Neurodevelopmental and Psychosocial Outcomes in Children and Young Adults With Complex Congenital Cardiac Disease


Prior to the early 1980s, it was uncommon for children with complex congenital heart disease (cCHD) to survive into later childhood. The nearly simultaneous advances in congenital heart surgery, echocardiography, and intensive care medicine were coupled with the availability of prostaglandins and the developing discipline of interventional cardiology. Together, these factors resulted in a dramatic fall in surgical mortality, with complex repairs taking place at increasingly younger ages. At many large centers, palliative surgery followed by later repair in infants with complex biventricular cCHD was replaced by primary repair during the neonatal period or infancy. Similarly, staged reconstructive surgery for various forms of functionally univentricular heart, including those with hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS), improved significantly with steadily falling rates of surgical mortality and dramatically improved long-term survival. While the ever-increasing population of child and adolescent survivors is a testament to important innovations in cCHD care, the reality is that cCHD and its treatments put the developing brain at tremendous risk for injury. Children with cCHD often require multiple surgeries and long hospitalizations, and require frequent outpatient follow-up. Survivors often suffer injury to the brain due to decreased oxygen delivery, and/or reperfusion injury related to the abnormalities of their circulatory systems and the medical and surgical therapies they have received. These brain injuries result in worse neurodevelopmental, psychosocial, and physical functioning, and cumulatively they have a significantly negative impact on the child’s health-related quality of life (HRQOL). In addition, research on the academic and behavioral outcomes of children and adolescents with cCHD entering primary and secondary school has revealed a significantly increased risk for neurodevelopmental and psychosocial impairment across a broad range of domains. Many school-age survivors of infant cardiac surgery require remedial educational and rehabilitative services including tutoring, special education, and other learning supports, and physical, occupational, and speech therapy. These deficits add to the psychologic burden faced by the family.

This chapter outlines the scope of the acquired neurodevelopmental and psychosocial outcomes in cCHD survivors including: mechanisms of injury; fetal mechanisms of congenital brain disease; genetic susceptibility to neurologic injury and developmental disability; the impact of the underlying cardiac diagnosis on neurodevelopmental outcome; the effect of cardiac surgery on the brain; postoperative factors; developmental care in the intensive care unit (ICU) and early intervention; evaluation and management of neurodevelopmental outcome in children and adolescents with congenital heart disease; HRQOL; and longer-term effects of the initial ICU stay; and the effects of living with chronic cardiac disease on the patient and family. The impact of genetic syndromes on neurodevelopment as well as specific genetic abnormalities predisposing to both cCHD and neurodevelopmental delay are also briefly discussed (see also Chapters 4 and 77 ).

Neurodevelopmental and Psychosocial Phenotype in Complex Congenital Heart Disease Survivors

An estimated 3 per 1000 children are born each year with cCHD. cCHD is defined as congenital heart disease that requires surgical or catheter intervention during the neonatal period or infancy. For these children, neurodevelopmental disabilities and psychosocial issues are common, affecting at least 50% of the survivors during childhood and adolescence. The individual neurodevelopmental and psychosocial deficits or disabilities may occur in a single or a combination of domains, and may be mild or quite debilitating. Formal evaluations of preschool and school-aged children born with cCHD demonstrate a pattern of neurodevelopmental sequelae that includes: mild cognitive impairment with reduced intelligence quotient and academic achievement in math and reading; oromotor dysfunction, expressive speech and language delays; impaired visual-spatial and visual-motor skills; executive dysfunction (organization, planning, and task management); reduced working memory; inattention and hyperactivity; and fine and gross motor delays. In addition, a disproportionate number of these cCHD survivors have significant psychosocial issues, including impaired social interaction and deficits in social cognition; impaired core communication skills and an increased incidence of autism spectrum disorders; increased incidence of psychiatric disorders; and issues with behavioral and emotional functioning (anxiety, depression, posttraumatic stress symptomatology, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). These significant neurodevelopmental and psychosocial morbidities may significantly diminish QOL ( Box 76.1 ).

Box 76.1

Neurodevelopmental and Psychosocial Challenges Occurring With Increased Frequency in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults Born With Critical Congenital Heart Disease


  • Stroke

  • Seizures

  • Abnormal brain morphology and functional connectivity (MRI)

  • Abnormal brain growth, cerebral atrophy (CT, MRI)

  • CNS hemosiderin deposition (MRI)

  • Cognitive impairment with lower intelligence quotient and academic achievement in math and reading

  • Oromotor dysfunction

  • Delayed gross and fine motor milestones

  • Decreased gross motor strength, agility, and coordination

  • Speech apraxia

  • Problems with visual–spatial and visual–motor integration

  • Inattention and hyperactivity

  • Impaired working memory


  • Impaired social interaction and deficits in social cognition

  • Impaired core communication skills and an increased incidence of autism spectrum disorders

  • Increased incidence of psychiatric disorders

  • Issues with behavioral and emotional functioning:

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Posttraumatic stress symptomatology

    • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

CNS , Central nervous system; CT , computerized tomography; MRI , magnetic resonance imaging.

Indeed, neurodevelopmental and psychosocial challenges are often more common in children and young adults with cCHD than all cardiovascular complications combined (e.g., residual lesions, myocardial dysfunction, arrhythmias). The need for early intervention, rehabilitative services, and special education, as well as potentially worse educational attainment and employability in cCHD survivors result in significant costs to society. As children progress through school, these neuropsychologic issues, worse self-perception and self-esteem, and behavioral disinhibition, may result in delinquency and academic failure. Given these findings, there is active interest to better understanding the mechanisms of brain injury in these children, to design treatment trials to prevent the neurodevelopmental and psychosocial phenotype during the neonatal and infant period, and interventions to treat the neurodevelopmental and psychosocial phenotype in the preschool and school-age periods to improve long-term outcomes and QOL in all cCHD patients. In addition, there is active interest in adapting the techniques used to treat these disabilities in children without cCHD to this growing population.

Mechanisms of Injury

Central nervous system (CNS) injury in children with cCHD is a result of a complex interaction of patient-specific factors and environmental influences, including, but not limited to, the effects of an abnormal fetal circulation and various interventions such as cardiac surgery and perioperative care ( Fig. 76.1 ). The risk of a poor neurodevelopmental outcome varies according to the hemodynamics and oxygen delivery to the brain associated with the specific cardiac defect, the therapies required to repair or palliate the defect, and the perioperative risk profile for brain injury. In addition, there is significant individual variation in neurodevelopmental outcome, even among children with the same cardiac defect. Although cerebral ischemia before, during, and after the surgical repair of cCHD has been proposed to be the primary mechanism of CNS injury, additional prenatal, in-hospital and latent factors during childhood may contribute to neurologic dysfunction. These factors can be broadly divided into three main categories and time frames: (1) prenatal, (2) perioperative, and (3) postdischarge. From a research perspective, it is difficult to separate out the relative contributions of these three mechanistic categories as they coexist in the majority of neonates.

Fig. 76.1

Potential interactions between complex congenital heart and brain disease, its treatment, and parental and patient outcomes in the infant (A) and the child (B).

(From Wernovsky G, Licht D. Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital heart disease: what can we impact? Pediatr Crit Care Med . 2016;17[Suppl 1]:s232–s242.)

Prenatal Mechanisms of Brain Injury

There is growing recognition that the brain is abnormal at birth in the majority of neonates with cCHD. Fetal and postnatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies have identified brain immaturity at birth and a surprisingly high incidence of white matter injury (WMI), stroke, and hemmorhage. MRI and echocardiographic studies have confirmed abnormalities of cerebral vascular resistance (CVR), fetal blood flow, and reduced substrate delivery leading to immaturity of the developing brain. In addition, there is an increased incidence of congenital structural CNS abnormalities in association with cCHD, suggestive of shared (heart, brain) genetic abnormalities. In combination, these functional and anatomic abnormalities seen in the newborn with cCHD might best be considered coexisting congenital brain disease , and appear to be present in nearly 50% of these neonates.

Fetal Cerebrovascular Physiology, Oxygen Delivery, and the Placenta

Ultrasound studies in the fetus have revealed that CVR is altered in fetuses with cCHD. Fetuses with left-sided obstructive lesions (e.g., HLHS) have been shown to have decreased CVR compared to normal fetuses. In patients with aortic atresia, the combined fetal cardiac output from the right ventricle must travel through the ductus arteriosus and deliver flow cephalad (in a retrograde fashion) to the brain, as well as caudad to the viscera and low resistance placenta. In left-sided cCHD, it is speculated that CVR must therefore be lower than normal to allow adequate fetal blood flow cephalad to the developing brain. In contrast, fetuses with right-sided obstructive lesions (e.g., tetralogy of Fallot [TOF]), where the combined fetal cardiac output leaves the left heart and passes cephalad, through the ascending aorta, to the brain prior to reaching the placenta, have been shown to have increased fetal CVR. The altered CVR, whether higher or lower than normal, most likely has an effect on the developing brain. The changes in cerebral blood low that occur immediately after birth, when pulmonary vascular resistance abruptly falls, are incompletely understood; however, studies of cerebral blood flow in the first days of life suggest that cerebral blood flow and oxygen delivery is low, and continues to fall during this critical time period.

In the normal fetus, the intracirculatory patterns created by the normal fetal connections result in preferential streaming of the most highly oxygenated fetal blood to the developing brain, and the most desaturated blood to the placenta. When significant structural disease exists within the heart, these beneficial patterns are likely to be altered. Recently confirmed by fetal MRI measurements, fetuses with d-transposition of the great arteries (d-TGA) have the blood with the lowest oxygen saturation returning to the ascending aorta and brain, while blood with the highest oxygen saturation returns to the abdominal organs and placenta. Speculation on the consequences of the transposed fetal circulation (as an explanation for the high incidence of macrosomia in these infants) dates back more than 50 years, and has been offered as an explanation for the increased incidence of relative microcephaly and long-term developmental challenges seen so often in children with d-TGA. Complete mixing with a dual-distribution circulation (see Chapter 70 ), as seen in those with functionally univentricular hearts, and limitations on compensatory lowering of CVR, produce reduced fetal cerebral oxygen delivery. The contribution of the placenta adds complexity to the issue as it has been noted that placental weights are much lower than normal, and placental vascularity is abnormal in fetuses with cCHD. Furthermore, MRI measurements of umbilical vein oxygen saturations are significantly lower than expected, suggesting placental dysfunction (see also Chapters 7 and 11 ).

It has long been recognized that the neurologic status of newborns with cCHD is frequently abnormal prior to newborn heart surgery, including abnormalities in muscle tone, weak cry, and poor coordination of suck, swallow, and breathing. Following birth, cerebral blood flow may be significantly lower than normal in some patients due to abnormal cardiac physiology and frequently a “steal” of systemic cardiac output through the patent ductus arteriosus into the pulmonary arteries. In some lesions, such as total anomalous pulmonary venous return with obstruction and d-TGA with an intact atrial and ventricular septum, profound hypoxemia and acidosis may result immediately after birth. Certain procedures, such as balloon atrial septostomy, may be associated with an increased risk of stroke, although the data are conflicting in this regard. Genetic syndromes are present in approximately 25% of neonates with cCHD. Recent studies have suggested that genetic abnormalities may play a role in the abnormalities of brain structure, developmental delay, neurodevelopmental disability, as well as contribute to the risk of developing cCHD itself (see later). Finally, all patients with right to left shunting have the potential for air or thromboembolic material reaching the brain from intravenous catheters prior to, during, or after surgery. Hypoxemia, low cardiac output, and cardiac arrest in patients with uncorrected cCHD may contribute to CNS ischemia, injury, developmental delay, and neurodevelopmental disability, adding to the abnormalities that may be present at birth.

Newborn Manifestations of Congenital Brain Disease


Head circumference at birth is a surrogate for growth of the brain in the fetus, and in neonates without cCHD, microcephaly is independently associated with later developmental delays and academic difficulties. The incidence of microcephaly at birth in neonates with cCHD is increased compared to heart-healthy neonates (approaching 25% of neonates in some reports), persists into later infancy, and is associated with later developmental abnormalities. While the causes are speculative, and most certainly multifactorial, Shillingford et al. reported on a series of children with HLHS where the median head circumference at birth was only at the 18th percentile. In this study, patients with microcephaly had a significantly smaller ascending aorta than those without microcephaly, suggesting that reduced flow to the brain from the left ventricle secondary to anatomic hypoplasia of the ascending aorta may result in diminished brain growth.

Decreased Central Nervous Maturity

Microcephaly, structural and biochemical immaturity of the white matter, and delay in cortical folding and white matter myelination have led researchers to delve into investigations of fetal brain development. Limperopoulos et al. have shown striking differences in brain growth in fetuses with and without cCHD, with brain growth diverging from normal in the fetuses with cCHD at the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy. Fetuses with hypoplasia of the aortic arch fared the worst, with the most reduced brain growth during the final trimester of gestation. Wu et al also showed that measures of fetal cortical complexity similarly diverged from normal during the third trimester.

Periventricular Leukomalacia/White Matter Injury

WMI, in the form of periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), is a common finding in premature infants. Although WMI has been increasingly recognized in full-term neonates with cCHD, some feel strongly that the term PVL should be reserved for the premature infant. Importantly, while there may be no differences in the MRI appearance of the punctate WMI in the two populations, the WMI in the cCHD population never becomes cystic like PVL in the preterm. In premature infants, severe degrees of PVL have been associated with cerebral palsy, while mild degrees of injury have been associated with developmental delay, motor difficulties, and behavioral disorders. The developmental “phenotype” in children who were born prematurely is remarkably similar to that seen in school-age children with cCHD. Preoperative factors and patient-specific factors including the specific heart diagnosis, postnatal age at surgery, prenatal diagnosis, and genetic factors have been shown to be associated with WMI in neonates with cCHD. Ongoing research examining the relationship between cerebral vascular reactivity and autoregulation, cerebral perfusion, and the identification of sensitive and specific brain injury biomarkers may allow for real-time intraoperative and postoperative brain injury monitoring and intervention to reduce brain injury. Miller, McQuillen, and others first demonstrated alterations in white matter structure and maturation using diffusion tensor MRI. Thereafter, Licht used an MRI-based observational metric called the Total Maturation Scale, that demonstrated brain maturation in full-term presurgical infants with cCHD was equivalent, on average, to the expected brain maturation of a 35-week premature infant. Others have since shown that the Total Maturation Scale predicted not only the risk for preoperative and postoperative WMI but also abnormalities on neurodevelopmental outcome in childhood and adolescence. In a fetal lamb model, exposure of the fetal brain to low levels of oxygen delivery in the third trimester, results in a developmental arrest in oligodendrocytes resulting in populations of vulnerable premyelinating oligodendrocytes. Similarly, in infants with cCHD, during fetal development there is lower than normal oxygen delivery in the third trimester, which results in delayed brain maturation and abnormal integrity of the white matter at birth. In infants with cCHD, these changes result in their developmental vulnerability to WMI. Heart defect type, surgical strategy, and other exposures result in the injury. Lynch et al, using advanced optical techniques to quantify cerebral blood flow and oxygen saturations, showed that daily falls in cerebral oxygen saturations between birth and surgery increased the risk for postoperative WMI in babies with HLHS. In Lynch’s study, rising cerebral oxygen extraction was not compensated with increasing cerebral blood flow. It is theorized that WMI results from a combination of cellular vulnerability and limitations in cerebral oxygen delivery. Similarly, Petit et al found an increased risk for WMI in neonates with d-TGA, as the duration between birth and surgery increases. These studies, and others, have challenged the paradigm of the timing of neonatal surgery. At the current time, there are competing risks of waiting longer for surgery (from a brain perspective) compared to proceeding early with surgery (from a renal, pulmonary, and cardiac perspective). See Chapter 15 for a similar discussion in the premature infant with cCHD.

While there are no prospective longitudinal studies to directly link the WMI seen in the newborn after heart surgery, with long-term (10-year outcomes or longer) neurodevelopmental outcomes or specific functional deficits, there is growing evidence that suggests that abnormal white matter is in fact at the core of these deficits. Brain MRIs obtained as part of the 16-year follow-up of the Boston Circulatory Arrest Study demonstrated that the white matter in the CHD subjects showed regions of decreased fractional anisotropy (a marker of WMI) compared to age-matched controls. Further investigations revealed that some of these areas of reduced fractional anisotropy were correlated with worse performance on the Conners 3 attention deficit–hyperactivity ADHD index, the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test mathematics composite, and visual spatial testing (visual closure). In this same cohort of adolescents with d-TGA, Panigrahy and colleagues used MRI analysis techniques, which allow testing the intactness of networks of white matter (whole-brain functional connectivity of resting state networks). The work demonstrated that worse neurocognitive function was mediated by global differences in white matter network topology, suggesting that disruptions of large-scale networks drive neurocognitive dysfunction. Interestingly, some of these large-scale networks may be abnormal even before the newborn has heart surgery.

Genetic Susceptibility to Neurologic Injury and Developmental Disability

All the above risk factors do not fully explain either the high frequency or the pattern of neurodevelopmental deficits described in children with cCHD, suggesting that other patient-specific factors may be important determinants of neurologic injury. Intelligence quotient and cognitive functioning (e.g., academic achievement in math and reading) are highly heritable and probably are dependent on multiple genes, environmental factors, and gene-environment interactions. Numerous genetic defects or syndromes that are associated with compromised intellectual capacity and developmental outcomes (e.g., trisomy 21, Williams syndrome, DiGeorge syndrome) may have cCHD as part of its phenotypic expression. Although the genetic basis for most cardiac defects has not been delineated, specific genetic anomalies have been implicated in the pathogenesis of some defects. For example, microdeletions of chromosome 22 are associated with DiGeorge syndrome and a variety of heart defects, including TOF, truncus arteriosus, and interruption of the aortic arch. Developmental abnormalities are present in all children with 22q11 microdeletions, even those with no cardiac abnormalities. Thus, children with cardiac defects and 22q11 microdeletions may be developmentally impaired independent of the cardiac defect and morbidity-related cardiac interventions. However, recent studies suggest that the effects may be additive. Recent work by Homsy and colleagues and the Pediatric Congenital Genomics Consortium, in a cohort of over 1200 parent-offspring trios, has shown an excess of protein-damaging de novo mutations, especially in genes highly expressed in the developing heart and brain. These mutations accounted for 20% of patients with cCHD, neurodevelopmental delay and additional congenital abnormalities, compared to 2% with isolated CHD.

Risk of disease or injury in response to an environmental stimulus is a complex interaction between genetic susceptibility and environmental exposures. Interindividual variation in “disease risk” and in the response to environmental factors is significant. The “risk” may be modified by age, gender, ethnicity, and the extent of exposure to environmental factors. Multiple genes are involved in determining an individual’s response to a specific environmental factor. Interindividual variation in response to environmental exposures, such as cardiac surgery, probably is due in part to genetic polymorphisms. Common genetic variants, often due to single nucleotide substitutions, occur with a frequency of greater than 1%. For a child with cCHD, environmental factors include cardiac surgery, use and/or duration of deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA), inflammatory response to blood exposure to synthetic surfaces during bypass, the need for repeated operations, the response to pressor or sedating medications, and socioeconomic status (SES). The role of genetic polymorphisms in determining the susceptibility to CNS injury in children with CHD is not known. Recent studies suggest that polymorphisms of apolipoprotein e (ε2 polymorphism) may be predictors of adverse neurodevelopmental sequelae following infant cardiac surgery, and this has been similarly reported in adults with the ε4 polymorphism. Antagonistic pleiotropy is the term that describes how a polymorphism may be beneficial early but harmful later in life. It is likely that multiple genes modulate the CNS response to cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), DHCA, and other environmental factors modifying the risk and pattern of injury.

Impact of Cardiac Diagnosis on Neurodevelopmental Outcome

The underlying cardiac diagnosis may have a significant and independent impact on neurodevelopmental outcome, and may modulate the effects of neuroprotective strategies. In addition to more obvious factors, such as arch obstruction or the number of ventricles, even the presence of a coexisting ventricular septal defect (VSD) in patients with d-TGA has been shown to be an independent significant risk factor for poor neurodevelopmental outcome (though this finding was confounded by older age at surgery). Bellinger and colleagues assessed the effect of intraoperative pH management on developmental and neurologic outcomes in infants with d-TGA with or without VSD, TOF, isolated VSD, atrioventricular canal defect, truncus arteriosus, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return undergoing cardiac surgical repair during deep hypothermic CPB. In this trial the Psychomotor Developmental Index (PDI) and Mental Developmental Index (MDI) scores of the Bayley Scores of Infant Development were significantly higher in the d-TGA group compared with those noted for the other cardiac defects.

Effect of Cardiac Surgery on the Brain

Although at present there is increasing evidence that congenital and acquired CNS injury occurs in a significant fraction of children with CHD before surgery, the initial focus of research was on intraoperative management as the most significant contributor to CNS injury. This remains important because, as opposed to all of the risk factors for abnormal neurologic development discussed thus far, variation in intraoperative support is one of the more easily modifiable risk factors that may be altered to improve long-term neurologic outcomes. A partial list of factors that may contribute to CNS injury during surgical repair are included in Box 76.2 . These multiple facets of CPB have received considerable attention over the last 3 decades with the completion of multiple randomized clinical trials looking at important intraoperative variables related to vital organ support conduct of CPB (see Box 76.2 ) as potential independent risk factors for worse neurodevelopmental outcome. Thus far, with the exception of higher hematocrit during CPB, and possibly pH management, no intraoperative interventions or specific procedural modifications have shown to improve neurodevelopmental outcomes. Of the many potential modifiable technical features of intraoperative support mentioned above, there are three that been most extensively studied, particularly CPB perfusion strategy, pH management, and hematocrit on CPB.

Box 76.2

Factors That May Contribute to Central Nervous System Injury During Surgical Repair

  • Hypoxemia

  • Cerebral hypoperfusion

  • Cerebral embolism (particulate and/or air)

  • Mechanical support during surgery (DHCA or continuous CPB)

  • Hemodilution

  • Degree and rate of cooling

  • Low hematocrit

  • Use of steroids, glucose management and the type of blood gas pH management

  • Inflammatory response

CPB , Cardiopulmonary bypass; DHCA , deep hypothermic circulatory arrest.

Cardiopulmonary Bypass Strategy

When continuous CPB is utilized, perfusion to the body and brain is maintained. When DHCA is utilized, there is a period of obligate global cerebral ischemia followed by reperfusion. The use of DHCA provides a bloodless surgical field, which facilitates faster and easier completion of the cardiac repair or palliation and decreases the duration of blood exposure to the bypass circuit; however, it is used at the cost of a period of global cerebral/systemic ischemia. Continuous CPB—either in the typical manner or via regional cerebral perfusion techniques—maintains perfusion to the brain and body but increases the duration of blood exposure to the bypass circuit, which may increase the severity of the inflammatory response and its potential negative consequences. The use of continuous CPB avoids the period of global cerebral ischemia but results in a greater increase in inflammation, total body water, and potentially more severe dysfunction and/or possible injury to other organs such as the heart, lungs, brain, and kidneys.

Much has been written on the potentially deleterious effects of prolonged circulatory arrest with profound hypothermia in cardiac surgery for neonates and infants. It is generally agreed that more prolonged periods of uninterrupted circulatory arrest will result in an increased risk of adverse neurologic outcomes. However, closer inspection of the data suggest that the effects of short durations of circulatory arrest are inconsistently related to adverse outcomes, and that the effect of circulatory arrest is not a linear phenomenon. As mentioned previously, the effects are most likely modified by other preoperative and postoperative factors related to the patient. Some reports, most in an earlier era of cardiac surgery, demonstrate a detrimental effect of circulatory arrest on a variety of outcomes relating to the CNS, while some demonstrate either an inconsistent effect or no effect. Some have taken the stance that, since the majority of studies suggest a negative effect of circulatory arrest, DHCA should be avoided at all costs. Innovative and challenging strategies have been designed to provide continuous cerebral perfusion during reconstruction of the aortic arch or intracardiac repair. However, the avoidance of DHCA by necessity requires an increased duration of CPB, which has been consistently shown to have an adverse effect on both short- and long-term outcomes. A randomized trial comparing circulatory arrest to continuous cerebral perfusion completed at the University of Michigan demonstrated no improvement in developmental scores at 1 year of age. Similar findings were reported in a contemporaneous but nonrandomized study at Boston Children’s Hospital. Given the current widespread adoption of regional cerebral perfusion, it seems important to investigate the long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes following this widespread change in clinical practice. However, these studies, thus far, are absent. While there are some shorter-term follow-up studies suggesting noninferiority of regional cerebral perfusion, developmental studies in infants have very limited predictive validity for long-term outcomes, and research must continue in this regard.

Perhaps the best conducted study that emphasizes the importance of follow-up into adolescence and adulthood is the Boston Circulatory Arrest Study. In this study, a cohort of children with d-TGA undergoing an arterial switch operation were randomly assigned to intraoperative support predominantly by DHCA or predominantly by CPB at low flow. Earlier reports suggested that the group as a whole was performing below expectations in many aspects of evaluation, with worse outcomes for the those undergoing DHCA in the areas of postoperative seizures, motor skills at 1 year of age, as well as behavior, speech, and language by the age of 4 years. For the group, the mean intelligence quotient at the age of 4 was lower than expected at 93, with no difference according to treatment assignment. When these studies were published, many centers began avoiding even short periods of DHCA. Continued follow-up of this cohort, when the patients were aged 8 years, revealed that the intelligence quotients for the cohort as a whole were now closer to normal at 98 versus the population mean of 100. Many of the patients demonstrated significant deficits in visual-spatial and visual-motor skills, as well as in components of executive functioning such as working memory, hypothesis generation, sustained attention, and higher-order language skills. Those repaired using DHCA scored worse on motor and speech functioning, while those undergoing low-flow CPB demonstrated worse scores for impulsivity and behavior. When compared to a normative sample, parents reported significantly higher frequencies of attention problems, developmental delay, and problems with learning and speech, irrespective of treatment assignment. More than one-third of the population required remedial services at school, and 1 in 10 had repeated a grade. Most importantly, at age 16, no significant impact was seen based on intraoperative perfusion management; the early negative effects of hypothermic DHCA were no longer seen, and in fact, some outcomes were worse in the arm randomized to low-flow CPB. However, additional concerns became apparent: executive dysfunction and social cognition abnormalities were prevalent ; patients were four times more likely to be taking psychotropic medications compared to cardiovascular medications, and the number who received behavioral therapies and/or additional help at school increased to 65%. One-third had brain abnormalities detected on MRI. Additional recent investigations confirm these abnormalities in multiple centers throughout the world.

Whether current modifications of CPB techniques will improve the outcomes in the long term remains the subject of ongoing study. The Boston Circulatory Arrest Study was an extremely well-designed trial, with superb follow-up, but only included the enrolled neonates who were planned to undergo an arterial switch operation, and took place between 1988 and 1992. Hence, the results reflect the perioperative and surgical care delivered in that era, and thus may not be generalizable to the current era, or to other congenital cardiac lesions. For example, many features of routine postoperative care in that era, including extension of the anesthetic period for at least 48 hours, active rewarming in the ICU after surgery, and hyperventilation to reduce the risk of pulmonary hypertension, may each independently and adversely affect neurodevelopmental outcomes. In addition, those patients randomized to predominantly continuous CPB also underwent a relatively brief period of circulatory arrest. Thus, the study does not compare the use of circulatory arrest to no circulatory arrest. Nonetheless, the results serve to show the multiple factors that influence developmental outcome at school age, and show that factors related to poorer outcome, such as DHCA, which seem apparent and significant on early testing, may be attenuated or even abolished during longer-term follow-up, as other factors assume a more important role. More recently, pooled 2-year neurodevelopmental testing data from over 1700 patients from 22 international centers collected from 1996 to 2009 were analyzed. PDI and MDI (77.6 ± 18.8 and 88.2 ± 16.7, respectively) were lower than normative means, and after controlling for a variety of risks, MDI improved only 0.38 points/year, hardly a drastic effect from over a decade of modifying surgical and medical care strategies.

pH Management

As noted previously, investigators at Boston Children’s Hospital assessed the effect of intraoperative pH management on developmental and neurologic outcomes in infants with d-TGA with and without VSD, TOF, isolated VSD, atrioventricular canal defect, truncus arteriosus, and total anomalous pulmonary venous return undergoing cardiac surgical repair who were randomized to either alpha-stat or pH-stat blood gas management strategy during deep hypothermic CPB. There was no effect of the pH management treatment group on the PDI score of the Bayley Scores of Infant Development. However, the MDI score varied significantly depending on treatment group and diagnosis. For patients with TGA and TOF, the use of pH-stat resulted in a slightly higher MDI, although the difference was not statistically significant. In patients with VSD, the effect was the opposite, with the use of alpha-stat management resulting in significantly improved scores. Neither pH management strategy was associated with either improved or impaired neurodevelopmental outcomes in childhood. Despite the equivocal data in this early report, with no longer-term follow-up yet available nor confirmatory data from other randomized trials, many centers are currently utilizing pH-stat management—particularly during cooling on CPB—in all operations on neonates and infants. Further research in this area, based on additional potential modifiers (e.g., cardiac diagnosis, age, genetics, and severity of preoperative hypoxemia) should continue.

Hematocrit During Bypass

During CPB, hemodilution has been widely applied based on the notion that increased viscosity would be detrimental during periods of profound or even moderate hypothermia. Research in animals suggesting that higher hematocrit levels conferred better cerebral protection has been more extensively investigated in two human randomized clinical trials. The results of these trials indicated that hematocrit levels during CPB below 24% were associated with lower scores in the PDI of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, although no further improvement was seen comparing hematocrit levels of 35% to 25%. In addition, lower hematocrit levels were associated with a more positive fluid balance after surgery and higher serum lactate levels. Pooled data from these two studies were analyzed and an inflection point at around 28% was noted. These findings have been confirmed by multiple authors, and higher hematocrits on CPB are utilized by most centers.

Effect of Anesthesia

There have been concerns raised on the effect of anesthetic on the developing brain. Animal studies have reported increased cellular death (apoptosis) after brief or sustained exposures to inhaled anesthetics, isoflurane in particular. In humans, retrospective studies have shown that there are reasons to be concerned about the detrimental long-term cognitive effects of volatile anesthetics. What is lacking are alternatives to inhaled anesthetics that are not toxic, as both barbiturates and benzodiazepams have been linked to similar animal and human effects.

However, good evidence shows that untreated pain and stress have an adverse effect on neurodevelopment; therefore providing effective analgesia, sedation, and anesthesia at this stage would seem to be more important than concern over neurotoxicity.

Postoperative Factors

CNS injury may occur or be exacerbated in the postoperative period. As described, many studies have focused on the operating room as the site of CNS injury; however, events in the ICU may be equally important.

Hemodynamic Instability

Decreased cerebral oxygen delivery may result from decreased systemic cardiac output (Qs), severe hypoxemia, and/or severe anemia. Postoperative agitation, pain and/or hyperthermia may increase the metabolic needs of the brain, resulting in a diminished oxygen supply/demand ratio, decreased cerebral oxygen delivery, and worse CNS injury. In addition, postoperative cardiac arrest—with or without the need for mechanical circulatory support—may occur in as many as 20% of certain subgroups of newborns with cCHD, and may result in significant CNS injury. Following cardiac surgery with CPB with or without DHCA, cerebral autoregulation may be impaired, ultimately affecting neurodevelopmental outcomes.

Following surgery, especially in newborns and infants, there is a predictable and reproducible fall in cardiac output, which may ultimately affect neurodevelopmental outcomes. This period of decreased oxygen delivery, usually within the first 24 hours after surgery, represents a particularly vulnerable time for the brain, especially if associated with increased oxygen consumption. Postoperative hypotension has been shown to be related to new or worsened WMI, especially if combined with hyperventilation (which may further reduce cerebral blood flow). Despite theoretic concerns of adverse neurodevelopmental effects, postoperative hyperglycemia has not been shown to correlate with adverse longer-term neurodevelopmental outcomes.


Postoperative seizures have been reported to occur in 1% to 21% of infants. As all reports thus far have been single-center studies, the risks for seizures are variable and possibly only relevant to the site of the study. Significantly, in the Boston Circulatory Arrest Study, postoperative seizures were identified as a major determinant of academic achievement and performance 16 years after surgery. Multiple studies agree that the majority of postoperative seizures (>85%) occur without clinical signs and can only be identified with an electroencephalogram. The largest report of postoperative seizures in neonates (~400 patients, single institution) with cCHD showed that seizures occur in about 8% of patients, with the major identified risk factors being younger gestational age at birth and longer duration of bypass.

Length of Stay

Compared to cardiac surgery at older ages, neonates with cCHD have longer stays in the ICU—averaging nearly 1 month in most reports—with a significant number of outliers considerably longer length of stay (LOS). Increased LOS has been associated with increased risks of medical error, costs, parental stress, reoperation, and other cardiac and noncardiac morbidity. In the Boston Circulatory Arrest Study, LOS was independently associated with worse cognitive function at 8 years of age, even after adjustment for factors related to the LOS (e.g., sepsis, low cardiac output) or cognitive outcomes (e.g., maternal education, SES). Virtually all studies reporting short- and longer-term neurodevelopmental outcomes have two consistent factors independently related to worse outcomes: increased LOS and lower SES. While some aspects of LOS may not be modifiable, many units are now actively investigating strategies to reduce LOS (e.g., timing of surgery, early extubation, minimizing elective delayed sternal closure) in hopes of improving longer-term outcomes. While SES is not modifiable, per se, children from disadvantaged families may be at highest risk, and particular attention must be given to neurodevelopmental care during hospitalization and after discharge.

Effects of Anesthesia, Narcotics, and Benzodiazepines

One colinear risk associated with an increased LOS, is the prolonged use of sedation, including narcotics and benzodiazepines. This, along with the use of volatile anesthetic agents during cardiac surgery, has been shown to adversely affect neurodevelopment. Increasingly it is being recognized that the cumulative exposure to these agents in infancy is related to worse short-term neurodevelopmental outcomes, though alternative strategies are yet to be tested.

Developmental Care in the Intensive Care Unit

Developmental care models have been implemented in neonatal ICUs for the past several decades. These models provide a supportive environment to minimize the stress of noxious sounds, bright lights, and painful procedures on the patient. Developmental care practices have been shown to improve weight gain, decrease time to bottle feedings, and enhance neurodevelopmental outcomes in premature infants. In recent years, some multidisciplinary pediatric ICUs and cardiac ICUs have incorporated developmental care into their clinical framework, examples of which are shown in Box 76.3 . Weekly rounds are typically interdisciplinary, and include members who bring a variety of skills and experience to the bedside ( Table 76.1 ). The goals of these rounds are to focus on discussing the current and emerging developmental strengths, challenges, and needs of each infant with the bedside staff and family, and implementing strategies to potentially improve outcomes. These developmental care models remain a novel—and at times challenging—concept in cardiac ICUs. Patient acuity, the recent sternotomy, multiple tubes and catheters, etc. may limit the therapies that are able to be done, but frequent assessments are helpful in determining when therapies can be safely performed. These developmental care models work most effectively when supported by the ICU medical and nursing leadership, as barriers to changes in established bedside patterns are not uncommon. Additionally, frequent communication of the individualized care plan with the medical team caring for the baby is essential. Finally, ongoing research is needed to identify which specific developmental interventions may decrease distress in the newborn in the short term, as well as measuring their impact on longer-term outcomes for the child and the family.

Box 76.3

Developmental Care Models

  • Skin-to-skin contact whenever possible

  • Developmental and prone positioning when sternotomy is healed

  • Bundling care to minimize frequency of stressful procedures

  • Cue-based feeding

  • Circadian variation in lighting

  • Clustered care and decreased noxious sounds

  • Bedside teaching to staff and families about neurodevelopmental needs

  • Scheduled developmental care rounds to include bedside staff and family a

    a A “care plan” is put in place for daily therapies and actionable items.

Table 76.1

“Ideal” Inpatient Neurodevelopmental (and Family Support) Team for Developmental Care Rounds a

Member Role
Clinical nurse specialist/advanced practice nurse/program coordinator Serves as a leader for the neurodevelopmental team. Identifies patients at risk for developmental delays. Advocates the neurodevelopmental needs and therapies required for the patient to the medical team. Educates caregivers about necessary developmental interventions for their child and assists the caregivers with finding outpatient resources to support their child’s development.
Pediatric neurologist/advanced practice nurse Evaluates and manages the medical needs of patients at risk for developmental delays or patients with neurologic injuries (seizures, stroke, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, cerebral palsy, etc.). Educates the care team and caregivers about the patient’s condition. Makes recommendations on the necessary therapies and pharmacologic treatments required.
Occupational therapist and/or physical therapist Evaluates and assists the patient with fine and gross motor exercises and developmental positioning. Educates the bedside nurses and caregivers on exercises to perform with the patient to promote their development.
Speech and language pathologist Evaluates and assists the patient with oral motor, feeding, and swallowing skills. Educates the bedside nurses and caregivers on proper feeding interventions and oral motor stimulation for the tube-dependent patient.
Audiologist Performs hearing screens, identifies patients at risk for hearing loss, and educates the care team about types of follow-up screens required for CHD patients.
Lactation consultant Assists mothers with establishing and sustaining breastfeeding. Educates caregivers about cue-based feedings and skin-to-skin contact.
Nutritionist Evaluates the patient’s nutrition and weight gain. Makes recommendations to the medical team on necessary caloric intake for the patient. Educates parents on recommended diet and how to make fortified breast milk/formula.
Psychologist Counsels patients and their caregivers throughout the hospitalization.
Medical social worker Helps the family navigate a complex medical system and assists with supporting their medical, financial, social, and emotional needs.
Child life specialist Serves as an advocate to promote the psychosocial needs of patients, siblings, and caregivers.
Pastoral services Available to provide emotional support to patients and caregivers.

CHD , Congenital heart disease.

a Not all elements may be available in certain centers.

Early Intervention

Due to the increased risk of developmental delays, several published guidelines suggest that infants with cCHD should be referred to an early intervention program or an outpatient rehabilitation therapy center for ongoing evaluation and therapy. In general, this is accomplished just prior to discharge from the hospital, with a follow-up appointment given to the family at that time. It is important to emphasize that availability of these programs varies from country to country, and in the United States, from state to state. Also, it is important to identify the length of time that these programs will care for these infants during follow-up; for example, in the United States many are only guaranteed to follow the children through 3 years of age. It is most efficient if one member of the medical team is charged with being responsible for referring these infants for developmental services, following up with each family to determine compliance with the evaluation, and to be knowledgeable about the specific developmental services available. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide free educational material for caregivers that outlines developmental milestones for children from birth to age 5 years and provides recommendations on what to do if caregivers are concerned about their child’s development.

Strategies for the Evaluation and Management of Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Children and Adolescents With Congenital Heart Disease

In 2012, the American Heart Association (AHA) published a comprehensive scientific statement formally identifying and stratifying CHD survivors at risk for worse neurodevelopmental outcome, outlining a surveillance, screening, evaluation, and management algorithm for CHD survivors, and creating recommendations to optimize neurodevelopmental outcome in the pediatric CHD population. This statement was also formally endorsed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. A CHD-specific neurodevelopmental algorithm was constructed to supplement the 2006 Academy of Pediatrics statement on developmental surveillance and screening. It is intended that the algorithm be carried out within the context of the medical home. Developmental disorders can be identified and managed through surveillance, screening, early evaluation, periodic reevaluation, and continuous, comprehensive treatment coordinated through the medical home. The child’s primary pediatrician, pediatric cardiologist, psychologist or developmental-behavioral pediatrician may lead care coordination. Children with significant difficulties often benefit from a multidisciplinary treatment approach, including special education classes, tutoring, behavior management counseling, and physical, occupational, and speech/language therapies. The management algorithm stratified children with CHD for neurodevelopmental outcome based on established risk factors.

Box 76.4 delineates the categories of CHD patients considered high-risk for developmental disorders or disabilities and the specific recommendations made by the AHA. For those deemed to be at high-risk for developmental deficits or developmental delay, formal, periodic developmental, and medical evaluations are recommended to assess neurodevelopmental, psychosocial, behavioral, and emotional functioning. Other recommendations include: (1) refer high-risk children for early intervention even before a developmental disorder is diagnosed; (2) reevaluate for developmental disorders and developmental delays periodically in children with CHD deemed high-risk at 12 to 24 months, 3 to 5 years, and 11 to 12 years of age; and (3) consider counselling high-risk children for educational or vocational options when they reach young adulthood. If potential developmental problems can be identified earlier, the hope is to prevent issues from developing in school that will impede children with CHD from reaching their full potential. These additional recommendations were supported by research conducted by Mussatto et al in a longitudinal study testing for developmental issues in CHD surgical survivors in early childhood. They found that exposure to risk and the prevalence of delay changes over time, warranting repeated evaluation in this high-risk population. The implementation of these new guidelines allows clinicians to identify patients with important neurodevelopmental issues that may impact HRQOL.

Box 76.4

From Marino BS, Lipkin PH, Newburger JW, et al. Neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with congenital heart disease: evaluation and management: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation . 2012;126:1143–1172.

Patients at High Risk for Developmental Disorders or Disabilities

  • Neonates or infants requiring open heart surgery

  • Children with other cyanotic heart lesions not requiring open heart surgery during the neonatal or infant period

  • Any combination of CHD and the following comorbidities: prematurity (<37 wk), developmental delay recognized in infancy, suspected genetic abnormality or syndrome, history of postoperative mechanical support (ECMO or VAD use), heart transplantation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, prolonged hospitalization >2 weeks, perioperative seizures, significant abnormalities on neuroimaging, microcephaly

CHD , Congenital heart disease; ECMO , extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; VAD , ventricular assist device.

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Jan 19, 2020 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Neurodevelopmental and Psychosocial Outcomes in Children and Young Adults With Complex Congenital Cardiac Disease

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