Study (year)
Pre-implant diagnosis (number of patients)
Follow-up [months]
HF recurrence [number (%)]
Deaths [number (%)]
Post-explant patient survival rates (%)
1 year
3 years
5 years
7 years
10 years
Müller et al. (1997) [1]
IDCM (5)
Hetzer et al. (1999) [2]
IDCM (19)
5 (26.7%)
2 (10.5%)
Hetzer et al. (2001) [27]
IDCM (28)
9 (32.1%)
5 (17.8%)
Ferrar et al. (2002) [4]
Nonischemic HF (22)a
3 (15.8%)
3 (15.8%)
Dandel et al. (2005) [3]
IDCM (32)
14 (43.7%)
6 (18.7%)
Simon et al. (2005) [23]
Acute + chronic HF (11)b
2 (20.0%)
Birks et al. (2006) [21]
Nonischemic cardiomyopathy (11)
59 ± 5 (max 67.5)
1 (9.1%)
3 (27.3%)
81.8 at 4 years
Dandel et al. (2008) [8]
IDCM (35)
16 (45.7%)
8 (22.9%)
Dandel et al. (2011) [22]
Nonischemic CCM (47)c
17 (36.2%)
14 (29.8%)
Dandel et al. (2012) [9]
Nonischemic CCM (53)c
20 (37.7%)
15 (28.3%)
Birks et al. (2012) [26]
DCM (37)d
Myocarditis (3)
46 ± 39
7 (17.5%)
8 (20.0%)
12.3.1 Long-Term Results After VAD Explantation
In patients with nonischemic CCM, the study with the largest number of weaned patients and the longest post-weaning follow-up revealed probabilities of 67.1 ± 7.6% and 47.3 ± 9.2% for 5-year and 10-year freedom from HF recurrence after VAD explantation, respectively, without differences between patients weaned from pulsatile and non-pulsatile VADs [9]. These good results were possible although before explantation, only 8,7% of the weaned patients had an LV ejection fraction (LVEF) >50% [9]. Thus VAD explantation can be successful even after incomplete cardiac recovery. In another study, the post-explant rate of freedom from death or HTx reached 69% at both 5 and 7 years [26]. A recent evaluation of 53 weaned patients with nonischemic CCM as the underlying cause for VAD implantation revealed 5- and 10-year post-explant survival probabilities (including post-HTx survival for those with HF recurrence) of 72.8 ± 6.6% and 67.0 ± 7.2%, respectively [9]. Assessment of post-weaning survival only from HF recurrence or weaning-related complications revealed higher probabilities for 5- and 10-year survival (87.8 ± 5.3% and 82.6 ± 7.3%, respectively) [9]. In a study which compared long-term outcomes of patients bridged to recovery versus patients bridged to HTx, the actuarial survival rate at 5 years after LVAD explantation was 73.9%, whereas in the group bridged to HTx where all patients were finally transplanted, the actuarial post-HTx survival rate at 5 years was 78.3% [26]. Thus, patients weaned from VADs were not at a higher risk for death in comparison to those who underwent HTx, even if the recovery was incomplete and the underlying cause for VAD implantation was a chronic cardiomyopathy. For patients with nonischemic CCM as the underlying cause for MCS, the 5-year survival probability of VAD-explanted patients was also higher than that of patients who could not be weaned from their VAD (73% versus 52%, p < 0.01) [7]. The good long-term survival data of weaned patients with IDCM as the underlying cause for MCS, a disease that long time was considered to be almost irreversible, also suggest that VAD explantation should be considered in all VAD recipients with relevant cardiac improvement, not only in those with potentially more reversible cardiac diseases [3].
12.3.2 Assessment of Cardiac Recovery After VAD Implantation
Assessment of recovery, either at rest or during exercise, necessitates temporary interruptions of mechanical unloading (“off-pump trials”). Short off-pump trials allow evaluations of the heart under the same circumstances which will exist after VAD removal. However, whereas pulsatile VADs allow optimal cardiac assessment during complete pump stops, complete stops of axial-flow pumps lead to retrograde flow into the LV followed by reduction of the diastolic arterial pressure which, reducing the LV afterload, can generate overestimations of LV systolic function. The misleading retrograde blood flow into the LV during off-pump trials can impede correct weaning decisions. Therefore, for such pumps, rotor speed reduction to values which result in close to zero flow in one cardiac cycle (3000–6000 rpm) is better than complete pump stop [3]. Before off-pump trials heparin must be given (60–100 IU/kg according to the prothrombin time) to prevent thrombus formation inside the pump [8, 22]. Patients with heparin-induced thrombocytopenia should receive argatroban (synthetic thrombin inhibitor) infusions (2 μg/kg/min started 1 h before off-pump trials) [22]. Duration of individual off-pump periods can vary between 3 and 15 min [8, 22]. In patients with a BVAD, it is appropriate to stop both pumps (RV pump 30 s earlier than the LV pump) [22]. In patients with insufficient recovery, as already shown during the first 3 min, the off-pump trial should be stopped [9]. With appropriate caution, the risk of off-pump trials is low [9, 22]. In patients with cardiac recovery, it appeared useful to conduct such trials weekly or every 2 weeks and to make the final decision for elective LVAD explantation only after cardiac improvement has reached its maximum (no further improvement in at least two consecutive off-pump trials) [9]. During recovery it appears useful to change the working mode of the pumps in order to intensify the unloading if the ventricle size needs further reduction or to exert moderate load on the ventricular muscle after maximum improvement [1, 2, 8].
The main diagnostic methods to assess cardiac recovery are echocardiography, heart catheterization, and cardiopulmonary exercise testing.
Role of Echocardiography
Echocardiography is the cornerstone for both selection of potential weaning candidates and evaluation of clinically relevant recovery. After VAD implantation, repeated transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) screenings with normal VAD function are necessary for selection of potential weaning candidates. Weaning candidates are patients with LV end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) <55 mm (or 55–60 mm at BSA ≥1.8m2) and fractional shortening (FS) >15%, no or ≤grade I mitral and/or aortic regurgitation, no RV dilation, and TR ≤grade II [22]. Before the first off-pump trial, it is useful to perform stepwise pump rate reductions under TTE monitoring to verify whether complete interruption of unloading is possible and also makes sense. Thus, if incomplete interruption of unloading already provokes symptoms (dizziness, sweating, etc.), complete interruption of unloading is risky and senseless. If the patient remains asymptomatic but the LVEDD increases beyond 60 mm, a complete interruption, although possible, is senseless, because such a patient is not yet a weaning candidate (◘ Table 12.2).
Table 12.2
Transthoracic echocardiographic measurements for evaluation of cardiac recovery during off-pump trials
Echocardiographic methods | Measurements |
2D echocardiography | LV end-diastolic and end-systolic diameters (LVEDD and LVESD, respectively) LV end-diastolic short/long axis ratio (S/LED) LV end-diastolic relative wall thickness (RWTED )a LV fractional shortening (FS) LV ejection fraction (LVEF) measured by biplane Simpson’s method RV end-diastolic dimensions (on parasternal and apical views) RV fractional area change (FAC) and ejection fraction (RVEF) |
PW and color Doppler | Doppler indices of LV diastolic function (transmitral flow, isovolumetric relaxation time) LV stroke volume (SV)b Regurgitation on mitral, aortic, tricuspid, and pulmonary valves |
CW Doppler | Pulmonary arterial systolic pressure estimation in patients with tricuspid valve regurgitation |
Tissue Doppler imaging | LV systolic wall motion peak velocity (Sm) at the basal posterior wall measured with the pulsed-wave tissue Doppler (PW-TD) Tricuspid lateral annulus peak systolic wall motion velocity (TAPS’) measured on apical four-chamber views with the PW-TD |
Speckle tracking 2D strain imaging | LV radial, circumferential, and longitudinal strain and strain rate LV synchrony and synergy of contraction |
The actual echo-assessment of recovery in weaning candidates is usually based on the results of repeated off-pump trials at rest. After long-term VAD support, even short periods of physiological loading by interruption of unloading may represent a challenge for a possibly incomplete recovered ventricle. It therefore appears reasonable to avoid at least initially any risk of myocardial exhaustion which might interfere with possibly still ongoing recovery. For this reason, all 116 adults who were weaned in the German Heart Institute Berlin between 1995 and 2015 from long-term VADs underwent assessments of cardiac recovery exclusively at rest [9, 22]. Although echo-assessment at rest is limited by the lack of information about inotropic reserves and cardiac adaptation to stress, the weaning results appeared relevantly unaffected by that, insofar as the results reported by groups who used stress echocardiography and/or exercise testing were not better [9, 25]. Nevertheless, dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) can provide valuable information for weaning decisions. Conventionally, an absolute EF increase by 5% during dopamine infusion indicates preservation of contractile reserve [25]. A possible limitation of DSE might be the risk of myocardial exhaustion with negative impact on an ongoing myocardial recovery process. Further studies are therefore necessary to establish the real value of DSE for weaning decisions.
In principle, off-pump TTE at rest should be as comprehensive as possible, including tissue Doppler and strain imaging. Unfortunately not all recommended parameters are measurable in all weaning candidates because of poor image quality in some patients with VAD support.
Importance of Right Heart Catheterization
Off-pump right heart catheterization (RHC) is another cornerstone for recovery assessment [9, 25]. RHC is paramount for final decisions in favor of or against VAD explantation. A final off-pump trial of ≥15 min in the operation room, with repeated hemodynamic measurements under continuous echo-monitoring, is indispensable before explantation surgery [9]. RHC is also necessary before any preliminary decision making in weaning candidates with borderline TTE data and/or relevant cardiac improvement only after >6 months of unloading and/or long history length of HF [9, 22]. In patients with axial-flow pumps, such preliminary RHCs are more reliable if off-pump measurements are preceded by occlusion of the outlet cannula with a balloon [9]. Balloon occlusion allows complete stops of these pumps without any misleading retrograde flow into the ventricle [7]. Normal and stable hemodynamics during off-pump RHC trials is a necessary condition for a decision in favor of VAD removal, but not sufficiently predictive for long-term post-explant cardiac stability [9, 22].
Exercise Testing
Recovered patients showed after the 6 min walk (6 MW) no correlation between heart rate (HR) and mean arterial pressure (MAP), suggesting that HR increase was independent of MAP change (true inotropic reserve response) [25]. Unlike non-recovered patients, those with unloading-promoted recovery also showed significant LVEF increase after the 6 MW [25]. Harefield Hospital (UK) developed an algorithm for testing recovery that includes a 6 MW test with repeated measurements afterward to determine the inotropic reserve [25]. The same group also uses cardiopulmonary exercise testing using oxygen uptake (VO2) for weaning decisions [25].
12.3.3 Optimizing Unloading-Promoted Cardiac Recovery
Whereas renin, angiotensin II (Ang-II), and aldosterone plasma levels usually decrease after LVAD implantation, in the unloaded myocardium, both norepinephrine (NE) and Ang-II tissue levels are elevated and promote cardiac interstitial fibrosis with increase in myocardial stiffness [32]. Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, being able to reduce myocardial Ang-II and also the Ang-II-induced myocardial sympathetic activation, can prevent the progression of extracellular matrix remodeling, and in combination with MCS, ACE inhibitors might be able to reverse, at least partially, that remodeling [32]. Additionally, also Ang-II receptor antagonists, aldosterone antagonists, and β-blockers are recommended to promote recovery during VAD support [8, 25]. Medication doses should be individually adapted with the goal of reducing HR toward 55–60 bpm and blood pressure to the lowest optimally tolerated value, as well as to maintain optimal renal function [9].
More recently, clenbuterol (selective β2-adrenergic receptor agonist) appeared able to promote myocardial recovery during VAD support [21, 25]. With clenbuterol as additional therapy, the weaning rate from VADs increased beyond 60% (Harefield study) [21, 25]. To confirm these results, a multicenter trial using the Harefield protocol was initiated in the USA (Harp trial) [25]. Unfortunately, only one of the 17 patients enrolled in the HARP study finally underwent explantation.
A potential tool for facilitation of unloading-promoted myocardial recovery might in the future be the development of automatic control strategies for the LV afterload impedance allowing optimization of unloading and a controlled “myocardial training” [7].
12.3.4 Pre-explant Prediction of Long-Term Stability of Cardiac Recovery
After VAD implantation, TTE parameters of “off-pump” cardiac function, ventricular size and geometry, their stability between and during off-pump trials after maximum improvement, and HF duration before VAD implantation allow detection of patients with the potential to remain stable for >5 post-weaning years [8, 9, 22]. Final off-pump LVEF of ≥45% at rest showed a predictive value of 74% for post-explant cardiac stability of ≥5 years, but together with either HF history length of ≤5 years, or final off-pump LV end-diastolic diameter (LVEDD) ≤55 mm, or LV end-diastolic relative wall thickness (RWTED) ≥0.38, or LV systolic peak wall motion velocity (Sm) ≥8 cm/sec that predictive value can increase to 86% [8, 22]. Taking into consideration also the pre-explant stability of LVEF, LV size and LV geometry during the time between maximum improvement and VAD explantation, as well as during the final off-pump trial before VAD removal, the predictive value of TTE for post-explant cardiac stability of ≥5 years increases beyond 93% [9]. In patients with stable off-pump LVEF ≥45% at rest plus normal and stable LV size (LVEDD ≤55 mm) and/or geometry (RWTED ≥0.38), even the predictive value for post-explant cardiac stability of ≥10 years can reach 90% [9]. Exercise testing also appeared predictive for recovery. Stable or increased MAP and pulse pressure, as well as LVEF ≥53% after the 6 MW, appeared to be strong predictors of recovery [25].

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