Institute of Pathology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
13.1 Introduction
Pneumoconiosis is characterized by an inhalation of foreign nonliving material in the widest sense but is usually restricted to inorganic matter. Inhalation causes a tissue reaction, which can be any kind of pneumonia, granulomatosis, or similar. Primarily when thinking about pneumoconiosis, silicosis and asbestosis will immediately come into one’s mind; however, there are many more agents causing pulmonary diseases. As in many other diseases in all kinds of pneumoconiosis, there is a dose-effect relationship: this means there is a threshold dose required to induce disease (amount of a mineral) and duration of exposure. In addition, the dimension of the particles is important too: particles larger than 10 μm are deposited in the larger airways; particles below 2–5 μm will reach the alveolar periphery. But there is another factor, aerodynamic diameter: particles are within the airstream and will orient themselves along the axis of the airflow; therefore, asbestos fibers although 100–200 μm in length are less than 5 μm thick, which means they are oriented within the airstream and might reach small bronchioles before being trapped at bifurcations. Another quality of inhaled mineral dust is durability: some metals are easily dissolved in extracellular fluids and can be absorbed and removed by macrophages. Other minerals such as quartz and asbestos fibers are long lasting and resist degradation by macrophages for months. Finally also the chemical composition plays a role: highly toxic compounds will cause acute injury to the lung, whereas other minerals cause injury only in huge quantities, as example for both is chromates versus titanium oxides. On the other hand, our lung has developed many clearance and defense mechanisms during evolution. We all inhale some amount of quartz, but usually do not develop silicosis, because quartz is cleared. There are several mechanisms: The evolutionary oldest mechanism is the mucus escalator system; mucus is produced by goblet cells and moved toward the larynx. Particles deposited within the mucus are transported with it and expectorated or coughed out. Another evolutionary old mechanism is clearance by macrophages; these cells of the innate immune system patrol through the lungs, phagocytose, and degrade foreign particles, thus preventing toxic injury. Finally there is also a chemical defense system. The epithelial cells of the airways and the pneumocytes produce two different enzyme systems: oxidizing enzymes such as the cytochromes and detoxifying enzymes such as the (de)aminidases, glutathione synthases and glutathione transferases, etc. [1–5]. All these form together an efficient defense against inhaled mineral particles.
There are several tissue reactions in those cases when the amount of inhaled particles and their toxicity and durability overcome the clearance mechanisms (Table 13.1).
Table 13.1
Examples of tissue reactions and their most common agents
Asthma | Isocyanates, metals |
Bronchiolitis | Nitrogen oxides |
Nodular pneumoconiosis | Coal, silica, silicates |
Diffuse interstitial fibrosis | Asbestos |
Granulomatous pneumonia | Beryllium |
Diffuse alveolar damage | Toxic fumes, hard metal, beryllium oxide |
Hypersensitivity pneumonia | Isocyanates, chromium, nickel |
Giant cell interstitial pneumonia GIP | Hard metal, cobalt |
Alveolar proteinosis | Silica |
Emphysema | Coal, cadmium, chromium |
Pleural plaque/fibrosis | Asbestos |
Lung cancer | Asbestos, nickel, arsenic |
Mesothelioma | Asbestos |
13.2 Silicosis
Quartz oxides induce silicosis, the major component being SiO2. The mechanism on how silica oxides cause silicosis is not entirely clear; however, most probably inflammation is started by depolarization of biological membranes caused by quartz. Quartz crystals phagocytosed by macrophages act by their piezoelectric effect and cause depolarization of the phagolysosomes and thus release toxic enzymes into the cytoplasm, subsequently causing cell death [6]. These enzymes then will cause oxygen radical production and activation of NFκB, TNFα, and cyclooxygenase II and contribute to the destruction of pneumocytes and alveolar walls including basement membranes [7–9]. The first tissue reaction in silicosis is a granulomatous reaction with histiocytes, in very early stages even foreign body giant cells. In acute silicosis with high-dose inhalation, a simple macrophage reaction is also seen (Fig. 13.1). In rare cases, silicoproteinosis can be caused by high-dose inhalation, especially if amorphous silica is inhaled (Fig. 13.2). TGF-β seems to be the major mediator of fibrosis and is produced by hyperplastic pneumocytes type II as well as by fibroblasts and macrophages at the periphery of silicotic granulomas. The hyperplastic pneumocytes appear to be the predominant sites of production and secretion of TGF-β1 and mediate the production of extracellular matrix [10]. These granulomas represent the early stages of silicosis and fulfill the criteria for compensation by state agencies. Later on these granulomas undergo hyalinization and form the typical hyaline granulomas of full-blown silicosis (Fig. 13.3). By polarized light quartz is seen as white birefringent crystals, usually 7 μm in length and less 1 μm in diameter (Fig. 13.4). Usually nodules coalesce and form large aggregates. In the center necrosis can occur, most probably by ischemia.

Fig. 13.1
Silicosis with two different types of early reaction: in the left panel, a granulomatous reaction with foreign body giant cells and histiocytes is seen and in the right panel, a macrophage accumulation is the only reaction in this high-dose inhalation by a patient working with sand blasting. H&E, ×200

Fig. 13.2
Alveolar proteinosis in acute silicosis. The alveoli are diffusely filled with eosinophilic material without cells. By polarization numerous silica crystals can be seen. H&E, ×50

Fig. 13.3
Hyaline granuloma in silicosis. This is the typical reaction in silicosis. The center of the granuloma is built by concentric depositions of collagen fibers, which may undergo purification as in this example. The outer wall is built by macrophages with dark pigment and numerous silica particles. H&E, ×25

Fig. 13.4
Silica crystal as seen in bronchoalveolar lavage specimen (semi-polarized light), H&E, ×400. Right a scanning electron microscopic picture with two macrophages, the upper one is going to die, because of the ingested silica crystals, and the lower one is just approaching the crystalline material. Numerous blebs characterize the toxic injury. ×4,000
Silica degradation takes several months, and usually silica crystals are constantly released from the granuloma border and subsequently will start the destructive process again. So even if the patient is withdrawn from the exposure, silicosis will progress although less rapidly. Over time the granulomas undergo fibrosis, forming large scars. This in turn will cause tractions of the bronchi and bronchiectasis. If bronchi are within the fibrotic area, they can even be obliterated.
The upper lobes are usually more severely affected by silicosis, and the hilar lymph nodes can appear black, firm, and packed together. The distribution pattern of silicosis can be best demonstrated by HRCT scan or by whole lung sections on paper mounts (Fig. 13.5).

Fig. 13.5
Silicosis, whole lobe section mounted on paper (unstained). This type of section can evaluate several aspects of silicosis: it is clear that the left case has caused much more symptoms compared to right side case. The hilar lymph nodes are scarred in both but much more severe in the left. Whereas emphysema is mild on the right specimen, it is severe in the left specimen
Occupational exposure: In former days, the majority of patients presenting with silicosis were found within coal mines (e.g., the Rhine-Ruhr area in Germany and the coal mines in Poland) due to the contamination of hard coal with high proportion of silicates (up to 35 %). Other exposures occurred in tunnel construction, brick production, sandblasting, masonry, founding, ceramic fabrication, gold mining (South African mines), and dental laboratories [11–13]. Silicon oxides come in two forms, crystalline (quartz, tridymite, cristobalite) and amorphous (diatomite). For many years, amorphous silica was regarded as non-fibrogenic. However, experimental work has shown that amorphous silica is as dangerous as crystalline [14].
Outcome and secondary changes: Bronchiectasis and bronchial obstruction will cause severe emphysema; pulmonary blood vessels usually undergo fibrosis and obliteration. Especially the small arteries and capillaries are lost. The whole diameter of the peripheral capillary system can be reduced by more than one third. Emphysema formation results in hypoxia, sclerosis of pulmonary arteries will cause pulmonary arterial hypertension, and both will together act on right ventricular hypertrophy followed by right ventricular failure.
13.3 Silicatosis
All complex Silica compounds, causing pneumoconiosis, are called silicatosis. There is non-asbestos silicatosis, such as mica, talc, kaolin, vermiculite, and wollastonite, and there is asbestosis. Non-asbestos silicatosis usually causes the same tissue reactions as silica; however, the granulomatous reaction might be missed. Sometimes a more diffuse fibrosis develops, such as in talcosis. The most important silicatosis is asbestosis.
13.3.1 Asbestosis
Asbestosis is defined as an interstitial fibrosis of the lung induced by asbestos fiber inhalation. It does occur in heavily exposed persons with >25 fibers/ml/year [19]. The disease develops slowly and the latency period can be up to 30 years. Asbestos exposure can manifest itself with different clinical presentations at the pleura: pleural effusion, pleural plaques, diffuse pleural fibrosis, and mesothelioma. Lung features are interstitial fibrosis but also lung carcinomas. The diagnosis of pulmonary asbestosis requires the proof of asbestos bodies and the presence of interstitial fibrosis (Figs. 13.6 and 13.7). There should be more than two asbestos bodies per 1 cm2 tissue area. Alternatively a similar number of uncoated asbestos fibers that falls into the range recorded for asbestosis are sufficient [19].

Fig. 13.6
Asbestosis, in (a) overview of a VATS biopsy showing consolidation of the peripheral lung tissue and deposition of brownish material. (b) Shows a macrophage accumulation with some giant cells. There is brown pigment deposited, in the center a needlelike structure, possibly an asbestos fiber. (c) Shows asbestos fibers highlighted by a Prussian blue stain, in (d) again massive deposition of brown coarse granular material including some asbestos-like fibers. The deposition or coarse granular foreign material should prompt a search for asbestos fibers, which will be seen in even in a transbronchial biopsy (e, f). H&E, Prussian blue, ×12, 200, 400, bars 20 μm

Fig. 13.7
Asbestos bodies/fibers can be demonstrated by electron microscopy (scanning mode, a), but also in BAL specimen (b–e); in lavage fluid different forms of asbestos bodies can be seen, sometimes with macrophages engulfing the fibers. The measurement of asbestos fiber burden can also be assessed using BAL: 1 ML native fluid is filtered and the fibers can be counted by light microscopy. The number of fibers is almost equivalent to the number in 1 MM3 of tissue. In (f) asbestos fibers are demonstrated after KOH digestion of a tissue block. H&E, Giemsa, ElMi, ×4,000, 400, bars 50, 20, 10 μm
In asbestosis the tissue reaction primarily starts as acute bronchiolitis and progress into fibrosing bronchiolitis [20–22]. In the periphery, DIP-like and UIP-like reactions can be seen, which progress into lung fibrosis [19]. Importantly, fibrosis in asbestosis is usually paucicellular and collagenous rather than fibroblastic and inflammatory. Also fibrosis is focal and asymmetric in distribution and early on can involve central portions of the lung. In the pleura, chronic pleuritis progresses into fibrosis and hyalinosis, resulting in the classical pleural plaque.
Asbestosis is graded into four grades:
Grade 0: No fibrosis
Grade 1: Peribronchiolar fibrosis, less 50 % bronchioles involved
Grade 2: Peribronchiolar fibrosis, >50 % bronchioles involved, focal interstitial fibrosis
Grade 3: “Bridging” interstitial fibrosis
Grade 4: Honeycomb lung
Besides diffuse lung fibrosis, the hallmarks of asbestosis are asbestos bodies. These are asbestos fibers covered or encrusted by a proteinaceous, iron-containing core. The asbestos fiber can be seen in the center. Macrophages can break down asbestos fibers, which can easily be found in BAL (Fig. 13.7). However, be aware: asbestos bodies are a sign of exposure, not the proof of disease! The tissue reaction is mandatory! Asbestos bodies can be highlighted by an iron stain (Prussian blue).
It should be mentioned that other manmade mineral fibers could undergo the same changes and look like asbestos bodies. Therefore, unless an exposure anamnesis is submitted, these bodies should be called asbestos-like bodies and be analyzed by electron microscopy and EDAX or chemically from wet tissue or BAL samples.
It is important to know that only approximately 1 % asbestos fibers form asbestos bodies. Therefore a mineral analysis is necessary. This can be done by electron microscopy using EDAX for the element analysis, by digesting 1 cm3 of tissue (KOH) filtering the fibers and counting them either by electron or light microscopy. Another method is to centrifuge 1 ml of BAL and count the fibers on a glass slide (Fig. 13.7).
Important factors for the diagnosis of asbestosis are in addition an exposure anamnesis, irregular opacities on CT scan, a lung function test with combined obstructive and restrictive changes, and clinical symptoms.
Asbestosis can sometimes present with unusual features, like rapid clinical progression within 3–5 years in patients with collagen vascular disease, in patients with UIP-like pathology.
Different kinds of asbestos fibers do exist: chrysotile and the amphiboles amosite, crocidolite, tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite (Table 13.2 and Fig. 13.8).

Table 13.2
Asbestos minerals and definitions
Silicates | Formula | Fibrous form |
Serpentines | ||
Serpentine | Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 | Chrysotile |
Amphiboles | X7Si8O22(OH)2 | |
Anthophyllite | Mg7Si8O22(OH)2 | Anthophyllite |
Grunerite | Fe2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 | Amosite |
Riebeckite | NaMgFe5Si8O22(OH)2 | Crocidolite |
Tremolite | Ca2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2 | Tremolite |

Fig. 13.8
Different types of asbestos fibers, standardized preparations as used for research. Compare the rigid fibers of amosite, anthophyllite, crocidolite, and tremolite versus the thin flexible fibers of chrysotile. Electron microscopy
Erionite, sheet silicates, carbon, metal oxides, manmade minerals, and elastin can form pseudoasbestos bodies.
Asbestos fibers in addition to asbestosis and pleura fibrosis can induce malignant tumors, especially malignant mesothelioma and lung carcinomas (NSCLC). Smoking in asbestos-exposed patients is a cofounding factor much enhancing the development of malignancy [23–28]. With respect to fiber type, amphiboles are more potent than chrysotile.
Erionite, a fibrous non-asbestos mineral of the zeolite family, is found in Turkey, Sicily, Greece, Cyprus, Corsica, Mexico, North Dakota, and New Caledonia, the best-known areas are in Cappadocia, Turkey [29–34]. Erionite causes mesotheliomas with a high incidence; however, genetic predisposition seems to play a minor but additional role [35]. There are no reports about lung fibrosis in these populations caused by erionite; therefore, this topic will be discussed in the chapter on pleural diseases.
13.3.2 Other Silicatoses
Different complex silicates can also cause lung fibrosis. The most common minerals are mica, talcum, kaolin, vermiculite, and wollastonite [36–46]. These minerals most often cause diffuse fibrosis and much less often granulomas (Fig. 13.9). Some minerals can be easily diagnosed, because of their characteristic pattern on polarized light microscopy (talcum crystals); others are less characteristic and will need element analysis (kaolin, vermiculite; Fig. 13.10). Most important: in several of these minerals, a mixture with other mineral dusts can occur. Silicosis and silicatosis can be mixed in some patients, so a combination of diffuse fibrosis and hyaline granulomas should prompt a search for silica and asbestos bodies. Also muscovite and kaolinite can be found mixed, causing mixed dust fibrosis with no silicotic nodules [47].

Fig. 13.9
Talcosis, in the top morphology is shown with macrophages containing a light brown-tinged foreign granular material. In the bottom picture the typical plates of talcum are shown under polarized light. H&E, ×100

Fig. 13.10
Kaolinosis in a female worker in a ceramic industry. Her job was polishing and she did not use any protection. Macrophages have ingested grayish-brown granular material, corresponding to kaolin. H&E, ×400
Manmade fibers have been accused to cause asbestos-like diseases, especially mesothelioma. However, there are still discussions about the potential to be carcinogenic. The carcinogenic potency of a fiber is dependent on length and on the diameter, more precisely the length-to-diameter ratio; their piezoelectric potency might play a role and not to forget the chemical structure and the ability to form oxygen radicals. The carcinogenic potency of short fibers may be weak, but many short fibers may induce a tumor as easily as a few long fibers [48].
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis is induced by massive coal inhalation. Simple coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (SCWP) is usually without any symptoms, and also lung function tests are almost normal. Macroscopically in SCWP the lungs present dark gray to black. On cut surface and also microscopically, SCWP is characterized by multiple coal dust macules (Fig. 13.11). SCWP is seen in coal mining [49–52]. The deposition of coal dust is increased over the clearance mechanisms, causing accumulation of the dust in the interstitium. Normally this causes no functional disturbance [53]. Rarely accumulation of macrophages and release of enzymes can induce lung lesions; similar to what is seen in overload reaction in laboratory animals, also genetic factors might contribute [54–56]. Complex coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CCWP) is seen in coal mines with a silica content of less than 10 % (often around 7 %). In complex coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, there is fibrosis of bronchioles and adjacent lung tissue, causing functional impairment of the lungs (Fig. 13.12). Nodular structures or granulomas are not encountered, but in the fibrotic areas, accumulation of dust-laden macrophages, which also contain few silica crystals; in addition, also iron was accused to be a component for the fibrogenic response [57–59].

Fig. 13.11
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis shown in an autopsy specimen, whole lung section on paper mount. The numerous black-pigmented macules are see in this case of simple coal worker’s pneumoconiosis

Fig. 13.12
Coal worker’s pneumoconiosis, top panel simple CWP, is shown, corresponding to the dust macules seen in Fig. 13.11. Below is complex CWP with fibrosis in addition to the coal dust deposit. H&E, ×50
New pneumoconioses are emerging. Graphitosis or toner pneumoconiosis is based on the inhalation of graphite (toner for laser printer) combined with O3 toxicity in minimally ventilated small rooms (Fig. 13.13). Manmade mineral fibers are another source of new types of pneumoconiosis.

Fig. 13.13
Graphitosis in a male patient involved in service of multiple laser printers in an ill-ventilated office. H&E, semi-polarized, ×100
Diesel exhaust consists of coal particles covered by many different hydrocarbon compounds. Initially diesel exhaust was claimed to be nontoxic. There exist several arguments, which are against this initial hypothesis: diesel exhaust carbon particle (DECP) are ultrafine particles, less than 1 μm in diameter – many of them are part of so-called nanoparticles, which means these particles can easily cross epithelial and endothelial barriers. Both the organic and the particulate components cause oxidant lung injury. The particulate components induce alveolar epithelial damage, alter thiol levels in alveolar macrophages and lymphocytes, and induce production and release of oxygen radicals and pro-inflammatory cytokines by macrophages. The organic components generate intracellular oxygen radicals, leading to a variety of cellular responses including apoptosis. There are a number of differences between the biological actions exerted by these two components. The organic component is responsible for DECP induction of cytochrome P450 family 1 enzymes that are critical to the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and nitro-PAH metabolism in the lung [60]. High concentrations of DEP (125 μg/ml) modulate the tight junction occludin mRNA in the cells of the defense system and thus decrease epithelial integrity following exposure to particulate antigens in lung cells [61]. DECP posses a physical property of binding hydrocarbons quite firmly on their surface, making them an ideal tracer for carcinogenic and inflammation-inducing compounds. Recent work has uncovered an association with asthma, COPD, and lung cancer [62–68].
13.4 Metal-Induced Pneumoconiosis and Disease
Different metals can cause lung diseases. Some of these we will not discuss here, as chronic allergic metal disease, which is characterized by non-necrotizing epithelioid cell granulomas (beryllium, zirconium). Others cause a classical pneumoconiosis, such as hard metal, aluminum, and zinc. Different types of metals can be detected by electron microscopy using devices for element detection. One problem in these investigations is that several of these metals are easily dissolved by the fixation and dehydration in fluid and leach out of the tissue. Another option is using “old-style” chemical reactions used for the analysis of complex compounds. This can be done using solvents to leach out the materials of interest followed by a chemical reaction with dyes, which turn color, if the element is present. Many of these chemical reactions can also be performed on tissue sections. However, this all is only possible for elements, which normally do not occur within human tissues.
13.4.1 Hard Metal Lung Disease
Hard metal lung disease is caused by the inhalation of dust from hard metal. Hard metal is an alloy composed of several metals, usually chromium, titanium, cobalt, nickel, iron, tungsten, and others. Due to its hardness, it can be used to sharpen instruments made from steel. By the process of sharpening, dust is released from the hard metal and can be inhaled.
The clinical symptoms are like an acute respiratory distress syndrome with hypoxia, shortness of breath, chest pain, and edema. By HRCT scan, ground-glass opacities are seen in both lungs, predominantly in mid and lower zones.
Macroscopically the lung weight and consistency is increased, the color is dark red, and the cut surface is edematous. Histologically in early development and in heavy exposure, there is an accumulation of macrophages in the alveolar lumina, fibrin clots are present, and hyaline membranes can be seen (diffuse alveolar damage; Fig. 13.14a). In less severe exposure, respiratory bronchiolitis can be seen early on. This later on develops into a giant cell interstitial pneumonia (GIP). Numerous macrophages and multinucleated foreign body giant cells are within alveoli and in the interstitium, sometimes with ingested brown-black material (Fig. 13.14b). Besides a mild lymphocytic infiltration might be encountered. The main elements causing this reaction are cobalt, nickel, and tungsten. Especially cobalt is highly toxic. In experiments, it has been shown that cobalt is the most toxic compound within this alloy, can easily dissolve out, and will subsequently induce giant cell formation of macrophages [69–71]. If the patient survives the acute onset, peribronchial/peribronchiolar fibrosis and fibrosis of the alveolar septa result [71–73]. Large scars are usually absent.

Fig. 13.14
Hard metal lung disease: in (a) an acute reaction is seen with DAD and macrophages but also areas with necrosis of the lung parenchyma. In (b) the chronic form is illustrated with the morphology of giant cell interstitial pneumonia. By BAL a macrophage reaction is seen (c), which is positive for Prussian blue stain (d) and is bright orange on polarized light due to the birefringence of TiO2 (e)
In BAL, the diagnosis can be suspected, because one of the elements titanium oxide persists in the tissues in contrast to the other easily dissolvable metal compounds. TiO2 gives a red-orange birefringence on polarized light (Fig. 13.14c–e).
GIP seen in tissue sections is almost diagnostic of hard metal lung disease: there is only one differential to be considered, which is viral-induced GIP, commonly seen in measles and RSV infections.
13.4.2 Aluminosis
Aluminosis is caused by inhalation of aluminum dust. The disease predominantly is seen in workers in mining, welding, as well as in the processing of aluminum although rarely in those processes where electrolysis is used [74]. Workers exposed to aluminum dust present acute onset of shortness of breath. On CT scan, ground-glass opacities are seen scattered in both lungs. In lung tissues, the dominant picture is a DIP-like accumulation of macrophages, which contain finely granular brown to black material (Fig. 13.15a–f). Foreign body granulomas can be present; sometimes histiocytic granulomas can be formed. In later stages, peribronchiolar fibrosis will develop [75–77]. Van Kossa reaction stains aluminum grayish (Fig. 13.15c). In the disease pathogenesis, an allergic reaction is discussed and some experimental studies support this assumption [78]. In these cases, a granulomatous reaction is seen, usually with epithelioid cell granulomas [79]. In BAL sometimes an eosinophilic reaction was reported [77].

Fig. 13.15
Aluminosis illustrated by two cases. (a–d) Case 1 was diagnosed in a transthoracic core needle biopsy. In (a, b) the morphology is shown with macrophages having ingested a grayish material, finely granular. By Kossa stain (c) the material changed the color to grayish–yellow, which is a hint to aluminum. In (d) focal fibrosis is seen by the Movat stain. Case 2 is represented by a transbronchial biopsy, again showing macrophages with the phagocytosed material (e). In this case an additional compound out of an aluminum alloy is present in the Prussian blue stain as black coarse particles and iron-positive iron-containing compound (f). H&E, Kossa, Movat, Prussian blue stains, bars 50 and 20 μm
13.4.3 Chromium and Vanadium
Inhalation of chromium and vanadium is predominantly found in mining and welding [80]. The clinical symptoms are flu-like with tracheobronchitis and pneumonia. Fever may be present. Both metals when inhaled in larger quantities will cause alveolar hemorrhage, edema, and DIP-like reactions sometimes accompanied by neutrophils due to the toxicity of the oxides. Due to the high chemical reactivity of both metals being able to form different oxides (CrO3, instable Cr2O4, Cr2O5; VO3, V2O4, V2O5), they can induce toxicity by releasing oxygen radicals [81–83]. In contrast to the upper airways, where chromates and vanadates are carcinogenic, in the lower airways, no tumors could be induced experimentally by chronic chromate inhalation; however, mice as well as rats developed chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, and emphysema, histologically very similar to human COPD [82] (Fig. 13.16). Bronchial asthma may be caused by complex chromium compounds, presumably on the basis of allergic sensitization [84]. In rare cases, chromium compounds used in dentistry may cause chronic hypersensitivity pneumonia with UIP pattern and granulomas (Fig. 13.17) [13, 85].

Fig. 13.16
Experimental bronchiectasis induced by chronic chromate inhalation in mice. Within the bronchus, accumulation of mucus and debris from leukocytes is seen. H&E, ×12

Fig. 13.17
Chronic hypersensitivity pneumonia with epithelioid cell granuloma, LIP, and UIP pattern in a case of hypersensitivity for an alloy containing different metals, including chromium. In the left panel, there is dense lymphocytic infiltration, but also cystic remodeling of the lung with many fibroblastic foci. In the right panel, an epithelioid cell granuloma with accompanying lymphocytes is shown. H&E, 50 and 200 μm
13.4.4 Tungsten
Tungsten as a component of hard metal has been discussed. Tungsten alone does not cause severe symptoms; however, if inhaled in large quantities, it causes lipid pneumonia and accumulation of lipid-laden macrophages in the mucosa of the upper and lower airways (Fig. 13.18). This might morphologically simulate the rare lipid storage disease Niemann-Pick. Hemorrhage can occur, but more often nasal bleeding from the involvement of the mucosa of the upper airways. How tungsten interfere with the metabolism of lipids has not been investigated, but so far fibrosis reported in tungsten workers/miners is most likely induced by contamination with cobalt compounds [69, 86–88]. Tungsten when administered via nose-only inhalation to rats was absorbed systemically, and blood tungsten levels increased as inhaled concentration increased. Increased lung weight was attributed to deposition of TBO in the lungs, inducing a macrophage influx. There was a dose-related increase in alveolar pigmented macrophages, alveolar foreign material, and individual alveolar foamy macrophages recorded in the lung. Microscopic findings were interpreted as non-adverse response to exposure and were not considered a specific reaction to TBO [89].

Fig. 13.18
Chronic tungsten inhalation in a young student who worked in a small company shipping tungsten into containers. He realized black material in his nose as well as in expectorations. Bronchial biopsies show an accumulation of macrophages in the mucosa (a), which was negative for iron (b), negative for PAS (c), but positive for Sudan black B (d). Analysis showed tungsten associated with several lipids. This case very much resembled Niemann-Pick storage disease. ×100 and 200
13.4.5 Cobalt
Exposure to cobalt dust may induce giant cell interstitial pneumonitis similar to hard metal lung disease. In contrast to hard metal lung disease, exposure cessation and corticosteroid treatment improved the disease [90].
The reactivity of the tungsten carbide-cobalt mixture toward alveolar macrophages is quite different from that of cobalt metal powder. The ground tungsten carbide-cobalt mixture prepared is almost as toxic as crystalline silica, whereas tungsten carbide has no effect, and pure cobalt metal powder slightly impairs cell viability [91]. Tungsten carbide (WC) alone behaves as an inert dust producing only a mild accumulation of macrophages in the alveolar duct walls. Co particles alone cause a moderate inflammatory response. An identical amount of cobalt given as WC-Co mixture produces a severe alveolitis and fatal pulmonary edema. The acute lung toxicity of tungsten carbide-cobalt mixture is much higher than that of each individual component and may explain why lung fibrosis is rare if ever induced by exposure to pure cobalt dust [69, 92].
With respect to the sensitivity for cobalt, it was shown that pneumocytes type II are twice as sensitive than alveolar macrophages. The presence of WC almost doubled the toxic effects, but this synergy between Co and WC only occurred if the particles were in close contact with the cells. CoCl2 showed a similar toxicity for pneumocytes and macrophages [93].
Exposure to cobalt and tungsten is highest in areas handling powders and lowest in areas handling finished product. Inhalable cobalt and tungsten exposures were observed in all work areas. All sizes of cobalt-containing particles that deposit in the lung and airways have the potential to cause asthma. Cobalt-tungsten mixtures that deposit in the alveolar region of the lung may potentially cause asthma and lung cancer [88].
Instilled haptenic metal oxide NiO, Co3O4, Cr2O3, and CuO induced chronic interstitial inflammation. Neither Cr2O3 nor CuO NPs elicited immunoinflammatory reactions. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis (PAP) was induced by both NiO and Co3O4 during the chronic phase. PAP was associated with overproduction of surfactant by proliferation of type II cells and impaired clearance of surfactant by macrophages [94].
13.4.6 Other Metals
Other metals such as cadmium and mercury induce nonspecific damage, probably by initiating production of reactive oxygen species [76]. Cadmium does occur in tobacco plants, especially in areas with heavy traffic pollution, as cadmium is present in trace amounts in gasoline. Cadmium is taken up by tobacco plants in exchange for calcium. Therefore the route into the airways is by cigarette smoking [95]. Cadmium has been proven to be carcinogenic [96–102]. There are possible mechanisms explored on how cadmium might induce carcinogenesis. One aspect is generation of radical oxygen species by acute Cd overload. This leads to acute cell damage. By chronic Cd exposure, ROS production is reduced but results in aberrant gene expression and finally carcinoma development [103]. In another experiment, cadmium treatment induced inflammatory and growth responses in transformed A549 cells with an activation of EGFR and its downstream modulators [104]. In addition Cd induced HIF-1 expression via ROS/ERK/AKT signaling pathway and furthermore vascular endothelial growth factor expression and transcriptional activation through ROS, ERK, and AKT pathways. Finally, cadmium transformed human bronchial epithelial cells in culture; the transformed cells induced tube formation in vitro, angiogenesis on chicken chorioallantoic membrane, and formed tumors in nude mice [105]. Cd induced global DNA methylation and overexpression of the DNA methyltransferase genes DNMT1 and DNMT3a. Expression of mRNA and proteins of the repair genes hMSH2, ERCC1, XRCC1, and hOGG1 were reduced by methylation of promoters for hMSH2, ERCC1, XRCC1, and hOGG1. The DNMT1 and DNMT3a overexpression induced by Cd can result in global DNA hypermethylation and silencing of the hMSH2, ERCC1, XRCC1, and hOGG1 genes [106].

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