PP-137 Percutaneous Closure of Atrial Septal Defects Were Associated With Decreased İntra-Atrial and İnter-Atrial Conduction Times
Percutaneous closure is now considered the treatment of choice used to treat patients with atrial septal defect (ASD). We aimed to investigate interatrial mechanical delay and holter findings before and after percutaneous intervention
34 patients who underwent percutaneous closure were prospectively enrolled in the study. Patients were performed echocardiographic evaluation of interatrial conduction times, holter findings and clinical findings before intervention,and 1-6 month follow up.
Percutaneous closure was performed successfully in all patients. Mean follow up duration was 8.7 ± 3.9 months. All patients had decreased right ventricular dimensions and functional capacity. Statistically significant decrease in interatrial conduction times were observed [Before and after intervention consequently were (intra-left 12.8±4.7msn and 11.5±3.3 msn (p 0.07); intra right 10.6±4.7 msn, and 8.9±3.4 (p:0.02); inter-atrial: 22.4±7.6 msn and 20.6±5.7 (p:0.04)] and were correlated supraventricular arrhtymia.
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Nov 27, 2016 | Posted by drzezo in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on PP-137 Percutaneous Closure of Atrial Septal Defects Were Associated With Decreased İntra-Atrial and İnter-Atrial Conduction Times