Left Upper Lobe: Upper Segments (S1+2+3) – (Lingula-Sparing Upper Lobectomy)

IMM, Curie-Montsouris Thorax Institute, Paris, France


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Upper division segmentectomy is quite similar to a left upper lobectomy and is more and more performed, as it seems that its oncological results are equivalent to those of a left upper lobectomy. This segmentectomy can be tricky because the bronchial trunk is in close contact with the truncus anterior, especially if adherent lymph nodes are present.

14.1 Anatomical Landmarks (◘ Fig. 14.1)


The upper lobe bronchus splits immediately into the lingular bronchus and a common stem that usually separates into an anterior bronchus (B3) and an apicoposterior bronchus (B1+2) (◘ Fig. 14.1a). These three segmental bronchi have a short course that can make their identification and dissection difficult.


Fig. 14.1
Anatomical landmarks. a bronchi for segments 1-2-3. b arteries, with a regular interlobar lingular artery. c usual venous pattern with three main branches. d thoracoscopic corresponding view


There are two different supplies to the left upper lobe: the truncus anterior (TA) and the posterior arteries. The TA is often broad and short. It usually gives two main tributaries, the uppermost (A1+2) for S1 and S2 and the lowermost (A3) for S3 (◘ Fig. 14.1b).

The posterior arteries originate in the fissure and distribute themselves over the curve of the pulmonary artery. Their number varies from 1 to 5 but most often from 2 to 3. All but the lingular artery (A4+5) must be divided.


The superior pulmonary vein has usually three major tributaries (◘ Fig. 14.1c and d). The superior branch (V1+2) drains S1 and S2 segments. The middle branch (V3) drains S3, and the lowermost branch drains the lingula. The later must be preserved.

14.2 Variations and Pitfalls (◘ Fig. 14.2)

Jan 15, 2018 | Posted by in RESPIRATORY | Comments Off on Left Upper Lobe: Upper Segments (S1+2+3) – (Lingula-Sparing Upper Lobectomy)

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