Aakhus S ( see Murbraech et al). 2016;29:528-36
Abdelmoneim SS ( see Huang et al). 2016;29:491-502 (State-of-the-art review article)
Abdul-Khaliq H ( see Schubert et al). 2016;29:670-8
Abdullah SM ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Abe Y ( see Atsumi et al). 2016;29:402-11
Abhayaratna K ( see Kadappu et al). 2016;29:359-67
Abhayaratna W ( see Kadappu et al). 2016;29:359-67
Acar P ( see Hadeed et al). 2016;29:777-85
Adami S ( see Cioffi et al). 2016;29:689-98
Addetia K, Yamat M, Mediratta A, Medvedofsky D, Patel M, Ferrara P, Mor-Avi V, Lang RM. Comprehensive two-dimensional interrogation of the tricuspid valve using knowledge derived from three-dimensional echocardiography. 2016;29:74-82
Addetia K ( see Kado et al). 2016;29:1092-9
Addetia K ( see Mizukoshi et al). 2016;29:51-61
Adigopula S ( see Amsallem et al). 2016;29:93-102
Akagi T ( see Kijima et al). 2016;29:768-76
Akaike M ( see Kusunose et al). 2016;29:375-7 (Letter)
Akashi YJ ( see Mizukoshi et al). 2016;29:51-61
Alamanni F ( see Gripari et al). 2016;29:946-54
Al Balbissi K ( see Lavine and Al Balbissi). 2016;29:699-708
Ali MT, Yucel E, Bouras S, Wang L, Fei H-w, Halpern EF, Scherrer-Crosbie M. Myocardial strain is associated with adverse clinical cardiac events in patients treated with anthracyclines. 2016;29:522-7
Allada V ( see Srivastava et al). 2016;29:1009-15
Al-Maashani S ( see Leong et al). 2016;29:158-65
Almalla M ( see Hamada et al). 2016;29:412-20
Althouse AD ( see Cavalcante et al). 2016;29:325-33
Altiok E ( see Hamada et al). 2016;29:412-20
Altman CA ( see Maskatia et al). 2016;29:341-9
Altman CA ( see Maskatia et al). 2016;29:663-9
Alves GF ( see Gomes et al). 2016;29:679-88
Amadieu R ( see Hadeed et al). 2016;29:777-85
American Society of Echocardiography ( see Blankenship et al). 2016;29:379-80 (Special article)
Ammi A ( see Xie et al). 2016;29:812-8
Amsallem M, Sternbach JM, Adigopula S, Kobayashi Y, Vu TA, Zamanian R, Liang D, Dhillon G, Schnittger I, McConnell MV, Haddad F. Addressing the controversy of estimating pulmonary arterial pressure by echocardiography. 2016;29:93-102
Amundson SA ( see Kimura et al). 2016;29:992-7 (Special article)
An D ( see Zhao et al). 2016;29:973-82
An HY ( see Lee et al). 2016;29:561-6
Anderson RH ( see Tretter et al). 2016;29:1131-43 (State-of-the-art review article)
Andrawes M ( see Tan et al). 2016;29:926-34
Andrea R ( see Sanchis et al). 2016;29:1035-42
Antman E ( see Gupta et al). 2016;29:537-44
Aonuma K ( see Atsumi et al). 2016;29:402-11
Aonuma K ( see Kado et al). 2016;29:1092-9
Appleton CP ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Arakaki Y ( see Kobayashi et al). 2016;29:794-801
Arbel Y ( see Shacham et al). 2016;29:745-9
Armour AC ( see Saric et al). 2016;29:1-42 (Guidelines and standards)
Arnaout MS ( see Saric et al). 2016;29:1-42 (Guidelines and standards)
Asch FM ( see Bossone et al). 2016;29:166-72
Ashley E ( see Lord et al). 2016;29:879-87
Aso K ( see Kobayashi et al). 2016;29:794-801
Assanta N ( see Cantinotti et al). 2016;29:567-8 (Letter)
Atsumi A, Seo Y, Ishizu T, Nakamura A, Enomoto Y, Harimura Y, Okazaki T, Abe Y, Aonuma K. Right ventricular deformation analyses using a three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiographic system specialized for the right ventricle. 2016;29:402-11
Ayres NA ( see Maskatia et al). 2016;29:341-9
Ayres NA ( see Maskatia et al). 2016;29:663-9
Azevedo CF ( see Gomes et al). 2016;29:679-88
Badano LP ( see Miglioranza et al). 2016;29:1023-34
Baker AL ( see Ronai et al). 2016;29:150-7
Baker GH ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Balasubramanian S, Kipps AK, Smith SN, Tacy TA, Tierney ESS. Pediatric echocardiography by work relative value units: is study complexity adequately captured? 2016;29:1084-91 (Special article)
Ball CA ( see Huang et al). 2016;29:491-502 (State-of-the-art review article)
Ballesteros E ( see Moral et al). 2016;29:183-94 (State-of-the-art review article)
Bandisode VM ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Banerjee S ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Bapat VN ( see Condemi et al). 2016;29:267-75
Barandon L ( see Reant et al). 2016;29:1217-28
Barker P ( see Forsha et al). 2016;29:226-36
Barker P ( see Forsha et al). 2016;29:1074-83
Barker PC ( see Margossian et al). 2016;29:1066-73
Barnhart HX ( see Crowley et al). 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Barros MVL, Leren IS, Edvardsen T, Haugaa KH, Carmo AAL, Lage TAR, Nunes MCP, Rocha MOC, Ribeiro ALP. Mechanical dispersion assessed by strain echocardiography is associated with malignant arrhythmias in Chagas cardiomyopathy. 2016;29:368-74
Bartel T ( see Müller et al). 2016;29:83-91
Bartorelli AL ( see Gripari et al). 2016;29:946-54
Baumann G ( see Brecht et al). 2016;29:750-8
Bax JJ ( see Joyce et al). 2016;29:871-8
Beaton A ( see Clark et al). 2016;29:253-8
Bech J ( see Michelsen et al). 2016;29:709-16
Becker M ( see Hamada et al). 2016;29:412-20
Belcik JT ( see Xie et al). 2016;29:812-8
Benenstein R ( see Laura et al). 2016;29:717-23
Benseñor IM ( see Santos et al). 2016;29:1207-16
Benson LN ( see Chen et al). 2016;29:237-46
Bertrand PB, Levine RA, Isselbacher EM, Vandervoort PM. Fact or artifact in two-dimensional echocardiography: avoiding misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. 2016;29:381-91 (State-of-the-art review article)
Beyer R ( see Mada et al). 2016;29:966-72
Bhalla V ( see Lu et al). 2016;29:1171-8
Bigelow R ( see Crowley et al). 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Bigras J-L ( see Gagnon et al). 2016;29:448-60
Bijnens B ( see Sanchis et al). 2016;29:1035-42
Bjørgaas MR ( see Hollekim-Strand et al). 2016;29:421-30
Blankenship JC, Wiegers SE, Executive Committees of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, American Society of Echocardiography. Concerns regarding “2015 ACR/ACC/AHA/AATS/ACEP/ASNC/NASCI/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR/
SCPC/SNMMI/STR/STS: appropriate utilization of cardiovascular imaging in emergency department patients with chest pain” (Blankenship et al). 2016;29:379-80 (Special article)
Böhm M ( see Lavall et al). 2016;29:888-98
Bonadei I ( see Vizzardi et al). 2016;29:827-37
Bonaros N ( see Müller et al). 2016;29:83-91
Bossone E, Yuriditsky E, Desale S, Ferrara F, Vriz O, Asch FM. Normal values and differences in ascending aortic diameter in a healthy population of adults as measured by the pediatric versus adult American Society of Echocardiography guidelines. 2016;29:166-72
Bottari V ( see Gripari et al). 2016;29:946-54
Bouchelouche K ( see Clemmensen et al). 2016;29:480-90
Bouras S ( see Ali et al). 2016;29:522-7
Bouzas-Mosquera A ( see Peteiro et al). 2016;29:736-44
Boyd A ( see Kadappu et al). 2016;29:359-67
Bracken JA ( see Jone et al). 2016;29:513-21
Bradley T ( see Dallaire et al). 2016;29:786-93
Bradley TJ ( see Chen et al). 2016;29:237-46
Brasil PEAA ( see Gomes et al). 2016;29:679-88
Braunwald E ( see Gupta et al). 2016;29:537-44
Brecht A, Oertelt-Prigione S, Seeland U, Rücke M, Hättasch R, Wagelöhner T, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Baumann G, Knebel F, Stangl V. Left atrial function in preclinical diastolic dysfunction: two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography–derived results from the BEFRI trial. 2016;29:750-8
Bremer ML. Relationship of sonographer credentialing to intersocietal accreditation commission echocardiography case study image quality. 2016;29:43-8 (Special article)
Bremer ML, Jordan MF. A second set of eyes: pre-patient dismissal interpretation. 2016;29:1006-8 (Editorial comment)
Brilakis ES ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Broch K ( see Murbraech et al). 2016;29:528-36
Brook MM ( see Nawaytou et al). 2016;29:143-9
Broullon J ( see Peteiro et al). 2016;29:736-44
Brown J ( see Statile et al). 2016;29:247-52
Bruce CJ ( see Thaden et al). 2016;29:503-12 (Special article)
Buechler TE ( see Chiriac et al). 2016;29:195-204
Bulwer BE ( see Hung et al). 2016;29:1043-51
Buss SJ ( see Ochs et al). 2016;29:1188-96
Butts RJ ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Byrd B, Cooper J, McMichaels B. Worried about malpractice? 2016;29:1161-2 (Editorial comment)
Byrd BF III ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Badano LP ( see Miglioranza et al). 2016;29:1023-34
Baker AL ( see Ronai et al). 2016;29:150-7
Baker GH ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Balasubramanian S, Kipps AK, Smith SN, Tacy TA, Tierney ESS. Pediatric echocardiography by work relative value units: is study complexity adequately captured? 2016;29:1084-91 (Special article)
Ball CA ( see Huang et al). 2016;29:491-502 (State-of-the-art review article)
Ballesteros E ( see Moral et al). 2016;29:183-94 (State-of-the-art review article)
Bandisode VM ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Banerjee S ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Bapat VN ( see Condemi et al). 2016;29:267-75
Barandon L ( see Reant et al). 2016;29:1217-28
Barker P ( see Forsha et al). 2016;29:226-36
Barker P ( see Forsha et al). 2016;29:1074-83
Barker PC ( see Margossian et al). 2016;29:1066-73
Barnhart HX ( see Crowley et al). 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Barros MVL, Leren IS, Edvardsen T, Haugaa KH, Carmo AAL, Lage TAR, Nunes MCP, Rocha MOC, Ribeiro ALP. Mechanical dispersion assessed by strain echocardiography is associated with malignant arrhythmias in Chagas cardiomyopathy. 2016;29:368-74
Bartel T ( see Müller et al). 2016;29:83-91
Bartorelli AL ( see Gripari et al). 2016;29:946-54
Baumann G ( see Brecht et al). 2016;29:750-8
Bax JJ ( see Joyce et al). 2016;29:871-8
Beaton A ( see Clark et al). 2016;29:253-8
Bech J ( see Michelsen et al). 2016;29:709-16
Becker M ( see Hamada et al). 2016;29:412-20
Belcik JT ( see Xie et al). 2016;29:812-8
Benenstein R ( see Laura et al). 2016;29:717-23
Benseñor IM ( see Santos et al). 2016;29:1207-16
Benson LN ( see Chen et al). 2016;29:237-46
Bertrand PB, Levine RA, Isselbacher EM, Vandervoort PM. Fact or artifact in two-dimensional echocardiography: avoiding misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis. 2016;29:381-91 (State-of-the-art review article)
Beyer R ( see Mada et al). 2016;29:966-72
Bhalla V ( see Lu et al). 2016;29:1171-8
Bigelow R ( see Crowley et al). 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Bigras J-L ( see Gagnon et al). 2016;29:448-60
Bijnens B ( see Sanchis et al). 2016;29:1035-42
Bjørgaas MR ( see Hollekim-Strand et al). 2016;29:421-30
Blankenship JC, Wiegers SE, Executive Committees of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, American Society of Echocardiography. Concerns regarding “2015 ACR/ACC/AHA/AATS/ACEP/ASNC/NASCI/SAEM/SCCT/SCMR/
SCPC/SNMMI/STR/STS: appropriate utilization of cardiovascular imaging in emergency department patients with chest pain” (Blankenship et al). 2016;29:379-80 (Special article)
Böhm M ( see Lavall et al). 2016;29:888-98
Bonadei I ( see Vizzardi et al). 2016;29:827-37
Bonaros N ( see Müller et al). 2016;29:83-91
Bossone E, Yuriditsky E, Desale S, Ferrara F, Vriz O, Asch FM. Normal values and differences in ascending aortic diameter in a healthy population of adults as measured by the pediatric versus adult American Society of Echocardiography guidelines. 2016;29:166-72
Bottari V ( see Gripari et al). 2016;29:946-54
Bouchelouche K ( see Clemmensen et al). 2016;29:480-90
Bouras S ( see Ali et al). 2016;29:522-7
Bouzas-Mosquera A ( see Peteiro et al). 2016;29:736-44
Boyd A ( see Kadappu et al). 2016;29:359-67
Bracken JA ( see Jone et al). 2016;29:513-21
Bradley T ( see Dallaire et al). 2016;29:786-93
Bradley TJ ( see Chen et al). 2016;29:237-46
Brasil PEAA ( see Gomes et al). 2016;29:679-88
Braunwald E ( see Gupta et al). 2016;29:537-44
Brecht A, Oertelt-Prigione S, Seeland U, Rücke M, Hättasch R, Wagelöhner T, Regitz-Zagrosek V, Baumann G, Knebel F, Stangl V. Left atrial function in preclinical diastolic dysfunction: two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography–derived results from the BEFRI trial. 2016;29:750-8
Bremer ML. Relationship of sonographer credentialing to intersocietal accreditation commission echocardiography case study image quality. 2016;29:43-8 (Special article)
Bremer ML, Jordan MF. A second set of eyes: pre-patient dismissal interpretation. 2016;29:1006-8 (Editorial comment)
Brilakis ES ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Broch K ( see Murbraech et al). 2016;29:528-36
Brook MM ( see Nawaytou et al). 2016;29:143-9
Broullon J ( see Peteiro et al). 2016;29:736-44
Brown J ( see Statile et al). 2016;29:247-52
Bruce CJ ( see Thaden et al). 2016;29:503-12 (Special article)
Buechler TE ( see Chiriac et al). 2016;29:195-204
Bulwer BE ( see Hung et al). 2016;29:1043-51
Buss SJ ( see Ochs et al). 2016;29:1188-96
Butts RJ ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Byrd B, Cooper J, McMichaels B. Worried about malpractice? 2016;29:1161-2 (Editorial comment)
Byrd BF III ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Cai Z-y ( see Shen et al). 2016;29:103-11
Calnan CM ( see Johri et al). 2016;29:842-9
Camarda JA ( see Johnson et al). 2016;29:1000-5
Cantinotti M, Assanta N, Crocetti M, Spadoni I, Iervasi G. Challenges in interpreting pediatric normative left ventricular strain data and the quest for comprehensive deformation nomograms. 2016;29:567-8 (Letter)
Carminati MC ( see Gripari et al). 2016;29:946-54
Carmo AAL ( see Barros et al). 2016;29:368-74
Catibog N ( see Condemi et al). 2016;29:267-75
Cavalcante JL, Rijal S, Althouse AD, Delgado-Montero A, Katz WE, Schindler JT, Crock F, Harinstein ME, Navid F, Gleason TG, Lee JS. Right ventricular function and prognosis in patients with low-flow, low-gradient severe aortic stenosis. 2016;29:325-33
Celermajer D ( see Wright et al). 2016;29:259-66
Celic V ( see Tadic et al). 2016;29:802-11
Cetta F ( see Cohen et al). 2016;29:571-621 (Guidelines and standards)
Chang B-C ( see Cho et al). 2016;29:759-67
Chang H-J ( see Cho et al). 2016;29:759-67
Chang H-J ( see Lee et al). 2016;29:561-6
Chang W-T, Liu Y-W, Liu P-Y, Chen J-Y, Lee C-H, Li Y-H, Tsai L-M, Tsai W-C. Association of decreased right ventricular strain with worse survival in non-acute coronary syndrome angina. 2016;29:350-8
Chao T-F ( see Hung et al). 2016;29:1043-51
Chaudhry FA ( see Saric et al). 2016;29:1-42 (Guidelines and standards)
Chen CK, Cifra B, Morgan GJ, Sarkola T, Slorach C, Wei H, Bradley TJ, Manlhiot C, McCrindle BW, Redington AN, Benson LN, Mertens L. Left ventricular myocardial and hemodynamic response to exercise in young patients after endovascular stenting for aortic coarctation. 2016;29:237-46
Chen CK ( see Forsha et al). 2016;29:226-36
Chen J ( see Song et al). 2016;29:1100-8
Chen J-Y ( see Chang et al). 2016;29:350-8
Chen S ( see Margossian et al). 2016;29:1066-73
Chen Y ( see Zhou et al). 2016;29:62-73
Cheng L ( see Zhou et al). 2016;29:62-73
Chessa KS ( see Chowdhury et al). 2016;29:640-7
Chi W-K ( see Jin et al). 2016;29:938-45
Chikkabyrappa S ( see Tretter et al). 2016;29:1131-43 (State-of-the-art review article)
Chiriac A, Kadkhodayan A, Pislaru SV, Dailey EJ, Scott CG, Buechler TE, Newman JS, Pellikka PA. Clinical importance of transthoracic echocardiography with direct input from treating physicians. 2016;29:195-204
Chirinos JA. Echocardiographic assessment of large artery stiffness. 2016;29:1117-21 (Editorial comment)
Cho G-Y ( see Park et al). 2016;29:392-401
Cho I-J, Hong G-R, Lee SH, Lee S, Chang B-C, Shim CY, Chang H-J, Ha J-W, Shin GJ, Chung N. Differences in characteristics, left atrial reverse remodeling, and functional outcomes after mitral valve replacement in patients with low-gradient very severe mitral stenosis. 2016;29:759-67
Cho I-J ( see Lee et al). 2016;29:561-6
Choudhry S ( see Levy et al). 2016;29:1056-65
Chowdhury SM, Butts RJ, Taylor CL, Bandisode VM, Chessa KS, Hlavacek AM, Shirali GS, Baker GH. Validation of noninvasive measures of left ventricular mechanics in children: a simultaneous echocardiographic and conductance catheterization study. 2016;29:640-7
Chung N ( see Cho et al). 2016;29:759-67
Chung N ( see Lee et al). 2016;29:561-6
Ciampi Q, Cortigiani L, Pratali L, Rigo F, Villari B, Picano E, Sicari R. Left bundle branch block negatively affects coronary flow velocity reserve and myocardial contractile reserve in nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy. 2016;29:112-8
Cifra B, Mertens L, Mirkhani M, Slorach C, Hui W, Manlhiot C, Friedberg MK, Dragulescu A. Systolic and diastolic myocardial response to exercise in a healthy pediatric cohort. 2016;29:648-54
Cifra B ( see Chen et al). 2016;29:237-46
Cigarroa G ( see Xie et al). 2016;29:812-8
Cioffi G, Viapiana O, Ognibeni F, Dalbeni A, Gatti D, Mazzone C, Faganello G, Di Lenarda A, Adami S, Rossini M. Combined circumferential and longitudinal left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with rheumatoid arthritis without overt cardiac disease. 2016;29:689-98
Ciurzyński M ( see Kurnicka et al). 2016;29:907-13
Claggett B ( see Gupta et al). 2016;29:537-44
Clark BC, Krishnan A, McCarter R, Scheel J, Sable C, Beaton A. Using a low-risk population to estimate the specificity of the World Heart Federation criteria for the diagnosis of rheumatic heart disease. 2016;29:253-8
Clavel M-A ( see Pibarot and Clavel). 2016;29:1019-22 (Letter)
Clemmensen TS, Eiskjær H, Løgstrup BB, Tolbod LP, Harms HJ, Bouchelouche K, Hoff C, Frøkiær J, Poulsen SH. Noninvasive detection of cardiac allograft vasculopathy by stress exercise echocardiographic assessment of myocardial deformation. 2016;29:480-90
Cohen MS, Eidem BW, Cetta F, Fogel MA, Frommelt PC, Ganame J, Han BK, Kimball TR, Johnson RK, Mertens L, Paridon SM, Powell AJ, Lopez L. Multimodality imaging guidelines of patients with transposition of the great arteries: a report from the American Society of Echocardiography developed in collaboration with the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance and the Society of Cardiovascular
Computed Tomography. 2016;29:571-621 (Guidelines and standards)
Colan SD ( see Margossian et al). 2016;29:1066-73
Colan SD ( see Parthiban et al). 2016;29:1163-70 (Special article)
Colan SD ( see Ronai et al). 2016;29:150-7
Collins LJ ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Condemi F, Bapat VN, Gianstefani S, Catibog N, Papachristidis A, Douiri A, Romeo F, Monaghan MJ. Validation of transesophageal echocardiographic in vitro measurements for bioprosthetic aortic valves: implications for percutaneous valve-in-valve therapy. 2016;29:267-75
Cooper J ( see Byrd et al). 2016;29:1161-2 (Editorial comment)
Corey GR ( see Sivak et al). 2016;29:315-22
Cortigiani L ( see Ciampi et al). 2016;29:112-8
Cranney G ( see Liou et al). 2016;29:724-35
Crocetti M ( see Cantinotti et al). 2016;29:567-8 (Letter)
Crock F ( see Cavalcante et al). 2016;29:325-33
Crowley AL, Yow E, Barnhart HX, Daubert MA, Bigelow R, Sullivan DC, Pencina M, Douglas PS. Critical review of current approaches for echocardiographic reproducibility and reliability assessment in clinical research. 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Crowley AL ( see Sivak et al). 2016;29:315-22
Crum K ( see Soslow et al). 2016;29:983-91
Cucchini U ( see Miglioranza et al). 2016;29:1023-34
Cuéllar H ( see Rodriguez-Palomares et al). 2016;29:819-26
Cunha AB ( see Gomes et al). 2016;29:679-88
Cuspidi C ( see Tadic et al). 2016;29:802-11
Cuttone F ( see Hadeed et al). 2016;29:777-85
Dabrowski M ( see Styczynski et al). 2016;29:132-9
Dailey EJ ( see Chiriac et al). 2016;29:195-204
Dalak F ( see Leong et al). 2016;29:158-65
Dalbeni A ( see Cioffi et al). 2016;29:689-98
Dalen H ( see Hollekim-Strand et al). 2016;29:421-30
Dalen H ( see Murbraech et al). 2016;29:528-36
Dallaire F, Slorach C, Bradley T, Hui W, Sarkola T, Friedberg MK, Jaeggi E, Dragulescu A, Mahmud FH, Daneman D, Mertens L. Pediatric reference values and Z score equations for left ventricular systolic strain measured by two-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography. 2016;29:786-93
Dallaire F ( see Gagnon et al). 2016;29:448-60
Daneman D ( see Dallaire et al). 2016;29:786-93
Danford DA ( see Kutty et al). 2016;29:655-62
Dang P ( see Pasca et al). 2016;29:461-9
Daubert MA ( see Crowley et al). 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Davey BT ( see Toro-Salazar et al). 2016;29:119-31
Debonnaire P ( see Joyce et al). 2016;29:871-8
de Ferranti SD ( see Ronai et al). 2016;29:150-7
Delgado V ( see Joyce et al). 2016;29:871-8
Delgado V ( see Prihadi and Delgado). 2016;29:838-41 (Editorial comment)
Delgado-Montero A ( see Cavalcante et al). 2016;29:325-33
Delgado-Montero A ( see Goda et al). 2016;29:554-60
Delhaas T ( see Palau-Caballero et al). 2016;29:1122-30
Deng Q ( see Song et al). 2016;29:1100-8
Dent JM. Do echocardiography appropriate use criteria really matter? 2016;29:205-8 (Editorial comment)
Desale S ( see Bossone et al). 2016;29:166-72
Detaille D ( see Reant et al). 2016;29:1217-28
De Venecia T ( see Lu et al). 2016;29:1171-8
Devereux RB ( see Kim et al). 2016;29:861-70
Dhillon G ( see Amsallem et al). 2016;29:93-102
Di Franco A ( see Kim et al). 2016;29:861-70
Di Lenarda A ( see Cioffi et al). 2016;29:689-98
Di Maria MV ( see Jone et al). 2016;29:513-21
Diolez P ( see Reant et al). 2016;29:1217-28
Dohi K ( see Kakuta et al). 2016;29:173-80
Dokainish H ( see Leong et al). 2016;29:158-65
Dokainish H ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Donnino R ( see Laura et al). 2016;29:717-23
Donofrio MT, Rychik J, Fetal Heart Society Governing Board and Steering Committee. Multidisciplinary collaboration in fetal cardiovascular research: the time has come. 2016;29:140-2 (Editorial comment)
Donofrio MT ( see Krishnan et al). 2016;29:1197-206
Dos Santos P ( see Reant et al). 2016;29:1217-28
Douglas PS ( see Crowley et al). 2016;29:1144-54 (Special article)
Douiri A ( see Condemi et al). 2016;29:267-75
Doukky R, Garcia-Sayan E, Patel M, Pant R, Wassouf M, Shah S, D’Silva O, Kehoe RF. Impact of diastolic function parameters on the risk for left atrial appendage thrombus in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation: a prospective study. 2016;29:545-53
Dragulescu A ( see Cifra et al). 2016;29:648-54
Dragulescu A ( see Dallaire et al). 2016;29:786-93
D’Silva O ( see Doukky et al). 2016;29:545-53
Duchenne J ( see Mada et al). 2016;29:966-72
Dulac Y ( see Hadeed et al). 2016;29:777-85
Duong T ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Dwyer N ( see Wright et al). 2016;29:259-66
Dzikowska-Diduch O ( see Kurnicka et al). 2016;29:907-13
Edlinger M ( see Müller et al). 2016;29:83-91
Edvardsen T ( see Barros et al). 2016;29:368-74
Edvardsen T ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Effective Anticoagulation with Factor Xa Next Generation in AF–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48 (ENGAGE AF–TIMI 48) Echocardiographic Study Investigators ( see Gupta et al). 2016;29:537-44
Eidem BW ( see Cohen et al). 2016;29:571-621 (Guidelines and standards)
Eiskjær H ( see Clemmensen et al). 2016;29:480-90
Elbarasi EA ( see Leong et al). 2016;29:158-65
Eleid MF ( see Thaden et al). 2016;29:503-12 (Special article)
Enomoto Y ( see Atsumi et al). 2016;29:402-11
Erickson CC ( see Kutty et al). 2016;29:655-62
Evangelista A ( see Moral et al). 2016;29:183-94 (State-of-the-art review article)
Evangelista A ( see Rodriguez-Palomares et al). 2016;29:819-26
Fagan TE ( see Jone et al). 2016;29:513-21
Faganello G ( see Cioffi et al). 2016;29:689-98
Falces C ( see Sanchis et al). 2016;29:1035-42
Fan Y ( see Zhao et al). 2016;29:973-82
Farrell AM ( see Huang et al). 2016;29:491-502 (State-of-the-art review article)
Feher A ( see Kim et al). 2016;29:861-70
Fehske W ( see Mada et al). 2016;29:966-72
Fei H-w ( see Ali et al). 2016;29:522-7
Feinstein S ( see Huang et al). 2016;29:491-502 (State-of-the-art review article)
Ferranti J ( see Toro-Salazar et al). 2016;29:119-31
Ferrara F ( see Bossone et al). 2016;29:166-72
Ferrara P ( see Addetia et al). 2016;29:74-82
Fetal Heart Society Governing Board and Steering Committee ( see Donofrio et al). 2016;29:140-2 (Editorial comment)
Feuchtner G ( see Müller et al). 2016;29:83-91
Flachskampf FA ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Fleishman CE ( see Srivastava et al). 2016;29:1009-15
Flint N ( see Shacham et al). 2016;29:745-9
Fogel MA ( see Cohen et al). 2016;29:571-621 (Guidelines and standards)
Follestad T ( see Hollekim-Strand et al). 2016;29:421-30
Forsha D, Risum N, Smith PB, Kanter RJ, Samad Z, Barker P, Kisslo J. Frequent activation delay–induced mechanical dyssynchrony and dysfunction in the systemic right ventricle. 2016;29:1074-83
Forsha D, Slorach C, Chen CK, Sherman A, Mertens L, Barker P, Kisslo J, Friedberg MK. Patterns of mechanical inefficiency in pediatric dilated cardiomyopathy and their relation to left ventricular function and clinical outcomes. 2016;29:226-36
Foster BJ, Khoury PR, Kimball TR, Mackie AS, Mitsnefes M. New reference centiles for left ventricular mass relative to lean body mass in children. 2016;29:441-7
Fouron J-C ( see Gagnon et al). 2016;29:448-60
Fowler S ( see Levy et al). 2016;29:209-225
Freedberg RS ( see Laura et al). 2016;29:717-23
French JK ( see Kadappu et al). 2016;29:359-67
Frestad D ( see Michelsen et al). 2016;29:709-16
Friedberg MK ( see Cifra et al). 2016;29:648-54
Friedberg MK ( see Dallaire et al). 2016;29:786-93
Friedberg MK ( see Forsha et al). 2016;29:226-36
Friedman KG ( see Ronai et al). 2016;29:150-7
Frøkiær J ( see Clemmensen et al). 2016;29:480-90
Frommelt PC ( see Cohen et al). 2016;29:571-621 (Guidelines and standards)
Frommelt PC ( see Hill et al). 2016;29:337-40
Fujii E ( see Kakuta et al). 2016;29:173-80
Fujimoto N ( see Kakuta et al). 2016;29:173-80
Fulgium AL ( see Krishnan et al). 2016;29:1197-206
Fuse S ( see Kobayashi et al). 2016;29:794-801
Gaciong Z ( see Styczynski et al). 2016;29:1109-16
Gagnon C, Bigras J-L, Fouron J-C, Dallaire F. Reference values and Z scores for pulsed-wave Doppler and M-mode measurements in fetal echocardiography. 2016;29:448-60
Gaibazzi N, Lorenzoni V, Reverberi C, Wu J, Xie F, Porter TR. Effect of pharmacologic stress test results on outcomes in obese versus nonobese subjects referred for stress perfusion echocardiography. 2016;29:899-906
Galuppo V ( see Rodriguez-Palomares et al). 2016;29:819-26
Ganame J ( see Cohen et al). 2016;29:571-621 (Guidelines and standards)
Gao H ( see Gürel et al). 2016;29:431-40
García-Dorado D ( see Rodriguez-Palomares et al). 2016;29:819-26
Garcia-Sayan E ( see Doukky et al). 2016;29:545-53
Gatti D ( see Cioffi et al). 2016;29:689-98
Ge H ( see Zhao et al). 2016;29:973-82
Geevarghese A ( see Kim et al). 2016;29:861-70
Gelsomino S ( see Vizzardi et al). 2016;29:827-37
George K ( see Lord et al). 2016;29:879-87
Geske JB ( see Thaden et al). 2016;29:503-12 (Special article)
Ghazal S ( see Leong et al). 2016;29:158-65
Gianstefani S ( see Condemi et al). 2016;29:267-75
Gillan E ( see Toro-Salazar et al). 2016;29:119-31
Gillebert TC ( see Nagueh et al). 2016;29:277-314 (Guidelines and standards)
Giugliano RP ( see Gupta et al). 2016;29:537-44
Gleason TG ( see Cavalcante et al). 2016;29:325-33
Goda A, Ryo K, Delgado-Montero A, Tayal B, Handa R, Simon MA, Gorcsan J III. The prognostic utility of a simplified biventricular echocardiographic index of cardiac remodeling in patients with pulmonary hypertension. 2016;29:554-60
Goliszek S ( see Kurnicka et al). 2016;29:907-13
Gomes VAM, Alves GF, Hadlich M, Azevedo CF, Pereira IM, Santos CRF, Brasil PEAA, Sangenis LHCS, Cunha AB, Xavier SS, Saraiva RM. Analysis of regional left ventricular strain in patients with Chagas disease and normal left ventricular systolic function. 2016;29:679-88
Gonçalves A ( see Hung et al). 2016;29:1043-51
González-Alujas MT ( see Rodriguez-Palomares et al). 2016;29:819-26
Gorcsan J III ( see Goda et al). 2016;29:554-60
Gorcsan J III ( see Palau-Caballero et al). 2016;29:1122-30
Goulart AC ( see Santos et al). 2016;29:1207-16
Grady MR ( see Levy et al). 2016;29:1056-65
Grimm RA ( see Saric et al). 2016;29:1-42 (Guidelines and standards)
Gripari P, Tamborini G, Bottari V, Maffessanti F, Carminati MC, Muratori M, Vignati C, Bartorelli AL, Alamanni F, Pepi M. Three-dimensional transthoracic echocardiography in the comprehensive evaluation of right and left heart chamber remodeling following percutaneous mitral valve repair. 2016;29:946-54
Grodin J ( see Wosik et al). 2016;29:914-6 (Letter)
Groh G ( see Levy et al). 2016;29:1056-65
Grudzka K ( see Kurnicka et al). 2016;29:907-13
Guo R ( see Song et al). 2016;29:1100-8
Gupta DK, Giugliano RP, Ruff CT, Claggett B, Murphy S, Antman E, Mercuri MF, Braunwald E, Solomon SD, Effective Anticoagulation with Factor Xa Next Generation in AF–Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 48 (ENGAGE AF–TIMI 48) Echocardiographic Study Investigators. The prognostic significance of cardiac structure and function in atrial fibrillation: the ENGAGE AF–TIMI 48 echocardiographic
substudy. 2016;29:537-44
Gupta S ( see Lu et al). 2016;29:1171-8
Gürel E, Prinz C, Van Casteren L, Gao H, Willems R, Voigt J-U. The impact of function-flow interaction on left-ventricular efficiency in patients with conduction abnormalities: a particle image velocimetry and tissue Doppler study. 2016;29:431-40
Gustafsson I ( see Michelsen et al). 2016;29:709-16
Gutiérrez L ( see Rodriguez-Palomares et al). 2016;29:819-26

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