Pleural Effusion Due to Miscellaneous Diseases
The exposure to asbestos is definitely associated with the occurrence of benign exudative pleural effusions.
Epler et al. (1) reviewed the medical histories of 1,135 asbestos workers whom they had followed for several years and found that 35 of the workers (3%) had pleural effusions for which there was no other ready explanation (1). In contrast, no unexplained effusions were seen in the control group of 717 subjects. These authors found a direct relationship between the level of asbestos exposure and the development of a pleural effusion. In patients with heavy, moderate, and mild asbestos exposure, the incidence of pleural effusion was 9.2, 3.9, and 0.7 effusions/1,000 person-years, respectively (1). Pleural effusions occur sooner after asbestos exposure than do pleural plaques or pleural calcification. In the series mentioned in the preceding text, many patients developed pleural effusions within 5 years of the initial exposure, and almost all did so within 20 years of the initial exposure. This finding is in direct contrast to the occurrence of pleural plaques and pleural calcifications, which usually do not occur until at least 20 years after the initial exposure. Other investigators, however, have reported a much longer period between the initial exposure and the development of the effusion. Hillerdal and Ozesmi (2) reviewed 60 patients with asbestos pleural effusions and found that the mean latency after the initial exposure was 30 years and that only 4 of their patients had developed a pleural effusion within 10 years of the initial exposure.
Pathogenesis and Pathologic Features
The pathogenesis of the pleural effusion that occurs after asbestos exposure is not known but is probably similar to that of pleural plaques, which are described in Chapter 27. In the series of Epler et al. (1), 20% of the affected individuals had pleural plaques, whereas in the Hillerdal and Ozesmi series (2), 39 of 60 patients (65%) had bilateral pleural plaques. It is likely that the presence of submicroscopic asbestos particles in the pleural space provides a constant stimulation to the pleural mesothelial cells (3). When mesothelial cells are cultured in the presence of asbestos particles, they synthesize and release a protein fraction with chemotactic activity for neutrophils, which appears to be interleukin 8 (IL-8) (4). When crocidolite is instilled into the pleural spaces of rabbits, chemotactic activity rapidly appears in the pleural fluid and this chemotactic activity is significantly inhibited by a neutralizing antibody to human IL-8 (4). In addition, when rat mesothelial cells are incubated in the presence of crocidolite or chrysotile asbestos fibers, they secrete the fibroblast chemoattractant fibronectin (5).
The gross pathologic findings in patients with pleural effusions secondary to asbestos are not well defined. Mattson (6) performed a thoracoscopy on nine patients with asbestos pleural effusion and found that the visceral pleural surface was completely normal in all patients but the parietal pleura was inflamed. In contrast, Gaensler and Kaplan (7) reported that both the visceral pleura and the parietal pleura of their patients were thickened, and an irregular pleural symphysis was seen in all patients. Perhaps the difference between these series is that pleural disease had been
present longer in the second group. Microscopic examination of the pleura reveals chronic fibrosing pleuritis with varying degrees of inflammation and vascularity, depending on the acuteness of the process (7,8).
present longer in the second group. Microscopic examination of the pleura reveals chronic fibrosing pleuritis with varying degrees of inflammation and vascularity, depending on the acuteness of the process (7,8).
Clinical Manifestations
Patients with pleural effusions secondary to asbestos have surprisingly few symptoms (1,2). In Hillerdal and Ozesmi’s (2) series of 60 patients, 47% had no symptoms, 34% had chest pain, 6% had dyspnea, and the remainder had various other symptoms. Mattson (6) reported that his patients often complained of feeling heavy in their chest. Most of Gaensler and Kaplan’s (7) patients complained of pleuritic chest pain or progressive dyspnea, but these patients were referred for symptoms rather than having their disorder diagnosed on the basis of serial chest radiographs.
The chest radiograph usually reveals a small-tomoderate-sized pleural effusion, which is bilateral in approximately 10% of patients (1). Many patients have pleural plaques, whereas fewer than 5% have pleural calcifications, and approximately 50% have some evidence of parenchymal asbestosis (1,7).
The pleural fluid associated with asbestos pleural effusion is an exudate that is serous or serosanguineous (6). The pleural fluid white blood cell (WBC) count can be as high as 28,000/mm3, and the pleural fluid differential WBC can reveal either predominantly polymorphonuclear leukocytes or mononuclear cells (2). Pleural fluid eosinophilia appears to be a characteristic of asbestos pleural effusions. In one series, more than 50% eosinophils were found in 5 of 11 asbestos pleural effusions, and an additional 2 effusions had more than 15% eosinophils (6). In a second series (2), 26% of 66 asbestos effusions had pleural fluid eosinophilia. Most asbestos pleural effusions contain mesothelial cells (2).
The diagnosis of asbestos pleural effusion is one of exclusion. Patients with a strong history of exposure to asbestos and a pleural effusion should be closely evaluated for mesothelioma or metastatic bronchogenic carcinoma because these diseases occur much more commonly in individuals exposed to asbestos. If these diseases as well as tuberculosis and pulmonary embolism are ruled out, the patient probably has an asbestos pleural effusion and should be watched. The occupational history of any patient with an undiagnosed exudative pleural effusion should be evaluated for exposure to asbestos. If such exposure is found and the patient is asymptomatic with a small pleural effusion, the effusion is probably due to asbestos exposure.
The natural history of the patient with an asbestos pleural effusion is one of chronicity with frequent recurrences and sometimes the development of fibrosis of the parietal pleura (1,6,7,8). The pleural effusion on the average lasts several months, but eventually it clears and leaves no residual pleural disease in most patients (2). In the series of 35 patients followed by Epler et al. (1) for a mean period of 9.7 years, 29% of the patients developed recurrent benign effusions, more commonly on the contralateral side. In approximately 20% of patients, massive pleural fibrosis follows the asbestos pleural effusion, whereas in an additional 20%, the ipsilateral costophrenic angle remains blunted after the effusion has resolved. At times, malignant mesotheliomas follow asbestos pleural effusions. Three of the 61 patients (5%) in the series of Epler et al. developed a mesothelioma during the follow-up period. These mesotheliomas occurred 6, 9, and 16 years after the initial pleural effusion (1).
Pleural effusions are common after lung transplantation. Normally, 80% of the fluid that enters the interstitial spaces of the lungs is cleared from the lung through the lymphatics, whereas 20% is cleared through the pleural space (see Chapter 2). In the patient with a lung transplant, however, the lymphatics are transected, and, accordingly, almost all the fluid that enters the lung exits through the pleural space. The continuity of the lymphatics is restored within 2 to 4 weeks of lung transplantation (9).
Pleural effusions are usually not evident in the immediate posttransplant period because the patients have chest tubes. The amount of fluid that drains through the chest tube may be very large, particularly if the patient has the reperfusion syndrome. In one patient with a severe reperfusion syndrome, the chest tube drained more than 600 mL/hour (10). Prolonged chest tube drainage is necessary in many patients. In one series of 100 patients, the mean time for chest tube drainage was 19.3 days with a range of 5 to 52 days (11). Most patients do not have large amounts of chest tube drainage. Judson et al. (12) performed serial analyses on the chest tube drainage
from seven patients who had undergone lung transplantation. They reported that the mean output from the chest tube fell from 400 mL/day on day 1 to 200 mL/day on day 4 and that these mean outputs were similar to those seen in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass or other cardiothoracic surgeries (12). The pleural fluid on day 1 is a bloody neutrophilpredominant exudate, and on day 7 is still bloody with a mean protein of 2 g/dL and a mean lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level of more than twice the upper limit of normal. Over the same time, the mean WBC decreased from 10,600 to 637 cells/mm3 and neutrophils decreased from 90% to 49% (12). Teixeira et al. (13) performed serial measurements of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and VEGF in the pleural fluid of 20 patients who had undergone lung transplantation. They found that the levels of all four cytokines were much higher in the pleural fluid than in the serum and were highest at 6 hours after the transplantation (13). With time the levels of these cytokines tended to gradually decrease (13).
from seven patients who had undergone lung transplantation. They reported that the mean output from the chest tube fell from 400 mL/day on day 1 to 200 mL/day on day 4 and that these mean outputs were similar to those seen in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass or other cardiothoracic surgeries (12). The pleural fluid on day 1 is a bloody neutrophilpredominant exudate, and on day 7 is still bloody with a mean protein of 2 g/dL and a mean lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level of more than twice the upper limit of normal. Over the same time, the mean WBC decreased from 10,600 to 637 cells/mm3 and neutrophils decreased from 90% to 49% (12). Teixeira et al. (13) performed serial measurements of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, and VEGF in the pleural fluid of 20 patients who had undergone lung transplantation. They found that the levels of all four cytokines were much higher in the pleural fluid than in the serum and were highest at 6 hours after the transplantation (13). With time the levels of these cytokines tended to gradually decrease (13).
Pleural abnormalities are common on imaging studies of the chest posttransplantation. Ferrer et al. (11) reported that on thoracic computed tomography (CT) at 3 months posttransplantation, 34 of 58 patients (59%) had a pleural effusion whereas at 12 months posttransplantation 4 of 50 patients (8%) had a pleural effusion. Most patients (62%) at 3 months and (96%) at 12 months posttransplantation had pleural thickening (11).
It appears that some patients may develop a benign effusion 2 to 6 weeks posttransplantation. Shitrit et al. (14) reported that 10 of 35 patients (29%) developed more than a minimal pleural effusion between 2 and 12 weeks posttransplantation. Two of these patients had a parapneumonic effusion and one had rejection, but there was no explanation for the effusion in the other seven patients (14). A thoracentesis was performed in all the patients. In each instance, the pleural fluid was a lymphocyte-predominant exudate (13). Most did not recur after thoracentesis (14). It is likely that these effusions have a pathogenesis similar to those that occur after coronary artery bypass graft surgery (see Chapter 19).
It appears that patients who develop complications after their lung transplantation are likely to have a pleural effusion. In one series in children, radiologic findings were correlated with histopathologic diagnoses in 62 instances (15): pleural effusions occurred with 14 of 19 (74%) episodes of acute rejection, 7 of 8 (88%) instances of chronic rejection, 6 of 11 (55%) episodes of infection, 3 of 4 (75%) instances with lymphoproliferative diseases, and 15 of 20 (75%) episodes in which the histopathology was nonspecific. The high prevalence of effusion with the different entities after transplantation is probably due to the fact that a larger percentage of interstitial fluid exits through the pleural space in the patient after lung transplantation. The pleural effusion that accompanies acute lung rejection is a lymphocyte-predominant exudative pleural effusion (16).
After lung transplantation, patients are at risk of developing empyema. In one series of 392 patients from the University of Pittsburgh, empyema developed in 14 patients (3.6%) at a mean time of 46 days after transplantation (17). Four of the 14 patients (29%) died from complications of pneumonia or sepsis, or both (17). In a more recent study (18) from the Duke University, pleural infection occurred in 27% of 455 lung transplant recipients within 90 days of transplantation. Pleural infection in this study was defined as a positive bacterial, fungal, or viral culture or a pleural fluid WBC greater than 20,000 (18). Fungal pathogens accounted for more than 60% of the infections and Candida albicans was the predominant organism found (18).
The omental flap used to prevent dehiscence of the bronchial anastomosis may result in a pseudoeffusion on the chest radiograph. The omentum with its blood supply is introduced into the chest cavity through a small incision in the diaphragm. It is particularly likely to mimic an effusion on a supine radiograph (19).
The management of the patient with a pleural effusion post-lung transplantation is dependent upon the size of the effusion and the symptoms of the patient. If the effusion occupies more than 25% of the hemithorax, a thoracentesis should be performed immediately in an attempt to ascertain the etiology of the effusion. A therapeutic thoracentesis is recommended because if the patient has the typical post-lung transplant pleural effusion, this procedure is likely to be curative (14). The other main considerations are pleural infection, chylothorax, congestive heart failure, and rejection of the lung. If the effusion recurs after the therapeutic thoracentesis, consideration should be given to small-bore catheter drainage (20). If the effusion is very small, it can probably be ignored as these effusions are very common (11). If the effusion occupies less than 25% of the hemithorax but represents more than just blunting of the costophrenic angle, a diagnostic thoracentesis should be performed if the patient is complaining of shortness of breath or if the patient is not feeling up to par. It is important to remember that these patients
are immunosuppressed and accordingly are more likely to have infections. Moreover, patients with pleural infections may not be febrile because of the immunosuppression.
are immunosuppressed and accordingly are more likely to have infections. Moreover, patients with pleural infections may not be febrile because of the immunosuppression.
Pleural effusions can occur on occasion as a complication after bone marrow transplantation. Adam et al. (21) reviewed 860 patients who underwent bone marrow transplantation between 1998 and 2006 at Wayne State University and reported that pleural effusions occurred in 64 (7.4%). Malignancy was responsible for nine effusions while four patients had parapneumonic effusions or empyema (21). Diagnoses were not established in the remaining patients (21). Seber et al. (22) reviewed the medical records of 1,905 patients who received bone marrow transplants between 1974 and 1993 at the University of Minnesota. They found seven patients who had unexplained multiple effusions involving two or more of the pleural, pericardial, or peritoneal cavities. The pleura was involved in all patients. All of these cases of polyserositis occurred in recipients of allogeneic transplants. The pleural fluid was characterized by a WBC count below 1,000 cells/mm3 and a protein level below 3.0 g/dL. Because all patients had concomitant severe graft versus host disease, the effusions were also attributed to the same disease (22).
The lungs for some lung transplantations are being obtained from living donors. In one series of 62 living donors, 4 patients (6.4%) had a pleural effusion requiring drainage with a pigtail catheter and 2 additional patients (3.2%) had a loculated pleural effusion (23). In a second report (24), 2 of 21 donors (9.5%) had to be readmitted to the hospital for the development of a pleural effusion.
The livers for some liver transplantations are also being obtained from living donors. Pleural effusions may occur in the living donor partial hepatectomy. In one large series of 386 donors, pleural effusion occurred in 9 (2.3%) (25). Five of these patients received a drainage catheter that remained in place for a median of 5 weeks (25). In a second study (26) of 112 living donors, a CT scan was obtained on day 7 which revealed pleural effusion in 75% which were bilateral in 55% and right sided in 45%. Three patients developed a right-sided empyema and an additional five patients developed a pleural effusion requiring a thoracentesis (26).
The yellow nail syndrome consists of the triad of deformed yellow nails, lymphedema, and pleural effusions. Until 1986, only 97 patients had been reported with this syndrome (27). In one series, 89% of the reported cases had yellow nails, and these were the presenting manifestation in 37%. Lymphedema of various degrees was encountered in 80% of the reported cases and was the initial manifestation in 34%. Pleural effusions were found in 36% of all cases (27). The three separate entities may become manifest at widely varying times. For example, one patient developed lymphedema in childhood, chronic nail changes at age 78, and a pleural effusion in her ninth decade (28). An occasional patient with the yellow nail syndrome also has a pericardial effusion (29,30) or chylous ascites (30). In a series (31) of 41 patients from the Mayo Clinic, other chronic respiratory manifestations were present including bronchiectasis (44%), chronic sinusitis (41%), and recurrent pneumonia (22%). In this series, the median age at diagnosis was 61 years (31). There appears to be a relationship between rheumatoid arthritis and the yellow nail syndrome. Since 1979, 10 patients have been reported who had both the yellow nail syndrome and rheumatoid arthritis (32). Lastly, a recent report (33) demonstrated that the yellow nail syndrome could be associated with either common variable immunodeficiency or the specific antibody deficiency syndrome.

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