Preoperative measures
Risk stratification
Limit fluids
Pulmonary vasodilators
Cardiac inotropes
Consider elective RVAD
Operative measures
High-risk patient/early RVF
Fulminant RVF
Limit transfusion
Expeditious operative time
TEE -guided optimization of pump speed
Optimize electrolytes/pH balance
TEE -guided titration of vasodilators and cardiac inotropes
Consider elective RVAD
If severe TR, consider elective tricuspid annuloplasty
Insert central RVAD
Postoperative measures
Early RVF
Fulminant RVF
PA-guided volume and inotrope management
Limit arrhythmias
Limit RV preload
Rule out reversible causes:
• VT
• RV hematoma
• Epicardial ischemia
• Increased preload
Insert RVAD
• Elective: central or peripheral
• Emergent: VA-ECMO
Preoperative measures to prevent RVF include invasive hemodynamic monitoring, volume optimization, the perioperative use of pulmonary vasodilators and inotropic medications, and careful selection of patients who could benefit from empiric BIVAD support. We commonly employ indwelling pulmonary artery catheters in patients awaiting LVAD implantation in order to titrate therapies. As mentioned, pulmonary artery pressure alone may not be as useful as the overall hemodynamic picture, including pulmonary vascular resistance, RVSWI, and the ratio of CVP to PCWP.
Optimizing volume status before LVAD placement is important. We strive to attain the lowest right and left heart filling pressures that the patient can tolerate from a hemodynamic and renal standpoint. The choice of strategy for achieving this goal is informed by the individual patient’s hemodynamic stability, renal function, and degree of volume overload. Intravenous loop diuretics, usually administered via a continuous drip, with or without thiazide diuretics, are the mainstay of diuresis. Often, patients are already receiving low-dose inotropes, which can potentially improve renal perfusion. In patients who are profoundly volume overloaded or who have severe renal dysfunction, ultrafiltration with continuous renal replacement therapy is necessary, with the goal of reducing filling pressures.
When used judiciously, preoperative percutaneous LVAD support can optimize organ perfusion and decompress both ventricles. Although we have experience with the TandemHeart (CardiacAssist, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA) and the femorally implanted Impella (Abiomed, Danvers, MA), using these devices necessitates bedrest. We have, therefore, begun to use axillary intra-aortic balloon pumps and the Impella 5.0 more frequently.
A particularly controversial topic in the perioperative management of LVAD recipients is that of empiric placement of BIVADs in select patients. Proponents argue that, although RVAD implantation for RVF is associated with increased morbidity, planned BIVAD placement improves outcomes in high-risk patients. A 2010 report from an Italian group describes a strategy of planned BIVAD placement in which central RVAD is used at the time of LVAD placement in patients at high risk of RVF [21]. All of the six patients described in the report were successfully weaned from RVAD support by postoperative day 18 and were successfully discharged with an LVAD alone.
The advent of percutaneous RVAD s (Impella RP and TandemHeart) is actively changing the discussion as it relates to the prophylactic use of temporary RVAD s. Schmack et al. [22] describe a practice of prophylactic RVAD support with the TandemHeart , using the Protek Duo cannula, in patients at risk for RVF. Potential benefits of this device include its lower invasiveness, the mobility it affords to patients, and that it can be explanted without reoperation. The authors do not specify in how many patients this strategy has been used or on what basis patients were deemed high risk for RVF. Although we have used percutaneous devices in the postoperative period after RVF has developed, we have not yet used them prophylactically in high-risk patients. We hope that future improvements in preoperative risk prediction models for RVF will help us to select patients who are most likely to benefit from such a strategy.
Another controversial issue is whether patients with severe tricuspid annular dilatation benefit from undergoing tricuspid valve annuloplasty concomitantly with LVAD placement. In a 2014 single-center study involving 101 patients who underwent LVAD implantation, 14 patients who had concomitant tricuspid valve repair (all of whom had moderate or greater TR) were found to have greater survival, but not less severe RVF, than patients with similarly severe valvulopathy who did not undergo annuloplasty [23]. A 2015 meta-analysis of six observational studies with a total of 3249 patients found no difference in survival or RVF rates in LVAD recipients who underwent concomitant tricuspid valve repair versus LVAD implantation alone [24]. We do not routinely perform tricuspid annuloplasty concomitantly with LVAD implantation at our institution.
Prevention: Postoperative
By the nature of their underlying disease, patients who undergo LVAD placement are uniformly high risk with regard to major cardiac surgery. Thus, they are particularly susceptible to intraoperative complications such as air embolus into the right coronary artery, aggressive transfusion of blood products, and ischemia and vasoplegia associated with prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass. Expeditious procedural times and paying scrupulous attention to intraoperative bleeding while limiting transfusion are imperative. Intraoperative transesophageal echocardiography (TEE ) is invaluable for optimizing cannula placement and initial pump speed.
On returning to the recovery unit, patients must be hemodynamically optimized. Acid-base status and electrolytes should be monitored and corrected as needed. Volume status should be assessed with invasive hemodynamic monitoring. We strive to maintain a CVP as low as can be hemodynamically tolerated through the aforementioned use of diuretics and, if needed, ultrafiltration.
Postoperative arrhythmia, while tolerated by the left ventricle, is a potential source of RV dysfunction. Patients who develop supraventricular or ventricular tachyarrhythmia should be aggressively treated with intravenous antiarrhythmics and, if necessary, synchronized cardioversion. A search should be undertaken for the underlying cause of the postoperative arrhythmia, such as high pump speeds with septal interference, suboptimal cannula positioning, electrolyte abnormalities, postoperative pericardial bleeding, or RV ischemia. Vasopressor administration should be minimized. The best time to resume tachytherapy in patients with defibrillators is not clear. We typically resume tachytherapy immediately; however, if a patient requires multiple defibrillations, adjustments may be required, including increasing the defibrillation threshold or turning off shocks altogether.
Echocardiographic guidance is necessary to optimize pump settings and, thus, hemodynamic conditions. We use intraoperative TEE to select initial device settings, and we obtain serial transthoracic echocardiograms in the early postoperative period to ensure that increases in pump speed are well tolerated. Although we frequently use ramp or “speed-change” studies to evaluate cardiac response to various pump speeds in patients with an LVAD, caution should be taken in performing such a study during the early postoperative period because high speeds may induce unnecessary RV strain. Consequently, we prefer to evaluate only one or two incrementally higher speeds, paying close attention to echocardiographic and invasive indicators of RV function.
The prophylactic use of pulmonary vasodilators after LVAD implantation in high-risk patients is appealing. The effects of inhaled nitric oxide in LVAD patients with elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) were explored in 2011 by Potapov et al. [25], who randomly assigned 150 patients with preoperative PVR greater than 200 dyn*s/cm−5 to receive either inhaled nitric oxide or placebo. Patients who received inhaled nitric oxide had less RV dysfunction, time on mechanical ventilation, and need for an RVAD than the placebo-treated patients, but these differences did not reach statistical significance. Whether prophylactic use of inhaled prostacyclins, such as epoprostenol and iloprost, may be protective has not been investigated in a placebo-controlled trial. One group that administered epoprostenol to 37 consecutive LVAD recipients found that it reduced pulmonary pressures whether it was initiated before or during weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass [26]. Whether this strategy improved clinical outcomes has yet to be determined. Despite the lack of high-quality evidence to support their use, we have a low threshold for initiating either inhaled nitric oxide or epoprostenol administration in patients who are perceived to be at high risk for RV dysfunction after LVAD placement.
In addition to targeted pulmonary vasodilators, cardiac inotropes are frequently used in the perioperative period to enhance RV support. Milrinone, a phosphodiesterase III inhibitor that increases cardiac inotropy and causes pulmonary and systemic vasodilation by increasing tissue levels of cAMP, has a particularly appealing hemodynamic profile. However, when not used selectively, intravenous milrinone can cause systemic hypotension. Inhaled milrinone has recently been explored as an alternative formulation that may not have this adverse effect. Haglund et al. [27] have described their experience with using inhaled milrinone in ten consecutive patients who underwent HeartMate II LVAD implantation. The authors note a reduction in pulmonary pressures and no episodes of sustained hypotension. In addition, institutional costs were significantly lower with the use of inhaled milrinone than with the use of inhaled nitric oxide. At our institution, LVAD patients frequently begin receiving intravenous milrinone, usually in conjunction with low-dose epinephrine, dobutamine, or both, on weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass. The adverse effects of these medications, including their proarrhythmic properties, are well-known; thus, the risks and benefits of their use in an individual patient should be continuously reassessed by using all available hemodynamic information.

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