Heart rate (Reece 2004)
Axial stretch
120/80 mmHg
Learoyd and Taylor (1966)
Delfino et al. (1997)
150/115 mmHg
1.4 (1.2–1.5)
Han and Fung (1995)
Mésangeau et al. (2000)
Han and Ku (2001)
Rachev and Shazly (2013)
140/70 mmHg
1.4 (1.2–1.5)
Han and Fung (1995)
Höglund et al. (2012)
Holzapfel et al. (2000)
130/65 mmHg (Carli 1974)
Matsumoto et al. (1999)
120/80 mmHg
1.4 (1–1.6)
Guo and Kassab (2003)
Gleason et al. (2004)
Dye et al. (1985)
13.2.2 Storage and Tissue Environment
Testing fresh tissue immediately after excision is not always possible. Therefore, storage of the sample is important as tissue degrades (often due to autolysis, which is the self-digestion of or destruction of cells by its own enzymes or microbial activity) over time if not stored in appropriate conditions. Studies have shown that neither refrigeration (Adham et al. 1996) nor freezing (O’Leary et al. 2014a) affect material properties of aortic tissue. However, it is generally recommended that samples be tested within 24 h of excision if possible, otherwise, be immediately frozen. Depending on the tissue type and water content, it may be necessary to use sophisticated techniques to control the rate of freezing to prevent the formation of ice crystals.
Tissue is at approximately 37 °C in vivo and some material properties of arterial tissue change with temperature (Humphrey 2003; Guinea et al. 2005). Heated baths of physiological solution (e.g. phosphate buffer solution) are used to ensure that material testing is performed at the same temperature as that in vivo.
13.2.3 Preconditioning
Soft tissue exhibits variation (softening) in the loading-unloading curves over the initial series of cycles. This is also observed in filled rubbers and is known as the Mullins effect (Mullins 1969). Preconditioning is performed to overcome this and involves subjecting the sample to a series of loading-unloading cycles until a repeatable curve is obtained. The pre-conditioning protocol should match the desired testing protocol in terms of strain rate so as not to influence the test data. To ensure repeatability, at least 10 cycles should be performed prior to testing.
13.2.4 Tissue Morphology
Microscopy is used to image morphology and structure. After mechanical testing, it is typical to fix the tissue sample in physiological fixative solution (a 4 % buffered solution of formaldehyde), embed in paraffin and sectioned into thin slices (e.g. 5 µm) using a microtome. Many histological stains are available depending on the desired biological component to be imaged; the common stains used in cardiovascular biomechanics being Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) to see the cell distribution, or pico-sirius red which stains collagen fibres. There are also specific stains (e.g. Verhoeff-van Gieson’s stain that enables the elastin distribution to be visualised). Microscopy can determine changes to the microstructure from different stretch protocols. Furthermore, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) or Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) can be used to examine failure regions of the tested sample, such as in the presence of calcified tissue (O’Leary et al. 2015) or during dissection as delamination occurs (Sommer et al. 2008).
13.3 Ex Vivo Measurement of Mechanical Properties
These methods all use samples of excised tissue. The tissues are subject to a known stress causing them to stretch, and the measurement system measures the resulting deformation enabling calculation of strain. From this, the stress-strain behaviour can be determined from which mechanical properties related to elasticity and viscoelasticity can be calculated. In this section a number of methods are described.
13.3.1 Uniaxial Extension
This is the most common mechanical test method and involves controlled stretching of a regular shaped sample in a single direction, often until failure. Dimensions of the sample are precisely measured beforehand particularly in the gauge length (i.e. the length over which data will be extracted). The force and displacement in the direction of elongation is measured throughout the test and used to infer behaviour of the tissue. The techniques used to test cardiovascular tissue have evolved from international industry standards used to test rubber (ASTM International 2013).
Typically, the sample is cut into dumbbell or rectangular shapes, selecting areas of uniform thickness, and mounted in the jaws of the tensile testing system. All dimensions are measured at least three times using either callipers or optical methods (see O’Leary et al. (2013) for the influence of thickness measurement error on data). The samples are mounted to the test machine using flat clamps at both ends of the specimen so as to exert a uniform force over the clamped area. To account for anisotropy (i.e. tissue can behaviour differently in both the circumferential and longitudinal direction), the orientation of the sample’s origin is noted. The sample is preconditioned until repeatable mechanical behaviour is observed (e.g. 10 cycles), then elongated until failure. The applied force is measured by the test machine using a load cell. The tissue displacements are measured, either by taking the displacement of the machine head or gauge region markers, or optically via marker tracking (Shazly et al. 2015) or digital image correlation techniques (Zhang et al. 2002; Zhang and Arola 2004). Optical tracking is the preferred option as it measures the true strain of the sample.
The resulting data is a plot of the stress versus the stretch. In mathematical terms, the stretch λ is defined as the fractional change in length of the sample in the unloaded, l o , and loaded, l, configurations:

The stress can be found with reference to the undeformed geometry, known as the first Piola-Kirchoff stress, P, (or often called the ‘engineering stress’) or with reference to the deformed geometry, known as the Cauchy stress, σ, (often called the ‘true stress’). In the case of uniform deformation, these stresses can be found via:

where f x is the applied load, t and w are the reference thickness and width of the specimen in the gauge region, and Eq. 13.3 is derived from the assumed incompressibility of vascular tissue (Chuong and Fung 1984).


The most common parameter describing the mechanical behaviour is the Young’ modulus, which is the ratio of stress over strain. This is applicable when the stress-strain behaviour is linear. However, it was noted in Chap. 1 that many biological materials exhibit a non-linear stress-strain relationship. The mechanical behaviour can be characterised by the incremental Young’s modulus, which is the slope of the stress/strain curve. More commonly, the stress-strain behaviour is characterised by a non-linear constitutive model containing two or more parameters (the details of such models are beyond the scope of this book; however see Chap. 1 for a brief description).
Uniaxial extension is the most common measurement undertaken to measure mechanical properties related to stiffness. There is measurement of displacement in only one direction (as opposed to two directions in the biaxial system described in the next section); hence, the instrumentation costs are relatively low. For materials, which are anisotropic the stress-strain behaviour will be different depending on the orientation of the material. For example, in arteries the mechanical behaviour is different in the longitudinal and circumferential directions.
13.3.2 Planar Biaxial Extension
This involves stress-strain measurements in a single plane. Simple biaxial testing involves stretching in two directions (x, y) at 90° to each other. More complex systems have the capability of stretching along multiple different directions. Figure 13.1 shows a simple schematic of this test, whereas Fig. 13.2 shows an actual image of a sample of intraluminal thrombus (ILT) under equi-biaxial extension (O’Leary et al. 2013).

Fig. 13.1
Schematic of planar biaxial tension test, with coordinate system O(X1, X2), in the a reference and b deformed configurations

Fig. 13.2
Biaxial testing of intraluminal thrombus. i A speckle pattern is applied to the sample surface or ii an evenly dispersed grid of virtual points is used by the optical tracking algorithm to produce, iii displacement vectors
Typically, a square specimen is cut from a larger tissue sample. The sample dimensions are measured; sample dimensions are typically much bigger than in uniaxial tests (e.g. 14 × 14 mm in Fig. 13.2). The sample is mounted to the biaxial test machine. Instead of clamps used in uniaxial tests, hooks, barbs and tines are often used. Hooks and barbs can damage the tissue, especially under high strain, and samples can be lost due to failure at the boundaries. Evenly spread tines are the preferred option (as in Fig. 13.2). Loading is applied along each axis and is independently controlled, enabling variable loading rates or different stretch ratios in each direction. The displacement of marks on the central region of the specimen surface is tracked optically (see Fig. 13.2) or by using full-field methods like Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry (ESPI) or Digital Image Correlation (DIC). It is important to only examine the central region to avoid the effects present from the attachment area. This is known as Saint-Venant’s principle and become negligible beyond a critical distance (decay length) from the grips. For cardiovascular tissue, this central area varies from 16 (Sun et al. 2005) to 25 % (O’Leary et al. 2013, 2014b). The measured positions are expressed in a coordinate system (x1, x2) and the axial forces are measured using load cells.
The principles for estimation of elastic moduli are similar to that for uniaxial testing in that these are ratios of stress/strain; however, the mathematics is more complex involving tensor equations and hence is provided in the appendix. The reader is referred to Macrae et al. (2016) for more detail.
Biaxial testing is used to obtain data on mechanical properties, which exhibit anisotropy. While planar biaxial testing enables some characterisation of anisotropic behaviour, it does not provide full 3D characterisation; Holzapfel and Ogden (2009) discusses the issue of full 3D characterisation of mechanical properties in detail.
Biaxial testing systems are more expensive that uniaxial testing (in 2016 around £100 k as opposed to £15 k for uniaxial testing), so are less commonly used.
13.3.3 Inflation Testing
Inflation testing is an alternative to tensile testing on excised samples of tissues. The whole vessel is inflated under a controlled pressure and the resulting change in dimensions is measured (Fig. 13.3). This method allows the vessel to maintain the same overall shape as it had in the body, including any pre-stressing, and therefore provides a measurement environment more similar to that in vivo than is possible using tensile testing. The widely cited work on the mechanical properties of whole arteries by Learoyd and Taylor (1966) and Bergel (1961a, b) involved an inflation methodology.

Fig. 13.3
Schematic of inflation-extension test for a cylindrical vessel, in a the reference configuration and b the deformed configuration
The method involves excising a whole artery and incorporating this into a pressurisation system. Any side branches are tied off to prevent leakage. The artery is stretched to its in vivo length and filled with a fluid such as isotonic saline. Pressure and force measurements are continuously recorded by transducers as the pressure increases/decreases, and the changes in geometry are measured with non-contact methods, such as a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) camera, DIC or by measuring the outer diameter with a precise laser micrometer. The wall thickness can be measured by cutting the vessel into slices after testing or by performing Computed Tomography (CT) imaging on the whole sample prior to testing (Doyle et al. 2010). The incremental Young’s modulus, E inc can be found from the following equation (from Learoyd and Taylor 1966) which is based on a thin-walled model:

where σ is the Poisson ratio taken as 0.5; P is the pressure, R O the outer radius, R I the inner radius. The subscripts 1, 2, 3 refer to successive measurements at equal pressure differences (e.g. 10 mmHg).

It is important to note that in many cardiovascular applications the sample will be inhomogeneous, thick-walled and anisotropic in behaviour, which leads to significantly more complicated mathematics.
13.3.4 Bioreactor Studies
Bioreactors enable the study of vascular response to transmural pressure, flow rate and axial extension, and often employ inflation-extension tests within a bioreactor chamber. Early experiments involved culturing artery segments in a custom rig, where wall tension was applied via steel wires or by being cultured around a needle (De Mey et al. 1989; Lindqvist et al. 1997) before being subjected to mechanical testing. However, designs have since evolved (McFetridge et al. 2007; Tondreau et al. 2015) and can now accommodate cylindrical specimens (Zaucha et al. 2009) and even much more complicated geometries (e.g. tissue engineered heart valves (Engelmayr et al. 2003)).

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