Patients’ problems, physiotherapy management and outcome measures

Chapter 6 Patients’ problems, physiotherapy management and outcome measures


This chapter discusses the problems commonly encountered by the physiotherapist when working with patients who have respiratory or cardiovascular dysfunction. The patient problems identified in this chapter are those developed following assessment of the patient and are most likely to respond to physiotherapy treatment. This chapter will assist the physiotherapist to utilize clinical reasoning skills by linking and interpreting information (subjective and objective findings) to develop an analysis that is based on the patient’s problems (Chapter 1). The presence of pathology affecting the respiratory and cardiovascular systems affects normal physiological functioning and the signs and symptoms produced are the clinical manifestations of this pathophysiology. The physiotherapist therefore requires a thorough knowledge of normal physiology as well as the pathology and pathophysiology of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. In addition, an understanding is required of the possible sequelae of the pathological process, the clinical presentations of the disorder(s), the likely impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions, impact on quality of life (QoL) and the anticipated prognosis for the patient.

Patient assessment, problem solving and physiotherapy management should be tailored to the individual. Individuals with common problems, such as dyspnoea and reduced exercise tolerance, resulting from respiratory or cardiovascular disease may be managed in groups, for example, in cardiopulmonary rehabilitation programmes.


The key to the effective physiotherapy management of a patient is the accurate identification of the patient’s problems. The assessment will reveal clinical features that the physiotherapist considers important and these are used to determine the patient’s main problem(s). The problems commonly encountered are:

The patient problems identified in this chapter are particular to the physiotherapist and are not based on pathologies or derived in the same manner as the medical problem list. For example, a patient may be admitted to hospital with a diagnosis of chest infection associated with excess sputum production, cough and fever. The physiotherapist is not able to treat infection per se but is able to manage the problem of impaired airway clearance. In order to determine the patient’s problem(s) it is essential to identify the significant information gained from the subjective and objective examination. For example, increased production of sputum may be reported by the patient or objectively inspected and measured. Colonization of mucus, evident from microculture, and coarse inspiratory crackles on auscultation are common clinical features that indicate impaired airway clearance.

Some clinical features may provide evidence for a number of patient problems; for example, reduced chest expansion may be a feature of airflow limitation as a result of lung hyperinflation or reduced lung volume (e.g. resulting from significant atelectasis or interstitial lung disease (ILD)). It is necessary to make a judgement about the clinical features collectively to determine which problem(s) they provide evidence for. Once the problem(s) has been identified, the physiotherapist needs to consider the likely pathophysiological basis for the problem(s) so that an appropriate intervention plan can be determined. Patients often present with more than one problem that is amenable to physiotherapy. In this situation, the intervention plan should focus on strategies that address as many patient problems as possible, using best evidence and practice, and should be determined in collaboration with the individual and with a focus on self-management where appropriate.

Some of the clinical features revealed during the assessment may not be features of any of the cardiopulmonary problems listed in this chapter (e.g. poor self-management skills, the presence of risk factors for postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) such as cigarette smoking, incorrect use of an inhaler or immobility in the early postoperative period). Patient assessment will also identify the presence of any important factors that must be considered when applying the principles of physiotherapy management for a particular problem to an individual patient. Examples of such factors include the presence of comorbid conditions (e.g. diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis), psychosocial barriers or special communication needs (e.g. language or cultural requirements).

Case studies

The following case studies provide examples of how to formulate a patient problem list. The reasoning for identifying each problem and the considerations for patient intervention are given. Assessment of the patient may reveal many features. The clinical features reported in these case studies include only those considered to be important in formulating the problem list for each case.


A 57-year-old woman is admitted to a tertiary hospital via the emergency department.

History of presenting condition

Has been feeling unwell for 4 days with increasing cough and breathlessness and difficulty clearing her sputum.

Previous medical history

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)


Gastro-oesphageal reflux disorder (GORD)

Osteoarthritis affecting both knees.


Long-acting anticholinergic and combination therapy (long-acting β2−agonist and corticosteroid) administered via a dry powder inhaler

Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor for hypertension

Proton pump inhibitor for GORD

Statin for raised cholesterol.

Personal history

Lives at home with her husband but is finding it increasingly difficult to manage

Independent in self-care when her condition is stable (e.g. showering, dressing), but now requires significant help from her husband.

Previous investigations

Pulmonary function tests were performed at a recent clinic visit at a time when her condition was stable Table 6.1.

Current medical investigations

Temperature 38.5°C

Blood pressure 140/90 mmHg

Pulse 110 beats/min

Respiratory rate 28 breaths/min

Chest radiograph reveals hyperinflation of lungs with an increase in the retrosternal space; low, flattened diaphragms; hyperlucent lung fields with paucity of vascular markings in the periphery but prominent hilar markings and narrow heart silhouette

Arterial blood gas results on admission: pH 7.28, PaO2 8.7 kPa (65 mmHg), PaCO2 9.3 kPa (70 mmHg), HCO3 29mmol/l, base excess −1 and SaO2 92% on 28% oxygen via a Venturi oxygen mask

Sputum microculture result Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Physiotherapy subjective examination

Normally has a productive cough. Presently coughing throughout the day especially in the morning and when moving about the bed

Sputum is usually scant and clear. Over last week sputum has become yellow and cough is productive all day

Reports being progressively more short of breath over the last 5 years and now reports being breathless when mobilizing around the bed. Sleeps with two pillows at night to relieve breathlessness and symptoms of heartburn

Although limited by breathlessness, patient normally able to walk about 150 metres and is independent in self-care when condition is stable (e.g. showering, dressing) but now requires significant help and is breathless walking to the toilet

Smoked 25 cigarettes per day for 30 years (ceased 10 years ago).

Physiotherapy objective examination

Patient appears thin and frail

Barrel-shaped chest with increased anteroposterior diameter and thoracic kyphosis

Obvious respiratory distress with prominent use of accessory muscles, elevated shoulder girdle and intercostal recession. Increased inspiratory : expiratory (I : E) ratio (prolonged expiration)

Increased use of abdominal muscles during expiration

Using pursed-lip breathing (PLB) during conversation

Chest expansion symmetrical and poor in all zones

Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds with coarse inspiratory crackles in lower lobes and a prolonged expiratory phase and generalized expiratory wheeze

Sputum productive of 20 ml thick, purulent mucus (P2) expectorated in past 12 hours

Cough effective and tight but having significant difficulty expectorating sputum Table 6.2.

Table 6.1 Pulmonary function tests, case study 1

Test Observed Predicted
FVC (l) 2.76 2.90
FEV1 (l) 1.04 2.30
FEV1/FVC (%) 38.00 77.00
FRC (l) 4.67 2.62
RV (l) 3.24 1.96
TLC (l) 6.16 5.02
TLCO (mmol/min/kPa) 4.16 7.59

FVC, forced vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FRC, functional residual capacity; RV, residual volume; TLC, total lung capacity; TLCO, transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide

Table 6.2 Analysis of problems from case study 1

Current cardiopulmonary problems Evidence for each problem based on clinical features Most likely pathophysiological basis for each problem
Impaired airway clearance

Increased production of mucus with altered composition due to colonization with pathogen
Dyspnoea On conversation, on lying flat, mobilizing to toilet and around the bed

Airflow limitation

Impaired gas exchange

Decreased exercise tolerance Reports needing significant help going to the toilet. Further assessment is recommended  
Considerations for treatment

Note: respiratory muscle dysfunction may be present (clinical features include orthopnoea, CO2 retention and altered breathing pattern) and further assessment may be warranted

FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; FVC, forced vital capacity; TLC, total lung capacity; FRC, functional residual capacity; PLB, pursed-lip breathing; TLCO, transfer factor of the lung for carbon monoxide; GORD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder; image/image, ventilation/perfusion ratio; VT, tidal volume


A 65-year-old man was admitted to hospital for emergency surgery to treat an acute perforated duodenal ulcer. A suture and omentoplasty were performed via a midline upper abdominal incision. On the third postoperative day the patient’s condition deteriorated and assessment revealed the following features.

History of presenting condition

Sudden onset of abdominal pain and vomiting.

Previous medical history

Diabetes mellitus controlled with diet


Ischaemic heart disease (IHD).


Home medications: aspirin, nitrate, ACE inhibitor, β−adrenoreceptor blocker, statin and diuretic

Current medications: postoperative pain managed with an opioid (morphine) administered via patient-controlled analgesia (PCA), antiemetic for nausea.

Personal history

Lives at home with wife and is independent

Smoked 20 cigarettes a day for 40 years (ceased 2 years ago).

Current medical investigations

Temperature 38.0°C

Blood pressure 140/90 mmHg

Pulse 92 beats/min

Respiratory rate 28 breaths/min

Nasogastric tube aspirate 300 ml over 24 hours.

Urine output 1700 ml over 24 hours

White blood cell count (WCC) 14 × 109/l

Absent bowel sounds

Chest radiograph revealed right middle and lower lobe infiltrate consistent with collapse and consolidation

Arterial blood gas results: pH 7.48, PaO2 7.8 kPa (59 mmHg), PaCO2 4.5 kPa (34 mmHg) and SaO2 91% on room air.

Physiotherapy subjective examination

Slept poorly overnight

Reports that he has coughed very little overnight and today

No sputum produced either overnight or today

Only ambulating with assistance, as a result of persistent nausea

Reports that he forgets to use the PCA.

Physiotherapy objective examination

Oriented and obeying commands

Appears ill and is pale and clammy

Pain 6 out of 10 at rest

Shallow breathing pattern

Chest expansion poor lower zones: right < left

Abdominal splinting on inspiration

Cough is painful, weak, moist and ineffective

Auscultation reveals decreased breath sounds left lower lobe, right middle and lower lobes

Sputum nil produced

Nil calf tenderness, warmth or redness

Table 6.3.

Table 6.3 Analysis of problems from case study 2

Current cardiopulmonary problems Evidence for each problem based on clinical features Most likely pathophysiological basis for each problem
Reduced lung volume

Atelectasis resulting from marked decrease in FRC, postoperative diaphragmatic dysfunction, reduced function of surfactant, airway obstruction from mucus plugging and abdominal incisional pain
Impaired gas exchange Acute hypoxaemia: PaO2 7.8 kPa (59 mmHg) and SaO2 91% on room air Mixed causes for hypoxaemia including image/image mismatch caused by a decrease in FRC
Impaired airway clearance Patient is febrile, elevated WCC, moist cough Possible colonization of sputum, possible systemic dehydration, impaired MCC from opioid, ineffective cough
Considerations for treatment

FRC, functional residual capacity; MCC, mucociliary clearance; WCC, white blood cell count; PPC, postoperative pulmonary complication; IHD, ischaemic heart disease; PCA, patient-controlled analgesia, image/image, ventilation/perfusion ratio; PaO2, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation

The problem-solving approach to determining patient management not only assists with the identification of existing problems but also enables recognition of potential patient problems. For example, a high-risk surgical patient will develop reduced lung volume and has the added potential to develop problems of impaired airway clearance but if active treatment, such as early ambulation, is started during the at-risk period, these problems may be prevented. Some problems are not amenable to physiotherapy intervention or physiotherapy intervention may be detrimental.

For the patient with more than one problem, it is essential to prioritize the problem list and to establish the short and long-term goals of the patient and, where appropriate, their relatives and/or caregiver and any other service providers (e.g. other allied health professionals, nurses and medical practitioners). Some problems may only be short term, for example, reduced lung volume in the immediate postoperative period. Developing and prioritizing the problem list and developing the intervention should, whenever possible, take place in consultation with the patient. Some interventions may be determined by taking into consideration other factors such as the availability of resources and the model of service delivery.

Once the short- and long-term goals of the patient and, where appropriate, their relatives and/or caregiver and any other service providers have been established, the next stage is to identify the means of achieving these goals through physiotherapy intervention and the time frame over which they are to be achieved. The appropriate intervention requires selecting the optimal physiotherapy management strategy and this should be evidence based where possible. When a patient has several physiotherapy problems, the physiotherapy techniques selected should ideally address more than one of the high-priority problems. When selecting a treatment approach, the potential risks to the patient (e.g. the possibility of causing adverse physiological responses) and methods to minimize such risks must be taken into consideration. Other factors to be considered include ensuring that the intervention is appropriate for the patient’s age, occupation, ability to communicate, cultural beliefs, level of understanding and motivation and the presence of any psychosocial factors which may interfere with the treatment approach (e.g. fear, anxiety or depression). It is important also to determine the patient’s likes and dislikes; for example, patient preferences for types of activities are vital considerations when developing an exercise programme.

Common to the management of most problems is the education of the patient by the physiotherapist. This is essential to ensure that the patient takes responsibility for their own management and becomes actively involved in the management of their problem and the prevention of associated problems. If the problem is amenable to physiotherapy, treatment should be started. Conditions that are not amenable to physiotherapy intervention or that require the expertise of a specialist physiotherapist (e.g. a physiotherapist specializing in continence problems) should be referred appropriately. With some problems, a stage will be reached when the natural rate of recovery will no longer be augmented by physiotherapy intervention and treatment should then be discontinued.

The selection and use of appropriate outcome measures are fundamental to the evaluation of physiotherapy intervention. Healthcare fundholders increasingly require data demonstrating the effects of physiotherapy intervention, using instruments that are reliable and valid. Other parties requiring outcome data include the patient, the patient’s relatives and caregivers, employers of physiotherapists, clinicians, patient support groups and associations of patients with particular conditions (e.g. cystic fibrosis, heart failure), members of other healthcare professions and insurers. Thus, when selecting which outcome data to monitor it is important to consider the relevant stakeholders.

In this chapter the problems commonly encountered by the physiotherapist when managing patients with respiratory or cardiovascular dysfunction are discussed. The underlying pathophysiology for each problem is outlined and the clinical features that assist in the identification of the problem are described. The physiotherapy management is listed alongside each problem and discussed in greater detail in other chapters. The discussion of each problem concludes with guidelines for the choice of clinical outcome measures to be used to evaluate physiotherapy intervention.


Impaired airway clearance is an important physiotherapy problem because of the potential for the patient to develop an overwhelming infection, major atelectasis and other associated problems such as impaired gas exchange and airflow limitation. Further, untreated persistent infections may predispose to the development of chronic lung disease such as bronchiectasis.

Normal airway clearance depends upon two mechanisms – mucociliary clearance (MCC) and effective cough. Alveolar clearance may also contribute to the clearance of secretions from the peripheral airways (Houtmeyers et al 1999a).

Secretions and debris in the small airways are transported toward the large airways by the mucociliary blanket or escalator and eventually swallowed or cleared by a cough. The mucociliary escalator consists of cilia and a mucus layer. Impurities are caught in the mucus layer and the cilia beat synchronously to move the mucus towards the upper airway. In health, airway mucus is composed mostly of water and the daily volume of mucus in a healthy adult is up to 100 ml (Clarke 1990).

When the volume of secretions reaching the larynx and pharynx has increased to the extent that an individual becomes conscious of the presence of secretions on coughing or ‘clearing the throat’ the mucus is defined as sputum; the presence of sputum is abnormal.

While mucociliary transport is the major mechanism for clearing secretions in healthy subjects, cough is an important mechanism, especially in people with lung disease. The effectiveness of a cough is related to the volume and viscosity of secretions and the velocity of airflow through the airway lumen. An effective cough requires a high flow rate and a small cross-sectional area of the airway. Dynamic compression of the airways starts downstream from the equal pressure point (Chapter 5) where intraluminal and extraluminal pressures around the bronchial wall are equal (Irwin & Widdicombe 2000). This compression will increase airflow velocity by decreasing the cross-sectional diameter of the airways.

Vigorous coughing can cause a number of adverse effects including abnormal cardiovascular responses (e.g. systemic hypotension and hypertension, rhythm disturbances), abnormalities of the genitourinary tract (e.g. urinary incontinence), gastrointestinal symptoms (e.g. gastro-oesophageal reflux, inguinal hernia), musculoskeletal problems (e.g. rupture of rectus abdominis, rib fractures), neurologic features (e.g. cough syncope, headache, stroke, seizures) and respiratory complications (e.g. airflow limitation, laryngeal trauma, pneumothorax, tracheobronchial trauma). These effects are largely due to the high intrathoracic pressures and expiratory velocities associated with vigorous coughing (Irwin & Widdicombe 2000).

Abnormalities in the normal airway clearance system (i.e. MCC and cough) will result in an accumulation of secretions causing airway obstruction and possibly lead to atelectasis. The subsequent inhomogeneity of ventilation may adversely affect gas exchange. Airway obstruction and the presence of excess secretions also increase the risk of infection. Inflammatory responses to infection cause the release of chemical mediators such as proteases and elastases that can destroy the airway epithelium. This leads to unstable, overcompliant airways that contribute to impaired airway clearance (Barker 2002).

Table 6.4 lists the pathophysiological basis of impaired airway clearance and includes clinical examples (Clarke 1990, Houtmeyers et al 1999a, Irwin & Widdicombe 2000).

Table 6.4 Pathological basis of impaired airway clearance and clinical examples

Pathophysiological basis   Comment and clinical examples
Increased or altered composition of mucus

Bronchiectasis, chronic bronchitis, cystic fibrosis, asthma, pneumonia
Presence of an artificial airway increases mucus secretion
Changes viscosity and increases amount of secretions, thereby slowing MCC
Leads to viscous secretions which are difficult to mobilize and expectorate
May occur postoperatively if fluid restriction imposed
Excess fluid loss due to prolonged very high respiratory rate
Abnormalities in cilial structure or function   Primary ciliary dyskinesia
Damage to ciliated epithelium from excessive endotracheal suctioning
Impaired MCC

Rate of MCC decreases with age
Decreases MCC
e.g. Tobacco smoke, NOx – may decrease MCC
Some general anaesthetics and narcotics depress MCC
May cause a loss of ciliated epithelium causing mucus retention and slowing MCC
Slows MCC
Coughing and expectoration may be avoided due to embarrassment
Abnormal cough reflex 1. Decreased Decreased level of consciousness, general anaesthesia, narcotic analgesics
Inhibition due to pain, e.g. postoperatively, chest trauma, pleurisy
Damage to vagal or glossopharyngeal nerves
Paralysed vocal cords
Denervated lungs (heart-lung or lung transplantation)
  2. Increased Bronchial hyperreactivity
Poorly controlled asthma
Viral infections may increase sensitivity
Ineffective cough due to the inability to generate sufficient expiratory flow   Severe reduction in VC
Respiratory muscle weakness
Airflow limitation may cause cough to be weak and/or ineffective
Decreased airflow through dilated bronchiectatic airways
Abnormal cough

Stimulates the cough reflex
May lead to chronic cough and microaspirations of gastric contents

MCC, mucociliary clearance; NOx nitrogen oxides; VC, vital capacity; GORD, gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder

Clinical features

The clinical features of impaired airway clearance are usually those resulting from excess or retained secretions. The history of usual daily sputum production obtained from the patient may reveal a chronic productive cough. Changes in the normal pattern of sputum production, such as an increase in the amount or a change in the colour or consistency of the sputum, are likely. Some patients report difficulty expectorating secretions. Further questioning may reveal an increase in the number of chest infections or hospitalizations for their illness compared with previous years. Patients with chronic lung disease may report signs of stress incontinence on coughing.

Examination of the patient may reveal an altered breathing pattern due to increased work of breathing (WOB). The presence of infection may produce fever and tachycardia. When the secretions cause marked airflow limitation, wheezing may be audible (see Problem – airflow limitation). Auscultatory findings include diminished or absent breath sounds, bronchial breath sounds, crackles or wheezes. The cough may be moist or dry and hacking, effective and productive or ineffective and weak. Some patients have a paroxysmal cough with associated adverse effects such as dizziness, syncope or exhaustion. The examination of any sputum expectorated may reveal an increase in the volume or weight compared with the patient’s normal expectorant. The colour of the sputum may have changed to yellow, green or brown and there may be blood present (haemoptysis). Also the consistency of the sputum may have altered and microculture may reveal colonization (e.g. with bacteria) (Chapter 1).

Chest radiographs sometimes show signs of lung collapse and/or consolidation or abnormalities reflecting the underlying disease process; for example bronchiectatic changes.

The clinical features of impaired airway clearance in the postoperative patient may include an increased volume of sputum expectorated compared with the patient’s usual expectorant; a weak, ineffective moist cough; possible bacterial contamination of expectorated sputum; fever; and chest radiographic changes consistent with atelectasis or pneumonia (Chapter 12).

Physiotherapy management

Physiotherapy is an integral part of the management of patients with impaired airway clearance but bronchial secretions only become a physiotherapy problem when they are excessive, retained or difficult to eliminate. Some patients expectorate a small amount of foul-smelling, tenacious sputum postoperatively but this is not a problem if the patient is conscious, able to cough effectively and self-ambulating.

Airway clearance techniques comprise a range of physiotherapy interventions used for the management of impaired airway clearance (Chapter 5). These techniques aim to promote clearance of excessive secretions from the distal airways and thereby prevent the consequences of obstruction and thus improve ventilation homogeneity and gas exchange. Airway clearance techniques may incorporate positive pressure or oscillation applied at the mouth or chest wall (manual or mechanical) and/or breathing strategies to aid the movement of secretions to the central airways. From the central airways, forced expiratory manoeuvres such as coughing or huffing are used to facilitate expectoration. Such manoeuvres aim to use high expiratory flow rates to shear secretions from the airway walls.

The physiotherapy management of impaired airway clearance is influenced by the underlying cause and acuity of the patient’s condition. For patients with chronic hypersecretory lung disease who regularly produce excess bronchial secretions, the use of daily airway clearance techniques is recommended (Jones & Rowe 1998, van der Schans et al 2000). The rationale for daily treatment is to reduce stagnation of secretions in an attempt to avoid contamination with pathogens and thereby reduce the destruction of airway walls caused by the inflammatory response. This may slow the cycle of progressive tissue damage. The physiotherapist’s role in this case is to prescribe and teach a daily airway clearance regimen that is individually tailored and acceptable to the patient. Factors to be considered when choosing an airway clearance technique include:

The physiotherapist’s role may change in a patient with hypersecretory lung disease when the patient experiences a worsening of their condition such as during a chest infection. During a hospital admission for an acute illness the physiotherapist may take a more active role and the frequency and duration of treatments may increase. It may be that a change of technique is indicated and it is the physiotherapist’s role, in consultation with the patient, to select a technique that addresses the changing condition.

A number of additional measures are available that have been shown to enhance or improve airway clearance. Table 6.5 outlines these measures (Conway et al 1992, Elkins et al 2006, Houtmeyers et al 1999b, Jones et al 2003, Wark et al 2005, Wills & Greenstone 2006).

Table 6.5 Additional measures to enhance airway clearance

Measure Examples and uses

Nebulization MCC may be improved by hypertonic saline, amiloride, recombinant human deoxyribonuclease and β-adrenergic agonists
Analgesia Patients in whom pain is inhibiting an effective cough
Physical activity Increased respiratory rate and VT increase expiratory flow rates and sputum clearance

NIV, non-invasive ventilation; MCC, mucociliary clearance; VT, tidal volume

In the postoperative patient it is essential to establish whether the patient has excess secretions and whether they have difficulty managing their own airway clearance. This is one of the factors influencing the risk of the patient developing PPCs. The techniques to assist sputum clearance in the postoperative patient aim to increase alveolar ventilation and expiratory flow rates using, for example, upright positioning and ambulation at an adequate intensity with encouragement to take deep breaths. Expectoration of secretions can be facilitated by supported coughing or huffing (Chapter 12). If the patient has large amounts of secretions, techniques such as the active cycle of breathing techniques (ACBT) and vibrations may be used.

For patients who are reluctant or unable to cough, a spontaneous cough may be elicited by physical activity or a change of position. The cough reflex may be elicited using a tracheal rub or suctioning. Strengthening of the abdominal muscles and assisted cough techniques (e.g. abdominal support with an upward pressure) or a mechanical insufflation- exsufflation device may be helpful for patients with impaired cough due to weakness of the abdominal muscles (Chapter 16). For the intubated and ventilated patient, improved alveolar ventilation and increased expiratory flow rates can be achieved by positioning and manual hyperinflation, and secretions cleared by suctioning (Chapter 8).


Dyspnoea is the term generally applied to the sensations experienced by individuals complaining of unpleasant or uncomfortable respiration (Ambrosino & Scano 2001). In clinical practice, the terms breathlessness and dyspnoea are used interchangeably. However ‘breathlessness’ is one of many descriptors used by patients to convey their experience of dyspnoea. Other common terms used by patients suggest unrewarded inspiration (i.e. ‘can’t get the air in’) and chest tightness. It is possible these different descriptors originate from different pathological processes. For example, individuals with COPD frequently use terms that reflect an increase in the effort of breathing or WOB (Scano et al 2005).

Dyspnoea is a common and distressing symptom experienced by patients with respiratory and cardiovascular disease and is frequently the symptom that causes the patient to seek medical care. On occasions, it may be difficult to distinguish from the patient’s account whether the symptoms are of respiratory or cardiovascular origin as in both the patient may report breathlessness on exertion, when lying supine, causing waking during the night and acute episodes of breathlessness at rest.

Many healthy individuals become aware of their breathing when exercising at a moderate or high intensity and report that their breathing is rapid and that they are puffing. These changes in breathing reflect the increased ventilation required during exercise and are appropriate for the situation. In contrast, individuals with respiratory or cardiovascular disease may become aware of unpleasant breathing sensations at very low levels of physical activity and even at rest or in response to emotional or stressful situations. In such situations the appropriate term for these respiratory sensations is dyspnoea. Dyspnoea is not tachypnoea, hyperventilation or hyperpnoea. These three terms all describe ventilation in response to different stimuli and may represent normal physiological responses. Although hypoxaemia and hypercapnia increase ventilatory response, the severity of hypoxaemia and hypercapnia are not directly linked to the perception of dyspnoea. The sensation of dyspnoea appears to originate with the activation of sensory systems within the lung, chest wall and respiratory muscles that give rise to an awareness of breathing discomfort (American Thoracic Society (ATS) 1999, Schwartzstein & Parker 2006).

The sensation of dyspnoea is influenced by many factors including the patient’s psychological status and their experience and memory. The presence of fear, anxiety, depression and anger heighten the perception of dyspnoea (ATS 1999). In some patients, dyspnoea may be perceived as life threatening. A patient’s ability to describe and quantify the unpleasant sensation of dyspnoea is also very variable. This is not unlike the variability seen when patients report pain. These factors may in part explain why the intensity of dyspnoea for a given level of impairment in lung function, or exercise capacity, can vary greatly among individuals.

Although it is generally contended that dyspnoea arises as a consequence of multiple complex and varied interactions, the precise mechanisms responsible for the sensation of dyspnoea are poorly understood and the management of dyspnoea poses considerable difficulties. Clinically, dyspnoea results from several different pathophysiological mechanisms and in some patients more than one mechanism will be responsible (Table 6.6) (ATS 1999, Scano et al 2005, Schwartzstein & Parker 2006).

Table 6.6 Pathophysiological basis for dyspnoea in respiratory and cardiovascular disease and clinical examples

Pathophysiological basis   Clinical examples
1. Increase in elastic load due to: a. Decrease in lung compliance Increases the inspiratory muscle work required to overcome the elastic recoil of the lungs. Increases in imageE are achieved mainly by increasing respiratory rate, e.g. ILD, breathing at low lung volumes, pulmonary congestion
Hyperinflation (e.g. COPD, cystic fibrosis, asthma) increases the WOB
  b. Decrease in chest wall compliance and /or compliance of the abdominal compartment Obesity, kyphoscoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis
2. Increase in airways resistance   Increases expiratory muscle work to effect airflow through narrowed airways (e.g. COPD, asthma)
3. Weakness or fatigue of the respiratory muscles   See Problem – respiratory muscle dysfunction
4. Increase in metabolic rate   Increases ventilatory requirements, e.g. fever, exercise
5. Low cardiac output / ischaemia   Inadequate cardiac output causes reflex medullary ventilatory stimulation when the oxygen supply to the exercising muscle is inadequate to meet metabolic needs, e.g. IHD, heart failure or in the presence of ventricular arrhythmias, valvular problems or cardiomyopathy
6. Blood gas abnormalities   Hypoxaemia or hypercapnia
7. Deconditioning   Lactate accumulates at low levels of exercise causing an increase in ventilation
8. Anaemia   When severe causes dyspnoea on exertion
9. Acute changes in permeability of pulmonary capillaries   Pulmonary oedema
10. Perfusion limitation   The presence of a large image/image mismatch or shunt invariably causes dyspnoea, e.g. pulmonary embolus, pulmonary infarction, cyanotic heart disease, pulmonary congestion

imageE, minute ventilation; ILD, interstitial lung disease; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; WOB, work of breathing; image/image, ventilation/perfusion ratio

Special case – chronic lung disease

There are several pathophysiological causes of dyspnoea in patients with chronic lung disease. In patients with moderate to severe COPD, the increase in airway resistance is associated with lung hyperinflation and gives rise to an increase in the WOB (see Problem – airflow limitation). In patients with ILD, a greater than normal inspiratory effort is required to overcome the increased lung elastic recoil and may give rise to dyspnoea. Peripheral muscle dysfunction and deconditioning are common in patients with chronic lung disease and the associated increase in lactic acid accumulation during submaximal levels of exercise stimulates ventilation. Respiratory muscle dysfunction may also be a contributory factor to dyspnoea especially in patients with COPD (see Problem – respiratory muscle dysfunction). The presence of hypoxaemia may contribute to the WOB by stimulating ventilation. Psychosocial factors (e.g. anxiety) may heighten the perception of dyspnoea.

Some patients with moderate or severe disease, especially those with COPD, report marked dyspnoea when performing activities of daily living (ADL) that involve the use of the upper limbs, especially when the upper limbs are unsupported. Performing activities that involve unsupported upper limb movements leads to a loss of these arm trunk muscles as elevators of the rib cage, thereby reducing their contribution to the generation of the intrapleural pressure needed for inspiration. The breathing pattern during unsupported upper limb exercise in patients who report dyspnoea with upper limb movements is often rapid and irregular, and dyssynchronous thoraco-abdominal movements and breath holding may occur (Celli 1994). A further workload is imposed when activities involve raising the arms above the head. This arm position gives rise to the early onset of lactate accumulation in the upper limbs leading to an increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) production, which stimulates ventilation.

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