A. General
Perioperative myocardial injury
Global WMA
Ischemia-reperfusion injury
Inadequate myocardial protection
Adverse effects of CPB
B. Case specific
Regional WMA, ECG changes, graft flow
Vessel spasm of native coronaries or internal mammary artery
Air (or particulate matter) emboli
Technical graft issues
Anastomosis, kink, clotting
Incomplete revascularization
Known issue: nongraftable vessels
Metabolic issues
Check ventilation, ABG, electrolytes
Hypoxia, hypercarbia
Conduction issues
ECG pattern, hypoxia, electrolytes
Atrioventricular dissociation
Atrial fibrillation
Ventricular arrhythmias
Measure SVR
Adverse effects of CPB
ACE-I, protamine, IV vasodilators
Increased stroke volume variation
Pulmonary hypertension
Measure PAP, avoid RV distention
Preexisting pulmonary hypertension
Hypoxia, hypercarbia, acidosis
Check ventilation, ABG
Atelectasis, Pnx, increased Pplat
Check airway pressures
Fluid overload
Sympathetic stimulation
Deepen anesthesia plan
Inadequate temperature management
High LAP
Measure PAWP or LAP
Right ventricular dysfunction/failure
Poor RV motion, RV distention, CVP
Pulmonary hypertension (any cause)
Elevated PAP
Inadequate myocardial protection
Emboli to native or bypass circulation
Regional WMA, ECG changes
Fluid overload
RV volume overload, RV distention
Uncorrected or new pathology
TEE is essential for diagnosis
Prosthetic valve dysfunction
Repaired valve gradient
Residual significant MR
Postcardiotomy (postoperative)
All of the above
Chest tubes output
Chest tubes patency, TTE, TEE
Tension pneumothorax
Clinical signs, CXR, chest tube patency
Pulmonary embolism
Fluid administration is used on a pathophysiological basis since it has not been analyzed in randomized trials in this setting. Eventually, individual volume requirements can only be evaluated by volume challenges, performed under close hemodynamic monitoring. In predicting fluid responsiveness, it is preferable to use more reliable dynamic indicators reflecting hypovolemia —namely the respiratory variation of stroke volume (SV) or SV surrogates – rather than static parameters like cardiac filling pressures or enddiastolic volumes (areas) [140–146]. If SV or SV-derived parameters (pulse pressure and aortic flow) show wide variation during mechanical ventilation, a good response to fluid therapy can be predicted. However, the gold standard hemodynamic technique guiding volume management is yet to be determined.
Pharmacological treatment of low CO and reduced oxygen delivery to vital organs may be required. Invasive hemodynamic assessment with a PAC may permit careful adjustment of filling pressures and assessment of CO. Inadequate treatment may lead to multiple organ failure, one of the main causes of prolonged hospital stay, postoperative morbidity, and mortality. However, excess inotrope usage could also be associated with deleterious effects through complex mechanisms [147]. Similarly, outside of the perioperative scenario, vasopressors and inotropes are used due to their favourable hemodynamic effects, but none have produced consistent symptomatic improvement and many induced a reduction in survival that may be associated with the deleterious cellular effects of these drugs [148].
A wide range of inotropic agents is available. Consensus regarding the pharmacological inotropic treatment for postCPB and postcardiotomy (postoperative) HF, and randomized controlled trials focusing on clinically important outcomes are both lacking. Consequently, there is marked hospital variation in the use of inotropic and vasoactive therapies in clinical practice, indicating an important area for further research to better clarify best practice [149, 150].
Main options are catecholamines and phosphodiesterase III inhibitors (PDI) [151]. Among catecholamines, low-to-moderate doses of dobutamine and epinephrine should be considered, with the understanding that catecholamines increase myocardial oxygen consumption (MVO2) while improving SV and increasing HR. PDI, such as amrinone, milrinone or enoximone, are all potent vasodilators that cause reductions in cardiac filling pressures, PVR and SVR [152, 153], and, compared to dobutamine, decrease the likelihood of arrhythmias and cause less tachycardia [154–156]. PDI, despite increasing HR and contractility, being powerful vasodilators are able to decrease LV wall tension and therefore might increase MVO2 less, compared to catecholamines [157]. PDI are independent of beta-receptor signaling because indirectly promote myocardial contractility by raising intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate and thereby cytosolic calcium concentrations [81]. PDI are therefore a good choice in patients on beta-blockade [158].
The novel calcium sensitizer levosimendan has recently become an interesting option for treatment of HF, as well as in cardiac surgical patients with low output HF for is helpful hemodynamic effects [159] and because shows little change in MVO2 [160]. Levosimendan is able to improve early heart relaxation [161], a lusitropic effect which may be of value in some patients. Levosimendan improves cardiac performance in myocardial stunning, as shown after percutaneous intervention [162]. Levosimendan is potentially a good choice in patients taking beta-blockers [163].
While concurrently targeting contractility, therapies should always focus also on optimization of cardiac workload. A reduction in preload can be achieved by a venodilator such as nitroglycerin, and a combined decrease in preload and afterload can be achieved by the administration of sodium nitroprusside. SVR should be modulated to minimize the cardiac workload, while carefully maintaining an adequate coronary perfusion pressure.
Vasopressors may be necessary. In case of low BP due to low SVR (vasoplegia), or to modulate an excessive decrease in SVR due to inodilators, norepinephrine should be used to maintain an adequate coronary perfusion pressure. Volemia should be always repeatedly assessed to ensure that the patient is not hypovolemic while under vasopressors. Vasopressine is another therapeutic option to treat low SVR states [164, 165]. A recent randomized trial compared norepinephrine with dopamine in 1,679 patients with shock, including 280 with cardiogenic shock. Dopamine was associated with higher mortality in the cardiogenic shock subgroup and more adverse events —mainly arrhythmic events – for the overall cohort [166]. Therefore, when BP is low, norepinephrine should be the first choice. It should be used at the lowest possible dose and titrated until the systolic arterial pressure rises to at least 80 mmHg. Subsequently dobutamine can be given simultaneously to improve contractility.
Among the causes of postCPB acute cardiovascular dysfunction, the possible occurrence of RV dysfunction and failure is of great interest. A common cause of RV dysfunction is elevated PAP, and is often precipitated by an element of RV ischemia and myocardial depression after CPB, which is more common after long CPB runs or as a consequence of suboptimal myocardial protection, and can also be acutely triggered by air embolism or technical graft issues. Moreover, LV dysfunction, which is common in the immediate postbypass period [167], can lead to an increase in LAP with subsequent elevation of PAP. In the latter case, the treatment is mainly directed toward treating the failing left ventricle.
There are other etiologies of postCPB increased PAP to be considered. Although PAP may decrease after valvular surgery [168, 169], the period immediately after separation from CPB may be complicated by a higher PAP, particularly among patients with preexisting PH [170]. Factors that may increase PVR after CPB are manifold, and include CPB-related factors such as ischemia-reperfusion-induced lung injury with secondary PH [171]. Wether lung injury is present or not, attention should be paid to mechanical ventilation. Mild hyperventilation may be beneficial in some patients. Important variables that may reduce pulmonary blood flow during ventilation include hypoxia —because of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction [172] which may be augmented by many factors, including acidosis – [173], hypercapnia [174], and compression of the pulmonary vasculature at the extremes of lung volumes. A reduction in pulmonary blood flow occurs both at low volumes, such as in areas of atelectasis, and at high lung volumes, such as with increased airway plateau pressure (Pplat), and increased RV afterload, reduced venous return, and acute RV dysfunction may result [127]. Therefore, both atelectasis and high-volume ventilation should be avoided by careful adjustment of ventilation settings, and specifically in patients with RV dysfunction.
In addition, hypothermia and sympathetic stimulation, the latter occurring if anesthesia is not deep enough, are also known to increase PVR, and therefore should also be avoided [40]. On occasion, pulmonary embolism, and protamine-induced PH can acutely increase PAP. Common critical factors that may cause or precipitate RV failure include inadequate myocardial protection, perioperative myocardial injury, and myocardial ischemia, or infarction, which can be caused by coronary embolism, or graft failure during CABG surgery [170]. A loss of normal sinus rhythm can also acutely trigger hemodynamic instability. Erroneously administering high dose of inotropes in a setting of volume depletion, was occasionally recognized as a potential cause of difficult weaning from bypass in adults because of dynamic obstruction of the RV outflow tract (RVOT), defined by a RVOT gradient >25 mmHg [175]. It is of note that LV outflow track obstruction by systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the MV is rarely of concern in the surgery of functional MR, as compared to primary organic MR repair, because of normal nonredundant leaflets and wide aortomitral angle in patients with functional MR.
Managing acute RV failure after CS remains challenging. In the hemodynamically unstable post CPB or postcardiotomy patient, RV dysfunction is a frequent finding, but true acute refractory RV failure is rare, occuring in approximately 0.1 % of patients following cardiotomy [176]. Conversely, it occurs in 2–3 % of patients following heart transplantation, and in 20–30 % of patients requiring LV assist device (LVAD) insertion [176]. One of the most important principles in managing postoperative RV dysfunction and failure is to be able to maintain systemic BP (and RV coronary perfusion) while minimizing RV dilation. Other important principles include maintenance of sinus rhythm, optimizing ventilator settings, and reducing RV afterload. RV afterload is commonly estimated, with some limitations, from mean PAP, PVR, and TPG; however, such parameters are affected by variation in CO, and RV afterload importantly also depends on changes in RV size, according to La Place’s relationship. Requirements for optimal LV function and preservation of RV coronary perfusion include careful assessment of right-left ventricular interactions, ventriculoarterial coupling and adequate mean arterial pressure [177, 178]. It is also essential to tailor therapy to the specific etiology of postoperative RV failure (see Table 9.1).
Optimizing preload, is a key principle in the prevention and treatment of postoperative RV failure. Optimizing preload in this context means to manage fluids, diuretics or vasoactive drugs to maximize CO while avoiding RV distention and clinical deterioration. Although volume loading may improve RV function, and especially if RV hypertrophy is present, excessive volume loading may contribute to low CO through ventricular interdependence. Fluid loading must be performed carefully, in small incremental steps, and should be based on clinical judgment derived from data from a PAC and/or TEE and evaluation of the clinical response.
Intraoperative and postoperative care, in particular the management of volume loading or unloading, of inotropes and pulmonary vasodilators, is aided greatly by real-time echocardiographic assessment of RV size, shape, and function. At echocardiography, under normal conditions the RV cross-sectional shape appears crescentic. RV dilation causes a leftward shift of the ventricular septum, with resulting paradoxic septal movement, which modifies LV geometry. As a consequence both LV diastolic and systolic properties may be decreased resulting in reduced CO. The physiologic effects of RV pressure overload may manifest as decreased convexity of the ventricular septum with the LV assuming a D shape at endsystole (septal flattening). Conversely, in RV volume overload, the LV appears D shaped mainly at enddiastole [170]. In the presence of both RV pressure and volume overload, septal flattening is evident during end-systole and throughout diastole. This is important pathophysiologic information, and accordingly therapy should be respectively directed toward reducing RV afterload; or unloading the right ventricle with volume removal; or both, besides administering inotropes and sustaining systemic BP.
RV dysfunction is often pointed out by eyeball TEE evaluation in the OR. TAPSE is known to correlate well with RV EF [179] and other hemodynamic indices of RV systolic function [180]. However, measuring TAPSE by TEE is problematic because of the nearly perpendicular angle between the ultrasound beam and the direction of systolic excursion. Conversely, RV MPI, a nongeometric index of systolic and diastolic function which increases with myocardial dysfunction [181] may be of perioperative interest. Tricuspid regurgitation is a common feature of acute RV failure and may be the functional result of RV dilation and PH [31].
Intravenous therapy should be provided before PAP approaches or exceeds systemic pressure, when hemodynamic signs of RV failure become evident, or when systemic hypotension develops [182]. TEE should be again repeatedly used to guide inotropic and fluid therapy. Inotropes or inodilators frequently are efficacious in improving RV function and overall hemodynamic status. Dobutamine, epinephrine, milrinone or enoximone alone or in combination have been successfully used in this context. Milrinone, or enoximone, plus epinephrine is a common combination to meet the hemodynamic goals of decreasing PVR, and increasing CO, while maintaining SVR. It is important to avoid hypotension which must be promptly treated when cannot be prevented. The intravenous PDI can be useful as both inotropic and vasodilatory agents. However, like other intravenous vasodilators, their use tends to be limited by systemic vasodilation, and, thus, vasopressor support (norepinephrine, vasopressine) is frequently indicated. The systemic BP must be adequate for perfusion of the pressure overloaded right ventricle —with its high wall stress and MVO2 – to prevent RV ischemia and failure [183]. If we fail to mantain appropriate SVR, BP can decrease, creating RV ischemia and dysfunction, and worsening CO rather than improving it.
The use of intravenous epoprostenol, a potent synthetic prostacyclin that causes vasodilation and decreased PAP and PVR, can be limited in CS by systemic hypotension as well as bleeding through its antiplatelet activity [184]. Conventional intravenous vasodilators, like sodium nitroprusside and nitroglycerin, occasionally are used to help in the management of elevated PAP, though limited by their systemic effects [185]. Indeed, intravenous vasodilators have potential adverse effects in the setting of RV dysfunction and failure, and their use is on the decline.
If hemodynamics deteriorate beyond manageability with intravenous therapy in the cardiac surgical patient with PH, we must resort to inhaled pulmonary vasodilator therapies, which have pulmonary selectivity and therefore enhanced local efficacy and minimal systemic side effects. These inhaled therapies are sometimes administered before weaning from CPB or in the postCPB period. Early provision of such therapy should be strongly considered when TPG is elevated, to prevent RV failure. The availability of such inhaled therapy should be part of the surgical planning for high-risk patients with high-grade PH. Thus, the treatment for increased PVR (high TPG) and/or RV failure with decreased systemic pressures should include inhaled vasodilators like nitric oxide, iloprost, or epoprostenol [40]. The insertion of an IABP may improve RV function in the setting of poor coronary perfusion (and of course if RV dysfunction is secondary to LV dysfunction as well). The placement of an RV assist device or more commonly switching to an extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) may be indicated if separation from CPB is unsuccessful.
Perioperative Cardiogenic Shock
The most severe form of perioperative HF with the highest mortality is cardiogenic shock. Based on European experts’ opinion, the classification of severe cardiac impairment in the perioperative period of CS should be based on the time of occurrence in relationship to the surgical intervention, and on the hemodynamic severity of the condition of the patient [132]. There are three distinct clinical scenarios of perioperative HF with cardiogenic shock —namely precardiotomy (preoperative) HF, failure to wean from CPB, and postcardiotomy (postoperative) HF – each of them requiring appropriate diagnosis, monitoring and specific management, all of which are of course also highly dependent on the hemodynamic severity of the condition. Depending on this hemodynamic severity, the cardiogenic shock patient is described as crash and burn, deteriorating fast, or stable but inotrope dependent. Crash and burn patients are in cardiac arrest or in refractory cardiogenic shock despite maximal treatment. Deteriorating fast patients require increasing dose of intravenous inotropes and/or IABP and show therefore progressive deterioration despite appropriate therapy. Finally, patients stable on inotropes are dependent on inotropes and/or IABP to maintain minimal hemodynamic goals and do not show clinical improvement; this is said with the understanding that these patients are in real need of inotropic support and fail to be weaned from inotropes, with decreasing inotropes resulting in hemodynamic compromise.
According to the STS definition of cardiogenic shock, minimal hemodynamic goals to be obtained and maintained to reverse a clinical state of hypoperfusion are commonly considered systolic BP >80 mmHg and/or CI >1.8 L/min per square meter. If intravenous inotropes and/or IABP are necessary to obtain these minimal goals cardiogenic shock is present [186]. Note that ESC hemodynamic criteria for cardiogenic shock are slightly different, including a CI <2.2 L/min per square meter and an increased PAWP of >18 mmHg, besides the necessity of inotropes or IABP to maintain a systolic BP >90 mmHg [187].
In the precardiotomy HF profile altered LV function is often primarily due to myocardial ischemia or acute MI and priorities focus on rapid diagnosis and treatment. CABG represents an important therapeutic option for revascularization in patients with cardiogenic shock, albeit in a minority of patients and particularly if the coronary anatomy is not amenable to PCI [187]. Functional MR may be present or preexistent, but conversely massive MR can be caused by an ischemic rupture of a papillary muscle. Part of the dysfunctional myocardium may not be irreversibly damaged (stunned and hibernating myocardium). An IABP is commonly inserted preoperatively and in extreme patients a mechanical device may be considered. In this clinical setting the operative morbidity and mortality is very high.
Failure to wean from CPB patients, as intended after a more than 1 h prolonged weaning time, have cardiac arrest (crash and burn), or manifest deteriorating hemodynamic instability on withdrawal of CPB and/or require increasing doses of inotropes and/or IABP to maintain minimal hemodynamic goals. They should be mechanically assisted without delay at predefined maximal level of inotropic support. Application of IABP within 30 min from the first attempt to wean from CPB and mechanical circulatory support within 1 h from the first attempts to wean from the CPB are suggested to reduce the high incidence of organ system complications that is directly related to prolonged attempted weaning without mechanical support when this is clearly needed [132, 188]. Finally there are stable but inotrope dependent patients on withdrawal from CPB, after more than 30 min weaning time. Intravenous inotropes and/or IABP are here required to maintain the minimal hemodynamic targets, without clinical improvement (failure to wean from inotropes).
IABP is the most widely used mechanical support for the treatment of cardiogenic shock, based on the beneficial effect of aortic diastolic inflation and rapid systolic deflation, improving myocardial and peripheral perfusion and reducing afterload and myocardial oxygen consumption. IABP is used on a pathophysiologic basis, because there’s no good quality evidence upon which indications for and timing of IABP in cardiac surgical patients could be based. However, timely application of effective therapies is essential if further deterioration of hemodynamics and multiple end organ failures are to be avoided.
Despite common use in clinical practice in CS, there is somewhat conflicting evidence with respect to the benefit of IABP in cardiogenic shock in a different setting: Inserting an IABP in the setting of severe perioperative HF with cardiogenic shock is clearly not the same as using an IABP in acute MI patients with cardiogenic shock. Nonetheless, some comments are in order about IABP use in cardiogenic shock after the disappointing IABP-SHOCK II trial [189] that everybody was thinking could have affirmed contemporary clinical practice and guidelines. Instead, it revealed surprising results. Use of an IABP offered no 30-day mortality benefits in this RCT that randomized to IABP or no IABP 600 acute MI patients with cardiogenic shock all scheduled for early PCI and optimal medical therapy [189]. Moreover, it did not find anything positive in the secondary end points, meaning there were no significant differences in process-of-care measures, length of stay, dose and duration of catecholamines, or renal function [189]. Importantly, no safety differences were seen either, in terms of bleeding, peripheral ischemic complications, sepsis, or stroke [189]. However, one important consideration in IABP-SHOCK II trial is the timing of pump use. It was left to the investigators when the balloon pump was inserted and, although it would have been unlikely to have a benefit after PCI, it must be pointed out that 86.6 % of IABPs were inserted only after the procedure [189], and this may as well have had a bearing on the negative results. Of note, in ESC 2012 ST elevation MI (STEMI) guidelines [187], IABP use in STEMI patients was downgraded from 1C to 2B. Certainly, IABP use in the different setting of severe perioperative HF with cardiogenic shock is still to be considered. Nonetheless, someone will now reflexively assume that we will need more and earlier LV assist devices and must avoid wasting time with IABP. There are many doubts this is the way to go. IABP is still the first choice device in intra- and perioperative cardiac dysfunction, especially with suspected coronary hypoperfusion, and if not contraindicated. Its advantages include easy insertion, the well known pathophysiologic benefits and four decades of experience resulting today in a low complication rate. Perioperative IABP insertion should therefore be considered as soon as evidence points to possible cardiac dysfunction, preferably intraoperatively to avoid the excessive need of inotropic support.
If the hemodynamics keep on being poor and a refractory perioperative cardiac failure is diagnosed as not adequately responding to advanced inotropic treatment and IABP, we must resort to ventricular assist devices, which should be considered early rather than later, before end organ dysfunction becomes evident. There are different options to mechanically assist failing ventricles. ECMO provides a low cost, short-term solution to the clinical priority of preserving end organ function while bridging the patient to further decision, or hopefully to successful recovery. Patients, whose cardiac function does not recover during the initial support and are eligible for cardiac transplantation can be switched to long-term mechanical support (bridge to transplantation, chronic mechanical support as an alternative to transplantation).
Main Postoperative Management Issues
Meticulous surgical technique, contemporary coagulation management, and blood conservation strategies help to minimize postoperative bleeding in cardiac surgical patients and transfusions; these are important issues of perioperative management, as it is recognized that perioperative transfusions are associated with a worse outcome, and every attempt should be applied to limit the use of allogeneic blood products [190]. Undoubtedly, cardiovascular stability is enhanced if chest tube output is low. In addition to the other causes of acute cardiovascular dysfunction, once the chest is closed postoperative tamponade should be considered either (see Table 9.1).
Postcardiotomy (postoperative) HF patients are closed chest ICU patients who develop HF and who can be reopened quickly if needed, as in crash and burn settings like cardiac arrest or refractory cardiogenic shock (systolic BP <80 mmHg and/or CI <1.8 L/min per square meter, critical organ hypoperfusion with low SvO2, systemic acidosis and/or increasing lactate levels despite maximal treatment, including inotropes and IABP). Patients may develop a low CO syndrome even though BP is preserved. The common initial management of postcardiotomy cardiac dysfunction is again optimization of cardiac load conditions as appropriate for rhythm and (bi)ventricular function, with the addition of support with inotropes and/or vasopressors and/or IABP as needed, and again this strategy will restore hemodynamics in most patients. Stable on inotropes patients (inotrope dependent patients) fail to decrease their inotropic support but have stable hemodynamics. Conversely, deteriorating fast patients manifest hemodynamic instability and need increasing drugs doses, shows progressive deterioration, worsening acidosis and increasing lactate levels. In these patients emergent intervention is required. In the deteriorating fast and in the refractory cardiogenic shock patient that does not deserve a reoperation, ECMO should again be early considered —on an individual basis, and taking into account the experience of the group as well as patient age and comorbidities – to preserve end organ function while bridging the patient to further decision or recovery.
Critical care of patients with RV dysfunction or RV failure and PH after CS is challenging. The appropriate treatment of such patients is based on relatively weak evidence, which has been systematically reviewed [191]. Hemodynamic management follows the same principles outlined about the postCPB phase. PAC monitoring data are extremely useful. TEE or TTE should be extensively used as well, albeit intermittently. Cardiac surgical patients with critical RV dysfunction or RV failure often require longer mechanical ventilatory support. There are no data documenting optimal ventilation strategies for these patients. In order to maintain RV output by minimizing RV afterload, it seems reasonable to limit tidal volume to a Pplat < 27 cmH2O, with a low level of applied positive endexpiratory pressure (PEEP) <7 cmH2O, and the avoidance of dynamic hyperinflation with intrinsic PEEP, while also avoiding hypercapnia. That is the so-called “RV protective ventilation” suggested for ARDS patients [192], and brings about the added benefit to prevent ventilation-induced lung injury [193].
As said, multimodal fast-tracking programs appear to be safe only in patients considered to be at low to moderate risk [102]. The high-risk patients, now not only defined on the basis of the preoperative data but of awareness of both intraoperative events and post-CPB status either, should be the object of special attention and care. Such patients remain sedated and ventilated in the ICU, striving for maintaining hemodynamic stability, and refraining from reducing inotropic support for 12–24 h, in the absence of obvious improvement. Later in the clinical course, as soon as conditions are sufficiently improved, extubation of these patients is to be considered.
However, more than being extubated early whatever their status, these patients need to be extubated at the right time, because discontinuing positive ventilation may exacerbate cardiac failure. In general, withdrawal of ventilatory support invariably increases intrathoracic blood volume and LV afterload and can be thought of as a type of cardiovascular stress test [194]. Full knowledge of cardiopulmonary interactions is of paramount importance in understanding the role of mechanical ventilation for treating patients with HF and, by contrast, the deleterious cardiovascular effects of respiratory weaning in patients with overt or hidden cardiac failure [195]. Weaning-induced cardiac dysfunction and acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema could explain a large amount of liberation failure from mechanical ventilation [195]. Patients with marginal cardiac function may require optimization of heart function through diuresis, afterload reduction, or inotropy before discontinuing mechanical ventilation. Moreover, low CO states directly and indirectly contribute to pulmonary dysfunction. Therefore, the timing of extubation should be carefully evaluated; and after extubation it seems also appropriate to consider preemptive use of postoperative noninvasive ventilation (NIV) or at least to have a low threshold to institute NIV to forestall untoward consequences of weaning and buy time to further improve hemodynamics with medical therapy. NIV has the potential to be an effective preemptive and therapeutic tool in the CS setting [196]. Nonetheless, it is important not to hesitate before performing reintubation when NIV is judged to be ineffective.
Anesthesia, sternotomy, surgical manipulation, and CPB create transient deleterious effects on pulmonary functions even with normal lungs. These include diminished functional residual capacity that worsens ventilation perfusion mismatch and impairs oxygenation; increased intravascular lung water with diminished lung compliance that increase the work of breathing; increased expiratory airway resistance; and reduction in the vital capacity, which favors atelectasis [197]. These changes in the mechanical properties of the respiratory system, in respiratory muscle strength, and spirometric measurements are detectable in the hours after surgery and last for many days or weeks. They can collectively be referred to as postoperative pulmonary dysfunction.
The pathophysiologic changes of the postoperative pulmonary dysfunction compound any preexisting significant underlying illnesses —which include intrinsic lung disease (e.g., COPD) as well as pulmonary dysfunction secondary to cardiac disease (e.g., congestive HF) – which increase susceptibility to postoperative respiratory problems. HF increases pulmonary capillary pressure and lung water, leading to problems ranging from mild pulmonary congestion to overt cardiogenic pulmonary edema. Furthermore, a low CO state leads to fatigue, which in turn results in weak coughing, reduced mobility, and lack of deep breathing. These conditions may exacerbate atelectasis and increase the propensity for pneumonia. Accordingly, the major cause of poor pulmonary outcome after CS is cardiac dysfunction, and the more so in patient with HF.
Indeed, we should recognize a continuum between the subclinical postoperative pulmonary dysfunction and the diagnosed postoperative pulmonary complications. It is believed that a multimodal approach consisting of careful hemodynamic and fluid balance control, coupled with intensive chest physiotherapy, semirecumbent postoperative position, early mobilization, expanded preemptive use of NIV, individualized, effective pain management, and inhaled bronchodilators might be of value, albeit not proven, to reduce the likelihood of progression from postoperative pulmonary dysfunction to overt complications. Certainly, there are some patients where the retention of secretions due to pain, weakness, dyspnea, or neurologic impairment, is very often the trigger for delayed postoperative pulmonary failure owing to atelectasis and pneumonia. It is in these patients where chest physiotherapy might be useful in mobilizing secretions, and possibly preventing atelectasis from progressing to pneumonia.
Furthermore, respiratory function after CS can be easily influenced by postoperative occurrence of extracardiac organ or systemic complications, and firstly by fluid retention secondary to low CO states and AKI [198]. Therefore, prolonged mechanical ventilation, or reintubation —either shortly after initial extubation or because of delayed respiratory failure – are not uncommon, and respiratory complications remain a leading cause of postcardiac surgical morbidity that can prolong hospital stays and increase costs. Respiratory problems are the leading reason that patients get readmitted to the ICU after CS, once again demonstrating the important nature of respiratory complications following surgery. Therefore, both early and later in the clinical course we should remain aware that the causes of postoperative dyspnea and respiratory failure after CS are manifold (see Table 9.2), in order to appropriately direct effective therapies.
Table 9.2
Potential etiologies and pathophysiologic mechanisms of postoperative dyspnea, respiratory complications and respiratory failure after cardiac surgery
Etiologies | Pathophysiologic mechanisms |
Pulmonary edema | Elevated LAP |
CHF | Fluid retention, AKI/ renal failure, cardio-renal and/or reno-cardiac syndromes |
Atelectasis | Apnea during CPB, general anesthesia, lung compression during surgery, pleurotomy, PO pain, poor postop coughing, shallow breathing, pleural effusions, gastric distention, increased interstitial lung water, asthenia, neurologic impairment, sedation, retention of secretions, obesity |
Pleural effusions | Internal mammary artery harvesting, PO bleeding, ALI/ ARDS, atelectasis, pneumonia, CHF, pulmonary edema, leaking of fluid from the mediastinum, disruption of pleural lymphatic drainage, pleurotomy, mediastinitis, postpericardiotomy syndrome (2–3 weeks after surgery) |
Pneumonia | Predisposing conditions: COPD, smoking, recent stop smoking, advanced age; PO conditions: atelectasis, retention of secretions, multiple transfusions, unstable sternum, postextubation laryngeal dysfunction and aspiration of orofaryngeal secretions, neurologic and cognitive impairment (silent aspiration secondary to pharyngeal dysfunction), prolonged mechanical ventilation, VAP, reintubation (for reoperation, major stroke, respiratory insufficiency, or cardiac failure) |
ALI/ ARDS | Adverse effects of CPB, shock, severe surgical injury, TRALI, VILI, aspiration, pneumonia, sepsis syndrome |
Pulmonary embolism | DVT and thromboembolization to the lungs, predisposing factor: PO complications |
Phrenic nerve injury | Surface cooling of the heart by irrigation of the pericardial space with cold saline or ice slush, direct surgical trauma (IMA harvesting, redo surgery) |
Pneumothorax | Direct surgical injury, CVC insertion, spontaneous rupture of pulmonary blebs, dynamic hyperinflation in COPD, barotrauma during mechanical ventilation, ARDS, necrotizing pneumonia, removal or loss of patency of mediastinal and pleural tubes |
One area that is often neglected is postoperative pain management, and this should not be the case in this population with sometimes tenuous hemodynamics. Patients with severely decreased ventricular function will not tolerate the stress response and tachycardia that accompany postoperative pain because of the increased MVO2 (potentially leading to ischemia) and decreased diastolic filling time (potentially leading to decreased SV). This combination is especially deleterious in patients with poor ventricular function and will exacerbate hemodynamic instability. Obviously, inadequate analgesia also discourages deep breathing and favors atelectasis.
Nutritional support is important and must be provided via the enteral route as soon as possible. Several studies have demonstrated the beneficial effect of providing enteral versus parenteral nutrition in different conditions as soon as possible in ICU patients [199, 200]. A recent large randomized controlled trial (RCT) found that early initiation of parenteral nutrition in patients not meeting the caloric recommended intakes by enteral feeding leads to higher complication rates and longer ICU stay [201]. As parenteral feeding seems not to improve outcomes in a general ICU population, and can have untoward consequences —accumulation of uremic waste products in AKI patients, increased fluid loading – it should only be used cautiously, if at all in these HF patients.
Blood glucose control is also considered important. There is a well-performed, albeit single-centre, RCT [202] showing benefit of avoiding hyperglycemia (>210 mg/dL) in the critically ill. Tight glycemic control in the perioperative period is associated with reductions in mortality and length of critical care unit stay, as well as reductions in wound infections and complications in CS patients [203]. However, many clinicians fear the possibility of perioperative hypoglycemic events [204, 205] given the variable caloric intake and the disruption of anabolic and catabolic processes surrounding major surgery. Lowering glycemia could thus potentially be beneficial, but this small benefit is easily offset by the much higher risk of hypoglycemia [206]. In critically ill patients, it seems reasonable to use insulin therapy targeting 140–150 mg/dL to ultimately maintain plasma glucose levels between 110 and 180 mg/dL.
Another layer of perioperative pathophysiologic and clinical complexity is added by heart-kidney interactions that frequently occur and manifest in individual patients with one or more types of acute and chronic cardiorenal and/or renocardiac syndromes [207]. To avoid untoward consequences on cardiorespiratory status and on outcome, patients at increased risk for AKI and particularly those with manifest AKI require careful monitoring of their hemodynamic status, in order to balance the risk of renal hypoperfusion on the one hand and fluid overload on the other. CO and BP should be kept within optimal limits to ensure the best possible kidney perfusion. It is suggested to use protocol-based management of hemodynamic and oxygenation parameters to prevent development or worsening of AKI [208]. Such goal-directed therapy includes avoiding hypotension, optimizing oxygen delivery and careful fluid and vasopressor management when indicated [209]. However, hazardous fluid overload must be avoided, and after optimization of circulating blood volume, as renal perfusion pressure is more important than renal blood flow per se, and as the action of vasopressors is immediate and directly reversible, it is recommended using vasopressor therapy rather than extra fluid in patients with low SVR. Optimization of circulating blood volume is directed toward limiting inotropic and vasoconstrctive agents to the lower possible amount able to guarantee an adequate CO and renal perfusion pressure. Fluid intake is then commonly modulated on the basis of the urine output, and potassium intake appropriately restricted; nephrotoxic drugs are avoided or discontinued; and doses of drugs metabolized by the kidney are adjusted. Putative renal doses of dopamine are useless, and several metaanalyses have pointed out that dopamine failed to improve outcomes in patients with AKI [210, 211]. It as been suggested not using diuretics to increase urinary volume in established AKI, except for the management of volume overload [208]. Indeed, in metaanalyses, the use of furosemide was not associated with any significant clinical benefits in the prevention and treatment of AKI in adults [212, 213], Since fluid retention is one of the major consequences of impaired kidney function, initiation of continuous renal replacement therapy is common, to facilitate fluid management and nutritional support, and specifically to treat AKI early and aggressively to prevent further deterioration of the kidney function and of cardiorespiratory status.
Obviously, contemporary multimodal bundle strategies to prevent healthcare-associated infections, and optimal medical therapy are a given.
There is of course more to be said and done for the postoperative care of these challenging patients, beyond the scope of this brief overview of the main management issues. Taking an integrative approach to the heart interacting with systemic organs is of fundamental importance for improving clinical management and patient outcomes. By and large, given the limitations in physiologic reserves of patients with secondary MR and HF, perioperative clinicians should seek to accomplish a precise hemodynamic management together with aggressive, multimodal perioperative treatment strategies focused on prevention, timely recognition and early treatment of the main complications to streamline as much as possible the postoperative course, and optimize results of the patients selected for surgery.
In the high-risk patients with secondary SMR and HF the optimal surgical technique along with optimal timing of intervention are yet to be determined. Therefore, careful selection of patients is of crucial importance. Meticulous execution of surgery and careful perioperative hemodynamic management are essential. Aggressive multimodal perioperative treatment strategies are essential to obtain improved results after surgery.
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