The management of individual patients requiring anthracyclines remains challenging because uncertainty persists on predictors of cardiotoxicity. We aimed to perform a systematic review and meta-analysis on incidence and predictors of anthracycline chemotherapy in patients with cancer. Databases were searched for pertinent studies. Meta-analytic pooling with random-effects methods was performed for incidence estimates, while relying on descriptive statistics for prevalence and strength of association of predictors. From 16,054 retrieved citations, 18 studies reporting on 49,017 patients with cancer were included, with 22,815 treated with anthracyclines. After a median follow-up of 9 years, clinically overt cardiotoxicity occurred in 6% (95% confidence interval 3% to 9%), whereas subclinical cardiotoxicity developed in 18% (95% confidence interval 12% to 24%). Appraisal of independent risk factors of cardiotoxicity showed that cumulative anthracycline dose was most consistently reported as an accurate and robust predictor of cardiotoxicity, with an acceptable prognostic role also for chest radiotherapy, African-American ethnicity, very young or very old age, diabetes, hypertension, very high or very low body weight, or severe co-morbidities. In conclusion, despite ongoing refinements in chemotherapy regimens, anthracyclines still pose a significant risk of cardiotoxicity, especially in those requiring a high cumulative dose or chest radiotherapy.
Although cardiac dysfunction after chemotherapy is relatively infrequent compared with other adverse effects of chemotherapy, its prognostic implications are ominous. Anthracyclines have a well-known cardiotoxic effect, and several risk factors and modulators of anthracycline cardiotoxicity have been proposed; however, there is an ongoing debate on their real weight and independent role. Such uncertainty greatly undermines decision making because clinicians are unable to choose the most appropriate agent for the individual patient or tailor the intensity of noninvasive monitoring and clinical follow-up. Systematic reviews offer the opportunity of searching, appraising, and, when appropriate, combining data to increase statistical power and precision. We thus performed a systematic review focusing on incidence and predictors of anthracycline cardiotoxicity.
This systematic review was conducted by 2 independent reviewers (ML, GBZ) solving divergences after consensus, with piloting of search strategies and abstraction forms. It was reported in keeping with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines and was prospectively registered on .
Google Scholar, MEDLINE/PubMed, and SciVerse were searched for pertinent studies. Specifically, MEDLINE/PubMed was queried according to the following highly sensitive strategy: (doxorubicin OR anthracycline* OR epirubicin OR adriamycin) AND (cardiotoxic* OR (cardiac AND toxicit*)) AND (predict* OR independent* OR Prognosis/Broad[filter] OR Therapy/Broad[filter]) NOT (animal [mh] NOT human [mh]) NOT (comment[pt] OR editorial[pt] OR meta-analysis[pt] OR practice-guideline[pt] OR review[pt]).
Studies were first screened at the title/abstract level, and then retrieved in full text if considered potentially pertinent. They were then included if reporting on at least 200 patients of any age group, treated with any type of anthracycline, for any type of cancer, following patients for at least 6 months, and reporting on independent risk factors of clinical or subclinical cardiotoxicity. Thus, we excluded studies reporting on <200 patients, lacking multivariable analysis for predictors of cardiotoxicity, or duplicating previous reports. Notably, we chose a priori to discard studies that included <200 subjects because they were unlikely to provide valid and robust incidence and prognostic estimates, given established assumptions of multivariable analysis methods.
Full text of short-listed articles were systematically appraised abstracting the following items: first author, journal, year of publication, location, number of patients with cancer, number of patients with breast cancer, breakdown of cancer, age at diagnosis, number of patients aged <18 years, female gender, hypertension, previous myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, number of patients treated with anthracyclines, breakdown of anthracyclines, cumulative anthracycline dose, concomitant radiotherapy, use of liposomal doxorubicin, and use of trastuzumab. Clinical and subclinical cardiotoxicity were defined in keeping with the individual study definitions, but in general as clinical signs or symptoms of cardiac disease and systolic dysfunction at echocardiographic or nuclear scan, respectively. In addition, the rate of cardiovascular events or admissions, cardiac death, and all-cause death were appraised. The internal validity of the studies was appraised with the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.
Continuous data are reported as median (first to third quartiles) and categorical variables as n (%). In keeping with established methods, incidence estimates were pooled with a random-effects generic inverse variance approach, computing point summary estimates and 75% confidence intervals for statistical inference. Meta-regression was used to explore moderators of incidence estimates, with an inverse variance weighting method. Statistical inconsistency was appraised with I 2 , and small study effects were explored with visual inspection of funnel plots. Predictors were not subjected to formal meta-analysis because they were reported in incomplete fashion in most articles. Instead, we relied on descriptive statistical analysis only for them. Computations were performed with RevMan 5 (Cochrane Collaboration, Copenhagen, Denmark) and SPSS 19 (IBM, Armonk, New York).
The review flow is depicted in Figure 1 . From a total of 16,054 citations, 16,017 studies were excluded after initial screening, and 19 after retrieval as full text, leaving 18 studies ( Table 1 ). Included studies were published from 1979 to 2011, and enrolled a total of 49,017 patients with cancer, of whom 23,764 had breast cancer, and 22,815 receiving anthracyclines ( Tables 1 and 2 ). Overall study quality was satisfactory, although most studies stemmed from institutional databases and were retrospective ( Table 3 ).
First Author | Year | Location | Patients With Cancer | Setting | Patients With Breast Cancer |
Aleman | 2007 | Netherlands | 1,474 | Hodgkin lymphoma | 0 |
Andolina | 2010 | United States | 308 | Any tumor | 0 |
Brouwer | 2011 | Netherlands | 277 | Any tumor | 0 |
Dranitsaris | 2008 | Worldwide | 509 | Metastatic breast cancer | 509 |
Du | 2009 | United States | 19,478 | Nonmetastatic and metastatic breast cancer | 19,478 |
Hershman | 2008 | United States | 9,438 | Non-Hodgkin lymphoma | 0 |
Hudson | 2007 | United States | 278 | Any tumor | 0 |
Krischer | 1997 | United States | 6,493 | Any tumor | 0 |
Myrehaug | 2008 | Canada | 615 | Hodgkin lymphoma | 0 |
Ryberg | 2008 | Denmark | 1,097 | Metastatic breast cancer | 1,097 |
Sallan | 1984 | United States | 451 | Leukemia | 0 |
Schellong | 2010 | Europe | 1,132 | Hodgkin lymphoma | 0 |
Steinherz | 1991 | United States | 201 | Leukemia and solid tumors | 0 |
Swain | 2003 | United States | 630 | Metastatic breast cancer and small cell lung carcinoma | 459 |
Tan-Chiu | 2005 | United States | 1,664 | Nonmetastatic breast cancer | 1,664 |
van der Pal | 2010 | Netherlands | 514 | Any tumor | 0 |
Visscher | 2011 | Worldwide | 440 | Any tumor | 0 |
Von Hoff | 1979 | United States | 4,018 | Any tumor | 557 |
First Author | Patients Treated With Anthracyclines | Breakdown of Anthracyclines | Age at Diagnosis (yrs) | Patients <18 yrs (%) | Cumulative Dose (mg/m 2 ) | Women (%) |
Aleman | 434 | Any anthracycline | 26 | 18 | NA | 46 |
Andolina | 298 | Any anthracycline | 33 | 100 | NA | 44 |
Brouwer | 199 | Daunorubicin or doxorubicin | 9 | 100 | NA | 45 |
Dranitsaris | 509 | Doxorubicin or liposomal doxorubicin | 59 | 0 | 360 | 100 |
Du | 1,110 | Any anthracycline | 73 | 0 | NA | 100 |
Hershman | 3,164 | Doxorubicin in 100% | 76 | 0 | NA | 57 |
Hudson | 223 | Any anthracycline | 5 | 100 | 202 | 50 |
Krischer | 6,493 | Daunorubicin or doxorubicin | 6 | 100 | 250 | 37 |
Myrehaug | 381 | Doxorubicin in 100% | 29 | 20 | NA | 48 |
Ryberg | 1,097 | Epirubicin in 100% | 55 | 0 | 871 | 100 |
Sallan | 451 | Daunorubicin or doxorubicin | NA | 100 | NA | NA |
Schellong | 1,132 | Doxorubicin in 100% | 13 | 100 | 160 | 42 |
Steinherz | 201 | Daunorubicin or doxorubicin | 10 | 95 | 450 | NA |
Swain | 630 | Doxorubicin in 100% | 59 | 0 | NA | 88 |
Tan-Chiu | 1,664 | Doxorubicin in 100% | 48 | 0 | NA | 100 |
van der Pal | 371 | Any anthracycline | 9 | 100 | 250 | NA |
Visscher | 440 | Any anthracycline | 6 | 100 | 285 | 47 |
Von Hoff | 4,018 | Doxorubicin in 100% | 49 | 10 | NA | 41 |
First Author | Study Design | Data Source | Representativeness of the Exposed Cohort | Follow-up Length | Multivariate Analysis Approach |
Aleman | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Andolina | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Brouwer | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Dranitsaris | Retrospective | Post hoc analysis of RCT | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Du | Retrospective | Administrative database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Hershman | Retrospective | Administrative database | Adequate | Adequate | Inadequate |
Hudson | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Krischer | Retrospective | Cohort study | Inadequate | Inadequate | Adequate |
Myrehaug | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Ryberg | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Sallan | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Inadequate |
Schellong | Prospective | Post hoc analysis of RCT | Inadequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Steinherz | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Swain | Retrospective | Post hoc analysis of RCT | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Tan-Chiu | Prospective | Post hoc analysis of RCT | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
van der Pal | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Visscher | Retrospective | Cohort study | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
Von Hoff | Retrospective | Institutional database | Adequate | Adequate | Adequate |
∗ All other items of the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale were scored as adequate/low risk of bias.
After a median follow-up of 9 years the incidence of subclinical cardiotoxicity was 17.9% (11.6% to 24.2%, I 2 = 99%), whereas the incidence of clinically overt cardiotoxicity was 6.3% (3.2% to 9.3%, I 2 = 99%). Overall cardiovascular events occurred in 10.6% (3.5% to 17.6%, I 2 = 100%), with cardiac death in 0.4% (0% to 0.9%, I 2 = 72%), and all cause death, including cancer death, in 31.9% (3.7% to 60.2%, I 2 = 100%). When subclinical cardiotoxicity occurred, the most common approach was to envision other nonanthracycline agents unless clearly not indicated to avoid further cardiac injury, whereas when overt cardiotoxicity occurred, chemotherapy and radiotherapy were discontinued altogether, and symptomatic therapy for heart failure was initiated.
Meta-regression analysis disclosed that the risk of subclinical cardiotoxicity was positively associated with the year of publication (β = 1.118, p = 0.032), and follow-up duration (β = 1.814, p = 0.001), whereas it was negatively associated with the number of included patients (β = −0.003, p = 0.002) and number of included patients treated with anthracyclines (β = 0.003, p = 0.002). No statistically significant moderator of clinically overt cardiotoxicity was identified, but these and the previous findings should be viewed in light of the low statistical power and risk of ecological fallacy typical of meta-regression. Nonetheless, funnel plot inspection confirmed the presence of small study effects for the risk of both subclinical and clinical cardiotoxicity.
Comprehensive appraisal of independent risk factors of cardiotoxicity showed that cumulative anthracycline dose was most consistently reported as an accurate and robust predictor of cardiotoxicity, with an acceptable prognostic role for chest radiotherapy, African-American ethnicity, very young or very old age, diabetes, hypertension, very high or very low body weight, or severe co-morbidities as well. Conversely, the prognostic impact of other covariates, such as gender, appeared less consistent. Given multiplicative assumptions of odds ratios (i.e., additive assumption of logistic regression coefficients), it can be hypothesized that patients with ≥3 risk factors face a five- to sixfold increased risk of cardiotoxicity compared with patients with no risk factor.

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