Myocardial, Valvular, and Pericardial Disease

Myocardial, Valvular, and Pericardial Disease


Stages in the Development of Heart Failure (Circ 2009;119:e391)

  • A: At high risk for HF, but w/o structural heart disease or symptoms of HF

  • B: Structural heart disease, but w/o signs or symptoms of HF

  • C: Structural heart disease w/ prior or current symptoms of HF

  • D: Refractory heart failure requiring specialized intervention

Functional classification (New York Heart Association class)

  • Class I: no sx w/ ordinary activity; class II: sx w/ ordinary activity;

    class III: sx w/ minimal activity; class IV: sx at rest

Physical exam (“2-minute” hemodynamic profile; JAMA 1996;275:630 & 2002;287:628)

  • Congestion (“dry” vs “wet”)

    JVP (˜80% of the time RAP > 10 mmHg → PCWP >22 mmHg; JHLT 1999;18:1126)

    ⊕ hepatojugular reflux: ≥4 cm ↑ in JVP that persists for ≥15 sec w/ abdominal pressure Se/Sp 73/87% for RA >8 and Se/Sp 55/83% for PCWP >15 (AJC 1990;66:1002)

    Abnl Valsalva response: square wave (↑ SBP w/ strain), no overshoot (no ↑ BP after strain) S3 (in Pts w/ HF → ˜40% ↑ risk of HF hosp. or pump failure death; NEJM 2001;345:574) rales, dullness at base 2° pleural effus. (often absent in chronic HF due to lymphatic compensation) ± hepatomegaly, ascites and jaundice, peripheral edema

  • Perfusion (“warm” vs “cold”): narrow pulse pressure (<25% of SBP) → CI <2.2 (91% Se, 83% Sp; JAMA 1989;261:884); other signs of low perfusion include soft S1 (↑ dP/dt), pulsus alternans, cool & pale extremities, ↓ UOP, muscle atrophy

  • Other signs to look for: periodic breathing/Cheyne-Stokes resp., abnl PMI (diffuse, sustained or lifting depending on cause of HF), S4 (diast. dysfxn), murmur (valvular disease, ↑ MV or TV annulus, displaced papillary muscles), ↓ carotid upstroke

Evaluation for the presence of heart failure

  • CXR (see Radiology insert): pulm edema, pleural effusions ± cardiomegaly, cephalization, Kerley B-lines

  • BNP/NT-proBNP can help exclude HF; levels ↑ w/ age, renal dysfxn, AF, ↓ w/ obesity Se ≥95%, Sp ˜50%, PPV ˜65%, NPV ≥94% for HF in Pts p/w SOB (BMJ 2015;350:h910)

  • Evidence of ↓ organ perfusion: ↑ Cr, ↓ Na, abnl LFTs

  • Echo (see inserts): ↓ EF & ↑ chamber size ↑ systolic dysfxn; hypertrophy, abnl MV inflow, abnl tissue Doppler → ? diastolic dysfxn; abnl valves or pericardium; ↑ estimated RVSP

  • PA catheterization: ↑ PCWP, ↓ CO and ↑ SVR (in low-output failure)

Evaluation of the potential causes of heart failure

  • ECG: Q waves or PRWP (ischemic heart disease); LVH (hypertensive heart disease or HCM); low limb lead voltage (NICM or infiltrative); heart block (infiltrative)

  • TTE: LV & RV size & function, valvular disease (and whether likely 1° or 2° to CMP), findings indicative of infiltrative or pericardial disease

  • Coronary angio (or noninvasive imaging, eg, CT angio); if no CAD, w/u for NICM

  • Cardiac MRI: multiparameter evaluation of cardiac structure & function including:

    LVEF, RVEF and volumes; regional wall motion abnormalities

    presence, pattern, & extent of myocardial scar (using late gadolinium enhancement, LGE) w/ Se/Sp of 100%/96% vs coronary angio for dx etiology of HF (Circ 2011;124:1351)

    myocardial inflammation or infiltration (eg, myocarditis, sarcoidosis, amyloidosis) restriction vs constrictive pericardial disease

Evaluation of Potential Causes of Heart Failure


ECG Pattern

Imaging Pattern

Ischemia, infarct

ST segment deviation, Qw

TTE: regional WMA, ± thinning/aneurysm Cor angio/CTA: obstructive CAD MRI: subendocardial or transmural LGE


Low limb lead voltage, ± heart block, pseudoinfarct

TTE: LVH, “starry sky,” ↑ biatrial size → amyloid MRI: inapprop nulling of myocardium + diffuse LGE → amyloid; patchy LV + RV LGE → sarcoidosis; ↓ T2 star → iron overload

Idiopathic DCM

Low limb lead volts, precordial LVH, BBB

TTE: 4 chamber dilation, diffuse hypokinesis MRI: mid-myocardial LGE


Persistent SVT

TTE: diffuse hypokinesis MRI: absent LGE in early stage

Myo(peri) -carditis

Pseudoischemia/-infarct. Pericard: diffuse concave STE w/ ST:T ratio >0.24 in V6 and PR depression

TTE: typically global HK MRI: mid-myocardial + epicardial LGE, ↑ T2 and ↑ T1 ratios (edema)

Precipitants of acute heart failure

  • Dietary indiscretion or medical nonadherence (˜40% of cases)

  • Myocardial ischemia or infarction (˜10-15% of cases); myocarditis

  • Renal failure (acute, progression of CKD, or insufficient dialysis) → ↑ preload

  • Hypertensive crisis (incl. from RAS), worsening AS → ↑ left-sided afterload

  • Drugs (βB, CCB, NSAIDs, TZDs), chemo (anthracyclines, trastuzumab), or toxins (EtOH)

  • Arrhythmias; acute valv. dysfxn (eg, endocarditis), espec mitral or aortic regurgitation

  • COPD or PE → ↑ right-sided afterload; RV pacing

  • Other: extreme emotional stress; anemia, systemic infection, thyroid disease

Treatment of acute decompensated heart failure

  • Assess degree of congestion & adequacy of perfusion image

  • For congestion: “LMNOP”

    Lasix IV w/ monitoring of UOP; total daily dose 2.5× usual daily PO dose → ↑ UOP, but transient ↑ in renal dysfxn vs 1× usual dose; Ø clear diff between cont gtt vs q12h dosing (NEJM 2011;364:797)

    Morphine (↓ sx, venodilator, ↓ afterload)

    Nitrates (venodilator)

    Oxygen ± noninvasive vent (↓ sx, ↑ PaO2; no Δ mortality; see “Mechanical Ventilation”)

    Position (sitting up & legs dangling over side of bed → ↓ preload)

  • For low perfusion, see below

  • Adjustment of oral meds

    ACEI/ARB: hold if HoTN, consider Δ to hydralazine & nitrates if renal decompensation βB: reduce dose by at least ½ if mod HF, d/c if severe HF and/or need inotropes

Overview of Treatment of Heart Failure by Stage

Pt characteristics



HTN, DM, CAD Cardiotoxin exposure FHx of CMP

Treat HTN, lipids, DM, SVT Stop smoking, EtOH; ↑ exercise ACEI/ARB if HTN/DM/CAD/PAD


Prior MI, ↓ EF, LVH or asx valvular dis.

All measures for stage A + ACEI/ARB & βB if MI/CAD or ↓ EF. ? ICD.


Overt HF

All measures for stage A, ACEI, βB, diuretics, Na restrict ↓ EF: aldo antag, ICD, consider CRT, nitrate/hydral, dig.


Sx despite max med Rx 4-y mortality >50%

All measures for stages A-C Consider IV inotropes, VAD, transplant, end-of-life care

  • Utility of BNP-guided Rx remains debated (Circ 2013;301:500 & 509)

  • Implantable PA pressure sensor in NYHA III → 37% ↓ risk of hosp (23% for HFrEF; 52% for HFpEF) (Lancet 2011;377:658)

Treatment of advanced heart failure (Circ 2009;119:e391)

  • Consider PAC (qv) if not resp to Rx, unsure re: vol status, HoTN, ↑ Cr, need inotropes

  • Tailored Rx w/ PAC; goals of MAP >60, CI >2.2 (MVO2 >60%), SVR <800, PCWP <18

  • IV vasodilators: NTG, nitroprusside (risk of coronary steal if CAD; prolonged use → cyanide/thiocyanate toxicity); nesiritide (rBNP) not rec for routine use (NEJM 2011;365:32)

  • Inotropes: in addition to ↑ inotropy, consider additional properties:

    dobutamine: vasodilation at doses ≤5 mcg/kg/min; mild ↑ PVR; desensitization over time

    dopamine: splanchnic vasodil. → ↑ GFR & natriuresis; vasoconstrictor at ≥5 mcg/kg/min; does not enhance decongestion or preserve renal fxn in ADHF (JAMA 2013;310:2533)

    milrinone: prominent systemic & pulmonary vasodilation; ↑ dose by 50% in renal failure

  • Ultrafiltration: similar wt loss to aggressive diuresis, but ↑ renal failure (NEJM 2012:367:2296)

  • Mechanical circulatory support (MCS) (JHLT 2013;32:157; JACC 2015;65:e7 & 2542)

    Temporary MCS: depending on the device (Table), can be placed percutaneously or surgically to support LV or RV, as a bridge to recovery, for periprocedural support, or as a bridge to decision regarding transplant or durable long-term MCS

    Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP): inflates in diastole & deflates in systole to ↓ impedance to LV ejection of blood, ↓ myocardial O2 demand & ↑ coronary perfusion

    Axial flow pumps (eg, Impella): Archimedes screw principle in LV

    Extracorporeal magnetically levitated centrifugal pumps (eg, TandemHeart & CentraMag)

    Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO, Circ 2015;131:676)

    Short-Term Mechanical Circulatory Support in Cardiogenic Shock



    Impella 2.5 & CP

    Impella 5.0




    Max support (L/min)


    2.5 & 3-4





    RV support


    Y (2nd dev.)


    Y (2nd dev.)

    Y (2nd dev.)


    Support duration


    ˜4 wk

    ˜4 wk

    <4 wk











    mod AI, severe PAD

    LV thrombus, mech AV, severe AS

    coagulop severe PAD



    (Circ 2011;123:533 & 126:1717; JACC 2015;65:e7)

    Durable Long-term MCS: surgically placed LVAD ± RVAD as bridge to recovery (NEJM 2006;355:1873) or transplant (HeartMate II or HeartWare LVAD or Total Artificial Heart if biventricular failure), or as destination Rx (HeartMate I: 52% ↓ 1-y mort. vs med Rx; NEJM 2001;345:1435, HeartMate II: 24% ↑ mort. vs HeartMate 1; NEJM 2009;361:2241)

  • Cardiac transplantation: curative Rx but supply of organs limited (˜2500/y in U.S.) 10% mortality in 1st year, median survival ˜10 y

    Contraindications: active malignancy or infection, irreversible PHT (TPG>15, PVR>5WU despite pulmonary vasodilator Rx), active substance abuse or lack of social supports

    Relative contraindications: age (eg, >70 y), other end organ dysfunction (liver, kidney, lung, unless dual organ transplantation is performed)

Treatment of Chronic Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction

Diet, exercise

Na <2 g/d, fluid restriction, exercise training in ambulatory Pts


↓ mortality: 40% in NYHA IV, 16% in NYHA II/III, 20-30% in asx but ↓ EF (NEJM 1992;327:685 & Lancet 2000;355:1575) High-dose more effic. than low. Watch for ↑ Cr, ↑ K (ameliorate by low-K diet, diuretics, Kayexalate; patiromer, another K binder, under review; NEJM 2015;372:211), cough, angioedema.

ATII receptor blockers (ARBs)

Consider as alternative if cannot tolerate ACEI (eg, b/c cough) Noninferior to ACEI (Lancet 2000;355:1582 & 2003;362:772) As with ACEI, higher doses more efficacious (Lancet 2009;374:1840) Adding to ACEI → ↑ risk of ↑ K and ↑ Cr (BMJ 2013;346:f360)

ARNi (ARB + neprilysin inhib)

Neutral endopeptidase (NEP, aka neprilysin) degrades natriuretic peptides as well as bradykinin & angiotensins. LCZ696 = valsartan + sacubitril (NEPi): ↓ CV mort & HF hosp c/w ACEi; more HoTN and trend to more angioedema (PARADIGM-HF, NEJM 2014;371:993).

Hydralazine + nitrates

Consider if cannot tolerate ACEI/ARB or in blacks w/ NYHA III/IV 25% ↓ mort. (NEJM 1986;314:1547); infer. to ACEI (NEJM 1991;325:303) 43% ↓ mort. in blacks on standard Rx (A-HEFT, NEJM 2004;351:2049)

β-blocker (data for carvedilol, metoprolol, bisoprolol)

EF will transiently ↓, then ↑. Contraindic. in decompensated HF. 35% ↓ mort. & 40% ↓ rehosp. in NYHA II-IV (JAMA 2002;287:883) Carvedilol superior to low-dose metop in 1 trial (Lancet 2003;362:7), but meta-analysis suggests no diff between βB (BMJ 2013;346:f55).

Aldosterone antagonists

Consider if adeq. renal fxn and w/o hyperkalemia; watch forK 24-30% ↓ mort. in NYHA II-IV & EF ≤35% (NEJM 2011;364:11) 15% ↓ mort. in HF post-MI, EF ≤40% (EPHESUS, NEJM 2003;348:1309)

Cardiac resynch therapy (CRT, qv)

Consider if EF ≤35%, LBBB and symptomatic HF 36% ↓ mort. & ↑ EF in NYHA III-IV (CARE-HF, NEJM 2005;352:1539) 41% ↓ mort. if EF ≤30%, LBBB and NYHA I/II (NEJM 2014;370:1694)

ICD (see “Cardiac Rhythm Mgmt Devices”)

Use forprevention if EF ≤30-35% or 2° prevention; not if NYHA IV ↓ mort. in ischemic & non-isch CMP; no Δ mort. early post-MI (NEJM 2004;351:2481 & 2009;361:1427), image wait ≥40 d


Loop ± thiazide diuretics (sx relief; no mortality benefit)


23% ↓ HF hosp., no Δ mort (NEJM 1997;336:525); ? ↑ mort w/ ↑ levels (NEJM 2002;347:1403); optimal 0.5-0.8 ng/mL (JAMA 2003;289:871)

Ivabradine (If blocker w/o [circled dash] ino)

Consider if HR >70, NSR on max βB. 18% ↓ CV mort or HF hosp (Lancet 2010;376:875)

ω-3 fatty acids

9% ↓ mortality (included HF with normal LVEF) (Lancet 2008:372:1223)

IV iron supplementation

? if NYHA II/III, EF ≤40%, Fe-defic (ferritin <100 or ferritin 100-300 & TSAT <20%). ↓ Sx, ↑ 6MWD, independent of Hct (NEJM 2009;361:2436).


If AF, VTE, LV thrombus, ± if large akinetic LV segments In SR w/ EF <35%, ↓ isch stroke, but ↑ bleed (NEJM 2012;366:1859)

Heart rhythm

Catheter ablation of AF → ↑ in EF, ↓ sx (NEJM 2004;351:2373) No mortality benefit to AF rhythm vs rate cntl (NEJM 2008;358:2667) Pulm vein isolation ↓ sx c/w AVN ablation & CRT (NEJM 2008;359:1778)

Meds to avoid

NSAIDs, nondihydropyridine CCB, TZDs


Serelaxin ± ↓ dyspnea & ? ↓ mortality (Lancet 2013;381:29)

(Circ 2009;119:e391; NEJM 2010;362:228; Lancet 2011;378:713 & 722)

Heart failure with preserved EF (HFpEF; “Diastolic HF”) (Circ 2011;124:e540)

  • Epidemiology: ˜½ of Pts w/ HF have normal or only min. impaired systolic fxn (EF ≥40%); risk factors for HFpEF incl ↑ age, ♀, DM, AF. Mortality ≈ to those w/ systolic dysfxn.

  • Etiologies (impaired relaxation and/or ↑ passive stiffness): ischemia, prior MI, LVH, HCMP infiltrative CMP, RCMP aging, hypothyroidism

  • Precipitants of pulmonary edema: volume overload (poor compliance of LV → sensitive to even modest ↑ in volume); ischemia (↓ relaxation); tachycardia (↓ filling time in diastole), AF (loss of atrial boost to LV filling); HTN (↓ afterload → ↓ stroke volume)

  • Dx w/ clinical s/s of HF w/ preserved systolic fxn. Dx supported by evidence of diast dysfxn:

    (1) echo: abnl MV inflow (E/A reversal and Δs in E wave deceleration time) & ↓ myocardial relax. (↑ isovol relax. time & ↓ early diastole tissue Doppler velocities)

    (2) exercise-induced ↑ PCWP (± ↓ response chronotropic & vasodilator reserve)

  • Treatment: diuresis for vol overload, BP control, prevention of tachycardia and ischemia; no benefit to: ACEI/ARB (NEJM 2008;359:2456) or PDE5 inhib (JAMA 2013;309:1268) spironolactone ↓ CV death & HF hosp (at least in Americas) (NEJM 2014;370:1383);

    ARNi (Lancet 2012;380:1387) and serelaxin (Lancet 2013;381:29) under study



  • Cardiac output (CO) = SV × HR; LV SV depends on LV end-diastolic volume (LVEDV) image manipulate LVEDV to optimize CO while minimizing pulmonary edema

  • Balloon at tip of catheter inflated → floats into “wedge” position. Column of blood extends from tip of catheter, through pulmonary circulation, to a point just proximal to LA. Under conditions of no flow, PCWPLA pressure ≈ LVEDP, which is proportional to LVEDV.

  • Situations in which these basic assumptions fail:

    (1) Catheter tip not in West lung zone 3 (and image PCWP = alveolar pressure ≠ LA pressure); clues include lack of a & v waves and if PA diastolic pressure < PCWP

    (2) PCWP > LA pressure (eg, mediastinal fibrosis, pulmonary VOD, PV stenosis)

    (3) Mean LA pressure > LVEDP (eg, MR, MS)

    (4) Δ LVEDP-LVEDV relationship (ie, abnl compliance, [ “nlLVEDP may not be optimal)

Efficacy concerns (NEJM 2006;354:2213; JAMA 2005;294:1664)

  • No benefit to routine PAC use in high-risk surgery, sepsis, ARDS

  • No benefit in decompensated HF (JAMA 2005;294:1625); untested in cardiogenic shock

  • But: ˜½ of CO & PCWP clinical estimates incorrect; CVP & PCWP not well correl.; image use PAC to (a) answer hemodynamic ? and then remove, or (b) manage cardiogenic shock

Pulmonary Artery Catheter Features


cm from distal tip


Distal lumen


Sampling of blood for SMVO2

1.5-mL balloon


Inflation allows flow directed placement & determination of PCWP



Detection of temp Δ for CO calc

Proximal injectate port


Infusions & injection of saline for CO calc

Additional Optional Features

Fiberoptic O2 sat sensor


Allows continuous measurement of SMVO2

Thermal filament


Allows continuous CO calc by thermodilution

Pacing port


Allows placement of pacing wire in RV

Infusion port(s)


Additional infusion port(s)


  • Insertion site: R internal jugular or L subclavian veins for “anatomic” flotation into PA

  • Inflate balloon (max 1.5 mL) when advancing and to measure PCWP

  • Use resistance to inflation and pressure tracing to avoid overinflation & risk of PA rupture

  • Should require 1-1.5 mL air in balloon to float into wedge (<1 mL → pull PAC back; no PCWP at 1.5 mL → advance)

  • Deflate balloon when withdrawing and at all other times

  • CXR should be obtained after placement to assess for catheter position and PTX

  • If catheter cannot be successfully floated (typically if severe TR or RV dilatation) or if another relative contraindication exists, use fluoroscopic guidance

Intracardiac pressures

  • Zero the transducer and level it with the right atrium (phlebostatic axis)

  • Transmural pressure (≈ preload) = measured intracardiac pressure – intrathoracic pressure

  • Intrathoracic pressure (usually slightly [circled dash]) is transmitted to vessels and heart

  • Always measure intracardiac pressure at end-expiration, when intrathoracic pressure closest to 0 (“high point” in spont. breathing Pts; “low point” in Pts on ⊕ pressure vent.)

  • If ↑ intrathoracic pressure (eg, PEEP), measured PCWP overestimates true transmural pressures. Can approx by subtracting ˜½ PEEP (× ¾ to convert cm H2O to mmHg).

  • PCWP: LV preload best estimated at a wave; risk of pulmonary edema from avg PCWP

Cardiac output

  • Thermodilution: saline injected in RA. Δ in temp over time measured at thermistor (in PA) is integrated and is ≈ 1/CO. Inaccurate if ↓ CO, severe TR or shunt.

  • Fick method: O2 consumpt ([V with dot above]O2) (L/min) = CO (L/min) × Δ arteriovenous O2 content

    image CO = [V with dot above]O2 /C(a-v)O2

    [V with dot above]O2 ideally measured (espec if ↑ metab demands), but freq estimated (125 mL/min/m2)

    C(a-v)O2 = [10 × 1.36 mL O2/g of Hb × Hb g/dL × (SaO2-SMVO2)]

    SMVO2 is key variable that Δs with acute interventions

    If SMVO2 >80%, consider if the PAC is “wedged” (ie, pulm vein sat), L→ R shunt, impaired O2 utilization (severe sepsis, cyanide, carbon monoxide), ↑ ↑ FiO2

PA Catheter Waveforms







˜20 cm

˜30 cm

˜40 cm

˜50 cm

Normal Pressure (mmHg)

mean ≤6

syst 15-30 diast 1-8

syst 15-30 mean 9-18 diast 6-12

mean ≤12







a = atrial contraction, occurs in PR interval c = bulging of TV back into RA at start of systole x = atrial relaxation and descent of base of heart v = blood entering RA, occurs mid-T wave y = blood exiting RA after TV opens at start of diastole

RVEDP occurs right before upstroke and ≥ mean RA pressure unless there is TS or TR

Waveform should contain notch (closure of pulmonic valve). Peak during T wave PA systolic = RV systolic unless there is a gradient (eg, PS). PA diastolic ≈ PCWP unless ↑ trans-pulm gradient (eg, ↑ PVR).

Similar to RA except dampened and delayed. a wave after QRS, ± distinct c wave, v wave after T (helps distinguish PCWP w/ large v waves 2° MR from PA).

PCWP waveform abnormalities: large a wave → ? mitral stenosis; large v wave → ? mitral regurgitation; blunted y descent → ? tamponade; steep x & y descents → ? constriction.

Hemodynamic Profiles of Various Forms of Shock

Type of shock









usually ↑ (but can be ↓ in sepsis)

Cardiogenic: 1° L-sided (eg, acute MI)

nl or ↑

Cardiogenic: 1° R-sided (eg, RV infarct; PE)

nl or ↓


Surrogates: JVPRA; pulmonary edema on CXR implies ↑ PCWP; UOPCO (barring AKI); delayed capillary refill (ie, >2-3 sec) implies ↑ SVR

Tailored therapy and management of shock (Circ 2009;119:e391)

  • Goals: optimize both MAP and CO to promote end-organ perfusion, while ↓ risk of pulmonary edema & systemic venous congestion MAP = CO × SVR; CO = HR × SV (depends on preload, afterload and contractility) pulmonary edema when PCWP >20-25 (↑ levels may be tolerated in chronic HF) hepatic and renal congestion when CVP/RAP >15 mmHg

  • Optimize preload = LVEDVLVEDPLAPPCWP (NEJM 1973;289:1263) goal PCWP ˜14-18 in acute MI, ≤14 in acute decompensated HF optimize in individual Pt by measuring SV w/ different PCWP to create Starling curve ↑ by giving NS (albumin w/o clinical benefit over NS; PRBC if significant anemia) ↓ by diuresis (qv), ultrafiltration or dialysis if refractory to diuretics

  • Optimize afterload ≈ wall stress during LV ejection = [(˜SBP × radius) / (2 × wall thick.)] and imageMAP and ∝ SVR = (MAPCVP / CO); goals: MAP >60, SVR 800-1200 MAP >60 & SVR ↑ : vasodilators (eg, nitroprusside, NTG, ACEI, hydral.) or wean pressors MAP <60 & SVR ↑ (& image CO ↓ ): temporize w/ pressors until can ↑ CO (see below) MAP <60 & SVR low/nl (& image inappropriate vasoplegia): vasopressors (eg, norepinephrine [α, β], dopamine [D, α, β], phenylephrine [α] or vasopressin [V1] if refractory)

  • Optimize contractilityCO for given preload & afterload; goal CI = (CO / BSA) >2.2 if too low despite optimal preload & vasodilators (as MAP permits):

    inotropes: eg, dobutamine (mod inotrope & mild vasodilator) or milrinone (strong inotrope & vasodilator, incl pulm), both proarrhythmic, or epi (strong inotrope & pressor)

    mechanical support devices: eg, IABP, percutaneous or surgical VAD (L-sided, R-sided, or both) or ECMO (Circ 2011;123:533)

Vasopressors and Inotropes Used in Shock
















↑ ↑ ↑

↑ ↑

↓ ↓a







↑ ↑ ↑

↑ ↑

↓ ↓a


PVR; image attractive if RV dysfxn or PHT





↑ ↑ ↑

↑ ↑



Better outcomes than w/ dopa





↓ / ↑c

↑ ↑

β predom at low doses





↓ ↓

↑ ↑ ↑

↑ ↑

⊕ chronotrope






↑ ↑

↑ ↑








↑ ↑ ↑





↓ ↓

↑ ↑ ↑

↓ ↓ PCWP; ↓ PVR; image attractive if RV dysfxn or PHT

a Bradycardia seen due to vagal reflex if hypertension; ↓ CO due to ↑ afterload

b V1 agonist

c Low doses ↓ SVR, high doses ↑ SVR

d Also a (D) dopa receptor agonist; 0.5-2 mcg/kg/minD; 2-10 → D & β1; > 10 → α1, β1, D

e PDE3 inhibitor

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Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Myocardial, Valvular, and Pericardial Disease

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