Types of ventricle
Mostly left ventricle
Tricuspid atresia, pulmonary atresia intact ventricular septum with hypoplastic RV, critical pulmonary stenosis with hypoplastic RV, neonatal severe form of Ebstein’s anomaly, double inlet left ventricle
Mostly right ventricle
Hypoplastic left heart syndrome, mitral atresia, double outlet right ventricle with hypoplastic LV, unbalanced atrioventricular septal defect of RV type
Heterotaxy syndrome
12.2 Right Heart Bypass Operation and the Long-Term Complication
12.2.1 Glenn and Other Similar Operation
William W.J. Glenn wrote the world’s first report of a right heart bypass circulation in 1958 [1]. This original procedure is an end-to-side anastomosis of the transected right pulmonary artery to the lateral aspect of the SVC aiming to increase the effective pulmonary blood flow for the relief of cyanosis in patients with right to left shunt (Fig. 12.1). This concept was inherited by the procedure called “bidirectional Glenn procedure” or BCPS (Fig. 12.2), in which the transected SVC was anastomosed to the superior aspect of the right pulmonary artery [2, 3]. Since late 1980s, this procedure is considered to be a part of staged Fontan strategy to disperse the adverse event related to Fontan operation [4–6]. Nowadays, the word “Glenn procedure” exclusively means “bidirectional Glenn procedure” as the second stage to proceed to complete Fontan circulation. In this chapter, the explanation is solely dedicated to describe the bidirectional Glenn procedure in single ventricular physiology patients.

Fig. 12.1
(a) Original Glenn procedure described by William Glenn in 1958. (b) Bidirectional Glenn procedure as a second-stage palliation aiming total cavo-pulmonary connection

Fig. 12.2
(a) The figure shows classical atrio-pulmonary connection-type Fontan operation before the 1990s. The right atrium is chronically exposed to a high central venous pressure, which results in a dilated right atrium. An extremely dilated right atrium causes intra-atrial turbulent flow. (b) The figure shows the hemodynamic diagram of total cavo-pulmonary connection (TCPC). Atrial pressure overload is completely avoided by using ePTFE (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene) or other artificial graft for the connection between the inferior vena cava and the pulmonary artery
The amount of pulmonary flow in single ventricular patients before the Glenn operation is determined by the parallel circulation from the ventricle either through BT shunt, stenotic pulmonary trunk, or banded pulmonary artery(ies)* (trunk or bilateral banding). The pulmonary to systemic blood flow ratio (Qp/Qs) is usually more than 1.5; otherwise, it is difficult to maintain arterial blood oxygen saturation more than 70%. However, after the bidirectional Glenn procedure, Qp/Qs usually becomes anywhere between 0.5 and 0.8, if there is no additional pulmonary blood flow (i.e., some surgeon prefer to leave BT shunt or tightly banded pulmonary trunk even after BDG). The sudden reduction in the preload to the single ventricle leads to a reduction in the end-diastolic ventricular volume, which usually causes a diastolic dysfunction. The patients usually tolerate this situation because the cardiac output is maintained by the stable blood supply from IVC to systemic single ventricle, whereas severe low cardiac output occurs if this is a Fontan circulation. This is the main reason why the staged strategy to Fontan circulation is preferred by most of the surgeons.
In case the patient could not undergo the completion of Fontan circulation and remains with Glenn circulation, there will be serious complications in the long-term follow-up period. Cyanosis, polycythemia, high SVC pressure, systemic ventricular failure, AV valve dysfunction, development of pulmonary AV fistula, and development of AP collaterals which leads to fatal hemoptysis are the possible complications [7, 8]. Palliative treatments for these circumstances include home oxygen therapy, pulmonary vasodilator (sildenafil, tadalafil, bosentan, ambrisentan, macitentan, beraprost), beta blocker therapy, ACE inhibitor, ARBs, systemic atrioventricular valve repair/replacement, medication/catheter ablation for atrial arrhythmia, and coil embolization of unfavorable collaterals (Table 12.2). There is a certain kind of patient group whose pulmonary blood flow is coincidentally optimal by a native pulmonary stenosis or pulmonary arterial banding who survives with acceptable quality of life [9]. However, most patients who could not reach Fontan completion, the possible solution for this situation is to have a new heart transplanted.
Table 12.2
Problems and palliative treatment for problems after Glenn procedure
Cyanosis polycythemia | Home oxygen therapy |
High SVC pressure | Pulmonary vasodilator (sildenafil, tadalafil, bosentan, ambrisentan, macitentan, beraprost) |
Systemic ventricular failure | Beta blocker therapy ACE inhibitor ARBs |
AV valve dysfunction | Systemic atrioventricular valve repair/replacement |
Development of pulmonary AV fistula | Medication/catheter ablation for atrial arrhythmia |
Development of AP collaterals which leads to fatal hemoptysis is the possible complication | Coil embolization of unfavorable collaterals |
12.2.2 Fontan Operation
To understand the problems of adults with Fontan circulation, it is necessary to know how the modification of this procedure was developed to improve the outcome. The original Fontan operation [10] was a combination of SVC to right PA anastomosis, creation of right atrial appendage to left PA connection with pulmonary valve homograft, and ASD closure. Shortly, the procedure was simplified as to anastomose the right atrial appendage to the pulmonary trunk and close the ASD. This type of operation is called APC (atrio-pulmonary connection) and became the standard procedure in 1970s–1980s. As the outcome being stable in patients with tricuspid atresia in which the systemic ventricle is almost normal left ventricle, the indication was extended to other single ventricular physiology patients including heterotaxia and hypoplastic left heart syndrome [11]. The classic ten commandments for Fontan procedure [12] no more exist. Fontan procedure is performed at younger age of life such as between 1 and 2 years old. In the late 1980s, de Leval et al. [13] reported the better hemodynamics with total cavo-pulmonary connection (TCPC). The main concept of this theory is that the atrial contraction between the cavae and pulmonary arteries is not necessary but is even worse. This theory was proved using flow dynamic technology and also proved recently using computer fluid dynamics (CFD) [14] method. TCPC became a standard method as a goal of the treatment of single ventricle. Aortic cross clamping was necessary to place an intra-atrial baffle with this procedure. However, after Marcelletti et al. [15] reported the less invasive method by connecting the IVC to pulmonary artery with extra-cardiac conduit, this type of procedure is the most employed in the world. As the outcome is improved, the indication for TCPC was extended to more marginal cases such as patients with poor ventricular function and high pulmonary vascular resistance, so that the incidence of late complication tends to increase. In the 1990s, the classic Fontan patients (with APC or similar procedures) were recommended to undergo “TCPC conversion” [16] because of their deteriorating hemodynamics with a dilated atrio-pulmonary connection. The dilated right atrium causes a turbulent flow in the atrium, and energy loss is prominent with the dilated Fontan pathway (Fig. 12.3a, b).

Fig. 12.3
(a) Extremely dilated right atrium of atrio-pulmonary connection (APC)-type Fontan operation. (b) After conversion from APC Fontan to TCPC
12.3 Problems Associated with Post Right Heart Bypass
Various adverse events occur after Fontan operation, either of which can lead to a life-threatening event acutely and chronically. Those are mainly caused by high central venous pressure and low cardiac output, which are the cause of arrhythmia, liver dysfunction, protein-losing enteropathy, and plastic bronchitis. They are described in the following section.
12.3.1 Arrhythmias
Arrhythmia is the most frequent adverse event both early and late after Fontan procedure. The incidence is less in patients with TCPC and extra-cardiac TCPC than in conventional Fontan with atrio-pulmonary connection, because the origin of the arrhythmia is mostly the damaged atrial wall, which is chronically dilated by the high central venous pressure of circulation. Diagnosis
If the patient complains palpitation, it can be atrial premature beats, paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia, or atrial fibrillation. The incidence of ventricular arrhythmia is less frequent than that of atrial origin. In any case, 24-h ECG monitoring is essential as an initial diagnosis. This should be done in the regular outpatient clinic. Further precise diagnosis to locate the origin of the arrhythmia can be done by catheter mapping [17, 18]. Treatment
If there is no hemodynamic problem in the Fontan circulation, the first choice of the treatment is pharmacological therapy with beta blocker, amiodarone, and other anti-arrhythmic agents. If the type of the Fontan circulation is a classical atrio-pulmonary connection, catheter ablation of the reentrant circuit on the damaged atrial wall is recommended for the drug-resistant atrial tachyarrhythmia. However, in patients with TCPC, especially extra-cardiac TCPC, catheter ablation is impossible because there is no transvenous access to the atrial wall. However, the incidence of atrial arrhythmia is less in extra-cardiac TCPC since the atrial wall is not exposed to high venous pressure.
12.3.2 Low Output Syndrome Diagnosis
The cardiac output of the patients with Fontan is basically lower than that of normal circulation, although patients with “perfect Fontan” [19, 20] can perform moderate exercise. The exercise tolerance is much less than normal population. As the patients behave as they used to, it is difficult to judge their hemodynamic status from their complaint unless they show apparent signs of heart failure. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to measure anaerobic threshold and maximum oxygen uptake regularly using proper methods [21–23]. Low cardiac output syndrome is the main cause of other associated adverse events including organ failure. Treatment
In case of APC patients with dilated atrio-pulmonary connection pathway, TCPC conversion is recommended. If there is a residual lesion such as pulmonary arterial stenosis, pulmonary venous stenosis, atrioventricular valve regurgitation, aortic insufficiency, or other structural lesions, catheter or surgical intervention to each lesion should be considered before irreversible organ dysfunction develops. It is sometimes difficult to point out the obstructive Fontan pathway by the pressure measurement alone, when the cardiac output is very low. Multidisciplinary diagnostic approach to decide the indication for the catheter/surgical intervention is mandatory.
12.3.3 Liver Dysfunction Diagnosis
Chronically elevated central venous pressure of Fontan circulation causes liver congestion for many years which results in liver fibrosis. Finally, irreversible and uncompensated liver dysfunction, namely, “liver cirrhosis,” occurs. Rychik et al. [24] summarized the mechanism, diagnosis, and treatment of liver dysfunction late after Fontan operation. In the early stage of liver dysfunction, the elevation of serum gamma glutamyl transpeptidase is usually the first sign, followed by a slight to moderate elevation of serum direct bilirubin. In the next stage, serum hyaluronic acid level increases, which indicates the sinusoidal endothelial cell dysfunction. Thrombocytopenia gradually occurs during the course of this liver dysfunction. In the final stage of liver dysfunction, serum type IV collagen increases, which indicates the liver fibrosis. There are attempts to predict the extent of liver fibrosis by using a combination of several biomarkers [25, 26]. These biomarkers are useful to detect the early occurrence of liver dysfunction in the patients with Fontan circulation (Table 12.3). However, it is still controversial whether these biomarkers can predict the degree of the liver dysfunction [25]. The liver biopsy is still a gold standard of the diagnosis of liver cirrhosis. Many physicians are reluctant to perform liver biopsy in Fontan patients, because it only tells the exact degree of liver dysfunction but does not change the treatment strategy. Attempts are made to quantify the degree of liver congestion and fibrosis by using noninvasive imaging modalities like echo [27], CT [28], and MRI [29].
Table 12.3
Biomarkers to detect early liver dysfunction
Biomarkers to detect early liver dysfunction |
α2-Macroglobulin, haptoglobin, apolipoprotein A1, γ-glutamyltransferase (GGT), total bilirubin (TB), hematocrit, platelet count, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), creatinine (Cr), albumin (Alb), hemoglobin A1c, C-reactive protein | Treatment
The only way to improve or to prevent the progression of liver failure is to improve the hemodynamics of Fontan circulation, namely, to decrease the central venous pressure and increase the cardiac output. Palliative therapies with oral medications such as glycyrrhizic acid, ursodeoxycholic acid, or Far-Eastern traditional herbal formulation (sho-sai-ko-to or xiao-chai-hu-tang) [30] show partially effective but are not a definitive solution with any evidence. Heart-only transplantation or heart-liver transplantation can theoretically be the only solution. However, heart-liver transplantation is a rare event (1% of multiple-organ transplants performed [31]). It is still controversial how to decide whether heart-only or heart-liver transplantation is indicated for failing Fontan patient with significantly impaired liver function. Each case should be discussed carefully case by case.
Greenway et al. [32] suggest that patients with evidence of cirrhosis who have normal synthetic liver function, normal hepatic venous anatomy, a liver volume of >800 ml, and evidence of only mild portal hypertension and no HCC (Hepato-cellular carcinoma) are considered suitable for heart-only transplantation. Patients with further advanced liver failure should be considered as a candidate for heart-liver transplantation.
12.3.4 Protein-Losing Enteropathy Etiology and Diagnosis
Protein-losing enteropathy is a condition where the severe loss of serum proteins into the intestine occurs. Mechanisms for this condition after Fontan operation are due to lymphatic obstruction caused by elevated CVP in Fontan circulation.
Chronic decrease in serum albumin, ascites accumulation, and edema is the sign of protein-losing enteropathy. Albumin scintigraphy [33] has been used to confirm the diagnosis by showing the existence of leaking protein into the intestine. Treatment
There are many attempts to treat this unfavorable situation. Possible medical therapies are steroid therapy [34, 35], heparin administration [36], and various types of pulmonary vasodilators. For the purpose to decrease the CVP, catheter intervention including pulmonary arterial plasty or stent placement and a creation of fenestration [37] were reported to be effective. Of course all the identifiable abnormalities should be treated. However, PLE occurs in those who have no compromised Fontan circulation. For those patients, heart transplantation is the only solution for this fatal situation. The latest multicenter retrospective analysis showed that PLE was cured in 77.7% of hospital survivors with the 5-year survival of only 46.3%, which is far less that without PLE [38].
12.3.5 Plastic Bronchitis Diagnosis
Plastic bronchitis is a condition in which large, bronchial casts with rubber-like consistency develop in the tracheobronchial tree and cause airway obstruction. The patient expectorates treelike cast. Even without expectoration of the cast, plastic bronchitis should be suspected in case of chronic wheezing and dyspnea in patients after Fontan procedure. The cause was thought to be a maldevelopment or malfunctioning lymphatic systems in the lung. The mortality rate with cardiac disease is reported to be 29% [39]. New survey using Facebook [40] revealed that 46 out of 671 patients after Fontan procedure reported to have plastic bronchitis. Median plastic bronchitis diagnosis was 2 years post-Fontan. Hospitalization for plastic bronchitis occurred in 91% with 61% hospitalized ≥3 times. Perioperative chylothorax occurred more frequently in the patient with plastic bronchitis than without. Treatment
It is still controversial how to deal with plastic bronchitis. If there is any identifiable hemodynamical problem related to the Fontan circulation, it could be solved before considering heart transplantation. Trials to resolve this condition were reported, including steroid therapy [41], tissue plasmin activator [42, 43], pacemaker implantation [44], and fenestration of the atrial baffle [45]. However, there is still no consistently effective treatment for this condition. The only definitive treatment seemed to be a heart transplantation [46].
12.3.6 Autonomic Functional Disorder
Patients after Fontan operation often have indefinite complains possibly due to autonomic functional disorder. Symptoms include migraine, muscle tension headache, anxiety with palpitation even with normal sinus rhythm, orthostatic hypotension, and more. Although these problems are not fatal, they could definitely decline the patient’s quality of life. There is only few evidence relating to this problem [47]. Further investigation in this field is demanding.
12.4 Catheter Intervention
If there is any obstruction or stenosis along the systemic veins to the pulmonary artery and/or branch pulmonary arteries, percutaneous balloon angioplasty with or without stent placement should be considered. Since the blood flow through the Fontan pathway is relatively slow to its diameter, one should bear it in mind that no pressure gradient does not necessarily means no obstruction. CT and MRI evaluation should be essential to evaluate the problems along the Fontan pathway.
12.4.1 Angioplasty
Angioplasty is recommended in any circumstance where there is an obstructive lesion along the Fontan circuit. Even a single-digit pressure gradient in the venous systems can cause severe energy loss in the Fontan circuit. Once liver dysfunction or PLE occurs because of the obstructive Fontan circuit, these problems often persist even after a successful angioplasty. Therefore, the catheter or surgical angioplasty should be considered in the early stage of the problems.
12.4.2 Coil Embolization Systemic to Pulmonary Collaterals
Systemic to pulmonary collateral (SP collateral) is thought to be a risk factor [7, 8, 48] at the time of Fontan procedure. Coil embolization of SP collaterals before the Fontan operation is a standard practice in almost every institution. In spite of that, patients with Fontan circulation often develop SP collaterals many years after the Fontan procedure. When the patient has significant residual cyanosis because of the large fenestration or development of veno-venous collaterals, the development of SP collaterals is accelerated by the cyanosis-induced vascular endothelial growth factor. To eliminate the deleterious effects such as hemoptysis, ventricular volume overload, and elevation of central venous pressure, coil embolization of SP collaterals should be considered even decades after Fontan operation.

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