Molecular Pathways and Animal Models of Cardiomyopathies

Fig. 60.1
“Final common pathway” hypothesis supplemented by intra- and intercellular signaling

60.2 Compensatory Stress Regulators in Inherited Cardiomyopathy

In inherited cardiomyopathies, cellular pathology originates from the initial genetic assault; however, the phenotypic expression of the specific cardiomyopathy type will be distinguished later when the effects of cardiac remodeling are perceptible. Thus, individuals carrying gene mutations may not present clinical signs of cardiomyopathy until adulthood, supporting a temporal mechanism by which chronically altered cellular responses and cardiac remodeling lead to the clinically relevant cardiomyopathy phenotype. Cellular responses to maintain normal cardiomyocyte function include changes in Ca2+ transients and mechanotransduction, the number and sensitivity of sarcomeres, shifts in metabolic processes, and gene expression.

60.2.1 Calcium Transients

Sarcoplasmic Ca2+ concentrations directly and critically control the contraction and relaxation of the sarcomere. In the initial compensated period of the genetically determined cardiomyopathy, contractility and heart rate are facilitated through altered Ca2+ transients, and this process is controlled by activation of ion channels, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), stretch-activated channels, and many other biologic and chemical receptors. However, if Ca2+ overload stress is sustained, this activates calmodulin–calcineurin, a serine/threonine phosphatase through dephosphorylation of nuclear factor of activated T cells (NFAT). Activated calmodulin–calcineurin then translocates into the nucleus, changing gene expression and triggering abnormal contractility and pathological hypertrophy [3].

60.2.2 Mechanotransduction Signaling

Mechanosensitive mechanisms are intracellular signaling events that alter and regulate gene expression in response to mechanical stretch. Altered stretch recruits the integrin-induced phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK), activating downstream Rous sarcoma (SRC) signaling. The integrin–talin complex, components of the costamere, connects the sarcomere to the sarcolemma and extracellular matrix (ECM) through the Z-disk, which consists of numerous mechanosensitive proteins including α-actinin 2, nebulette, myopalladin, cardiac ankyrin repeat protein (CARP), and filamin C. Mutations in all these Z-disk proteins induce pathological signaling pathways in response to sustained stretch and initiate the development of cardiomyopathies [4].

60.2.3 Metabolic Substrate Utilization

In the healthy heart, phosphocreatine is the main reserve source of ATP during acute stress. In the initial compensatory stages of cardiomyopathy, the heart favors burning free fatty acids, which yield about three times more ATP than glucose, but require more oxygen to metabolize [5]. As contractility or relaxation is altered, the demand for ATP increases, yet the levels of phosphocreatine are progressively reduced. In the decompensated stage of cardiomyopathy, energy substrate utilization shifts from fatty acid oxidation to glucose, a less efficient resource for producing energy [6].

60.2.4 Fetal Gene Program

In adult cardiomyocytes, contractility is inversely proportional to levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), brain natriuretic peptide (BNP), β-myosin heavy chain (β-MyHC), and α-skeletal actin (α-SMA), genes that are normally expressed during embryogenesis [7]. Circulating ANP and BNP in plasma induce diuresis and vasodilation, while β-MyHC exhibits lower ATPase activity and enhanced ATP use. To compensate for increased myocardial wall stress, expression of these genes is induced through immediate early genes (IEGs) encoding transcription factors such as SRC, cellular FBJ osteosarcoma oncogene (c-FOS), transcriptional factor AP-1 (c-JUN), early growth response-1 (EGR-1), myelocytomatosis c (c-MYC), rat sarcoma (RAS) oncogenes, and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPK). Persistent expression of these fetal genes may contribute to contractile dysfunction and prolonged relaxation of cardiomyocytes independent of Ca2+ handling [8].

60.2.5 Intercellular Crosstalk in the Myocardium

Besides cardiomyocytes, composing approximately 56 % of the adult murine heart, fibroblasts (27 %), endothelial cells (7 %), and smooth muscle cells (10 %) reside in the ECM containing numerous transient immune cells [9]. The interaction between all these cell types via ongoing reciprocal secretion of autocrine and paracrine factors is essential in preserving normal cardiac function. This process is regulated by signaling molecules such as integrins, endothelin1 (ET1), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule 1 (PECAM1), vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor beta 3 (TGFβ3). Genetic mutations may trigger pathological signaling between these messengers.

60.3 Pathological Cardiac Remodeling and Signaling Pathways in Cardiomyopathy

60.3.1 Cardiomyocyte Hypertrophy

Cardiomyocyte hypertrophy (increase in size) and atrophy (decrease in size) are the most common alterations that occur when cardiac cells respond to genetic abnormalities. Two types of hypertrophy exist at the cellular level: concentric and eccentric. Concentric hypertrophy is an increase in myocyte width-to-length ratios that occur as a result of addition of sarcomeres in parallel as physiological adaptive responses to keep pace with hemodynamic demand. Persistent stress may transform physiological hypertrophy into a pathological state when reduced volumes of ventricular chambers affect cardiac output, ultimately resulting in the development of CHF [10]. In contrast, eccentric hypertrophy is an increase in myocyte length-to-width ratios associated with increased end-to-end addition of sarcomeres, primarily associated with decreased force production and often associated with DCM and CHF. In inherited cardiomyopathies, triggering of intracellular and extracellular hypertrophic signal-transduction pathways is dependent on the location of the genetic mutation. Major signal transduction cascades such as G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), protein kinase B (PKB), or AKT, MAPK, and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) have been shown to play a significant role in the development and progression of cardiac hypertrophy.

60.3.2 GPCR Signaling

GPCRs are integral membrane proteins consisting of seven membrane-spanning domains that are competent to respond to paracrine and autocrine factors including adrenergic factors, angiotensin II (AngII), and ET1 [11]. The sarcomere, when composed of mutant proteins, exhibits blunted myofilament Ca2+ sensitivity, reduces ATP efficiency, and inhibits the sequestration of Ca2+ from the cytosol. Further, mutation-induced contractile dysfunction causes activation of GPCR signaling by ET1 and AngII and increases release of Ca2+ from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), activating calmodulin and myocyte enhancer factor 2 (MEF2). GPCR signaling is also associated with activation of the AKT signaling pathway.

60.3.3 AKT Signaling

Many adaptive processes in the heart such as protein synthesis, apoptosis, gene expression, and metabolism are regulated by phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). Activation of PI3K on the cardiomyocyte sarcolemma initiates activation of PKB/AKT [12]. When PKB/AKT-mediated phosphorylation of glycogen synthase kinase 3 beta (GSK3β) inactivates it, hypertrophic transcriptional effectors including erythroid transcription factor (GATA4), β-catenin, c-MYC, and NFAT are activated within the heart. Compensated hypertrophy and increased contractile efficiency are induced by AKT1 and AKT2 [13]; however, chronic activation of the PI3K/AKT pathway via mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) may lead to pathological cardiac hypertrophy [14].

60.3.4 MAPK Pathway

The MAPK family consists of four subfamilies of kinases: extracellular signal-related kinases (ERK1/2), c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNK1-3), p38 kinases, and ERK5 that convert extracellular stimuli into a wide range of cellular responses [3]. In cardiomyocytes, MAPK signaling is initiated by GPCRs, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR), TGFβ, and by cytokines, stretch, AngII, or ET1. When activated via the three-module cascade of phosphorylating kinases, MAPKs then translocate into the nucleus and activate transcription factors, resulting in reprogramming of cardiac gene expression.

Activated ERK1/2 stimulates the transcription of genes such as BNP and ETS domain-containing protein 1 (Elk1) [15]. JNKs and p38 are activated mainly by inflammatory cytokines, ischemia, oxidative stress, heat shock, endotoxins, as well as secondarily by growth factors and GPCR [16]. JNKs activation increase expression of ANP, alpha smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), TGFβ1, Elk1, p53, and collagen type I in cardiac hypertrophy and inhibit NFAT4, NFATc1, and signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 (STAT3). The p38 module promotes expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-1β (IL-1β), IL-6, and TNF-α through the integrin-FAK-SRC-RAS pathway [17].

60.3.5 TNF-Alpha

TNF-α is a cytokine that initiates an inflammatory response via coupling with TNF receptor and activating nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B (NF-κB), protein kinase C (PKC), stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs), and JNKs in response to stress. Once activated, TNF-α triggers expression of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), a family of enzymes that degrade the ECM components. Levels of TNF-α and MMPs have been found to be concordantly increased in DCM and the failing human heart [13]. The NF-kB cascade is initiated upon activation of NF-κB-inducing kinase (NIK) and IKK complex, triggering subsequent inhibitor of κB alpha (IkB-α) degradation. Activated NF-κB translocates to the nucleus causing cardiac hypertrophy.

60.3.6 Cardiomyocyte Atrophy

Cardiac atrophy is a pathogenic event associated with mechanical unloading of the myocardium and is typically a result of maladaptive processes of apoptosis, necrosis, or excessive autophagy. Apoptosis

Apoptosis is the process also known as programmed cell death as defined by certain morphologic changes, such as DNA fragmentation, progressive cardiomyocyte atrophy, and death [18]. Apoptosis is induced via an intrinsic pathway by cytochrome c released from mitochondria or via an extrinsic pathway by activation of cell membrane-bound death receptors (like FAS or TNF-α) by coupling with the corresponding cytokines. Both pathways ultimately activate downstream effector caspases. Induction of apoptosis plays a critical role in the transition from compensatory hypertrophy to decompensated CHF [19]. As adult cardiomyocytes are terminally differentiated, apoptosis is detrimental to cardiac function not only due to cardiac myocyte loss but also by generating fibrosis and decreased heart compliance. Many of the signaling pathways, including AKT and β-adrenergic stimulation with cytochrome c release from mitochondria [20], activation of Fas by upregulated Fas ligand, and TNF-α or degradation of cellular FLICE (FADD-like IL-1β-converting enzyme)-inhibitory protein (cFlip), inhibitors of Fas, are common in the failing heart [21]. Necrosis

Necrosis, the premature death of cells, is typically a result of the unregulated digestion of cell components due to activation of various death receptors. Necrosis is almost always detrimental due to loss of sarcolemmal integrity, uncontrolled release of cellular products into the ECM, and consequent inflammatory responses. The wavefront phenomenon of myocardial atrophy with pathological remodeling such as inflammation, fibrosis, hypertrophy, and ventricular dilation with preceded necrosis is well documented in human ARVC [22]. The underlying mechanisms for this remain unknown, although disruption of sarcolemmal integrity and/or mitochondrial permeability with abnormal Ca2+ homeostasis may play an important role. Autophagy

Autophagy is a natural process of conserving and recycling of cytoplasmic components, playing important cell survival roles by removing oxidated proteins and damaged components during stress. Autophagy is controlled by sequential actions of autophagy-related genes (Atgs), such as Beclin1 (Atg6), microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3 or LC3 (Atg8), and class III PI3K that are responsible for vesicle elongation and conjugation. In contrast, the mTOR pathway or class I PI3K acts to inhibit autophagy. Although autophagy is a cytoprotective mechanism, proapoptotic factors released from the damaged mitochondria may lead to apoptotic cell death [23]. Several signaling pathways, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and increases in cytosolic Ca2+ levels not only trigger apoptosis but potently induce autophagy. In the heart, excessive autophagy causes cell death and cardiac atrophy. Thus, autophagy in the failing heart caused by DCM appears to be a sign of failed cardiomyocyte repair [24].

60.3.7 Cardiac Fibrosis

Evidence of interstitial and/or perivascular fibrosis is one of the major hallmarks of cardiomyopathies and is known to disrupt excitation–contraction coupling between cardiomyocytes, increases myocardial stiffness, and decreases contractility. Fibrosis is primarily produced by resident fibroblasts in the heart; however, there is evidence for collagen production by cardiomyocytes [25]. There are two forms of fibrosis that exist: reactive and replacement. Several pro-fibrotic factors such as AngII, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), and the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system (RAAS) along with prominent downstream mediators including TGFβ1 cause fibrotic responses in the heart. Angiotensin II

AngII directly induces NADPH oxidase activity and increases SMAD2 levels augmenting the nuclear translocation of phosphorylated SMAD3. As result, stimulated TGFβ induces fibroblast proliferation and differentiation into collagen-secreting myofibroblasts leading to cardiac fibrosis. CTGF

CTGF is a protein mainly expressed in fibroblasts in the healthy heart, but is also secreted by cardiomyocytes during cardiac remodeling [26]. Increased amounts of CTGF in human cardiac hypertrophy and CHF have been shown to contribute to fibrosis. However, a mouse heart with CTGF overexpression did not have a fibrotic phenotype, making CTGF’s role in fibrosis unclear. TGFβ

TGFβ is a cytokine involved in regulation of many signaling pathways involved in cellular differentiation, homeostasis, cardiac fibrosis, and hypertrophy. When TGFβ binds to its serine/threonine kinase receptors, the downstream SMAD signaling pathway activates to stimulate collagen production. TGFβ also signals through TGFβ-activated kinase 1 (TAK1) to activate activated transcription factor 2 (ATF2), which are directly correlated with cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis [26]. SMADs

SMAD proteins are a family of transcription factors that consist of three groups: receptor-activated (SMADs 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8), co-mediator (SMADs 4 and 10), and inhibitory (SMADs 6 and 7). Receptor-activated or phosphorylated SMADs associate with co-SMADs and then translocate to the nucleus, where they interact with transcriptional factors and co-activators and alter gene expression. Rho

Ras family G proteins regulate intracellular actin dynamics through Rho/ROCK signaling. TGFβ and mechanical force promote the nuclear translocation of myocardin-related transcription factor A (MRTF-A) in cardiac fibroblasts inducing a myofibroblast-like cell-type gene expression through Rho/ROCK signaling [26]. KLF

Kruppel-like transcription factors (KLF) are a large family of transcription factors with an important role in cell differentiation and tissue development. KLF15, a negative regulator of cardiac fibrosis, inhibits the SMAD3 activity on the CTGF promoter [26]. TGFβ downregulates KLF15 in cardiac fibroblasts and myocytes leading to fibrosis. The other KLF member upregulated through AngII, KLF5, and activates TGFβ expression thereby connecting AngII and TGFβ signaling in cardiac fibrosis.

60.3.8 Electrical Tissue Remodeling and Arrhythmogenesis

Electrophysiological remodeling in cardiomyopathy occurs at the cellular and tissue levels, and it is not fully understood how exactly these changes contribute to electrical instability and increased risk of arrhythmias. Ca2+ transients, ion channels located within the sarcolemma and intercalated disks, sarcomere sensitivity and cell–cell coupling through gap junctions and desmosomes are all crucial components in regulating cardiac electrical remodeling. Calcium Cycling

Arrhythmogenesis is triggered through disturbance of the orchestrated interactions of key calcium-handling proteins including ryanodine receptor-2 (RyR2), troponins, calsequestrin, triadin, junctin, sarcoplasmic reticular Ca2+–ATPase 2 (SERCA2), and phospholamban [27]. Action Potential Sarcolemmal

Action potential (AP) prolongation, a result of downregulation of repolarizing K+ currents, an increase in late Na+ current, and changes in intracellular Ca2+ transport contribute to the development of arrhythmias. The cardiac Na+ channel (Nav1.5) interacts differentially with either syntrophin–dystrophin complex to the lateral membrane or to the intercalated disks by synapse-associated protein 97 (SAP97). For example, loss of Nav1.5 results in significant lateral conduction velocity slowing and prolongation of AP with delayed repolarization in dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse hearts [28]. Gap Junction Coupling

Decreased gap junction coupling, due to altered post-Golgi transport and downregulation of connexin 43 (Cx43), leads to loss of electrical cell–cell coupling and slows conduction velocity [29]. Reorganization of desmosomal proteins such as desmoplakin (DSP) and plakoglobin (JUP) is suggested to play a role in the development of arrhythmogenic and fibro-fatty remodeling in the heart via interfering with Wnt/β-catenin signaling [30].

60.3.9 Failing Heart

A pathologic causative genetic insult followed by sustained maladaptive remodeling results in the development of decompensated cardiomyopathy when the failing heart is unable to keep up with hemodynamic demands at all levels, from the molecule to the whole organism. Molecular cell level alterations of end-stage cardiomyopathy and CHF respond to irreversible cardiac remodeling with significant changes in membrane ion currents and intracellular Ca2+ metabolism, fibrosis, hypertrophic or atrophic remodeling, and cell death. Cell–cell coupling abnormalities include reorganization of gap junctions and desmosomal proteins. Cardiac function is significantly depressed with depleted force development and slowed relaxation [31].

60.4 Animal Models of Human Cardiomyopathies

Numerous small and large animal models have been developed to discover novel mechanisms and clarify known molecular and cellular pathogenic mechanisms of cardiomyopathies discussed above (Table 60.1). Characterization of the mechanisms of cardiomyopathies using the study of animal models is challenging owing to the complexity of disease-causing mechanisms and modulators of pathology. The accessibility of transgenic, knockout, and knockin murine models has, however, been one of the most successful approaches for studying genetic cardiomyopathies. The zebrafish (Danio rerio) model with morpholino knockdown remains one of the most effective technologies for discovering and functionally studying novel cardiomyopathy candidate genes. Table 60.1 summarizes animal models of human cardiomyopathy with a focus on cellular and cardiac remodeling-associated key molecular signaling models.

Table 60.1
Animal models of human-inherited cardiomyopathies and associated signaling pathways



Human phenotype

Animal model





Sarcoglycan (delta)


Murine KO

Cordier et al. (2000) Mol Ther 1:119–129 [32]

Focal necrosis, vascular spasm, fibrosis

Destabilization DGC, membrane permeability defect, Ca + inbalance

Murine KI S151A

Rutschow et al. (2014) Eur J Hum Genet 22:119–125 [33]

Mild cardiomyopathy

Murine KO

Araishi et al. (1999) Hum Mol Genet 8:1589–1598 [34]

Progressive DMD with extensive degeneration and regeneration

Disruption of ECM–sarcolemma–cytoskeleton connection



Murine KO

Miyagoe-Suzuki et al. (2000) Microsc Res Tech 48:181–191 [35]

Dilation of ventricles




Sicinski et al. (1989) Science 244:1578–1580 [36]

Dilated ventricles

Destabilization DGC, sarcolemma–actin connection, Ca + alteration


Guyon et al. (2003) Hum Mol Genet 12:601–615 [37]

Mutant zebrafish are less active


Jones et al. (2004) J Neurol Sci 217:143–149 [38]

DMD and DCM phenotype



Murine KO

Yoshida et al. (2000) Hum Mol Genet 9:1033–1040 [39]

Muscle dystrophy, mild cardiomyopathy

Alteration in cyclic GMP levels



Murine KO

Woodman et al. (2002) J Biol Chem 277:38988–38997 [40]

Hypertrophy, dilation, and reduced contractility

ERK1/2 activation, Src

Murine TG P104L

Kuga et al. (2011) Hum Mol Genet 20:2975–2983 [41]

Hypertrophy, enhanced contractility, apoptosis

nNOS production, altered ER stress response

Zebrafish KO

Nixon et al. (2005) Hum Mol Genet 14:1727–1743 [42]

Disruption of muscle differentiation, cardiac edema

Myoblast fusion defects


Myosin heavy chain


Murine TG R403Q

Kamisago et al. (2006) Novartis Found Symp 274:176–189 [43]

Cardiac dysfunction, myocyte disarray, hypertrophy, fibrosis




Xu et al. (2002) Nat Genet 30:205–209 [44]

Cardiac edema, poor contraction, and normal sarcomeres are absent

Blockage of sarcomere assembly



Murine KO

Rethinasamy et al. (1998) Circ Res 82:116–123 [45]

Homozygous null mice are embryonic lethal (E8-E11.5)


Murine TG E54K

Rajan et al. (2007) Circ Res 101:205–214 [46]

Dilated LV, impaired systolic, and diastolic functions

Decreased Ca2+ sensitivity and tension generation


Murine TG E180G

Prabhakar et al. (2001) J Mol Cell Cardiol 33:1815–1828 [47]

Ventricular concentric hypertrophy, fibrosis, and atrial enlargement

Increased myofilament sensitivity to calcium


Murine TG D175N

Muthuchamy et al. (1999) Circ Res 85:47–56 [48]

Myocyte disarray, hypertrophy, and impaired contractility and relaxation

Thin filament enhanced Ca2+ sensitivity

Troponin T

Diverse CM

Murine TG MyHC

Tardiff et al. (1998) J Clin Invest 101:2800–2811 [49]

Mild hypertrophy, disarray, reduced number of myocytes

Multiple cellular mechanisms

Murine TG R92Q

Tardiff et al. (1999) J Clin Invest 104:469–481 [50]

Fibrosis, mitochondrial pathology, diastolic dysfunction, shorter sarcomere lengths

Induction of ANP and β-MHC, increased basal sarcomeric activation

Zebrafish KO

Sehnert et al. (2002) Nat Genet 31:106–110 [51]

Sarcomere loss and myocyte disarray

Misregulation of thin-filament protein expression
Troponin I


Murine TG I145GLY

James et al. (2000) Circ Res 87:805–811 [52]

Cardiomyocyte disarray, fibrosis, diastolic dysfunction, death

Increased skinned fiber sensitivity to calcium and hypercontractility

Rabbit TG R146G

Sanbe et al. (2005) Circulation 111:2330–2338 [53]

Cardiomyocyte disarray, fibrosis, and connexin43 disorganization

Altered fractal pattern of the repolarization phase

Murine KO

Huang et al. (1999) Circ Res 84:1–8 [54]

Acute heart failure, shortened sarcomeres

Reduced myofilament Ca sensitivity, elevated resting tension

Myosin-binding protein C


Murine TG

Yang et al. (1998) J Clin Invest 102:1292–1300 [55]

Sarcomere disorganization and dysgenesis, pCa2 + -force curve shift

Inefficient incorporation of stable truncated protein into the sarcomere

Murine KO

Palmer et al. (2004) Mol Cell Biochem 263:73–80 [56]

Severe cardiomyopathy, reduced myofilament stiffness

Abnormal sarcomere shortening velocity

Cat TG

Meurs et al. (2005) Hum Mol Genet 14:3587–3593 [57]

Sarcomeric disorganization

Intermediate filament



Murine TG R173del 179

Wang et al. (2001) Circulation 103:2402–2407 [58]

Disruption of the desmin network and myofibril alignment, intrasarcoplasmic granular aggregates

Blunted response to beta-agonist stimulation


Li et al. (2013) J Gen Physiol 141:335–345 [59]

Disorganized muscles, small larvae, diminished swimming activity

Normal active force generation, vulnerability during eccentric work

Murine KO

Milner et al. (1996) J Cell Biol 134:1255–1270 [60]

Loss of lateral alignment of myofibrils, mitochondrial abnormalities, necrosis

Multisystem disruption of muscle architecture and degeneration




Murine TG Y20C

Purevjav et al. (2012) Hum Mol Genet 21:2039–2053 [61]

Disrupted intercalated disks, hypertrophy, and heart failure

Desmin, desmoplakin, connexin 43, and vinculin disruption

Murine KI Q529X

Huby et al. (2014) J Am Coll Cardiol 64:2765–2776 [62]

Fibrosis, diastolic dysfunction, T-tubule enlargement

Desmin, MLP, CARP, ERK1/2 dysregulation, altered mechanosensation




Arber et al. (1997) Cell 88:393–403 [63]

DCM with hypertrophy and heart failure, disruption of cardiomyocyte cytoarchitecture

Altered mechanosensation


Murine TG

Purevjav et al. (2010) J Am Coll Cardiol 56:1493–1502 [64]

DCM, mitochondrial abnormalities

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