Age (mean, years)
Sex (F/M)
Dimension (mean, cm)
Symptoms (n°, %)
Abdominal pain
Abdominal mass
Abdominal distension
syndrome nausea/vomiting
163 (54)
43 (14.2)
18 (5.9)
17 (5.6)
11 (3.6)
11 (3.6)
8 (2.6)
Incidentaloma (n°, %)
26 (8.6)
IVC segment (n°, %)
I + II
52 (17.2)
146 (48.5)
19 (6.3)
31 (10.2)
21 (6.9)
18 (5.9)
Preoperative diagnostics
Abdominal US
PET scan
197 (65.4)
85 (28.2)
72 (23.9)
36 (11.9)
15 (4.9)
11 (3.6)
Preoperative biopsy
191 (63.4)
3.5 Diagnostics
The role of imaging in the management of IVCLMS concerns diagnosis, preoperative planning, and detection of recurrences and metastases. IVCLMS is often an unexpected finding on imaging due to the tumor rarity and the absence of symptoms and signs of IVC compression. However, at presentation nearly half of the patients shows distant metastases to the liver and lungs.
A recent study by Ganeshalingam et al. suggests that contrast-enhanced CT scan (CECTS) is a sensitive tool in the diagnosis and follow-up of IVCLMS, delineating the intravascular component of the tumor, which is usually large, irregular, lobulate, and heterogeneous owing to hemorrhage and necrosis with peripheral enhancement [20].
Conversely, MRI accurately depicts the extent of IVCLMS and is more precise than CECTS in the determination of the tumor origin due to its superior soft tissue resolution. The signal characteristics on MRI depend on the degree of cystic necrosis within the tumor. Typically, T1-weighted images show a homogeneous low-signal-intensity mass (73 %) corresponding to the regions of liquefaction, and all T2-weighted images demonstrate areas of high-signal intensity due to the cystic components of these lesions.
The authors conclude that the optimum imaging technique for initial assessment of IVCLMS is a CECTS with images obtained during the portal venous phase of contrast medium administration, while MRI is valuable in the assessment of tumors in patients suitable for surgery [20].
Differential diagnosis includes angiosarcoma, renal cell carcinoma with extension in to the IVC, primary lymphoma, liposarcoma, and leiomyomatosis. Imaging differentiation of an IVCLMS from primary retroperitoneal sarcoma or similar-appearing mass is a difficult, diagnostic task. In a recent report, Webb et al. [21] found that the most useful sign is the identification of an imperceptible caval lumen. This was seen in 75 % of IVCLMS but not in other lesions (p < 0.01). This sign had both high positive (100 %) and negative predictive values (92 %). Like previous authors, Webb found that the IVC compression by an extrinsic mass, with a crescentic configuration (negative embedded IVC sign), suggests a not caval origin of the lesion. This sign was never seen in IVCLMS cases, but was present in 79 % of other lesions (p = 0.01, PPV = 92 %) [21].
Cardiac ultrasound is an important diagnostic tool for IVCLMC localized in the upper segment, to detect eventual tumor extension to the atrium with or without thrombosis.
When metastatic disease is suspected, PET scan is the elective exam to accurately identify secondary systemic extensions of the leiomyosarcoma. In this case, percutaneous preoperative biopsy is mandatory in order to get a histopathological determination, required for the choice of the chemotherapy protocol.
The update of the International Registry of IVCLMS documented that a CT scan was performed in 65 % of patients, as the main diagnostic investigation, and a preoperative biopsy was performed on 63 % of cases (Table 3.1). The comparison between the 1996 registry and the recent update demonstrated that in recent times percutaneous biopsy is often and significantly more commonly performed in order to better establish a therapeutic algorithm and eventually indicate a neoadjuvant/palliative treatment.
3.6 Treatment
Since the lack of efficient complementary treatments, complete R0 surgical resection, including IVC (with or without vascular reconstruction) and surrounding organs, is the mainstay of treatment [6–9, 17, 18].
Involvement of major blood vessels in the tumor growth had long been considered a limiting factor for curative surgery, due to high surgical risks and poor long-term prognosis. Concerns on IVC resection focused on early major morbidities such as cardiopulmonary events, hepatic and/or renal failure, lower limb edema, graft occlusion, and/or infection [5, 22]. However, technical advances have allowed wider surgical extension beyond major vascular resection, with relatively low rate of postoperative complications [23–26].
The extent of IVC resection is related to the site of the tumor and should be properly planned before surgery on the basis of preoperative imaging (CT and MRI).
There is no consensus on the optimal management of the IVC at the time of surgery. Options after resection include IVC ligation, primary or patch repair, or replacement with graft. Different materials for reconstruction are available, including autologous materials such as saphenous vein, allograft such as aortic homograft, xenograft such as bovine pericardium, and synthetic materials as Dacron and PTFE.
Three major factors influence the need and the type of vascular replacement: (1) the site of the lesion and the involvement of renal veins, (2) the extent of IVC resection (partial or circumferential), and (3) the presence of well-established collateral venous system [26, 27].
3.6.1 Resection
3.6.2 A Resection Techniques Limited Resection
A limited resection is performed when a small portion of IVC, from which LMS is originating, is removed without resection of adjacent organs. This option, even if uncommon, is possible if the tumor (1) is small (<5 cm), (2) has a prevalent intraluminal growth pattern, (3) involves less the 50 % of the IVC lumen, and (4) does not show infiltration to adjacent organs at preoperative imaging and intraoperatory exploration [15, 17]. Extended Resection (Single Organ Versus Multi-organ Resection)
Extended resection is performed in case of massive IVC diffusion or in case of local extension and adhesion to adjacent organs. Frequently, the tumor is invading the right adrenal gland and/or right kidney requiring an en bloc resection with total nephrectomy. Tumor en bloc resection often requires also right hepatic trisectionectomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy, right hemicolectomy, and distal or total gastrectomy in order to achieve tumor-free margins.
The left renal vein can usually be ligated because of its substantial length and the adequate venous return maintained by collateral vessels (gonadal, lumbar, and adrenal veins). Conversely, right nephrectomy is frequently required for tumors involving IVC segment II, even if the kidney is not directly involved, due to short right renal vein stump and the lack of collateral circulation. If the tumor involves only the ostium of the right renal vein, kidney autotransplantation can be performed into the right iliac fossa [8, 23].
3.6.3 Reconstruction Techniques
It has been supposed that slow tumor growth or IVC thrombosis allows the development of venous collaterals and therefore permits a well-tolerated IVC ligation. Also, patients with a complete IVC obstruction above the renal veins and a stable preoperative renal function seem to tolerate suprarenal IVC ligation, thanks to an adequate renal venous outflow through venous collateral circulation [28, 29].
However, in contemporary reports a significant lower extremity edema was noted in more than 50 % of patients with ligation and no IVC reconstruction [30]. Probably the resection of large retroperitoneal tumors may disrupt venous collaterals predisposing patients to develop edema when the IVC is ligated [31].
It is important to consider the length and circumference of the IVC to be removed. If the circumference is <75 %, a cavoplasty can be performed with autologous venous or bovine pericardium grafts. If the circumference of the IVC to be resected is >75 %, complete resection and reconstruction are required [15].
Primary reconstruction with an end-to-end veno-venous direct anastomosis is possible when a short IVC segment is involved, allowing a tension-free vascular anastomosis.
Conversely, IVC reconstruction with autologous, heterologous, or prosthetic graft is always possible and has showed excellent patency rates with minimal morbidity.
Autologous graft can be easily obtained from external jugular or saphenous veins. These vein grafts can be obtained also from heterologous origin (cadaver). The use of autologous/heterologous grafts can avoid the graft infection and reduce the related morbidity/mortality rates due to concomitant enteric contamination when en bloc resection is associated to gastric, duodenal, or colic resection.
As vascular surgery technology has improved, prosthetic graft reconstruction has progressively become a better option; a recent study on 47 patients who underwent en bloc resection of the IVC for malignancy and prosthetic reconstruction demonstrated a 92 % clinical 5-year patency rate, with 0 % mortality rate and 2 % graft‐related complication rate [32]. Therefore, nowadays, most authors support repair or reconstruction whenever possible, to minimize the comorbidity associated with IVC ligation [18].
Prosthetic replacement can be performed using PTFE and Dacron grafts. However, the preferred material of choice for caval replacement is reinforced PTFE [30, 31]. A study on eight patients submitted to IVC resection for malignancy and PTFE graft reconstruction reported a 75 % late patency rate, without lower limb edema in case of graft thrombosis [31]. Creation of an arteriovenous fistula is described to increase the patency graft and reduce the use of long-term anticoagulation therapy [30, 31], but in the update international series, it has been used only in four cases.
The update of the International Registry of IVCLMS documented that surgical resection was performed in 87 % of cases, while exploration or palliative resection were performed only in 2 % of cases. The remaining cases underwent medical palliative treatments. Multi-organ resection was performed in 157 case (52.1 %); the right kidney and adrenal gland were the most frequent organs resected, followed by the liver (caudate lobe/left liver), colon, stomach/duodenum, pancreas, and aorta in the 7.6 %, 2.6 %, 2.6 %, 3.9 %, and 2.5 % of cases, respectively (Table 3.2).
Table 3.2
Operative findings
(n°, %) | |
Complete surgical resection | 263 (87.3) |
Palliative resection (debulking) | 4 (1.3) |
Explorative laparotomy/laparoscopy | 2 (0.7) |
Multi-organ resection | 157 (52.1) |
Organ resected Kidney Adrenal gland Liver (caudate lobe/left liver) Colon Stomach/duodenum Pancreas Aorta | 93 (30.8) 39 (12.9) 23 (7.6) 8 (2.6) 8 (2.6) 12 (3.9) 7 (2.5) |
Type of IVC reconstruction Ligation Primary reconstruction Patch (autologous/heterologous) Prosthetic patch Prosthesis reconstruction | 54 (17.9) 43 (14.2) 11 (3.6) 11 (3.6) 104 (34.5) |
Bypass Veno-venous Cardiopulmonary | 20 (6.9) 11 (3.6) 9 (3.3) |
The Registry demonstrated also that a prosthetic grafting was the preferred modality for IVC reconstruction while its ligation was performed only in 18 % of patients (Table 3.2).
A comparison of reconstruction techniques between 1996 International Registry and the updated version has been performed and a statistically significant higher number of patients submitted to autologous/heterologous/prosthetic IVC reconstruction was observed in the latter. In fact, the percentage of patients with IVC reconstruction was 79 % (211 out of 263) compared to 58 % of the old series (70 out of 120) (p < 0.0001, χ-square test).
3.6.4 Morbidity and Mortality Rates
The reported perioperative mortality rate for resection of primary IVCLMS ranges from 0 % to 25 % [5–9, 26, 28–34]. Postoperative outcomes calculated from the International Registry documented an overall morbidity and mortality rate of 24.2 % and 3.3 %, respectively (Table 3.3), with no statistically significant differences between the two period series (p = n.s., χ-square test).
Table 3.3
Postoperative and oncological outcomes
(n°, %) | |
Morbidity Abdominal complications Systemic complications | 73 (24.2) 27 (8.9) 46 (15.2) |
Graft thrombosis | 11 (3.6) |
Leg edema | 13 (4.3)
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