Preoperative Assessment and Clinical Optimization

, Manlio Cipriani1, Fabrizio Oliva1 and Federico Pappalardo2

“A. de Gasperis” Cardio Center, Niguarda Great Metropolitan Hospital, Milan, Italy

Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care, IRCCS San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy


5.1 Introduction

Indications for short- or long-term mechanical circulatory support (MCS) in patients with acute or chronic severe disease, of various degrees of urgency, and with different probabilities of myocardial recovery are presented and discussed in details in other chapters.

Short-term mechanical support is generally a rescue therapy and can be applied in almost all the patients, due to the variety of available devices, some of which can also be implanted percutaneously. The goal is to maintain perfusion and oxygenation, thus gaining time, while hopefully there would be some improvement in myocardial, lung, and end-organ function. The predicted duration goes from days to weeks.

On the other side, long-term mechanical support therapy (most often provided with a left ventricular assist device, LVAD) is now intended for accompanying patients for months to years. Comparing INTERMACS reports published in 2010 and 2015, which include about 1000 and over 15,000 cases, respectively, there is an increasing proportion of patients who received LVAD as permanent treatment (destination therapy, DT) from <10% to >45% and a decreasing 1-year transplant rate, from >50% to 20%, in patients who received LVAD with bridge-to-transplant (BTT) strategy [1, 2]. Currently, indication for LVAD therapy is considered earlier in the course of the disease, in order to avoid the sum of procedure- and device-related adverse events and patient-related risk factors [3]. Despite improvements regarding device duration, portability, user interface, and may be thrombogenicity, relevant morbidity is still associated with long-term LVAD, even when functional improvement without excess mortality is simultaneously obtained [4].

For these reasons, it is recommended to perform a comprehensive patient evaluation before the operation, to assess baseline status, and to identify pre-existing or new comorbid conditions that may influence postoperative survival and the probability of adverse events and complications, or may compromise the expected improvement in functional status and quality of life [5, 6]. In practice, this work-up is similar to what is usually done for HTX candidate selection. As for HTX listing, the border between contraindications, unacceptable or acceptable risk factors is not clear-cut in many situations. However, the objectives of these screening processes are not exactly the same, both in terms of specific goals and of underlying principles. Regarding HTX listing, besides beneficiality versus risk in the individual patient, the best use of a scarce, fixed resource must be taken into account also from the perspective of the community. Another difference with respect to HTX is that in many patients, except those with INTERMACS profile 1 and 2, LVAD implant is an elective or semi-elective procedure. Thus, in most cases, there are some days/weeks for addressing patient-specific risk factors, to minimize their burden on patient outcome or at least to set up in advance a strategy to monitor and approach expected complications. On the contrary, HTX cannot be planned, and generally there is a very short time – if any – for preoperative patient assessment and treatment. This chapter will summarize briefly the preoperative evaluation process before LVAD implantation; then some of the issues that may deserve attention, to reduce the probability of unfavorable outcome and/or complications, will be specifically discussed. The interplay between long-term MCS and HTX is discussed elsewhere (► Chaps. 8, 10, and 13).

5.2 Long-Term LVAD: Preoperative Work-Up

◘ Table 5.1 provides a summary of what, ideally, should be done in patients under evaluation prior to long-term LVAD implant [5, 6]. Several aspects are taken into account: prognosis on medical therapy [711]; global status, including psychosocial aspects and quality of life [1215], hemodynamic and morphological aspects [16, 17], kidney and liver function [11], coagulation and hematology [1820], diabetes, nutritional status [21], respiratory function, peripheral vessels, neurological status, and infections [22]; and screening for cancer or other comorbidities, some of which are discussed later. The depth, extent, and degree of details of preoperative evaluation should be adapted to individual patients’ characteristics, including age, diagnosis, pathophysiological profile, and severity of the clinical picture (◘ Table 5.2). For details, see also ► Chaps. 1, 2, 3, and 5.

Table 5.1
Long-term MCS/VAD – preoperative work-up


What to do

In which patient and when

Why and how: rationale, scope, mode




Standard comprehensive evaluation of advanced heart failure

Special attention to

 LV dimensions, wall thickness, thrombosis

 RV dimension and function (in non-inotrope-dependent pts with RV dilation/dysfunction, consider DSE) see ◘ Tables 5.3 and 5.4

 Aortic valve (regurgitation 2+ or more may require correction)

 Aortic root (for dilation, calcium, thrombosis)

Cardiopulmonary exercise test

Non-inotrope dependent, INTERMACS ≥4

Evaluation of functional status and prognosis [7, 8]

6-min walking test

Non-inotrope dependent, INTERMACS ≥4

Evaluation of functional status and exercise tolerance as perceived by the patient. Monitor arterial oxygen saturation besides heart rate, rhythm, and blood pressure

Right heart catheterization


RAP, PAP (s,d,mean), PCWP, cardiac output, SVR, PVR, systemic AP, RVSWI

Coronary angiography or CT scan

Known IHD or no prior screening for CAD

 Diagnosis of CAD

 Concomitant, prior, alternative revascularization

 Bypass position and patency


Heart failure scores

See notes

For prognosis on medical therapy

 HFSS or MECKI scores preferred in ambulatory pts [7, 8]

 ADHF-NTproBNP score suggested in hospitalized pts [9, 10]

 SHFM may also be used, but could underestimate mortality

LVAD risk scores

See notes

For prognosis with LVAD. No validated score with contemporary devices and outcome available

RVF risk scores

See notes

For estimating the risk of RVF after LVAD. No validated score available. See ◘ Tables 5.3 and 5.4

MELD score

See notes

For prognosis. Validated in chronic liver disease to evaluate the need and risk of liver transplantation. Correlates with risk and with any therapy (medical, LVAD, HTX, etc.). Limited value on warfarin [11]

Quality of life


For preoperative assessment and serial evaluation after implant [12, 13]

 EuroQoL-5d (nonspecific for HF, included in INTERMACS database) recommended for feasibility and pre-/post-op comparisons

 MLWHFQ or KCCMQ, specific for HF, may also be used


See notes

Complex, holistic concept may be evaluated with various parameters and their combinations. May be useful to estimate post-implant prognosis and functional recovery. Further studies are needed prior to recommended systematic assessment of frailty for decision making [14, 15]

Psychosocial evaluation

Psychologist consultation

All (+/− relatives)

Understand patients’ and families’ expectations and preferences, evaluate adherence to therapy, increase self-empowerment

Psychiatric consultation

Pertinent history or status

In case of symptoms, or history of psichiatrico or psychiatric disorder, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, illicit substance use, dependences

Socioeconomic conditions


Adequacy with respect to postoperative management, need for assistance

Kidney and liver function

Blood test


 Use GFR to estimate renal function

 BUN and uric acid are related to HF severity

 AST/ALT increase mostly in acute HF

 Bilirubin increases mostly in chronic HF, especially when decompensated

 Reduced albumin and pseudocholinesterase are associated with chronic conditions

 Kidney and liver dysfunction correlates with prognosis with any therapy

 Recent onset HF and young age may be associated with superior probability of recovery of end-organ dysfunction if CO is restorated



Rule out/evaluate chronic disease (primary), lithiasis, tumors, degenerative disease, etc.

CMR, CT scan

As per specific indications

If needed on the basis of medical history, symptoms, signs, and other examinations


Hct, Hb, WBC and formula, RBC and volume, iron, transferrin, ferritin, platelets


Check the presence and etiology of anemia: hemoglobinopathies, bleeding, infection, chronic disease, etc.

Screen for signs of inflammatory or oncohematologic conditions

Specialist consultation

Pertinent history or status

If suspected oncohematologic or other complex conditions

Coagulation and platelets

AP-INR, PTT, platelets count


Evaluate current conditions and postoperative risk

Thrombophilia evaluation

Pertinent history or status

Thrombophilia may increase postoperative risk, but no specific guidelines are available [1921]

Antiplatelets, antibodies, others

As above

Thrombocytopenia, heparin-induced or due to other causes, for risk estimation and perioperative strategy [20, 21]


Rest blood glucose


Diagnosis of diabetes and prediabetes

Hb glycated

Pertinent history or status

As above

Fundus oculi

As above

Estimate diabetes-related end-organ damage, vessels


As above

Estimate diabetes-related end-organ damage, peripheral neuropathy

Specialist consultation

Unsatisfactory blood glucose control

Therapy adjustment, preop optimization

Nutritional status



Estimate status and postop risk

Blood test

Cholesterol, PT, proteins, albumin, prealbumin

Estimate status and postop risk

Specialist consultation

Hyponutrition, cachexia

Obesity, severe

Rule out behavioral disturbances, nutritional plan for preop optimization

Rule out behavioral disturbances, dietary plan, possible role of bariatric surgery [22]

Respiratory function

Chest X-ray


Screen for concomitant disease/infection/pleural effusion, etc.



Evaluate respiratory function. Rule out lung disease as major determinant of functional limitation

CT scan

As per specific indications

Evaluate interstitial disease, pulmonary embolism, emphysema, tumors, etc.

Extracardiac vascular disease

Doppler ultrasound – carotid and vertebral system

All, after 40 years* of age

Peri- and postoperative risk. Reference in case of subsequent control.

Doppler ultrasound – lower limbs

All, after 50 years* of age

Peri- and postoperative risk. Reference in case of subsequent control.

Neurological status

Focused neurologic examination

Pertinent history or status

Neurological consultation

As above

Evaluate current conditions and postoperative risk

Brain CT scan, magnetic resonance

As above

As above


Nasal swab


Evaluate Staphylococcus colonization. Consider preop local treatment [23]


Hospitalized pts

Routine cultures as per local protocols for surveillance of nosocomial infection

Specialist consultation

Pertinent history or status

Plan pre/periop antimicrobial strategy




Check for gastrointestinal bleeding

Screening for cancer

As per protocol

Screen for breast, colorectal, prostatic, or lung cancer as per local protocols in general population according to age and gender



Estimate risk of bleeding; treat preop peptic ulcer


>50 years* or pertinent history/status

Screen for diverticulosis, cancer, and other lesions, to estimate postop risk. Consider CT “virtual” colonoscopy or miniaturized camera in “frail” pts

ADHF-NTproBNP acute decompensated heart failure-N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide, ALT aspartate alanine transferase, AP arterial pressure, AP-INR prothrombin activity-international normalized ratio, AST aspartate amino transferase, BMI body mass index, BUN blood urea nitrogen, CAD coronary artery disease, CMR cardiac magnetic resonance, CO cardiac output CT computed tomography, CPET cardiopulmonary exercise test, DSE dobutamine stress echocardiography, EGDS esophago-gastric-duodenoscopy, EMG electromyography, ENG electroneurography, EuroQoL-5D European quality of life 5-dimensional score, GFR glomerular filtration rate, Hb hemoglobin, Hct hematocrit, HF heart failure, HFSS heart failure survival score, HTX heart transplantation, IHD ischemic heart disease, INTERMACS Interagency Registry of Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support, KCCMQ Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire, LV left ventricle, LVAD left ventricular assist device, MECKI metabolic exercise cardiac kidney index, MELD model for end-stage liver disease, MLWHFQ Minnesota Living With Heart Failure Questionnaire, PAP pulmonary artery pressure, PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, PT prothrombin time, pts patients, PTT partial thromboplastin time, PVR pulmonary vascular resistance, RAP right atrial pressure, RBC red blood cell, RV right ventricle, RVF right ventricular failure, RVSWI right ventricular stroke work index, s,d,mean systolic, diastolic, mean, SHFM Seattle Heart Failure Model, SVR systemic vascular resistance, WBC white blood cell

* To be considered also at younger age, if there are pertinent history, risk factors, symptoms, or signs

Table 5.2
Clinical setting, INTERMACS profile, and type of preoperative work-up

Clinical setting


Time frame

Preoperative work-up

High urgency, new onset HF/ shock

1, 2



Urgent implant, new diagnosis/shock

2, 3

Hours to days


Urgent implants, chronic HF

3 (2)

Days to hours

Intermediate to complete

Semi-elective implant

3, 4

Days to weeks


Elective implant




HF heart failure, INTERMACS Interagency Registry of Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; for details

5.3 Considerations for Preoperative Optimization

5.3.1 Hemodynamic and Volume Status Optimization

Right Ventricular Failure

Right ventricular failure (RVF) following LVAD therapy is associated with a greater risk of death and complications such as bleeding or renal insufficiency and with longer hospital stay and reduced survival to transplantation [2426]. Delayed, unplanned (RVAD) support for RVF ensuing in patients which entered the operating room to receive an isolated LVAD implant has been associated with high in-hospital mortality up to 50%, superior to that observed with planned biventricular assist device (BiVAD) implantation strategy [25]. Thus, preoperative estimate of the risk for RVF is essential in LVAD candidates.

In patients enrolled in trials with continuous-flow LVAD (HeartMate II, Thoratec, or HVAD, HeartWare) and in observational patient cohorts, the reported incidence of RVF ranged from less than 20% to more than 40% [2730]. This variability is partly due to the absence of a uniform definition of RVF: the main criteria for diagnosis are the need for RVAD implant, and/or prolonged (>14 days) inotropic support, need and duration of nitric oxide inhalation, and length of stay in the intensive care. Numerous preoperative parameters and various scores have been proposed to estimate the probability of RVF in LVAD candidates [16, 2734]. Most studies are based on relatively small cohorts, with BTT indication, and some of them include patients receiving pulsatile-flow LVAD. Thus, reliable scores for estimating with good prospective accuracy the probability for RVF in contemporary CF-LVAD patients are lacking. Clinical decision must be made on the basis of a comprehensive evaluation, including echocardiography (Echo) and right heart catheterization. Hemodynamic and clinical factors associated with an increased risk for RVF after LVAD implant are summarized in ◘ Table 5.3, while Echo parameters are listed in ◘ Table 5.4 [16, 26, 2834].

Table 5.3
Hemodynamic and clinical assessment of the risk for right ventricular failure after left ventricular assist device implantation

Hemodynamic parameters predictor of RVF

CVP >15 mmHg

Normal value: 0–7 mmHg

RVSWI <300 mmHg/mL/m2

RVSWI = (MAP-RAP) × SVI = 300–900 mmHg × mL/m2

SVI = CI/Heart Rate × 1000 = 33–47 ml/m2/beat

RAP/PCWP > 0.63

PAPi < 1.85


Patient frailty for RVF

Biochemical parameters

Bilirubin >2 mg/dL

Transaminase: AST >45 mg/dL

Albumin <3.5 g/dL

Low total cholesterol

Renal function: (BUN >50 mg/dL or creatinine >2.3 mg/dL)

NGAL > 100 ng/ml

CVP central venous pressure, mmHg, RAP right atrial pressure, mmHg, MAP pulmonary artery mean pressure, mmHg, PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure, mmHg, Cindex ml/min/m2, SVI stroke volume index, ml, RVSWI right ventricular stroke work index, PAPi pulmonary artery pulsatility index, sPAP systolic pulmonary artery pressure, mmHg, dPAP diastolic pulmonary artery pressure, mmHg, NGAL neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, BMI body mass index

Table 5.4
Echocardiographic assessment of the risk for right ventricular failure after left ventricular assist device implantation

Echocardiographic predictors of post-LVAD RVF




Altered RV geometry

RV fractional area change (FAC)

RV/LV end-diastolic diameter ratio (>0.75)

RV volumes (3D)


Overstated by significant TR and low PVR

[16, 2830]

Standardization of views

Technically challenging and not widely available


Sensitive to afterload

Less reliable if prior cardiac surgery


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