Obfuscation, revisited (Pearlman). 2010;23:448-9 (Editor’s page)
Abstracts. 2010;23:B2-B88
Academic medical centers
Application of the appropriateness criteria for echocardiography in an academic medical center (Aggarwal et al). 2010;23:267-74
Administration, oral
The efficacy and safety of oral pentobarbital sedation in pediatric echocardiography (Warden et al). 2010;23:33-7
Normal rotational, torsion and untwisting data in children, adolescents and young adults (Takahashi et al). 2010;23:286-93
Age factors
Normal rotational, torsion and untwisting data in children, adolescents and young adults (Takahashi et al). 2010;23:286-93
Real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic dyssynchrony in healthy children (Cui et al). 2010;23:1153-9
Systemic air embolization originating from a pleural air leak via a left ventricular assist device cannula anastomosis site (Platts et al). 2010;23:341 (Case rep.)
American College of Cardiology Foundation
Application of the appropriateness criteria for echocardiography in an academic medical center (Aggarwal et al). 2010;23:267-74
Evaluation of the clinical application of the ACCF/ASE appropriateness criteria for stress echocardiography (Mansour et al). 2010;23:1199-204
A rising paradigm of appropriateness (Sengupta and Khandheria). 2010;23:1205-6 (Editorial comment)
American College of Emergency Physicians
Focused cardiac ultrasound in the emergent setting: a consensus statement of the American Society of Echocardiography and American College of Emergency Physicians (Labovitz et al). 2010;23:1225-30 (ASE consensus statement)
American Society of Echocardiography
Evaluation of the clinical application of the ACCF/ASE appropriateness criteria for stress echocardiography (Mansour et al). 2010;23:1199-204
Focused cardiac ultrasound in the emergent setting: a consensus statement of the American Society of Echocardiography and American College of Emergency Physicians (Labovitz et al). 2010;23:1225-30 (ASE consensus statement)
Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography—endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography (Rudski et al). 2010;23:685-713
Recommendations for quantification methods during the performance of a pediatric echocardiogram: a report from the Pediatric Measurements Writing Group of the American Society of Echocardiography Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease Council (Lopez et al). 2010;23:465-95
A rising paradigm of appropriateness (Sengupta and Khandheria). 2010;23:1205-6 (Editorial comment)
Amplatzer septal occluder device ; see Equipment and supplies
Independent predictors of survival in primary systemic (AL) amyloidosis, including cardiac biomarkers and left ventricular strain imaging: an observational cohort study (Bellavia et al). 2010;23:643-52
Light chain amyloidosis circa 2010: six prognostic markers and one sobering reality (Migrino and Hari). 2010;23:653-5 (Editorial comment)
Anabolic steroids
Early myocardial dysfunction after chronic use of anabolic androgenic steroids: combined pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging and ultrasonic integrated backscatter cyclic variations analysis (Montisci et al). 2010;23:516-22
Anastomosis, surgical
Systemic air embolization originating from a pleural air leak via a left ventricular assist device cannula anastomosis site (Platts et al). 2010;23:341 (Case rep.)
Early myocardial dysfunction after chronic use of anabolic androgenic steroids: combined pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging and ultrasonic integrated backscatter cyclic variations analysis (Montisci et al). 2010;23:516-22
Anesthesia, inhalation
A comparison of the efficacy and safety of chloral hydrate versus inhaled anesthesia for sedating infants and toddlers for transthoracic echocardiograms (Nicolson et al). 2010;23:38-42
How best to assure patient co-operation during a pediatric echocardiography examination? (Zilberman). 2010;23:43-5 (Editorial comment)
Thrombosed aneurysm of the left sinus of Valsalva presenting as an intramyocardial mass (Marques et al). 2010;23:1223 (Case rep.)
Aneurysm, dissecting
An unusual case of dissecting aneurysms involving both coronary sinuses of Valsalva (Math et al). 2010;23:458 (Case rep.)
Aneurysm, infected
Incidental finding by two-dimensional echocardiography of a mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta after orthotopic heart transplantation (Ronco et al). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
Angiography, coronary ; see Coronary angiography
Angiosarcoma ; see Hemangiosarcoma
Animal studies
Effects of microbubbles and ultrasound on the microcirculation: observation on the hamster cheek pouch (Camarozano et al). 2010;23:1323-30
An evaluation of transmitral and pulmonary venous Doppler indices for assessing murine left ventricular diastolic function (Yuan et al). 2010;23:887-97
Ventricular rotation is independent of cardiac looping: a study in mice with situs inversus totalis using speckle-tracking echocardiography (Frank et al). 2010;23:315-23
Antiphospholipid syndrome
Extensive nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis isolated to the tricuspid valve in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (Bhimani and Hoit). 2010;23:107 (Case rep.)
Association between carotid intima–media thickness and aortic arch plaques (Tessitore et al). 2010;23:772-7
The feasibility of velocity vector imaging by transesophageal echocardiography for assessment of elastic properties of the descending aorta in aortic valve disease (Petrini et al). 2010;23:985-92
Incidental finding by two-dimensional echocardiography of a mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta after orthotopic heart transplantation (Ronco et al). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
The seabed-like appearance of atherosclerotic plaques: three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of the aortic arch causing cholesterol crystal emboli (Negishi et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Aorta, thoracic
Aberrant left innominate artery from the left descending aorta in right aortic arch: echocardiographic diagnosis (Barcudi et al). 2010;23:221 (Case rep.)
A simple method of measuring thoracic aortic pulse wave velocity in children: methods and normal values (Jo et al). 2010;23:735-40
Aortic aneurysm
Formation of pseudoaneurysm after aortic valve replacement without previous endocarditis: a case-control study (Enseleit et al). 2010;23:741-6
Aortic diseases
The feasibility of velocity vector imaging by transesophageal echocardiography for assessment of elastic properties of the descending aorta in aortic valve disease (Petrini et al). 2010;23:985-92
Real-time three dimensional echocardiography in the postoperative follow-up of type-A aortic dissection—a case report (Muraru et al). 2010;23:682 (Case rep.)
Aortic valve
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the mitral and aortic valves (Khanna et al). 2010;23:1113 (Case rep.)
Formation of pseudoaneurysm after aortic valve replacement without previous endocarditis: a case-control study (Enseleit et al). 2010;23:741-6
Intermittent, noncyclic dysfunction of a mechanical aortic prosthesis by pannus formation (Giroux et al). 2010;23:107 (Case rep.)
Pseudoaneurysm of the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa (MAIVF): a comprehensive review (Sudhakar et al). 2010;23:1009-18 (Review article)
Aortic valve insufficiency
Preoperative longitudinal left ventricular function by tissue Doppler echocardiography at rest and during exercise is valuable in timing of aortic valve surgery in male aortic regurgitation patients (Helin et al). 2010;23:387-95
Aortic valve stenosis
Immediate and long-term echocardiographic findings after transcatheter aortic valve implantation for the treatment of aortic stenosis: the Cribier-Edwards/Edwards-Sapien valve experience (Bauer et al). 2010;23:370-6
Improvement of ultrasonic myocardial properties after aortic valve replacement for pure severe aortic stenosis: the predictive value of ultrasonic tissue characterization for left ventricle reverse remodeling (Fijalkowski et al). 2010;23:1060-6
Myocardial tissue characterization and aortic stenosis (Di Bello et al). 2010;23:1067-70 (Editorial comment)
Transcutaneous aortic valve implantation—a first line treatment for aortic valve disease? (Johnson et al). 2010;23:377-9 (Editorial comment)
Validation of conventional and simplified methods to calculate projected valve area at normal flow rate in patients with low flow, low gradient aortic stenosis: the multicenter TOPAS (True or Pseudo Severe Aortic Stenosis) Study (Clavel et al). 2010;23:380-6
Aspergillus fumigatus
Incidental finding by two-dimensional echocardiography of a mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta after orthotopic heart transplantation (Ronco et al). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
Association between carotid intima–media thickness and aortic arch plaques (Tessitore et al). 2010;23:772-7
Automated border detection for assessing the mechanical properties of the carotid arteries: comparison with carotid intima–media thickness (Luc et al). 2010;23:567-72
Carotid ultrasound identifies high risk subclinical atherosclerosis in adults with low Framingham risk scores (Eleid et al). 2010;23:802-8
The distinct relationships of carotid plaque disease and carotid intima–media thickness with left ventricular function (Chahal et al). 2010;23:1303-9
High prevalence of ultrasound detected carotid atherosclerosis in subjects with low Framingham risk score: potential implications for screening for subclinical atherosclerosis (Naqvi et al). 2010;23:809-15
The seabed-like appearance of atherosclerotic plaques: three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of the aortic arch causing cholesterol crystal emboli (Negishi et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Athletes ; see Sports
Atrial defect ; see Heart septal defects, atrial
Atrial fibrillation
Acquired pulmonary vein stenosis: one problem, two mechanisms (Booher and Bach). 2010;23:904 (Case rep.)
Contrast enhanced transesophageal echocardiographic guidance of left atrial appendage closure device implantation (Main et al). 2010;23:1007 (Case rep.)
Electrical dissociation within the left atrium and left atrial appendage diagnosed with transesophageal echocardiography (Naqvi et al). 2010;23:1113 (Case rep.)
Left atrial electromechanical conduction time can predict six-month maintenance of sinus rhythm after electrical cardioversion in persistent atrial fibrillation by Doppler tissue echocardiography (Park et al). 2010;23:309-14
Tissue Doppler imaging as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular events in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation (Shin et al). 2010;23:755-61
Atrial function, left
Assessment of left atrial appendage function during sinus rhythm in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: transesophageal echocardiography and tissue Doppler study (Tuluce et al). 2010;23:1207-16
Correct estimation of conduit function from left atrial volume curve assessment only is unlikely (Marino) (Letter); (Otani et al) (Reply). 2010;23:1333-4
Left atrial dysfunction as a correlate of heart failure symptoms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Roşca et al). 2010;23:1090-8
Left atrial electromechanical conduction time can predict six-month maintenance of sinus rhythm after electrical cardioversion in persistent atrial fibrillation by Doppler tissue echocardiography (Park et al). 2010;23:309-14
Left atrial enlargement and phasic function in patients following non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (Boyd et al). 2010;23:1251-8
Left atrial strain measured by two-dimensional speckle tracking represents a new tool to evaluate left atrial function (Saraiva et al). 2010;23:172-80
Left atrial volume index: a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Fayssoil) (Letter); (Yang and Ha) (Reply). 2010;23:456
Atrial septal defects ; see Heart septal defects, atrial
Atrioventricular block ; see Heart block
Atrioventricular septal defects ; see Heart septal defects, atrial ; Heart septal defects, ventricular
Automated border detection for assessing the mechanical properties of the carotid arteries: comparison with carotid intima–media thickness (Luc et al). 2010;23:567-72
Diagnostic value of segmental longitudinal strain by automated function imaging in coronary artery disease without left ventricular dysfunction (Tsai et al). 2010;23:1183-9
Azygos vein
Anomalies associated with a prominent azygos vein on echocardiography in the pediatric population (Punn and Olson). 2010;23:282-5
Quantitative evaluation of coronary artery wall echogenicity by integrated backscatter analysis in Kawasaki disease (Abe et al). 2010;23:938-42
Bayes theorem
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
Comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of the hemodynamic parameters of 285 tricuspid valve bioprostheses early after implantation (Blauwet et al). 2010;23:1045-59
Comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of normal mitral Medtronic Hancock II, Medtronic Mosaic, and Carpentier-Edwards Perimount bioprostheses early after implantation (Blauwet et al). 2010;23:656-66
Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry: a novel technique for quantification of left ventricular blood vorticity pattern (Kheradvar et al). 2010;23:86-94
Acute thrombus formation as a complication of right ventricular biopsy (Veress et al). 2010;23:1039-44. Correction 2010;23:1182
Blood culture
Infectious endocarditis: still a menace (Martin). 2010;23:403-5 (Editorial comment)
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography for the indication of suspected infective endocarditis: vegetations, blood cultures and imaging (Kini et al). 2010;23:396-402
Blood flow velocity
Color Doppler jet area overestimates regurgitant volume when multiple jets are present (Lin et al). 2010;23:993-1000
Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry: a novel technique for quantification of left ventricular blood vorticity pattern (Kheradvar et al). 2010;23:86-94
Influence of parasympathetic modulation in Doppler mitral inflow velocity in individuals without heart disease (Antelmi et al). 2010;23:762-5
Left ventricular myocardial velocities and deformation indexes in top-level athletes (D’Andrea et al). 2010;23:1281-8
Low wall velocity of left atrial appendage measured by trans-thoracic echocardiography predicts thrombus formation caused by atrial appendage dysfunction (Tamura et al). 2010;23:545-52
Measurement of right ventricular mechanical synchrony in children using tissue Doppler velocity and two-dimensional strain imaging (Hui et al). 2010;23:1289-96
Myocardial tissue Doppler velocity imaging in children: comparative study between two ultrasound systems (Koopman et al). 2010;23:929-37
Non-invasive flow measurement of a rotary pump ventricular assist device using quantitative contrast echocardiography (Schwarz et al). 2010;23:324-9
Percutaneous closure of a mitral perivalvular leak using three dimensional real time and color flow imaging (Horton et al). 2010;23:903 (Case rep.)
A simple method of measuring thoracic aortic pulse wave velocity in children: methods and normal values (Jo et al). 2010;23:735-40
Teaching old tricks to new dogs (Pearlman). 2010;23:330-1 (Editor’s page)
Validation of conventional and simplified methods to calculate projected valve area at normal flow rate in patients with low flow, low gradient aortic stenosis: the multicenter TOPAS (True or Pseudo Severe Aortic Stenosis) Study (Clavel et al). 2010;23:380-6
Body mass index
Are normative values for LV geometry and mass based on fundamental imaging valid with use of harmonic imaging? (de las Fuentes et al). 2010;23:1317-22
Body surface area
Echocardiography: an important tool for cardiovascular risk assessment (Gidding). 2010;23:414-5 (Editorial comment)
Predicting heart failure hospitalization and mortality by quantitative echocardiography: is body surface area the indexing method of choice? The Heart and Soul Study (Ristow et al). 2010;23:406-13
Quantitative evaluation of coronary artery wall echogenicity by integrated backscatter analysis in Kawasaki disease (Abe et al). 2010;23:938-42
Bayes theorem
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
Comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of the hemodynamic parameters of 285 tricuspid valve bioprostheses early after implantation (Blauwet et al). 2010;23:1045-59
Comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of normal mitral Medtronic Hancock II, Medtronic Mosaic, and Carpentier-Edwards Perimount bioprostheses early after implantation (Blauwet et al). 2010;23:656-66
Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry: a novel technique for quantification of left ventricular blood vorticity pattern (Kheradvar et al). 2010;23:86-94
Acute thrombus formation as a complication of right ventricular biopsy (Veress et al). 2010;23:1039-44. Correction 2010;23:1182
Blood culture
Infectious endocarditis: still a menace (Martin). 2010;23:403-5 (Editorial comment)
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography for the indication of suspected infective endocarditis: vegetations, blood cultures and imaging (Kini et al). 2010;23:396-402
Blood flow velocity
Color Doppler jet area overestimates regurgitant volume when multiple jets are present (Lin et al). 2010;23:993-1000
Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry: a novel technique for quantification of left ventricular blood vorticity pattern (Kheradvar et al). 2010;23:86-94
Influence of parasympathetic modulation in Doppler mitral inflow velocity in individuals without heart disease (Antelmi et al). 2010;23:762-5
Left ventricular myocardial velocities and deformation indexes in top-level athletes (D’Andrea et al). 2010;23:1281-8
Low wall velocity of left atrial appendage measured by trans-thoracic echocardiography predicts thrombus formation caused by atrial appendage dysfunction (Tamura et al). 2010;23:545-52
Measurement of right ventricular mechanical synchrony in children using tissue Doppler velocity and two-dimensional strain imaging (Hui et al). 2010;23:1289-96
Myocardial tissue Doppler velocity imaging in children: comparative study between two ultrasound systems (Koopman et al). 2010;23:929-37
Non-invasive flow measurement of a rotary pump ventricular assist device using quantitative contrast echocardiography (Schwarz et al). 2010;23:324-9
Percutaneous closure of a mitral perivalvular leak using three dimensional real time and color flow imaging (Horton et al). 2010;23:903 (Case rep.)
A simple method of measuring thoracic aortic pulse wave velocity in children: methods and normal values (Jo et al). 2010;23:735-40
Teaching old tricks to new dogs (Pearlman). 2010;23:330-1 (Editor’s page)
Validation of conventional and simplified methods to calculate projected valve area at normal flow rate in patients with low flow, low gradient aortic stenosis: the multicenter TOPAS (True or Pseudo Severe Aortic Stenosis) Study (Clavel et al). 2010;23:380-6
Body mass index
Are normative values for LV geometry and mass based on fundamental imaging valid with use of harmonic imaging? (de las Fuentes et al). 2010;23:1317-22
Body surface area
Echocardiography: an important tool for cardiovascular risk assessment (Gidding). 2010;23:414-5 (Editorial comment)
Predicting heart failure hospitalization and mortality by quantitative echocardiography: is body surface area the indexing method of choice? The Heart and Soul Study (Ristow et al). 2010;23:406-13
Canadian Society of Echocardiography
Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography—endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography (Rudski et al). 2010;23:685-713
CARDIA study
Low cardiovascular risk is associated with favorable left ventricular mass, left ventricular relative wall thickness, and left atrial size: the CARDIA study (Gidding et al). 2010;23:816-22
Cardiac cycle, child ; see Electrocardiography, child
Cardiac events ; see Myocardial diseases
Cardiac pacing, artificial
Advantage of right ventricular outflow tract pacing on cardiac function and coronary circulation in comparison with right ventricular apex pacing (Yamano et al). 2010;23:1177-82
Biventricular pacemaker optimization guided by comprehensive echocardiography—preliminary observations regarding the effects on systolic and diastolic ventricular function and third heart sound (Taha et al). 2010;23:857-66
Biventricular pacing as bridge to rapid recovery in infancy (Dragulescu et al). 2010;23:1008 (Case rep.)
Different determinants of improvement of early and late systolic mitral regurgitation contributed after cardiac resynchronization therapy (Liang et al). 2010;23:1160-7
Echocardiographic effects of changing atrioventricular delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy based on displacement (Valeur et al). 2010;23:621-7
Effect of low-amplitude two-dimensional radial strain at left ventricular pacing sites on response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (Khan et al). 2010;23:1168-76
How should echocardiography be used in CRT optimization? (Hasan). 2010;23:867-71 (Editorial comment)
Myocardial contractile function in the region of the left ventricular pacing lead predicts the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Norisada et al). 2010;23:181-9
Recoordination rather than resynchronization predicts reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy (Wang et al). 2010;23:611-20
Right ventricular outflow tract pacing causes intraventricular dyssynchrony in patients with sick sinus syndrome: a real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic study (Liu et al). 2010;23:599-607
Right ventricular pacing from the septum avoids the acute exacerbation in left ventricular dyssynchrony and torsional behavior seen with pacing from the apex (Inoue et al). 2010;23:195-200
Selection of ventricular pacing sites guided by echocardiography: an electrophysiologist’s perspective (Kalahasty and Ellenbogen). 2010;23:608-10 (Editorial comment)
Speckle tracking echocardiography for cardiac resynchronization therapy: has the right ultrasound technique finally been found? (Mele). 2010;23:190-4 (Editorial comment). Correction 2010;23:413
Cardiac volume
Accuracy of right ventricular volumes and function determined by three-dimensional echocardiography in comparison with magnetic resonance imaging: a meta-analysis study (Shimada et al). 2010;23:943-53
Are normative values for LV geometry and mass based on fundamental imaging valid with use of harmonic imaging? (de las Fuentes et al). 2010;23:1317-22
Clinical value of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography for right ventricular quantification in congenital heart disease: validation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (van der Zwaan et al). 2010;23:134-40
Color Doppler jet area overestimates regurgitant volume when multiple jets are present (Lin et al). 2010;23:993-1000
Comparison of echocardiographic single-plane versus biplane method in the assessment of left atrial volume and validation by real time three-dimensional echocardiography (Russo et al). 2010;23:954-60
Correct estimation of conduit function from left atrial volume curve assessment only is unlikely (Marino) (Letter); (Otani et al) (Reply). 2010;23:1333-4
Dynamic assessment of right ventricular volumes and function by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: a comparison study with magnetic resonance imaging in 100 adult patients (Leibundgut et al). 2010;23:116-26
Echocardiography for assessment of right ventricular volumes revisited: a cardiac magnetic resonance comparison study in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (Greutmann et al). 2010;23:905-11
Imaging the forgotten chamber: is the devil in the boundary? (Mor-Avi et al). 2010;23:141-3 (Editorial comment)
Left atrial enlargement and phasic function in patients following non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (Boyd et al). 2010;23:1251-8
Left atrial phasic volumes are modulated by the type rather than the extent of left ventricular hypertrophy (Eshoo et al). 2010;23:538-44
Left atrial volume index: a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Fayssoil) (Letter); (Yang and Ha) (Reply). 2010;23:456
Reference values for right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction with real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: evaluation in a large series of normal subjects (Tamborini et al). 2010;23:109-15
Three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular volume and function in adult patients with congenital heart disease: comparison with magnetic resonance imaging (Grewal et al). 2010;23:127-33
Cardiomyopathies ; see Myocardial diseases
Cardiomyopathy, congestive
Diffuse late gadolinium enhancement by cardiovascular magnetic resonance predicts significant intraventricular systolic dyssynchrony in patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (Tigen et al). 2010;23:416-22
Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry: a novel technique for quantification of left ventricular blood vorticity pattern (Kheradvar et al). 2010;23:86-94
Cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic
Assessment of left atrial appendage function during sinus rhythm in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: transesophageal echocardiography and tissue Doppler study (Tuluce et al). 2010;23:1207-16
Diastolic myocardial mechanics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Carasso et al). 2010;23:164-71
Hypertrophy pattern and regional myocardial mechanics are related in septal and apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Yang et al). 2010;23:1081-9
Left atrial dysfunction as a correlate of heart failure symptoms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Roşca et al). 2010;23:1090-8
Left atrial volume index: a predictor of adverse outcome in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Fayssoil) (Letter); (Yang and Ha) (Reply). 2010;23:456
Non sustained ventricular tachycardia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and new ultrasonic derived parameters (Di Salvo et al). 2010;23:581-90
Papillary fibroelastomas in 19 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy undergoing septal myectomy (Kumar et al). 2010;23:595-8
Risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: is two-dimensional echocardiographic strain ready for prime time? (Maron and Pandian). 2010;23:591-4 (Editorial comment)
Cardiovascular diseases
ABCD’s of heart failure: echo-ing through the first stage (Kirkpatrick). 2010;23:1035-8 (Editorial comment)
Diffuse late gadolinium enhancement by cardiovascular magnetic resonance predicts significant intraventricular systolic dyssynchrony in patients with non-ischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (Tigen et al). 2010;23:416-22
Echocardiography: an important tool for cardiovascular risk assessment (Gidding). 2010;23:414-5 (Editorial comment)
The incremental prognostic value of echocardiography in asymptomatic stage A heart failure (Carerj et al). 2010;23:1025-34
Low cardiovascular risk is associated with favorable left ventricular mass, left ventricular relative wall thickness, and left atrial size: the CARDIA study (Gidding et al). 2010;23:816-22
Molecular imaging of vascular phenotype in cardiovascular disease: new diagnostic opportunities on the horizon (Lindner). 2010;23:343-50 (Featured research)
A preoperative echocardiographic predictive model for assessment of cardiovascular outcome after renal transplantation (Cai et al). 2010;23:560-6
Tissue Doppler imaging as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular events in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation (Shin et al). 2010;23:755-61
Carotid arteries
Association between carotid intima–media thickness and aortic arch plaques (Tessitore et al). 2010;23:772-7
Automated border detection for assessing the mechanical properties of the carotid arteries: comparison with carotid intima–media thickness (Luc et al). 2010;23:567-72
Carotid ultrasound identifies high risk subclinical atherosclerosis in adults with low Framingham risk scores (Eleid et al). 2010;23:802-8
The distinct relationships of carotid plaque disease and carotid intima–media thickness with left ventricular function (Chahal et al). 2010;23:1303-9
Dyssynchronous systolic expansion of carotid artery in patients with Marfan syndrome (Yang et al). 2010;23:1310-6
High prevalence of ultrasound detected carotid atherosclerosis in subjects with low Framingham risk score: potential implications for screening for subclinical atherosclerosis (Naqvi et al). 2010;23:809-15
Variations in carotid artery intima–media thickness during the cardiac cycle in children (Menees et al). 2010;23:58-63
Carrier, genetic ; see Heterozygote
Case reports
Case reports. 2010;23:107-8, 221-2, 340-1, 457-8, 580, 682-3, 791-2, 903-4, 1007-8, 1113-4, 1222-3, 1335-6
Catheter ablation
Acquired pulmonary vein stenosis: one problem, two mechanisms (Booher and Bach). 2010;23:904 (Case rep.)
Catheters, indwelling
A right atrial mass, patent foramen ovale, and indwelling central venous catheter in a patient with a malignancy: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma (Funt et al). 2010;23:457 (Case rep.)
Cerebrovascular disorders
Improved sensitivity of transthoracic contrast echocardiography in the detection of right-to-left shunts (Cotter et al) (Letter); (Di Tullio) (Reply). 2010;23:578-9
Papillary fibroelastomas in 19 patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy undergoing septal myectomy (Kumar et al). 2010;23:595-8
Patent foramen ovale: echocardiographic detection and clinical relevance in stroke (Di Tullio). 2010;23:144-55 (Review article)
Chest pain
A predictive instrument using contrast echocardiography in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain and without ST-segment elevation (Wei et al). 2010;23:636-42
Child, preschool
A comparison of the efficacy and safety of chloral hydrate versus inhaled anesthesia for sedating infants and toddlers for transthoracic echocardiograms (Nicolson et al). 2010;23:38-42
How best to assure patient co-operation during a pediatric echocardiography examination? (Zilberman). 2010;23:43-5 (Editorial comment)
Child echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, child
Chloral hydrate
A comparison of the efficacy and safety of chloral hydrate versus inhaled anesthesia for sedating infants and toddlers for transthoracic echocardiograms (Nicolson et al). 2010;23:38-42
How best to assure patient co-operation during a pediatric echocardiography examination? (Zilberman). 2010;23:43-5 (Editorial comment)
The seabed-like appearance of atherosclerotic plaques: three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of the aortic arch causing cholesterol crystal emboli (Negishi et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Chromosome abnormalities
Chromosomal abnormalities and neuromuscular disorders predict severity and outcome of noncompaction in addition to cardiac comorbidities (Stöllberger and Finsterer). 2010;23:338 (Letter)
Response to “Chromosomal abnormalities and neuromuscular disorders predict severity and outcome of noncompaction in addition to cardiac comorbidities” (Punn and Silverman). 2010;23:338-9 (Letter reply)
Cohort studies
Independent predictors of survival in primary systemic (AL) amyloidosis, including cardiac biomarkers and left ventricular strain imaging: an observational cohort study (Bellavia et al). 2010;23:643-52
Color Doppler echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, Doppler, color
Combined modality treatment
Usefulness of multimodality cardiac imaging in the diagnosis of a right atrial angiosarcoma (Vaidya et al). 2010;23:792 (Case rep.)
Chromosomal abnormalities and neuromuscular disorders predict severity and outcome of noncompaction in addition to cardiac comorbidities (Stöllberger and Finsterer). 2010;23:338 (Letter)
Response to “Chromosomal abnormalities and neuromuscular disorders predict severity and outcome of noncompaction in addition to cardiac comorbidities” (Punn and Silverman). 2010;23:338-9 (Letter reply)
Torn atrial septum during transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect visualized by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Kijima et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Computer storage devices
Detecting (and correcting) discrepancies in echocardiography reports: a quality improvement opportunity whose time has come (Pearlman and Gardin). 2010;23:783-5 (Editorial comment)
Detection of discrepancies in facilitated echocardiographic reporting using a prototype rule generator (Chandra et al). 2010;23:778-82
Congenital heart defects ; see Heart defects, congenital
Congestive heart failure ; see Heart failure, congestive
Continuing medical education tests
CME exam for Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography. 2010;23:786-8
CME exam for Molecular imaging of vascular phenotype in cardiovascular disease: new diagnostic opportunities on the horizon. 2010;23:450-2
CME test for Assessment of myocardial mechanics using speckle tracking echocardiography: fundamentals and clinical applications. 2010;23:453-5
CME test for The different faces of echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy: clues to the etiology. 2010;23:901-2
CME test for Echocardiographic indexes for the non-invasive evaluation of pulmonary hemodynamics. 2010;23:332-4
CME test for Patent foramen ovale: echocardiographic detection and clinical relevance in stroke. 2010;23:219-20
CME test for Pseudoaneurysm of the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa—a comprehensive review. 2010;23:1111-2
CME test for Recommendations for quantification methods during the performance of a pediatric echocardiogram: a report from the Pediatric Measurements Writing Group of the American Society of Echocardiography Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease Council. 2010;23:575-7
CME test for Role of M-mode technique in today’s echocardiography. 2010;23:335-7
CME test for Safety of transesophageal echocardiography. 2010;23:1219-21
Friends don’t let friends miss out on echo CME (Pearlman). 2010;23:1109-10 (Editor’s page)
Contraction, myocardial ; see Myocardial contraction
Contrast echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, contrast
Coronary angiography
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with abnormal stress echocardiograms and angiographically mild coronary artery disease (<50% stenoses) or normal coronary arteries (From et al). 2010;23:207-14
High volume-rate three-dimensional stress echocardiography to assess inducible myocardial ischemia: a feasibility study (Badano et al). 2010;23:628-35
The “myth” of the false positive stress echo (Labovitz). 2010;23:215-6 (Editorial comment)
Prognostic implications of stress echocardiography and impact on patient outcomes: an effective gatekeeper for coronary angiography and revascularization (Yao et al). 2010;23:832-9
Coronary artery
Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left ventricle (Ippisch and Kimball). 2010;23:222 (Case rep.)
Echocardiographic features of double-outlet right atrium and straddling tricuspid valve with intact ventricular septum: a rare cardiac anomaly associated with pulmonary atresia and single coronary artery ostium (Beroukhim and Geva). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
Oxygen supplementation is helpful for the echocardiographic detection of anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (Blanco et al). 2010;23:1099-102
An unusual case of dissecting aneurysms involving both coronary sinuses of Valsalva (Math et al). 2010;23:458 (Case rep.)
Coronary artery bypass
Transesophageal echocardiography of a dislodged left atrial appendage thrombus and its subsequent surgical removal during coronary artery bypass graft surgery (Tanzola et al). 2010;23:1008 (Case rep.)
Coronary circulation
Advantage of right ventricular outflow tract pacing on cardiac function and coronary circulation in comparison with right ventricular apex pacing (Yamano et al). 2010;23:1177-82
Detection of coronary artery disease by combined assessment of wall motion, myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve: a multiparametric contrast stress–echocardiography study (Gaibazzi et al). 2010;23:1242-50
Detection of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in three major coronary arteries by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (Hyodo et al). 2010;23:553-9
Coronary disease
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with abnormal stress echocardiograms and angiographically mild coronary artery disease (<50% stenoses) or normal coronary arteries (From et al). 2010;23:207-14
Coronary sinus obstruction by primary cardiac lymphoma as a cause of dyspnea due to significant diastolic dysfunction and elevated filling pressures (Park et al). 2010;23:682 (Case rep.)
Detection of coronary artery disease by combined assessment of wall motion, myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve: a multiparametric contrast stress–echocardiography study (Gaibazzi et al). 2010;23:1242-50
Detection of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in three major coronary arteries by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (Hyodo et al). 2010;23:553-9
Diagnostic value of segmental longitudinal strain by automated function imaging in coronary artery disease without left ventricular dysfunction (Tsai et al). 2010;23:1183-9
High volume-rate three-dimensional stress echocardiography to assess inducible myocardial ischemia: a feasibility study (Badano et al). 2010;23:628-35
Intraoperative stress cardiomyopathy (Gologorsky and Gologorsky). 2010;23:340 (Case rep.)
The “myth” of the false positive stress echo (Labovitz). 2010;23:215-6 (Editorial comment)
Objective interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiography by diastolic dyssynchrony imaging: a practical approach (Onishi et al). 2010;23:1103-8
A preoperative echocardiographic predictive model for assessment of cardiovascular outcome after renal transplantation (Cai et al). 2010;23:560-6
Quantitative analysis of function and perfusion during dobutamine stress in the detection of coronary stenoses: two-dimensional strain and contrast echocardiography investigations (Reant et al). 2010;23:95-103
Quantitative evaluation of coronary artery wall echogenicity by integrated backscatter analysis in Kawasaki disease (Abe et al). 2010;23:938-42
Acute thrombus formation as a complication of right ventricular biopsy (Veress et al) (2010;23:1039-44). 2010;23:1182
Assessment of myocardial mechanics using speckle tracking echocardiography: fundamentals and clinical applications (Geyer et al) (2010;23:351-69). 2010;23:734
Diastolic dysfunction and its histopathological correlation in obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children and adolescents (Menon et al) (2010;22:1327-34). 2010;23:222
A novel non-invasive method of estimating pulmonary vascular resistance in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (Haddad et al) (2009;22:523-9). 2010;23:376
Speckle tracking echocardiography for cardiac resynchronization therapy: has the right ultrasound technique finally been found? (Mele) (2010;23:190-4). 2010;23:413
Correspondence ; see Letters to the editor
Cost-benefit analysis
Role of M-mode technique in today’s echocardiography (Feigenbaum). 2010;23:240-57
What is an echo machine? (Kimura). 2010;23:1238-41 (Editorial comment)
CRT ; see Cardiac pacing, artificial
Delivery of health care
Reforming health care—a personal perspective (Pearlman). 2010;23:1331-2 (Editor’s page)
Descending aorta ; see Aorta, thoracic
Devices, medical ; see Equipment and supplies
Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent
Impaired myocardial radial function in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a speckle-tracking imaging study (Ernande et al). 2010;23:1266-72
Aberrant left innominate artery from the left descending aorta in right aortic arch: echocardiographic diagnosis (Barcudi et al). 2010;23:221 (Case rep.)
Cardiac segmental analysis in left ventricular noncompaction: experience in a pediatric population (Punn and Silverman). 2010;23:46-53
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
Diagnostic value of segmental longitudinal strain by automated function imaging in coronary artery disease without left ventricular dysfunction (Tsai et al). 2010;23:1183-9
Left ventricular noncompaction: travelling the road from diagnosis to outcomes (Lewin). 2010;23:54-7 (Editorial comment)
Molecular imaging of vascular phenotype in cardiovascular disease: new diagnostic opportunities on the horizon (Lindner). 2010;23:343-50 (Featured research)
Usefulness of multimodality cardiac imaging in the diagnosis of a right atrial angiosarcoma (Vaidya et al). 2010;23:792 (Case rep.)
Diagnosis, differential
Diagnosis of inferior sinus venosus atrial septal defects using transthoracic three-dimensional echocardiography (Chen et al). 2010;23:457 (Case rep.)
Pitfalls in diagnosing PFO: characteristics of false-negative contrast injections during transesophageal echocardiography in patients with patent foramen ovales (Johansson et al). 2010;23:1136-42
A right atrial mass, patent foramen ovale, and indwelling central venous catheter in a patient with a malignancy: a diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma (Funt et al). 2010;23:457 (Case rep.)
Thrombosed aneurysm of the left sinus of Valsalva presenting as an intramyocardial mass (Marques et al). 2010;23:1223 (Case rep.)
Biventricular pacemaker optimization guided by comprehensive echocardiography—preliminary observations regarding the effects on systolic and diastolic ventricular function and third heart sound (Taha et al). 2010;23:857-66
Coronary sinus obstruction by primary cardiac lymphoma as a cause of dyspnea due to significant diastolic dysfunction and elevated filling pressures (Park et al). 2010;23:682 (Case rep.)
Correct estimation of conduit function from left atrial volume curve assessment only is unlikely (Marino) (Letter); (Otani et al) (Reply). 2010;23:1333-4
A depression in left ventricular diastolic filling following prolonged strenuous exercise is associated with changes in left atrial mechanics (Oxborough et al). 2010;23:968-76
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
Diastolic myocardial mechanics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Carasso et al). 2010;23:164-71
Differences of myocardial systolic deformation and correlates of diastolic function in competitive rowers and young hypertensives: a speckle-tracking echocardiography study (Galderisi et al). 2010;23:1190-8
An evaluation of transmitral and pulmonary venous Doppler indices for assessing murine left ventricular diastolic function (Yuan et al). 2010;23:887-97
How should echocardiography be used in CRT optimization? (Hasan). 2010;23:867-71 (Editorial comment)
Impact of diastolic dysfunction grade on left atrial mechanics assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Otani et al). 2010;23:961-7
Influence of parasympathetic modulation in Doppler mitral inflow velocity in individuals without heart disease (Antelmi et al). 2010;23:762-5
Left atrial phasic volumes are modulated by the type rather than the extent of left ventricular hypertrophy (Eshoo et al). 2010;23:538-44
Objective interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiography by diastolic dyssynchrony imaging: a practical approach (Onishi et al). 2010;23:1103-8
Passive leg-raise is helpful to identify impaired diastolic functional reserve during exercise in patients with abnormal myocardial relaxation (Choi et al). 2010;23:523-30
Systolic and diastolic myocardial mechanics in patients with cardiac disease and preserved ejection fraction: impact of left ventricular filling pressure (Nguyen et al). 2010;23:1273-80
Dilated cardiomyopathy ; see Cardiomyopathy, congestive
High volume-rate three-dimensional stress echocardiography to assess inducible myocardial ischemia: a feasibility study (Badano et al). 2010;23:628-35
Dissecting aneurysm ; see Aneurysm, dissecting
High resolution speckle tracking dobutamine stress echocardiography reveals heterogeneous responses in different myocardial layers: implication for viability assessments (Rösner et al). 2010;23:439-47
Objective interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiography by diastolic dyssynchrony imaging: a practical approach (Onishi et al). 2010;23:1103-8
Pressure-volume relationship during dobutamine stress echocardiography predicts exercise tolerance in patients with congestive heart failure (Ciampi et al). 2010;23:71-8
Quantitative analysis of function and perfusion during dobutamine stress in the detection of coronary stenoses: two-dimensional strain and contrast echocardiography investigations (Reant et al). 2010;23:95-103
Doppler echocardiography ; see Echocardiography, Doppler
Doppler tissue imaging
Assessment of left atrial appendage function during sinus rhythm in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: transesophageal echocardiography and tissue Doppler study (Tuluce et al). 2010;23:1207-16
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
Do additional echocardiographic variables increase the accuracy of E/e’ for predicting left ventricular filling pressure in normal ejection fraction? An echocardiographic and invasive hemodynamic study (Dokainish et al). 2010;23:156-61
Early myocardial dysfunction after chronic use of anabolic androgenic steroids: combined pulsed-wave tissue Doppler imaging and ultrasonic integrated backscatter cyclic variations analysis (Montisci et al). 2010;23:516-22
Left atrial electromechanical conduction time can predict six-month maintenance of sinus rhythm after electrical cardioversion in persistent atrial fibrillation by Doppler tissue echocardiography (Park et al). 2010;23:309-14
Left ventricular myocardial velocities and deformation indexes in top-level athletes (D’Andrea et al). 2010;23:1281-8
Measurement of right ventricular mechanical synchrony in children using tissue Doppler velocity and two-dimensional strain imaging (Hui et al). 2010;23:1289-96
Myocardial tissue Doppler velocity imaging in children: comparative study between two ultrasound systems (Koopman et al). 2010;23:929-37
Objective interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiography by diastolic dyssynchrony imaging: a practical approach (Onishi et al). 2010;23:1103-8
Preoperative longitudinal left ventricular function by tissue Doppler echocardiography at rest and during exercise is valuable in timing of aortic valve surgery in male aortic regurgitation patients (Helin et al). 2010;23:387-95
Recovery of function after acute myocardial infarction evaluated by tissue Doppler strain and strain rate (Ingul et al). 2010;23:432-8
Right ventricular function in patients with pulmonary embolism: early and late findings using Doppler tissue imaging (Rydman et al). 2010;23:531-7
Tissue Doppler imaging as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular events in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation (Shin et al). 2010;23:755-61
Coronary sinus obstruction by primary cardiac lymphoma as a cause of dyspnea due to significant diastolic dysfunction and elevated filling pressures (Park et al). 2010;23:682 (Case rep.)
Exercise-induced left ventricular systolic dysfunction in women heterozygous for dystrophinopathy (Weiss et al). 2010;23:848-53
Identifying abnormalities of left ventricular systolic function in asymptomatic “carriers” of dystrophin mutations: getting better…but not there yet (Eidem). 2010;23:854-6 (Editorial comment)
Echocardiography, child
Accuracy and reproducibility of strain by speckle tracking in pediatric subjects with normal heart and single ventricular physiology: a two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging correlative study (Singh et al). 2010;23:1143-52
Annular tilt as a screening test for right ventricular enlargement in patients with tetralogy of Fallot (Punn et al). 2010;23:1297-302
Anomalies associated with a prominent azygos vein on echocardiography in the pediatric population (Punn and Olson). 2010;23:282-5
Anomalous origin of the right coronary artery from the left ventricle (Ippisch and Kimball). 2010;23:222 (Case rep.)
Cardiac segmental analysis in left ventricular noncompaction: experience in a pediatric population (Punn and Silverman). 2010;23:46-53
Comparison between different speckle tracking and color tissue Doppler techniques to measure global and regional myocardial deformation in children (Koopman et al). 2010;23:919-28
A comparison of the efficacy and safety of chloral hydrate versus inhaled anesthesia for sedating infants and toddlers for transthoracic echocardiograms (Nicolson et al). 2010;23:38-42
Echocardiographic features of double-outlet right atrium and straddling tricuspid valve with intact ventricular septum: a rare cardiac anomaly associated with pulmonary atresia and single coronary artery ostium (Beroukhim and Geva). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
The efficacy and safety of oral pentobarbital sedation in pediatric echocardiography (Warden et al). 2010;23:33-7
Hand-carried ultrasound devices in pediatric cardiology: clinical experience with three different devices in 110 patients (Dalla Pozza et al). 2010;23:1231-7
How best to assure patient co-operation during a pediatric echocardiography examination? (Zilberman). 2010;23:43-5 (Editorial comment)
Left ventricular noncompaction: travelling the road from diagnosis to outcomes (Lewin). 2010;23:54-7 (Editorial comment)
Measurement of right ventricular mechanical synchrony in children using tissue Doppler velocity and two-dimensional strain imaging (Hui et al). 2010;23:1289-96
Myocardial tissue Doppler velocity imaging in children: comparative study between two ultrasound systems (Koopman et al). 2010;23:929-37
Normal rotational, torsion and untwisting data in children, adolescents and young adults (Takahashi et al). 2010;23:286-93
Oxygen supplementation is helpful for the echocardiographic detection of anomalous left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (Blanco et al). 2010;23:1099-102
Real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic dyssynchrony in healthy children (Cui et al). 2010;23:1153-9
Recommendations for quantification methods during the performance of a pediatric echocardiogram: a report from the Pediatric Measurements Writing Group of the American Society of Echocardiography Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease Council (Lopez et al). 2010;23:465-95
A simple method of measuring thoracic aortic pulse wave velocity in children: methods and normal values (Jo et al). 2010;23:735-40
Sonothrombolysis of intra-catheter aged venous thrombi using microbubble enhancement and guided three-dimensional ultrasound pulses (Kutty et al). 2010;23:1001-6
Supravalvular mitral ring with complete atrioventricular septal defect: a case report and three-dimensional echocardiography evaluation (Novero et al). 2010;23:792 (Case rep.)
Variations in carotid artery intima–media thickness during the cardiac cycle in children (Menees et al). 2010;23:58-63
What is an echo machine? (Kimura). 2010;23:1238-41 (Editorial comment)
Echocardiography, contrast
Contrast enhanced transesophageal echocardiographic guidance of left atrial appendage closure device implantation (Main et al). 2010;23:1007 (Case rep.)
Contrast guided two-dimensional echocardiography for needle localization during pericardiocentesis: a case report (Schussler and Grayburn). 2010;23:683 (Case rep.)
Detection of coronary artery disease by combined assessment of wall motion, myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve: a multiparametric contrast stress–echocardiography study (Gaibazzi et al). 2010;23:1242-50
Effect of acoustic power on in vivo molecular imaging with targeted microbubbles: implications for low-mechanical index real-time imaging (Kaufmann et al). 2010;23:79-85
Improved sensitivity of transthoracic contrast echocardiography in the detection of right-to-left shunts (Cotter et al) (Letter); (Di Tullio) (Reply). 2010;23:578-9
Molecular imaging of vascular phenotype in cardiovascular disease: new diagnostic opportunities on the horizon (Lindner). 2010;23:343-50 (Featured research)
Myocardial contrast echocardiography versus single photon emission computed tomography for assessment of hibernating myocardium in ischemic cardiomyopathy: preliminary qualitative and quantitative results (Chelliah et al). 2010;23:840-7
Non-invasive flow measurement of a rotary pump ventricular assist device using quantitative contrast echocardiography (Schwarz et al). 2010;23:324-9
Pitfalls in diagnosing PFO: characteristics of false-negative contrast injections during transesophageal echocardiography in patients with patent foramen ovales (Johansson et al). 2010;23:1136-42
A predictive instrument using contrast echocardiography in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain and without ST-segment elevation (Wei et al). 2010;23:636-42
Quantitative analysis of function and perfusion during dobutamine stress in the detection of coronary stenoses: two-dimensional strain and contrast echocardiography investigations (Reant et al). 2010;23:95-103
Teaching old tricks to new dogs (Pearlman). 2010;23:330-1 (Editor’s page)
Echocardiography, Doppler
Biventricular pacemaker optimization guided by comprehensive echocardiography—preliminary observations regarding the effects on systolic and diastolic ventricular function and third heart sound (Taha et al). 2010;23:857-66
Can isovolumic acceleration be used in clinical practice to estimate ventricular contractile function? Reproducibility and regional variation of a new noninvasive index (Margulescu et al). 2010;23:423-31
Comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of normal mitral Medtronic Hancock II, Medtronic Mosaic, and Carpentier-Edwards Perimount bioprostheses early after implantation (Blauwet et al). 2010;23:656-66
Comprehensive echocardiographic assessment of the hemodynamic parameters of 285 tricuspid valve bioprostheses early after implantation (Blauwet et al). 2010;23:1045-59
Detection of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in three major coronary arteries by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (Hyodo et al). 2010;23:553-9
Echocardiographic effects of changing atrioventricular delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy based on displacement (Valeur et al). 2010;23:621-7
Echocardiographic indexes for the non-invasive evaluation of pulmonary hemodynamics (Milan et al). 2010;23:225-39 (Review article)
Electrical dissociation within the left atrium and left atrial appendage diagnosed with transesophageal echocardiography (Naqvi et al). 2010;23:1113 (Case rep.)
An evaluation of transmitral and pulmonary venous Doppler indices for assessing murine left ventricular diastolic function (Yuan et al). 2010;23:887-97
Hypertrophy pattern and regional myocardial mechanics are related in septal and apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Yang et al). 2010;23:1081-9
Immediate and long-term echocardiographic findings after transcatheter aortic valve implantation for the treatment of aortic stenosis: the Cribier-Edwards/Edwards-Sapien valve experience (Bauer et al). 2010;23:370-6
Independent predictors of survival in primary systemic (AL) amyloidosis, including cardiac biomarkers and left ventricular strain imaging: an observational cohort study (Bellavia et al). 2010;23:643-52
Influence of parasympathetic modulation in Doppler mitral inflow velocity in individuals without heart disease (Antelmi et al). 2010;23:762-5
Light chain amyloidosis circa 2010: six prognostic markers and one sobering reality (Migrino and Hari). 2010;23:653-5 (Editorial comment)
Peak power output to left ventricular mass: an index to predict ventricular pumping performance and morbidity in advanced heart failure (Dini et al). 2010;23:1259-65
Quantifying mitral valve regurgitation: new solutions from the 3rd dimension (Little). 2010;23:9-12 (Editorial comment)
Quantitative evaluation of coronary artery wall echogenicity by integrated backscatter analysis in Kawasaki disease (Abe et al). 2010;23:938-42
Sequential changes of longitudinal and radial myocardial deformation indices in the healthy neonate heart (Pena et al). 2010;23:294-300
Transcutaneous aortic valve implantation—a first line treatment for aortic valve disease? (Johnson et al). 2010;23:377-9 (Editorial comment)
Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography reliably predict severe pulmonary regurgitation as quantified by cardiac magnetic resonance (Renella et al). 2010;23:880-6
Uncommon Doppler echocardiographic findings of severe pulmonic insufficiency (Jhaveri et al). 2010;23:1071-5
Echocardiography, Doppler, color
Color Doppler jet area overestimates regurgitant volume when multiple jets are present (Lin et al). 2010;23:993-1000
Comparison between different speckle tracking and color tissue Doppler techniques to measure global and regional myocardial deformation in children (Koopman et al). 2010;23:919-28
Quantification of mitral regurgitation using high pulse repetition frequency three-dimensional color Doppler (Skaug et al). 2010;23:1-8
Echocardiography, fetal
Prospective assessment of fetal cardiac function with speckle tracking in healthy fetuses and recipient fetuses of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (Van Mieghem et al). 2010;23:301-8
Echocardiography, intraoperative
Intraoperative stress cardiomyopathy (Gologorsky and Gologorsky). 2010;23:340 (Case rep.)
Safety of transesophageal echocardiography (Hilberath et al). 2010;23:1115-27 (Comprehensive review)
Echocardiography, M-mode
Role of M-mode technique in today’s echocardiography (Feigenbaum). 2010;23:240-57
Teaching old tricks to new dogs (Pearlman). 2010;23:330-1 (Editor’s page)
Echocardiography, stress
Characteristics and outcomes of patients with abnormal stress echocardiograms and angiographically mild coronary artery disease (<50% stenoses) or normal coronary arteries (From et al). 2010;23:207-14
Detection of coronary artery disease by combined assessment of wall motion, myocardial perfusion and coronary flow reserve: a multiparametric contrast stress–echocardiography study (Gaibazzi et al). 2010;23:1242-50
Evaluation of the clinical application of the ACCF/ASE appropriateness criteria for stress echocardiography (Mansour et al). 2010;23:1199-204
Exercise-induced left ventricular systolic dysfunction in women heterozygous for dystrophinopathy (Weiss et al). 2010;23:848-53
High resolution speckle tracking dobutamine stress echocardiography reveals heterogeneous responses in different myocardial layers: implication for viability assessments (Rösner et al). 2010;23:439-47
High volume-rate three-dimensional stress echocardiography to assess inducible myocardial ischemia: a feasibility study (Badano et al). 2010;23:628-35
Identifying abnormalities of left ventricular systolic function in asymptomatic “carriers” of dystrophin mutations: getting better…but not there yet (Eidem). 2010;23:854-6 (Editorial comment)
The “myth” of the false positive stress echo (Labovitz). 2010;23:215-6 (Editorial comment)
Objective interpretation of dobutamine stress echocardiography by diastolic dyssynchrony imaging: a practical approach (Onishi et al). 2010;23:1103-8
Outcomes of patients with stress-induced cardiomyopathy diagnosed by echocardiography in a tertiary referral hospital (Lee et al). 2010;23:766-71
A preoperative echocardiographic predictive model for assessment of cardiovascular outcome after renal transplantation (Cai et al). 2010;23:560-6
Pressure-volume relationship during dobutamine stress echocardiography predicts exercise tolerance in patients with congestive heart failure (Ciampi et al). 2010;23:71-8
Prognostic implications of stress echocardiography and impact on patient outcomes: an effective gatekeeper for coronary angiography and revascularization (Yao et al). 2010;23:832-9
Quantitative analysis of function and perfusion during dobutamine stress in the detection of coronary stenoses: two-dimensional strain and contrast echocardiography investigations (Reant et al). 2010;23:95-103
A rising paradigm of appropriateness (Sengupta and Khandheria). 2010;23:1205-6 (Editorial comment)
Echocardiography, three-dimensional
Accuracy of right ventricular volumes and function determined by three-dimensional echocardiography in comparison with magnetic resonance imaging: a meta-analysis study (Shimada et al). 2010;23:943-53
Clinical value of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography for right ventricular quantification in congenital heart disease: validation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (van der Zwaan et al). 2010;23:134-40
Comparison of echocardiographic single-plane versus biplane method in the assessment of left atrial volume and validation by real time three-dimensional echocardiography (Russo et al). 2010;23:954-60
Diagnosis of inferior sinus venosus atrial septal defects using transthoracic three-dimensional echocardiography (Chen et al). 2010;23:457 (Case rep.)
Do we need more echo scores for balloon mitral valvuloplasty? (Goldstein and Lindsay). 2010;23:23-5 (Editorial comment)
Dynamic annular geometry and function in patients with mitral regurgitation: insight from three-dimensional annular tracking (Little et al). 2010;23:872-9
Dynamic assessment of right ventricular volumes and function by real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: a comparison study with magnetic resonance imaging in 100 adult patients (Leibundgut et al). 2010;23:116-26
En face view of atrial septal defect by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography: comparison to real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Huang et al). 2010;23:714-21
Extensive nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis isolated to the tricuspid valve in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (Bhimani and Hoit). 2010;23:107 (Case rep.)
Feasibility of pulmonary valve imaging using three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (Kelly et al). 2010;23:1076-80
“Grey zone” patterns of unexplained endocarditis: still a challenge for clinical decision making (Grimaldi et al). 2010;23:221 (Case rep.)
High volume-rate three-dimensional stress echocardiography to assess inducible myocardial ischemia: a feasibility study (Badano et al). 2010;23:628-35
How can we best image congenital heart defects? Are two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiography competitive or complementary? (Ge). 2010;23:722-5 (Editorial comment)
Imaging atrial septal defects by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography: step-by-step approach (Saric et al). 2010;23:1128-35
Imaging the forgotten chamber: is the devil in the boundary? (Mor-Avi et al). 2010;23:141-3 (Editorial comment)
Percutaneous closure of a mitral perivalvular leak using three dimensional real time and color flow imaging (Horton et al). 2010;23:903 (Case rep.)
Quantification of mitral regurgitation using high pulse repetition frequency three-dimensional color Doppler (Skaug et al). 2010;23:1-8
Quantifying mitral valve regurgitation: new solutions from the 3rd dimension (Little). 2010;23:9-12 (Editorial comment)
Radiotherapy-induced mitral stenosis: a three-dimensional perspective (Malanca et al). 2010;23:108 (Case rep.)
Real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular systolic dyssynchrony in healthy children (Cui et al). 2010;23:1153-9
Real-time three dimensional echocardiography in the postoperative follow-up of type-A aortic dissection—a case report (Muraru et al). 2010;23:682 (Case rep.)
Reference values for right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction with real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: evaluation in a large series of normal subjects (Tamborini et al). 2010;23:109-15
Right ventricular outflow tract pacing causes intraventricular dyssynchrony in patients with sick sinus syndrome: a real-time three-dimensional echocardiographic study (Liu et al). 2010;23:599-607
The seabed-like appearance of atherosclerotic plaques: three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of the aortic arch causing cholesterol crystal emboli (Negishi et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Selection of ventricular pacing sites guided by echocardiography: an electrophysiologist’s perspective (Kalahasty and Ellenbogen). 2010;23:608-10 (Editorial comment)
Sonothrombolysis of intra-catheter aged venous thrombi using microbubble enhancement and guided three-dimensional ultrasound pulses (Kutty et al). 2010;23:1001-6
Supravalvular mitral ring with complete atrioventricular septal defect: a case report and three-dimensional echocardiography evaluation (Novero et al). 2010;23:792 (Case rep.)
Three-dimensional echocardiographic assessment of right ventricular volume and function in adult patients with congenital heart disease: comparison with magnetic resonance imaging (Grewal et al). 2010;23:127-33
Torn atrial septum during transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect visualized by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Kijima et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Traumatic tricuspid regurgitation caused by myocardial laceration: a three-dimensional echocardiographic study (Kamiya et al). 2010;23:903 (Case rep.)
Two-dimensional versus transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography in the evaluation of the mechanisms and sites of atrioventricular valve regurgitation in a congenital heart disease population (Takahashi et al). 2010;23:726-34
Utility of real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in evaluating the success of percutaneous transcatheter closure of mitral paravalvular leaks (García-Fernández et al). 2010;23:26-32
Utility of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography: anatomy, mechanism, and severity of regurgitation in a patient with an isolated cleft posterior mitral valve (Biaggi et al). 2010;23:1114 (Case rep.)
Validation of a new score for the assessment of mitral stenosis using real-time three-dimensional echocardiography (Anwar et al). 2010;23:13-22
Echocardiography, transesophageal
Application of the appropriateness criteria for echocardiography in an academic medical center (Aggarwal et al). 2010;23:267-74
Assessment of left atrial appendage function during sinus rhythm in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: transesophageal echocardiography and tissue Doppler study (Tuluce et al). 2010;23:1207-16
Association between carotid intima–media thickness and aortic arch plaques (Tessitore et al). 2010;23:772-7
Composite Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma of the mitral and aortic valves (Khanna et al). 2010;23:1113 (Case rep.)
Contrast enhanced transesophageal echocardiographic guidance of left atrial appendage closure device implantation (Main et al). 2010;23:1007 (Case rep.)
Electrical dissociation within the left atrium and left atrial appendage diagnosed with transesophageal echocardiography (Naqvi et al). 2010;23:1113 (Case rep.)
En face view of atrial septal defect by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography: comparison to real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Huang et al). 2010;23:714-21
The feasibility of velocity vector imaging by transesophageal echocardiography for assessment of elastic properties of the descending aorta in aortic valve disease (Petrini et al). 2010;23:985-92
How can we best image congenital heart defects? Are two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiography competitive or complementary? (Ge). 2010;23:722-5 (Editorial comment)
Imaging atrial septal defects by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography: step-by-step approach (Saric et al). 2010;23:1128-35
Infectious endocarditis: still a menace (Martin). 2010;23:403-5 (Editorial comment)
Intraoperative stress cardiomyopathy (Gologorsky and Gologorsky). 2010;23:340 (Case rep.)
Patent foramen ovale: echocardiographic detection and clinical relevance in stroke (Di Tullio). 2010;23:144-55 (Review article)
Pitfalls in diagnosing PFO: characteristics of false-negative contrast injections during transesophageal echocardiography in patients with patent foramen ovales (Johansson et al). 2010;23:1136-42
Radiotherapy-induced mitral stenosis: a three-dimensional perspective (Malanca et al). 2010;23:108 (Case rep.)
Safety of transesophageal echocardiography (Hilberath et al). 2010;23:1115-27 (Comprehensive review)
The seabed-like appearance of atherosclerotic plaques: three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of the aortic arch causing cholesterol crystal emboli (Negishi et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Torn atrial septum during transcatheter closure of atrial septal defect visualized by real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Kijima et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Transesophageal echocardiography of a dislodged left atrial appendage thrombus and its subsequent surgical removal during coronary artery bypass graft surgery (Tanzola et al). 2010;23:1008 (Case rep.)
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography for the indication of suspected infective endocarditis: vegetations, blood cultures and imaging (Kini et al). 2010;23:396-402
Uncommon Doppler echocardiographic findings of severe pulmonic insufficiency (Jhaveri et al). 2010;23:1071-5
Utility of real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography in evaluating the success of percutaneous transcatheter closure of mitral paravalvular leaks (García-Fernández et al). 2010;23:26-32
Utility of three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography: anatomy, mechanism, and severity of regurgitation in a patient with an isolated cleft posterior mitral valve (Biaggi et al). 2010;23:1114 (Case rep.)
Echocardiography, transthoracic
Application of the appropriateness criteria for echocardiography in an academic medical center (Aggarwal et al). 2010;23:267-74
A comparison of the efficacy and safety of chloral hydrate versus inhaled anesthesia for sedating infants and toddlers for transthoracic echocardiograms (Nicolson et al). 2010;23:38-42
Detection of restenosis after percutaneous coronary intervention in three major coronary arteries by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (Hyodo et al). 2010;23:553-9
Diagnosis of inferior sinus venosus atrial septal defects using transthoracic three-dimensional echocardiography (Chen et al). 2010;23:457 (Case rep.)
Echocardiographic features of double-outlet right atrium and straddling tricuspid valve with intact ventricular septum: a rare cardiac anomaly associated with pulmonary atresia and single coronary artery ostium (Beroukhim and Geva). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
The efficacy and safety of oral pentobarbital sedation in pediatric echocardiography (Warden et al). 2010;23:33-7
En face view of atrial septal defect by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography: comparison to real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Huang et al). 2010;23:714-21
Feasibility of pulmonary valve imaging using three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography (Kelly et al). 2010;23:1076-80
Functional anatomy of tricuspid regurgitation in patients with systemic right ventricles (Szymański et al). 2010;23:504-10
How best to assure patient co-operation during a pediatric echocardiography examination? (Zilberman). 2010;23:43-5 (Editorial comment)
How can we best image congenital heart defects? Are two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiography competitive or complementary? (Ge). 2010;23:722-5 (Editorial comment)
Improved sensitivity of transthoracic contrast echocardiography in the detection of right-to-left shunts (Cotter et al) (Letter); (Di Tullio) (Reply). 2010;23:578-9
Infectious endocarditis: still a menace (Martin). 2010;23:403-5 (Editorial comment)
Intermittent, noncyclic dysfunction of a mechanical aortic prosthesis by pannus formation (Giroux et al). 2010;23:107 (Case rep.)
Low wall velocity of left atrial appendage measured by trans-thoracic echocardiography predicts thrombus formation caused by atrial appendage dysfunction (Tamura et al). 2010;23:545-52
A new simple method to estimate pulmonary regurgitation by echocardiography in operated Fallot: comparison with magnetic resonance imaging and performance test evaluation (Festa et al). 2010;23:496-503
Patent foramen ovale: echocardiographic detection and clinical relevance in stroke (Di Tullio). 2010;23:144-55 (Review article)
The relative atrial index (RAI)—a novel, simple, reliable, and robust transthoracic echocardiographic indicator of atrial defects (Kelly et al). 2010;23:275-81
Role of M-mode technique in today’s echocardiography (Feigenbaum). 2010;23:240-57
Systemic air embolization originating from a pleural air leak via a left ventricular assist device cannula anastomosis site (Platts et al). 2010;23:341 (Case rep.)
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography for the indication of suspected infective endocarditis: vegetations, blood cultures and imaging (Kini et al). 2010;23:396-402
Two-dimensional versus transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography in the evaluation of the mechanisms and sites of atrioventricular valve regurgitation in a congenital heart disease population (Takahashi et al). 2010;23:726-34
Echocardiography, two-dimensional
Aberrant left innominate artery from the left descending aorta in right aortic arch: echocardiographic diagnosis (Barcudi et al). 2010;23:221 (Case rep.)
Accuracy and reproducibility of strain by speckle tracking in pediatric subjects with normal heart and single ventricular physiology: a two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging correlative study (Singh et al). 2010;23:1143-52
Assessment of myocardial mechanics using speckle tracking echocardiography: fundamentals and clinical applications (Geyer et al). 2010;23:351-69 (Review article). Correction 2010;23:734
Circumferential and longitudinal strain in 3 myocardial layers in normal subjects and in patients with regional left ventricular dysfunction (Leitman et al). 2010;23:64-70
Comparison between different speckle tracking and color tissue Doppler techniques to measure global and regional myocardial deformation in children (Koopman et al). 2010;23:919-28
Comparison of echocardiographic single-plane versus biplane method in the assessment of left atrial volume and validation by real time three-dimensional echocardiography (Russo et al). 2010;23:954-60
Contrast guided two-dimensional echocardiography for needle localization during pericardiocentesis: a case report (Schussler and Grayburn). 2010;23:683 (Case rep.)
Correct estimation of conduit function from left atrial volume curve assessment only is unlikely (Marino) (Letter); (Otani et al) (Reply). 2010;23:1333-4
Differences of myocardial systolic deformation and correlates of diastolic function in competitive rowers and young hypertensives: a speckle-tracking echocardiography study (Galderisi et al). 2010;23:1190-8
Echocardiography for assessment of right ventricular volumes revisited: a cardiac magnetic resonance comparison study in adults with repaired tetralogy of Fallot (Greutmann et al). 2010;23:905-11
Effect of low-amplitude two-dimensional radial strain at left ventricular pacing sites on response to cardiac resynchronization therapy (Khan et al). 2010;23:1168-76
En face view of atrial septal defect by two-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography: comparison to real-time three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiography (Huang et al). 2010;23:714-21
High resolution speckle tracking dobutamine stress echocardiography reveals heterogeneous responses in different myocardial layers: implication for viability assessments (Rösner et al). 2010;23:439-47
How can we best image congenital heart defects? Are two-dimensional and three-dimensional echocardiography competitive or complementary? (Ge). 2010;23:722-5 (Editorial comment)
Impact of diastolic dysfunction grade on left atrial mechanics assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Otani et al). 2010;23:961-7
Impaired myocardial radial function in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a speckle-tracking imaging study (Ernande et al). 2010;23:1266-72
Incidental finding by two-dimensional echocardiography of a mycotic pseudoaneurysm of the ascending aorta after orthotopic heart transplantation (Ronco et al). 2010;23:580 (Case rep.)
Left atrial dysfunction as a correlate of heart failure symptoms in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (Roşca et al). 2010;23:1090-8
Left atrial strain measured by two-dimensional speckle tracking represents a new tool to evaluate left atrial function (Saraiva et al). 2010;23:172-80
Left ventricular contraction-relaxation coupling in normal, hypertrophic, and failing myocardium quantified by speckle-tracking global strain and strain rate imaging (Takamura et al). 2010;23:747-54
Left ventricular myocardial velocities and deformation indexes in top-level athletes (D’Andrea et al). 2010;23:1281-8
Measurement of right ventricular mechanical synchrony in children using tissue Doppler velocity and two-dimensional strain imaging (Hui et al). 2010;23:1289-96
Myocardial contractile function in the region of the left ventricular pacing lead predicts the response to cardiac resynchronization therapy assessed by two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (Norisada et al). 2010;23:181-9
Myocardial contractile inefficiency and dyssynchrony in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and narrow QRS complex (Phan et al). 2010;23:201-6
Prospective assessment of fetal cardiac function with speckle tracking in healthy fetuses and recipient fetuses of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (Van Mieghem et al). 2010;23:301-8
Quantitative analysis of function and perfusion during dobutamine stress in the detection of coronary stenoses: two-dimensional strain and contrast echocardiography investigations (Reant et al). 2010;23:95-103
Rapid estimation of left ventricular function using echocardiographic speckle-tracking of mitral annular displacement (Tsang et al). 2010;23:511-5
Recoordination rather than resynchronization predicts reverse remodeling after cardiac resynchronization therapy (Wang et al). 2010;23:611-20
The relative atrial index (RAI)—a novel, simple, reliable, and robust transthoracic echocardiographic indicator of atrial defects (Kelly et al). 2010;23:275-81
Right ventricular pacing from the septum avoids the acute exacerbation in left ventricular dyssynchrony and torsional behavior seen with pacing from the apex (Inoue et al). 2010;23:195-200
Risk stratification in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: is two-dimensional echocardiographic strain ready for prime time? (Maron and Pandian). 2010;23:591-4 (Editorial comment)
Speckle tracking echocardiography for cardiac resynchronization therapy: has the right ultrasound technique finally been found? (Mele). 2010;23:190-4 (Editorial comment). Correction 2010;23:413
Systolic and diastolic myocardial mechanics in patients with cardiac disease and preserved ejection fraction: impact of left ventricular filling pressure (Nguyen et al). 2010;23:1273-80
Timing and magnitude of regional right ventricular function: a speckle tracking-derived strain study of normal subjects and patients with right ventricular dysfunction (Meris et al). 2010;23:823-31
Two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography reliably predict severe pulmonary regurgitation as quantified by cardiac magnetic resonance (Renella et al). 2010;23:880-6
Two-dimensional speckle strain and dyssynchrony in single right ventricles versus normal right ventricles (Moiduddin et al). 2010;23:673-9
Two-dimensional versus transthoracic real-time three-dimensional echocardiography in the evaluation of the mechanisms and sites of atrioventricular valve regurgitation in a congenital heart disease population (Takahashi et al). 2010;23:726-34
Ventricular rotation is independent of cardiac looping: a study in mice with situs inversus totalis using speckle-tracking echocardiography (Frank et al). 2010;23:315-23
Echocardiography, utilization
ABCD’s of heart failure: echo-ing through the first stage (Kirkpatrick). 2010;23:1035-8 (Editorial comment)
Anomalies associated with a prominent azygos vein on echocardiography in the pediatric population (Punn and Olson). 2010;23:282-5
Detecting (and correcting) discrepancies in echocardiography reports: a quality improvement opportunity whose time has come (Pearlman and Gardin). 2010;23:783-5 (Editorial comment)
Detection of discrepancies in facilitated echocardiographic reporting using a prototype rule generator (Chandra et al). 2010;23:778-82
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
The different faces of echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy: clues to the etiology (Weidemann et al). 2010;23:793-801 (Review article)
Do additional echocardiographic variables increase the accuracy of E/e’ for predicting left ventricular filling pressure in normal ejection fraction? An echocardiographic and invasive hemodynamic study (Dokainish et al). 2010;23:156-61
Double mitral valve imaging (Ozeke et al). 2010;23:340 (Case rep.)
Echocardiographic particle image velocimetry: a novel technique for quantification of left ventricular blood vorticity pattern (Kheradvar et al). 2010;23:86-94
Echocardiography: an important tool for cardiovascular risk assessment (Gidding). 2010;23:414-5 (Editorial comment)
Echocardiography 2020: opportunities and challenges (Pearlman). 2010;23:898-900 (Editor’s page)
Effect of acoustic power on in vivo molecular imaging with targeted microbubbles: implications for low-mechanical index real-time imaging (Kaufmann et al). 2010;23:79-85
How should echocardiography be used in CRT optimization? (Hasan). 2010;23:867-71 (Editorial comment)
The incremental prognostic value of echocardiography in asymptomatic stage A heart failure (Carerj et al). 2010;23:1025-34
Isolated left ventricular apical hypoplasia: a newly recognized unclassified cardiomyopathy (Patrianakos et al). 2010;23:1336 (Case rep.)
Non sustained ventricular tachycardia in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and new ultrasonic derived parameters (Di Salvo et al). 2010;23:581-90
Predicting heart failure hospitalization and mortality by quantitative echocardiography: is body surface area the indexing method of choice? The Heart and Soul Study (Ristow et al). 2010;23:406-13
Ejection fraction
Clinical value of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography for right ventricular quantification in congenital heart disease: validation with cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (van der Zwaan et al). 2010;23:134-40
Diagnosing left ventricular diastolic dysfunction by echocardiography: Reverend Bayes lends a hand (Rost and Flachskampf). 2010;23:162-3 (Editorial comment)
Do additional echocardiographic variables increase the accuracy of E/e’ for predicting left ventricular filling pressure in normal ejection fraction? An echocardiographic and invasive hemodynamic study (Dokainish et al). 2010;23:156-61
Imaging the forgotten chamber: is the devil in the boundary? (Mor-Avi et al). 2010;23:141-3 (Editorial comment)
Myocardial contractile inefficiency and dyssynchrony in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and narrow QRS complex (Phan et al). 2010;23:201-6
Rapid estimation of left ventricular function using echocardiographic speckle-tracking of mitral annular displacement (Tsang et al). 2010;23:511-5
Reference values for right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction with real-time three-dimensional echocardiography: evaluation in a large series of normal subjects (Tamborini et al). 2010;23:109-15
Reliability of visual assessment of global and segmental left ventricular function: a multicenter study by the Israeli Echocardiography Research Group (Blondheim et al). 2010;23:258-64
Systolic and diastolic myocardial mechanics in patients with cardiac disease and preserved ejection fraction: impact of left ventricular filling pressure (Nguyen et al). 2010;23:1273-80
Tissue Doppler imaging as a prognostic marker for cardiovascular events in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and atrial fibrillation (Shin et al). 2010;23:755-61
Visual assessment of left ventricular function in the era of high definition: the machine and the eye of the beholder (Kalogeropoulos and Martin). 2010;23:265-6 (Editorial comment)
The feasibility of velocity vector imaging by transesophageal echocardiography for assessment of elastic properties of the descending aorta in aortic valve disease (Petrini et al). 2010;23:985-92
Electric countershock
Left atrial electromechanical conduction time can predict six-month maintenance of sinus rhythm after electrical cardioversion in persistent atrial fibrillation by Doppler tissue echocardiography (Park et al). 2010;23:309-14
Left atrial enlargement and phasic function in patients following non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (Boyd et al). 2010;23:1251-8
Myocardial contractile inefficiency and dyssynchrony in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and narrow QRS complex (Phan et al). 2010;23:201-6
A predictive instrument using contrast echocardiography in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain and without ST-segment elevation (Wei et al). 2010;23:636-42
Electrocardiography, child
Variations in carotid artery intima–media thickness during the cardiac cycle in children (Menees et al). 2010;23:58-63
Electrical dissociation within the left atrium and left atrial appendage diagnosed with transesophageal echocardiography (Naqvi et al). 2010;23:1113 (Case rep.)
Selection of ventricular pacing sites guided by echocardiography: an electrophysiologist’s perspective (Kalahasty and Ellenbogen). 2010;23:608-10 (Editorial comment)
The seabed-like appearance of atherosclerotic plaques: three-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic images of the aortic arch causing cholesterol crystal emboli (Negishi et al). 2010;23:1222 (Case rep.)
Embolization, therapeutic
Systemic air embolization originating from a pleural air leak via a left ventricular assist device cannula anastomosis site (Platts et al). 2010;23:341 (Case rep.)
Emergency medical services
Focused cardiac ultrasound in the emergent setting: a consensus statement of the American Society of Echocardiography and American College of Emergency Physicians (Labovitz et al). 2010;23:1225-30 (ASE consensus statement)
A predictive instrument using contrast echocardiography in patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain and without ST-segment elevation (Wei et al). 2010;23:636-42
Are all ventricular septal defects created equal? (Lax et al). 2010;23:791 (Case rep.)
Extensive nonbacterial thrombotic endocarditis isolated to the tricuspid valve in primary antiphospholipid syndrome (Bhimani and Hoit). 2010;23:107 (Case rep.)
Formation of pseudoaneurysm after aortic valve replacement without previous endocarditis: a case-control study (Enseleit et al). 2010;23:741-6
“Grey zone” patterns of unexplained endocarditis: still a challenge for clinical decision making (Grimaldi et al). 2010;23:221 (Case rep.)
Infectious endocarditis: still a menace (Martin). 2010;23:403-5 (Editorial comment)
Isolated tricuspid valve Libman-Sacks endocarditis and valvular stenosis: unusual manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (Moaref et al). 2010;23:341 (Case rep.)
Pseudoaneurysm of the mitral-aortic intervalvular fibrosa (MAIVF): a comprehensive review (Sudhakar et al). 2010;23:1009-18 (Review article)
Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography for the indication of suspected infective endocarditis: vegetations, blood cultures and imaging (Kini et al). 2010;23:396-402
Imaging the forgotten chamber: is the devil in the boundary? (Mor-Avi et al). 2010;23:141-3 (Editorial comment)
Endurance, physical ; see Physical endurance
Equipment and supplies
Contrast enhanced transesophageal echocardiographic guidance of left atrial appendage closure device implantation (Main et al). 2010;23:1007 (Case rep.)
Dislocation of Amplatzer septal occluder device after closure of secundum atrial septal defect (Piatkowski et al). 2010;23:1007 (Case rep.)
Hand-carried ultrasound devices in pediatric cardiology: clinical experience with three different devices in 110 patients (Dalla Pozza et al). 2010;23:1231-7
What is an echo machine? (Kimura). 2010;23:1238-41 (Editorial comment)
The different faces of echocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy: clues to the etiology (Weidemann et al). 2010;23:793-801 (Review article)
European Association of Echocardiography
Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography—endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography (Rudski et al). 2010;23:685-713
European Society of Cardiology
Guidelines for the echocardiographic assessment of the right heart in adults: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography—endorsed by the European Association of Echocardiography, a registered branch of the European Society of Cardiology, and the Canadian Society of Echocardiography (Rudski et al). 2010;23:685-713
A depression in left ventricular diastolic filling following prolonged strenuous exercise is associated with changes in left atrial mechanics (Oxborough et al). 2010;23:968-76
Effects of prolonged exercise on left ventricular mechanical synchrony in long-distance runners: importance of previous exposure to endurance races (Sahlén et al). 2010;23:977-84
Exercise-induced left ventricular systolic dysfunction in women heterozygous for dystrophinopathy (Weiss et al). 2010;23:848-53
Longitudinal right ventricular function as a predictor of functional capacity in patients with mitral stenosis: an exercise echocardiographic study (Deswarte et al). 2010;23:667-72
Passive leg-raise is helpful to identify impaired diastolic functional reserve during exercise in patients with abnormal myocardial relaxation (Choi et al). 2010;23:523-30
Peak power output to left ventricular mass: an index to predict ventricular pumping performance and morbidity in advanced heart failure (Dini et al). 2010;23:1259-65
Preoperative longitudinal left ventricular function by tissue Doppler echocardiography at rest and during exercise is valuable in timing of aortic valve surgery in male aortic regurgitation patients (Helin et al). 2010;23:387-95
Exercise tolerance
Pressure-volume relationship during dobutamine stress echocardiography predicts exercise tolerance in patients with congestive heart failure (Ciampi et al). 2010;23:71-8

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