Key Words:
pediatric vascular injury , iatrogenic vascular injury , vascular trauma , blunt vascular injury , blast injury , fragmentation injury , interposition graft , endovascular stent-graft , limb salvage , truncal vascular injury
In the United States, pediatric trauma remains the leading cause of death among children over 1 year of age; and vascular injuries constitute a small but important subset of this. Although injury-prevention measures such as increased use of seat belts and child-safety seats have effectively reduced the death rate from unintentional injury in children, modern series indicate that vascular injuries still occur in 0.6% to 1% of pediatric trauma patients which is comparable to the demographics of this problem decades ago. Iatrogenic injuries represent a significant proportion of the pediatric vascular trauma managed in specialty centers across the United States because of an increase in percutaneous vascular access procedures in children. Furthermore, current warfare has resulted in noncombatant injuries, many of which occur in children. These injuries frequently have a vascular-injury component.
The management of these injuries remains largely nonstandardized in the current literature owing to several factors. First, these patients are cared for by a wide range of subspecialists, including pediatric surgeons, adult vascular surgeons, trauma surgeons, orthopedic surgeons, and plastic surgeons, who each bring a unique perspective and management philosophy to the patient’s care. Furthermore, as children age, their vascular biology evolves significantly, which bears consideration when faced with a pediatric vascular injury ( Table 20-1 ). Neonates and young children have smaller circulating blood volumes and proportionately smaller arteries that are highly prone to vasospasm, while the need for future growth of blood vessels and limbs and the long-term durability of vascular repairs must be considered. Thus, while older children are likely to have the best outcomes when managed similarly to adults with vascular injury, younger patients may require different approaches; however, defining an appropriate age cutoff and the nature of these differences has proven elusive. Finally, definitive arterial reconstruction has not always been viewed as the preferred management approach. Instead, injured vessels were historically ligated, or the child was given systemic heparin without repair. This expectant therapy often resulted in poor limb outcomes with loss of axial growth from thrombosis, limb overgrowth from arteriovenous fistula formation, or even amputation from critical limb ischemia. A more aggressive approach is now advocated by some surgeons as this approach may result in better outcomes in the management of extremity vascular injuries. This lends support to making an early diagnosis and to performing definitive repair as a viable management strategy. This chapter is structured to address the multiple components of pediatric vascular injury from iatrogenic, penetrating, and blunt-traumatic etiologies. Herein, we will examine the scope of the problem, invasive and noninvasive diagnostic modalities, nonoperative management options, and open and endovascular treatments. We will also address limitations in current knowledge about these various options.
Special Pediatric Considerations | |
Etiology | More often from iatrogenic injuries |
Anatomy/Physiology | Small-caliber vessels, which are more prone to vasospasm. Supracondylar humeral fractures can result in brachial artery injuries. |
Diagnosis | If pulses are diminished without hard signs of injury, resuscitate, rewarm, and then recheck the pulses. Normal IEI/ABI in children 2 years and younger is 0.88. Normal IEI/ABI in children over 2 years is 1. CTA is adequate for large vessels. |
Operative management | Use interrupted, nonabsorbable monofilament suture. Spatulate the anastomosis. |
Demographics and Etiology
Iatrogenic trauma to both the peripheral and central vessels of children represents a significant proportion of the worldwide experience with pediatric vascular injuries. Diagnostic catheterization, cannulation for extracorporeal life support (ECLS) or cardiopulmonary bypass, placement of arterial lines (ranging from umbilical arterial catheters to radial arterial lines), arterial puncture for blood gas analysis, and venipuncture have all resulted in significant vascular trauma in children. Multiple centers have reported their individual experience in the form of small case series with only one retrospective case-control study on this subject. From these reports, iatrogenic injuries resulting from diagnostic and therapeutic catheterization, placement of vascular access catheters, and indwelling vascular catheters represents from 33% to 100% of an institution’s experience with pediatric vascular trauma; and, due to the nature of these procedures, all resulting vascular injuries are penetrating in nature.
Approximately half of pediatric vascular injuries across all ages are iatrogenic although the proportion of iatrogenic injuries varies inversely with patient age such that neonates have the highest percentage which then declines in the 2- to 6-year age range (50% iatrogenic) followed by those over 6 (33% iatrogenic). Vascular complication rates vary widely from 2% to 45% depending on the type of catheter-based procedures considered. Catheter-based cardiovascular interventions such as balloon angioplasty of aortic stenosis or coarctation have the highest rates of iatrogenic pediatric vascular injury. Even with heparinization and use of appropriately sized catheters, the thrombosis rate ranges from 1% to 25%.
The relative incidence of vascular injury due to trauma increases with the age of the child. Two-thirds of injuries are noniatrogenic in children over 6 years of age. Of these, between half and three-fourths are due to a penetrating mechanism—knives, glass, gunshot wounds and, in wartime settings, improvised explosive devices (IED) and high-energy gunshot wounds. Blunt vascular injuries (BVI) resulting from long bone fractures and knee dislocation, as well as great vessel and aortic injuries from seatbelt and deceleration injuries, are well described in pediatric patients but are far less common than penetrating injuries.
Pediatric truncal vascular trauma is encountered less often than extremity trauma; however, these injuries are highly lethal with mortality rates in excess of 50%. This injury grouping includes thoracic, abdominal and cervical vascular wounds due to either a penetrating or blunt mechanism. Concomitant major injuries are common, particularly with abdominal vascular injuries, as the wounding mechanism is frequently of a high-energy nature. The distribution of vascular injuries in the abdomen is divided among renal, mesenteric, iliac, and aortic injuries, which are commonly associated with other organ injuries. Blunt and penetrating cerebrovascular injuries are also well described in the pediatric population. Immediate exploration is indicated for hemodynamically unstable patients with penetrating cervical trauma, whereas a noninvasive workup should be performed in all others. CT angiography (CTA) is usually adequate for initial evaluation of the cervical vessels, while catheter angiography is rarely indicated. Outcome, as well as the need for surgical intervention, is largely dependent on the hemodynamic and physiologic condition of the patient. The presence of a major venous injury in the torso (e.g., vena cava, large visceral vein, high-grade solid organ injury with venous disruption) is associated with the poorest outcome. This association holds true whether the torso venous injury is isolated or is part of a constellation of injuries.
Modern warfare commonly occurs in proximity to civilian populations, resulting in injuries of the local population including children. Contemporary war studies focus on adults, and there is a paucity of data reporting on vascular injuries of pediatric populations. The few series that do exist on wartime injury of the local pediatric population suggest that vascular injury in children is a subset encountered, although more detailed information on the distribution of these injuries is emerging ( Fig. 20-1 ). When compared to civilian vascular injuries, wartime pediatric vascular injuries are much more often from a penetrating mechanism. In addition, wartime vascular injuries have a blast component from improvised explosive devices and high-velocity gunshot wounds. The blast component further injures blood vessels and surrounding tissue and makes repair complex. Simple suture repairs and patch angioplasty are replaced by interposition bypass and complex tissue coverage procedures. Despite the challenges noted here, in our wartime experience in Iraq and Afghanistan, the limb-salvage rate in these children is 90% (Todd E. Rasmussen, San Antonio, TX, personal communication, Oct. 1, 2011), which is comparable to the limb-salvage rate reported by U.S. trauma centers in modern series.

Anatomic and Physiologic Considerations
Numerous anatomic factors contribute to the high rates of iatrogenic vascular injury seen in children. Pediatric vascular access involves cannulation of small vessels in a very compact anatomic space with relatively large catheters. Ultrasound studies have shown that as many as 12% of femoral vessels in children ages 0 to 9 are either partially or completely overlapping. Thus, attempts at venous access can easily result in inadvertent arterial punctures, especially if done without ultrasound guidance. The use of larger-sized arterial catheters also predisposes the child to vasospasm, resulting in potential limb ischemia. Historic studies have suggested that catheters with a diameter of >50% of the arterial diameter or with a clearance of less than 1.9 mm around the catheter more often resulted in femoral arterial spasm.
Physiologic factors in children who sustain vascular injury from a traumatic or iatrogenic mechanism predispose injured vessels to occlusion. Pediatric vessels are smaller in caliber and are observed to be more reactive than adult vessels although the exact etiology of vasospasm of the developing peripheral vasculature remains poorly understood. However, seemingly spontaneous neonatal thrombosis and severe persistent vasospasm (lasting hours) does occur. In addition, polycythemia and relatively low–intravascular-volume states exist and can contribute to thrombosis. Lastly, children undergoing invasive vascular procedures often have poor cardiac function at baseline with relatively low flow to distal tissue beds, which further predisposes them to thrombosis from an iatrogenic vascular injury.
Iatrogenic and traumatic vascular injuries may result in obstruction of the lumen and subsequent thrombosis or may cause local vasospasm that may result in thrombosis. When an injury results in arterial occlusion, the classic physical findings of limb ischemia develop early and progress. Rapid recognition of the injury and definitive intervention are essential for limb salvage. When vasospasm is suspected (rather than thrombosis), removal of any indwelling vascular catheters is essential as this alone may reverse the process and may allow improvement in the pulse exam. Adjuncts like administration of papaverine into the artery to reverse or minimize vasospasm are often utilized.
Limb hypoperfusion can also occur as a result of a traumatic arteriovenous (AV) fistula, pseudoaneurysm, or complete vascular transection following an access procedure or a penetrating vascular injury. AV fistulae may subsequently result in high output cardiac failure in children especially when initial cardiac reserve is limited. This is the result of gradual enlargement of the fistula communication and subsequent increase in demand for cardiac output. Such clinical scenarios can result in limb overgrowth and high-output congestive heart failure necessitating intervention.
Diagnostic Evaluation
Diagnosis of pediatric vascular injuries requires a high index of clinical suspicion and a careful physical examination. Before the performance of invasive vascular procedures in children, establishing a preprocedure baseline pulse examination is essential for detection of subtle postprocedure blood-flow deficits after the procedure. As in adults, examination of the affected and contralateral extremity includes skin color, capillary refill, and pulse examination. In the setting of hemorrhagic shock, extremity vasoconstriction can lead to an abnormal pulse examination even in the absence of a vascular injury. One series specifically noted a 26% incidence of peripheral arterial vasospasm at surgical exploration but found that, in every case, the process ultimately resolved without a vascular reconstruction. Thus, in the multiply-injured child, life-threatening injuries must be identified, resuscitation and rewarming must be instituted, and then peripheral pulses must be reassessed.
In the setting of penetrating trauma, hard signs of vascular injury such as external bleeding or an expanding hematoma are reliable indicators of a significant arterial injury that warrants surgical intervention. In the absence of such indicators, the pulse examination and noninvasive testing guide further management. In such cases, measurement of the injured extremity index (IEI) using continuous-wave Doppler is a reliable, noninvasive means of initially assessing for arterial injuries in children. The IEI is comparable to the ankle-brachial index (ABI) but is a more general term not confined to the assessment of lower extremity vascular occlusive disease; it refers to the Doppler occlusion pressure measured in an injured extremity relative to that measured in an uninjured extremity.
The injured extremity index must be performed with appropriately sized manual blood pressure cuffs. The cuff should easily encircle the arm and should cover 75% of the length of the upper arm. A continuous-wave Doppler probe is used to determine the pressure at which the arterial signal occludes with cuff inflation. The calculation is taken from the brachial artery in an uninjured extremity. If both arms are available, the higher of the two occlusion pressures is used as the denominator of the ratio equation. For a lower extremity injury, an appropriately sized cuff is positioned similarly just proximal to the ankle, and Doppler occlusion pressures are measured at both the dorsalis pedis and posterior tibial arteries. The highest ankle pressure is used as the numerator to calculate the IEI ratio. If an injured upper extremity is being assessed, the cuff is placed distal to the injury and the occlusion pressure measured at the wrist, taking the higher value of the radial or ulnar artery occlusion pressure. Extrapolating from expected ABI values in children over 2 years of age, the IEI should be 1.0 or slightly greater in the absence of a vascular injury; whereas, in children 2 and under, the normal range is somewhat lower with a mean of 0.88. When a vascular deficit is suspected by an abnormal pulse or a low IEI (<0.9 in children over 2; <0.88 in children 2 and under), it is important to consider whether poor perfusion is the result of arterial injury, vasospasm, or limb hypoperfusion from shock as described above.
If there is concern for a vascular injury with a diminished pulse and IEI that does not correct with resuscitation and rewarming, a confirmatory and localizing study can be helpful if the zone of injury is not clearly delineated. In children, duplex ultrasound can confirm occlusion and can localize the site of injury as well as diagnose an AV fistula or pseudoaneurysm. This modality can also help differentiate between vasospasm and arterial thrombosis. CTA is now being used more often for diagnosis of vascular injuries in children and has been shown to be more reliable for truncal and great vessel injuries than distal ones ( Fig. 20-2 ). If the diagnosis remains unclear despite noninvasive testing, conventional angiography may be considered bearing in mind that the risk of angiography increases in younger patients and that it may exacerbate the problem. In some cases, angiography can be useful in localizing the site of the injury and in distinguishing an arterial injury from vasospasm ( Fig. 20-3 ). If diagnostic tests are inconclusive in the presence of an abnormal examination, surgical exploration is indicated regardless of the age or the size of the patient. In extreme circumstances, a patient may be so critically ill that surgical exploration itself would be life-threatening; and a limb that is hemostatic may not be explored immediately.

Management of Pediatric Vascular Injuries
Historically, early exploration for suspected vascular injuries in children has not been strongly advocated except for exsanguinating hemorrhage following vessel avulsion or transection. However, poor long-term results from this management approach are now more widely recognized, including early tissue loss and long-term limb-length discrepancy. Operative intervention was avoided in the setting of vasospasm due to the seemingly poor postoperative results in children under 2 years of age. Much of this debate stems from a lack of data on this subject; however, it seems that the devastating life-long consequences of a deferred operation far outweighs the risk of a negative exploration in almost every instance. Furthermore, the idea that there is a relatively short ischemic-threshold time beyond which limb quality deteriorates rapidly and the idea that “time is tissue” compel surgeons to intervene early in order to obtain the best possible results. In most instances of vascular occlusion, thrombectomy of the affected vessel with patch angioplasty repair of the arteriotomy site can be achieved, even in children under 2, using either a small Fogarty embolectomy catheter (Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA) or an aspiration thrombectomy with an angiocatheter. In some cases of iatrogenic iliac arterial injuries, if the injury is identified during the index procedure, a covered endovascular stent can be deployed to repair the injured vessel (Pedro J. del Nido, Boston, MA, personal communication, Oct. 31, 2010), although the long-term implications of this management approach are unknown. Open repair of injured iliac arteries remains the preferred gold-standard method.
Extremity Injuries
Early repair of vascular injuries in children has been advocated by some surgeons for decades. However, management did not always include prompt recognition and repair of injuries; and unacceptable outcomes in the form of high rates of amputation and limb-length discrepancy were the result. While children have greater abilities to develop collaterals than adults, they suffer as high as 50% amputation rates after major vascular disruption with delayed or nonoperative management. With femoral artery disruption, long-term outcomes indicate extremely high rates of limb-length discrepancy which can take several years to become evident yet may respond to delayed vascular reconstruction with catchup growth.
Based on these observations, as indicated above, the management strategy for most pediatric vascular injuries should parallel the tenants of vascular-trauma care in adults ( Fig. 20-4 ). These include early definitive arterial reconstruction, repair of venous injuries, use of temporary vascular shunts, systemic and regional heparin administration, balloon catheter thrombectomy, and the liberal use of fasciotomies. The pediatric-specific technical considerations include the management challenges associated with vasospasm, as well as the need to allow for subsequent vascular growth by creating a spatulated anastomosis and by using interrupted sutures. Following surgical reconstruction, extremely long-term follow-up should be performed to track patency and to detect any aneurysmal degeneration of the repair or any limb-length discrepancy.

When an iatrogenic vascular injury results in an incomplete vessel occlusion such as a small intimal flap or partial dissection, it may be possible to delay or avoid definitive surgical intervention if the limb remains viable. Systemic heparinization should be employed if not contraindicated to prevent propagation of any thrombosis stemming from the site of injury. Small flaps and dissections often respond favorably to catheter-directed balloon angioplasty, particularly if they are in the direction of antegrade arterial flow. Serial monitoring of the circulatory status should continue thereafter, and open operative intervention should follow if the examination deteriorates.
One of the largest recent experiences in pediatric vascular trauma comes from the vascular registry of combat injuries managed in Iraq and Afghanistan ( Fig. 20-5 ). High-energy penetrating blast wounds from improvised explosive devices and gunshot wounds result in extensive tissue damage often with an associated vascular injury component. All such adult and pediatric extremity trauma cases were managed similarly with the use of heparin, with thrombectomy, with extensive soft-tissue débridement, with fasciotomy, with repair of venous injuries, and with interposition reversed saphenous vein reconstruction of arteries. Pediatric arterial anastomoses were performed using an interrupted suture technique with nonabsorbable polypropylene suture. The care of these patients from initial reconstruction to final wound closure or skin grafting was conducted by a multidisciplinary team of medical and surgical specialists led by the operative vascular surgeon. These favorable results lend significant support to the philosophy of early diagnosis and operative management of vascular injuries in children.

Several commonly accepted methods of artery reconstruction exist, including primary repair, vein patch angioplasty, and interposition repair using reversed greater saphenous vein (GSV), other autologous vein, or synthetic grafts (expanded polytetrafluoroethylene [ePTFE] or Dacron). Minimal injuries can be reconstructed, primarily when there has been a clean transection of the vessel, or repaired with a patch angioplasty where there is moderate loss of wall circumference but vessel continuity is preserved. However, primary repair is not possible when the injury is more extensive, when injury involves loss of surrounding tissue, or when there has been direct destruction of the vessel. For these more complex reconstructions, GSV is preferred because it is the most size-appropriate and most-available arterial replacement conduit. The ipsilateral GSV should be avoided to avoid compromising venous outflow of an injured extremity. Lesser saphenous and upper extremity veins may be used for reconstruction provided they are size appropriate. Synthetic conduit is generally avoided due to infection and patency concerns. Furthermore, injured arteries are frequently too small for commonly available synthetic grafts (6-mm diameter and larger), and patency using smaller synthetic grafts (3-mm to 5-mm diameter) is unknown. In addition, these grafts also do not enlarge over time as the child’s artery grows.
The technique for constructing a vascular anastomosis in children with small, growing vessels warrants further discussion. Numerous classic studies have supported the recommendation of performing an interrupted suture technique for arterial anastomoses in growing vessels. There are now more-recent animal research models that have compared various repair methods and materials. Titanium clip, running dissolvable suture, and interrupted permanent suture anastomoses have been evaluated in an effort to determine the best method to connect growing vessels. In these studies, no one method has proven to be superior. However, a running-type anastomosis using permanent suture tended to inhibit vessel growth. Anastomosis methods have not been directly compared in pediatric patients, and long-term follow-up is poor. It is therefore not possible to know with certainty the advantages and limitations of the various methods. While a running-type anastomosis with dissolvable suture may be considered, this material has been shown experimentally to be more thrombogenic than permanent monofilament suture. Thus, an interrupted suture technique using nondissolvable polypropylene suture should protect against narrowing and will be less thrombogenic. When performing arterial anastomoses in growing vessels, one additional technique to protect against narrowing is to create a spatulation. This bevel-shaped connection between the vein graft and the native artery creates a functionally enlarged communication that allows for some vessel growth without stricturing.
Patch angioplasty and primary repair were used exclusively in one pediatric series, avoiding interposition bypass entirely. This is a perfectly acceptable strategy in low-velocity penetrating injuries and in some blunt injuries because it avoids luminal growth issues at anastomosis sites. However, this approach is not likely to succeed in the setting of high-energy trauma, such as fragmentary wounds seen in wartime and complex civilian trauma. Reconstruction in these situations requires vessel débridement, and interposition repair is much more likely to be necessary to allow a tension-free repair. In these cases, there are often concomitant fractures, soft-tissue defects, nerve injuries, and vein injuries to contend with as well. These complex injury patterns are best managed with a team approach, often with a vascular shunt being placed to temporize while other injuries are managed first.
Injured deep veins of the proximal extremities, namely the femoral, popliteal, and axillary veins, should undergo repair whenever possible. Larger more proximal veins and central veins transport large amounts of blood and have few collateral options when acutely injured. Injury without repair of these vessels leads to significant edema and possibly phlegmasia. Primary repair, lateral venorrhaphy, nonreversed vein interposition, and synthetic interposition bypasses have all been described. Early patency of all types of vein reconstruction is excellent. Vein repair is important for alleviation of limb edema, for improvement of patency of arterial repairs, and for overall improved limb function.
Supracondylar Humerus Fractures and Brachial Artery Injuries
A particular subset of pediatric extremity vascular injuries is the pink pulseless hands associated with supracondylar humerus fractures. This is the most common upper extremity fracture pattern in younger children, and the vascular-injury rate is as high as 10%. Lateral displacement of this thin portion of the humerus puts the brachial artery and median nerves at risk. Stretch injuries, which can disrupt the vessel intima or impingement, are the usual mechanisms of injury. If reduction of the fracture does not return a normal pulse to the wrist and maintain normal hand perfusion, surgical exploration is indicated. Likewise, if there is initially profound ischemia, immediate brachial exploration is indicated. The preferred conduit is greater saphenous vein with the proximal thigh vessel having the best size match for the brachial artery. Posterior elbow dislocations can also lead to a similar vascular-injury pattern.
The liberal use of lower extremity four-compartment fasciotomy incisions in the setting of prolonged arterial ischemia and extensive tissue injury is well documented. This practice is almost universal in wartime extremity injuries and is also well described in the civilian pediatric literature with fasciotomy rates ranging from 12% to 46%. This approach likely plays a significant role in improving the quality of limb salvage.
Truncal Vascular Injuries
The management of these major central and cervical injuries in the pediatric population is largely similar to the adult population, inasmuch as there is usually major life-threatening hemorrhage or ischemia that demands immediate surgical attention. In the pediatric population, there is a limited role for endovascular management. Temporary balloon occlusion of a major inflow vessel (such as the subclavian artery or descending aorta) is feasible and may minimize hemorrhage, while open surgical control is obtained. Therapeutic endovascular interventions should not be largely considered in the youngest of patients due to small vessel size, vasospasm, and future growth. In contrast, there may be a role for thoracic stent-grafts in adolescent and adult-sized patients in the management of descending aortic injuries.
Most cases of pediatric thoracic aortic injuries and great vessel trauma are managed with open surgery. Aortic injuries are treated with the clamp-and-sew technique, utilizing a synthetic interposition graft. Although complete thoracic disruption is rarely survivable, outcomes of patients reaching the hospital alive and hemodynamically stable are near 80% with very low rates of paraplegia. Most deaths are due to head trauma or other associated injuries. Delayed repair with early initiation of beta-blocker therapy has shown a survival benefit to patients.
Management of abdominal vascular injuries is driven by the hemodynamic stability of the patient and severity of associated injuries. Methods of repair include aortic replacement with a synthetic graft, use of GSV or hypogastric artery for other arterial injuries and lateral venorrhaphy or interposition repair for the inferior vena cava.
Management of injuries to the cervical vessels depends on the mechanism of injury and the injury location. For surgically accessible injuries to the carotid artery, primary repair, patch angioplasty, and interposition grafting with vein or ePTFE are accepted methods of repair. Ligation of distal internal carotid artery injuries may be required when the injury is too distal for repair. Distal extracranial (zone III) carotid pseudoaneurysms may be excluded with a percutaneously placed graft for injuries that extend up to the skull base. Proximal carotid artery injuries (zone I) may be reached via a median sternotomy with extension of the incision to the affected side of the neck. These injuries may also be treated with endovascular stenting via percutaneous femoral access or with open exposure of the ipsilateral cervical carotid artery and retrograde stenting. Blunt carotid artery injuries rarely benefit from surgical intervention, and treatment consists of anticoagulation or antiplatelet therapy in most cases, with repeat noninvasive imaging in the future. Patients with penetrating carotid injuries have a better functional recovery than those sustaining blunt injury. Internal jugular vein injuries can be primarily repaired, patched or ligated depending on the extent of the injury.
Right innominate artery injuries require a median sternotomy. The proximal right subclavian artery may also be reached via this approach. Supraclavicular incisions are required for more distal subclavian artery injuries bilaterally. The origin of the left subclavian artery is accessed via a high left anterior lateral thoracotomy. Combination incisions, such as a trapdoor incision, may be necessary for extensive injuries to the left-sided great vessels.
Endovascular Applications
Endovascular interventions for all forms of traumatic vascular injuries have steadily increased over the past decade. Thoracic stent-grafting in particular has seen an exponential rise in use over this time in adult trauma patients. Early outcomes are not inferior to the standard of open surgery with regard to early survival, stroke, and paraplegia rates. Extrapolation of this technology to pediatric patients is limited by several factors. Notably, existing stent-grafts are generally too large for the pediatric aorta while the delivery system is typically either too large for femoral vessels or too short and an iliac conduit is required for more proximal delivery. Also, expected vessel growth in younger children may lead to future graft migration or restricted vessel growth. Thoracic aortic stent-grafts have been placed in a small number of adolescent patients with good early results. These patients had achieved near-adult size, and further aortic growth was likely to be minimal. Despite the available and emerging stent-graft technology, the current standard of care for pediatric thoracic aortic injury remains open repair.
Other applications for endovascular therapy in children with vascular trauma include angioplasty for minor intimal injuries or dissection flaps in the setting of blunt extremity injury. Injuries to the iliac vessels during catheterization procedures have also been managed with endovascular stent-grafts although the long-term outcomes of such interventions have not been described. Lastly, as described above, endovascular therapies may be employed for the management of surgically inaccessible injuries to the cervical vessels in the setting of either blunt or penetrating vascular trauma.
Nonoperative Management
Nonoperative approaches including anticoagulation alone have not been proven to be superior to other management strategies in the setting of iatrogenic or traumatic vascular injuries and should be utilized with extreme caution. One consideration is in the setting of a contraindication to surgical exploration such as extreme critical illness. Occasionally a blunt injury to the vertebral artery or intracranial carotid artery may be managed with anticoagulation alone. For extremity injuries, if intervention is delayed beyond the critical tissue ischemia time but perfusion via collaterals maintains limb viability, interval surgical reconstruction can be performed as this approach has been reported to restore some limb length. However, in all surgically accessible locations, early intervention is still greatly preferable to this approach if at all possible.
ECLS Cannulation
ECLS cannulation has also been associated with pediatric vascular injury; however, even without direct vascular injury, the relative occlusion of the right carotid artery during VA ECLS has been implicated in both cognitive and motor neurologic deficits. Such evidence, comparable to the long-term limb-length discrepancies previously described, has led some centers to perform routine carotid reconstruction following decannulation. This approach has resulted in favorable patency rates and favorable neurologic outcomes relative to controls.

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