Pressure Measurements

Pressure Measurements

Mauro Moscucci, MD, MBA

Calin V. Maniu, MD


The beginning of invasive hemodynamics can be traced back to the early 1700s, when Rev. Stephen Hales measured the blood pressure of a horse by inserting a brass rod in the femoral artery (FA), and observing a column of blood rising into a 9 foot glass tube connected to the rod.1,2 He was surprised to see that the horse barely moved and appeared to be well afterward. Stephen Hales later proceeded to define what we know today as cardiac output, by measuring the amount of blood going through the heart in 1 minute. About a century later, in 1844, the first invasive cardiac catheterization was performed by Claude Bernard. Again, the subject was a horse, and both the right and left ventricles were entered by retrograde approach from the jugular vein and from the carotid artery. In 1861, Chauveau and Marey published their work regarding the cardiac cycle and their discovery that ventricular systole and apical beat are simultaneous. In addition, they were able to measure simultaneously left ventricular (LV) and central aortic (Ao) pressure. Over the following century, the field of cardiac catheterization continued to expand.2 In 1929, Werner Forssmann performed the first right-sided heart catheterization of a human heart on himself3 (FIGURE 7.1), and in 1931, he proceeded to demonstrate that it was possible to inject contrast material in the human heart.4 In the same year, O’Klein in Prague measured cardiac output in man according to Fick principle.5 Further progress ensued with the pioneering work of Cournand and Richards, who performed cardiac catheterization in many clinical conditions including hypertension, circulatory shock, and chronic lung disease.6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17 As Cournand elegantly said in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech, the cardiac catheter was “only the key that opened the lock”.18 However, the lock that was open has been critical in understanding the pathophysiology of many cardiovascular conditions.2

While the past 2 decades have been characterized by an expansion of noninvasive assessment of cardiac function, with the development of the new field of catheter-based interventions for structural heart disease, invasive hemodynamic assessment remains a mainstay of cardiac catheterization and interventional cardiology. The objective of this chapter is to provide a brief review of classic hemodynamic measurements and tracings.

FIGURE 7.1 The first documented cardiac catheterization. At the age of 25 years, while receiving clinical instruction in surgery at Eberswalde, Werner Forssmann passed a catheter 65 cm through one of his left antecubital veins until its tip entered the right atrium (RA). He then walked to the radiology department where this roentgenogram was taken. Reproduced with permission from Klin Wochenschr. 1929;8:2085. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag.


As shown in FIGURES 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 the pressure waveform is the summation of forward pressure, forward flow waves, and reflected waves.19,20,21,22 Various conditions can affect the magnitude of reflected waves. For example, pressure reflections decrease during the strain phase of the Valsalva maneuver and increase during the release phase.23 They decrease in the setting of hypovolemia and in response to vasodilators, while they are higher in patients with hypertension, heart failure,20 and aortic or iliofemoral obstruction.24 The interaction between forward flow waves, forward pressure, reflected waves, and the time needed for pressure and flow waves to travel in the arterial tree will result in different timing and shape of the arterial waveform at different sites of the arterial tree19,22,25 (FIGURES 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6).

FIGURE 7.2 Central Ao pressure (P) and flow (F) measured in a patient during cardiac catheterization. Computer-derived forward and backward pressure and flow components are shown individually. Their sum results in the measured waves. (See text for discussion.) From Murgo JP, Westerhof N, Giolma JP, et al. Manipulation of ascending aortic pressure and flow wave reflections with Valsalva maneuver: relationship to input impedance. Circulation. 1981;63:122, with permission.

FIGURE 7.3 Representative ascending Ao pressure and velocity signals from normal subject at rest. The upper panels (A) are the measured pressure (left) and flow (right) pulses, and the lower panels depict the composite forward and reflected components. The superimposed dashed line in the upper panels represents the inverse Fourier transformed composite wave (derived from frequency domain analysis). Arrow indicates peak of backward wave. B, the time domain method of measured wave (upper panels) decomposition yields forward and reflected components (lower panels) in close agreement with the frequency domain method illustrated in panel A Reproduced with permission from Laskey WK, Kussmaul WG. Arterial wave reflection in heart failure. Circulation. 1987;75:711-722.

FIGURE 7.4 Pressure wave traveling along the arterial tree, involving the following: (1) propagation of the incident wave at a given speed (pulse wave velocity—PWV), (2) wave reflection at arteriolar sites, and (3) backward (reflected) pressure wave, which summates with incident wave, giving the Ao blood pressure (BP) curve. Note that, as a consequence of arterial stiffness and wave reflections, systolic blood pressure (SBP) and pulse pressure (PP) are higher in central than in peripheral arteries. Under drug treatment, PWV is reduced as a consequence of decrease in pressure distension; reflection coefficients are reduced as a consequence of reduced wall on lumen ratio of arterioles (under ACEI); such changes lead to reduction of central SBP and PP through change in the amplitude and timing of reflected pressure wave. (1) represents an oversimplified description of wave reflections. Numerous textbooks may depict reflected waves with more precision. ACEI, Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. Reproduced with permission from Safar ME. Mechanism(s) of systolic blood pressure reduction and drug therapy in hypertension. Hypertension. 2007;50:167-171.

FIGURE 7.5 Schematic representation of (1) the morphological differences of the pulse wave (PW) between the aorta and the brachial artery in young healthy subjects (upper panel) and (2) the effect of heart rate (upper panel vs lower panel) on SBP augmentation and PW amplification, for the same reflected pressure wave and similar pulse height of the forward ejected pressure wave (modified from Safar et al). Aortic S1 indicates first systolic peak attributed to the forward wave; aortic S2, second late systolic peak attributable to the augmentation by the reflected pressure wave; brachial S2, systolic peak attributable to the reflected wave from the upper limb; D, accentuated diastolic wave attributable to the delayed arrival of the reflected wave from the lower body; ED, ejection duration; T0, onset of the forward ejected wave; Tr, time to return at the aorta of the backward reflected wave from the T0. Reproduced with permission from Avolio AP, Van Bortel LM, Boutouyrie P, et al. Role of pulse pressure amplification in arterial hypertension: experts’ opinion and review of the data. Hypertension. 2009;54:375-383.

FIGURE 7.6 Simultaneous recording of aortic and radial artery pressure waves during rest (A), 28.2 (B), 47.2 (C), and 70% (D) of maximal oxygen uptake in a subject. Tracings were taken at the peaks of slow pressure oscillation and show the relationship of these extreme peripheral values to the severity of exercise. Reproduced with permission from Rowell LB, Brengelmann GL, Blackmon JR, Bruce RA, Murray JA. Disparities between aortic and peripheral pulse pressures induced by upright exercise and vasomotor changes in man. Circulation. 1968;37:954-964.

Ventricular Pressure

The ventricular pressure waveform can be divided into 4 major phases: isovolumic contraction, ejection, isovolumic relaxation, and diastolic filling. With the beginning of ventricular systole and closure of the atrioventricular mitral valve, intraventricular pressure rises without a change in volume (isovolumic contraction) until opening of the aortic valve. On opening of the aortic valve, ventricular ejection begins and continues until closure of the semilunar valve. This phase is followed by isovolumic relaxation, during which LV pressure decreases progressively without a change in volume. At the end of this phase, the atrioventricular valve opens and rapid filling begins. As relaxation continues during rapid filling, the ventricular diastolic pressure continues to fall. After the minimum pressure is reached, ventricular filling results in a progressive increase of LV diastolic pressures, followed by a positive wave corresponding to the atrial contribution to the ventricular filling26 (FIGURES 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9). Diastasis corresponds to a specific phase of diastole between rapid filling and atrial contraction, during which the progressive rise in LV diastolic pressure is not accompanied by a significant increase in volume.

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May 3, 2019 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Pressure Measurements

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