Radionuclide Angiography

Fig. 10.1
Screen shot obtained at end-diastole demonstrating LAO (upper left), anterior (upper right) and lateral (lower left) planar projections. Regional wall motion is also displayed in the LAO image


Fig. 10.2
Case 1 (see text for details)

Data Interpretation

The findings obtained from an RNA scan should be interpreted and reported in a systematic way. The essential components are: [2]

  1. (a)

    Cardiac Morphology: Size, orientation, and morphology of various cardiac chambers, ventricular wall thickness, as well as the pericardial silhouette, which may all, be evaluated subjectively and reported. When measured, absolute volumes may be included.


  2. (b)

    Systolic Ventricular function: All LV segments should be assessed qualitatively and global LV function should be compared to calculated EF. Reprocessing may be necessary, if there are discrepancies with measurements. Abnormalities should be reported as mild, moderate or severe, hypokinesia, dyskinesia, or akinesia. It is optional to report diastolic filling indices or systolic emptying indices.


  3. (c)

    Stress images: These should be displayed side-by-side to the rest images in cinematic mode. Baseline, peak and recovery LVEF should be reported as well as any alteration in regional wall motion, RV and LV function and volumes. Cardiac morphology should be reported in a similar way as in a rest study.

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Nov 3, 2017 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Radionuclide Angiography

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