Institute of Pathology, Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria
12.1 Amyloidosis
Amyloidosis is a metabolic disease characterized by the deposition of amyloid in lung tissues. Amyloidosis is presently regarded as a protein-misfolding disease [1, 2]. Normally four proteins are folded into a complex with the help of chaperones. Many different forms of amyloid proteins have been identified. Misfolding can occur in several different compositions of amyloid [3]. Most common are amyloid A and P; however, microglobulin 2β, transthyretin, and others can also be seen in pulmonary amyloidosis. These misfolded proteins are much less soluble and therefore are deposited along blood vessels in different organs, among them also the lung.
The reason for amyloid deposition can be a tumor; one of the best-known examples is plasmocytoma. In this case, amyloid is formed out of misfolded immunoglobulins secreted by the tumor cells. Chronic inflammation such as collagen vascular diseases can also cause amyloid deposition [4, 5]. Amyloid deposition can occur as a tumorlike deposit, either along the bronchial tree or within the lung periphery (nodular form), or it can be diffuse perivascular and interstitial (Figs. 12.1 and 12.2). Nodular amyloidosis most often is associated with primary amyloidosis. Peribronchial amyloidosis most often imitates a tumorlike pattern on X-ray and HRCT pattern (Fig. 12.3), parenchymal deposits, if nodular, also imitates a tumor; diffuse deposition can be peribronchial or parenchymal and is most often caused by systemic amyloidosis [6–8]. Amyloid stains eosin red and orange by the Congo red stain; it can be demonstrated by immunohistochemistry using specific antibodies for the different components [9]. If a Congo red stain is applied, the tissue section should be examined under polarized light, where the stain exhibits a green birefringence – this is essential because immune complexes might show an identical staining pattern, but do not polarize light (Figs. 12.4 and 12.5). Amyloid deposits very often will cause a tissue reaction with lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates and foreign body giant cells forming granulomas at the border of the deposits; in addition calcification and metaplastic bone formation do occur (Fig. 12.6). The major differential diagnosis to amyloidosis is IgG4-mediated fibrosis and hyalinosis; however, the dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrations will lead to the correct diagnosis.

Fig. 12.1
Nodular amyloidosis showing an isolated nodule within an otherwise normal lung background. H&E, bar 500 μm

Fig. 12.2
Diffuse amyloidosis with abundant deposition in alveoli and alveolar walls. H&E, bar 100 μm

Fig. 12.3
Nodular amyloidosis with an additional dense lymphocytic background. This case presented as amyloidoma. In the lower center, obstruction of a large blood vessel by amyloid is seen. H&E, bar 200 μm

Fig. 12.4
Amyloidosis, Congo red stain shows orange staining. ×100

Fig. 12.5
Amyloidosis, Congo red stain polarized. Note the change of the color into green. ×50

Fig. 12.6
Foreign body giant cell reaction in amyloidosis. Many giant cells try to ingest the deposited amyloid. H&E
12.2 Disturbed Calcium Metabolism
12.2.1 Calcification and Osseous Metaplasia
Tracheobronchopathia chondro–osteoplastica is characterized by an osseous metaplasia outside preexisting cartilages. It occurs only in large bronchi. Calcification can occur and even the bone marrow can be formed within the bones (Figs. 12.7 and 12.8). The border to the surrounding soft tissue is respected. In cases of irregular ossification, think of either amyloidosis, which quite often can show osseous metaplasia within the amyloid deposits, or osseous metaplasia in the peripheral lung, which is different (see below).

Fig. 12.7
Tracheobronchopathia chondro-osteoplastica. Note the newly formed bone with some bone marrow structures inside. There is no association with the cartilage. H&E, ×50

Fig. 12.8
For comparison a calcified cartilage is shown, which is not a tracheobronchopathia. H&E, ×100
The cause is unknown, but a link to genes regulating bronchial maturation and differentiation is likely; it can occur in young-aged patients. It has also been described in dogs [10]. The major symptom is airflow obstruction sometimes followed by purulent bronchitis and pneumonia of the affected lobe/segment. It should be clearly differentiated from degeneration of the cartilage in the elderly with subsequent calcification and ossification – this has nothing to do with tracheobronchopathia.
Dendriform pulmonary ossification is characterized by bone formation within the alveolar septa, most often localized within one lobe and the upper lobes preferentially involved (Figs. 12.9 and 12.10). There is often fibrosis of the alveolar septa, out of which bone metaplasia evolves. The bone marrow can develop within these bones. The cause is unclear. In some instances, hypoxia might be the cause as in fibrosing pneumonia; in other cases, it is found in patients with kidney insufficiency [11–13]; however, there are other cases described in the literature and in my experience in some of them no underlying diseases could be identified. There is usually no disturbance of the calcium metabolism. Parenchymal ossification (osseous metaplasia) does not interfere with lung function.

Fig. 12.9
Dendriform pulmonary ossification showing normal bone spicules within the otherwise regular lung tissue. H&E, 500 μm

Fig. 12.10
Dendriform pulmonary ossification on higher magnification showing regular lamellar bone formation. H&E, 100 μm
Metabolic/metastatic pulmonary calcification of the alveolar septa can occur in patients with hyperparathyroidism and hypercalcemia [14–17]. Most often the kidneys and the stomach, which functionally are involved in ion exchange, are additionally affected. A loss of anions (CO3 −) will lead to the deposition of insoluble calcium compounds. The deposition is usually diffuse and forms a network completely outlining the septa (Figs. 12.11 and 12.12). There is no inflammatory reaction toward the calcium deposits in contrast to microlithiasis and no ossification. Primary and secondary hyperthyroidism equally can induce diffuse lung calcification. Therapy is mainly focused on the treatment of the underlying disease. In addition rare cases without endocrine disorders have been described [14, 18].

Fig. 12.11
Diffuse metabolic calcification in a patient with primary hyperthyroidism. Note the fine calcium compound deposition outlining the alveolar septa. H&E, bar 500 μm

Fig. 12.12
Diffuse metabolic calcification in a patient with primary hyperthyroidism, higher magnification of the same case. H&E, bar 50 μm
Microlithiasis is a diffuse lung disease characterized by a deposition of microliths in the alveolar septa and lumina with a foreign body giant cell reaction. The giant cells phagocytose the microliths. Large foreign body cell granulomas can be formed. The microliths show usually a center, which can be calcified, and several layers of different minerals usually also containing calcium deposited in an appositional cockleshell-like growth (Fig. 12.13). Microlithiasis can be a focal or a diffuse lung disease. The etiology was unknown until recently: first familial cases were described [19], and finally a candidate gene, SLC34A2, which encodes a type IIb sodium phosphate cotransporter was found to be mutated in all six patients being investigated. SLC34A2 is specifically expressed in type II pneumocytes, and the mutation abolishes the normal protein function, finally resulting in calcium compound deposition [20, 21]. There exists no specific therapy. In most instances, patients will die within several years, because the disease is slowly progressive and will impair lung function. In severe cases, lung transplantation can be considered [22, 23]. Microlithiasis should be clearly separated from lung tissue with alveoliths (Fig. 12.13h), i.e., concentric lamellae of proteins around a crystalline center, lying within the alveolar lumina without any tissue reaction.

Fig. 12.13
Microlithiasis of the lung, three different cases are shown. (a, b) Microlithiasis with pronounced fibrosis of the lung. The small stones are most often within cystic remnants of lung lobules, only few are also in the stroma. (c, d) Another case with numerous stones, which show an appositional growth, again most stones are in remnants of lung lobules. (e–g) In the final case, here the classical picture is seen with the stones within the fibrosed tissue and also with pronounced foreign body giant cell reaction. In addition there is intense inflammation and some fibroblast foci. (h) A case with alveoliths. This material is a waste product of pneumocytes and has nothing to do with microlithiasis. The corpuscles are lying within the alveoli without any reaction from the tissue. Alveoliths can be seen in bronchoalveolar lavage. H&E, bars 100, 50 μm
12.3 Lipid and Surfactant Metabolism
Specific metabolic surfactant disturbances due to genetic defects/disorders are seen in children and adults. In some instances, these are based on defects in surfactant apoprotein or transporter genes (congenital type), namely, surfactant protein B and C (SP-B, SP-C), and ATP-binding cassette transporter family member mutations (ABCA3) [24–28]. Other factors causing alveolar proteinosis are associated with the metabolic degradation pathway as GM-CSF, GM receptor gene, located on chromosomes 2, 5, and 22, respectively [29]. In these cases, most often autoantibodies against GM-CSF or the receptor has been found [30–32]. Also the downregulation of GM-CSF synthesis might induce alveolar proteinosis [33]. Whereas in children alveolar proteinosis is most often inherited and based on gene function loss, in adults, it is most often acquired. The etiology in the adult form in many cases is based on autoantibodies for GM-CSF; mutations of surfactant genes and transporter genes are absent. In addition exposure to dusts or chemicals, insecticides, silica, aluminum, or titanium dust, as well as infections such as tuberculosis, HIV infection in immunosuppressed patients, and finally hematological malignancies may cause alveolar proteinosis [30, 34]. There exists a rare autosomal recessive multisystem disorder called lysinuric protein intolerance that occurs in Finland and Italy, which also produces alveolar proteinosis [35–37]. The mechanisms on how these diverse diseases cause alveolar proteinosis are still to be discovered. The histology of alveolar proteinosis can present with different morphology depending on the underlying abnormality.
Alveolar proteinosis is characterized by a deposition of proteinaceous material usually within the alveoli, but sometimes also in alveolar walls. The material is composed of proteins, lipids, and surfactant components (Fig. 12.14). In adults usually no inflammatory infiltrations are seen. A bronchoalveolar lavage is almost diagnostic: on recovery a milky fluid is seen with high lipid content. On cytology there are few cells, but a proteinaceous material, positively stained by PAS. High-resolution CT shows a panlobular distribution of increased alveolar density and a superimposed reticular pattern, called “crazy paving.” Chronic alveolar proteinosis is rarely seen in young patients suffering from idiopathic alveolar proteinosis. After several years of treatment, there is mild, however, functionally important diffuse fibrosis of the alveolar walls (Fig. 12.15).

Fig. 12.14
Alveolar proteinosis with two different etiologies. Upper panel is alveolar proteinosis from a young male with autoantibodies against GM-CSF with classical accumulation of lipids and proteins in the alveoli. Middle and lower panels are alveolar proteinosis in a case with tuberculosis. A large granuloma is seen at the right side of the figure in the middle; the alveolar proteinosis pattern is seen to the left and higher magnified in the lower panel figure. H&E, ×100, bars 100 μm

Fig. 12.15

Chronic alveolar proteinosis in a 19-year-old male. The patient was diagnosed with surfactant apoprotein C mutation and was treated by BAL for years. He finally developed diffuse fibrosis and died with acute alveolar proteinosis. Top: autopsy lung showing cystic remodeling of the lung. Middle: diffuse fibrosis of alveolar walls, the lumina are filled with proteinaceous material. Bottom: electron microscopy showing the abnormal lamellar bodies. ×100 and 6,000 (Courtesy Abida Haque, Galveston)

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