Rhythms and Management

Chapter 3 Rhythms and Management

Section 1 Anatomy Review and Basic Electrophysiology

Coronary Arteries

The right coronary artery (RCA) originates from the right side of the aorta. It travels along the groove between the right atrium and right ventricle (Figure 3-1). Blockage of the RCA can result in inferior wall myocardial infarction (MI), disturbances in atrioventricular (AV) nodal conduction, or both.

The left coronary artery (LCA) originates from the left side of the aorta. The first segment of the LCA is called the left main coronary artery. The left main coronary artery supplies oxygenated blood to its two primary branches: the left anterior descending (LAD), which is also called the anterior interventricular artery, and the circumflex artery (Cx). Blockage of the left main coronary artery has been referred to as the widow maker because of its association with sudden cardiac arrest when occluded.

The major branches of the LAD are the septal and diagonal arteries. Blockage of the septal branch of the LAD can result in a septal MI. Blockage of the diagonal branch of the LAD can result in an anterior wall MI. Blockage of the LAD can also result in pump failure, intraventricular conduction delays, or both.

The Cx coronary artery circles around the left side of the heart. Blockage of the Cx artery can result in a lateral wall MI. In some patients, the Cx artery may also supply the inferior portion of the left ventricle. A posterior wall MI may occur because of blockage of the right coronary artery or the Cx. A summary of the coronary arteries is shown in Table 3-1.

TABLE 3-1 Coronary Arteries

Coronary Artery and Its Branches Portion of Myocardium Supplied Portion of Conduction System Supplied



AV, Atrioventricular; SA, sinoatrial.

* Percentage of population.

Basic Electrophysiology

Properties of Cardiac Cells

The heart has pacemaker cells that can generate an electrical impulse without being stimulated by a nerve. The ability of cardiac pacemaker cells to create an electrical impulse without being stimulated by another source is called automaticity. The heart’s normal pacemaker (the sinoatrial [SA] node) usually prevents other areas of the heart from assuming this function because its cells depolarize more rapidly than other pacemaker cells. Normal concentrations of sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+) are important in maintaining automaticity. Increased blood concentrations of these electrolytes decrease automaticity. Decreased concentrations of K+ and Ca2+ in the blood increase automaticity.

Cardiac muscle is electrically irritable because of an ionic imbalance across the membranes of cells. Excitability (irritability) is the ability of cardiac muscle cells to respond to an external stimulus, such as that from a chemical, mechanical, or electrical source. Conductivity is the ability of a cardiac cell to receive an electrical impulse and conduct it to an adjoining cardiac cell. All cardiac cells possess this characteristic. The intercalated disks present in the membranes of cardiac cells are responsible for the property of conductivity. They allow an impulse in any part of the myocardium to spread throughout the heart. The speed with which the impulse is conducted can be altered by factors such as sympathetic and parasympathetic stimulation and medications. Contractility is the ability of myocardial cells to shorten, thereby causing cardiac muscle contraction, in response to electrical stimulus. The heart normally contracts in response to an impulse that begins in the SA node. The strength of the heart’s contraction can be improved with certain medications, such as digitalis, dopamine, and epinephrine.

Cardiac Action Potential

In the normal heart, electrical activity occurs because of ionic changes that occur in the body’s cells. Human body fluids contain electrolytes, which are elements or compounds that break into charged particles (ions) when melted or dissolved in water or another solvent. The main electrolytes that affect the function of the heart are Na+, K+, Ca2+, and chloride (Cl). Electrolytes move about in body fluids and carry a charge, just as electrons moving along a wire conduct a current. The action potential of a cardiac cell reflects the rapid sequence of voltage changes that occur across the cell membrane during the electrical cardiac cycle. The configuration of the action potential varies depending on the location, size, and function of the cardiac cell.

Separated electrical charges of opposite polarity (positive vs. negative) have potential energy. The measurement of this potential energy is called voltage. Voltage is measured between two points in units of volts or millivolts.


In the body, ions spend a lot of time moving back and forth across cell membranes. As a result, a slight difference in the concentrations of charged particles across the membranes of cells is normal. Thus potential energy (voltage) exists because of the imbalance of charged particles. This imbalance makes the cells excitable.

Cell membranes contain pores or channels through which specific electrolytes and other small, water-soluble molecules can cross the cell membrane from the outside to the inside (Figure 3-2). When a cell is at rest, K+ leaks out of it. Large molecules such as proteins and phosphates remain inside the cell because they are too big to pass easily through the cell membrane. These large molecules carry a negative charge. This results in more negatively charged ions on the inside of the cell.

When the inside of a cell is more negative than the outside, it is said to be in a polarized state (Figure 3-3). The voltage (difference in electrical charges) across the cell membrane is the membrane potential. Electrolytes are quickly moved from one side of the cell membrane to the other by means of pumps. These pumps require energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) when movement occurs against a concentration gradient. The energy expended by the cells to move electrolytes across the cell membrane creates a flow of current. This flow of current is expressed in volts. Voltage appears on an ECG as spikes or waveforms. Thus an ECG is actually a sophisticated voltmeter.


For a pacemaker cell to “fire” (produce an impulse), a flow of electrolytes across the cell membrane must exist. When a cell is stimulated, the cell membrane changes and becomes permeable to Na+ and K+. Permeability refers to the ability of a membrane channel to allow passage of electrolytes once it is open. Na+ rushes into the cell through Na+ channels. This causes the inside of the cell to become more positive relative to the outside. A spike (waveform) is then recorded on the ECG. The stimulus that alters the electrical charges across the cell membrane may be electrical, mechanical, or chemical.

When opposite charges come together, energy is released. When the movement of electrolytes changes the electrical charge of the inside of the cell from negative to positive, an impulse is generated. The impulse causes channels to open in the next cell membrane and then the next. The movement of charged particles across a cell membrane causing the inside of the cell to become positive is called depolarization (Figure 3-4). Depolarization must take place before the heart can mechanically contract and pump blood. Depolarization occurs because of the movement of Na+ into the cell. Depolarization proceeds from the innermost layer of the heart (endocardium) to the outermost layer (epicardium).

An impulse normally begins in the pacemaker cells found in the SA node of the heart. A chain reaction occurs from cell to cell in the heart’s electrical conduction system until all the cells have been stimulated and depolarized. This chain reaction is a wave of depolarization. The chain reaction is made possible because of gap junctions that exist between the cells. Eventually the impulse is spread from the pacemaker cells to the working myocardial cells. The working myocardial cells contract when they are stimulated. When the atria are stimulated, a P wave is recorded on the ECG. Thus the P wave represents atrial depolarization. When the ventricles are stimulated, a QRS complex is recorded on the ECG. Thus the QRS complex represents ventricular depolarization.

Refractory Periods

Refractoriness is a term used to describe the period of recovery that cells need after being discharged before they are able to respond to a stimulus. In the heart, the refractory period is longer than the contraction itself.

During the absolute refractory period, the cell will not respond to further stimulation within itself. This means that the myocardial working cells cannot contract and the cells of the electrical conduction system cannot conduct an electrical impulse, no matter how strong the internal electrical stimulus. As a result, tetanic (sustained) contractions cannot be provoked in the cardiac muscle. On the ECG, the absolute refractory period corresponds with the onset of the QRS complex to the peak of the T wave.

During the relative refractory period, which is also known as the vulnerable period, some cardiac cells have repolarized to their threshold potential and thus can be stimulated to respond (i.e., depolarize) to a stronge-than-normal stimulus (Figure 3-7). This period corresponds with the downslope of the T wave on the ECG.

After the relative refractory period is a supranormal period. A weake-than-normal stimulus can cause cardiac cells to depolarize during this period. The supranormal period corresponds with the end of the T wave. Because the cell is more excitable than normal, dysrhythmias can develop during this period.

Conduction System

The specialized electrical (pacemaker) cells in the heart are arranged in a system of pathways called the conduction system. In the normal heart, the cells of the conduction system are interconnected. The conduction system makes sure that the chambers of the heart contract in a coordinated fashion. The pacemaker site with the fastest firing rate typically controls the heart.

Sinoatrial Node

The normal heartbeat is the result of an electrical impulse that begins in the SA node. The heart’s pacemaker cells have a built-in (intrinsic) rate that becomes slower and slower from the SA node down to the end of the His-Purkinje system. The intrinsic rate of the SA node is 60 to 100 beats/min. The SA node is normally the primary pacemaker because it depolarizes more quickly than other pacemaker sites in the heart (Figure 3-8). Other areas of the heart can assume pacemaker responsibility if:

The SA node is richly supplied by sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers. The fibers of the SA node directly connect with the fibers of the atria. As the impulse leaves the SA node, it is spread from cell to cell in wavelike form across the atrial muscle. As the impulse spreads, it stimulates the right atrium, the interatrial septum, and then the left atrium via Bachmann’s bundle, which is a small grouping of cells in the left atrium connected by one of four atrial conduction tracts. This results in contraction of the right and left atria at almost the same time.

Conduction through the AV node begins before atrial depolarization is completed. The impulse is spread to the AV node by three internodal pathways that consist of a mixture of working myocardial cells and specialized conducting fibers.

Atrioventricular Junction

The internodal pathways merge gradually with the cells of the AV node. Depolarization and repolarization are slow in the AV node, making this area vulnerable to blocks in conduction (AV blocks). The AV junction is made up of the AV node and the nonbranching portion of the bundle of His (Figure 3-9). This area consists of specialized conduction tissue that provides the electrical links between the atria and the ventricles. When the AV junction is bypassed by an abnormal pathway, the abnormal route is called an accessory pathway. An accessory pathway is an extra bundle of working myocardial tissue that forms a connection between the atria and the ventricles outside of the normal conduction system.

The Electrocardiogram

The ECG records the electrical activity of a large mass of atrial and ventricular cells as specific waveforms and complexes. The electrical activity within the heart can be observed by means of electrodes connected by cables to an ECG machine. Think of the ECG as a voltmeter that records the electrical voltages (potentials) generated by depolarization of the heart’s cells. The basic function of the ECG is to detect current flow as measured on the patient’s skin.

ECG monitoring may be used for the following purposes:


A lead is a record (i.e., tracing) of electrical activity between two electrodes. Each lead records the average current flow at a specific time in a portion of the heart. Leads allow for the viewing of the heart’s electrical activity in two different planes: frontal (coronal) and horizontal (transverse). A 12-lead ECG provides views of the heart in both the frontal and horizontal planes and views the surfaces of the left ventricle from 12 different angles. From this, ischemia, injury, and infarction affecting any area of the heart can be identified.

Frontal Plane Leads

Frontal plane leads view the heart from the front of the body as if it were flat. Directions in the frontal plane are superior, inferior, right, and left (Figure 3-11). Six leads view the heart in the frontal plane. Leads I, II, and III are called standard limb leads. Leads aVR, aVL, and aVF are called augmented limb leads.

Standard Limb Leads

Leads I, II, and III make up the standard limb leads. If an electrode is placed on the right arm, left arm, and left leg, three leads are formed. The positive electrode is located at the left arm in lead I, while leads II and III both have their positive electrode located at the left leg. The difference in electrical potential between the positive pole and its corresponding negative pole is measured by each lead.

Lead I records the difference in electrical potential between the left arm (+) and right arm (−) electrodes. The positive electrode is placed on the left arm and the negative electrode is placed on the right arm. The third electrode is a ground that minimizes electrical activity from other sources (Figure 3-12A). Lead I views the lateral surface of the left ventricle.

Lead II records the difference in electrical potential between the left leg (+) and right arm (−) electrodes. The positive electrode is placed on the left leg and the negative electrode is placed on the right arm (Figure 3-12B). Lead II views the inferior surface of the left ventricle. This lead is commonly used for cardiac monitoring because positioning of the positive and negative electrodes in this lead most closely resembles the normal pathway of current flow in the heart.

Lead III records the difference in electrical potential between the left leg (+) and left arm (−) electrodes. In lead III the positive electrode is placed on the left leg and the negative electrode is placed on the left arm (Figure 3-12C). Lead III views the inferior surface of the left ventricle. A summary of the standard limb leads can be found in Table 3-3.

Augmented Limb Leads

Leads aVR, aVL, and aVF are augmented limb leads that record measurements at a specific electrode with respect to a reference electrode. The electrical potential produced by the augmented leads is normally relatively small. The ECG machine augments (i.e., magnifies) the amplitude of the electrical potentials detected at each extremity by about 50% over those recorded at the standard limb leads. The “a” in aVR, aVL, and aVF refers to augmented. The “V” refers to voltage and the last letter refers to the position of the positive electrode. The “R” refers to the right arm, the “L” to left arm, and the “F” to left foot (leg). Therefore, the positive electrode in aVR is located on the right arm, aVL has a positive electrode at the left arm, and aVF has a positive electrode positioned on the left leg (Figure 3-13).

Lead aVR views the heart from the right shoulder (the positive electrode) and views the base of the heart (primarily the atria and the great vessels). This lead does not view any wall of the heart. Lead aVL combines views from the right arm and left leg, with the view being from the left arm and oriented to the lateral wall of the left ventricle. Lead aVF combines views from the right arm and the left arm toward the left leg; it views the inferior surface of the left ventricle from the left leg. A summary of augmented leads can be found in Table 3-4.

TABLE 3-4 Augmented Limb Leads

Lead Positive Electrode Heart Surface Viewed
aVR Right arm None
aVL Left arm Lateral
aVF Left leg Inferior

Horizontal Plane Leads

Horizontal plane leads view the heart as if the body were sliced in half horizontally. Directions in the horizontal plane are anterior, posterior, right, and left. Six chest (precordial or “V”) leads view the heart in the horizontal plane (Figure 3-14). This allows a view of the front and left side of the heart.

What Each Lead “Sees”1

Think of the positive electrode as an eye looking in at the heart. The part of the heart that each lead “sees” is determined by two factors. The first factor is the dominance of the left ventricle on the ECG and the second is the position of the positive electrode on the body. Because the ECG does not directly measure the heart’s electrical activity, it does not “see” all of the current flowing through the heart. What the ECG sees from its vantage point on the body’s surface is the net result of countless individual currents competing in a tug-of-war. For example, the QRS complex, which represents ventricular depolarization, is not a display of all the electrical activity occurring in the right and left ventricles. It is the net result of a tug-of-war produced by the many individual currents in both the right and left ventricles. Since the left ventricle is much larger than the right, the left overpowers it. What is seen in the QRS complex is the additional electrical activity of the left ventricle, that is, the portion that exceeds the right ventricle. Therefore, in a normally conducted beat, the QRS complex primarily represents the electrical activity occurring in the left ventricle.

The second factor, position of the positive electrode on the body, determines which portion of the left ventricle is seen by each lead. You can commit the view of each lead to memory, or you can easily reason it by remembering where the positive electrode is located. The view of each lead is listed in Table 3-7, while Figure 3-17 demonstrates the portion of the left ventricle that each lead views. Please note that aVR is not included in Table 3-7 or Figure 3-17.

TABLE 3-7 What Each Lead “Sees”

Leads Heart Surface Viewed
II, III, aVF Inferior
V1, V2 Septal
V3, V4 Anterior
I, aVL, V5, V6 Lateral

Electrocardiogram Paper

ECG paper is graph paper made up of small and large boxes measured in millimeters. The smallest boxes are 1 mm wide and 1 mm high (Figure 3-18). The horizontal axis of the paper corresponds with time. Time is used to measure the interval between or duration of specific cardiac events, which is stated in seconds. ECG paper normally records at a constant speed of 25 mm/second. Thus, each horizontal unit (i.e., each 1-mm box) represents 0.04 second (25 mm/sec × 0.04 second = 1 mm). The lines after every five small boxes on the paper are heavier. The heavier lines indicate one large box. Because each large box is the width of five small boxes, a large box represents 0.20 second.

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