OP-025 Five Year Self-reported Incidence of Hypertension and Its Relationship to Risk Factors—Results from Macao Follow Up Study 2011


Macao Follow up Study 2011 was a phone follow up to the participants who showed up in the Macao Health Survey 2006 (MHS2006). The response rate of the follow up was 76.8%.Most of the disease status were obtained by answer the questions “If a doctor had told you that you had a disease?”. This report will based on the follow up data and try to find out the incidence of the self-reported hypertension and the relationship between risk factors and the five year incidence.


Macao Health Survey 2006 was a household random sampling survey conducted in 2006. A total of 3119 Macao residents aged 18 and above were recruited. Data was collected in three ways: health assessment, questionnaire and lab tests. In 2011, a phone follow up study was conducted and 2395 answered the questions. The hypertension was defined by “If a doctor had told you that you had a hypertension or high blood pressure?”. If answer was “yes”, then, asked the date of the diagnosis. After excluding those who had hypertension in 2006, a total of 1690 were included in the analysis. The data analysis was done by SPSS 17.0.


Macao Health Survey 2006 was a household random sampling survey conducted in 2006. A total of 3119 Macao residents aged 18 and above were recruited. Data was collected in three ways: health assessment, questionnaire and lab tests. In 2011, a phone follow up study was conducted and 2395 answered the questions. The hypertension was defined by “If a doctor had told you that you had a hypertension or high blood pressure?”. If answer was “yes”, then, asked the date of the diagnosis. After excluding those who had hypertension in 2006, a total of 1690 were included in the analysis. The data analysis was done by SPSS 17.0.

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Nov 30, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on OP-025 Five Year Self-reported Incidence of Hypertension and Its Relationship to Risk Factors—Results from Macao Follow Up Study 2011

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