This chapter will describe the most important ECG characteristics of the different passive arrhythmias according to the classification in Table 14.1. When the heart rate is slow as a result of depressed sinus automaticity, sinoatrial block, or atrioventricular (AV) block, an AV junction pacemaker at a normal discharge rate (40–50 bpm) may pace the electrical activity of the heart by delivering one or more pacing stimuli (escape beat or complex and escape rhythm) (Figures 17.1–17.5). If the AV junction shows depressed automaticity, an idioventricular rhythm at a slower rate (<30 bpm) would command the heart’s activity. If the atrial rhythm is atrial fibrillation (AF), the escape rhythm is regular (Figure 17.2) and this is the demonstration of AV dissociation. This never occurs in the presence of atrial fibrillation with normal AV conduction. If the atrial rhythm is atrial flutter, a diagnosis of escape rhythm will be reached based on the slow and regular RR intervals observed, with a variable flutter wave–QRS complex interval (FR interval) (Figure 17.4). In the ECG, the escape complex is recorded as a wide QRS complex not preceded by a P wave or the preceding P wave has a PR interval <0.12 sec (Figure 17.1A). The escape rhythm is identified as a sequence of dissociated escape QRS complexes (Figures 17.1–17.3), which may be interrupted by sinus captures (Figure 17.1B) that sometimes appear as bigeminal complexes. In this case, a differential diagnosis of bigeminy should be made (Figures 17.1B and 18.6I). The escape rhythm may show retrograde conduction to the atria that is usually slower than the anterograde to the ventricles (Figures 17.1C and 24.1). Sometimes, a progressively slower escape rhythm precedes asystole (Figure 17.5). The QRS complex is narrow when the escape source is in the AV junction (Figure 17.1). Conversely, when the escape focus originates from the ventricle or from the AV junction but pre‐existent bundle branch block or phase 4 aberrancy exists, the resulting QRS complex is wide. The occurrence of AV junctional escape rhythm or escape complexes at their usual discharge rates should not be necessarily considered pathologic, as this is usually observed in athletes or in subjects with increased vagal tone. In fact, it warrants protection against a slow rhythm. Frequently, if there is no depression of the AV junction automaticity, the implantation of pacemakers would be neither urgent nor most likely necessary. Obviously, pacemaker implantation is urgent if the slow heart rate is due to a depressed AV junctional or ventricular rhythm. When the AV junction automaticity is very slow or an infrahisian AV block exists, the heart may be controlled by a slow ventricular pacemaker (Figure 17.3). In this situation, the sinus discharge rate is lower than 60 bpm. The following are the mechanisms explaining sinus automaticity depression (see Figures 14.7 and 14.8): (i) decrease of the slope of phase 4 partly due to the inactivation of the diastolic inward current (If); (ii) a threshold potential nearer to zero; and (iii) a more negative transmembrane diastolic potential (TDP). Exercise, emotions, and adrenergic discharge induce a progressive acceleration of the sinus heart rate, which also shows a progressive deceleration when these physiologic stimuli disappear. The sinus node is considered to be pathologically altered when these physiologic changes do not take place. Frequently, daytime sinus tachycardia alternates with occasional very slow bradycardia during the night, particularly in young athletes, (first‐degree or even second‐degree AV block may even occur during night) if right vagal (sinus node) and left vagal (AV node) overdrive exist (Figure 17.6) (see later). Figure 17.1 (A) A 52‐year‐old patient with bradycardia–tachycardia syndrome. The AB distance is half the BC distance, indicative of a probable 2 : 1 sinoatrial block. In C, a P wave is initiated, which cannot be conducted because an escape atrioventricular (AV) junctional complex takes place shortly after (third QRS complex). (B) An example of incomplete AV dissociation with slow escape rhythm (first, third, fifth, and sixth complexes) and sinus captures (second and fourth complexes). After the two last QRS complexes, we observe how the P waves are not conducted because they are closer to the QRS complex than the two first P waves, therefore falling in the junctional refractory period. (C) AV junctional rhythm at 64 bpm with retrograde conduction to the atria slower than the anterograde conduction to the ventricles (see the negative P wave following each QRS complex). Figure 17.2 (A) Lead II: Regular RR intervals in the presence of underlying atrial fibrillation with narrow QRS complexes. This is indicative of a junctional ectopic rhythm dissociated from the atrial rhythm (atrial fibrillation). See the amplified F waves in the right atrial electrogram (RAE), and how in the His bundle (HB) recording H deflection precedes the narrow ventricular complexes with HV = 45 ms (see B), confirming it is a junctional atrioventricular (AV) block proximal to the bundle of His. Sinus automaticity depression is manifest by a slow sinus rhythm, which in young athletes or in patients with vagal predominance may even be less than 30 bpm (Bjeregaard 1983) (Figure 17.7). The sinus discharge rate is not fixed, particularly in children. All this is especially evident in the presence of sinus bradycardia. In adults, this variability from one cycle to another is usually less than 10–20%. Sinus arrhythmia may be diagnosed (Figure 17.7B,C) when RR interval variability from one cycle to another is greater than 20%. Sinus arrhythmia is considered to be mild when the change from one cycle to another is <50%, moderate when the change is between 50% and 100%, and severe if it is over 100%. Figure 17.3 Twelve‐lead surface ECG in a patient with complete atrioventricular (AV) block (complete dissociated P–QRS relationships), with a somewhat wide (120 ms) QRS complex and a very slow escape rhythm, leading to urgent pacemaker implantation. Figure 17.4 Atrial flutter with regular RR at 46 bpm and varying FR distances (see bottom) confirming an atrioventricular (AV) dissociation. This patient suffered from atrial flutter dissociated by AV block of a junctional escape rhythm. Figure 17.5 A 68‐year‐old patient who presented with sudden death four days after suffering an acute myocardial infarction. In the ECG Holter recording, we observe quick progressive automaticity depression with occurrence of a slow escape rhythm leading to cardiac arrest, probably because of an electromechanical dissociation due to cardiac rupture. Figure 17.6 A 25‐year‐old athlete without significant bradycardia with clear ECG signs of sympathetic overdrive during the day (top) and frequent atrioventricular (AV) Wenckebach episodes at night due to the preferential involvement of the left vagus nerve (below). Figure 17.7 (A) Significant sinus automaticity depression. Holter ECG recording (athlete) during sleep showing bradycardia <30 bpm. Note that the PR interval is normal as the left vagus nerve is not involved. (B) A similar example with a heart rate <40 bpm and somewhat irregular, in a healthy young person. (C) Another example of sinus bradycardia in a healthy young person with significant RR irregularity. Sinus bradycardia is often observed with a normal PR interval (Figure 17.7). Sinus bradycardia and different degrees of AV block are present when a predominant vagal overdrive affects both the right vagus nerve (sinus node) and the left vagus nerve (AV node) (see above) (Figure 17.6). Finally, it should always be taken into account that a slow sinus rhythm may rarely be explained by the presence of concealed atrial bigeminy (Figures 17.8 and 18.1). It is quite important to consider this possibility and try to identify the small P′ wave deflection at the T wave (Figure 17.8) or close to the end of the T wave, which may be confused with the U wave (Figure 18.1) (arrow), as in these cases the therapeutic approach is quite different to that of a slow rhythm due to a sinus bradycardia. If the sinus stimulus reaches the atria but with delay, a first‐degree sinoatrial block is observed, although the AV relation (P wave–QRS complex) is not altered. This is not the case in third‐degree sinoatrial block, where an AV junctional rhythm is the dominant pacemaker. Finally, the second‐degree sinoatrial block may be of Mobitz‐ or Wenckebach‐type, similar to the second‐degree blocks of the AV junction (see Figures 14.19 and 17.9). This cannot be detected by surface ECG and may require intracardiac recordings. Figure 17.8 (A) Atrial flutter with variable atrioventricular (AV) conduction accounting for the irregular RR and the varying FR. (B) Two continuous strips in sinus rhythm with frequent concealed atrial extrasystoles (notch in T wave ascending limb, see arrow), which give the impression that the basal rhythm, which is already slow, is much more bradycardic. Figure 17.9 Second‐degree Wenckebach‐type sinoatrial block (4 : 3). The sinoatrial conduction time progressively increases from normality (80 ms) (from A to onset of first P wave) until a complete block occurs (D not followed by a P wave). The distance between the first two RRs (930 ms) is greater than the distance between the second and third RRs (880 ms). Sinoatrial conduction cannot be determined. Theoretically, A, B, C, D, and E represent the origin of the sinus impulses. A–B, B–C, C–D, and D–E distances are the sinus cadence (870 ms). In addition, assuming that the first sinoatrial conduction time in the sequence is 80 ms (distance from the arrow to A), the successive increases observed in the sinoatrial conduction (80 + 60 = 140 and 140 + 10 = 150) account for the shortening of RR and explain the following pause. Therefore, it is confirmed that the more significant increase in the Wenckebach‐type block (a sinoatrial block in this case) occurs in the first cycle of each sequence, following a pause (1–2 > 2–3). PR intervals do not change. The second RR interval is 50 ms shorter than the first (930 vs. 880 ms), as this is the difference between the sinoatrial conduction increases of the first and second cycles. In fact, the first RR is 870 + 60 = 930 ms, while the second cycle is 930 – 60 + 10 = 80 ms. In the presence of an intermittent‐type 2 : 1 second‐degree sinoatrial block, the ventricular rate is half the sinus rate (BC = 2 AB in Figure 14.19C). If the 2:1 second‐degree block is fixed, the ECG recording will be similar to that of a sinus bradycardia due to automaticity depression. If the 2 : 1 block disappears with exercise, an abrupt increase of the heart rate, usually more than double due to increase in sinus rate, may be observed. Second‐degree sinoatrial block (Wenckebach‐type) may also be observed. Usually, this presents as a 3 : 2 (Figure 18.6E) or 4 : 3 block (Figures 14.19B and 17.9). Figure 17.9 explains why in the second‐degree sinoatrial block (Wenckebach‐type), the RR interval progressively shortens. The block increment is gradually less until the complete block initiates a pause. This type of block does not modify the PR interval because the block is at the sinoatrial level. From an electrocardiographic point of view, the 3 : 2 sinoatrial Wenckebach block shows a sequence and ECG characteristics similar to those of atrial bigeminy due to premature parasinus atrial impulses (P′ wave is identical or almost identical to the sinus P waves). Figure 17.10 explains the key steps for this differential diagnosis (Bayés de Luna et al. 1991). No atrial depolarization due to sinus stimuli is observed. Therefore, the ECG recording shows an AV junctional or ventricular escape rhythm (see Figure 14.19D). We have discussed all the aspects related to blocks at atrial level in Chapter 9. Conduction block is observed in the AV junction. As in other types of heart block, we shall refer to first‐, second‐, and third‐degree blocks (see Chapter 14, Heart block). The etiology is due to a degenerative, infection, inflammatory or ischemic process of the AV junction. In rare cases, it may be congenital (see Chapter 24, Advanced AV block). The exact location of the block (suprahisian, hisian, or infrahisian block) is accurately determined only by intracardiac studies (see later; Figure 17.13). However, the presence of a narrow QRS complex escape rhythm and a second‐degree Wenckebach‐type AV block suggests that the block is located in the AV junction, whereas the presence of a wide QRS complex favors evidence of a block below the bundle of His. Figure 17.10 Differential diagnosis (Lewis diagrams) between 3 : 2 sinoatrial block and atrial parasinus bigeminy with very similar or identical P′ waves, and a virtually identical ECG pattern. Above (A): After three sinus impulses conducted to the atria, in D a 3 : 2 sinoatrial block sequence starts. Below (B): Two sequences of atrial bigeminy followed by normal rhythm. In the first case (3 : 2 sinoatrial block), AB and BC intervals correspond to the baseline rhythm, which is very similar to the shortest RR interval of coupled bigeminal rhythm (DE and FG distances). Conversely, in cases of atrial parasinus bigeminy, the basal rhythm (EF and FG intervals) is very similar to the longest pause observed in the bigeminal rhythm (BC and DE distances) (below). Therefore, in the presence of a bigeminal rhythm with previous basal RR intervals with the same P, PR, and QRS, the diagnosis of a 3 : 2 sinoatrial block is supported by the fact that the regular RR intervals are very similar to the shortest RR interval corresponding to the bigeminal rhythm. On the other hand, if the regular RR intervals are similar to the longest RR interval of the bigeminal rhythm, it is most likely an atrial parasinus bigeminy. We will discuss below the key diagnostic criteria of the different AV blocks that may be found in the surface ECG. A first‐degree AV block occurs when the PR interval is greater than 0.18 sec in children, 0.20 sec in adults, and 0.22 sec in elderly patients (Figures 14.20A and 17.11). One or more P waves are not conducted to the ventricles despite being beyond the physiologic AV junctional refractory period (Figure 14.20B,C). Second‐degree AV block may be of a Wenckebach‐type (also known as Mobitz I) or of a Mobitz‐type block (Mobitz II). In the Wenckebach‐type AV block (Figure 17.12A), the progressive shortening of the RR interval is due to a progressive reduction of the AV block increment (180 ms–260 ms–300 ms) until a complete AV block is reached. The mechanism is explained as progressive and decremental prolongation of the PR interval until a P wave fails to conduct to the ventricles. The latter initiates a pause that is longer than any other RR interval. Therefore, a Wenckebach‐type AV block is characterized by: (i) a progressive lengthening of the PR interval, starting from the first PR interval after the pause; (ii) the most significant increase being observed in the second PR interval after the pause (Figures 14.20B and 17.12A); (iii) the pause being a longest RR interval; and (iv) the PR interval that initiates each sequence, it is always identical. However, for different reasons, these rules are not always present. Figure 14.21E shows two forms of atypical Wenckebach‐type AV block (see legend; Chacko et al. 2017). In the second‐degree A Mobitz II‐type, the AV block and consequent pause occur abruptly without previous progressive lengthening of the PR interval. As a result, one or several P waves may be blocked (paroxysmal AV block) (Figures 14.20C and 17.12B). The second‐degree 2 : 1 AV block (one out of two P waves is blocked) may be explained by both Mobitz I or Mobitz II‐type blocks (Figure 17.12C). On rare occasions, in the presence of a 2 : 1 block in the AV junction (higher portion), the Wenckebach phenomenon may arise from the conducted P waves themselves occurring in the lower part of the AV junction (alternating Wenckebach phenomenon) (Halpern et al. 1973; Amat y Leon et al. 1975; Baranchuk et al. 2009). Figure 14.20F shows an example of this odd electrophysiologic phenomenon. Figure 17.11 First‐degree atrioventricular (AV) block (PR 0.32 seconds). Figure 17.12 (A) Second‐degree type I atrioventricular (AV) block (see Wenckebach phenomenon). (B) Paroxysmal second‐degree AV block (Mobitz II type). Note the six blocked P waves without a prior increase of the PR interval. The first QRS complex following the pause is an escape QRS complex as it features a very long PR interval. The last two P waves are conducted. (C) Second‐degree 2 : 1 AV block. In this type of block, a complete dissociation between the P waves and the QRS complexes exists, thus it is frequently named complete AV block (Figures 14.20D, 17.3, and 17.14). The escape rhythm is slow (usually less than 45 bpm), except in some patients with congenital AV block (Figure 17.15), and it is almost always lower than the sinus rate. When the escape ventricular rhythm is greater than the sinus rhythm, we cannot be sure that the AV block is complete, as some P waves may not be conducted as a result of an interference phenomenon (the P waves falls in the AV node’s physiologic refractory period). The width of QRS may be narrow if the AV block is high (suprahisian) or wide if it is infrahisian, or aberrant conduction exists. This can only be determined by intracardiac recordings (see Chapter 25, Intracavitary ECGs and electrophysiologic studies). Figure 17.13 shows examples of first‐degree AV block after His level (prolonged HV interval) (A), second‐degree 2 × 1 block before His deflection (B), second‐degree AV block after His deflection (C), and second‐degree AV block at His level (see two H deflections—H–H′—and the block between the two His deflections H–H′) (D). A diagnosis of cardiac arrest is reached when the patient carotid pulse is not palpable and no cardiac sounds are heard by auscultation. In continuous ECG recording, it is observed how cardiac arrest may be preceded by a progressive bradyarrhythmia (Figure 17.5) or tachyarrhythmia, usually ventricular fibrillation (see Figures 16.30 and 16.32). Rarely, ventricular tachycardia may directly trigger the cardiac arrest (see Figure 16.8). Patients in coronary intensive care unit usually are recovered with electrical cardioversion if the cardiac arrest is due to primary ventricular fibrillation (see Figures 16.31 and 16.32). Hospitalized patients suffering from cardiac arrest should be treated as emergency patients (cardiac arrest protocol). The fight against out‐of‐hospital cardiac arrest
Chapter 17
Passive Arrhythmias
Escape complex and escape rhythm
Concept and mechanism
ECG findings
Sinus bradycardia due to sinus automaticity depression (Figures 17.7 and 17.8)
Concept and mechanism
ECG findings
Sinoatrial block
Concept and mechanism
ECG findings
First‐degree sinoatrial block
Second‐degree sinoatrial block
Third‐degree (complete) sinoatrial block
Atrial block
Atrioventricular block
Concept and mechanism
ECG findings
First‐degree atrioventricular block
Second‐degree atrioventricular block
Third‐degree atrioventricular block
The exact location of the block
Cardiac arrest
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