53 Historically, individuals with Brugada syndrome (BrS) have been thought to have normal hearts,1 despite reports to the contrary in sporadic cases.2,3 Therefore, ablation to suppress ventricular fibrillation (VF) in the context of BrS has aimed at targeting premature ventricular contractions (PVCs)4,5 as well as idiopathic VF.5 Nagase et al.,6 however, described abnormal epicardial right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) electrograms (EGMs) recorded via the conus branch of the right coronary artery in BrS patients, and subsequently, with the development of epicardial access and mapping for ventricular tachycardia (VT) ablation, Nademanee et al.7 clearly identified a VF substrate that could be abolished by radiofrequency (RF) ablation. In light of these results, ablation is now considered to have a class IIb indication for the treatment of recurrent VF in the context of BrS.8,9 In this chapter, we will describe both the trigger ablation approach and the now more common substrate approach to ablation of VF in BrS patients. Haïssaguerre et al.5 showed that idiopathic VF could be eliminated by ablation of the triggering PVCs in a manner analogous to ablation of focal triggers for atrial fibrillation (AF).10 Kakishita et al.11 showed that in patients with BrS, PVCs were frequent before the onset of VF and of almost identical morphology to the PVCs that triggered VF. They also reported that in the case of multiple VF episodes, the initiating PVCs of each episode of VF had similar morphologies in the same patient. They rarely identified a short-long-short sequence before VF initiation, and the coupling interval of the initiating PVC was not so short as to intrude on the T wave. The site of origin was almost exclusively in the right ventricle (RV) (mainly the RVOT free wall) except in the case of 1 patient in the series of Morita et al.12 In our experience, initiating PVCs largely arise from the RVOT but are also seen to originate from the RV free wall and the right-sided Purkinje network. In clinical practice, it is rare to record PVC triggers on the 12-lead ECG or in the electrophysiological (EP) laboratory in patients with BrS. This approach is therefore limited to patients with frequent PVCs, particularly since the development of epicardial substrate-based ablation. PVCs that trigger VF are often seen only in the period surrounding arrhythmic events, and even in this period they are usually infrequent. It is therefore crucial to have 12-lead ECG recordings of PVCs before the procedure (Figure 53.1). Long-duration ECG recordings or 12-lead Holter monitoring should be performed immediately after VF episodes to allow PVCs to be recorded. In order to match PVC morphologies, it is essential that during PVC recording, electrode positions are identical to those used in the electrophysiology (EP) laboratory. To allow this, the EP procedure must be scheduled as soon as possible after the arrhythmic event. In our experience, PVCs always arise from the RV—either from the RVOT, from lower on the ventricular free wall, or from the right Purkinje network. Figure 53.1 PVCs recorded on 12-lead ECGs in patients with BrS and recurrent VF who were referred for ablation. Panel A shows 2 different isolated PVCs coming from the RVOT and the RV free wall. Panel B shows an isolated PVC that has the same morphology as the PVC triggering VF. Panel C shows 2 different PVC morphologies (RVOT and RV free wall) in the same patient. Finally, Panel D shows a right Purkinje fiber–related PVC triggering VF in a fourth patient with BrS. All antiarrhythmic drugs should be withdrawn prior to ablation. The need for pain control and sedation should be balanced against the possibility of PVC suppression with deep sedation or general anesthesia. During the procedure, all staff should be ready for prompt defibrillation in the event of VF, and disposable defibrillator patches should be attached to the patient and connected to a defibrillator, so that the defibrillator is ready to shock on demand. Essentially, the procedure does not differ from standard PVC ablation.4,13,14 We use a 3.5-mm irrigated-tip ablation catheter and a quadripolar catheter at the RV apex. The settings on the ablation catheter (amplification ×16, voltage range 1 mV; Filters: 30–250 Hz; Labsystem Pro, Bard, Lowell, MA) aim at identifying small, abnormal electrograms but require minimization of electrical noise from the EP laboratory environment. In addition to the usual bipolar channels, we use a unipolar channel between the distal ablation catheter tip and Wilson’s central terminal (WCT) (amplification ×8; voltage range 10 mV; filters: 0.05 Hz–500 Hz; Labsystem Pro, Bard). If PVCs are seen, activation mapping is performed. Where PVC morphology is compatible with a Purkinje origin, the right Purkinje network is mapped, with particular care to avoid mechanical right bundle branch block (RBBB), as RBBB would mask a Purkinje potential within the QRS electrogram (Figure 53.2). In the absence of native PVCs, pace mapping can allow approximate identification of the culprit zone but mapping and therefore ablation are not as precise. Figure 53.2 Mechanical right bundle branch block (RBBB) masking a right Purkinje fiber potential. A Purkinje potential (a sharp potential preceding the ventricular EGM by < 15 ms) is clearly seen on the first beat (arrow). Due to mechanical RBBB (*), the Purkinje potential is now buried in the QRS EGM. Once the site of origin of the PVC is identified, RF ablation is delivered at 30 to 35 W. The ablation area is then enlarged to 3 to 4 cm2 around the site of earliest activation or best pace map. Before changing our standard technique to epicardial substrate ablation, we showed that large endocardial ablation at the site of origin of PVCs (in the RVOT or RV free wall) could eliminate the typical Brugada pattern of ST elevation seen on the 12-lead ECG.15 The trigger approach is limited by the very small number of PVC in BrS. A previous clinical report6 recorded abnormal epicardial potentials in BrS patients via the conus branch of the right coronary artery. Subsequently, an experimental report from Morita et al. described radiofrequency catheter ablation at the earliest activation site of PVCs in the epicardium, which disconnected the short and long action potential duration regions and eliminated all PVCs and VTs.16 These findings, combined with the development of epicardial VT mapping and ablation, have led to substrate ablation becoming the preferred approach to ablation for BrS. In 2011, Nademanee et al.7 described their experience using percutaneous epicardial access17 in this population and identified an area with fragmented potentials over the epicardial surface of the RVOT. Ablation at these sites rendered VF noninducible in 7 of 9 patients (78%) and normalized the Brugada ECG pattern in 89%. Long-term outcome (20 ± 6 months) was excellent, with no recurrent VF in any patient.7 We showed that these epicardial potentials were delayed during ajmaline infusion at the same time that the Brugada pattern became more pronounced.18 In our experience, Brugada pattern ST elevation can sometimes persist or increase during ablation, perhaps due to local tissue injury, but disappears afterwards. In all of the patients treated with substrate ablation in this center, we have demonstrated a negative ajmaline challenge at 3 months. In the 14 patients in whom we performed epicardial mapping, fragmented potentials covered an area of 20 ± 4 cm2. More recently, Brugada et al.19 reported their experience of 14 patients with epicardial Brugada ablation. In this series, the area of abnormal electrograms covered an area on the right anterior RV free wall and RVOT of 19 cm2 that increased to 27.3 cm2 after flecainide infusion. In 100% of their patients, VF was noninducible at the end of the procedure and none demonstrated the Brugada pattern after flecainide infusion at 5 months. Interestingly, one of our patients presented with monomorphic VT 18 months after epicardial ablation, whereas he had had VF before. This is likely to be due to organization of the remaining substrate by ablation, such that it allowed only VT and not VF in a manner analogous to atrial tachycardia post AF ablation. Based on our experience on AF mapping with noninvasive ECG imaging,20,21 we performed VF recordings in 7 patients with BrS and epicardial mapping for VF ablation. Analysis of noninvasive ECG imaging showed that VF rotors were anchored within the area of fragmented potentials over the RVOT (unpublished data). There are several advantages of the substrate approach. First, it does not require PVCs (which can be sometimes challenging to record), and second, the timing of the procedure is less important. However, it requires access to the pericardium and therefore awareness and prevention of potential complications.22,23 We routinely perform CT scans before ablation to obtain cardiac anatomy, particularly coronary artery anatomy (Figure 53.3) of the right coronary artery branches for BrS ablation. Figure 53.3 Right coronary artery, obtained via CT scan, merged in an epicardial voltage map acquired with a Lasso Nav® catheter (Biosense Webster, Diamond Bar, CA). A cardiac CT scan with contrast injection is performed before ablation. The epicardial and endocardial surfaces, coronary sinus, and coronary arteries are then segmented and rendered into 3D objects as .vtk files using MUSIC software30 to be incorporated into the map of a 3D mapping system. The right panel shows the abnormal potentials (arrows) recorded with the Lasso Nav over the RV. These potentials are annotated on the epicardial map on the left panel (dark dots). In this example, two branches of the right coronary artery are supplying an area with multiple abnormal EGMs. In this case, we performed ablation of abnormal EGMs close to the right coronary artery branches on the endocardial surface facing the target area, with the multipolar catheter positioned epicardially to monitor EGM disappearance. In this patient, abnormal EGMs cover approximatively 21 cm2.
How to Ablate Ventricular Tachycardia/Ventricular Fibrillation in Patients with the Brugada Syndrome
Frédéric Sacher, MD, PhD; Mélèze Hocini, MD; Ruairidh Martin, MD; Gregoire Massoulie, MD; Arnaud Denis, MD; Arnaud Chaumeil, MD; Thomas Pambrun, MD; Nicolas Derval, MD; Pierre Jaïs, MD; Michel Haïssaguerre, MD
The Trigger Approach
Preprocedural Planning
The Substrate Approach
Preprocedural Planning

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