Proceedings of the Editorial Board Meeting of The American Journal of Cardiology on March 15, 2015

The annual American Journal of Cardiology ( AJC ) editorial board meeting was held on March 15, 2015, at the time of the Annual Scientific Sessions of the American College of Cardiology in San Diego, California. The major purposes of the meeting are to bring the board members up to date on activities during the previous year and to thank them for reviewing manuscripts. The meeting began with a discussion by the new publisher, Ms. Joan Anuels, who described several initiatives that Elsevier has introduced during the past year for many of the journals, including the AJC . Mr. Brian Jenkins, also of Elsevier, discussed some upcoming supplements planned for 2015. The following editorial matters were then discussed:

  • 1)

    Introduction of new 2014 editorial board members ( Table 1 ). These new board members, most of whom I do not know personally, have been appointed to the board because of supplying excellent and timely reviews for the journal during recent times. We are always looking for good prompt reviewers so suggestions are always welcomed. The proven non-board reviewers are the obvious ones to replace “resting” board members, a number of whom were replaced in 2014.

    Table 1

    New board members 2014

    Olivier François Bertrand Danny Chu
    Eugene H. Chung Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
    Roberto Elosua Dmitriy N. Feldman
    Gemma Figtree Akira Fujiki
    Philip Green Matthew E. Harinstein
    Thomas Kahan Tomoko Sugiyama Kato
    Malte Kelm Miklos David Kertai
    Alexander Mazur Robert John Mentz
    Roger M. Mills Gjin Ndrepepa
    Giampaolo Niccoli Parin J. Patel
    Augusto Pichard Fadi N. Salloum

  • 2)

    AJC board members reviewing the most manuscripts in 2014 ( Table 2 ). These board members will receive a certificate from the publisher indicating their top performance during 2014.

    Table 2

    Top AJC Board Reviewers in 2014

    Monty M. Bodenheimer James C. Blankenship
    Akira Fujiki Matthew E. Harinstein
    Malte Kelm Lars Berglund
    Danny Chu Eugene H. Chung
    Marc Cohen Fabrizio D’Ascenzo
    Stephen P. Glasser Donald Carey Harrison
    Tomoko Sugiyama Kato Roger M. Mills
    Gjin Ndrepepa

  • 3)

    Manuscripts submitted to the AJC in 2014 . A total of 3,057 manuscripts were submitted in 2014: 14 were withdrawn and a total of 670 (22%) were accepted. Of the 3,036 submitted and not withdrawn, 930 came from the USA and 356 (38%) were accepted; 2,106 were submitted from non-USA countries and 314 (15%) were accepted. The non-USA countries submitting the most manuscripts in 2014 were China (382), Japan (258), Italy (251), Turkey (113), Korea (107), Spain (86), Canada (76), France (72), Germany (70), United Kingdom (62), Israel (59), and The Netherlands (59). Fifty-one other countries submitted a total of 511 manuscripts. The acceptance rate among them ranged from 0% to 45%.

  • 4)

    Numbers of manuscripts submitted and published in the AJC 1983-2014 (32 years) during the present editorship ( Table 3 ). During these 32 full years 69,640 manuscripts were submitted and 22,191 were accepted. The acceptance rate has declined significantly in recent years. The reason the acceptance rate is as high as it is is because most manuscripts are shortened considerably and therefore space exists to publish more manuscripts. Subheadings, for example, are not used in the methods, results and discussion portions, and that saves space, and references, except in reviews, are limited to no more than 30. The AJC publishes more manuscripts each year than any other cardiology journal in the world.

    Table 3

    Number of manuscripts submitted and published in the AJC (1983-2014) (32 Years)

    Year Number of Manuscripts Submitted Number of Manuscripts Published or Accepted Percentage Accepted
    1983 1,234 643 52%
    1984 1,605 747 46%
    1985 1,707 645 38%
    1986 1,574 616 39%
    1987 1,525 695 46%
    1988 1,496 636 42%
    1989 1,740 699 40%
    1990 1,717 662 38%
    1991 1,615 680 42%
    1992 1,873 664 35%
    1993 1,997 619 31%
    1994 1,783 604 34%
    1995 1,844 668 36%
    1996 1,930 701 36%
    1997 1,898 768 40%
    1998 1,992 631 31%
    1999 2,170 703 32%
    2000 2,226 630 28%
    2001 2,068 682 33%
    2002 2,171 683 31%
    2003 2,190 783 36%
    2004 2,109 842 39%
    2005 2,661 984 37%
    2006 3,061 653 21%
    2007 3,184 710 22%
    2008 2,888 709 25%
    2009 2,864 728 25%
    2010 2,893 684 24%
    2011 2,951 702 24%
    2012 2,713 685 25%
    2013 2,904 665 23%
    2014 3,057 (5%↑) 670 22%
    Total 69,640 22,191 32%

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Nov 30, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Proceedings of the Editorial Board Meeting of The American Journal of Cardiology on March 15, 2015

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