Human Genetics of d-Transposition of the Great Arteries

Gene name

d-TGA plus other cardiac anomalies

Extracardiac anomalies




P1, interrupted IVC, AVC; P2, CAVC, sub-PS, PS, interrupted IVC, azygous to SVC

P1, R-sided stomach; P2, midline liver, polysplenia

P1, DNA variant present in unaffected mother, African-American origin

P1: [1]; P2: [2]


P1, dextrocardia; P2, dextrocardia, bilateral SVC

P1, L-isomeric lungs, R-sided stomach, transverse liver, intestinal malrotation, polysplenia; P2, R-isomeric lungs, R-sided stomach, asplenia

P1, P2: [3]


P1, dextrocardia, bilateral SVC

P1, R-isomeric lungs, R-sided stomach, asplenia; P2, pyloric stenosis

P1, DNA variant present in one of the phenotypically normal parents; P2, sporadic

P1: [3]; P2: [4]


P1, TAPVR, common atrium, PS

P1, transverse liver, R-isomeric lungs, asplenia

P1, familial compound mutation

P1: [5]; P2, P3: [6]


Three patients

P1, DNA variant present in unaffected mother

P1, P2, P3: [7]


P1, SV; P2, CAVC, P3, DILV, PA; F1, 6 relatives with diverse CHD

P1, abdominal SI; P2, abdominal SI, midline liver, asplenia; F1, abdominal SI, asplenia

P1, sporadic; P2, phenotypically normal mother; F1, phenotypically normal father

P1–P3, F1: [8]


P1, CAVC, PA; P2, MA, PS; P3, MA, SV

P1, abdominal SI, asplenia, arhinencephaly, posteriorly placed anus; P2, extrahepatic atresia, abdominal SI, sacral agenesis, rectal stenosis, club feet; P3, asplenia

P1–P3, family LR1




Midline stomach, transverse liver, intestinal malrotation

Familial, 1 affected brother




Hypertel, large nasal bridge, sagittal suture fusion

Familial, male incomplete penetrance



P1, bilat SVC, TAPVR, CAVC; P2, interrupted IVC, ASD, VSD, PS; P3, TAPVR, SV, CAVC, PS, PDA; P4, TAPVR, R-atrial isomerism, HLHS

P1, cholestasis with biliary atresia, asplenia; P2, EHBA, imperforate anus, club feet, fused lumbar vertebrae, posterior embryotoxon, low-set ears; P3, horseshoe kidney, asplenia, low-set ears; P4, intestinal malrotation, abnormal liver lobation, asplenia, webbed neck, R-isomeric lungs

P1–P3, familial, all affected are males; P4, familial, 2 fetuses

P1–P4: [12]








P1, PDA; P2, HypoLV, MV, VSD, ventricular inversion; P3, CAVC, PA

P3, abdominal SI, asplenia

P1, P2, sporadic; P3, 2 sibs with Ivemark, 1 with heart defect

P1–P3: [15]

Abbreviations: ASD atrial septal defect, ASD-SV ASD sinus venosus type, AVC atrioventricular canal, CAVC canal atrioventricular complete, DILV double inlet right ventricle, Dup. duplication, EHBA extrahepatic biliary atresia F1 family 1, HLHS hypoplastic left heart syndrome, Hypertel. hypertelorism, HypoRV hypoplastic right ventricle, HypoLV and HypoLV hypoplastic left and right ventricle, IVC interrupted vena cava, IVS inferior vena cava, LSVC left superior vena cava, LV left ventricle, MA mitral atresia, MV mitral valve, P1, P2, P3 patient number, PA pulmonary atresia, PDA patent ductus arteriosus, PS pulmonary stenosis, SI situs inversus, SV single ventricle, SVC superior vena cava, TAPVR total anomalous pulmonary venous return, VSD ventricular septal defect

35.2 Epidemiology

Although in most cases, as for other congenital heart defects (CHD), it is a sporadic disease, there are a few familial cases [16]. The prevalence of d-TGA is about twice as common in males as in females [17], suggesting that recessive genetic factors on the X chromosome could play a role. This hypothesis has been reinforced by the fact that parental consanguinity is not higher in d-TGA cases than in the control population [18], a situation compatible with X-linked inheritance. d-TGA usually occurs as an isolated congenital heart defect but occasionally may be part of a heterotaxia complex. The relative proportion of these two groups of d-TGA is unknown, but the relative risk of recurrence for first-degree relatives is much higher in the framework of heterotaxy than in cases unassociated with heterotaxy, suggesting a different influence of genetic factors between these two groups [19]. Thus, it has been hypothesized that d-TGA could be, in some cases, the sole expression of heterotaxy.

35.3 Molecular Genetics

35.3.1 d-TGA Without Heterotaxy

Among all gene mutations so far identified in d-TGA, only one MED13L (mediator complex subunit 13-like; alias PROSIT240, THRAP2) was identified outside of the framework of heterotaxy. It was found interrupted in a patient with mental retardation and d-TGA who had a reciprocal translocation [7]. The subsequent mutational screening of a series of 97 d-TGA patients revealed three missense mutations that could be causal, although in one case, the mutation was found in a normal mother.

35.3.2 d-TGA with Heterotaxy

All other mutations were found either in patients with isolated heterotaxy or heterotaxy with ciliary dysfunction. So far, MED13L has not yet been tested on a series of heterotaxic patients. d-TGA Without Cilia Dysfunction

In heterotaxy without cilia dysfunction, gene mutations have been found in six genes in patients with d-TGA: ACVR2B (activin receptor type II B), CFC1 (CRYPTIC), GDF1 (growth differentiation factor 1), LEFTY2 (left-right determination factor 2), MYH6 (alpha-cardiac myosin heavy chain), NODAL (nodal growth differentiation factor), and ZIC3 (Zic family member 3) (see Chap.38). The causality of ACVR2B is dubious in d-TGA because the two studies reporting variants [1, 2] found the same variant (p.Arg40His), which is found relatively frequently (0.5 %) in the world population. The two mutations found in CFC1 in d-TGA patients are strong candidates for disease-causing mutations because they change the reading frame [3] or alter a splicing site [4]. The frameshift mutation (c.522delC, p.Gly174del) is associated with heterotaxic anomalies including one case of right and one of left lung isomerism but also was found in a normal mother. In the study of Goldmuntz et al. [4], the CFC1 gene was screened in a series of 58 patients with d-TGA, and only the mutation causing abnormal splicing was found, yielding a prevalence of 2 % for CFC1 mutations in patients with d-TGA. Three GDF1 mutations were found in patients with d-TGA: two in a systematic screen (p.Cys227X and p.Ala318Thr) [6] and compound heterozygous mutations in a family with autosomal recessive inheritance and heterotaxy including right atrial isomerism [5]. Interestingly, one of the compound mutations is the p.Cys227X mutation. This mutation was found in controls suggesting that alone this mutation has either no impact or that it can predispose to isolated d-TGA, a phenotype less severe than heterotaxy, as observed when this mutation is associated with another mutation in trans.

The gene encoding the alpha-cardiac myosin heavy chain gene (MYH6) was found with a mutation in a girl with a d-TGA. This mutation changed a highly conserved histine to a glutamine (p.His252Gln). Her mother with a patent foramen ovale and her unaffected grandmother carried the mutation [20]. No other of the 49 TGA cases had a MYH6 mutation. Four putative heterozygous mutations were found in d-TGA patients in the NODAL gene (p.Glu203Lys, p.Gly260Arg, p.Arg275Cys, and a deletion/insertion) with demonstrated experimental deleterious consequence [8]. Surprisingly, the p.Gly260Arg mutation was found in five cases of Hispanic origin. This latter mutation and the p.Arg275Cys were also found in unaffected parents.

ZIC3 is the most studied gene in this series. It initially was identified through a positional cloning effort in families suffering from heterotaxy with X-linked inheritance [9]. At least nine additional ZIC3 mutations have been found in d-TGA patients [1115, 21]. ZIC3 mutations have several specificities. They often are associated with midline anomalies (anal stenosis or imperforation, sacral agenesis, horseshoe kidney), extrahepatic biliary atresia, club feet, and mild facial dysmorphy. The inheritance is X-linked affecting boys, but there were examples of non-penetrance in males [11, 22] and on the contrary variable expression in females due to biased X-inactivation either revealing a recessive mutation (by inactivation of the normal allele) [13] or switching off a dominant mutation (by inactivation of the mutant allele) [1]. In this latter family, affected children had heterotaxy and CHD but no d-TGA. In addition to these nucleotide mutations, a cryptic chromosomal deletion was instrumental for the discovery of the role of ZIC3 gene in heterotaxy [10].

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Nov 21, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on Human Genetics of d-Transposition of the Great Arteries

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