Inhaled Corticosteroids for COPD: Are Inhaled Corticosteroids Required in the Management of COPD?



Number of patients

ICS dose (μg/day)

Study duration

Results (FEV1.0, SGRQ, risk of exacerbation, etc)

Robertson et al./1986



BDP 1500

2 weeks

FEV1: →

Weir et al./1990



BDP 1500

2 weeks

FEV1: ↑

Auffarth et al./1991



BUD 1600

8 weeks

FEV1: →

PEF: →

Thompson et al./1992



BDP 2000

6 weeks

FEV1: ↑

PEF: →

Kerstjens et al./1992



BDP 800

2.5 years


Watson et al./1992



BUD 1200

12 weeks

FEV1: →

PEF: →

Bronchoconstrictor responsiveness:NS

Wempe et al./1992



BUD 1600

3 weeks

FEV1: →

Bronchoconstrictor responsiveness:NS

Weir et al./1993



BDP 1500 or 3000

3 weeks

FEV1: ↑

Weiner et al./1995



BUD 800

6 weeks

FEV1: ↑ (responders to beta2-agonist)

Llewellyn-Jones et al./1996



FP 1500

8 weeks

PEF: →

Renkema et al./1996



BUD 800

2 years

FEV1 decline: NS

Frequency and duration of exacerbation: NS

Boothman-Burrell et al./1997



BDP 1000

3 months

FEV1: →

Keatings et al./1997



BUD 1600

2 weeks

FEV1: →

Bourbeau et al./1998



BUD 1600

6 months

FEV1: →

6MWT: →


Paggiaro et al./1998



FP 1000

6 months

FEV1: ↑

Numbers of exacerbation: NS

Rutgers et al./1998



BUD 1600

6 weeks

FEV1: →

PEF: →

Symptom score: NS

Serum IL-8:↓

Culpitt et al./1999



FP 1000

4 weeks

FEV1: →

PEF: →

Symptom score: NS

Sputum Percentage of neutrophils, IL-8, elastase, MMP-1, MMP-9, SLPI, TIMP-1: NS

Nishimura et al./1999



BDP 3000

4 weeks

FEV1: ↑

Pauwels et al./1999 (EUROSCOP)




3 years

FEV1 decline: NS

Senderovitz et al./1999



BUD 800

6 months

FEV1: →

Number of exacerbation: NS

Vestbo et al./1999 (CCLS)



BUD 800

3 years

FEV1 decline: NS

Exacerbation rate: NS

Weiner et al./1999



BUD 800

6 weeks

FEV1: ↑(responders to beta2-agonist)

Weir et al./1999



BDP 2000

2 years

FEV1 decline: NS

exacerbation rate: NS

Burge et al./2000 (ISOLDE)



FP 1000

3 years

FEV1 decline: NS

Exacerbation rate: ↓

Slower decline in respiratory questionnaire score (SGRQ)

Lung Health Study/2000 (LHS)



Triamcinolone 1200

4.5 years

FEV1 decline: NS

SF-36: improved

Ferreira et al./2001



BDP 1000

2 weeks

FEV1: →

Exhaled nitric oxide:↓

Loppow et al./2001



FP 1000

4 weeks

FEV1: →

Concentration of exhaled nitric oxide, differential cell counts in induced sputum and the number of cells positive for iNOS, levels of LDH, ECP, neutrophil elastase, and IL-8 in sputum supernatants: NS

Mirici et al./2001



BDP 800

12 weeks

FEV1: ↑

Sputum cell count, proportion of neutrophil: ↓

Hattotuwa et al./2002



FP 1000

3 months

FEV1: →

Mahler et al./2002



FP 1000

24 weeks

FEV1: ↑

Time to exacerbation: NS



Thompson et al./2002



FP 880

3 months

Pre-bronchodilator FEV1: ↑

Dyspnea score in CRQ: improved

Verhoeven et al./2002



FP 1000

6 months

FEV1 decline: improved

Bronchoconstrictor responsiveness:→

Calverley et al./2003 (TRISTAN)



FP 1000

1 year

FEV1: ↑

Exacerbation rate: ↓

SGRQ: improved

Calverley et al./2003



BUD 800

1 year

FEV1: →

Time to first exacerbation and number of exacerbation: NS

SGRQ: improved

Hanania et al./2003



FP 500

24 weeks

FEV1: ↑


Szafranski et al./2003



BUD 800

1 year


Exacerbation rate: NS


Van Grunsven et al./2003 (DIMCA)



FP 500

2 years

FEV1: ↑(pre- and post-bronchodilator)

FEV1 decline:NS

Occurrence of exacerbations: NS

Sin et al./2004



FP 1000

4 weeks

FEV1: →

CRP: ↓

Yildiz et al./2004



BUD 800

12 weeks

FEV1: →

SGRQ: improved

Brightling et al./2005



MF 800

2 weeks


FEV1: →

John et al./2005



BDP 800

12 weeks

SGRQ total: NS

FEV1: →

PEF: ↑

IL-10, GM-CSF, IFN-γ,MIP-α from peripheral blood monocyte: NS

Ozol et al./2005



BUD 800

6 months

FEV1: →

IL-8 levels in BAL: decreased

Percentages of neutrophils: decreased

GSK, FCO30002/2005



FP 1000

12 weeks

FEV1: →

GSK, FLTA3025/2005



FP 500 or 1000

24 weeks

FEV1: ↑ (FP500)


Exacerbation rate: NS

Bourbeau et al./2007



FP 1000

3 months

FEV1: →


Calverley et al./2007 (TORCH)



FP 1000

3 years

FEV1: ↑

SGRQ: improved

Exacerbation rate:↓

Mortality rate: NS

Calverley et al./2008



MF 800

1 year

FEV1: ↑

Exacerbations rate:↓

SGRQ: improved

Sin et al./2008



FP 1000

4 weeks

FEV1: →

SGRQ: improved

Number of exacerbations: ↓

Serum IL-6: NS

Serum SP-D:↓

Lapperre et al./2009 (GLUCOLD)



FP 1000

30 months

FEV1 decline: improved

Mucosal CD3+, CD4+, CD8 + cells and mast cells:↓

Bronchoconstrictor responsiveness: ↓

CCQ: improved

Activity score in SGRQ: improved

MRC dyspnea score: improved

Schermer et al./2009 (COOPT)



FP 1000

3 years

FEV1: →


Exacerbation rate: NS

Shaker et al./2009



BUD 800

2–4 years

FEV1 decline: NS

Annual CT change: NS

Guenette et al./2011




2 weeks

FEV1: ↑

Tashkin et al./2012



MF 400

26 weeks


Exacerbations rate:↓

SGRQ: improved


↑: increased

→: no change

↓: decreased

NS: not significant vs placebo

FP: fluticasone propionate

BUD: budesonide

BDP: beclomethasone dipropionate

MF: mometasone furoate

FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 second

PEF: peak expiratory flow

CCQ: Clinical COPD Questionnaire

CRQ: Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire

CRDQ: Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire

CBSQ: Chronic Bronchitis Symptoms Questionnaire

MRC: Medical Research Council

SGRQ: St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire

ECP: eosinophil cationic protein

LDH: lactate dehydrogenase

CRP: C-reactive protein

iNOS: inducible nitric oxide synthase

IL: interleukin

GM-CSF: granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor

IFN-γ: interferon-γ

MIP-1α: macrophage inflammatory protein-1α

SP-D: surfactant protein D

BAL: bronchoalveolar lavage

CT: computed tomography

CCLS: Copenhagen City Lung Study

DIMCA: Detection, Intervention and Monitoring of COPD and Asthma


ISOLDE: Inhaled Steroids in Obstructive Lung Disease in Europe

LHS: Lung Health Study

TRISTAN: Trial of Inhaled Steroids and Long-Acting β2 Agonists

TORCH: Towards a Revolution in COPD Health

GLUCOLD: Groningen Leiden Universities Corticosteroids in Obstructive Lung Disease

COOPT: COPD on Primary Care Treatment

13.3.1 Effects of ICSs on Pulmonary Function

Although results of short-term clinical trials showing that ICSs improved FEV1 have been reported, there have been many reports of long-term large clinical trials showing that ICSs had no preventive effect in relation to FEV1 or the FEV1 decline rate (Table 13.1). For example, ICSs had no effect on the FEV1 decline rate in such long-term, large-scale clinical trials as the European Respiratory Society study on COPD (EUROSCOP), Copenhagen City Lung Study (CCLS), ISOLDE, or Lung Health Study (LHS) [2, 34, 36, 39]. By contrast, in the Groningen Leiden Universities Corticosteroids in Obstructive Lung Disease (GLUCOLD) study, a significant ameliorating effect on the percentage change in FEV1 was seen in the ICS group (+7.3 mL/year) in comparison with the placebo group (−79 mL/year), and correlations were also seen between slowing of the FEV1 decline rate and decreases in the numbers of inflammatory cells in the airway [61]. A preventive effect of ICSs on the FEV1 decline rate was seen in the TORCH trial as well [3], but the possibility of the FEV1 decline rate in the placebo group having been overestimated because of a dropout case bias was pointed out [66].

In a meta-analysis by van Grunsven et al., it was concluded that an improvement in FEV1 in response to ICSs had been observed in a 2-year observation period [67]. However, Alsaeedi et al. have stated that the number of RCTs that were suitable for assessment was small and an adequate meta-analysis could not be performed [68]. According to the Cochrane Review, which also analyzed the effectiveness of BDP in improving FEV1, the number of RCTs that could be assessed was small, and it was impossible to draw a clear conclusion [69]. However, Yang et al. later conducted a meta-analysis of 55 RCTs (n = 16,154 subjects) and concluded that ICSs had been found to have no preventive effect on the rate of decline in FEV1 [4].

13.3.2 Effects of ICSs on QOL

The QOL of COPD patients has been assessed by means of a variety of questionnaires (Table 13.1), and St George’s Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) has recently come into widespread use. The results of the SGRQ in large-scale surveys, including the ISOLDE, Trial of Inhaled Steroids and Long-Acting β2 Agonists (TRISTAN), and TORCH surveys, have shown an ameliorating effect of ICSs on QOL [2, 3, 47, 48, 59, 65]. A similar conclusion was also drawn in a meta-analysis in recent years [4]; however, caution is necessary, because many studies have concluded that ICSs were effective based on statistically significant differences, even though the SGRQ results did not show an improvement of 4 points or more, which is considered significant clinically [70]. Moreover, since the comparisons were not made with the values before using ICSs and the results did not show that ICSs had improved the SGRQ score 4 points or more in comparison with the placebo, the clinical evidence that ICSs improve the QOL of COPD patients can only be said to be scant.

13.3.3 Exacerbation-Preventing Effect of ICS

Conflicting results showing that ICSs are effective and ineffective in preventing exacerbations have been published (Table 13.1). A COPD exacerbation-preventing effect of ICSs was shown in ISOLDE, TRISTAN, and TORCH trials [2.3.47]. In the results of meta-analyses, no exacerbation-preventing effect of ICSs was found by van Grunsven et al. [67], whereas Alsaeedi et al. reported a 30 % decrease in exacerbation frequency [68]. In subsequent meta-analyses, Yang et al. concluded that exacerbations had been reduced by ICSs at a rate of one exacerbation in 4 years [4], whereas Agarwal et al. claimed that the exacerbation-preventing effect of ICSs was slight and that the preventive effect of ICSs in previous reports had been exaggerated [5]. Moreover, Ernst et al. pointed out problems in the studies showing that ICSs were effective, i.e., that there were differences between the methods used to diagnose an exacerbation, that intention to treat (ITT) had not been analyzed, that the calculations of the number needed to treat (NNT) were incorrect, etc [71].

13.3.4 Effect of ICSs on the Mortality Rate

A retrospective study by Soriano et al. using the UK General Practice Research Database showed that the hospital admission rate and mortality rate of patients being treated with FP were lower than among patients being treated with just a bronchodilator other than LABA, i.e., with LAMA or short-acting β2 agonist (SABA) [72]. However, no significant differences in mortality rate between the ICS group and placebo group were found in the TORCH trial [3], and a meta-analysis in recent years also reported that ICSs did not affect the COPD mortality rate [4]. Thus, there is little evidence to support ICS effectiveness in reducing the mortality rate.

13.3.5 Effectiveness of Combined Use of an ICS and a Bronchodilator

Clinically, ICSs are being used to treat COPD in combination with bronchodilators, including LABA and LAMA. Szafranski et al. reported that BUD monotherapy did not reduce COPD exacerbations, but that exacerbation frequency declined significantly when BUD was used in combination with formoterol [50], and in the TORCH trial, effectiveness in improving FEV1 and SGRQ scores in the salmeterol (SAL)/FP combination therapy group was better than in the monotherapy group [3]. Nevertheless, results showing no differences in exacerbation frequency between an ICS/LABA group and a LABA-alone group have also been reported [73], and in the LANTERN trial, which compared ICS/LABA and LABA/LAMA, there were fewer exacerbations in the indacaterol + glycopyrronium (QVA149) group than in the SAL/FP group [74]. Moreover, results of more than one RCT showing greater effectiveness of LABA/LAMA than of ICS/LABA in ameliorating FEV1 as well have been reported [75, 76]. Furthermore, the results of a meta-analysis also showed that LABA/LAMA was superior to ICS/LABA in relation to ameliorating FEV1 and its exacerbation-preventing effect, and data showing a lower risk of pneumonia have also been published [77]. According to another meta-analysis, exacerbation-preventing effectiveness was reported to be greatest in a three-drug (tiotropium + BUD/formoterol) combination therapy group [78].

13.4 Effect of Discontinuing ICSs

Various studies have also been conducted on the effects of discontinuing ICSs on COPD. In the COPE study, which compared a group in which FP had been discontinued after 4 months and a group in which it had been continued, the interval before exacerbations was shorter in the group in which FP had been discontinued, and health-related QOL had also decreased [79], and in a study by Choudhury et al., the risk of COPD exacerbations was shown to have increased as a result of discontinuing ICSs [80]. Moreover, in the COPD and Seretide: a Multi-Center Intervention and Characterization (COSMIC) study, which compared a group in which FP had been discontinued after 3 months of treatment with SAL/FP and a group in which it had been continued, the magnitude of the decline in FEV1 was greater in the group in which it had been discontinued. The difference in moderate-to-severe exacerbation frequency in that study was not significant, but mild exacerbations were more frequent in the group in which FP had been discontinued [81]. O’Brien et al. reported finding that when BDP was discontinued in elderly COPD patients, their FEV1 decreased, and that shortness of breath evaluated on the Borg scale became severer [82]. Furthermore, in the 5-year observation period in the recent GLUCOLD study as well, when the ICS was discontinued after 30 months of treating patients with moderate-to-severe COPD, worsening of their FEV1, QOL, and airway hypersensitivity was seen [83].

In contrast to the above results, there have also been results showing that it was possible to safely discontinue ICSs in COPD patients. In the INSTEAD trial, which distributed patients with moderate COPD and no history of exacerbations into a group treated with indacaterol (150 μg once daily) after treatment with SAL/FP (50/500 μg twice daily) for 3 months and an SAL/FP (50/500 μg twice daily) group, no significant differences between the groups in FEV1, SGRQ scores, or exacerbation frequency were seen 12 weeks later [84]. Moreover, in the OPTIMO trial, which compared an ICS continuation group and ICS discontinuation group of 914 patients (FEV1 predicted >50 %, exacerbation frequency <2 times/year) being treated with a combination of an ICS and a bronchodilator, no differences were seen between the groups in FEV1, COPD Assessment Test (CAT) scores, or exacerbation rates 6 months later [85]. Thus, it was possible to discontinue the ICS safely in patients with up to moderate COPD, in which the risk of exacerbation is low. On the other hand, in the 52-week WISDOM trial in which FP was continued or gradually discontinued in FEV1% predicted <50 %, exacerbation frequency >1/year COPD patients (n = 2815) who were receiving tiotropium (TIO) + SAL + FP triple therapy, no significant difference was seen in exacerbation frequency, but FEV1 decreased in the group in which FP had been discontinued [86]. Consequently, it appeared to be possible to gradually discontinue ICSs even in patients with severe COPD, who have a high risk of exacerbation, but that their respiratory function might decrease.

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