© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015
Jadelson Andrade, Fausto Pinto and Donna Arnett (eds.)Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases10.1007/978-3-319-22357-5_6Physical Inactivity: Preventable Risk Factor of Cardiovascular Disease
Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
American College of Sports Medicine
American Heart Association
Brazilian Society of Cardiology
Coronary artery bypass graft
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Coronary heart disease
Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation/cardiac rehabilitation
Cardiovascular diseases
Disability adjusted life years
European Society of Cardiology
Heart failure
Leisure time physical activity
Metabolic equivalents
Myocardial infarction
Non-communicable diseases
National Institutes of Health
Physical activity
Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
Rehabilitation Centers
United States of America
World Health Organization
Years of life lost
A sedentary behavior is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). Regular physical activity (PA) and aerobic exercise training are related to a reduced risk of fatal and non fatal cardiovascular events in healthy individuals, in high risk individuals (subjects with hypertension, glucose intolerance/diabetes, dyslipidemia, overweight/obesity), and cardiac patients. It is a very important non-pharmacological tool for primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention [1]. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that physical inactivity is a major contributor to death and disability from CVDs and other non-communicable diseases (NCDs) worldwide, identified by the United Nations as threats to global health (diabetes, breast and colon cancer). This modifiable lifestyle has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally, and the main cause for approximately 30 % of ischemic heart disease burden [2].
By the 1990s, health care agencies and organizations have issued position statements regarding benefits and recommendations on PA for health (CDC, AHA, NIH, Surgeon General, ACSM, WHO, ESC, BSC and other medical societies and national healthcare authorities worldwide). Notwithstanding scientific knowledge outlining the benefits of exercise both for primary and secondary cardiovascular prevention, the society and patients with known CVDs remain sedentary [3]. In view of the prevalence and distribution, and health effects with cardiovascular and global impact (mortality, YLLs and DALYs lost), physical inactivity should be addressed as “pandemic” and a public health challenge [4]. Although the global fight against CVDs has been very successful, due to the growing prevalence of metabolic disorders such as obesity and diabetes, poor exercise regimens, high fat and sugar diets, alcohol and tobacco consumption, especially in the younger population, and the ageing population, the incidence of atherosclerosis-related CVDs is expected to increase in future. It means that CVDs should remain by far the leading cause of death. It urges to take effective preventive interventions (healthful diet and PA) to fight against the expected increase in CVDs, particularly coronary heart disease (CHD) whose reduction was responsible for the largest increase in life expectancy between 1970 and 2000 [5]. It has been estimated that elimination of physical inactivity would increase the life expectancy of the world’s population by 0.68 (0.41–0.95) years [6].
The evidence that a sedentary lifestyle leads to CHD, and particularly myocardial infarction (MI) or sudden death, is based on observational studies in the general population and in specific groups, on experimental studies that compare a sedentary group with one doing more exercise. There is evidence that regular PA, together with other risk reduction behaviors, can help prevent first cardiac and stroke events, reduces the risk of their recurrence and helps patients recover after MI, surgical revascularization or coronary angioplasty (PCI). In relation to CHD, biological mechanisms have been identified through which PA and exercise training may contribute to primary and secondary prevention: it maintains or increases myocardial oxygen supply, decreases myocardial work and reduces cardiac work and oxygen demand, increases myocardial function and electrical stability of myocardium by a favorable modulation of autonomic balance—induces ischemic pre-conditioning of the myocardium, increasing their tolerance to more ischemic stress. The underlying cardioprotective mechanisms involve changes in the coronary arteries, myocardial heat shock proteins and cyclooxygenase-2 activity, endoplasmic reticulum stress proteins, nitric oxide, sarcolemmal and/or mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive potassium channels and myocardial antioxidant capacity, antioxidant enzymes, mitochondrial phenotype that protect against apoptotic stimuli [7]. At another level, PA has a positive effect on established risk factors for CVDs, leading to improvements in blood pressure, glucose intolerance, diabetes, dyslipidemia, and obesity. Specifically, it helps to control body weight, prevents or delays the development of hypertension in normotensive subjects and reduces blood pressure in hypertensive patients, improves lipoprotein profile—increases HDL cholesterol levels, improves carbohydrate metabolism, the body’s use of insulin—lowering the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus, particularly in those at high risk of diabetes, improves glycemic control and reduces type 2 diabetes medications and increases exercise capacity [1, 8]. In short, antiatherogenic effects of PA and exercise training are well documented by changes on the body fat mass, lipoprotein metabolism, carbohydrate intolerance, regression of coronary lesions, vascular reactivity and structure, and neurohormonal modulation [9].
Physical Inactivity and Cardiovascular Risk
The first studies to examine the relationship between CHD and PA were based on occupational activities. It all began with the Morris’s landmark study, the first rigorous epidemiological study in the field of PA, showing that men in physically demanding occupations (bus conductors and postmen) had a significantly lower risk of heart disease than individuals who worked in less demanding jobs (bus drivers and office workers). Since then, many investigations have focused on occupational activity and leisure-time physical activity (LTPA), although with different qualitative and quantitative assessments. The procedures to assessing PA in epidemiological research are critical both for understanding the relation between PA, or opposite physical inactivity, and measures of health as for comparability of data around the world. Nevertheless, the research to date has been consistent and compelling: regular PA reduces markedly the risk for CVDs and has other documented benefits. Indeed, there is strong evidence that PA is associated with healthier body mass and composition, increased cardio-respiratory fitness, reduced rates of high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes, CHD, and stroke [2, 10].
Worldwide, the relative risk (95 % CI) associated with physical inactivity, activity level insufficient to meet WHO recommendations [2], adjusted for confounders, for incidence of CHD and diabetes is, respectively, 1.16 (1.04–1.30) and 1.20 (1.10–1.33) [6]. These numbers are consistent with findings from INTERHEART study, a case–control study conducted in 52 countries throughout Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Middle East, and North and South America, in which the adjusted OR for MI associated with physical inactivity was 1.16 (1.03–1.32) [11].
Numerous reviews or meta-analyses strengthened the evidence that PA has an independent role in primary prevention of CHD, with a 20–30 % lower risk of CHD [10]. A meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies of occupational and LTPA and CVDs (CHD and stroke), with follow-up ≥5 years, exploring the dose–response relationship, shows that high level of LTPA and moderate level of occupational PA reduces the risk of incidental events of CHD and stroke among men and women by 20–30 % and 10–20 %, respectively [12]. On the other hand, the reduction in risk of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality derived from systematic review is significant, 30–40 % [10] to 20–30 % [1], with a stronger dose–response gradient for fitness than for PA [13]. Fitness has direct dose–response relations between intensity, frequency, duration and volume for CVDs and CHD. The weaker relation of PA than cardiorespiratory fitness with health benefit may result from bias in the measurement method (objectively versus self-reports) and resultant misclassification. The procedures to assessing PA in epidemiological research are critical both for understanding the relation between PA, or opposite physical inactivity, and measures of health as for comparability of data around the world. Recent technological advances (accelerometers and heart rate monitors) will increase in the future the accuracy of the PA assessment.
The-Lancet-Series-Physical-Activity highlights global burden of physical inactivity and suggests that it’s responsible for 5.8 % of the burden of CHD worldwide, ranging from 3.2 % in Southeast Asia to 7.8 % in the Eastern Mediterranean. In addition, physical inactivity accounts for 11.9 % of the burden of CHD in the Cook Islands and Malta, 11.4 % in Swaziland and Saudi Arabia, 11.3 % in Argentina, 10.5 % in the UK, 6.7 % in the US, and 5.6 % in Canada. Similarly, the burden of diabetes attributable to physical inactivity is 7.2 % worldwide, ranging from 3.9 % in Southeast Asia to 9.6 % in the Eastern Mediterranean [6].
Dose Response Between Physical Activity and Risk Of CVDs
In the meta-analysis which quantified the amount of PA in relation with the magnitude of benefit to CHD risk, individuals who engaged in the equivalent of 150 min/week of moderate-intensity LTPA had a 14 % lower CHD risk (RR 0.86; 95 %CI 0.77–0.96) compared with those without LTPA. Those engaged in the equivalent of 300 min/week had a 20 % lower risk (RR 0.80; 95 % CI 0.74–0.88). At higher levels of PA, RRs were modestly lower, while people physically active but at levels lower than the minimum recommended had significant lower risk of CHD. This association was stronger among women than men [14]. “Some PA is better than none”. Other authors concluded that risk reductions routinely occur at levels of 150 min/week of at least moderate-intensity activity [2]. Specifying, the benefits of moderate-intensity PA or aerobic exercise training (common daily activities and sport-related activities) in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality ranges from 2.5 to 5 h/week [10] equivalent to perform 1–1.5 h/week of vigorous-intensity PA/aerobic exercise training. A moderate-intensity PA is an activity performed at 40–59 % of VO2 or at a rate of perceived exertion of 5–6 in the Borg CR 10 scale and a absolute energy expenditure of 4.8–7.1 METs (1 MET = 3.5 ml/min/kg) in the young, 4.0–5.9 METs in the middle-aged, 3.2–4.7 METs in the old, and 2.0–2.9 METS in the very old [15]. These results support European and American guidelines on physical activity [1, 10].
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