excluded, the baseline differences between the two groups remained similar.
Some participants (seven patients with diabetes, two controls) had atherosclerotic plaques at or above the level of the carotid artery bulb, but none had plaques in the carotid artery segments analyzed. No subject had a history of aortic valve disease, which may influence arterial hemodynamic measurements and potentially strain measurements, or any irregular heart rhythm such as atrial fibrillation.
Overall, side-averaged CAS values (i.e., the individual mean of left and right measures together) were normally distributed among healthy controls ( P > .05) but positively skewed among patients with diabetes ( P < .01) for all segments and their averages. Therefore, all comparison tests were nonparametric. CAS values were lower in patients with diabetes than in controls for the far wall average (4.30% [SE, 0.44%] vs 5.58% [SE, 0.29%], P = .003) and global net average (4.29% [SE, 0.29%] vs 5.48% [SE, 0.30%], P = .001) ( Figure 3 ). When each far wall segment was examined, CAS values continued to be significantly lower in patients with diabetes than in controls for the far wall lateral ( P = .004) and mid segments ( P = .0008) but not for the far wall medial segment ( P = .18) ( Figure 4 ). When scans with motion artifacts were excluded, side-averaged CAS values continued to remain lower in patients with diabetes ( n = 19) than in controls ( n = 20) for the global net average (3.95% [SE, 0.18%] vs 5.48% [SE, 0.30%], P = .0001) and for the far wall average (3.78% [SE, 0.25%] vs 5.58% [SE, 0.29%], P = .0002).