CNV start (hg18)
CNV end (hg18)
Copy number
Candidate genes
1574 kb
406 kb
32.51 Mb
33.21 Mb
0.70 Mb
137 kb
103 kb
4456 kb
183 kb
251 kb
2.6 kb
19.8 kb
132.23 Mb
132.76 Mb
0.53 Mb
234 kb
251468 bp
6118 kb
921 kb
17.39 Mb
19.74 Mb
2.35 Mb
774 kb
1.5 Mb
23.2.2 Single Gene Defects in Isolated VSD
In patients with isolated VSD, a number of different mutations have been found in genes encoding for transcription factors, signaling molecules, and proteins of other functions (see Table 23.2).
Table 23.2
Single gene defects in isolated VSD
Gene | Protein function | References |
Transcription factors (TF) | ||
CITED2 | Transcriptional coactivator | [11] |
GATA4 | GATA binding TF | |
IRX4 | Iroquois homeobox TF | [17] |
NKX2-6 | Homeobox TF | [15] |
PITX2 | Homeodomain TF | [18] |
TBX1 | T-box TF | [19] |
TBX5 | T-box TF | [20] |
TBX20 | T-box TF | [21] |
Signaling molecules | ||
CFC1 | Ligand (TGFβ signaling) | [22] |
GDF3 | Ligand (TGFβ signaling) | [23] |
TDGF1 | Co-receptor (TGFβ signaling) | [24] |
Other genes | ||
HAS2 | Hyaluronan synthase | [25] | Transcription Factors
The development of the heart is orchestrated by transcription factor (TF) networks including members of the NK2 homeobox, T-box, and GATA binding families (see Chap. 12) [26]. GATA binding protein 4 (GATA4) is a transcriptional activator found to be affected in sporadic and familial cases of isolated VSD. Three different missense mutations in the GATA4 gene (p.Pro407Val, p.Ser175Cys, and p.Ala411Val) have been reported in sporadic cases [12–14]. In addition, two families carrying GATA4 missense mutations (p.Arg43Trp and p.Gly296Arg) were discovered in a follow-up analysis of index patients that participated in a screen of unrelated individuals (see also Sect. [15, 16]. In the follow-up of affected family members, two and four additional cases of isolated VSD were found in the studies by Wang et al. [15] and Yang et al. [16], respectively.
So far, mutations affecting three members of the T-box family, namely, TBX1, TBX5, and TBX20, have been associated with isolated VSDs. Pan et al. screened 230 CHD cases and observed a heterozygous nonsense mutation (p.Gln277X) in the DNA-binding domain of TBX1 in one patient with double outlet right ventricle who had one affected relative with isolated VSD carrying the same mutation (see also Sect. [19]. A missense mutation (p.Ile152Met) in TBX20 causing impaired DNA binding was found in a family affected by multiple septal defects including isolated VSD, atrial septal defect (ASD), and a large patent foramen ovale in different relatives [21]. In the case of TBX5, a non-coding variant in one of its enhancers was suggested to impact on the development of VSD [20]. The variant was found homozygous in a case of isolated VSD with unaffected heterozygous parents and supported by functional evidence based on transgenic expression studies in mouse and zebrafish [20].
A study focusing on the analysis of PITX2 (paired-like homeodomain 2) in a cohort of 170 unrelated neonates with CHD found two missense mutations (p.Arg91Gln and p.Thr129Ser) in two affected families [18]. Four mutation carriers presented with isolated VSD whereas two other relatives showed transposition of the great arteries (TGA) with VSD (see Sect. [18].
Mutations have also been identified in the TF genes NKX2-6, CITED2, and IRX4 [11, 17, 27]. Screening a CHD cohort including 66 isolated VSD cases, Wang et al. identified a missense mutation (p.Lys152Gln) in the homeodomain of NKX2-6 (NK2 homeobox 6) [27]. Subsequent analysis identified the mutation in two further family members with isolated VSDs [27]. In a cohort of nearly 400 sporadic CHD cases, a nine amino acid deletion (p.Ser170_Gly178del) in CITED2 (Cbp/P300-interacting transactivator, with Glu/Asp-rich carboxy-terminal domain, 2), resulting in impaired activity, was detected by us in one patient with isolated perimembranous VSD [11]. For the ventricle-specific TF IRX4 (Iroquois homeobox 4), two missense mutations (p.Asn85Tyr and p.Glu92Gly) were reported in two unrelated patients with isolated VSD by direct sequencing of the gene in a cohort of about 700 CHD patients [17]. The two mutations affected the interaction with retinoid X receptor alpha, a nuclear receptor of the vitamin A signaling pathway important in cardiac morphogenesis. Signaling Molecules
Various cellular processes in both the embryonic and adult organism are regulated via transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ) signaling pathways. Important developmental steps, such as the establishment of left–right asymmetry, are driven by the NODAL signaling pathway, which is named after the TGFβ superfamily member of the same name (see Chap. 7). Two genes encoding cofactors of the NODAL signaling pathway, TDGF1 (teratocarcinoma-derived growth factor 1 also known as CRIPTO) and CFC1 (Cripto, FRL-1, Cryptic family 1 also known as CRYPTIC), have been analyzed in a cohort of 500 CHD cases [22, 24]. Three missense mutations, p.Arg41Gly in TDGF1 [24] as well as p.Leu219Phe and p.Gly169Val in CFC1 [22], were identified in three patients with isolated VSD (see also Sect. Another member of the NODAL signaling pathway, GDF3 (growth differentiation factor 3), was analyzed by Xiao et al. [23]. Direct sequencing of GDF3 in a cohort of 200 CHD patients led to the identification of a missense mutation (p.Ser212Leu) in a patient with isolated muscular VSD [23]. Other Genes
The gene HAS2 encodes hyaluronan synthase 2, an enzyme that synthesizes hyaluronic acid (a major component of the extracellular matrix) during embryogenesis [25]. Among 100 non-syndromic VSD cases, Zhu et al. detected a HAS2 missense mutation (p.Glu499Val) in one patient. The synthesis of hyaluronic acid was significantly impaired in the mutant enzyme as shown by in vitro assays [25].
23.3 Non-syndromic VSD
VSDs do not only occur as isolated malformations but most frequently are part of a more complex malformation. In the absence of extracardiac malformations, these VSDs are classified as “non-syndromic” (in contrast to syndromic VSD; see Sect. 23.4). Of note, VSD is an intrinsic component of complex malformations such as tetralogy of Fallot and double outlet right ventricle as well as univentricular heart (see Chaps. 31 and 49, respectively).
23.3.1 Copy Number Variation in Non-syndromic VSD
Two microduplications and two microdeletions were described in four cases of VSD with additional cardiac malformations (see Table 23.3) [6, 9]. Tomita-Mitchell et al. analyzed a cohort of several hundred CHD cases and identified among others one patient with VSD and pulmonary atresia who carried a duplication at the locus 1q21.1 comprising candidate genes such as CHD1 (chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1) and GJA5 (gap junction protein alpha 5, 40 kDa; also known as connexin 40) [9]. Screening a cohort of 105 CHD patients by array CGH, Erdogan et al. found a deletion at the 22q11.2 locus (including TBX1) in a case of VSD and aortic coarctation [6]. Further, they detected a duplication at chromosome 4q32.3 in one patient with VSD and PDA and a large 4 megabase deletion at chromosome 17p11.2 in a patient with VSD and ASD. No evident candidate genes have been identified in either of these regions [6].
Table 23.3
Copy number variation in non-syndromic VSD
Cytoband | CNV start (hg18) | CNV end (hg18) | Size | Copy number | Candidate genes | References |
1q21.1 | 144812585 | 1480 kb | Duplication | ACP6, BCL9, CHD1L, FMO5, GJA5, PRKAB2 | [9] | |
4q32.3 | 167.52 Mb | 169.28 Mb | 1.76 Mb | Duplication | [6] | |
17p11.2 | 16.47 Mb | 16.47 Mb | 3.98 Mb | Deletion | [6] | |
22q11.2 | 17.39 Mb | 20.00 Mb | 2.61 Mb | Deletion | TBX1 | [6] |
23.3.2 Single Gene Defects in Non-syndromic VSD
Mutations have been reported in transcription factors, signaling molecules, and sarcomeric proteins in patients and families with non-syndromic VSD (see Table 23.4).
Table 23.4
Single gene defects in non-syndromic VSD
Gene | Protein function | References |
Transcription factors (TF) | ||
GATA4 | GATA binding TF | |
NKX2-5 | Homeobox TF | |
PITX2 | Homeodomain TF | [18] |
TBX1 | T-box TF | [19] |
ZIC3 | Zink finger TF | [33] |
Signaling molecules | ||
NF1 | Negative regulator (RAS signaling) | [34] |
Sarcomere genes | ||
MYH7 | Thick filament | |
TNNI3 | Thin filament | [37] | Transcription Factors
The evolutionary highly conserved homeobox factor NKX2-5 controls the expression of various cardiac genes during heart development [26]. Frameshift and missense mutations in the DNA-binding domain of NKX2-5 have been described in six families mainly affected by ASD and atrioventricular conduction block, but also showing other CHDs [29–32]. In total, 11 affected mutation carriers from those families showed additional VSDs [29–32]. Moreover, screening of 135 sporadic CHD cases revealed an NKX2-5 missense mutation (p.Pro283Gln) in a patient characterized by VSD, ASD, and PDA [12].
Direct interaction partners of NK2 homeobox 5 include the cardiac TFs T-box 5 and GATA binding protein 4. In a large pedigree with familial ASD, Garg et al. described a GATA4 missense mutation (p.Gly296Ser) located between the nuclear localization sequence and one of two GATA4 zinc fingers, which altered the interaction between GATA4 and TBX5 [28]. Three affected mutation carriers in that family presented with an additional VSD [28]. Furthermore, sequencing of GATA4 in two VSD cohorts revealed two missense mutations (p.Arg43Trp and p.Gly296Arg) in two families [15, 16]. Besides isolated VSDs, affected family members presented VSDs in combination with ASD in three cases and with PDA in one case (see also Sect. [15, 16].
Additional cardiac TF genes mutated in patients with non-syndromic VSD comprise TBX1, ZIC3 (Zic family member 3), and PITX2. A nonsense mutation in TBX1 (p.Gln277X) has been found in a family including relatives with isolated VSD as well as one individual with VSD and PDA (see Sect. [19]. ZIC3, a zinc finger TF known for its association with laterality defects (see Chap. 38), was mutated in one sporadic heterotaxy case showing VSD in combination with ASD, pulmonary stenosis, and TGA [33]. Wei et al. identified two subjects with VSD and TGA from two affected families who carried PITX2 missense mutations (see also Sect. [18]. Signaling Molecules
As described before, various signaling pathways are active during cardiac development such as the NODAL signaling pathway (see Sect. In a cohort of 362 severe CHD cases, the NF1 gene encoding neurofibromin 1, a negative regulator of the RAS signaling pathway, was found to be mutated in one case with VSD accompanied by pulmonary atresia and multiple aorticopulmonary collaterals [34]. Sarcomere Genes
Contraction of the heart involves the shortening of sarcomeres by the ATP-dependent interaction between thin (actin) and thick (myosin) filaments (see Chap. 17). Mutations in genes encoding sarcomeric proteins have been well established as disease-causing for different forms of cardiomyopathy (see Chap. 59). For MYH7 encoding cardiac specific β-myosin heavy chain, two mutations (p.Met362Arg and p.Glu1220del, respectively) in two families characterized by Ebstein’s anomaly (EA), left ventricular noncompaction cardiomyopathy (LVNC), and VSD were reported [35, 36]. Two mutation carriers from each family showed the phenotype with the combination of EA, LVNC, and VSD [35, 36]. Troponin I (encoded by TNNI3) is a cardiac specific thin filament component important for calcium sensing during contraction of the heart muscle. Yang et al. detected a de novo missense mutation in TNNI3 (p.Arg204His) in a patient first diagnosed with perimembranous VSD who then gradually developed restrictive cardiomyopathy [37].
23.4 Syndromic VSD
In the following section, we describe VSDs observed in patients showing additional congenital malformations in other organs. Those so-called syndromic forms include well-defined syndromes with known genetic cause (e.g., DiGeorge syndrome) as well as so far undefined syndromic forms with unspecific symptoms such as mental retardation and dysmorphic features of unknown genetic etiology.
23.4.1 Aneuploidy Syndromes
Chromosomal aneuploidy is the presence of an abnormal number of chromosomes in the cell leading to various syndromic genetic disorders. Aneuploidy syndromes can occur with almost any cardiac malformation [38]. CHD occurs in about 45–50 % of patients with Down syndrome (trisomy 21), the most common aneuploidy syndrome [39, 40]. Källen et al. showed in a large epidemiologic study with more than 5000 patients with trisomy 21 that VSD was present in 28 % of individuals with cardiac malformation [41]. In the National Down Syndrome Project cohort, Freeman et al. found a VSD rate of 19 % regarding all registered infants (65 % were membranous and 35 % were muscular VSDs) [40]. A retrospective cohort study including about 4300 Down syndrome patients undergoing CHD surgery was performed by Fudge et al. to examine postoperative outcomes [42]. VSD closure of any type was the second most common procedure (19 %) performed for patients with Down syndrome [42].
Further, CHD occurs in about 35 % of cases of Patau syndrome (trisomy 13) and about 45 % of cases with Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18) as Pont et al. described in a large epidemiologic study of hospitalizations of live-born infants with chromosomal abnormalities [43]. VSD was the most common heart defect in trisomy 13 (18 %) and in trisomy 18 (31 %) [43]. Pallister–Killian syndrome, a sporadic multisystem developmental disorder, is typically caused by the presence of a supernumerary isochromosome composed of the short arms of chromosome 12 resulting in tetrasomy 12p [44]. Tilton et al. evaluated 30 patients with this syndrome and CHD and found a VSD in 10 % of those [44].
23.4.2 Copy Number Variation in Syndromic VSD
A number of studies have shown the importance of CNVs, mainly microdeletions and microduplications, in syndromic CHD [38, 45]. Those studies reported subjects with well-known syndromes as well as so far undefined syndromic forms.
In Table 23.5, clinically delineated microdeletion and microduplication syndromes are listed in which a specific association to VSD was described. Of note, the most frequent genomic disorder associated with CHD is DiGeorge syndrome (DGS; 22q11 deletion or velocardiofacial syndrome) (see, e.g., Chap. 38). Cardiovascular anomalies are present in about 80 % of neonates with DGS [54]. Ryan et al. evaluated a cohort of 545 DGS patients and could show that VSDs were observed in 14 % of these patients (among other heart defects) [55]. Momma described in his review of several studies of DGS cohorts (ranging from 100 up to 222 patients) quite similar VSD rates [54]. All other syndromes show lower VSD rates. For example, in Williams–Beuren syndrome (caused by a deletion of about 1.5 megabases in chromosome 7q11.23), VSDs, mainly muscular ones (75 %), are present in 4–9 % of all patients [49]. A similar VSD rate (8 %) was described by Jefferies et al. in patients with Potocki–Lupski syndrome whereby most individuals harbor a common 3.7 megabase duplication within chromosome 17q11.2 [53].
Table 23.5
Copy number variation in well-defined syndromic VSD
Cytoband | Copy number | Syndrome | Candidate genesa | References |
4p16.3 | Deletion | Wolf–Hirschhorn | WHSC1, FGFRL1 | [46] |
5p15.2 | Deletion | Cri-du-chat | TERT | [47] |
5q35.2-q35.3 | Deletion | Sotos | NSD1 | [48] |
7q11.23 | Deletion | Williams–Beuren | ELN | [49] |
9q34.3 | Deletion | Kleefstra | EHMT1 | [50] |
11q23 | Deletion | Jacobsen | not specified | [51] |
17p11.2 | Deletion | Smith–Magenis | RAI1 | [52] |
17p11.2 | Duplication | Potocki–Lupski | MAPK7 | [53] |
22q11.2 | Deletion | DiGeorge | TBX1 |
Besides well-known syndromes, there are a number of studies describing syndromic patients with VSD who present different unspecific symptoms (see Table 23.6). Using array-based CGH, Syrmou et al. screened a cohort of 55 syndromic CHD patients and detected CNVs in 37 of them [57]. They found five patients with VSD showing either one CNV or a combination of up to three different deletions and duplications (ranging from 0.023 to 6.6 megabases) [57]. Through a genome-wide survey of two independent cohorts of CHD subjects with extracardiac abnormalities (700 subjects in total), Lalani et al. identified 16 CNV regions, present in two or more cases and absent in about 3000 controls [60]. Interestingly, one of the most frequent CNVs they found was a de novo copy number loss of 16q24.3 (affecting ANKRD11 encoding ankyrin repeat domain 11) in five subjects of whom four presented with VSD together with other CHDs (two with perimembranous and one each with muscular and conoventricular VSD) [60]. Screening a cohort of 60 syndromic CHD cases by array CGH, Thienpont et al. identified among others one patient with muscular VSD and various extracardiac manifestations showing a 3.8 megabase duplication at locus 19p13.12-13.11 [61]. Using the same detection method, a similar cohort of 90 patients was analyzed by Breckpot et al. [56]. They found two deletions at locus 1p36.33 (ranging from 3.5 to 5.9 megabases) in two patients with VSD and minor extracardiac malformations, one subject with additional hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and one with microcephaly [56]. Goldmuntz et al. analyzed 58 syndromic CHD cases and reported six different CNVs in six patients characterized by VSD and further congenital abnormalities and dysmorphic features such as cleft palate [59]. They detected copy number gains at loci 5q21.1-21.2 and 18p11.32, whereas losses were detected for the loci 9p23, 10p12.1-11.21, 15q26.1, and 22q11.21 (ranging from 0.4 to 7.1 megabases in length) [59]. Analyzing several hundred CHD trios (non-syndromic and syndromic cases) by SNP arrays and whole exome sequencing, a paternally inherited deletion of 35 kilobases at chromosome 4q34.1 was detected in a patient with VSD, TGA, and extracardiac manifestations [7]. Fakhro et al. genotyped a cohort of more than 250 heterotaxy cases by SNP arrays: they identified a heterozygous 1.5 megabase deletion at locus 3p24.1-23 (affecting TGFBR2 encoding TGFβ receptor II) in a patient characterized by VSD, ASD, partial anomalous pulmonary venous return, and situs inversus (see Chap. 38) [58].
Table 23.6

Copy number variation in syndromic VSD with unspecific symptoms

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