26 Posterior Approaches for Thoracic Spine Fractures Abstract The thoracic region is one of the most common anatomic sites for vertebral fractures, including compression type, burst, chance, and translation–rotation injuries. Associated spinal cord injury can also be found in these patients, and the treatment remains controversial despite many decades of widely accepted surgical treatment. Treatment indications include the need for stabilization, the need for decompression of neural elements, and persistent pain despite conservative management. Fundamental to the formulation of an appropriate treatment plan are a detailed patient history and a thorough physical examination, in combination with imaging (e.g., plain radiographs, computed tomograms, and magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) of the region of interest. MRI of the spinal region of interest is used to evaluate the soft-tissue injury, the integrity of intervertebral discs and the posterior ligamentous complex, and spinal hematomas. The two main surgical approaches that allow posterior stabilization of the thoracic spine are open and percutaneous pedicle screw fixation, both of which can facilitate the goals of surgery: reduction of the fracture, stabilization with decompression of the neural elements, and reconstruction of the normal spinal alignment. Early stabilization of the spine is generally recommended to optimize patient outcomes. An alternative posterior treatment approach in select patients is kyphoplasty, a minimally invasive, percutaneous technique that uses a fast-setting polymer to help reconstruct the pathologic vertebral body. Posterior segmental fixation, whether through an open or a percutaneous approach, and kyphoplasty can lead to both fracture stabilization and good long-term pain and neurologic outcomes, but thoughtful patient selection and meticulous surgical technique are paramount to achieving these results. Keywords: kyphoplasty, minimally invasive technique, pedicle screw fixation, thoracic spine fracture Clinical Pearls • An open posterior approach is robust and versatile in treatment of any type of thoracic spinal fractures. • Somatosensory evoked potentials and motor evoked potentials are mandatory along with post positional X-rays to confirm alignment with thoracic fractures. • Placement of pedicle screws and temporary fixation on one side is recommended before decompression and further destabilization in unstable spinal fractures. • Costovertebral/transpedicular approach can be used in ventral spinal cord decompression and anterior column reconstruction. • Pedicle screw fixation via open or percutaneous minimally invasive surgical techniques renders fixation of all three columns of the thoracic spine. • Fixed angle pedicle screws render best rigid fixation of spine along with restoration of alignment in fracture dislocations. Traumatic or pathologic fractures of the thoracic spine may lead to neurologic injury, may compromise spinal alignment, may cause instability of the vertebral column, and may serve as the source of acute or chronic pain. In contrast to fractures involving the lumbar spine, fractures of the thoracic spine put the spinal cord at increased risk. Posterior reduction and instrumentation are recommended for most uncomplicated thoracic spine fractures when there is injury to the posterior ligamentous complex, gross instability, or worsening neurologic function in a patient with spinal canal compromise. A posterior approach can be used to treat fractures that involve the anterior, middle, or posterior columns, with a relatively simple and better complication profile, and with results that are at least comparable to those of an anterior or lateral approach. Individual patient factors, such as osteoporosis or concurrent injuries, should be considered when deciding whether to perform an anterior, a lateral, or a posterior approach. Two main approaches, open and percutaneous, allow posterior stabilization of the thoracic spine. Since each technique has numerous advantages and disadvantages, the decision underlying the optimal approach depends both on the pathology of the fracture and on the surgeon’s experience and preference. Before 1950, thoracic spine fractures were treated either by an external orthosis or by placement of sublaminar hooks or wire1 ( Successful fixation of a thoracic spine fracture requires extensive knowledge of the anatomy of the spine. Furthermore, optimization of the length and diameter of the pedicle screws allows for maximization of posterior fixation, but it must be weighed against possible caudal or medial penetration resulting in adverse risk to the dura mater and neural structures. Numerous reports in the surgical literature describe the ideal entry points and trajectory2,4 and discuss the advantages of anatomic versus straightforward placement of the pedicle screws. In our practice, we generally favor the straightforward trajectory for placement of pedicle screws (parallel to the superior end plate), and we use the anatomy of the patient to identify the optimal thoracic entry point. Fig. 26.1 Illustration of segmental fixation of a thoracic fracture with the use of sublaminar wires, one method of nonpedicle screw fixation employed before 1950. Unlike pedicle screw fixation, sublaminar wires require the posterior elements to be intact. (Used with permission from Barrow Neurological Institute, Phoenix, AZ.) Unlike spinal fixation, kyphoplasty is a relatively simple and safe procedure that facilitates relief of pain from and healing of simple compression fractures of the thoracic spine. Properly selected patients who have no significant comorbidities, no bleeding diathesis, and no canal compromise may benefit from vertebral augmentation with polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) cement. Careful patient selection is important in determining whether to perform an open reduction, that is, an internal fixation of a thoracic spine fracture from a posterior approach. Patients with multiple medical comorbidities, especially those involving the cardiopulmonary system, must be thoroughly evaluated and cleared medically for surgery. As always, conservative management, including bracing, should be attempted first in patients without neurologic deficits and gross instability on supine or upright radiographs. Surgical fixation of a thoracic spine fracture is indicated in the presence of a progressive neurologic deficit, retropulsed bone fragments or hematoma requiring decompression of the spinal cord, malalignment of the spine, or gross instability. Other indications for surgical fixation include the failure of conservative management, including persistent pain despite adequate nonoperative treatment and delayed fracture healing or nonhealing. Most pathologic conditions (dorsal, lateral, or ventral) can be addressed by using an open posterior approach. General endotracheal intubation is preferable, with the patient positioned prone on a Jackson table or a radiolucent operating room table to allow for an unobstructed view during surgery, if necessary. Care is taken to ensure that all pressure points and bony prominences are padded properly, thereby avoiding pressure ulcers and skin tears. The anterior chest wall should also have enough space to allow for adequate ventilation throughout the operation. Neuromonitoring is critical, and we recommend the use of somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) of both the upper and lower extremities, as well as motor evoked potentials (MEPs). After the patient is positioned, anteroposterior (AP) or lateral fluoroscopy can be used in conjunction with MEPs to verify spinal alignment and rule out compression of the spinal cord, especially in patients with gross spinal instability or retropulsed fragments that could migrate after positioning or during the operation. In patients whose MEPs of the lower extremities diminish or disappear after positioning, one should first eliminate technical error before increasing the mean arterial pressure to greater than 85 mm Hg to allow for increased spinal cord perfusion. One should also consider AP or lateral fluoroscopy to determine whether cord compression has been caused by a change in spinal alignment. Irrespective of whether this is the case, the goal should be to decompress the spinal cord as quickly as possible when there is a change in MEPs indicating potential neural compromise. Localization is easiest with AP fluoroscopy, given the presence of the thoracic ribs and the lack of proximity to the L5-S1 disc space or C2 vertebral body. When localizing the vertebral level, one should verify that the vertebral body end plates are aligned; the fractured level is often apparent on imaging. Lateral fluoroscopy can be difficult to use for localization, particularly in the upper thoracic spine, because of thoracic kyphosis and the angle of the ribs. Lateral fluoroscopy can also be difficult to use in obese patients, osteoporotic patients, and patients with severe spinal deformities. After the skin is infiltrated with the surgeon’s choice of analgesic, a standard midline posterior approach is performed, followed by opening of the fascia and subperiosteal dissection of the paraspinal muscles to identify the relevant anatomy, including the spinous process, lamina, and bony anatomy, spanning medially from the facet to the lateral tip of the transverse process. We attempt to limit soft-tissue exposure to only the planned fixation levels and, most importantly, to avoid disruption of the facet capsules located above and below those levels. As a general rule, thoracic spine fractures are treated by instrumenting a minimum of one level above and one level below the index level of disruption. When adequate fixation is unlikely, such as because of poor bone quality, the instrumentation can usually be increased to two or three levels above and below the disrupted level. The disc space above the apex of the construct must be intact to decrease the risk of proximal junctional kyphosis or failure. The biomechanics of pedicle screws have been proven to be superior to those of hooks,5 with pullout strength directly correlated with the outer diameter of the screw. Thus, an increase in the diameter of the screw leads to increased pullout strength, especially with bicortical purchase. However, as screws that are too large can lead to pedicle breakage, it is important to select the screw size that will optimize bony purchase without placing the pedicle at risk of fracture. Screw length can be measured on preoperative imaging, or it can be measured in situ by using a ball-tipped probe. However, the length of screw that is generally recommended approximates 70 to 80% of the vertebral body, which translates to 40 to 45 mm in the lower thoracic spine, 35 to 40 mm in the middle thoracic spine, and 30 to 35 mm in the upper thoracic spine. There is limited benefit in oversizing screw length, as it does not add to pullout strength or improve the rate of arthrodesis, and it also places structures in the thoracic cavity at risk for penetration. Lateral perforation poses risk to both the pleural cavity and the aorta. Pedicle diameter varies greatly in the thoracic spine, with the T4-6 pedicles generally regarded as the smallest and the T12 pedicle regarded as the largest (
26.1 Introduction
Fig. 26.1). Originally described by Michele and Krueger1 in 1949, pedicle screw fixation is now the most widely selected method of posterior fixation. Unlike sublaminar hooks or wires, pedicle screw fixation does not require the posterior elements to be intact. Since traumatic disruption of the thoracic spine typically disrupts the posterior elements, pedicle screw fixation is the preferred method. Furthermore, the sublaminar hook and wire systems require entry into the spinal canal, which poses a risk of spinal cord compression or compromise. In contrast, pedicle screw fixation obviates this risk by allowing tangential entry around the spinal canal, and it results in an increased rate of arthrodesis.2,3 However, pedicle screw instrumentation does have disadvantages, primarily the higher cost associated with the use of these expensive systems. Nonetheless, they are preferable, and numerous clinical and biomechanical studies have demonstrated that pedicle screw constructs, when placed correctly, are superior to hook constructs in terms of rigid fixation, correction of spinal malalignment (coronal or sagittal), and prevention of future loss of correction.3
26.2 Open Posterior Approach
26.2.1 Indications
26.2.2 Surgical Technique
Fig. 26.2). On average, the width of the T1-4 pedicles is 5.6 to 7.9 mm, the width of the T4-9 pedicles is 4.7 to 6.1 mm, and the width of the T10 to T12 pedicles is 6.3 to 7.8 mm.6 In general, we recommend placing screws at the fractured level, if such placement is feasible, which often results in the use of shorter screws at the index level.