Division of Cardiac Surgery, Department of Cardiac, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences, University of Padua, Padova, Italy
24.1 Introduction
Heart transplantation is the most effective method of enhancing quality of life and survival in end-stage heart failure (HF) patients. Unfortunately, the Achilles’ heel of this excellent treatment is the severe shortage of donor organs. Consequent to this mismatch between supply and demand, of particular importance has become the application of the ventricular assist devices (VADs) [1–9]. The field of circulatory support has matured dramatically in recent years, thanks to the advent of smaller, rotary pumps and new surgical and anesthetic solutions. These improvements have changed the face of advanced heart failure care [10, 11]. New management strategies associated to new pump technology over the years modified the mechanical circulatory support (MCS) candidate selection and risk stratification. In the next future, familiarity with newer pump devices and patient management strategies should accelerate the timing and improve the referral for MCS evaluation.
Therefore, MCS device use in severe heart failure, opened to discussion decades ago, is now well established, either for temporary support such as bridge to transplantation or destination therapy [4]. Consequently, left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have become nowadays the principle alternative treatment for end-stage heart failure unresponsive to optimal medical therapy.
The typical VAD candidate is commonly very compromised and may not have sufficient resources to tolerate major surgical insults and trauma. Therefore, device implantation through smaller, less traumatic incisions is a desirable goal. The median sternotomy decreases lung volumes and reduces thoracic motion with significant decrease in functional residual capacity and total lung capacity months later [12]. Minimally invasive cardiac surgery via mini-thoracotomy was devised to reduce morbidity because of potentially less inflammatory response and reduce transfusion requirements and scarring, with consequent rapid rehabilitation to normal life activity [13]. Additionally, avoiding the cardiopulmonary circulatory support (CPB) even for short period of time might reduce the release of inflammatory cytokines and their consequences, as most CPB-related damage happens within the first few minutes [14, 15].
Different approaches are described for implantation of VADs, including off-pump [16], subcostal [11], or mini upper sternotomy implantation [17]. In this chapter, we describe the minimally invasive techniques used for the implantation of an LVAD that involve three distinct professional figures within the operating room: the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, and the perfusion technician [18–24].
24.2 Why Should It Be Considered a Minimally Invasive LVAD Implantation Technique
Off-pump implantation: Avoiding CPB reduces the release of inflammatory cascade and its consequences [8, 11, 13]. The reduced heparin dose necessary for the off-pump implantation favors a reduction in intraoperative and postoperative bleeding and thus a decreased blood unit transfusion and immunization, particularly important for patient’s bridge to transplantation.
Minimally invasive surgical approach: There is a growing trend toward the use of non-sternotomy incisions and/or mini-thoracotomy in all fields of cardiac surgery [14, 15]. Although full-median sternotomy provides the best access to the heart and the adjacent structures, it can be replaced by smaller incisions in most of the cases. The choice for minimally invasive approaches was powered by the possibility of a preserved good exposure of the great vessels (through upper mini-sternotomy or II intercostal space mini-thoracotomy) and the minimal displacement of the heart for left ventricle apex exposure (through mini-thoracotomy), with decreased rate of arrhythmias and hemodynamic instability related to the heart manipulation, mandatory when in full sternotomy. Additionally, less-extensive mediastinal dissection reduces the risk and the degree of postoperative bleeding.
Paravertebral analgesia and mild general anesthesia: The hemodynamic fragility of these patients is well reported, and renal insufficiency, pulmonary hypertension, as well as COPD stand out as risk factors. Furthermore, when a prolonged mechanical ventilation is required, the cerebral perfusion and oxygenation are compromised [12, 25–33]. In order to improve the patient management, paravertebral analgesia has been suggested in association to a mild general anesthesia. Many authors [12, 25–33] have confirmed the advantages and efficacy of continuous paravertebral block (PVB) for analgesic treatment of thoracotomies when compared to epidural analgesia with lower complication rate (pulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, and hemodynamic). Additionally, PVB provides safe, effective analgesia, diminishes the early reduction of postoperative pulmonary function, and restores respiratory mechanics more rapidly, with consequent facilitated extubation. The local anesthetics migrate from this injection site, both caudally and rostrally, and produce unilateral somatic and sympathetic nerve blockade. The risk of wrong positioning the PVB catheter in the epidural or spinal space with subsequent risk of epidural hematoma is considered low when the preoperative coagulation tests are normal and when lower doses of heparin are administrated. Same low risk was considered when PVB catheter is removed 48 h after surgery. This analgesia does not influence the hemodynamic stability and permits a mild general anesthesia approach.
24.3 Padua Experience
From December 2008 to January 2016, 96 patients with HF refractory to medical therapy were implanted with the last-generation LVAD: 53 % with Jarvik 2000 (Jarvik 2000 (Jarvik Heart Inc., New York, NY)) and 44 % with HeartWare HVAD (HeartWare Inc., Framingham, MA). Three additional patients (3 %) received HeartMate II (Thoratec, Pleasanton, California) (two patients) and HeartMate III VAD (Thoratec Corp, Pleasanton, CA) (one patient). Mainly male patients (83.1 %) with dilated cardiomyopathy prevalent (58.5 %), followed by ischemic (33.7 %) and fewer different cardiomyopathies such as peripartum, myocarditis, amyloidosis, and arrhythmogenic, came to our attention in very compromised hemodynamic conditions (INTERMACS I and II 92.3 %). Initially, the policy of our center was the implantation of Jarvik 2000 as destination therapy (DT) and HeartWare HVAD as bridge to transplantation (BTT). Recently, we focus on the expected duration of assistance (short or long time), right ventricle performance, pulmonary artery pressure, BSA, technical considerations, pathology, residency, behavior of the coagulation system, and INTERMACS class.
Hereunder are described the different procedures adopted for the implantation of different models of VAD. Afterward, a step-by-step description of the evolution of minimally invasive implantation techniques, for each model of VAD used at the Cardiac Surgery Unit of Padua, is described, with also a discussion of the tricks and traps of the surgical and anesthetic aspect for each evolution of the minimally invasive procedures.
24.4 Anesthesia: Paravertebral Block
In the operating room, after light sedation (IV 1 mg midazolam), thoracic paravertebral block (PVB) is performed in the awake patient placed in lateral or sitting position by skillful anesthesiologist. After local anesthetic infiltration of the skin and muscular plane (5 ml lidocaine 2 %), a Tuohy 17-gauge needle is inserted at level of T4-T5, 3 cm on the left side of the spinous process of the T4 dorsalis vertebra. Identification of the paravertebral space is done by loss-of-resistance technique, without ultrasound or nerve stimulator, first identifying T4 transversus process with a recently reviewed technique [33]. According to the surgical approach (mono- or bithoracotomic), asymmetric mono- and/or bilateral PVB analgesia is performed. The left block is set by a catheter inserted 3 cm on the left side of the spinous process of T4 dorsalis vertebra, between fourth and fifth inter-transverse process, and the right PVB is established by a catheter inserted 3 cm on the right of the spinous process of T2 dorsalis vertebra, between third and fourth inter-transverse process.
When paravertebral space is reached, an epidural catheter (19 gauge) is inserted and left at 2 cm beyond the tip of the needle. A subcutaneous tunnel is made for avoiding accidental catheter removal. A cumulative dose of 20 ml of 0.5 % ropivacaine (100 mg) is done for intraoperative analgesia (10 ml at left mini-thoracotomy closure). Induction of general anesthesia is performed with doses of sodium thiopental (4 mg/kg), fentanyl (200 mcg total dose), and rocuronium (0.6 mg/kg). A single lumen tube (monolateral approach) or a bi-lumen endotracheal tube (bilateral approach) is inserted for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation performed with a protective strategy (tidal volume 8 ml/kg, respiratory rate 10 b/min, PEEP: 4 cmH2O). Anesthesia is maintained by propofol (3–5 mg/kg/h) and remifentanil infusions (0.05–0.1 mcg/kg/min). At the end of the surgical procedure, remifentanil and propofol infusion are suspended, and extubation is performed if possible in short time in OR, in order to guarantee afterload reduction of the right ventricle. The patients are transferred to the ICU. Postoperative pain control is assured by 0.2 % ropivacaine continuous infusion at speed of 5 ml/h by paravertebral route, intravenous continuous infusion (elastomeric device) at 3 mcg/h of sufentanil, and intravenous analgesics upon patient request. PVB catheter is maintained for 48 hrs and afterward removed.
24.5 General Anesthesia
As premedication, flunitrazepam, 2 mg, is administered orally 90 mins before surgery. On arrival in the operating room, a large-bore peripheral venous catheter and a radial artery catheter are inserted. After baseline monitoring, intravenous (IV) anesthesia is induced, following preoxygenation, over a period of 10 mins with thiopental, 1.5 mg/kg; fentanyl, 5 mcg/kg; and rocuronium, 0.6 mg/kg. Endotracheal intubation is performed 5 mins after administration of rocuronium, and controlled ventilation with oxygen/air (FIO2 = 0.6) is instituted to normocapnia (end-tidal PCO2 35–40 mmHg). Endotracheal intubation is performed with single or double lumen tube, with possibility to exclude right or left lung when necessary. After induction of anesthesia, a central venous catheter is inserted in the right internal jugular vein. The central venous catheter (CVC) is positioned on the left jugular vein for not cluttering the pedestal implant procedure (in case of Jarvik 2000 implantation). In this phase, anesthesia is maintained with continuous inhalation of sevoflurane (0.9 %) and sufentanil (0.1 mcg/kg/h). Before thoracotomy and mini-sternotomy, IV continuous infusion of propofol at a rate of 4–6 mg/kg/h is started. During and after the incisions, both groups are supplemented with intermittent boluses (5 mcg/kg) of fentanyl (up to a total maintenance dose of 30 mcg/kg) received prophylactically to blunt brief but intense periods of pain and autonomic stimulation (sternal splitting and spread, aortic mobilization, clamping and de-clamping, and sternal thoracotomy closure). Each patient receives 0.025 mg/kg of pancuronium every hour for muscle relaxation and mechanical ventilation during surgery. Propofol infusion is stopped at the end of surgery, and extubation is performed if possible in the operating room (OR). Postoperative pain control is assured by intravenous continuous infusion (elastomeric device) at 3 mcg/h of sufentanil at the first 48 postoperative hours and intravenous analgesics upon patient request.
24.6 Common Anesthetist Strategies
In both modalities, anesthesia is monitored by the bispectral index of the EEG (BIS) [BIS® monitor; Aspect MS, Newton, MA-USA]. A Swan-Ganz catheter and a transesophageal echocardiography probe are inserted for monitoring right and left ventricular function and LVAD inflow cannula orientation. The visual analog scale (VAS) is used to assess the quality of analgesia, and data are collected at 1, 6, 24, and 48 h postoperatively [18–24].
24.7 Surgical Technique Evolution at Padua University
Initially the routine technique was the left thoracotomy (17 pts.; 17.8 %). It currently is used only in cases of reoperation or impossibility to approach the ascending aorta. Subsequently, we experienced full sternotomy for only 13 cases (13.5 %). Almost immediately, the technique evolved toward a less invasive approach with the combination of the anterior left mini-thoracotomy (LMT) to high mini-sternotomy (28 pts.; 29.2 %). Nowadays, the approach of choice is the association of anterior LMT in fifth intercostal space with anterior right mini-thoracotomy (RMT) in II intercostal space (32 pts.; 33.4 %) or left axillary artery (6 pts.; 6.1 %).
24.8 Implant Procedure
LMT associated to mini-midline upper sternotomy:
(off-pump implantation and thoracic monolateral PVB analgesia)
Surgical times:
First step: LVAD implantation requires LV apex isolation, for inflow cannula insertion. In minimally invasive approaches, the isolation of the cardiac apex is obtained through a 5–8 cm LMT. The patient is placed in supine position, as usually in cardiac surgery for a sternotomy access. The skin incision is performed in correspondence of the first intercostal space below the left areola in men and in correspondence of the submammary sulcus in women. The intercostal space target depends on the location of the heart apex and is detected by physical palpation or with the aid of echocardiography. In most of the cases, it matches with the fifth intercostal space. After incision of the intercostal muscles and the pleural space, a soft tissue retractor is used for exposure and a rib retractor is positioned. The left lung is at this phase excluded from the ventilation, providing a good exposure of the apical pericardium, that once opened is fixed to the skin, so as to displace out the cardiac apex and also to reduce interference with the left lung. The insertion site of LVAD is marked on the LV by echocardiographic assessment using a finger on the apex for mimicking the inflow cannula. At this stage, we are ready to prepare the apical sewing cuff to which to anchor the VAD. This is the single action during minimally invasive VAD implantation, which is equal for all the available devices and for all the different procedures (◘ Fig. 24.1).

Fig. 24.1
Left mini-thoracotomy for HVAD implantation
Second step: When we decide to proceed toward mini-sternotomy, we can saw the manubrium and/or the manubrium and part of the body, up to the third–fourth intercostal space. The outflow vascular graft is tunneled and stretched underneath the left mini-thoracotomy to the high mini-sternotomy, in order to measure and next cut the right length of the graft without kinking or overstretching it. According to the extension of the mini-sternotomy, a different section of the ascending aorta is exposed. When mini-sternotomy up to the fourth intercostal space is performed, the outflow graft anastomosis will match with the anterior face of the aorta, in its portion near the sino-tubular junction. Otherwise, when the sternum is split up to the third intercostal space, the anastomosis will be performed in correspondence of the frontal face of the ascending aorta in an intermediate position between the sino-tubular junction and the trunk anonymous emergency. Finally, if the sole sternal manubrium is interrupted, the anastomosis will be in the front position of the aorta, close to the emergence of anonymous arterial trunk. In all cases, the outflow graft anastomosis is performed with the aid of a side clamp on the ascending aorta.
Third step: The timing and methods for the driveline management are different depending on the device.
For the HVAD, the technique is simple and rapid: the driveline is tunneled subcutaneously from LMT to the exit point at left lower abdominal quadrant and thereafter re-tunneled to exit its tip contralaterally at right lower abdominal quadrant.
For the Jarvik 2000, the driveline positioning is more complex and time-consuming: the power cable is tunneled through the LMT underneath the pericardium following the profile, by using a blunt-tip instrument, and stretched to the upper mini-sternotomy. The pedestal is then secured to the parietal bone behind and slightly above, indifferently the right or left ear. A C-shaped incision is performed around the ear, and a full-thickness flap is raised down to the periosteum. Recently we changed the incision shape versus a straight line incision, to preserve the vascularization of the flap. The periosteum is elevated beneath the skin flap, and a template is used to define the position of the bone screws. Any skull irregularity is burred-off to give a flat surface. The three-pin connector is tunneled from the jugular space, through the neck, to the behind-the-ear connector position, and then inserted in the titanium pedestal. To convey the three-pin connector and power cable to the skull pedestal site, the incision is made on the neck, almost 2 cm under the basis of the ear. The tunneling is achieved by inserting the three-pin connector within the end of an intercostal drain. The drain is withdrawn out of the chest and through the neck to the scalp. The three-pin connector is then inserted through the titanium pedestal. This is then implanted firmly onto the external table by using 7 or 8 mm bone screws. The postauricular skin flap is repositioned with the percutaneous pedestal through the punched-out defect. The scalp and skin incisions are then closed securely. The external power cable is attached to the skull pedestal, and with the Jarvik 2000 LVAD outside the ventricle, the power is switched on to test the device in a basket filled with saline solution.
Fourth step: The VAD sewing ring is secured by using interrupted 2–0 polypropylene-pledgeted sutures and sealing the suture line applying BioGlue (CryoLife, Kennesaw, GA). Once 5000 UI of heparin is administered, VAD inflow cannula is off-pump inserted into LV through the apex. The correct housing position of the cannula is echocardiographically monitored and then tightened the sewing ring (◘ Fig. 24.2).

Fig. 24.2
Left mini-thoracotomy for Jarvik 2000 implantation
Fifth step: A side clamp is placed on the ascending aorta and the outflow graft anastomosed, by using a 4-0 RBII polypropylene suture, and then reinforced with BioGlue surgical adhesive. After complete deairing, the outflow graft cross clamp is released and gradually increased pump speed to achieve the desired flow.
Sixth step: Once suspended remifentanil and propofol infusions, the patient is extubated when possible, in short time in OR, in order to guarantee self-inotropic support and afterload reduction to right ventricle. The patient is then transferred in the ICU.
Seventh step: Postoperative pain control is assured by continuous infusions of 0.2 % paravertebral ropivacaine at 5 ml/h speed when PVB is performed, in addition to 3 mcg/h in elastomeric device of sufentanil and paracetamol boluses (1 g/6 h). The visual analog scale is used to assess the quality of analgesia with a target between 2 and 3. PVB catheter is maintained for almost 48 hrs and removed when the patient is discharged from ICU.
LMT associated to right mini-thoracotomy:
(off-pump implantation and bilateral-thoracic PVB analgesia)
Surgical times:
First step: (See First step of the previous paragraph.)
Second step: The procedure continues through an incision in the second right intercostal space (RMT). The medial edge of the surgical incision should correspond 1.1–1.5 cm lateral to the right margin of the sternal bone and the course of the right internal mammary artery. The lateral edge is extended for 4–5 cm along the intercostal space without rib resection (◘ Fig. 24.3). Once dissected the subcutaneous tissue, the fascia and the intercostal muscle, the pleural space is opened and the right lung is gently pushed down with moist gauze. The right lung is at this time excluded from the ventilation. The internal thoracic artery and vein are isolated and interrupted by applying two clips. The space is better exposed by using a soft tissue retractor and rib retractor. The anterolateral mediastinal fat tissue and thymic remnants are dissected and coagulated for better hemostasis. Particular attention should be paid to hemostasis of fat tissue, because this maneuver would become very complicated if delayed at the end of the procedure. Once opened the pericardium longitudinally, and fixed it to the skin (medial edge of the pericardium), in the foreground appears the ascending aorta, on a lower level the superior vena cava, while the right atrial appendage in a few cases overhangs the ascending aorta. The pulmonary artery on the contrary lies much deeper in the chest, and the best maneuver to manage it is to release the pericardium (medial edge) and to pull on the pericardium (distal edge) in order to cause a twisting of the great vessel axis, shifting the pulmonary artery in a higher plane than the aorta. The outflow graft is then tunneled through the LMT underneath the pericardium following the profile, by using a blunt-tip instrument, and stretched to the RMT.