Left Ventricular Assist Devices and Transplantation
Jessica Lambert Brown
Ambar Afshar Andrade
Raymond F. Stainback
1. Which of the following are considered important aspects of the preoperative transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) in patients awaiting left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation?
A. Evaluation of the degree of aortic regurgitation (AR).
B. Determination of the presence of a cardiaclevel shunt.
C. Identification of intracardiac thrombi.
D. Assessment of right ventricular (RV) function.
E. Evaluation of the degree of tricuspid regurgitation (TR).
F. All of the above.
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1. Answer: F. Among the most important aspects of preimplantation TEE are reevaluation of the degree of AR, determination of the presence or absence of a cardiac-level shunt, identification of intracardiac thrombi, assessment of RV function, and evaluation of the degree of TR. These conditions may have been undiagnosed or underappreciated on previous imaging examinations or may have progressed in the intervening time. Their presence may alter the surgical plan or influence the decision for biventricular support.
2. Which of the following is an absolute contraindication to LVAD implantation?
A. Small left ventricular (LV) cavity.
B. LV apical thrombus.
C. Acute bacterial endocarditis.
D. Severe mitral regurgitation (MR).
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2. Answer: C. While the LV diastolic dimension and LV end-diastolic volume are moderately to severely increased in most patients considered for an LVAD, limited data suggest that a smaller LV cavity (defined by an LV diastolic dimension of <6.3 cm) is associated with increased 30-day morbidity and mortality after LVAD implantation. Whereas a small LV cavity is not an absolute contraindication to LVAD implantation, the presence of this finding should be communicated to the Heart Failure team. An intracardiac thrombus is not an absolute contraindication for LVAD implantation, but may increase the risk of stroke during the LV cannulation portion of the procedure. Acute endocarditis (or any other active infection) is an absolute contraindication to device implantation because of the risk of bacterial seeding of a newly implanted LVAD. Mitral regurgitation is expected to improve after LVAD implantation and thus is not considered a contraindication.
3. Which valvular lesions must be corrected prior to or at the time of LVAD implantation?
A. Severe mitral stenosis (MS).
B. Severe aortic stenosis (AS).
C. Moderate AR.
D. Severe mitral MR.
E. Choices A and C.
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3. Answer: E. Moderate or severe MS can prevent adequate LVAD cannula inflow and must be corrected before LVAD implantation. In contrast, AS of any severity may be present without affecting LVAD function, because LVADs completely bypass the native LV outflow tract. Significant AR enables a blind loop of flow in which blood enters the LVAD from the left ventricle, is pumped into the ascending aorta, but then flows back into the LV through the aortic valve, and thus must be addressed prior to LVAD implantation. Surgical treatment options for significant native valve AR include replacement with a bioprosthesis, completely oversewing the valve (by suturing along all coaptation zones) or by performing a central coaptation (Park) stitch. It is important to note that patients with significant AS or who undergo surgical aortic valve closure to correct AR will have minimal to zero forward flow in the event of LVAD failure. Mitral regurgitation that is significant preoperatively is often markedly improved after initiation of LVAD support because of reduced LV size, reduced filling pressures, and improved coaptation of the mitral valve leaflets after LVAD implantation. For this reason, any degree of MR is acceptable in LVAD candidates.
4. The following approaches are acceptable for treating greater than mild AR prior to LVAD implantation except:
A. Aortic valve replacement with a bioprosthesis.
B. Completely oversewing the valve (by suturing along all coaptation zones).
C. Performing a central coaptation (Park) stitch.
D. Aortic valve replacement with a mechanical valve.
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4. Answer: D. When present at LVAD implantation, significant AR enables a blind loop of flow in which blood enters the LVAD from the LV, is pumped into the ascending aorta, but then flows back into the LV through the regurgitant aortic valve. The presence of more than mild AR should be communicated to the implanting surgeon, because recent guidelines advise confirmation by perioperative TEE and surgical correction of AR before LVAD implantation. Surgical treatment options for significant native valve AR include replacement with a bioprosthesis, completely oversewing the valve (by suturing along all coaptation zones) or by performing a central coaptation (Park) stitch. Completely oversewing the aortic valve cusps effectively eliminates AR, but leaves the patient with no means of LV ejection in the event of LVAD failure. When the aortic cusp integrity is good, a central coaptation (Park) stitch technique can treat central AR while allowing aortic forward flow through the residual commissural zones during reduced LVAD support or in the event of LVAD pump failure. Aortic valve replacement with a mechanical valve is discouraged due to the prohibitively high risk of valve thrombus formation.
5. Why is mitral regurgitation (MR) expected to improve after LVAD implantation?
A. Reduced LV size.
B. Reduced filling pressures.
C. Improved coaptation of the mitral valve leaflets.
D. All of the above.
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5. Answer: D. MR that is significant preoperatively is often markedly improved after initiation of LVAD support because of reduced filling pressures, reduced LV size, and improved coaptation of the mitral valve leaflets. For this reason, any degree of MR is acceptable in LVAD candidates.
6. Which of the statements below are included in the definition of RV failure post-LVAD implantation?
A. Requirement of an RV assist device.
B. >14 consecutive days of intravenous (IV) inotropic support.
C. Right ventricular basal diameter greater than 4.8 cm.
D. Development of severe TR.
E. A and B.
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6. Answer: E. Some patients with mild RV dysfunction at preoperative assessment will develop severe RV dysfunction after LVAD implantation. This complication is defined by the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (INTERMACS) as the requirement of an RV assist device or >14 consecutive days of IV inotropic support. Right ventricular failure following LVAD occurs in approximately 20% of patients and is associated with significantly increased morbidity and mortality.
7. Which of the following echocardiographic parameters are unreliable in assessing AR post LVAD implantation?
A. Vena contracta.
B. Pressure half-time.
C. LV outflow tract (LVOT) AR jet height.
D. Pulsed Doppler evaluation of aortic diastolic flow reversal.
E. B and D.
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7. Answer: E. During LVAD support, AR can be intermittent (depending upon the valve opening duration), predominantly diastolic, nearly continuous (extending into the normal systolic phase of the cardiac cycle), or continuous (holosystolic and holodiastolic). The AR duration, vena contracta width, LVOT jet height, and other evidence of hemodynamically significant AR should guide the need for possible surgical intervention on the aortic valve. The AR pressure half-time and pulsed Doppler in the ascending aorta are unreliable measurements in the setting of an LVAD due to the outflow graft flow in the ascending aorta.
8. What parameters indicate at least moderate AR and should prompt aortic valve intervention prior to/during LVAD implantation?
A. Aortic regurgitant jet vena contracta width of ≥0.3 cm (Nyquist limit 50-60 cm/s).
B. Ascending aortic diastolic flow reversal on pulsed Doppler imaging.
C. Aortic regurgitant jet pressure half-time <200 ms.
D. Aortic regurgitant jet width/LVOT width 30% (Nyquist limit 50-60 cm/s).
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8. Answer: A. The AR duration, vena contracta width, LVOT jet height, and other evidence of hemodynamically significant AR should guide the need for possible surgical intervention on the aortic valve. A vena contracta width of ≥0.3 cm or a jet width/LVOT width of >46% at a Nyquist limit of 50-60 cm/s should be considered to indicate at least moderate AR. Neither the AR pressure half-time method nor pulsed Doppler evaluation of aortic diastolic flow reversal is a reliable method for AR severity assessment after LVAD implantation because the AR duration extends into the systolic ejection period. In addition, both of these methods are highly affected by LV preload, LV afterload, and aortic pulse pressure, which are diminished during LVAD support.
9. A patient with dilated cardiomyopathy is undergoing evaluation for LVAD. A high-quality IV saline contrast study at rest is negative for patent foramen ovale (PFO) or intracardiac shunting. Does this finding definitively exclude the presence of a PFO?
A. Yes.
B. No.
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9. Answer: B. In evaluating patients with advanced heart failure for atrial septal defects and PFOs, the use of IV agitated saline combined with an appropriately performed Valsalva maneuver is necessary because elevated left and/or right atrial pressures may reduce interatrial pressure gradients and preclude detection of the defect by color Doppler imaging or agitated saline injection at rest alone.
10. What is the best approach to a PFO prior to LVAD implantation?
A. No intervention is necessary; a PFO is not hemodynamically significant enough to cause clinical issues post LVAD implantation.
B. Percutaneous closure.
C. Surgical closure at the time of device implantation.
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10. Answer: C. A PFO, present in up to 30% of the general population, increases the risk of hypoxemia and paradoxical embolization in patients receiving LVAD support. Patent foramen ovale or any other interatrial communication should be closed at the time of device implantation.
11. A patient is undergoing surgical LVAD implantation. Intraoperative TEE shows normal RV size and function soon after LVAD activation. Shortly thereafter, the RV suddenly becomes dilated with reduced systolic function and increased TR severity. What is the most likely culprit?
A. Right ventricular failure due to prolonged cardiopulmonary bypass.
B. Air emboli from the LV cavity into the right coronary artery (RCA).
C. Normal RV response to surgical manipulation of the heart.
D. Acute pulmonary embolism.
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11. Answer: B. Both the HeartMate II and the Heart-Ware HVAD require coring in the region of the LV apex for inflow cannula insertion. This part of the procedure is inevitably accompanied by some degree of entrained air on the left side of the heart. Subsequent de-airing maneuvers require continuous TEE guidance. The ostium of the RCA is situated anteriorly in the aortic root and is a common destination for air ejected from the left ventricle. Acute RV dysfunction or dilatation and/or an increase in the severity of TR suggest the possibility of air embolization to the RCA. This complication may resolve with watchful waiting. Although acute pulmonary embolism could present with these findings, it is less likely in this setting while the patient is on cardiopulmonary bypass and fully heparinized.
12. If initiation of LVAD support results in a sudden decrease in arterial oxygen saturation, the clinician performing the intraoperative TEE should be alerted to the possibility of which cardiac pathology?
A. Right-to-left shunt.
B. Severe AS.
C. Severe AR.
D. Cardiac tamponade.
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12. Answer: A. After initiation of LVAD support, early imaging of the interatrial septum with color Doppler and with IV injection of agitated saline contrast to confirm the absence of an atrial septal communication is recommended. This is particularly important if initiation of LVAD support results in a sudden decrease in arterial oxygen saturation, the hallmark of an unmasked PFO or other right-to-left shunt.
13. Calculate the cardiac output given the parameters below. Assume there is no significant valve regurgitation or shunting.
Right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) TVI: 12
RVOT diameter: 2.5
LVOT diameter: 2.0
Heart rate: 70
A. 3.9 L/min.
B. 4.1 L/min.
C. 4.5 L/min.
D. Unable to calculate; more information needed.
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13. Answer: B. In the absence of significant pulmonary valve regurgitation, the net cardiac output (combined native LV outflow and LVAD conduit flow) is the same as the right-sided cardiac output. The right-sided output is calculated by using the following commonly applied equation: RVOT cardiac output = RVOT pulsed Doppler TVI × [3.14 × (RVOT diameter/2)2 × HR] or RVOT TVI × 0.785 × (RVOT diameter)2 × HR. When the aortic valve does not open, and there is no significant AR, the RVOT-derived cardiac output is the same as the LVAD cardiac output. When the AV opens significantly and an adequate LVOT TVI can be measured with pulsed Doppler (and in the absence of significant AR), the LVAD cardiac output should equal the RVOT-derived cardiac output minus the LVOT cardiac output.
14. What is the range of possible speed settings for the HeartMate II continuous flow LVAD?
A. 2,500-3,500 rpm.
B. 8,000-10,000 rpm.
C. 8,000-12,000 rpm.
D. 6,000-15,000 rpm.
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14. Answer: D. The minimum and maximum speed settings for the HeartMate II LVAD are 6,000 and 15,000 rpm, respectively. The speed can be changed in 200 rpm increments. Although patient dependent, the recommended range of typical operating speeds is 8,800-10,000 rpm. With the HeartMate II pump, speed changes for optimizing device function are usually made in small increments of 200-400 rpm. The minimum and maximum speed settings for the HeartWare HVAD are 1,800 and 4,000 rpm, respectively. The speed can be changed in 20 rpm increments. The recommended range of typical operating speeds is 2,400-3,200 rpm. With this device, speed changes for optimizing device function are usually made in small increments of 20 or 40 rpm.
15. A 56-year-old man with ischemic cardiomyopathy underwent HeartMate II LVAD implantation. His postoperative course was uneventful. His LVAD speed is set at 9,200 rpm. Predischarge echocardiogram shows a left ventricular internal diameter diastole (LVIDd) of 5.3 cm, normal RV size and function, mild MR, mild TR, and intermittent aortic valve opening. He is discharged on warfarin, carvedilol, lisinopril, and furosemide. Two weeks later he presents to the emergency room complaining of dyspnea, lower extremity edema, and dark urine. He also reports multiple LVAD alarms in the past 48 hours. Interrogation of the LVAD controller confirms both low flow and high power alarms. LVAD speed is 9,200 rpm. Labs reveal LDH of 1,032 and INR 1.3. Bedside echocardiography reveals LVIDd of 6.6 cm, moderate to severe MR, aortic valve opening with every cardiac cycle, and nonuniform inflow cannula velocities.
What is the most likely cause of the patient’s symptoms and echocardiographic findings?
A. Inadequate LV unloading due to low LVAD speed.
B. Right ventricular failure.
C. Hypovolemia secondary to gastrointestinal bleed.
D. LVAD pump thrombosis.
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15. Answer: D. Clinical features associated with pump thrombosis include hemolysis, which is characterized by hemoglobinuria along with elevated lactate dehydrogenase, total bilirubin, and plasma free hemoglobin levels. On echocardiography, primary pump dysfunction secondary to thrombosis may manifest as signs of reduced LV unloading in comparison with the previous surveillance examination. Echocardiographic signs of impaired pump performance (reduced LV unloading) include an increased LVIDd, worsened MR, septal shift toward the RV and increased aortic valve opening duration or frequency in comparison to the prior echocardiogram.
16. An LVAD patient is undergoing a TTE for evaluation of palpitations and low flow alarms. The sonographer calls to inform you the LVIDd is 3.1 cm and the interventricular septum is shifted to the left, nearly abutting the inflow cannula. What is your initial assessment and plan of action?
A. The LV is appropriately decompressed; make no changes to the LVAD setting.
B. The patient is hypovolemic; give a fluid bolus and make no changes to the LVAD setting.
C. The patient is having a suction event; decrease the LVAD speed.
D. The patient has RV failure; consider right ventricular assist device (RVAD) placement.
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16. Answer: C. During suction events, the LVAD decompresses the LV chamber to an abnormally small size, leading to a right-to-left interventricular septal shift. Interventricular septal contact with the LVAD inflow cannula can induce ventricular arrhythmias and trigger LVAD alarms. Monitoring for possible suction events is an important component of a speed-change echocardiogram. The treatment recommendation for a suction event is typically twofold: (1) decrease the pump speed and (2) identify and treat the underlying cause of the event.
17. When evaluating an LVAD patient with suspected RV dysfunction, which specific echocardiographic parameters should be assessed?
A. RV size and function, AR severity, inferior vena cava (IVC) size, severity of TR.
B. RV size and function, interventricular septal position, IVC size and collapsibility, pulmonary artery pressure, severity of TR.
C. RV size and function, severity of MR, IVC size and collapsibility, pulmonary artery pressure, severity of TR.
D. RV size and function, severity of AR, interventricular septal position, severity of TR.
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17. Answer: B. After LVAD implantation, the RV begins to receive a significantly increased stroke volume. In some cases, the RV cannot appropriately accommodate this sudden increase in volume and, as a result, fails. Clinicians must maintain a high index of suspicion for RV dysfunction post-LVAD implantation and have a low threshold to perform an echocardiographic examination. Echocardiography findings concerning for RV dysfunction post-LVAD implantation include RV enlargement, reduced RV function, interventricular septal position shifted toward the LV, dilated IVC, and worsening TR with elevated pulmonary pressure. These are critical changes to recognize and diagnose promptly as they will greatly affect patient management.
18. A 25-year-old woman with nonischemic cardiomyopathy underwent HeartMate II placement. Her early postoperative course was complicated by mild RV dysfunction. Predischarge echocardiogram showed improvement in RV function, LVIDd of 5.1 cm, and a closed aortic valve with every cardiac cycle. She is discharged from the hospital at an LVAD speed of 8,800 rpm and medical therapy including carvedilol, lisinopril, and warfarin. She now returns to clinic for routine follow-up.
Physical examination is notable for palpable radial pulses. LVAD controller shows power 10.5 W and pulsatility index (PI) of 5.6. Labs are pending. Scheduled surveillance LVAD optimization echocardiography is performed at speeds of 8,400 rpm, 8,800 rpm, and 9,200 rpm. The echocardiography technician notifies you that the LVIDd is >6 cm at all speeds assessed. The aortic valve now opens with every beat, and the outflow cannula velocities change minimally with speed change. What is the most likely explanation for the echo findings?
A. The patient has recurrent RV failure and the LVAD speed should be decreased.
B. There is severe AR and she should be referred for a TEE.
C. There is LVAD impellar thrombosis and the patient should be admitted for further treatment.
D. The patient is not adequately unloaded and the LVAD speed should be increased.
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18. Answer: C. Echocardiographic features associated with impellar thrombosis include reduced LV unloading in comparison with prior examinations. Specifically, these patients have increased LVIDd despite increasing LVAD speed, worsening MR, and increased aortic valve opening. LVAD controller alarms indicating high power and elevated pulsatility index (PI) are also markers of LVAD dysfunction, especially impellar thrombosis.
19. Which choice below describes the correct method of obtaining blood pressure (BP) in a nonpulsatile LVAD patient?
A. The BP cuff is inflated with a handheld audible Doppler evaluation of the brachial or radial artery. The pressure at which there is an audible Doppler signal as the cuff is deflated is considered the mean arterial BP.
B. The BP cuff is inflated with a handheld audible Doppler evaluation of the brachial or radial artery. The pressure at which there is an audible Doppler signal as the cuff is deflated is considered the systolic BP. The diastolic BP is the pressure at which the audible signal disappears.
C. The BP cuff is inflated as usual to obtain systolic and diastolic BP.
D. There is no way to assess the BP noninvasively. You must place a radial arterial line for an accurate BP in this type of patient.
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19. Answer: A. A Doppler ultrasound blood pressure is defined as the cuff pressure at which a Doppler signal is obtained at the brachial or radial artery. In nonpulsatile LVAD patients, it is only appropriate to measure/document a mean arterial pressure.
20. High estimated LVAD flow with normal power can signify which of the following?
A. Moderate to severe AR.
B. Incomplete aortic valve opening.
C. Pericardial tamponade.
D. Right ventricular failure.
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20. Answer: A. Significant AR may be associated with a high estimated LVAD flow but with normal power. Aortic regurgitant volume can lead to an increased LV preload, which may result in increased native LVOT output and AV opening, with intermittent AR on color Doppler. Alternatively, the AR may be continuous if the contractile force is not sufficient to interrupt the regurgitant flow during systole. Doppler flow across the inflow cannula and outflow graft will be normal or increased due to the aortaleft ventricle-LVAD blind loop.
21. Which of the following echocardiographic signs are seen during a suction event?
A. Small LV chamber size.
B. Interventricular septal shift toward the LV.
C. Small RV chamber size.
D. Severe MR.
E. A and B.
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21. Answer: E. LVAD suction events relate to contact of the inflow cannula and the LV endocardium, which results in reduced inflow cannula flow. During suction events, the LVAD decompresses the LV chamber to an abnormally small size, resulting in a right-to-left ventricular septal shift. Patients with a malpositioned inflow cannula may be predisposed to the development of intermittent inflow cannula obstruction.
22. What are the recommended methods to assess LV size and function post-LVAD implantation?
A. LV size: LVIDd from two-dimensional parasternal long-axis image.
LV function: biplane method of disks, modified Simpson rule.
B. LV size: LVIDd from two-dimensional parasternal long-axis image.
LV function: LV stroke volume.
C. LV size: biplane method of disks, modified Simpson rule.
LV function: biplane method of disks, modified Simpson rule.
D. LV size: biplane method of disks, modified Simpson rule.
LV function: LV stroke volume.
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22. Answer: A. The LVIDd from the two-dimensional parasternal long-axis image is considered the most reproducible measure of LV size after LVAD implantation. Although LV volumes determined by Simpson biplane or single-plane method reflect the LV size more accurately than do linear measurements, the LV size by volume assessment may be technically challenging to obtain after LVAD implantation because of apical shadowing/dropout associated with the inflow cannula. LV systolic function assessment is difficult to evaluate in the setting of continuous LVAD unloading. When LV recovery is suspected, LVEF by Simpson’s bi-plane or single plane method may be useful.

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