The purpose of this study was to identify predictors of contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) and the effect of CI-AKI on cardiovascular outcomes after hospital discharge in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
Methods and Materials
We retrospectively reviewed 194 STEMI consecutive patients who underwent primary PCI to evaluate the predictors for CI-AKI and 187 survivors to examine all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events. Outcomes were compared between patients with CI-AKI and those without CI-AKI, which was defined as an increase > 50% or > 0.5 mg/dl in serum creatinine concentration within 48 hours after primary PCI.
CI-AKI occurred in 23 patients (11.9%). Multivariate analysis identified pre-procedural renal insufficiency as a predictor of CI-AKI, and this predictor was independent from hemodynamic instability and excessive contrast volume. Receiver-operator characteristics analysis demonstrated that patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of ≤ 43.6 ml/min per 1.73 m 2 had the potential for CI-AKI. Patients who developed CI-AKI had higher mortality and cardiovascular events than did those without CI-AKI (27.8% vs. 4.7%; log-rank P = .0003, 27.8% vs. 11.2%; log-rank P = .0181, respectively). Cox proportional hazards model analysis identified CI-AKI as the independent predictor of mortality and cardiovascular events [hazard ratio [HR] = 5.36; P = .0076, HR = 3.10; P = .0250, respectively].
The risk of CI-AKI is increased in patients with pre-procedural renal insufficiency, and eGFR is clinically useful in the emergent setting for CI-AKI risk stratification before primary PCI.
Primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) improves the survival rate in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) . However, PCI requires the use of iodinated contrast agent, which is associated with contrast-induced acute kidney injury (CI-AKI) and the potential for worse outcomes . According to several reports, risk factors for the development of CI-AKI include pre-procedural renal insufficiency (RI), hemodynamic instability and volume of contrast agent . Pre-existing RI is a frequent comorbidity in patients with coronary artery disease and is also associated with worse outcomes . Thus, prevention of CI-AKI is an important goal in the effort to improve outcomes in patients undergoing PCI . Patients with STEMI are at high risk for CI-AKI, and there is no highly effective prophylactic strategy to prevent this complication. The risk of CI-AKI increases with the amount of contrast agent used, and volume of contrast agent used during PCI in procedures performed in Europe and the United States may be excessively high . The goal of this study was to investigate predictors of CI-AKI and the effect of CI-AKI on cardiovascular outcomes after hospital discharge in patients with STEMI undergoing primary PCI.
Study population
Between September 2006 and February 2010, 199 consecutive patients with STEMI at the Osaka Minami Medical Center underwent primary PCI within 12 hours after onset of symptoms or up to 48 hours after onset of symptoms if there was evidence of continuing myocardial ischemia. Emergent PCI is available at all times (including weekends) in our facility. Patients meeting the following criteria were eligible for primary PCI: (1) typical chest pain lasting over 30 minutes, and (2) at least 1 mm of new ST-segment elevation in two or more contiguous precordial leads or in two continuous limb leads, or new left bundle branch block on the 12-lead electrocardiogram. Twelve patients (6.4%) were dead during hospitalization [cardiogenic shock ( n = 3), heart failure ( n = 8), pneumonia ( n = 1)]. Of them, 5 patients were excluded from study due to death within 2 days after admission. Thus, 194 patients were available for analysis to predict incidence of CI-AKI, and 187 survivors were available for analysis to assess clinical outcomes between patients with and without CI-AKI. All patients provided written informed consent to participate in this study, which was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Osaka Minami Medical Center and performed in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Data collection and primary PCI
Upon admission to our institution, a 12-lead electrocardiogram was performed, and venous blood samples were obtained before administration of any medications. If primary PCI was indicated, patients were pretreated with aspirin (330 mg), ticlopidine (200 mg) or clopidogrel (150-300 mg) and with intravenous heparin (5000 IU) in the coronary care unit. As soon as written informed consent for invasive treatment was obtained, an urgent coronary angiography was performed with nonionic, low-osmolar (790 mOsm/kg H 2 O), iodinated contrast agent (Optiray350®, Covidien Japan, Tokyo, Japan). The interventional strategy was left to the discretion of the operators. To reduce the amount of contrast agent, left ventriculography was not performed in any patient.
During the procedure, intravenous heparin was administered to maintain an activated clotting time of 250 to 350 seconds. Post-procedural antithrombotic therapy consisted of aspirin (81 to 100 mg once daily) and ticlopidine (100 mg twice daily) or clopidogrel (75 mg once daily). Procedural success was defined as residual lumen diameter stenosis < 50% with Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) grade ≥ 3 flow. Unsuccessful reperfusion was classified as failed angioplasty (residual lumen diameter stenosis > 50% with TIMI grade 0 to 3 flow) and angiographic no-reflow (residual lumen diameter stenosis > 50% with TIMI grade < 2 flow). A detailed medical history, including assessment of classical coronary risk factors, smoking status and others, was obtained after PCI. We used an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) to evaluate renal function, which was calculated by the new Japanese coefficient-modified Modification of Diet in Renal disease study equation, 194 × serum creatinine (sCr) − 1.094 × age − 0.287 × 0.739 (if female) . Renal insufficiency and contrast-induced acute kidney injury were defined as an eGFR < 60 ml/min per 1.73 m 2 on admission and a 50% increase in sCr or an increase in sCr of 0.5 mg/dl from baseline sCr values within 48 hours after primary PCI. Excessive contrast volume used during primary PCI indicates more than the maximum allowable amount of contrast agent, previously described as > 5 × body weight (kg)/sCr (mg/dl) ml (up to 300 ml) in patients with STEMI . Clinical outcomes after discharge were measured in terms of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events (acute coronary syndrome requiring revascularization, unplanned hospitalization for heart failure and stroke) and were compared between patients with and without CI-AKI. Patients who underwent elective planned PCIs for residual obstructive lesions and in-stent restenosis were excluded from analysis of outcomes. Clinical follow-up data were obtained by either a medical chart review or a phone interview with patients or their referring physicians.
Statistical analysis
Continuous data are expressed as means ± standard deviation. Categorical variables are expressed as numbers and percentages and were compared by the chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test. Predictors of CI-AKI were assessed by multivariate logistic regression analysis using variables with a P value < .10 on univariate analysis. Receiver-operator characteristics analysis was used to determine the optimal cut-off point for an eGFR on admission to develop CI-AKI. Event-free survival probabilities for mortality and cardiovascular events in patients with vs. without CI-AKI were estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method, and their differences were assessed using a log-rank test. To identify predictors of worse outcomes, stepwise Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was conducted. A P value < .05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed using MedCalc software, version 12.3.0 (Mariakeeke, Belgium).
Study population
Between September 2006 and February 2010, 199 consecutive patients with STEMI at the Osaka Minami Medical Center underwent primary PCI within 12 hours after onset of symptoms or up to 48 hours after onset of symptoms if there was evidence of continuing myocardial ischemia. Emergent PCI is available at all times (including weekends) in our facility. Patients meeting the following criteria were eligible for primary PCI: (1) typical chest pain lasting over 30 minutes, and (2) at least 1 mm of new ST-segment elevation in two or more contiguous precordial leads or in two continuous limb leads, or new left bundle branch block on the 12-lead electrocardiogram. Twelve patients (6.4%) were dead during hospitalization [cardiogenic shock ( n = 3), heart failure ( n = 8), pneumonia ( n = 1)]. Of them, 5 patients were excluded from study due to death within 2 days after admission. Thus, 194 patients were available for analysis to predict incidence of CI-AKI, and 187 survivors were available for analysis to assess clinical outcomes between patients with and without CI-AKI. All patients provided written informed consent to participate in this study, which was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Osaka Minami Medical Center and performed in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
Data collection and primary PCI
Upon admission to our institution, a 12-lead electrocardiogram was performed, and venous blood samples were obtained before administration of any medications. If primary PCI was indicated, patients were pretreated with aspirin (330 mg), ticlopidine (200 mg) or clopidogrel (150-300 mg) and with intravenous heparin (5000 IU) in the coronary care unit. As soon as written informed consent for invasive treatment was obtained, an urgent coronary angiography was performed with nonionic, low-osmolar (790 mOsm/kg H 2 O), iodinated contrast agent (Optiray350®, Covidien Japan, Tokyo, Japan). The interventional strategy was left to the discretion of the operators. To reduce the amount of contrast agent, left ventriculography was not performed in any patient.
During the procedure, intravenous heparin was administered to maintain an activated clotting time of 250 to 350 seconds. Post-procedural antithrombotic therapy consisted of aspirin (81 to 100 mg once daily) and ticlopidine (100 mg twice daily) or clopidogrel (75 mg once daily). Procedural success was defined as residual lumen diameter stenosis < 50% with Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) grade ≥ 3 flow. Unsuccessful reperfusion was classified as failed angioplasty (residual lumen diameter stenosis > 50% with TIMI grade 0 to 3 flow) and angiographic no-reflow (residual lumen diameter stenosis > 50% with TIMI grade < 2 flow). A detailed medical history, including assessment of classical coronary risk factors, smoking status and others, was obtained after PCI. We used an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) to evaluate renal function, which was calculated by the new Japanese coefficient-modified Modification of Diet in Renal disease study equation, 194 × serum creatinine (sCr) − 1.094 × age − 0.287 × 0.739 (if female) . Renal insufficiency and contrast-induced acute kidney injury were defined as an eGFR < 60 ml/min per 1.73 m 2 on admission and a 50% increase in sCr or an increase in sCr of 0.5 mg/dl from baseline sCr values within 48 hours after primary PCI. Excessive contrast volume used during primary PCI indicates more than the maximum allowable amount of contrast agent, previously described as > 5 × body weight (kg)/sCr (mg/dl) ml (up to 300 ml) in patients with STEMI . Clinical outcomes after discharge were measured in terms of all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events (acute coronary syndrome requiring revascularization, unplanned hospitalization for heart failure and stroke) and were compared between patients with and without CI-AKI. Patients who underwent elective planned PCIs for residual obstructive lesions and in-stent restenosis were excluded from analysis of outcomes. Clinical follow-up data were obtained by either a medical chart review or a phone interview with patients or their referring physicians.
Statistical analysis
Continuous data are expressed as means ± standard deviation. Categorical variables are expressed as numbers and percentages and were compared by the chi-square test or Fisher’s exact test. Predictors of CI-AKI were assessed by multivariate logistic regression analysis using variables with a P value < .10 on univariate analysis. Receiver-operator characteristics analysis was used to determine the optimal cut-off point for an eGFR on admission to develop CI-AKI. Event-free survival probabilities for mortality and cardiovascular events in patients with vs. without CI-AKI were estimated using the Kaplan–Meier method, and their differences were assessed using a log-rank test. To identify predictors of worse outcomes, stepwise Cox proportional hazards regression analysis was conducted. A P value < .05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyses were performed using MedCalc software, version 12.3.0 (Mariakeeke, Belgium).
CI-AKI occurred in 23 patients (11.9%). Table 1 shows the baseline clinical and procedural characteristics of patients with vs. without CI-AKI. Patients who developed CI-AKI were older and more likely to have hypertension, pre-procedural RI and anemia. They more frequently complicated with cardiogenic shock and heart failure with Killip class ≥ 2 on admission. Despite similar angiographic success, they more frequently had LMT lesion, used ventricular assist device and received a higher volume of contrast agent during PCI. After adjustment for baseline variables, pre-procedural RI was identified as a predictor of CI-AKI development, whereas hemodynamic instability and excessive contrast volume were not independently associated with the development of CI-AKI ( Table 2 ). Patients with an eGFR value ≤ 43.6 ml/min per 1.73 m 2 on admission were more likely to develop CI-AKI according to receiver-operator characteristics analysis [sensitivity, 80%; specificity, 73%; area under the curve, 0.702; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.564 to 0.818; P =.0414]. The mean length of follow-up after hospital discharge was 1080 ± 652 days for mortality and 1011 ± 649 days for cardiovascular events. There was no significant difference between patients with CI-AKI and those without CI-AKI in left ventricular ejection fraction (51.6% ± 12.8% vs. 55.1% ± 10.1%; P = .1809) and cardiovascular protective medication profile at discharge (aspirin; 94.4% vs. 98.2%, P = .2919, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors; 22.2% vs. 26.0%, P = .7248, angiotensin receptor blockers; 61.1% vs. 65.1%, P = .7371, beta-blockers; 72.2% vs. 82.8%, P = .2668, statin; 83.3% vs. 92.9%, P = .1555). Patients who developed CI-AKI had higher mortality and cardiovascular events than did those without CI-AKI ( Fig. 1 , 27.8% vs. 4.7%; log-rank P = .0003, 27.8% vs. 11.2%; log-rank P = .0181, respectively). Cox proportional hazards model analysis adjusted for confounders with stepwise selection identified CI-AKI as an independent predictor of mortality and cardiovascular events [ Table 3 , hazard ratio (HR) = 5.36; 95% CI = 1.57 to 18.27; P =.0076, HR = 3.10; 95% CI = 1.16 to 8.30; P = .0250, respectively].
Variable | Incidence of CI-AKI | P value | |
Yes ( n = 23) | No ( n = 171) | ||
Age, years | 69 ± 2 | 68 ± 11 | .0434 |
Age ≥ 75 years | 7 (30.4%) | 52 (30.4%) | .9980 |
Sex, men | 17 (73.9%) | 112 (65.5%) | .4221 |
Body mass index, kg/m 2 | 22.4 ± 3.7 | 24.1 ± 4.5 | .0914 |
Hypertension | 21 (91.3%) | 121 (70.8%) | .0328 |
Diabetes mellitus | 9 (39.1%) | 55 (32.2%) | .5047 |
Dyslipidemia | 16 (69.6%) | 116 (67.8%) | .8674 |
Renal insufficiency | 17 (73.9%) | 40 (23.4%) | < .0001 |
Serum creatinine, mg/dl | 1.44 ± 1.05 | 0.78 ± 0.34 | < .0001 |
Estimate glomerular filtration rate, ml/min per 1.73 m 2 | 46.0 ± 18.6 | 77.4 ± 23.7 | < .0001 |
Anemia | 12 (52.2%) | 28 (16.4%) | < .0001 |
Previous myocardial infarction | 0 (0%) | 10 (5.8%) | .2337 |
Previous cerebral infarction | 3 (13.0%) | 5 (2.9%) | .0551 |
Peak CPK > 3000 IU/l | 11 (47.8%) | 44 (25.6%) | .0273 |
Medication before admission | |||
Aspirin | 5 (21.7%) | 2 (12.3%) | .2113 |
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor | 4 (17.4%) | 8 (4.7%) | .0393 |
Angiotensin receptor blocker | 6 (26.1%) | 24 (14.0%) | .1334 |
Beta-blocker | 2 (8.7%) | 16 (9.4%) | > .9999 |
Statin | 3 (13.0%) | 29 (17.0%) | .7724 |
Findings on admission | |||
Onset to admission < 12 hours | 18 (78.3%) | 149 (87.1%) | .2484 |
Cardiopulmonary arrest on arrival | 1 (4.3%) | 3 (1.8%) | .4112 |
Cardiogenic shock | 4 (17.4%) | 6 (3.5%) | .0047 |
Heart failure with Killip class ≥ 2 | 10 (43.5%) | 20 (11.7%) | < .0001 |
Transfusion | 7 (30.4%) | 6 (3.5%) | < .0001 |
Angiographic findings | |||
Infarct-related artery | .0009 | ||
Right coronary artery | 5 (21.7%) | 55 (32.2%) | |
Left circumflex coronary artery | 2 (8.7%) | 26 (15.2%) | |
Left anterior descending coronary artery | 11 (47.8%) | 79 (46.2%) | |
Left main coronary artery | 4 (17.4%) | 2 (1.2%) | |
Others | 1 (4.3%) | 9 (5.3%) | |
Baseline TIMI flow grade | .4685 | ||
0 or 1 | 15 (65.3%) | 127 (74.3%) | |
2 | 5 (21.7%) | 33 (19.3%) | |
3 | 3 (13.0%) | 11 (6.4%) | |
Final TIMI flow grade | .3023 | ||
0 or 1 | 0 (0%) | 6 (3.5%) | |
2 | 1 (4.3%) | 22 (12.9%) | |
3 | 22 (95.7%) | 143 (83.6%) | |
Lesion number | |||
Single-vessel disease | 6 (26.1%) | 70 (40.9%) | .1708 |
Triple-vessel disease | 8 (34.8%) | 44 (25.6%) | .3575 |
Procedures results | |||
Stent deployment | 19 (82.6%) | 137 (80.1%) | .7774 |
Multivessel PCI | 3 (13.0%) | 7 (4.1%) | .1004 |
Use of ventricular assist device | 8 (34.8%) | 13 (7.6%) | < .0001 |
Contrast volume, ml | 208 ± 54 | 168 ± 50 | .0005 |
Excessive contrast volume | 8 (34.8%) | 7 (4.1%) | < .0001 |
Unsuccessful reperfusion | 2 (8.7%) | 10 (5.8%) | .6383 |

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