Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction and Restrictive Cardiomyopathy
Evan Lau
Wilson W.H. Tang
Epidemiologic studies suggest that nearly one-half of patients with heart failure have a normal ejection fraction; the proportion in those hospitalized has been reported to range from 24% to 55%. The survival of patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction was once thought to be better than those with a decreased ejection fraction, but recent evidence suggests similar mortality rates.
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) has become the preferred term in the literature. This clinical entity has also been referred to as diastolic heart failure and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. In this chapter, we focus on HFpEF and provide a brief discussion of the restrictive cardiomyopathies, which are important differential diagnoses in patients presenting with heart failure and a normal ejection fraction.
B. Definition.
In the latest consensus document (by the European Working Group), HFpEF is defined as (1) signs and symptoms of congestive heart failure; (2) left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) > 50% and a nondilated left ventricle (< 97 mL/m2); (3) and evidence of elevated left ventricular (LV) filling pressures (Table 9.1). The last criterion is fulfilled in one of three ways: (1) invasive hemodynamics (pulmonary capillary wedge pressure [PCWP] > 12 mm Hg or left ventricular end-diastolic pressure [LVEDP] > 16 mm Hg), (2) unequivocal echocardiographic evidence of elevated LV filling pressure (E/e’ > 15), or (3) equivocal echocardiographic evidence (E/e’ > 8 but < 15) and a positive β-natriuretic peptide (BNP) (NT-BNP > 220 pg/mL or BNP > 200 pg/mL).
C. Pathophysiology.
Most pathophysiologic abnormalities in patients with HFpEF are related to diastolic function. There are two major determinants of diastolic function: LV relaxation and LV stiffness. LV relaxation relates to the cellular mechanisms involved with actin-myosin crossbridge detachment. This requires intracellular calcium uptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum, an energy- or adenosine triphosphate (ATP)-dependent process. Thus, ischemia, which would decrease intracellular availability of ATP, would prolong the time required for ventricular relaxation. LV stiffness relates to the compliance of the myocardial tissue. One determinant of this is the extracellular matrix. For example, increase in fibrosis and collage deposition, as in patients with hypertensive heart disease, leads to an increase in LV stiffness. Restrictive cardiomyopathies share a similar pathophysiology, with increased LV stiffness; however, these differ in the pathology underlying the change in ventricular compliance: extracellular amyloid deposition (cardiac amyloidosis); endocardial fibrosis from eosinophilic injury (Loeffler’s endocarditis and endomyocardial fibrosis); intracellular lysosomal engorgement with sphingolipids (Fabry’s disease); and others.
TABLE 9.1 Diagnostic Criteria for Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction | ||||||||
A number of other pathophysiologic mechanisms have been implicated in patients with HFpEF. These include arterial stiffness, the relationship between arterial and ventricular stiffness, and chronotropic incompetence. The implications and relative importance of these mechanisms are still unclear.
A. Demographics.
When compared with patients with systolic dysfunction, those with HFpEF tend to be older and are more likely to be female. Associated comorbidities include hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and chronic kidney disease.
B. Symptoms.
Analogous to systolic dysfunction, diastolic dysfunction spans the spectrum of asymptomatic or subclinical disease to those with an established clinical syndrome of congestive heart failure. The symptoms of diastolic heart failure are indistinguishable from those of systolic heart failure. It may present with only exertional fatigue or dyspnea symptoms. Other patients will have more overt symptoms of left-sided (dyspnea, orthopnea, and paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea) and right-sided (edema and abdominal bloating) heart failure.
C. Signs.
The signs of HFpEF are similar to those for systolic heart failure. One should look for the typical signs of right-sided (elevated jugular venous pressure, hepatic congestion, ascites, and lower extremity edema) and left-sided (rales) congestion. The presence of an S4 usually signifies a stiff left ventricle. As opposed to those patients with dilated cardiomyopathies, the location of the apical impulse is usually close to the midclavicular line, signifying a normal-sized ventricle. One should also pay attention to the strength of the impulse; in patients who do not have thick chest walls, a hypertrophied ventricle will often have a stronger impulse than the one without left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). In patients with exertional symptoms alone, the above signs may not be present as the manifestation of their diastolic dysfunction may occur only during exercise.
In patients who present with impressive right-sided heart failure features, particularly ascites and hepatic congestion, restrictive cardiomyopathy or constrictive pericarditis or a combination should be considered. In these patients, clinical findings of multiorgan disease may indicate specific etiologies of restrictive cardiomyopathy. The cardiac examination may demonstrate more specific findings, including Kussmaul’s sign: a paradoxical elevation in the mean jugular venous pressure during inspiration. This is classically described in constrictive pericarditis but can be seen in patients with restrictive cardiomyopathy as well as other pathologies (severe right ventricular failure and tricuspid regurgitation).
A. Electrocardiogram (ECG).
ECG is an insensitive test for HFpEF. In this scenario, the most important finding is the amplitude of QRS voltage. The presence of elevated voltages and other criteria for LVH would support this as a possible cause of HFpEF. Conversely, in a patient who has increased wall thickness (typically by echocardiography) but has low voltage or infarction patterns on ECG (in this case, “pseudoinfarction”), infiltrative or restrictive cardiomyopathy should be considered.
B. Chest radiograph.
The chest x-ray has few specific findings for HFpEF. In a posterior—anterior film, a normal-sized heart (lateral heart width < 2/3 of a hemithorax) may be a clue to a normal-sized left ventricle. Otherwise, the findings are the same as in systolic dysfunction: fluffy alveolar opacities (alveolar pulmonary edema), increased interstitial markings (increased interstitial fluid), pulmonary vascular redistribution (increased pulmonary venous pressures), and pleural effusions.
C. Specific laboratory investigations.
BNP can be helpful in establishing the diagnosis of HFpEF (as stated above). When compared with patients with systolic heart failure, the elevation in BNP is generally lower. In patients with undifferentiated dyspnea, a normal BNP would argue against the presence of any heart failure syndrome.
For the purposes of our discussion, there are two clinical presentations to consider: exertional dyspnea (without findings of heart failure) and congestive heart failure. In a patient presenting primarily with exercise intolerance or exertional dyspnea, HFpEF should be considered, in addition to silent coronary artery disease, primary lung disease, anemia, etc.
In a patient who has an established clinical syndrome of heart failure, the differential diagnosis is typically narrowed following echocardiography. In a patient with preserved ejection fraction and a normal-sized left ventricle, HFpEF is the most likely cause. Other entities to consider include restrictive cardiomyopathies, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), valvular heart disease, and constrictive pericarditis. Here, we primarily discuss HFpEF and restrictive cardiomyopathies.
Heart failure without another obvious cause, particularly in the context of advanced age, hypertension, obesity, chronic kidney disease, and diabetes, should lead to an early consideration for HFpEF. In such patients, myocardial ischemia may play some role in the manifestation of heart failure. This is particularly true for patients presenting with acute heart failure or flash pulmonary edema. In the absence of dynamic valvular regurgitation, ischemia leading to pulmonary edema usually denotes a large amount of myocardium at risk. This type of presentation certainly warrants aggressive investigation for obstructive coronary disease and when applicable, revascularization. Whether or not ischemia plays a role in patients with more subacute or chronic heart failure presentations is debatable.
B. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
The diagnosis of HCM is usually made in the presence of LVH, without concomitant hypertension or aortic stenosis. There are many manifestations of HCM, one of which is a “restrictive” phenotype that presents predominantly with diastolic heart failure. Distinction between HCM and other restrictive cardiomyopathies is not always clear, but it should be considered in certain scenarios: examples of this would include family members with HCM (particularly with an identified gene mutation), the typical reverse curve morphology of the interventricular septum, predilection for sudden death or ventricular tachyarrhythmia, and/or the presence of LV outflow tract obstruction.
C. Restrictive cardiomyopathies.
Restrictive cardiomyopathies represent a group of disorders in which ventricular stiffness is increased by mechanisms/pathologies other than those related to the more garden-variety HFpEF patients. This may be a result of infiltrative, inflammatory, or metabolic diseases. The most common etiology of restrictive cardiomyopathy is cardiac amyloidosis.
1. Cardiac amyloidosis.
Amyloidosis refers to the deposition of amyloid, or an abnormal protein, in organ tissue. There are several causes, and the following are the most important ones that manifest with cardiac involvement.
a. Primary amyloidosis is caused by a primary hematologic malignancy. Monoclonal plasma cells produce a light-chain immunoglobulin; deposition into cardiac tissue is variable. Early stages show subclinical diastolic dysfunction (usually seen on echocardiography); later stages show severe restrictive cardiomyopathy. Traditionally, patients presenting with heart failure are felt to have a very poor prognosis with limited treatment options. However, anecdotal experience suggests that achieving remission of the malignancy with chemotherapeutics may positively impact patient’s heart failure symptoms.
b. Familial amyloidosis involves the inheritance of a gene that produces a mutant form of transthyretin, a serum protein carrier of thyroxine and retinol. The protein is produced in the liver and is deposited in the kidneys, the heart, and the nerves. Some centers may offer cardiac transplantation to selected patients.
c. Senile amyloidosis is similar to familial amyloidosis in that it is related to the deposition of a pathologic variant of transthyretin. This usually occurs in older men.
2. Endomyocardial fibrosis.
Endomyocardial fibrosis occurs in areas close to the equator, such as equatorial Africa, South America, and Asia. It usually affects children and young adults. Histologically it is characterized by granulation tissue, collagen, and extensive connective tissue lining the endocardium. It affects both ventricles (50%), left ventricle (40%), or isolated right (10%) ventricle and is associated with a 2-year mortality rate of up to 50%. Atrial fibrillation, mitral regurgitation, and thromboembolism are common. The response to medical treatment is poor. Endocardial decortication may be beneficial for those with New York Heart Association (NYHA) class III or IV symptoms. This technique has high operative mortality (15% to 20%), but when successful, reduces symptoms and may favorably affect the survival.
3. Loeffler’s (eosinophilic) endocarditis.

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