Novel Application of OCT in Clinical Practice

Fig. 19.1
(a) Coronary angiography of a patient presenting with unstable angina shows a significant left main ostial stenosis (arrow) with concomitant ambiguous angiographic lesion in proximal left anterior descending coronary artery (dotted line). (b) 3D-rendering OCT image clearly identifies the presence of dual lumen with thick intimal membrane, confirmative of spontaneous coronary artery dissection. (c) 3D OCT provides an accurate imaging guidance to ensure appropriate wire positioning and complete lesion coverage. FL false lumen. Reprinted from JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2014;7(6):e57–9, by Lee S et al., with permission from Elsevier

19.1.2 Coronary Bifurcation and Jailed Side Branch Evaluation

Despite remarkable advances in procedural techniques during the past decades, coronary bifurcation lesions, which account for approximately 10–20% of all PCIs, remain a challenge [8]. The application of 3D OCT rendering has allowed visualization of bifurcation lesions in detail not achieved by any imaging diagnostic modalities including 2D OCT. Recently, through 3D OCT image analysis of human bifurcation lesions, Farooq et al. reported that there is a variability of carina structure according to takeoff angle of side branch (SB): perpendicular (e.g., septal, mid-distal diagonal, and obtuse marginal branch) vs. parallel takeoff (e.g., proximal diagonal, right ventricular branch). They suggested that stenting across SBs with parallel takeoff is more susceptible to the carina shift rather than SBs with perpendicular takeoff [9]. This study highlights the potential role of 3D OCT in enhancing our understanding of the complex coronary anatomy and the effect of PCI on adjacent structure.

Accurate sizing of SB is crucial to circumvent SB injury during PCI with final kissing ballooning. It is well known that angiographic appearance of SB ostium after stent crossover is inconclusive [10]. According to a recent report using 3D cut-plane analysis, it is feasible to determine an accurate SB ostial diameter in a single OCT imaging of the main branch, by correcting the misalignment errors between pullback direction (main branch) and SB centerline [11]. This method could be utilizable in catheterization laboratory because it reduces the need for burdensome SB rewiring and additional pullback. Meanwhile, during the provisional stenting with kissing balloon inflation, it is recommended to rewire SB via a distal cell (Fig. 19.2a, a*, b, b*) because, otherwise, there remain large unopposed struts at the carina (Fig. 19.2c, c*, d, d*), which potentially cause disturbance in shear flow, delay in re-endothelialization, and thrombosis [8, 12]. 3D OCT is expected to provide an intuitive and accurate imaging guidance to ensure distal cell recrossing (Fig. 19.2).


Fig. 19.2
3D OCT as an imaging guidance to optimize bifurcation PCI. Representative 3D OCT images and corresponding illustrations of bifurcation bench model (*) highlight the significance of distal cell rewiring (a, a*) resulting in optimal reopening of a jailed SB (b, b*), while kissing ballooning after proximal cell recrossing (c, c*) ends up with large residual unopposed struts at carina (d, d*). Reprinted from EuroIntervention. 2012;8(2):205–13, by Alegría-Barrero E et al., with permission from Europa Digital & Publishing

As clinical trials failed to demonstrate the benefits of routine kissing ballooning in bifurcation lesions [13, 14], jailed SB is usually left untreated unless indicated (e.g., SB flow compromise, SB dissection, etc.). However , significant alterations of SB ostium morphology during strut coverage still warrant further investigation regarding the natural course of jailed SB [15, 16]. 3D OCT could offer unique opportunity for visualization of anatomical modifications occurring at the SB ostium (Fig. 19.3, left panel). Indeed, serial 3D demonstration of jailed SB has shown that overhanging struts may serve as a focus for excessive neointima formation and thrombosis, suggesting the potential mechanism regarding delayed SB compromise [15]. Theoretically, the use of a bioresorbable vascular scaffold could be a solution to this issue because restoration of normal bifurcation anatomy can be expected after full biodegradation [17]. In this regard, there is an attempt to categorize jailed SB according to 3D morphology to elucidate the fate of scaffold during bioresorption (Fig. 19.3, right panel) [18]. Application of 3D OCT will help to clarify the roles of stent design, strut-tissue interaction, and optimized PCI on long-term patency of jailed SB.


Fig. 19.3
Left panel, serial 3D OCT imaging of jailed SB after bioresorbable vascular scaffold implantation. At 2 years, neointimal tissue at the distal border of the side branch orifice extended to form a thick membranous structure at the carina (neocarina*) whereas overhanging strut at the proximal border was fully degraded. Right panel, jailed SB classification based on 3D morphology of the overhanging struts (Types V, T, and H) and the number of compartment outlined by the struts. Reprinted from JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2010;3(8):836–44, by Okamura T et al., with permission from Elsevier

19.1.3 Assessment of Coronary Stent Configuration

Coronary stent fracture is an important cause of late stent failure associated with major adverse cardiovascular outcome [19]. However, even with the use of current Fourier domain OCT, it is challenging to accurately identify fracture sites in a small mesh-like structure. In particular, newer-generation open-cell design stent exhibits nonuniform strut allocation on cross-sectional images (Fig. 19.4, left lower panel), and conventional 2D OCT criteria for stent fracture (e.g., lack of circumferential stent strut) appear to be inconclusive [20, 21]. Volumetric 3D OCT offers significant advantages over other imaging modalities in terms of accurate delineation of 3D configuration (Fig. 19.4).


Fig. 19.4
A case of stent fracture (SF) diagnosed by 3D OCT. Conventional 2D OCT imaging (left upper panel) reveals several pathological findings: thrombus (a), malapposition (b), peristrut ulcer (b, e), aneurysmal deformations (c–g), and also a cross section with a lack of circumferential stent struts (h, only three struts, arrowheads) suggestive of SF. However, 2D OCT findings are inconclusive for SF because newer-generation open-cell stents exhibit various strut patterns on cross-sectional images (left lower panel). The volume-rendered 3D OCT strut mapping clearly identifies the breakage of interconnecting links (right panels, yellow arrow, and red arrowheads). Reprinted from Circulation. 2014;129:24–7, by Kim S et al., with permission from Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc

The quality and spatial accuracy of 3D-rendered images are hampered by cardiac motion and under-sampling (still only 12% of the lumen is sampled with current Fourier domain OCT, Fig. 19.5 b, d) [22, 23]. Recent progress of ultrahigh-speed OCT, a novel method that achieves a 5–10 times faster imaging speed, enables more accurate assessment of stent configuration by sampling larger data during a short period of diastole, an optimal phase for coronary imaging [24]. As ultrahigh-speed 3D OCT enables high-fidelity, motion-free imaging, it seems to be promising for more precise evaluation of stent integrity (Fig. 19.5 a, c).


Fig. 19.5
In conjunction with electrocardiography-triggering module, ultrahigh-speed OCT (UHS OCT) enables rapid imaging acquisition during a brief period of diastole where the cardiac motion could be minimized (a). Unlike conventional OCT influenced by ventricular contraction (b, b1, d1) and under-sampling (d, d2, d3, d4, note the “grainy” appearance of strut), UHS OCT provides images with smooth, uninterrupted vascular contour (a, a1). 3D reconstruction could provide high-fidelity images (c, c1, c2, c3, c4). Reprinted from JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2016;9(5):623–5, by Jang SJ et al., with permission from Elsevier

With the introduction of the first commercial 3D-rendering technology, 3D OCT is now finding its way into interventional practice. Further studies are warranted to determine whether the beneficial advantages outlined above will translate into improved clinical outcomes.

19.2 Near-Future Technologies: Multimodal Intravascular Biological Imaging Integrated with OCT

Coronary plaque rupture is a dynamic biological process driven by chronic maladaptive immune response against subendothelial lipoproteins, which involves growth of lipid-enriched necrotic core, increases of inflammation and protease activities, and thinning of fibrous cap by gradual loss of collagen and smooth muscle cell [25, 26]. Despite the clinical need to predict future coronary events, current structural imaging alone does not estimate rupture risk enough to guide clinical decisions [27]. This concise overview will address recent advances in biological cardiovascular imaging for the assessment of plaque vulnerability, focusing specifically on multimodal integrative imaging approaches combined with OCT (Table 19.1).

Table 19.1
Comparison of the multimodal biological imaging combined with intravascular optical coherence tomography

Standalone OCT

Spectroscopic OCT






Attenuation coefficient

Polarization status

Target-specific NIRF


Additional equipment



Polarization modulator

NIRF console, DCF hybrid rotary junction, DCF catheter, exogenous NIRF imaging agent

NIRF console, DCF hybrid rotary junction, DCF catheter

Identifiable plaque characteristics

Cap thickness






Collagen and SMC

















Necrotic core














OCT optical coherence tomography, PS-OCT polarization-sensitive OCT, NIRF near-infrared fluorescence, NIRAF near-infrared autofluorescence, DCF double-clad fiber, SMC smooth muscle cell

19.2.1 Integrated Optical Coherence Tomography and Near-Infrared Fluorescence Molecular Imaging

With the favorable optical properties of near-infrared bandwidth to detect fluorescence signals through blood, near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) imaging , in combination with target-specific imaging agents, provides in vivo readout regarding key markers of vulnerable plaque such as protease and macrophage activity [2830]. After the first feasibility report in 2008 [31], intravascular NIRF imaging has shown a remarkable progress. One of the major breakthroughs is the fabrication of a fully integrated dual-modal OCT-NIRF system based on double-cladding fiber probe, which simultaneously provides distance-calibrated quantitative NIRF imaging with co-registered OCT structural information [30, 32]. Furthermore, the use of indocyanine green, a FDA-approved NIRF agent, has made it the most promising strategy for translational molecular cardiovascular imaging [32]. Its capability to quantitate molecular activities contributing to plaque vulnerability (Fig. 19.6), in synergy with high-resolution structural imaging by OCT, could provide an incremental value in risk stratification of coronary plaque.
Jan 19, 2018 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Novel Application of OCT in Clinical Practice

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