, Rohit Arora3, 4, Nicholas L. DePace5 and Aaron I. Vinik6
Autonomic Laboratory Department of Cardiology, Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
ANSAR Medical Technologies, Inc., Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Medicine, Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center, North Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Cardiology, The Chicago Medical School, North Chicago, IL, USA
Department of Cardiology, Hahnemann Hospital Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Medicine, Eastern Virginia Medical School Strelitz Diabetes Research Center, Norfolk, VA, USA
There is increasing interest in the involvement of the SNS in the initiation and maintenance of chronic pain syndromes of different etiology. Epidemiological data show that stresses of different natures (e.g., work-related and psychosocial), typically characterized by SNS activation, may be a cofactor in the development of the pain syndrome or negatively affect its time course. Besides its well-known action on muscle blood flow, the SNS is able to affect the contractility of muscle fibers to modulate the proprioceptive information arising from the muscle spindle receptors and, under certain conditions, to modulate nociceptive information. Furthermore, the activity of the SNS itself is in turn affected by muscle conditions, such as its current state of activity, or fatigue and pain signals originating in the muscle [1].
Pain is a stress and the SNS responds to stress. Given this axiom, independent, simultaneous P&S monitoring offers an objective, noninvasive means of:
Objectively quantifying pain level
Differentiating non-physiologic pain (e.g., psychosomatic) from physiologic pain (e.g., somatosensory) from chronic regional pain syndrome (CRPS, formerly reflex sympathetic dystrophy, or RSD)
Titrating (potentially addictive) pain therapy
Documenting rehabilitation
From the 5-min resting baseline challenge, a patient’s sympathetic level that day is measured and compared to previous measures. If today’s measure is higher, assuming well-controlled BP, then the pain is higher, regardless of the patient’s mental and emotional condition, and vice versa. Further, “high,” “normal,” and “low” sympathetic measures are quantified and are pertinent. This augments and helps to specify the subjective criteria upon which a patient reports pain levels [2].
Since pain is a sympathetic stimulus, if the sym-pathetic responses to all six Autonomic Assessment challenges (see Chap. 5) are normal to low, then the pain is well managed (if the patient is medicated) or it is not physiologic (if not medicated). In other words, there may be other issues, such as addiction. If there is SE to one or more of the challenges, then consider titrating pain therapy. However, normal-to-low sympathetic responses to resting baseline indicate that the patient is in balance and well managed at rest. Under these conditions, SE in response to Valsalva or PC (stand) challenge suggests activity-induced pain. SE in response to Valsalva suggests activity-induced pain in the upper body or lower back and to standing suggests activity-induced pain in the lower body, including lower back. If the resting sympathetic activity is normal to low and the activity-induced pain does not impede routine activities, perhaps additional pain therapy is not warranted. SE with PE differentiates CRPS. For example, with plexus damage, SE indicates the presence of pain caused by tissue damage. However, tissue perfusion is also compromised. PE is associated with poor tissue perfusion [3]. Therefore, SE with PE immediately differentiates “physiologic” pain from CRPS, documenting CRPS (perhaps earlier), thereby enabling earlier therapy to help to reduce the potential for long-term therapy, as is often the case with CRPS patients.
The purpose of pain therapy is to relieve pain, which relieves stress, which reduces sympathetic activity. However, pain therapy itself is typically not a sympatholytic. As such, sympathetic levels may be used to titrate pain therapy, tailored to the patient’s specific needs, helping to reduce the risk of dependency and overdose. Periodic and frequent, independent, simultaneous P&S monitoring documents the individual patient’s changes in P&S activity. Given the initial diagnosis and considering any extant damage or disability, once the P&S challenge responses are normalized and P&S activity is balanced, the patient’s autonomic recovery is complete. P&S monitoring documents that the patient may be prepared to return to a normal lifestyle, including perhaps returning to the workplace, thereby reducing workman’s compensation claims. Independent, simultaneous P&S monitoring has already stood up in courts of law.
In chronic pain, like other chronic diseases (see section “Chronic disease effect on autonomic decline” in Chap. 12), persistent SE increases the BRR which accelerates the onset of high BP which can lead to hypertension and other comorbidities, ultimately leading to CAN and sudden death. Frequent and periodic, independent, simultaneous P&S monitoring detects, differentiates, and documents persistent or recurrent SE, guiding therapy to reduce morbidity and mortality risk, reduce medication load and hospitalization, and further reduce healthcare costs.
The following are excerpts from an article originally published online at pain.com [2].
Parasympathetic and Sympathetic Monitoring in Pain Management
Chronic pain takes many forms, which often become associated with common comorbidities such as secondary hypertension, gastrointestinal upset, sleep disturbances, urogenital dysfunction, and dizziness. The role of early and focused intervention and preventive therapy in these patients is important to prevent long-term complications, compounded health risks, and higher healthcare costs. These comorbidities are also common in many other chronic diseases (e.g., cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic pulmonary disorders, and progressive neurological diseases), and they are not limited to the elderly; they affect young patients as well. The disparate nature of these comorbidities and the fact that they are associated with many different processes suggests that there may be an underlying commonality that has largely been overlooked – the ANS. The ANS has been overlooked due to the lack of simple, comfortable, noninvasive, and reliable tools to measure its two branches, the P and S nervous systems, independently and simultaneously. Tools now exist.
The ANS is involved in how the body manages and responds to pain [4–9], including, neuropathic pain [10], migraine and headache [11–13], somatic pain [4], complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) [14, 15], fibromyalgia and related syndromes [16] (including chronic fatigue syndrome [CFS] [17, 18], irritable bowel syndrome [19], and depression/anxiety disorders [20–22]), pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis [23, 24], angina [25], and acute pain [3, 26]. Treating pain can normalize autonomic function [27, 28].
Autonomic Involvement in Pain Modalities and Management
The nociceptive and autonomic systems interact at the levels of the periphery, spinal cord, brain stem, and forebrain. Spinal and visceral afferents project information to the spinothalamic neurons in the dorsal horn and then to the neurons in the brain stem, including the nucleus tractus solitarius. These structures, in turn, project to areas at all levels of the central nervous system involved in reflex, homeostatic, and behavioral control of autonomic outflow and nociception. Considering pain as the result of the interactions between the nociceptive and autonomic systems, P&S monitoring may document the complex pathophysiology of pain disorders and help customize therapy plans for individual patients [7]. Medications and therapies act on the P or the S systems. Titrating therapy for the individual patient requires firsthand knowledge of the patient’s P or S response to pain, disease or injury, therapy, and lifestyle.
Headache and Migraine
The parasympathetics are involved in headache [11, 13]. Based on HRV-alone measures, migraineurs with disabling attacks may be prone to ANS hypofunction [13]. These findings suggest that ANS dysfunction may be either a risk factor for migraine headaches or a consequence of frequent disabling attacks. HRV-alone measures are mixed or total ANS measures which do not allow further differentiation of these findings; specific P&S measures are needed. Moreover, ANS dysfunction and migraine may share a common neural substrate [14], and headache and migraine pain may be accompanied by considerable autonomic reactions, which are dependent on sympathetic activity [10, 11]. Based on autonomic innervation of cranial blood vessels, clinical and experimental observations in migraineurs suggest that a general hyperexcitability could develop along nociceptive trigeminal neurons, allowing the activation of descending pathways that facilitate pain processing or the suppression of pathways that slow down pain transmission [4, 10]. Progressive dysfunction of central pain systems secondary to the repetition of attacks of the originating headache have been implicated in slowly transforming the process from an episodic condition into a chronic condition [4].
Depression and Sleep Depravation
Quality of life is significantly reduced among patients with neuropathic pain. Chronic pain patients have difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, and sleep deprivation exacerbates pain [12]. Sleep deprivation is associated with anxiety and depression, both of which also make sleep disturbances worse. Depression and daytime sleepiness are associated with PE [22]. To effectively manage the chronic pain patient (including those with neuropathic pain), assessment and subsequent treatment of all comorbidities associated with the condition is necessary [12]. Recognition of an association between the diverse nature of comorbidities and the common underlying role of the P or S nervous systems facilitates the treatment of all comorbidities.
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
The sympathetics are involved in somatosensory pain and CRPS [4, 10]. CRPS, for example, may develop as a complication of trauma to a plexus or plexus involvement in trauma. Sympathetic neurotransmitter release is compromised in the affected area, and signs of sympathetic deficit (e.g., a warm flushed limb) often evolve into signs of sympathetic overactivity (e.g., a cool moist limb) due to the development of adrenergic supersensitivity. Because the parasympathetics are known to be involved in maintaining proper tissue perfusion [29], interactions between the P and the S can cause swings in sympathetic activation. Communication between sympathetic and the sensory neurons that signal pain may contribute to CRPS [11]. In addition, sympathetic activity may retard normal healing by aggravating inflammation-associated vascular disturbances [11].
Fibromyalgia is a chronic, painful musculoskeletal disorder of unknown etiology or pathophysiology. Many studies have suggested ANS involvement in fibromyalgia syndrome and related disorders, including chronic fatigue syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and depression/anxiety disorders, and, via P and S dysfunction, the risk for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [16, 20]. A significant negative correlation between Hamilton Depression Scale scores and abnormal autonomic activity exists in patients with major depression, suggesting a direct association which may contribute to the higher cardiac morbidity and mortality [20]. Patients with stable coronary heart disease, or those with a recent acute coronary event, have been found to have lower HRV, as have depressed patients when compared with their nondepressed counterparts [22]. Anxiety disorders are associated with significantly lower HRV [21]. Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome show alterations in autonomic function, including orthostatic intolerance, which may be explained by cardiovascular deconditioning, a post-viral idiopathic autonomic neuropathy (AN), or both [17]. The presence of reduced HRV in chronic fatigue syndrome during sleep, coupled with higher norepinephrine levels and lower plasma aldosterone suggest a state of sympathetic dominance and neuroendocrine alterations [18]. While treating autonomic imbalance associated with fibromyalgia often does not cure the disorder, it reduces associated comorbidities, improving the patient’s quality of life and often reducing the severity of fibromyalgia itself. In other words, by normalizing sleep habits and reducing depression, the patient seems to be able to better tolerate the pain associated with fibromyalgia.
Rheumatic Diseases
Patients with rheumatic diseases often demonstrate ANS-related dysfunctions. Clinically, these diseases are characterized by pain (i.e., spontaneous, hyperalgesia, and allodynia), active movement disorders, including an increased physiologic tremor, abnormal regulation of blood flow and sweating, and edema and trophic changes of skin and subcutaneous tissues. The ANS is, in part, responsible for the regulation of blood flow and sweating. Abnormal regulation is indicative of P&S imbalance. Alterations of P&S balance may also be involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatic diseases [24].
Critical Care
Based on clinical and experimental observations in critical care, including intensive care and surgery, the sympathetic is involved in pain following trauma [3, 10]. Even in neonates, P&S imbalance is observed in response to painful procedures [9]. Pain therapies and anesthesia are also shown to affect autonomic activity. Low-dose fentanyl administration in healthy volunteers leads to decreases in sympathetic and overall ANS modulation, with a trend towards vagal (parasympathetic) activation [27]. Similar reductions in sympathetic activity have been seen in response to other opioids and analgesic agents.
Methods of ANS Measurements
Observing the marked vasomotor and sudomotor changes after traumatic nerve injury, it is apparent that both autonomic branches, individually and together, play an important role in pain modulation and perception [4]. HRV-alone cannot help to differentiate pain [30] because it is a mixed measure of P and S influences. Despite the debate on whether the role of the sympathetic in generating and sustaining certain pain syndromes is significant, specialists in pain management have sought tools for measuring the PSNS and the SNS. P&S monitoring tools based on HRV and respiratory sinus arrhythmia measurements are needed in pain monitoring to improve differential diagnoses [31]. Knowing the individual P&S responses, in this case to pain and therapy, allows the physician to assess a patient’s individual responses to disease, injury, therapy, and lifestyle. We have found that P&S monitoring enables (1) objective, quantification of pain level, (2) differentiation of non-physiologic (i.e., psychosomatic) pain from physiologic (i.e., somatosensory) pain from pain syndromes complicated by comorbidity (i.e., CRPS or fibromyalgia), (3) customized therapy for the individual patient, and (4) documentation of the patient’s rehabilitation.
Noninvasive, independent, simultaneous, quantitative measures of P&S activity are required for early and focused intervention and preventive therapy. Unfortunately, much of the literature discussing ANS monitoring is based on HRV-alone approaches as defined in the 1996 Standards article [29, 32]. The studies that have found high correlations between HRV-alone measures and P or S functions have been very selective regarding their patient populations, and therefore highly specific as to the assumptions under which HRV-alone measures correlate. These assumptions, and therefore these studies, cannot be generalized to the greater patient population. P&S monitoring is proven to generalize [33–37]. This article highlights patient examples and suggests a P&S-based protocol to help guide patient management.
Clinical Examples
Since 1996 [38], autonomic testing for pain management has been recommended to identify and differentiate pain. P&S monitoring also provides Holter-like results in an in-office study that takes about 15 min to perform. The study format, as recommended [39–41], includes six phases (see Chap. 5). The (initial baseline) resting responses (1) determine P&S balance (=SB) which is a measure of patient response to injury and therapy and (2) differentiate the severity of autonomic neuropathy, both chronic and acute. The resting responses are also used to quantify pain levels based on relative sympathetic responses from test to test. A Valsalva challenge SE helps to differentiate pain syndromes, including upper body from lower body pain. A PC (stand) challenge SE differentiates lower from upper body pain. PE during either the Valsalva or the PC differentiates CRPS from somatosensory pain.
Because P&S activity is directly measured, these challenges are not required as a probe to differentiate the P response from the S response (as in HRV-alone studies); rather, they are direct challenges to P or S. As a result, the data obtained are quantified response levels, valid for direct interpretation. The study becomes a model of a typical day in the patient’s life, like a Holter monitor. In fact, pain management physicians prefer to witness the test, when possible, to watch the patient’s “body language” during the modeling of the patient’s day. The DB challenge simulates a patient’s response to therapy, disease, lifestyle, after meals, and before retiring for the evening. The Valsalva challenge simulates a patient’s response to exercise and stress. The stand challenge serves two purposes. It challenges P and S coordination, highlighting possible risk of morbidity [42], and the PC challenge also differentiates orthostasis and its subforms, and possible syncope and its subforms. The PC challenge, when compared with resting baseline, is equivalent to a tilt study [43]. The resting baseline period also serves two purposes. First, in determining P&S balance, it enables the customized titration of therapy, based on the patient’s individual responses to therapy, disease, and lifestyle. Therapy may be considered as the counterbalance to disease or injury, and this balance is represented by P&S balance. Therefore, when therapy is titrated to normalize SB, the resulting level of therapy is thereby customized to the patient’s individual needs. Second, the resting period also quantifies mortality risk. Very low parasympathetic activity is associated with risk of sudden death (mortality) [44].
All data presented were collected from ambulatory pain clinics in Colorado, Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia and a level 1, academic trauma center in California.
Differentiating Pain
From an autonomic perspective, pain management is predicated on the fact that pain is a stressor and the sympathetics respond to stress [4]. The parasympathetics are responsible for proper tissue and brain perfusion [3]. Based on these predicates, P&S monitoring differentiates non-physiologic (e.g., psychosomatic) pain from physiologic (e.g., somatic or sympathetically mediated) pain from complex pain syndromes (e.g., CRPS or fibromyalgia). Because non-physiologic pain is perceived, and therefore cortical, the brain stem autonomic (e.g., sympathetic) measures are normal to low (see Fig. 24.1). The graphs of Fig. 24.1 are the response plots from a multiparameter graph report (MPGR). The graphs, from top left to bottom right in order, present the following: the (resting) (“A”) baseline P&S monitoring results, the parasympathetic response to (“B”) deep breathing, the sympathetic response to (“D”) Valsalva, the P&S monitoring responses to (“F, stand”) PC, and the parasympathetic responses to Valsalva (left) and standing (right). The gray regions indicate normal responses. These are data from a 24-year-old pain patient with a history of opiates. The patient is well managed. The patient already has a history of opiates and is requesting additional pain medication. These data indicate that the patient’s request for additional therapy is not a physiologic response and, therefore, the request for additional therapy is not based on a physiologic response.

Fig. 24.1
Sample non-physiologic pain responses. These are data from a 24-year-old pain patient with a history of opiates. The patient is well managed. The patient is requesting additional pain medication. These data indicate that the patient’s request for additional therapy is not a physiologic response
For physiologic pain (e.g., somatic pain), one or more of the brain stem sympathetic (Autonomic Assessment) measures are borderline high to high. In the case depicted in Fig. 24.2, the resting response (top left graph) demonstrates a “sympathetic dominance” or SE. With complex pain syndromes, comorbidities are involved, induced by, or exacerbated by, autonomic dysfunction. For example, CRPS with plexus damage may involve circulatory deficits leading to abnormal tissue profusion, causing parasympathetic overexcitation (PE; see Fig. 24.3, bottom two graphs). In this case, the PE is demonstrated upon standing with no report of dizziness or lightheadedness. PE may heighten sympathetic activity, causing a heightened sensitivity to pain. PE is also associated with GI upset, sleep disturbances, fatigue, depression, urogenital dysfunction, and dizziness. SE is associated with anxiety, hypertension, and heart disease. Even if a patient demonstrates autonomic neuropathy as measured by low autonomic levels, high sympathetic activity relative to parasympathetic activity will indicate a relative, resting SE (high SB) and possible pain. For a pain patient, high SB may suggest pain. If, upon follow-up, a pain patient demonstrates higher, absolute sympathetic activity, or high SB, then the percent increase indicates the percent increase in pain. Also, based on balance (SB), therapy may be titrated. The goal of therapy is to remove the stress of pain and normalize P&S activity, in other words to balance disease or disorder – including pain – and adverse lifestyle with therapy. If the patients’ SB is normal, then they are well maintained at rest and may not need additional therapy. If P&S imbalance persists in a pain patient, whether at rest or during challenge, then additional pain therapy may be needed (history dependent). For example, SE during Valsalva indicates activity-induced pain, typically upper body, including lower back. If (resting) SB is normal with Valsalva SE, then it needs to be known what types of activity may induce pain. If pain is affecting normal daily routine, then additional therapy is probably appropriate (see Fig. 24.4). If, however, pain is affecting nonroutine activity (e.g., recreational activity), then additional pain therapy may not be required, and the clinician may consider allowing the pain to limit the patient’s activity until the affected area is healed.

Fig. 24.2
Sample physiologic pain responses. These are data from a 16-year-old pain patient with a history of opiate therapy. The (resting) high SB and borderline Valsalva SE response are physiologic responses and suggest that this patient may be in need of additional therapy, history and symptom dependent (The text associated with Fig. 23.11 describes this figure)

Fig. 24.3
Complex pain syndrome responses. These are data from a 63-year-old pain patient diagnosed with CRPS and with a history of opiate therapy. The Valsalva SE and PC PE are physiologic responses. The SE (a pain response) and PE (a response to poor perfusion) together indicate possible CRPS and suggest that this patient may be in need of additional therapy, history and symptom dependent (The text associated with 23.11 describes this figure)

Fig. 24.4
Sample serial tests from a chronic back pain patient. Baseline and follow-up trend plots for a 47-year-old, female, chronic back pain patient with a history of oxycodone, requesting more pain medication
Figure 24.4 displays sample baseline and follow-up trend plots for a 47-year-old, female, chronic back pain patient with a history of oxycodone, requesting more pain medication. The trend plots show the six phases of the Autonomic Assessment study indicated by the letters “A” through “F.” The left trend plot displays the patient’s responses when reporting persistent pain and requesting more pain medication. The sympathetic (red) response to Valsalva (section “D”) is high (off the scale) indicating SE and supporting the request for more pain medication. The right trend plot displays the 3-month follow-up when the patient reports “pain-free.” This is a normal trend plot (compare with Fig. 24.5). Notice that even the follow-up assessment’s resting baseline (section “A”) and PC (section “F”) portions show less sympathetic activity with a more normal sympathetic response to PC at the beginning of the stand challenge.

Fig. 24.5
Sample normal trend plot from a 24-year-old
Relieving all SE or PE suggests that all pain indices have been normalized. Relief may or may not involve prescription medications. PE includes low SB, or DB, and Valsalva or stand PE. SE includes high SB, or Valsalva or stand SE. Figure 24.6 depicts examples of SE and PE. In this figure, sample trend plots from two CRPS patients are presented. The left panel presents a patient diagnosed with CRPS from a shoulder injury, including brachial plexus damage. The patient demonstrates resting and Valsalva (sections “A” and “D,” respectively) PE and SE. The right panel presents a patient diagnosed with CRPS from a hip injury, including femoral plexus damage. The patient demonstrates Valsalva and stand (sections “D” and “F,” respectively) PE and SE.

Fig. 24.6
Sample trend plots from two CRPS patients. The left trend plot depicts a patient diagnosed with CRPS from a shoulder injury, including brachial plexus damage. The right trend plot depicts a patient diagnosed with CRPS from a hip injury, including femoral plexus damage
As a measure of normalizing P&S responses associated with pain relief, P&S assessment can document progress towards successful rehabilitation. A caveat is that the stress of pain is additive to other SEs that may also be present. SE can result from hypertension, sleep apnea, anxiety, and other chronic diseases such as diabetes. Further, the effect of pain therapy is not to block sympathetic activity, it is only to reduce the stress of pain, thereby reducing sympathetic activity to what it would have been without the pain. Therefore, SEs and PEs must be considered in the context of the patient’s history. SEs due to pain and SEs due to comorbidities are differentiated through titration of therapy and by observing the patient as P&S assessment is performed. Typically, if after 3 months, upon follow-up P&S assessment, there is no significant change in P&S activity levels after pain therapy was titrated higher, then the remaining autonomic imbalances are not a result of pain. To reduce the risk of morbidity and mortality, the clinician may consider titrating higher sympathetic blockade (e.g., beta-blocker or antihypertensive) or lower parasympathetic blockade (anticholinergics, e.g., tricyclic antidepressants or SNRIs) to normalize SB and P&S challenge levels. The 3-month follow-up study for the patient with an injured brachial plexus is presented in Fig. 24.7 (compare with Fig. 24.6, left panel). The patient (38-year-old, female) also demonstrated hypertension, attention-deficit disorder (ADD), and gastric disorder. She was prescribed gabapentin (Neurontin, Pfizer), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antihypertensives, and diuretics. Her previous history at the time of testing (see Table 24.1) documents a resting HR of 65 bpm and hypertension under control. Her resting BP was 123/66 mmHg. From the first test (see Fig. 24.6, left panel), her average resting autonomic state was normal (see Table 24.1): resting sympathetics = 6.41 bpm2 (normal resting sympathetics, 1.0< LFa <10.0 bpm2), resting parasympathetics = 5.92 bpm2 (normal resting parasympathetics, 1.0< RFa <10.0 bpm2), and SB = 1.01 bpm2 (normal 0.4< SB <3.0). Her Valsalva state was high (see Table 24.1): sympathetic = 185.04 bpm2 (normal Valsalva sympathetic for a 34-year-old, 13.81< LFa <151.87 bpm2 [159]) and Valsalva parasympathetic = 63.27 bpm2 (normal, age and baseline adjusted, Valsalva parasympathetic, RFa < 35.7 bpm2). PC was also problematic for this patient, due to her injury. She reports pain while trying to hold herself upright. Her PC autonomic state was abnormal (see Table 24.1): PC sympathetics = 11.52 bpm2 (normal, baseline adjusted, PC sympathetics: 7.69< LFa <32.05 bpm2), and PC parasympathetics = 7.61 bpm2 (normal, baseline adjusted, stand parasympathetics: RFa <5.92 bpm2). In this case, the SE and PE associated with CRPS are found in both the patient’s Valsalva and PC P&S responses. Her resting (baseline) responses are within normal limits. Follow-up testing (Fig. 24.7 and Table 24.1) presents her responses after 3 months on a methadone pump, as prescribed based on her first test. Upon follow-up testing, her resting HR and BP are 62 bpm and 119/65 mmHg, respectively, and she reports much less pain with more freedom to participate in physical therapy. Her resting sympathetic activity (2.51 bpm2) has decreased significantly, supporting her reports of relief. Her resting parasympathetic activity (4.39 bpm2) may still be higher than normal for her, as indicated by her low-normal SB (0.57). However, low normal is more appropriate for geriatric patients, and high normal is more appropriate for younger adults. This relative PE may be associated with persistent perfusion abnormalities from the plexus damage. All of the rest of her P&S responses are lower and normalized, suggesting relief from pain, both at rest and during activity. Also, from her follow-up test, the parasympathetic response to DB (section B) is low, indicating the first signs of autonomic dysfunction, perhaps due to the chronic pain.

Fig. 24.7
Follow-up study for the patient with an injured brachial plexus (see Fig. 24.5, left panel)
Table 24.1
Sample CRPS patient with brachial plexus damage
Average ANS parameter | Baseline test | Follow-up test |
HR (bpm) | 65 | 62 |
BP (mmHg) | 123/66 | 119/65 |
Resting S (bpm2) | 6.41 | 2.51 |
Resting P (bpm2) | 5.92 | 4.39 |
Resting SB | 1.01 | 0.57 |
Valsalva S (bpm2) | 185.04 | 48.55 |
Valsalva P (bpm2)
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