Pulmonary Angiography

Pulmonary Angiography

Kyung J. Cho, MD


The imaging modalities including ventilation-perfusion scan, computed tomography angiography (CTA), and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) now provide much of the diagnostic information that can be derived from pulmonary angiography with less risk and at lower cost.1,2,3,4,5 At the same time the number and variety of vascular interventional procedures in the pulmonary vasculature have increased moderately. On balance, the total number of pulmonary angiography performed for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) has decreased with the introduction of contrast-enhanced CT, whereas the number of cases for intervention has significantly increased. Pulmonary angiography is generally requested only when pulmonary arterial vascular lesions are suspected or necessary information about the pulmonary arterial vasculature cannot be obtained by CTA or MRA. Pulmonary angiography is performed for the diagnosis of PE, to evaluate the etiology of pulmonary hypertension, to assess the extent and anatomy of the chronic PE before surgical intervention, before pulmonary catheter embolectomy and/or catheter-directed thrombolysis for massive or submissive PE, and for the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary artery aneurysms and pseudoaneurysms, and arteriovenous malformations. This chapter (atlas) reviews the vascular anatomy as well as the techniques of pulmonary angiography and intervention in the diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary arterial vascular disease.


The main pulmonary artery arises from the conus of the right ventricle, commencing at the pulmonic valve. It courses 4 to 5 cm posterosuperiorly before dividing into the right and left pulmonary arteries (FIGURE 12.1). The right pulmonary artery courses horizontally, passing anterior to the right main stem bronchus and posterior to the ascending aorta and superior vena cava (SVC). The right upper lobe branch arises before reaching the right hilum and divides into the 3 segmental upper lobe arteries (apical, anterior, and posterior segmental). After the takeoff of the upper lobe artery, the pulmonary artery becomes pars interlobaris until the origin of the middle lobe artery (medial and lateral segmental). The artery then divides into 4 basal segmental branches (anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior basal) and superior segmental branch (FIGURE 12.2). Left pulmonary artery is a direct posterior continuation of the main pulmonary artery, crossing over the left main stem bronchus and gives rise to 3 segmental branches to the upper lobe and 2 lingular segmental branches (superior and inferior segmental). It then gives rise to 4 lower lobe basal segmental (anterior, medial, lateral, and posterior basal) and superior segmental branch (FIGURE 12.3).

Thorough understanding of the segmental anatomy of the lung is important in the performance and interpretation of ventilation and perfusion scan, CTA, and pulmonary angiography for the diagnosis of PE. When performing pulmonary arteriography, oblique views are recommended for optimal visualization of the pulmonary arterial vasculature.

FIGURE 12.1 Intravenous (IV) DSA showing SVC, right atrium (RA), tricuspid valve (longer arrow), right ventricle (RV), pulmonic valve (shorter arrow), pulmonary artery (PA), right and left pulmonary arteries.

FIGURE 12.2 Right pulmonary arteriogram. A, Right pulmonary DSA (30° RAO). B, Right pulmonary DSA (40° LAO). RPA, right pulmonary artery; RUL, right upper lobe artery; A, apical segmental; P, posterior segmental; Ant, anterior segmental; ML, right middle lobe artery; AB, anterior basal; LB, lateral basal; MB, medial basal; PB, posterior basal, S, superior segmental.

FIGURE 12.3 A, Left pulmonary arteriogram (RAO). B, Left pulmonary arteriogram (LAO). LPA, left pulmonary artery; AP, apical posterior; A, anterior segmental; LS, lingular; LI, lingular inferior; S, superior segmental; PB, posterior basal; LB, lateral basal; AMB, anteromedial basal.


All prior images of the lungs should be reviewed before starting the procedure. Digital subtraction techniques are used in pulmonary angiography.6 Conventional film-screen imaging techniques are no longer used. Selective and superselective catheterization of the pulmonary artery and the magnification technique are used. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) is performed using a dilute nonionic contrast medium (240 or 270 mg iodine/mL).

Before the procedure, the operator explains the potential risks and benefits of the procedure and availability of alternative tests to the patient, and obtains a written consent. On the day of the procedure, the patient is allowed to take fluids by mouth, and an intravenous line is placed to hydrate the patient. A mild sedative and an analgesic are given 30 minutes before and during the
procedure. During the procedure, electrocardiogram, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation are monitored. Pulmonary angiography can be safely performed as an outpatient procedure. After completion of the procedure, the patient is observed in a radiology recovery room for 2 hours, and ambulation begins. The patient is discharged with an attendant. The attendant is advised to stay with the patient until the following morning and instructed to take certain measures if a complication arises. The patients from the medical intensive care units are usually intubated and attended by the nurse.

Pulmonary Artery Catheterization

Pulmonary angiography is performed using the percutaneous technique. The veins used for pulmonary angiography are the femoral, antecubital or basilic, and internal jugular veins. Of these, the femoral approach is preferable. The puncture site is prepared and draped using the sterile technique and anesthetized with 1% or 2% xylocaine. A small skin incision is made below the inguinal ligament. The common femoral vein is punctured using an 18-gauge double-wall puncture needle, or a 19- or 21-gauge single-wall puncture needle under ultrasound guidance. If ultrasound equipment is not available, the femoral vein is punctured just medial to the femoral artery pulse at the groin crease. When the needle is introduced into the vein, the guide wire is inserted through the needle into the inferior vena cava (IVC), and a diagnostic catheter such as a 5, 6, or 7-Fr pulmonary artery catheter is introduced over the guide wire through a 7 or 8-Fr introducer. The commonly used catheters for pulmonary artery angiography are 7-Fr APC (Cook Medical Inc., Bloomington, IN) and 7-Fr Mont 1 Torcon NB Advantage Catheter (Cook Medical Inc., Bloomington, IN) (FIGURE 12.4).

When the catheter is in the right atrium, a right atrial pressure is measured. The pulmonary catheter is passed through the tricuspid valve just above the diaphragm into the right ventricle where it is turned clockwise while advancing it cephalad toward the pulmonary outflow tract (FIGURE 12.1). The catheter will likely be passed into the left pulmonary artery, and pulmonary artery pressure is measured. If this maneuver fails, a 0.035-inch Safe-T-J guide wire (Cook Medical Inc., Bloomington, IN) is advanced through the catheter positioned in the right ventricle into the pulmonary artery, and over the wire the catheter is advanced. If the catheter is advanced in the cephalic portion of the right atrium, it may be passed into the left atrium via patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect, and then into the left pulmonary vein (FIGURE 12.5). When the catheter is advanced from the antecubital or jugular vein, the pigtail portion will likely pass through the tricuspid valve and right ventricle into the pulmonary outflow tract. If this maneuver fails, a 0.035-inch Safe-T-J guide wire is advanced through the pulmonary catheter into the pulmonary artery.

FIGURE 12.4 Two commonly used catheters for pulmonary angiography: 7-Fr APC (left) and 7-Fr MONT 1 (right) (Cook Medical, Bloomington, IN).

FIGURE 12.5 Inadvertent cannulation of the left pulmonary vein during pulmonary artery catheterization from the right femoral vein. A, The catheter was passed through patent foramen ovale or atrial septal defect into the left atrium, and then into the left pulmonary vein (longer arrow). Contrast medium injection fills the left atrium where flow defect from right pulmonary vein is seen (shorter arrow). B, Pulmonary angiogram (venous phase) shows the catheter in the pulmonary artery (longer arrow), left atrium (LA), pulmonary veins (2 shorter arrows), and the aorta (AO). The pulmonary artery catheter shows a more vertical and superior course than the catheter positioned in the left pulmonary vein of “A.”

The presence of a properly placed IVC filter does not necessarily preclude a transfemoral approach. A straight or J-tipped guide wire is passed through the filter and over the wire the catheter is advanced through the filter into the pulmonary artery. A long sheath is placed across the filter to prevent filter dislodgment during pulmonary artery catheterization and intervention.

When congenital anomaly of the IVC or SVC is present, the catheterization of the pulmonary artery can be difficult, and an alternative route should be used. When the guide wire does not pass through the expected course of the IVC or SVC, contrast medium is injected to identify the anomaly such as IVC interruption with azygos continuation (FIGURE 12.6). For selective pulmonary artery catheterization, an alternative route such as antecubital or jugular vein access is used. Understanding of the anomalous venous anatomy of the thorax is also important in pulmonary artery catheterization. When both the IVC and SVC is not available owing to its occlusion, percutaneous transhepatic hepatic venous access is used for pulmonary artery catheterization, angiography, and intervention.

FIGURE 12.6 IVC interruption with azygos continuation in a 52-year-old woman with suspected PE. A, Contrast medium injection in the azygos vein (AP) shows the azygos vein (arrow) opening into the SVC. Right atrium, right ventricle, and pulmonary arteries are visualized. B, Contrast injection in the azygos vein (LAO). The dilated azygos vein (arrow) enters the posterior aspect of SVC.

Injection Factors and Imaging Methods

Pulmonary DSA begins with the injection into the pulmonary artery on the side of perfusion defect on ventilation/perfusion scan or CTA. When the catheter is positioned in the pulmonary artery, 5 cc of contrast medium is injected into the pulmonary artery under fluoroscopic control to estimate the blood flow of the artery being injected. If pulmonary artery pressure is normal, contrast medium should be injected at a rate that approximates as closely as possible the rate of
blood flow in the artery being opacified. In general, the injection rate for a normal pulmonary artery is 25 cc per second for 2 seconds for a total contrast volume of 50 cc. In the patient with pulmonary hypertension (pulmonary artery pressure of >50 mmHg) and decreased pulmonary artery blood flow, the injection rate is decreased to 15 cc/s for 2 to 3 seconds for a total volume of 30 to 45 cc. Imaging is acquired with the frame rate of 6 exposures per second using the magnification technique while the patient’s breath is held in deep inspiration. The following oblique projections are used: 30° RAO and 40° LAO for right pulmonary arteriography; 40° LAO and 50° RAO for left pulmonary arteriography (FIGURES 12.2 and 12.3). Superselective angiography with the magnification technique is used for the evaluation of segmental and subsegmental arteries and pulmonary vascular abnormalities including pulmonary artery aneurysms, pseudoaneurysms, and pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVMs).

FIGURE 12.7 Massive PE in a patient with severe dyspnea and hypotension. He was treated with systemic tPA infusion and vasopressors. A, CTA showing a large occlusive embolus in right pulmonary artery (arrow). B, Left pulmonary DSA (10 cc/s × 2) showing complete occlusion of right pulmonary artery (arrow) and multiple central embolic occlusion of left pulmonary arteries (shorter arrows) with large perfusion defects. C, The venous phase of the left pulmonary arteriogram showing retrograde filling of the right pulmonary veins (arrow) because of right pulmonary artery occlusion. The patient developed cardiac arrest following pulmonary angiography.

DSA has become the standard imaging technique for pulmonary angiography and it has replaced cut film angiography.6 The technical ability to record radiographic images digitally has allowed image manipulation and various display on monitors. Respiratory motion is a significant problem in pulmonary DSA. Motion between the baseline images (mask image) and the contrast image markedly degrades the digital information obtained. If the patient cannot hold his or her breath in full inspiration, additional mask images (precontrast images) are obtained to choose a suitable mask to reduce motion artifacts. Remasking, pixel shifting, and nonsubtraction image display help correct for misregistration, and thus improve the image quality.

Risks and Contraindications

The major complication of pulmonary angiography was reported in the Prospective Investigation of Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis (PIOPED), which reported the value of ventilation/perfusion scans in acute PE.7 The complications include death (0.5%) and major nonfatal complications (1%), renal failure requiring dialysis (0.3%) and hematoma requiring transfusion (0.2%). The risks of pulmonary DSA are generally low and allow its performance for outpatients. There are no absolute contraindications to pulmonary angiography. The risk of complications increases with severe pulmonary hypertension, allergy to iodinated contrast medium, renal insufficiency, left bundle branch block, severe congestive heart failure, or massive PE (FIGURE 12.7).

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