History, Physical Examination, and Diagnostic Approach to Venous Disorders

History, Physical Examination, and Diagnostic Approach to Venous Disorders

Teresa L. Carman

Venous disease includes a broad spectrum of clinical conditions from acute disease to chronic ailments. Both acute and chronic venous disorders are common, prompting many patients to seek medical attention. It is important to carefully define venous disorders in order to help differentiate them on history and physical examination.

It is estimated that 27% of the American population has a detectable form of chronic lower extremity venous disease (mainly varicose veins), and 1 to 3% may have ongoing symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). Varicose veins are one of the most common chronic venous disorders encountered in clinical practice. The term varicose veins refers to any dilated tortuous elongated vein. This designation is without regard to the size of the vessel. Varicosities can be subdivided into three categories. Trunk vein varicosities are the enlargement of the great or small saphenous systems and their tributaries. Reticular veins are subcutaneous veins arising from the tributaries of trunk veins. These are usually one to three millimeters in size. Telangiectasias are also called spider veins. These are small intradermal varicosities that are rarely symptomatic.

Many chronic venous disorders are caused by venous reflux. Reflux is defined as the retrograde flow of blood in veins of the lower extremity due to incompetent valves. Some degree of venous reflux may be seen in up to 20% of asymptomatic individuals older than 20 years. Reflux can arise as a consequence of (i) perforator vein incompetence in the calf or thighs; (ii) incompetence of the saphenofemoral junction (SFJ), or the saphenopopliteal junction (SPJ); (iii) incompetence of deep venous valves, most commonly due to destruction by DVT (valve reflux is detected in −50% of veins that are thrombosed); or (iv) ineffective calf muscle pump mechanism, as a result of which ejection of blood from the lower limb is inadequate, increasing residual venous volume (VV).

The functional consequence of communication of deep venous pressures to the low-pressure superficial system is venous hypertension. Venous hypertension is perceived as symptoms of lower extremity heaviness, aching, and fatigue. CVI is a consequence of venous hypertension and chronic venous reflux related to structural or functional abnormalities of veins. Chronic long-standing venous hypertension leads to cutaneous changes such as edema, dilated veins, skin hyperpigmentation or hemosiderin staining, lipodermatosclerosis, and ulceration.

Acute venous thromboembolism (VTE), a term that typically includes deep vein thrombosis (DVT), pulmonary embolism (PE), and may include superficial venous thrombosis (SVT), is the third
most common vascular disorder in the United States exceeded by only cardiovascular disease and stroke syndromes. Acute SVT and DVT are characterized by the development of thrombus in the superficial and deep veins, respectively. While DVT is commonly recognized as a vascular urgency, it is important to note that superficial thrombophlebitis may propagate into the deep venous system and become a DVT in 10 to 15% of cases. Many medical and surgical conditions may contribute to the underlying risk for VTE. Common causes of DVT and SVT may include trauma or injury, inherited or acquired hypercoagulable states including cancer, drugs such as oral contraceptives (OCPs), infection, or immobility including surgery (Table 19.1). Postthrombotic syndrome (PTS) is the long-term sequelae of DVT. PTS is caused by a combination of venous valve injury as well as obstruction from persistent intraluminal fibrosis and webs. PTS may affect up to 70% of patients following DVT.


Strong risk (OR > 10)

Knee or hip replacement

Major trauma

Fracture hip or knee

Spinal cord injury

Moderate risk (OR 2-9)

Abdominal and thoracic surgery

Arthroscopic surgery

Congestive heart failure

Stroke with paralysis

Cancer/myeloproliferative disorders/chemotherapy

Hormonal therapy including HRT, OCPs, and SERMs

Previous venous thromboembolism


Low risk (OR < 2)


Bed rest > 3 d


Varicose veins

Laparoscopic surgery

Prolonged car or airplane travel


OR, odds ratio; HRT, hormone replacement therapy; OCPs, oral contraceptives; SERMs, selective estrogen receptor modulators.


Medical History


Age. Venous disease is typically a disease of an aging population. VTE occurs both in the young and in the old, although there is an agedependent increase (30- to 40-fold higher incidence in 80-year-old compared to 30-year-old persons). It is estimated that VTE risk doubles with each decade of age. VTE in the young is almost always a consequence of a thrombotic diathesis. The incidence of varicose veins and CVI sequelae also increases with age, and age independently predicts the development of these complications.

Gender. The overall incidence of VTE in women and men is quite similar. However, men appear to have increased risk for VTE recurrence compared to women. Women have a three-fold to four-fold higher risk for varicose veins than men. Despite the strong link between varicosities and the eventual development of CVI, sequelae of CVI paradoxically tend to be more common in men than in women.

Race. The risk for VTE show racial differences, with whites at greater risk than Hispanics. Asians have the lowest risk for VTE. This may be due to differences in genetic factors that predispose to DVT.

Obesity. Obesity increases the risk for varicosities in women but not in men. Obesity is an independent predictor of development of CVI. Whether obesity increases the risk of VTE is debated. If obesity results in significant immobility, indeed the risk may increase.

History of Present Illness

While many patients with venous disease are asymptomatic, pain, swelling, and skin changes are the most common signs and symptoms of acute or chronic venous disease. Patients may present with any combination of these symptoms. The variability in presentation can be fairly remarkable. Some patients may present for the evaluation of asymptomatic skin abnormalities such as a telangiectasia, while at the other end of the spectrum, patients may present with fulminant manifestations of CVI including edema, hyperpigmentation, lipodermatosclerosis, and venous ulceration.

A careful history should be focused on defining the onset, progression, and exacerbating and relieving factors, and associated clinical signs and symptoms for the clinical complaint (Table 19.2). It may be helpful to know what diagnostic studies have been performed and whether the symptoms are improving or worsening with time. The history, examination, differential diagnosis, and testing will also be affected by unilateral vs. bilateral symptoms. The history should include cataloging whether the patient has had a recent surgical procedure, prolonged travel, immobility, history
of cancer, trauma, medications, or illnesses that may predispose to acute VTE. A careful assessment of risk factors for DVT may be helpful in identifying factors that may have played a role. Table 19.1 lists various risk factors including surgical procedures and risk for developing a DVT. Prolonged immobility increases the risk of DVT. Hospitalization, air travel (greater than 8 hours), or long car trips are included in this assessment. The increase with air travel appears to be modest, and this does not appear to translate into an increase in the incidence of PE in the general population. Trauma is strongly associated with DVT, with more than 50% of individuals with trauma to the lower extremities and more than 40% of those with trauma elsewhere (chest and abdomen) demonstrating evidence of DVT with duplex evaluation. A history of fracture of the long bones of the lower extremity or the pelvic bones increases the risk of asymptomatic DVT. The use of indwelling devices such as central venous catheters, pacemakers, and infusion ports is strongly associated with the development of DVT at the site of insertion.




Chronic Venous Disease



Bilateral; symmetrical

Usually unilateral; occasionally bilateral but unequal; rarely symmetric

Usually unilateral; occasionally bilateral; rarely symmetric

Effect of elevation

Relieved completely

Partial or complete resolution

Mild or minimal relief


Diffuse involvement with maximal edema in the ankles and feet

Ankles and legs (feet may be spared)

Diffuse, greatest distally



Fatigue, heaviness, aching; bursting discomfort (venous claudication)

Minimal pain

Skin changes

Shiny skin, no pigmentation or trophic changes

Medial aspect of lower legs (gaiter area); hyperpigmentation, thickening or fibrosis, lipodermatosclerosis, ulcers in advanced cases

Lichenification and thickening of skin

Pain Associated with Venous Disease. The majority of patients with DVTs are asymptomatic. Pain may however occur in the context of any acute or chronic venous disorder. In superficial thrombophlebitis and DVT, the
clinical findings (see physical examination) that accompany the pain may suggest the need for further evaluation and intervention. Typically, the pain is of new or abrupt onset and associated with new or acute swelling, warmth, or erythema of the limb. In addition, the patient may report a cordlike structure that is painful, tender, and/or red. Individuals with extensive DVT (iliofemoral disease) may often experience a bursting discomfort in the lower extremities on exertion (venous claudication) that is relieved slowly with rest and elevation (see venous claudication in Table 19.2).

The pain of CVI is typically described as an ache toward the end of the day felt in the entire lower extremity or in a portion of the limb. This is also true in the setting of PTS. In acute exacerbations of CVI, including stasis dermatitis, patients may have fairly acute onset of symptoms; thus, imaging to exclude DVT is sometimes warranted. Pain is not a typical complaint in varicosities, and the presence of pain over a varix should raise the suspicion of associated thrombophlebitis. It is common for patients with varicosities to experience atypical symptoms such as pricking, tingling, prurutis, or burning discomfort over the site. Restless leg syndrome is an underappreciated disorder that can complicate both varicose veins and CVI.

Swelling. This is the second most common manifestation of venous disease and is a manifestation of venous hypertension. Venous hypertension is the pathophysiologic hallmark of CVI. Venous hypertension represents transmission of venous pressure to the deep and superficial veins. Obstruction and/or reflux aided by gravity and incompetent valves increases pressure within the deep and communicating veins. Other causes for venous hypertension that should be considered include (i) intrinsic venous thrombosis, (ii) extrinsic venous compression such as May-Thurner syndrome or Cockett’s syndrome where the left iliac vein is compressed by the overlying right common iliac artery, and (iii) elevated right heart pressure due to various causes. The location, onset, duration, and aggravating or relieving factors for swelling should be carefully considered. Table 19.2 provides differentiating features of venous edema from other causes of lower extremity swelling.

Past Medical and Surgical History

A history of DVT makes recurrent DVT a strong consideration in a patient presenting with other suggestive signs and symptoms. Similarly, a history of DVT makes PTS and CVI a more likely cause of the lower extremity swelling. The risk of VTE is increased by concomitant associated influences (see Table 19.1). A personal or family history of venous thromboembolism, spontaneous abortion, or pregnancy morbidity should increase concern for an inherited or acquired form of thrombophilia.

A history of malignancy or myeloproliferative syndrome is associated with a higher incidence of DVT. In addition, DVT could be the first manifestation of a malignancy in 3 to 20% of individuals. Carcinoma of the lung is the most common tumor associated with a DVT by virtue of its higher
prevalence compared to other malignancies. Gastrointestinal (pancreas and stomach)- and genitourinary-associated carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of unknown primary are more strongly linked to development of thrombosis. Paralysis due to spinal cord injury is also associated with an increased risk for VTE including PE. The risk of DVT after paralysis is greatest during the first 2 weeks after injury; deaths resulting from PE are relatively rare after 3 months. Pregnancy increases the risk of VTE with the highest risk in the immediate postpartum period (20 times higher than control nonpregnant women). Inflammatory bowel disease has also been associated with increased risk for DVT.

Medication History

Estrogen, hormone replacement, OCPs, and selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) increase the risk for DVT. Newer OCPs have a significantly lower amount of estrogen than prescribed decades ago but nonetheless still increase risk of DVT. In addition, OCPs with third-generation progestins have increased risk for VTE compared to OCPs containing second-generation progestins. Still, a woman’s risk of VTE-related death from estrogen-based contraceptive therapy is lower than her risk of dying from pregnancy. The risk (hazard ratio) for a postmenopausal woman on hormone replacement therapy developing a DVT is approximately 2.1 (based on HERS and the Women’s Health Initiative studies). Combining hormonal therapy with other VTE triggers magnifies the VTE risk. For example, oral contraceptive use may be at increased risk for DVT or cerebral thrombosis. However, in individuals with inherited thrombophilia, OCP use dramatically increases the risk. In patients with the prothrombin 20210 mutation risk increases up to 120-fold and with Factor V Leiden mutation risk is increased 30- to 40-fold.

In cancer patients, the introduction of chemotherapy or radiation therapy may increase the risk for VTE. The use of medications such as hydralazine, procainamide, and phenothiazines should be considered since they are known to potentially induce antiphospholipid antibodies. Exposure to heparin or low-molecular-weight heparin predisposes patients to formation of heparin-induced platelet factor 4 antibodies and heparin-induced thrombocytosis that may increase the risk for VTE.

Family History

A first-degree relative with a history of DVT raises concern for the presence of a hereditary thrombophilic defect. Table 19.3 lists the inherited thrombophilias and their prevalence in the general population as well as in patients presenting with a DVT. In general, there is an inverse relationship between the prevalence of a disorder and the thrombophilic risk. The most common disorders (i.e., factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene mutation) seem to have a modest influence on VTE and likely do not increase the risk for future events, while the less common thrombophilias (antithrombin deficiency, protein C and protein S deficiency) typically present at an earlier age and may indeed increase the risk for additional life-time events.



General Population (%)

Patients with DVT (%)

Factor V Leiden (APC resistance)



Prothrombin G20210A



Protein C deficiency



Protein S deficiency


Antithrombin deficiency



Physical Examination

The physical examination of the patient with suspected venous disease should not be limited to the legs and should include the entire individual. Up to 50% of patients with acute DVT may have a PE at presentation. Abnormalities in routine vital signs including heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and temperature may all accompany acute VTE. Cardiac examination may be normal or reveal findings of elevated right heart pressure including jugular venous distension, a loud second heart sound, or a new flow-related murmur. Similarly, examination of the lungs may be normal or reveal nonspecific findings of diminished breath sounds, crackles, or induced pleuritic chest pain that may suggest an underlying infiltrate or infarction. No examination of the venous system is complete without an evaluation of the abdominal organs for possible malignancies and masses.

Complete examination of the venous system requires adequate understanding of venous anatomy including the presence of perforating veins (PV). Figures 19.1 and 19.2 illustrate the location of the most clinically important veins in the lower extremity. Common clinical findings of venous disease include pain, swelling, and skin changes as previously noted. A number of patients with DVT may have a normal physical exam. Only phlegmasia and SVT can be reliably diagnosed with any degree of a certainty via a clinical examination. However, it is important to have a methodical approach to the patient with suspected venous disease.

Inspection and Palpation

Inspection and palpation should be done with the entire lower extremity exposed. Patients with acute DVT may present with erythema, pain/tenderness on palpation or ambulation, or swelling (either proximal or distal). Unfortunately, physical examination alone is insufficient to exclude or diagnose DVT, and additional imaging is required in patients with suspected VTE.

Patient with chronic venous disease presenting with varicose veins should be examined both supine and standing. Great saphenous varicosities start along the medial side of the leg in front of the medial malleolus and travel proximally to the saphenofemoral junction. Small saphenous varicosities are seen from behind the lateral malleolus. Since the small saphenous vein is embedded in fascia, it is much easier to see tributaries to this vein in conditions associated
with high venous pressure. The calf and thigh perforators are relatively constant (Figs. 19.2 and 19.3). Incompetence of the Hunterian’s perforator is a common cause of medial thigh (middle) varicosity, while Dodd’s perforator incompetence results in varicosities in the lower thigh (medial aspect). The anteromedial calf perforator (Boyd’s) connects the greater saphenous vein to the crural veins and is a common site for a primary varicosity. Figure 19.3 illustrates the current nomenclature of perforator veins.

FIGURE 19-1. Anatomy of the deep veins and perforators of the lower extremity (from the posterior aspect).

Jun 12, 2016 | Posted by in CARDIOLOGY | Comments Off on History, Physical Examination, and Diagnostic Approach to Venous Disorders

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