Renovascular Disease

Renovascular Disease

John F. Setaro, MD, FACC, FSCAI

I. Introduction

This chapter aims to survey disorders of the renal vessels, with an emphasis on diagnosis and treatment of arterial disease (medical, transcatheter, surgical), as well as to review novel catheter-based techniques (such as renal sympathetic denervation) designed to treat multidrug-resistant hypertension and other circulatory conditions.

Renovascular disease, often termed renal artery stenosis, is typically of atherosclerotic origin and is a relatively frequent finding, particularly in the older population who may have concomitant atherosclerotic disease in other vascular distributions. Yet most structural renovascular disease that may be visible angiographically does not cause hypertension (renovascular hypertension) or renal ischemia as large angiographic series have demonstrated, with recent major trial evidence showing that optimized medical therapy rather than mechanical intervention may be appropriate in most cases. However, a subset of individuals who have resistant hypertension,1 advancing renal dysfunction (especially with bilateral disease),2 or flash pulmonary edema should be identified and treated by revascularization.3

II. Anatomic Considerations

In most cases, there is a single renal artery bilaterally (typically 5-7 mm diameter), with origins at the L1-L2 level of the aorta, each dividing into segmental, lobar, interlobar, arcuate, and interlobular branches.4 In a minority of cases, anatomic variations may include dual renal arteries, accessory renal arteries, or early segmental branching renal arteries.5 When the main renal artery is occluded, potential collateral sources (intercostal, lumbar, internal iliac, and adrenal arteries) may provide immediate viability but not long-term preservation of functioning renal mass.4,6

III. Pathophysiologic Factors and Natural History

  • A. Systemic Hypertension Caused by Renovascular Disease The mechanism of systemic hypertension caused by renovascular disease was first elucidated in 1934 through Goldblatt’s experimental renal artery clamping models7 and is founded upon reduced renal perfusion pressure leading to activation of the renin-angiotensin system with consequent release of serum renin and angiotensin II. Renin is released in response to diminished perfusion pressure at the juxtaglomerular apparatus of the afferent renal arterioles and in response to reduced sodium and chloride delivery to the macula densa segment of the ascending loop of Henle.8 In turn, systemic vasoconstriction, sympathetic activation, and aldosterone-mediated depression of sodium excretion with consequent volume expansion will follow.

  • B. Pulmonary Congestion

    • 1. These pathologic adaptations can promote sudden pulmonary congestion (flash pulmonary edema) and may exacerbate myocardial ischemia in vulnerable individuals. Locally, efferent arteriolar constriction governed by release of angiotensin II acts as a compensatory response favoring continued renal perfusion and explains why in the
      setting of significant bilateral disease (or unilateral disease in a uninephric individual), there will be a rise in serum creatinine when antihypertensive pharmacologic inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system are used. On the other hand, when unilateral disease is present, inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system may be very useful in controlling hypertension (caused by activation of the renin-angiotensin system in renovascular hypertension), without a rise in serum creatinine, provided that the contralateral kidney is healthy and that functional renal mass is preserved.9

    • 2. The abnormal vasoconstricted as well as volume-expanded pathophysiologic state of true renovascular hypertension highlights the importance of combined vasodilator and diuretic therapy for pharmacologic management.8

  • C. Late Renal Ischemia and Dysfunction It is interesting to consider that late renal ischemia and dysfunction may be founded upon several factors beyond simple reduced arterial blood flow, given that the kidney has relatively minimal oxygen requirements.10,11 These extraischemic factors may encompass direct hypertensive injury to both ischemic and unaffected kidney, distal atheroembolic phenomena, and the generation of angiotensin II-based profibrotic mediators (transforming growth factor-beta [TGF-β], nuclear factor-kB, and platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF]).4,12,13 Restoring renal artery blood flow alone through relief of stenosis may not be enough to reverse many of these late changes.14

  • D. Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

    • 1. The progressive nature of atherosclerotic renovascular disease is underscored by several series that showed significant rates of progression of stenosis as well as occlusion by angiography or duplex ultrasound: progression in 44% of individuals and occlusion in 16% at 4 years,15 progression in 11% of individuals at 2.6 years,16 and progression in 35% of individuals at 3 years and 52% at 5 years (49% at 3 y if the baseline stenosis was >60%).17

    • 2. Untreated severe disease with reduced renal blood flow may lead to the ischemic loss of functioning renal mass and has been linked to greater degree of stenosis and higher blood pressure.18 In a second series, at 1 year there was at least a 1.0 cm reduction in kidney size in 13% of subjects with unilateral disease and in 43% of subjects who had bilateral disease.19

    • 3. Overall, renovascular disease is a marker for poor long-term outcomes,20 with far worse five-year survival in a recently surveyed community congestive heart failure cohort when compared with those subjects free of renovascular disease.21

IV. Clinical Presentations

  • A. Literature The medical literature supports a significant association between renovascular disease (typically defined as structural anatomic lesions greater than 50% stenosis diameter) and classical Framingham atherosclerotic risk factors (smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, age), as well as aortic and peripheral vascular disease (38%)
    and coronary artery disease (6.3%-23%), with a 7% prevalence of renovascular disease in the general older population.3,4,22,23 A correlation has been noted between renovascular disease and two- to three-vessel coronary artery disease.24 Longitudinal studies support the progressive nature of renovascular disease as noted above, especially when lesions are initially found to be severe, but it has been pointed out correctly that most of these retrospective as well as prospective series predate the inception of ideal medical therapies (aspirin, clopidogrel and other novel antiplatelet compounds, statins, modern antihyperglycemic agents, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone inhibitors) and lifestyle interventions (diet and weight control, exercise, sodium restriction, and smoking cessation).4 This observation also sheds light on why optimized medical therapy has proved equally effective as revascularization in the most recent randomized prospective trials.25 Presence and severity of renovascular disease is also associated with all-cause long-term mortality, likely reflecting the adverse implications of generalized systemic atherosclerotic vascular disease.26

  • B. Population The true prevalence of renovascular hypertension is less than 1% in the general population but may be much higher in states of resistant hypertension27,28,29 or in the presence of other suggestive clinical features listed below (7.3% of 837 of such patients had at least a 70% stenosis of one or both renal arteries).30,31 Clinical indicators of physiologically significant renovascular disease include (1) multidrug-resistant hypertension1,32 or malignant hypertension (Grade III or IV Keith-Wagener retinal changes [hemorrhages and exudates, papilledema, respectively] have been associated) or the rapid acceleration of previously well-regulated hypertension,33 (2) disparity in renal size or the presence of an atrophic (ischemic) kidney, (3) rise in serum creatinine following administration of inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system (suggesting bilateral disease or unilateral disease in single kidney), or (4) sudden unexplained pulmonary edema or medically refractory angina pectoris. Onset of hypertension at a very young or a very old age may also provide a clue to significant renovascular disease (Table 8.1). The finding of a systolic and diastolic abdominal bruit radiating to the flank may be of contributory interest, yet as a physical sign lacks high sensitivity or specificity for the diagnosis of physiologically significant renovascular disease.

TABLE 8.1. Clinical Indicators Favoring a Search for Renovascular Hypertension

Onset of severe hypertension at extremes of age

Loss of regulation of previously well-controlled hypertension

Multidrug-resistant hypertension

Tobacco use

Atherosclerotic disease in multiple vascular distributions

Unexplained new renal impairment

Unexplained flash pulmonary edema

Refractory angina

Malignant hypertension, including retinal hemorrhages, exudates, and papilledema

Disparity in kidney size

Rise in serum creatinine after inception of renin-angiotensin system-inhibiting therapy

V. Atherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

  • A. It is estimated that atherosclerotic disease underlies renal artery stenosis in 90% of cases.27 Nonatherosclerotic causes, the most frequent being fibromuscular dysplasia, are reviewed below. In most cases, the presence of structural atherosclerotic renovascular disease is not the cause of hypertension (renovascular hypertension) or ischemia of the kidney, and historically most catheter-based revascularizations that were performed without good evidence favoring true renovascular hypertension did not afford benefit.34 In parallel with this observation, recent trial evidence, presented below, indicates that patients who have well controlled hypertension and normal renal function should be treated conservatively. Yet resistant hypertension, flash pulmonary edema, or progressive renal impairment with renal ischemia (especially in the context of bilateral disease), may require revascularization, thus improving clinical management and preventing the need for renal replacement therapy.35,36

  • B. Because there is considerable clinical overlap among states of (1) essential hypertension, (2) renovascular hypertension, (3) anatomic renal artery stenosis, (4) diabetic nephropathy, and (5) chronic renal impairment, methods of assessing the functional significance of anatomic renal artery disease will assume importance, as noted below.37,38 Alternatively, although proteinuria is a feature in many forms of renal disease including ischemia, renal disease unrelated to stenosis may be reflected in an active urinary sediment (typically acellular in the setting of renal ischemia).4,39 Additionally, elevated creatinine in the setting of unilateral stenotic disease suggests nonstenotic etiologies because a single remaining healthy contralateral kidney that is well perfused will maintain a normal creatinine value.27 However, a rapid rise in serum creatinine may portend a better result postrevascularization, suggesting reversibility.4,33 Of note, a group of investigators has reported a 24% prevalence of severe atherosclerotic renovascular disease in end-stage renal disease patients being considered for dialysis.40

VI. Nonatherosclerotic Renovascular Disease

  • A. Fibromuscular Dysplasia

    • 1. The most common cause of nonatherosclerotic renovascular disease is fibromuscular dysplasia, often seen in younger women who are hypertensive yet otherwise free of classic atherosclerotic risk factors. One-third of cases of renal artery fibromuscular dysplasia are bilateral, and there is a familial component as well as a genetic association with polymorphisms of the renin-angiotensin system, specifically higher frequency of the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) I allele.41 It has been proposed that, because this allele is linked to lower circulating levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme and possibly lower tissue levels of angiotensin II (which regulates vascular smooth muscle growth and synthetic activity), the presence of the I allele may foster abnormal remodeling of the arterial media thus promoting fibromuscular dysplasia.41

    • 2. Unlike the atherosclerotic lesion which classically involves the aorta and ostium and proximal renal artery, a fibromuscular dysplastic stenosis tends to show a beaded
      appearance (reflecting the tissue webs or baffles that restrict blood flow), and resides in the distal two-thirds of the main renal artery or its principal branches42 (Fig. 8.1).

    • 3. As distinct from atherosclerotic renovascular disease, fibromuscular dysplasia rarely progresses to total occlusion or ischemic nephropathy. In addition to predilection for young females, fibromuscular dysplastic renovascular disease has been linked to tobacco consumption, alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, use of ergotamine or methysergide, pheochromocytoma, type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, cystic medial necrosis, Alport syndrome, neurofibromatosis, and coarctation of the aorta.43 This species of renovascular disease responds well to simple balloon angioplasty and exhibits durable results, without the need for intra-arterial stent placement44 (Figs. 8.1, 8.2, 8.3).

  • B. Other Rare Nonatherosclerotic Forms of Renovascular Disease Other rare nonatherosclerotic forms of renovascular disease include vasculitis, neurocutaneous syndromes such as neurofibromatosis, Takayasu arteritis, aneurysms, congenital or posttraumatic arteriovenous fistulae, congenital bands, postradiation changes, spontaneous dissection, thromboembolization (typically cardiac in origin, from atrial fibrillation), atheroembolization, steal syndrome in the setting of celiac axis occlusion, or the vascular compressive effects of large renal cysts, pheochromocytoma, retroperitoneal fibrosis, or posttraumatic external scarring (Page kidney).37,45 Regarding renal artery thromboembolization, there is scant experience reported in the literature describing catheter-based techniques for renal reperfusion, for instance local thrombolysis. Posttransplant renal vasculopathy, often appearing within 1 year of transplant, presents with renal impairment, hypertension, and circulatory congestion and is best managed with angioplasty and stenting.46

FIGURE 8.1: Renovascular disease: Fibromuscular dysplasia. Diagnostic angiography using a 5F internal mammary artery catheter to inject the right renal artery in a 67-year-old female patient who demonstrated three-drug-resistant hypertension. Procedure was conducted via the right common femoral artery. There is a slight inferior angulation to the origin of the right renal artery. Note the beaded appearance of the mid-vessel consistent with fibromuscular dysplasia. Courtesy of Jeptha P. Curtis MD.

FIGURE 8.2: Renovascular disease: Fibromuscular dysplasia. Following administration of 7000-u unfractionated heparin, using a telescoping technique, a 7F renal double curve sheath guide was advanced over the 5F internal mammary artery catheter. Following the finding of a 15 mm Hg mean gradient across the stenotic region, angioplasty was performed using a 4.0 mm then a 5.0 mm balloon to a maximum pressure of 6 atm.

FIGURE 8.3: Renovascular disease: Fibromuscular dysplasia. Completion angiogram shows favorable result, revealing <20% residual stenosis. Subsequent clinical course is noteworthy for minimization of antihypertensive regimen and good preservation of renal function.

Feb 27, 2020 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Renovascular Disease

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