Kantonsspital Aarau, Medizinische Universitätsklinik, Aarau, Switzerland
Diastolic dysfunction (DD)Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF)Diastolic (ventricular) propertiesSystolic (ventricular) propertiesHypertensive heart diseaseStiffened arterial vessel systemVentricular-vascular stiffeningCardiomyocyte stiffening/stiffnessTitinDiastolic chamber stiffnessSystemic and cardiac inflammationStiffened arterial vessel systemEndothelial dysfunction (ED)NO bioavailabilityNO-cGMP-PKG pathwayMetabolic syndromePulmonary hypertensionCardio-metabolic syndromeLV filling mechanicsHeterogeneous pathophysiologyExtracelluar matrixPV-relationPV-slope5.1 Definition and General Remarks
To diagnose heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), the following three criteria have to be fulfilled [1–8]:
- 1.
Signs and symptoms generally present in heart failure, and
- 2.
- 3.
Evidence of diastolic dysfunction and/or relevant structural cardiac alterations
(To fulfill criteon 3, the European Society of Cardiology asks for the following two to be present: elevated natriuretic peptides and either (I) proof of a relevant structural cardiac abnormlity (indicated by an enhanced LA size, LALVI, or a left ventricular muscle mass, LVMI, above the normal range), or/and (II) proof of abnormal diastolic properties, diastolic dysfunction [3]).
The criteria defining the syndrome used by authors based on the latest ACCP/AHA [4] and ESC guideline [3] have merged closer together, particularly the range of LV-EF. However, in the most recent, 2016 guideline, the ESC definition demands increased natriuretic peptide serum levels in addition to either diastolic dysfunction and/or signs of a structural heart disease [3], thus strengthening and appreciating the importance of biomarkers and structural abnormalities.
HFrEF (heart failure with reduced ejection fraction) is indicated by signs and symptoms typically present and constituting heart failure, and a LV-EF < 40% [2–4].
Furthermore, recently both the AHA/ACCP and the ESC introduced a mid-range (HFmEF) [3] or borderline [4] type, a group with a LV-EF between 40 and 49% (41–49% ACCP/AHA) but otherwise featuring all other HFpEF criteria.
Specific diagnostic criteria (read below, Sect. 5.5) delineate exactly the findings and parameters indicative for a structural heart disease and/or suggestive for diastolic dysfunction.
HFpEF is a considerably complex malady [8, 10, 11] of broad phenotypic heterogeneity [12, 13], and multi-facet pathophysiology [9, 13–15], may potentially afflict various organs [13, 15], and mostly goes without a specific etiology but with miscellaneous pathogenetic underlying causes [13, 16–18]. Its clinical spectrum typically varies from dyspnea on exertion to even acute pulmonary edema [19–21]. Since diastolic dysfunction (DD) is a dominant, if not the dominant [9] feature of this disorder [11, 22–24], taking a key role in HFpEF pathophysiology [22, 25, 26], HFpEF has frequently been referred to as “diastolic heart failure” (in contrast to “systolic heart failure” or HFrEF) in the past [8, 27]. Indeed, more than 2/3 of all patients with HFpEF display DD at rest [28–30], during stress even up to 80–90% are found to develop abnormal diastolic properties [31]. Hemodynamically, DD impairs ventricular filling [32, 33] with a higher LVEDP for any given end-diastolic volume [34].
However, meanwhile it is quite clear that DD is not a unique finding in patients previously classified suffering from diastolic heart failure, but also occurs in patients with “systolic” heart failure (heart failure where the ejection fraction is reduced) [2, 33, 35, 36], is present in many asymptomatic elderly (60–80%) suffering from hypertension [37–40], and even more, altered diastolic properties are a very common and arguably physiological observation in elderly individuals associated with the aging process [37–39, 41–44]. Consequently, HFpEF is known to predominantly afflict older hypertensive patients [45].
Traditionally, DD has been considered to be an important intermediate step in the development of HFpEF, notifying, if displayed, that hypertension (HTN)/hypertensive heart disease (HHD) may progress to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction [46, 47], and chronic hypertension was thought to potentially turn into HFpEF [48, 49]. Meanwhile, “hypertension is neither necessary nor sufficient for HFpEF development” as Desai writes [48]. Many clinical conditions, myocardial as well as non-myocardial ones, are known to be associated with and may predominantly cause (acute) heart failure with normal ejection fraction, including valvular heart diseases, congenital heart disease, pericardial disease and primary (isolated) right heart failure with basically normal systolic LV function [50–52], whereupon abnormal diastolic function is the most common pathophysiology applying in these cases [51, 52].
Also, quite a number of other features have been acknowledged to be present and contribute to the pathobiology of HFpEF such as impaired LA-function [53], chronotropic incompetence [54, 55], right ventricular dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension [56–58], and even limitations in LV systolic capabilities are present in patients with HFpEF [59, 60]. Moreover, modifications and abnormalities of “extracardiac” features may arise in HFpEF patients being crucially involved, including altered vascular properties affecting LV afterload and ventricular—vascular coupling conditions [53, 54, 61–63], changes in preload circumstances (circulatory volume overload) [64], neuroendocrine activation [65], as well inflammation/endothelial dysfunction [66, 67], and impaired peripheral vasodilator reserve [54, 68, 69].
As such, a very heterogeneous group of patients with different etiological features and several pathophysiological mechanisms applying and contributing may display the syndrome of HFpEF [70]. Consequently, recent findings and facts, recognizing that diastolic dysfunction is not the only underlying abnormality in this syndrome, have led to change the term diastolic heart failure, which implies a single operating pathophysiology [71].
Moreover, the initial consideration, HFpEF may be a precursor of HFrEF, being part of the same disease process, which may potentially step forward to HFrEF, and in which HFpEF and HFrEF indicate the two extremes within a continuum of a single disease [72, 73], has been abandoned due to a lack of evidence [9, 13, 15, 33, 74–76]. Of course, there may be overlaps as some patients with HFpEF are shown to lose up to 5.8% of their EF per year finally ending up with an EF < 50% (40%), while those with reduced EF may show improvements [74]. It is assumed and very likely that a transition from HFpEF to HFrEF may, in turn, occur due to additional adverse events, particularly intercurrent myocardial ischemia and infarctions causing loss of cardiomyocytes [77].
Nevertheless, all available evidence strongly suggests to consider HFpEF as a separate, distinct entity which has to be distinguished from HFrEF: The two syndromes differ in elementary issues of the pathogenesis and pathophysiology, in their etiologies, clinical and demographic characteristics, structural (cardiomyocyte hypertrophy [78] and myocardial fibrosis of varying degree [79]) and functional (cardiomyocyte stiffness [78, 80]) features, time to clinically overt malady, neuroendocrine response and biochemical parameters, associated co-morbidities and, of great importance, in their response to therapy [11, 14, 27, 66, 78, 81–84]. While HFpEF is basically attributed to endothelial dysfunction, HFrEF has to be considered as a disorder of the cardiomyocytes [27].
5.2 Epidemiolgy and Aetiology
At least 50% of all patients presenting signs and symptoms of heart failure have a normal or only minimally impaired global systolic LV function, thus suffer from HFpEF [34, 81, 85–89]. Moreover, Owan recognized that the occurence of HFpEF in all heart failure cases (HFpEF and HFrEF) increased from 38% to 54% within the last two decades [81]. Indeed, compared to HFrEF, the relative prevalence of HFpEF is increasing by 10% per decade [8, 81, 87, 90, 91], and the “true” prevalence of HFpEF in the general population is estimated at 1–5.5% [92].
HFpEF surely is a disorder of the elderly as its proportion is increasingly found with older ages [81, 85, 86, 88]. Although elderly women seem to be more afflicted in US [18] and Euopean surveys [93, 94], internationally a more balanced sex distribution appears to exist [95–97]. Comorbidities typically and highly prevalent in and associated with HFpEF (though also related to increasing age) include hypertension (60–80%), obesity (41–46%), diabetes mellitus (13–76%), coronary artery disease (20–76%), atrial fibrillation (15–41%), impaired renal function (40–55%), and hyperlipidemia (16–77%) [81, 85–87, 91, 98–101].
Readmission rates add up to nearly 30% within 60–90 days after discharge [102] and to roughly 50% within 1 year [103].
Mortality rates recently reported in the literature describe in short term (30–90 days) 5–9.5% deaths [86, 87] , 29% deceased patients after 1 year since diagnosed and 68% (55–74%) after 5 years [87, 88, 91]. As such, the prognosis of HFpEF is definitely similar to, and as grim as, those found in patients with HFrEF (32% after 1 and 68% after 5 years) [85–88, 104]. However, in contrary to patients with HFrEF, the reasons of mortality in HFpEF are more often due to non-heart failure cardiovascular issues [18, 105, 106], reaching 40% of the causes of death [107, 108].
Consequently, in the majority of patients with HFpEF, a specific etiology cannot be determined [9, 13, 16, 83], rather, “HFpEF occurs most commonly in the elderly who have one or more co-morbidities like hypertension, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, chronic kidney disease, atrial fibrillation, and/or anemia” [109]. As such, the co-morbidities exert a considerable impact on the pathogenesis of HFpEF [9, 13, 17, 42], and HFpEF may be considered to be the “identical” clinical result of different diseases with diverse and miscellaneous underlying pathophysiologies [7]. Nevertheless, in some cases a (more) specific cause, usually provoking diastolic dysfunction and concomitant/consecutively HFpEF, may be identified as in case of hypertrophic, restrictive, infiltrative, or genetically determined cardiomyopathies as well constrictive pericarditis or cardiac fibroelastosis [50, 51, 83].
5.3 Aetiopathogenesis and Basic Pathophysiological Issues and Considerations
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, accounting for more than 50% of all heart failure cases [81, 89], is henceforth recognized as a separate and discrete clinical syndrome rather than a “milder form” and/or precursor of HFrEF as growing evidence clearly indicates [73].
Exercise intolerance with often severe dyspnoea on exertion and acute pulmonary edema are the key clinical pictures HFpEF patients present [19–21]. 2/3 of all HFpEF patients feature LV diastolic dysfunction at rest [28, 110], however up to 80–90% may display abnormal diastolic properties during stress [31]. Accordingly, LV diastolic dysfunction, as a central factor in the pathobiology and a patho-physiological hallmark of HFpEF [22, 24, 25], evokes, either alone or in combination with other pathophysiological features [1, 22, 25], the phenotypic, clinical appearances and the elevated filling pressures (a general finding in any kind of heart failure [111]) present in this syndrome [22]. The other features include combined ventricular-vascular stiffening (notably enhanced central aortic stiffening and (consecutively) blunted ventriculo–arterial coupling) [55, 61, 62, 68], impaired systemic vasodilator reserve [24, 54], systolic limitations [49, 112, 113], and extra-cardial causes like volume overload [114] and pulmonary hypertension [56, 58, 115] with subsequent ventricular, mostly diastolic interactions [41].
LV diastolic dysfunction underlying HFpEF is, in the absence of pericardial and endocardial disease [116], attributed to abnormal diastolic myocardial stiffness [8, 116, 117]. Diastolic myocardial stiffness is determined by (a) the composition, functional status and the amount of the extracellular matrix (ECM) and by (b) the cardiomyocytes, accurately the cardiomyocyte tension, respectively the cardiomyocyte stiffness which is largely defined by the functional and structural properties of the cytoskeletal giant protein titin [8, 118]. While originally the diastolic passive myocardial and the overall diastolic chamber stiffness have primarily been assigned to be predominantly determined by the collagen quantity and quality of the ECM [14] and by collagen crosslinking [119, 120], most recent study results revealed that cardiomyocyte stiffness alone has the capability to induce HFpEF without any involvement of the ECM [121]. This is in line with data demonstrating that 1/3 of HFpEF show normal collagen volume fraction although similar LV stiffness and end-systolic wall stress [80]. Meanwhile, several studies on HFpEF patients clearly relate enhanced diastolic LV stiffness to elevated cardiomyocyte stiffness [122–124].
Cardiomyocyte tension and stiffness are largely modulated by titin [125]. Changes in cardiomyocyte properties are reported to possibly occur in the acute setting attributed to alterations in phosphorylation status of titin (relative hypo-phosphorylation) and intramolecular disulfide bridging (both energy-consuming processes), associated and in conjunction with acute energy deficits [55]. As a result, an acute increase in passive LV diastolic stiffness ensues [126] causing acute cardiac failure [127]. In contrast, the collagen turnover and thus modification may take considerably longer with a known collagen half-life of 80–120 days [128]. Accordingly, increased myocardial stiffness and tension, predominantly caused by cardiomyocyte properties, may arise acutely, whereas alterations of the ECM indicate long-term and chronic changes.
The majority of individuals with DD will never develop symptoms [129], however, worsening diastolic function is identified to decisively contribute to the onset of clinical heart failure symptoms [130]. The transition from compensated conditions to overt HFpEF is reported to be related to profound myocardial stiffening [131, 132]. Drazner [133] recently illustrated in his paper on “the progression of hypertensive heart disease”, that both, (a) the progressive and adverse change of ECM composition and amount [106, 134, 135] enhancing myocardial stiffness [136] in patients suffering from hypertensive heart disease and (b) the (accompanying) increase in LV filling pressures [53, 130, 137], are causally responsible for the transition from HHD to HFpEF—indeed, ventricular passive stiffness substantially impacts LV filling pressures [22, 25]. However, other factors affecting LV-filling pressure such as PH and (subsequently influencing) ventricular interdependence, (consecutive) atrial dysfunction and vascular components, notably enhanced central aortic stiffness [21, 48, 62], may decisively contribute as well [56, 62, 138].
Intermittent or permanent increases in LVEDP potentially facilitating left-atrial dilatation and atrial fibrillation (thus atrial dysfunction) [138], and elevated pulmonary pressures are indicative for clinically relevant DD [31].
Traditionally, DD has been considered to be an important intermediate step in the development of HFpEF, occurring in patients with hypertension/hypertensive heart disease developing heart failure [46, 47], and chronic HTN was supposed to potentially turn into HFpEF [48, 49]: Hypertension has been viewed as being the “predominant factor in the development and the progression to and of HFpEF” [139]. HTN is found to be present in 60–80% of all patients diagnosed with HFpEF [81, 98]. Cellular and extracellular structural and functional changes as well as adaptions are demonstrated in the myocardial tissues and in cardiac function of HTN patients subsequently developing DD [78, 140] and HFpEF [98, 141, 142]. Even mild hypertension can result in DD [143]. As such, chronic pressure overload (e.g. HTN) is recognized to be a leading risk factor and cause of DD [92, 144] and of HFpEF [141, 145].
This prevailing mechanistic view of the syndrome of HFpEF based on classical, traditional knowledge and perceptions (mechanical/neuroendocrine model of heart failure [146]) received even more support by recent analyses and study results enlarging the existing concept by, notably, central and peripheral vascular and v-a-coupling issues (“HFpEF is recognized as a disease of abnormal v-a-coupling” [147]), consecutive and associated PH and ventricular interactions, all potentially influencing and contributing to the pathophysiology and pathobiology of acute heart failure [14, 21, 41, 56, 61, 148]. Furthermore, these features fit very well into the recently provided concept by Cotter, assigning acute heart failure either to a predominantly acute vascular or to a prevailing cardiac, acutely decompensating disorder [149, 150]. However, often both conditions are contributing with only one prevailing [149, 150]. These findings emphasize that the pathophysiology of heart failure is heterogeneous, the syndrome of acute heart failure complex and the disorder obviously of systemic dimension [18].
Anyhow, in recent years, a bundle of considerable evidence, strongly linking HFpEF to systemic inflammation, has been established [66, 67, 151, 152]. Significantly elevated, high levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and other markers of activated inflammation including tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), several interleukins such as IL-1, IL-6, monocyte chemotactic/chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP1), adhesion molecules such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM1), and CRP, at least hsCRP (high sensity), released by immune-competent cells (neutrophil granulocytes, monocytes, macrophages, T cells), but endothelial cells and even vascular smooth muscle cells as well [141], are consistently laboratory-confirmed assured in blood samples (and thus within the systemic, peripheral circulation) of heart failure patients [153–156]. Being further of substantial prognostic relevance, these inflammatory mediators, and thus inflammation as such, are considered as being crucially implicated in the disease process [152]. Indeed, increased levels of inflammatory features are independently associated with asymptomatic diastolic dysfunction [157], and repetitive and progressive inflammatory episodes are demonstrated to be strongly associated with the progression of ventricular diastolic dysfunction to HFpEF [154, 158]. Furthermore, a recently published study provides distinct evidence that systemic inflammatory conditions are predictive of incident HFpEF [151], a strong sign of a causal impact of inflammation on the aetiopathogenesis of HFpEF [141, 159].
Moreover, HFpEF, a disease of the elderly [89, 144], is typically accompanied by a range of comorbidities including arterial hypertension, obesity, diabetes (as a rule type II), metabolic syndrome, coronary artery disease, chronic kidney disease, and COPD [85, 86, 142, 160]. All these disorders have been identified as being risk factors for, and precursors of, incident heart failure [161–164]. Furthermore, these maladies are independently associated with early development of diastolic LV dysfunction [165–168]. All these pathologies deploy low grade systemic inflammation [66, 141, 151, 169, 170]. “HFpEF is, compared to asymptomatic patients although as well suffering from obesity, diabetes, HTN, etc., characterized by an increase in cardiac inflammation” [66]. Moreover, metabolic risk factors are not only strongly associated with inflammation, but also with endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress, impaired myocardial energetics, abnormal cardiomyocyte Ca-handling, reduced NO bioavailability, and maladaptive cardiac remodelling [171–173].
Inflammation per se is a protective response to physiological and unphysiological stimuli, injuries and insults of any kind, e.g. infection, and applies by interactions between cell surfaces, extracellular matrix, and pro-inflammatory mediators [174]. It is basically a vascular answer to any stimulation or threat [175, 176]. Although traditionally considered to be a local process, inflammation may potentially enlarge to a systemic condition [177]. Janeway and Travers state: “The inflammatory response has to be recognized as a systemic process rather than “purely” a local reaction” [178].
Inflammation is inevitably associated with endothelial activation and dysfunction: Endothelial cells are recognized to considerably participate in the initiation, maintenance, and amplification of inflammatory processes [179, 180] and as such, endothelial cells are an integral component of the early innate immune response (conditional innate immune cells) to injury of any kind [181]. The distinct and very close correlation between inflammation and endothelial dysfunction is well established [182]. Inflammation causes endothelial dysfunction [112, 183, 184], subsequently, the dysfunctional endothelial cells display a number of features contributing to and, in turn, amplifying the inflammatory process [181].
Endothelial dysfunction (ED) refers to an “activated” endothelium denoting a maladaptive response to pathological stimuli [185]. Thus, systemic inflammation potentially affects the whole body, more accurately is likely to activate the endothelium of the whole body including the coronary microvasculature and central cardiac endothelium, e.g. endomyocardium [66, 146].
Indeed, cumulating evidence indicates that the inflammatory condition and the endothelial dysfunction [182, 186] must be central and crucial features in the pathobiology of HFpEF [24, 66, 67]. Endothelial dysfunction is associated with cardiovascular diseases, e.g. coronary artery disease, hypertension, diabetes, chronic renal disease, and noticed as a systemic disorder [187–190]. As a result of accumulated co-morbidities, the unifying affection acknowledged and with considerable implication in the pathobiology of HFpEF is endothelial dysfunction (ED) [48]: Comorbidities present in HFpEF lead to ED [117].
Compared to age-matched controls, patients with HFpEF display ED, and ED is related to adverse outcome [67]. Thus, the endothelium takes a central position in the (inflammatory) response, coordinating and “orchestrating” the reply and the reactions to the metabolic, biomechanical, and chemical threats provoked by the co-morbidities [179, 180, 191].
The cardiac endothelial tissue encompasses the endocardium, the intramyocardial capillaries, and the endothelial cells of the coronary microvasculature [117]. The central endothelium, comprising the vessel network of heart and the pulmonary blood flow path, constitutes the largest endothelial surface of the body [192], decisively contributing to the development of heart failure with preserved EF [192]. Endothelial cells are capable to communicate bidirectionally [193, 194]. The cardiac endothelium is demonstrated to modulate cardiac performance [195] since it affects, by autocrine/paracrine signalling (by releasing factors such as NO, ET-1, and natriuretic peptides), the contractile properties [196]. The acute cardiomyocyte function decisively depends on cardiac endothelial cell condition and function [195, 196]. Accordingly, the influence of the endothelial cells on different cardiac cells emphasizes the importance of ED in and the impact of ED on the pathobiology of HFpEF [192, 197]. The “systemic” ED and especially the coronary microvascular endothelial inflammation (see below the new concept by Paulus and Tschoepe, see Fig. 5.4) are not only important bystanders of HFpEF, but play a pathophysiologic relevant and causative role in that syndrome [159, 192].
Hence, the comorbidities commonly seen in patients suffering from HFpEF induce a systemic inflammatory state and as such will afflict the central endothelial cells of the coronary microvasculature and of the endocardium causing ED as clearly evidenced by histologic-bioptical studies [66, 123]: The systemic inflammation is suggested to gradually affect (inflame) the cardiac microvasculature [66], causing ED [197, 198] and subsequently impacts on the interaction between cardiac endothelium and the cardio-myocytes [66, 117, 199, 200], so that finally the myocardium may be inflamed [66, 199]. The expression of adhesion molecules [66] facilitates the recruitment, activation, and transendothelial migration of inflammatory cells into the vessel walls and the myocardium [66]. The conversion of fibroblasts into myofibroblasts, which significantly affect ECM composition, collagen synthesis and collagen deposition in the interstitial cardiac tissues, promoting myocardial fibrosis, is stimulated [201] and accompanied by DD [202, 203]. The amount of cardiac ECM and the collagen quantity and composition influence and co-determine chamber stiffness [103], and a correlation between both, myocardial collagen and the amount of inflammatory cells, and diastolic dysfunction could be established [66]. Activated myofibroblasts, for their part, provoke and maintain inflammation by producing chemokines and cytokines stimulating the inflammatory cell recruitment and ED, thus contribute to establish a vicious cycle maintaining and even fuelling the inflammatory and associated processes [204].
The most important biological consequence of ED certainly is the impaired NO bioavailability [117, 159]. Particularly caused by oxidative stress, hyperglycemia following insulin resistance (IR), components of the activated RAAS (namely A II) and by TNFα [117, 205], the limited NO availability will lead to substantial consequences: The dysfunctional endothelial cells can offer the adjacent cardiomyocytes only a markedly diminished NO supply, this results in disrupted NO-cGMP-PKG signalling (more detailed in the paragraph on pathophysiology), leaving titin hypophosphorylated [78, 122, 205, 206] and facilitates disulfide bridging within the titin molecule [207]. Histologic-bioptic samples of patients suffering from HFpEF revealed reduced PKG activity and low cGMP concentrations in their myocardial tissues, associated with markedly enhanced cardiomyocyte stiffness [205]. Titin decisively determines the elastic properties of the heart [78]: Myocardial and chamber passive diastolic stiffness, crucially determining LVEDP, are largely shaped and assigned to the properties of the giant sacromeric cytoskeleton protein titin [125, 208], notably in normal sized heart chambers as typical in HFpEF [121, 209–211]. Elevated diastolic LV stiffness causing DD is basically attributed to elevated intrinsic cardiomyocyte stiffness as numerous studies reported [80, 122–124, 212]. We have substantial evidence indicating that “stiffened” titin alone is able to induce DD and HFpEF [210, 213], independent of ECM and thus myocardial fibrotic state [210].
As such, acutely altered titin stiffness as in energy deficit [55] following acute (myocardial) ischemia with subsequent increase in LVEDP [53, 126, 130, 137] causing acute cardiac failure [127], may be likewise understood as a (predominantly) cardiac reason for acute heart failure in terms of Cotter’s concept [149, 150]. On the other hand, acute elevations of blood pressure predominantly acting on loading conditions [61, 62, 214] and consecutive (sometimes disproportionate) increases in LVEDP [61–63] may also precipitate acute heart failure, but as a result of primarily acutely changed vascular properties provoking an acute afterload mismatch [61, 149, 150].
Reduced NO bioavailability and disrupted NO-mediated signalling pathways and the increased formation of oxidative stress associated with the features activated, are well implicated in the pathobiology of heart failure [215, 216]. Oxidative stress of the coronary microvasculature reduces NO bioavailability, cGMP content, and PKG activity in the adjacent cardiomyocytes [17].
The metabolic syndrome, a cluster of metabolic factors, notably obesity, but even the principally physiologic aging process [217] are all strongly related to insulin resistance (IR) and enhanced oxidative stress, provoking adverse synergistic effects on myocardial structure and function [218]. Obesity, diabetes (type II), and IR are all reported to exert direct adverse effects on the myocardium independently of confounders like HTN or coronary artery disease [171–173]. These co-morbidities present in HFpEF are independently associated with early DD [165–168] and have been prospectively identified as precursors of incident heart failure [161–164]. Hence, metabolic disorders may contribute via enhanced myocardial inflammation, oxidative stress, downregulated NO bioavailability affecting the very important signalling NO-cGMP-PKG pathway, and limited bioenergetics to DD and HFpEF development [55, 127].
The joint detection of soluble ST21 and PTX 3 2 within the blood stream, indicative for a systemic vascular inflammation in the presence of myocardial wall stress, is reported to correlate well with DD and HFpEF, hence substantiating that indeed inflammation is potentially a causal feature of HFpEF [221].
The association between the soluble TNFα type 1 receptor, a marker of systemic inflammation, and incident HFpEF found in elderly individuals further contributes to assume a causal role of inflammation in that type of heart failure [222]. High grade evidence comes from a study by Kalegeropoulos [151] since the results verify that systemic inflammation, induced by the co-morbidities observed in HFpEF, reflected by high levels of inflammatory markers in the circulation including the classical agents TNFα and IL-6, is predictive for incident HFpEF (but not for HFrEF and as such likewise indicating that both disorders are different entities). As the correlation demonstrated persists even after correcting for known heart failure risk factors (co-morbidities, etc.), these study findings are highly suggestive for a direct, causal role of inflammation in the pathogenesis of HFpEF [151].
Hence, it has been inevitably and necessary that Paulus and Tschoepe implemented a novel paradigm of the pathobiology of HFpEF: Their concept applies systemic inflammation as fundamental in the pathophysiology of HFpEF [159, 199]. The common co-morbidities including HTN, diabetes, and obesity associated and observed with HFpEF, cause a marked systemic inflammatory state, thereby also severely affecting the endothelial layers of the cardiac vessel system and even the endocardium, and thus provoke coronary microvascular, endocardial and (consecutively) myocardial inflammation and dysfunction [66, 123]. ED ensues and as a result of inflammation [123, 180, 197, 198], cardiomyocyte stiffening with subsequent DD develops [80, 123, 126, 210, 213] and ECM remodelling arises, leading to myocardial fibrosis, accompanied by DD [66, 120, 202, 203]. Accordingly, ED and microvascular, especially coronary microvascular disease are not only important bystanders of HFpEF but play a pathophysiologic relevant and causative role [159]. For further details of this concept, please see paragraph on special pathophysiology. The results of several animal studies nicely fit and support this new view of inflammation-induced HFpEF [223, 224].
However, HFpEF is not merely a conglumerate of co-morbidities [75, 225]. A study by Mohammed revealed that HFpEF patients, compared to healthy and hypertensive controls, feature more cardiovascular abnormalities than the individuals in either control group (healthy individuals and hypertensive persons), even after adjusting for comorbidities, sex and age [75], a result which is comprehensible and coherent. Furthermore, the outcome of HFpEF is demonstrated to be worse compared to patients with various comorbidities but with no evidence for heart failure: The mortality rates in the HFpEF group added up to 53–76 per 1000 patient-years while in the matched (correcting for age, sex and comorbidity allocation) control groups without HF, the mortality rate ranged between 11 and 47 per 1000 patient-years [226]. However, that difference was present although the burden of co-morbidities was lower in the HFpEF cohort [226]. Hence, those findings strongly suggest that HFpEF is not simply a collection of co-morbidities, but rather an independent entity [82]. Moreover, the transition to and deterioration in symptomatic HFpEF is related to additional pathobiological issues affecting the functional and structural myocardial status, including v-a-coupling disorders, neuroendorine activation, energy deficits (deficits of high energy phosphates), PH and ventricular interaction, and likewise ischemia [14, 41, 55, 147, 227, 228]. Ischemia caused by coronary ED potentially causes angina symptoms and may affect systolic and diastolic heart function [228, 229].
The development of HFpEF is strongly influenced by aging, a systemic, basically physiological process principally affecting all organs [230, 231]. LV diastolic stiffness rises with increasing age, even when BP and LV-mass are in physiological ranges [232–234]. With aging, diastolic relaxation is blunted attenuating the effect of diastolic suction [235, 236] and subsequently potentially increases LVEDP. NO-dependent vasodilation is compromised [237, 238], and low–grade systemic inflammation with associated impaired NO bioavailability [199] potentially provoking myocardial fibrosis are typical findings. Chronotropic incompetence, limited systolic function, and shortened cardiac output response to exercise [239, 240] further characterize normal aging. Accordingly, aging predisposes for HFpEF, and comorbidities present substantially aggravate the typical “abnormalities” ensuing with increasing age [68]. Aging and hypertension are considered to be the main risk factors for the development of HFpEF [38, 103], as they are a sufficient cause of HFpEF [48, 75]. Moreover, the presence of HTN/HHD was until recently thought to be inevitable for transitioning from asymptomatic DD to HFpEF [139, 199]. Indeed, HFpEF may, in some cases, “simply” reflect predominantly synergistic effects of the risk factors of elderly individuals [48]. As such, if diabetes and HTN coexist, cardiac abnormalities are demonstrated to be more severe and profound than characteristic for and typically seen in each disorder alone [241]. However, obesity, diabetes, HTN, and chronic kidney disease are each associated with unique structural and functional alterations in the heart and vasculature of HFpEF patients [75]. Metabolic disorders like obesity, diabetes, and insulin resistance directly display adverse effects on myocardial structure and function and this independently of confounders like HTN or CAD, referred to as “obesity” [171], “diabetic” [173], and “insulin-resistant” [172] cardiomyopathy. In HFpEF related to diabetes, increased LV diastolic stiffness is reported to be primarily attributed to enhanced cardiomyocyte stiffness and to the hypertrophy of cardiomyocytes [123, 126]. As those diabetic patients did not suffer from HTN, cardiomyocyte hypertrophy was definitely not due to pressure overload, but rather a specific effect of the diabetes [146]. In diabetes and insulin resistance, oxidative stress, generated via several pathways including the accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGE), is markedly enhanced [146], further coupled with reduced oxidative defence, thus, an inflammatory milieu ensues [242]. Subsequently, NO bioavailability is substantially diminished (AGEs quench NO [243]) and endothelial function will be considerably afflicted and microvascular inflammation of the coronary vessel network and the endocardium occurs [159]. As a consequence of the critically limited NO bioavailability, hypophosphorylation of titin arises as Heerebeek demonstrated, displaying and/or contributing to cardiomyocyte stiffening [123] and cardiomyocyte hypertrophy—the latter typically eccentric [244]. Comparatively, in chronic pressure overload as in HTN and HHD, myocardial abnormalities, typically including concentric hypertrophy [133, 245], and excessive forms of collagen deposition, which will result in a marked increase in myocardial stiffness, are contributing to DD [136]. In obesity, the relative thickness of cardiomyocytes, indicative for concentric hypertrophy, increases [246].
Worsening DD is clearly shown to be independently related to incipient HFpEF development [129, 247]. DD is a prominent manifestation of diabetes [248], and in asymptomatic diabetic patients developing overt HF, worsening diastolic function was definitely related to subsequent incident HF [247]. Moreover, diabetic patients with DD have a significantly higher mortality rate [247]. The Relax-study results further emphasize the adverse role of diabetes in the progression to HFpEF [249].
Hence, HFpEF may be seen as a cardiometabolic disorder [146, 199]. Likewise, chronic pressure load as in HTN/HHD is associated with (1) substantial collagen deposition and changes in collagen composition of the ECM, stiffening the heart muscle [136], and (2) considerable enhanced passive cardiomyocyte tension, both verified in HTN patients who subsequently display DD [78, 140]. Further deteriorating diastolic function (which is usually associated with a (further) rise in LVEDP since abnormal diastolic properties require rising filling pressures to ensure appropriate LV filling [53, 137]) may lead to overt HF symptoms reflecting HFpEF [130, 133, 134]. Thus, various features are involved in the process with a transition from a asymptomatic pre-clinical condition (with likewise enhanced inflammatory markers including IL-6 and TNFα [130, 250, 251]) to overt HFpEF [49, 53, 130, 252].
As such, HTN and consecutively HHD have lost their accentuated role in the group of co-morbidities being necessarily present for the transition from asymptomatic DD to overt HF [75, 199]: Paulus and Tschoepe [199] view HTN as “merely one of many comorbidities fuelling systemic inflammation, oxidative stress, and endothelial dysfunction in this syndrome”, and, “HTN is neither necessary nor sufficient for HFpEF development” as Desai writes [48] interpreting Paulus and Tschoepe.
However, even this example underlines the prominent heterogeneity of aetiologic factors and patho-mechanisms able to contribute to or even to induce HFpEF. The strong association between HFpEF and systemic inflammatory markers is well explained by (a) the inflammation created and induced by the co-morbidities verified and (b) by the hemodynamic-mechanistic features related to increased LVEDP, both causing inflammatory discharge, and as such further substantially supports the diversity of reasons and mechanisms (inflammation may be seen as a vascular response to any threat) found in and characteristic for this type of heart failure [151, 251, 253].
Thus, HFpEF is a very complex disorder with considerable phenotypic heterogeneity, multifactorial pathophysiological pathways, miscellaneous potential etiological factors and multiorgan involvement [13, 117]. Various features are involved in the process of transition from the asymptomatic pre-clinical condition (with likewise enhanced inflammatory markers including IL-6 and TNFα [250, 251]) to overt HFpEF [49, 53, 130, 252]. Accordingly, a “simple” paradigm shift from the traditional mechanistic-hemodynamic (namely afterload excess and vascular failure) approach, which is accompanied by neuroendocrine activation [48, 146], to an inflammatory cardiometabolic disease as suggested by Paulus and Tschoepe [199] will not meet and represent all the facets present, typically assigned to and denoting the syndrome of HFpEF.
Correspondingly, Butler [83] and Tschoepe and vanLinthout [117] point out: HFpEF is a highly complex disorder caused by various etiological features, potentially interacting each other, and as such involves multifactorial patho-physiological pathways. Cardio-metabolic, inflammatory conditions (precipitated by physiological aging possibly amplified by a range of comorbidities commonly accompanying HFpEF) essentially go along with altered mechanical cardio-vascular properties, incited neuroendocrine activity, and altered pulmonary hemodynamics, thereby predispose ensuing overt heart failure.
However, even Butler’s and Tschoepe’s and vanLinthout’s characterisation probably does not describe explicitly enough the wide spectrum of etiological and pathophysiological features verified to potentially contribute to the entity of HFpEF as their annotation does not literally refer to the most essential issue: Analyzing hemodynamic data at rest and when exposing patients with HFpEF to stress, HFpEF is precipitated by a bundle of cardiovascular disorders with heterogeneous underlying pathophysiologies [14, 25, 114]. These include diastolic dysfunction [22, 24, 25, 38] as the central and most common (but not exclusively [68]) pathophysiological hallmark, altered structural and functional systolic myocardial (impaired contractile function, particularly limited contractile reserve) and vascular properties (vascular stiffening and consecutively modified v-a-coupling), blunted (peripheral) vasodilatory response (largely a result of endothelial dysfunction), chronotropic and lusiotropic abnormalities, and the (consecutively) affected pulmonary circulation/RV-PA-unit [14, 21, 25, 56, 58, 62, 78, 114, 117]. Altered LV filling mechanics are the characteristic pathophysiological feature present in all HFpEF patients [254, 255]. They are the result of both “intrinsic structural and molecular alterations” [254], on the one hand attributed to cardio-metabolic, inflammatory aberrations thereby stiffening the left ventricle (heart muscle), and on the other hand assigned to an “increased vascular load imposed by a stiffened arterial vessel system” [254]. A stiffened ventricle and/or an altered vascular load affect ventricular–arterial coupling, and since the pulmonary circulation/RV-PA-unit is generally also afflicted, mainly through the elevated left ventricular filling pressures [254], HFpEF may indeed be considered as a coupling malady [254] (Fig. 5.1).

Fig. 5.1
Adapted from Guazzi Circ Heart Fail 2014, 7: 367–377 [254] with permission. The diagram sequence depicts that both, altered vascular (left picture) and structural cardiac (in the middle) properties affect LV filling mechanics resulting in elevated LV-filling pressures and modified systolic ventricular elastance. Consecutively, ventriculo–arterial coupling conditions change and coupling becomes derranged. These alterations, at the head the increase in LVEDP, are transmitted backward, impacting the pulmonary circulation. Subsequently, the pulmonary circulation and the right heart become involved (picture on the right), effecting the coupling between the RV and the pulmonary vessel bed, and ending up in pulmonary hypertension due to left heart disease (PH following HFpEF). As such, HFpEF may be viewed as a coupling disease.Legend: EDPVR: End-diastolic pressure-volume relation
5.4 Special Pathophysiology
5.4.1 The Pressure-Volume Relation and the Filling Pressure (LVEDP) in HFpEF
Heart failure is basically associated with elevated LV filling pressures [256, 257], since it is defined as the inability of the heart to supply the bodies’ tissues suitably with blood in order to meet their metabolic demand, or to do so only at the cost of elevated filling pressures [258, 259]. Hence, elevated left-ventricular end-diastolic pressures (LVEDPs) are a general finding in all heart failure patients [82, 111, 259]. Accordingly, elevated filling pressures are universally seen, at least during (physical) exertion [20, 24], in the syndrome of HFpEF [22, 130, 252, 260]. These elevated LV filling pressures are essentially attributed to diastolic dysfunction, the leading pathomechanism of HFpEF patients [22, 53, 78, 80, 130]. Diastolic dysfunction basically results from increased chamber and myocardial stiffness, subsequently displaying elevated filling pressures [25, 31, 130], the main physiologic consequence of diastolic dysfunction [261].
Diastolic dysfunction has been defined “as the inability to fill the ventricle to an adequate preload volume (end-diastolic volume, EDV) at acceptable low pressures” [262]. Myocardial stiffness and relaxation largely determine ventricular diastolic function [263] and therefore ventricular chamber stiffness [264]. In the vast majority of HFpEF patients, a considerable increase in chamber stiffness (impaired LV compliance due to altered cardio-myocyte stiffness and modified extracellular matrix composition) is evidenced [22, 25, 55, 78], furthermore, a delay in and hence an incompletion of myocardial relaxation [22, 25] may be seen. The latter will become particularly evident (a) during tachycardia (e.g. physical stress), as a shortening of the diastole and thus of the LV filling period results [7, 260, 265], and (b) in case of an acute increase in afterload (e.g. acute rise in blood pressure/hypertensive dysregulation [62, 266]) since active relaxation is reported to be slowed and consecutively prolonged by acute elevations in LV afterload [266, 267]. Both conditions (shortened diastole and elevated afterload) are delaying and blunting the drop in LV-LA- pressure gradient during early diastole and thus impair diastolic suction [268] thereby contributing to the elevated filling pressures found in that syndrome [257].
However, it is mainly the LV stiffness as the predominant underlying abnormality, which induces and contributes to the elevated filling pressures [25, 130]. The increase in myocardial diastolic stiffness, reflected by a leftward and upward shift of the PV-relationship leading to a steeper slope [22, 260, 269, 270] (see Fig. 5.2), is largely attributed to cardiomyocyte stiffening (with an increase in cardiomyocyte stiffness as the disease inherent process), and, to a lesser extent, to an altered (active) diastolic relaxation [121, 209, 271, 272]: It is basically the giant elastic sarcomeric protein titin, regulating myocardial passive tension and stiffness [208], which determines myocardial and LV chamber stiffness as numerous studies have shown [78, 80, 122, 124]. Titin contributes roughly 80% to LV passive stiffness as long as sarcomere length ranges within the physiological band of 1.8–2.2 μm (as they indeed do in HFpEF), while the influence/contribution of ECM becomes more important in dilated sarcomeres of >2.2 μm [209, 211]—as in HFrEF. Furthermore, the impact of the influence of an altered relaxation on the magnitude and on the curvature of the relation has been challenged and significant increases in LVEDP resulting from slowed relaxation have never been clearly assured in studies and thus may be queried [121, 271, 272].

Fig. 5.2
Diastolic pressure–volume (P-V) relation—observe the different gradients of the slopes of the respective curves. Adapted from Borlaug BA. Circulation Heart Fail 2014;7:2–4 [273], with permission
However, not all studies found a steeper slope (reflecting changes in diastolic properties) of the pressure-volume relationship underlying the increase in LA and LV filling pressures in patients with HFpEF [62, 114]. This is suggestive for reasons and mechanisms other than primarily altered (intrinsic) diastolic properties being responsible for, and/or contributing to, enhanced filling pressures consistently found in that patient group [262, 273]. Elevated filling pressures are verified to be caused also by parallel upward shifts of the P-V-relation (Fig. 5.3).
Parallel upward shifts of the P-V-relationship, but with no change in its slope and thus similar LV “intrinsic” diastolic properties (unchanged cardio-myocyte stiffness and extracellular matrix composition [262, 275]), are in general attributed to “extrinsic” reasons and altered “extrinsic”conditions [275–277], namely altered right ventricular loading conditions and changes in pericardial constraint with consecutive perceptible and enhanced diastolic ventricular interaction (DVI) [256, 273, 274]. DVI is found to be notably present in case of elevations in pulmonary pressures (PH) [278–280], potentially resulting from heart failure of any reason [281, 282]. Pulmonary hypertension is an exceptionally common feature in patients suffering from HFpEF [115, 283, 284], and enhanced diastolic ventricular interaction is common in patients with left-sided HF and PH [285]. Other “extrinsic” features include volume overload [114], endocardial diseases [116] and, of special importance, altered ventriculo–arterial coupling [62]. As explained elsewhere, changes in loading conditions may (subsequently) alter diastolic properties [38, 62, 114, 286, 287]. However, as already demonstrated by Alderman and Glantz, acute changes in chamber stiffness are largely caused by external forces and their associated effects [275], and are generally not able to alter intrinsic diastolic myocardial properties of normally oxygenated myocardium [275, 288] (Fig. 5.3).

Fig. 5.3
Acute volume loading, but also acute increases in afterload, e.g. raised systolic blood pressure, may lead to a parallel upward shift of the p-v relation as they alter extrinsic conditions, while represents true changes in intrinsic diastolic properties. Adapted from Borlaug BA. Circ Heart fail 2014, 7:2–4, with permission
5.4.2 Pathomechanisms Diastolic Dysfunction
Diastolic dysfunction (DD) is a hallmark and central in the pathophysiology of HFpEF [22, 24, 25]. The vast majority of patients suffering from HFpEF display DD [29, 30], at least during physical activity (80–90%) [31].
In the absence of endocardial or pericardial disease, diastolic LV dysfunction results from increased myocardial stiffness [8], which is regulated by extracellular matrix (ECM) and the cardiomyocytes [8]. Furthermore, a change in the stiffness within one compartment (intracellular–extracellular) is also transmitted to the other compartment via matrix cellular proteins [8].
Diastolic LV dysfunction consists of prolonged isovolumetric LV relaxation, slow LV filling, and increased diastolic myocardial stiffness [289–292], whereupon myocardial stiffness has turned out to be by far the predominant feature [257, 293]. Furthermore, 1/3 of all HFpEF patients are found to have normal myocardial collagen volume fraction despite similar high LVEDPs compared to those with elevated collagen ratios [80]. Accordingly, elevated (passive) diastolic LV stiffness is basically attributed to elevated “intrinsic” cardiomyocyte stiffness, meanwhile confirmed by numerous study results [80, 122–124].
In HFpEF, an elevated total amount of collagen with an excessive collagen type I deposition (due to exaggerated synthesis and a depressed degradation, thus collagen turnover [119, 294]) and an intensified collagen-cross linking [8, 136] are contributing to diastolic dysfunction [120]. Fibroblasts will be stimulated, mediated by TGF-β (transforming growth factor, a cytokine), which is released by inflammatory cells, to transdifferentiate into myofibroblasts, decisively involved in ECM collagen production fascilitating fibrosing [66]. Furthermore, reduced NO bioavailability (details read below) attributed to endothelial dysfunction contributes to the fibrosing of myocardium by affecting the cGMP-pathway, exerting direct fibrotic properties [295, 296]. NO deprivation promotes endothelial cells to transmit to mesenchymal cells which stimulate fibroblasts/myofibroblasts facilitating fibrosis [297]. Collagen per se is a stable molecule with a long turnover (80–120 days [298]), thus the fibrosing process is more a long term issue and not involved in acute disorders. Factors disrupting (myocardial) collagen balance include ischemia, enhanced wall stress, A II, and TGF-β, provoking altered collagen synthesis, composition and deposition leading to pathological tissue fibrosis [299], subsequently affecting chamber stiffness which is related to the cardiac amount of ECM [103].
Both, hypertensive heart disease and HFpEF are associated with excessive collagen volume, altered collagen composition and function, causing increased diastolic stiffness [136]. However, 1/3 of HFpEF patients have normal collagen volume fraction [80]. Myocardial inflammation is demonstrated to contribute to changes in ECM and to diastolic dysfunction [66], albeit titin’s expression/composition (its isoform N2B) and titin’s phosphorylation status predominantly determine cardiomyocyte tone and thus passive stiffness [122, 123, 209, 211].
Intrinsic cardiomyocyte stiffness has been found elevated in HFpEF patients [78, 80, 123]. This stiffness has been referred to as the cytoskeletal protein titin [122, 206, 209, 300–302]. Titin contributes to LV passive stiffness by roughly 80% as long as sarcomer length ranges within the physiological band of 1.8–2.2 μm, while the influence/contribution of ECM becomes more important in dilated sarcomeres of >2.2 μm [209, 211]—as in HfrEF. As such, elevated diastolic LV stiffness is largely/basically attributed to elevated intrinsic cardiomyocyte stiffness as numerous studies have shown [80, 122–124].
Cardiomyocyte elasticity is titin-based adjusted, transcriptionally and post-translationally [127]. Transcriptionally, the stiffer N2B titin (titin is obviously expressed in two isoforms) isoform is, to the disadvantage of the N2BA (more compliant) isoform, stronger expressed in patients with HFpEF [208], thus the ratio (normal hearts 35:65 [208]) of N2BA to N2B isoform is reported as having changed in favour of the stiffer N2B type [206, 209, 301, 302], causing elevated cardiomyocyte and LV stiffness [127]. Furthermore, post-translationally cardiomyocyte stiffening arises from alterations in the phosphorylation state of titin (stiffer if hypophosphorylated) [122, 206, 300], but may be further due to formation of disulfide bridges within the titin molecule, as the result of increased oxidative stress [207]. The phosphorylation is mediated by protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase G (PKG), both make titin more compliant while phosphorylating it, and hypophosphorylation of titin is reported as being the result of low PKG activity [9, 78, 127] in consequence of the deficient cGMP concentration [78]—cGMP activates as a second messenger intracellular kinases such as PKG and PKA [303]. This diminished cGMP content is attributed to the low NO bioavailability and the high peroxydinitrate level as both predispose a reduced cGMC production by soluble guanosine cyclase [304]. The low NO availability is the result of endothelial dysfunction [192], in this case of the microvascular endothelium of the coronary vessels and intramyocardial capillaries, which have been afflicted as part of the vascular endothelial layers of the body by the systemic inflammation related to the “comorbidities” demonstrated in HFpEF patients such as hypertension, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and COPD [75, 151, 199]. The, in that setting, released proinflammatory agents elicit endothelial production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) which cause high nitrosative/oxidative stress and subsequently limit NO bioavailability for the adjacent cardiomyocytes [9, 78, 127], as well as NO-mediated signalling [215, 216].
NO is known to enhance LV relaxation and LV distensibility through a number of mechanisms, some are dependent on an intact NO-cGMP-PKG pathway, like reduction of myofilament Ca sensitivity by troponin I phosphorylation and by enhancement of phospholamban—mediated sarcoplasmatic reticular Ca reuptake [305]. Moreover, as a result of the deficient NO-cGMP-PKG signalling pathway, vasodilator response of the coronary mircovasculature is substantially reduced [197].
Figure 5.4 by Paulus and Tschoepe summarizes the pathobiological processes within the heart muscle causing diastolic dysfunction and potentially precipitating HFpEF.

Fig. 5.4
Adopted from Paulus and Tschoepe [199] with permission. A (low grade) inflammatory condition (reflected by elevated serum levels of (pro-) inflammatory mediators, e.g. interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-a, soluble ST2 (sST2), and pentraxin 3), induced by several co-morbidities, afflicts the coronary endothelium and the endocardium, and precipitates endothelial dysfunction (resulting largely in reduced NO bioavailability). Consecutively, cardiomyoyctes and the extracellular matrix (ECM) will be affected, precipitating alterations of cardiomyocyte stiffening (preferred expression of titin’s stiffer N2B isoform) and fibrosing (change in collagen type and amount) of the ECM. Various signalling pathways and miscellaneous mediators are involved, of special interest is the disturbance of NO-cGMP-PKG pathway causing cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and (further) stiffening (hypophosphorylation of titin). Legend: ROS reactive oxygen species, NO nitric oxide, VCAM vascular cell adhesion molecule, ONOO peroxynitrite, sGC soluble guanylate cyclase, PKG protein kinase G, F passive cardiomyoyte resting tension, TGF-β transforming growth factor β
Furthermore, as the peripheral endothelium is, of course, afflicted as well (systemic inflammation), a systemic deficient/compromised vasodilator response exists and, as several studies emphasize, contributes to (explaining) the reduced exercise tolerance typical for HFpEF [68, 306]. Moreover, peripheral endothelial dysfunction is verified to be an independent predictor of outcome [67], accordingly further substantiating the causal involvement of the endothelium (of a dysfunctional endothelium) in the pathobiology of HFpEF malady [192].
This blunted vasodilator response correlates with LV diastolic dysfunction [197].
The disrupted NO-cGMP-PKG pathway is able to explain the increased cardiomyocyte stiffness (altered titin expression and hypophosphorylation of titin [300, 301]), the interstitial fibrosis (increased collagen volume and deposition of type I collagen) [78, 120], and the development of concentric LV remodelling with hypertrophied (concentrically thickened) cardiomyocytes [78, 82].
For the sake of completeness, further disorders and malformations may modulate the titin-based cardiomyocyte stiffness [212]: (1) disordered and blunted cross bridge detachment, resulting in bonding of disulfide cross bridges within the titin molecule due to an energy deficit [55, 307], (2) compromised NO signalling [308, 309], and (3) oxidative stress-induced formation of disulfide bridges within the titin molecule [212], leading to slowed relaxation [310].
The slowed relaxation as the second quality of diastole is related to persistent cross-bridging and diminished/altered sarcoplasmatic reticular Ca reuptake [310]. The compromised NO signalling pathway impedes through deficient cGMP content (cGMP reduces myofilamentary Ca sensitivity allowing cross-bridge detachment) cross-bridge detachment [308]. Furthermore, since detachment is an energy consuming process, the diminished ratio of ATP found in HFpEF patients may be a contributing factor [55, 311].
As such, DD is basically caused by altered diastolic myocardial stiffness [8, 116, 117]. Increases in diastolic myocardial stiffness result in increased filling pressures (higher pressures for the same filling volume) [22, 25, 38, 130, 269, 312]: Increased filling pressures are the main physiologic consequence of diastolic dysfunction [261]. Since these elevated left-sided filling pressures are transmitted backward into the pulmonary venule and venous network may pulmonary venous hypertension ensue [38].
Accordingly, ↑ diastolic myocardial stiffness → altered diastolic properties precipitating diastolic dysfunction → ↑ LVEDP → pulmonary venous hypertension [38].
The main (patho)physiologic consequences of these altered ventricular filling conditions [32–34, 38, 312] include:
- (1)
- (2)
Small changes in filling volume are going along with significant changes in diastolic pressures [103, 314]. The stiffened ventricle is unable to accommodate increasing filling volume without marked increases in filling pressures [22, 315] and as such, little or even unrecognizable increases in filling volumes are accompanied by considerable changes in filling pressures [21, 26].
- (3)
- (4)
- (5)
Diastolic stiffening leads to fluid redistribution [61] facilitating the development of fluid accumulation within the pulmonary vessel bed and tissue, causing pulmonary congestion/edema and, in general less clinically obvious, peripheral edema formation, thus incipient acute heart failure [317, 318].
However, other features than DD definitely contribute and may even be critical for acute decompensations [1, 14, 25, 61, 62, 114]: Chamber stiffness, and thus ventricular filling characteristics, although largely determined by myocardial stiffness [8, 25] and indeed in the majority of cases altered by changes in diastolic myocardial properties, DD [8, 29, 116, 117], may also be substantially affected by external issues stiffening the chamber [8]. Changes in “extrinsic” features, namely alterations in loading conditions, are in several clinical conditions the predominant factor causing an acutely altered chamber compliance [38, 61, 62, 319, 320].3 Acute changes in chamber stiffness are clearly demonstrated being generally caused by altered external circumstances [275]. Vascular Stiffening and AV-Coupling
Vascular properties substantially affect cardiac properties and performance [38, 43, 61–63, 267, 322, 323]: “LV performance is influenced by arterial load [44] (since systolic wall stress reflects afterload as defined by the law of LaPlace [324, 325]), and arterial properties are in turn influenced by LV performance” [44, 326]. Vascular properties, specifically the vascular tone, play an essential role in the development and progression of HF [327]. Moreover, worsening vascular failure is considered to be a common precipitant for AHF [83].
Ventricular–vascular stiffening increases with aging, hypertension, and diabetes, and is abnormally pronounced in patients with HFpEF [53, 81]. This “increase in vascular stiffness has direct implications for the ventricular–arterial coupling” [287], and as such, HFpEF may also be seen as a disease of (altered) v-a-coupling [62, 147].
A physiological feature of aging is the increase in the stiffness of the arteries, particularly of the large elastic ones [39, 328, 329]. This age-associated rise in vascular stiffness, reflected by an increase in arterial elastance Ea [42], poses an enhanced load on the heart by increasing systolic wall stress [330]. In order to maintain a stable and matched v-a-coupling, ensuring that cardiac efficiency to transfer blood from the heart into the vasculature is maintained [331], the left ventricular elastance (ventricular end-systolic stiffness), Ees, has to rise proportionately in tandem with Ea. [42, 43, 49, 130] Furthermore, an “optimized” chamber and coupling efficiency is inevitable and hence prioritized because only then proper and physiological hemodynamic conditions are guaranteed [42, 43, 332]. Consequently, the ventriculo–arterial coupling ratio remains roughly unchanged [43, 57, 62], is somewhat lower but still within the range where external work and efficiency are probably not compromised [331], although, in the elderly, “a stiffer heart is coupled to the stiffer vascular system” [70].
Of special note, the higher resting Ees is reflecting a higher end-systolic ventricular stiffness, compensating for increased vascular load attributed to “normal” aging, rather than indicative for a better, increased, contractility [37, 61, 230]. In contrary, systolic performance, respectively the systolic reserve capacity is impaired [333, 334].
Furthermore, increased vascular stiffness with subsequently enhanced LV afterload and concomitant elevated end-systolic ventricular stiffness also facilitates diastolic dysfunction [38, 43, 61, 322, 327]: Indeed, an increase in systolic ventricular elastance is associated with both, enhanced ventricular end-systolic but also diastolic stiffness [38, 43, 61, 335]. Petrie established an inverse relationship between diastolic relaxation and afterload in hypertensive and non-hypertensive humans indicating cross-talk between arterial load and diastolic LV function [336]. Moreover, an increase in arterial stiffness is associated with diastolic dysfunction [322, 337] and HFpEF [63, 338]. As such, augmented arterial stiffness is associated with both, systolic and diastolic dysfunction [335, 339, 340] at which increases in afterload generally cause a rise in LVEDP [21, 62, 341, 342].
Accordingly, vascular dysfunction definitely relevantly affects diastolic properties, implying diastolic dysfunction, augmenting LVEDP [22, 78, 130].
The clinically most important consequence is that patients with high Ees (steeper Ees slope) and Ea, due to combined systolic ventricular and arterial stiffening, show an enhanced systolic pressure sensitivity to changes in cardiac loading conditions (changes in LV-afterload and changes in LV filling volume, preload) [43, 62, 124, 343]. Increases in afterload (e.g. application of vasoconstrictors) may induce dramatic, exaggerated increases in systolic blood pressure and LVEDP [62], while acute decreases in afterload (e.g. application of vasodilators) may provoke a substantial, disproportionate drop in BP and mostly SV, the latter due to the uneven decline in LVEDP and thus LV filling volume [124]. Likewise, even small changes in volume may be translated by the stiffened ventriculo-arterial system into amplified and disproportionate changes in systolic arterial pressure [43, 343]. Indeed, significant changes in filling pressure may even be seen with little or no detectable change in ventricular volume [21, 26]. In so far, diuretics given to those patients may result in significant blood pressure drops and may potentially induce hypotension and hemodynamic instability [37]. Conversely, application of only small amounts of fluids may provoke pulmonary edema. The magnitude of the changes depends on the absolute values of Ees and Ea [256] and thereby are most pronounced in HFpEF patients since their absolute values of Ees and Ea are higher compared to healthy elderly and hypertensive patients/patients with HHD [130].
The enhanced systolic pressure sensitivity, characteristic of combined ventriculo-vascular stiffening, undoubtedly predisposes and is explicit co-responsible for the development of hypertensive pulmonary edema, the latter is, together with exercise intolerance, one of the two clinical key manifestations of HFpEF [13, 43, 62]. Gillebert [266] and Borlaug [344] report that “acute afterload elevation in the setting of ventricular–vascular stiffening causes a significant and disproportionate increase in blood pressure which may then feedback to (further) impair diastolic relaxation leading to dramatic increases in filling pressure during exercise”. Indeed, every increase in afterload in the presence of ventriculo-vascular stiffening is consecutively attended by (1) a disproportionate upswing in end-systolic stiffness, Ees [38, 62] and (2) by a further diminishment of LV compliance [38], accordingly substantially enhanced LVEDPs ensue [38, 315].
Accordingly, for our daily practice with the elderly, hypertensive, and with patients suffering from HFpEF, the following consequences of the above described pathobiological alterations are of particular relevance:
- 1.
A stiffer heart-arterial system displays a higher load-sensitivity, even if the coupling ratio is normal or near normal [70]. Accordingly, a clinically important effect of the combined increase in Ea and Ees is, due to the steeper slope of the end-systolic pressure volume relationship with a higher set point for any given volume [41, 70], a considerable lability in blood pressure with substantial fluctuations following even mild alterations in afterload (e.g. increasing BP due to changed sympathetic discharge) and marginal changes in volume loading (preload) [43, 62, 343], or mildest modifications in SV [62, 124].
HFpEF patients, found to be highly sensitive to changes in loading conditions (volume and pressure load) [43, 61, 62], are especially predisposed to develop pulmonary congestion or actually flash pulmonary edema even in case of only mild, acute increases in BP [21, 62, 345, 346] or yet undetectable volume expansions [43].
- 2.
The “physiological” aging process of the vascular system with consecutive increase in LV systolic and diastolic stiffness [42, 43] may potentially precipitate clinical symptoms (due to impaired hemodynamic performance) in case typical maladies such as hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome develop on top [44].
- 3.
The systolic reserve capacity is limited in HFpEF patients since the resting Ees is already elevated [70]. Accordingly, net stroke work generation, and consecutively SV, increase only mildly during stress, thus blunting chamber emptying and leaving LVESV high, thus limiting cardiovascular performance capacity [43, 68].
- 4.
Extended cyclic changes of arterial blood flow, resulting from enhanced pulse pressure attributed to arterial stiffening, cause larger pulsative pressures and may thereby affect microcirculation, subsequently provoking endothelial dysfunction which potentially spreads over the whole body facilitating end organ damage [37].
- 5.
A heart which has to eject into a stiffened arterial system must generate higher end-systolic pressures to achieve the same net stroke volume [347]. Hence, for any given level of ejected blood, a greater energy requirement is necessary [348, 349]. This may acutely provoke energy deficits precipitating hypophosphorylizations of titin and thus stiffens the cardiomyocytes (even further) affecting diastolic properties [55]. Systolic Function and Cardiac Reserve
Study results assessing the systolic function of patients suffering from HFpEF have been controversial [24, 49, 60, 112, 269, 336, 350–352]. However, it depends on the method used to assess systolic properties and the question which feature and parameter really reflects systolic performance [49, 60, 112, 336, 353]. As such, although EF is widely used to characterize and to indicate systolic function [14, 60], it does, by far, not represent systolic properties: “EF is only a crude measure of LV systolic function as influenced by several factors beyond contractility per se including loading conditions and chamber geometry” [354]. Indeed, EF is highly dependent on loading conditions and little sensitive to subtle abnormalities [14, 269, 355–357]. Hence, if afterload increases, EF will fall and vice versa (afterload ↑ → EF ↓ and vice versa) [358, 359]. Differently, EF represents ventriculo–arterial coupling conditions and as such is a coupling parameter rather than indicating systolic performance [49, 262]. Nonetheless, by all means it makes absolutely sense that we use EF, as proper circulation and functioning of blood flow decisively depend on both balanced cardiac and vascular properties and their neat and smooth interaction [37, 61].
Meanwhile, due to overwhelming evidence, there is no doubt at all that patients with HFpEF display and show subtle altered, impaired systolic properties [57, 60, 112, 336, 351, 360, 361]. Applying load-independent parameters in tissue Doppler and strain based, as well as speckle-tracking echocardiographic and MR imaging, assessments clearly revealed a couple of systolic abnormalities, confirming diminished systolic performance and contractile power (the most specific feature of systolic function) in patients with HFpEF on the myocardial, but actually also on the chamber level [49, 60, 112, 269, 336, 352, 353, 361]. Particularly longitudinal and circumferential tissue fibre shortening are demonstratedly impaired [60, 353, 361]. The left chamber is reported to thicken in radial layers while it shortens in longitudinal and circumferential plane during systole [362]. Indeed, myocardial contractility, and as such specific systolic properties, are truly indicated and reflected by circumferential midwall fractional fibre shortening [244, 363, 364], and longitudinal strain in particular allows to assess for myocardial deformation, a specific systolic issue [60, 113, 365]. Moreover, long axis function is reported to be affected early on in HFpEF as the longitudinal subendocardial fibre layout is predisposed to ischemia in case of elevated filling pressures and wall stress [366, 367]. Most recently, although even more difficult to assess, subtle systolic issues such as torsion, twist and untwist [353, 368, 369] are found to be altered. Accordingly, substantial evidence clearly demonstrates impaired systolic longitudinal and radial, and compromised twist function in HFpEF patients [49, 60, 351, 353, 361, 370].
The gentle systolic abnormalities and deficiencies become clinically evident in most patients during stress conditions, e.g. physical exertion: The physiological and necessary increase in SV [20, 68, 258] and ejection fraction [68, 371] to adapt cardiac performance during stress fails to appear properly, predominantly as a consequence of the inability of the heart to empty the chamber appropriately (thus unable to reduce ESV,) rather than as the result of limited diastolic filling volumes [19, 68, 258]. This persistently elevated ESV impairs early diastolic suction and thus promotes LA-hypertension [336, 372] and consecutively pulmonary venous hypertension potentially precipitating pulmonary congestion or edema.
However, as Najjar states, “although impairments in contractility are verified, the deficit is only mild and diminished contractility is not the culprit lesion in the pathogenesis of HFpEF” [354]. PH and RV Dysfunction, DVI
Pulmonary hypertension is highly common in patients suffering from HFpEF; up to 83% develop PH [56, 285]. Elevated left-sided filling pressures are demonstrated to be transmitted backwards, precipitating congestion in the pulmonary venous system by passively provoking an elevation of the pulmonary venous pressure [111, 281, 373, 374]: Pulmonary venous or postcapillary pulmonary hypertension applies [56, 281, 375, 376]. These elevated filling pressures are related to several features including diastolic dysfunction [22, 25] and ventriculo-vascular stiffening [38, 61, 327, 335, 337], and may even be exaggerated during physical stress or augmented NHs drive (e.g. increase in BP), since physiological processes like “suctioning” are blunted in HFpEF individuals, driving the LA pressure up [138, 260, 353]. Although this (altered) “behaviour” may in principle make sense as the stiff ventricle can only fill at the expense of elevated LA pressures [20, 260], acute further increases in left-sided filling pressures will add up to pre-existing pulmonary pressures [24], and concomitantly further enhance pulmonary pressures definitely precipitating clinical symptoms [345, 377]. Elevated pulmonary pressures (consequently with the rise in pulmonary venous pressure, pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) increases [378]) always precipitate and display an increased systolic load on the right ventricle, after-loading the right heart chamber [379–382]. However, as elevated LA pressures predominantly affect the pulsatile load, pulmonary vascular compliance will be impaired, consecutively increasing pulmonary vascular resistance [383, 384]. Thus, aside from the passive component related to backward transmitted elevated LVEDPs and LA-Ps causing PvH, elevated PVR indicates and reflects altered pulmonary vascular properties [374, 385, 386], probably a more substantial and lasting effect and contribution to pulmonary vascular impedance [373, 387]. This is more serious as vascular alterations are less likely to be reversed and as increased pulmonary vascular resistance indicates “pulmonary vascular disease” [373, 374, 386–388]. Furthermore, the increase in pulmonary vascular resistance (and PAP as well) markedly impacts on the impedance (rises) of the pulmonary artery and the RV outflow tractus, after-loading the right ventricle [379–382]. Particularly a rapid rise in PAP and/or PVR, causing acute pulmonary hypertension and concomitantly afterloading the right chamber enhancing RV wall tension, immediately leads to RV-dilatation [379, 389], which is accompanied by increases in RVEDV [380, 382, 389] and RVEDP [390, 391], compromised RV contractility [392, 393], and impaired RV-EF [389, 394]. Under these conditions, diastolic ventricular interaction (DVI) applies, compromising left ventricular filling and (thus even more) worsening global cardiac function and systemic circulation [41, 395, 396]. DVI, coming in general into effect with increasing RVEDP, as in case RV loading conditions change [273, 397], essentially contributes to acute right heart failure pathobiology and makes a crucial hemodynamic impact on right heart and subsequently systemic cardiovascular function [398].
Passively backwards transmitted elevated left-sided pressures may precipitate ultrastructural abnormalities indicating acute alveolar-capillary stress failure. However, these aberrations are fully reversible if PvP and thus the capillary hydrostatic pressure returns to normal values after a more or less short spell [399, 400]. Accordingly, patients suffering from LHD and consecutively persistent venous pulmonary hypertension may, although the increased pulmonary pressures are basically of backward transmitted, passive nature, develop functional and structural modifications of the pre-capillary, namely of the arterioles and the small arteries of the pulmonary vessel system [373, 401, 402]. These alterations cause an increase in PVR and concomitantly a further considerable rise in (mean) pulmonary pressure [373, 374, 387]. Indeed, vasoconstriction of functional nature and/or structural reductions in the area of the pulmonary arterioles and arteries inevitably provoke an “out of proportion” increase in the pulmonary pressures, hence display, in addition to the PvH, a pulmonary “arterial” constituent to the total PAP recognized [385, 386, 403, 404]. Pulmonary vascular disease, characterized by elevated PVR and reduced pulmonary vascular compliance [405], indicated by an enhanced transpulmonary gradient (see Chap. 6), confirms the pre-capillary component contributing to PH in HFpEF [285, 406]. This ‘out of proportion PH’ is found in roughly 50% of all HFpEF patients [124, 285], necessitating further, different therapeutic measures. Ventricular Dyssynchrony
Penicka et al. [407] demonstrated that significant LV dyssynchrony is able to evoke in hypertensive, so far clinically unremarkable patients, symptoms of heart failure. Considerable dyssynchrony is reported to be present in nearly up to 50% of patients with HFpEF [408–410]. Pathophysiologically, marked dyssynchrony impairs both, diastolic and systolic function [408]. However, there are conflicting results and opinions regarding the potency of dyssynchrony as being an additional factor able to provoke overt heart failure in the presence of relevant diastolic dysfunction [411, 412]. Left Atrial Dysfunction
The LA may be understood as a reservoir, conduit and pump, modulating LV filling [413, 414]. LA further complies with a kind of “watershed” function between LV and pulmonary circulation and as such buffers pressure and flow oscillations [415]. Its pump function is required even more in case of altered diastolic ventricular properties to maintain filling, and indeed its pump force has been demonstrated to increase in the presence of mild diastolic LV dysfunction, but unfortunately fails and even deteriorates if moderate or severe diastolic ventricular dysfunction apply [413, 414, 416]. As such, while in healthy individuals LV effectively “pulls” blood to fill in early diastole (suctioning) [372, 417], LV filling in HFpEF patients decisively relies upon a high LA pressure which “pushes” blood into the “stiffened” chamber [20, 24]. However, increases in LA-pressure are augmenting pulmonary venous pressures promoting venous pulmonary hypertension [281, 373], and increase the pulsatile RV load, even acutely during exercise [418]. Accordingly, LA dysfunction is associated with pulmonary vascular disease, promoting pulmonary vascular remodelling and PH [418, 419], and, consecutively RV dysfunction/failure [56, 418, 420, 421]: Due to increased PVR and pulmonary artery stiffening (following enhanced pulsatile load) the RV will be “afterloaded” [285]. Moreover, ensuing RV-dysfunction is affiliated with increased risk of death [57, 393].
Left atrial dysfunction is characterized by abnormal dimensions (dilatation), as well systolic (↓ systolic function) and diastolic (↑ stiffness) properties [415, 422–424]. LA dimensions, area and volume, are considered to represent global functional LA parameters [425], and LA dilatation is a marker of diastolic ventricular dysfunction [426]. Intermittent or permanent increases in LVEDP facilitate left-atrial dilatation and atrial fibrillation (thus atrial dysfunction) [138]. LA enlargement is linked to occurrent symptoms [53, 138, 427, 428] and disease progression [429, 430]. Moreover, LA dysfunction may be the initial mechanism to develop symptoms [431].
As LV filling is reliant on atrial contraction in that patient group [432], atrial fibrillation is poorly tolerated [433]. Actually, LA dilatation is associated with a loss of normal electrical activity promoting the development of atrial fibrillation (AF) [434]. Moreover, AF leads to even lower exercise tolerance [53, 138] (even in case of similar chronotropic reserve [435]), is associated with more severe RV dysfunction [57], and increased risk of death [436]. Peripheral Factors
The majority of patients suffer from exercise intolerance [26] and largely develop symptoms during exertion rather than at rest [436]. Recent study results are now clearly indicative for a reduced ventricular-vascular reserve with vascular and peripheral muscular issues substantially contributing, in addition to cardiac limitations, to the clinical picture [54, 68, 258, 306, 438]. Namely, a considerably blunted peripheral vascular vasodilation is demonstrated to be a relevant issue and contributor to symptoms [54, 68, 371]: While in healthy persons the arterial resistance decreases during exercise (to accommodate the large blood flow with only mild pressure increase) [61], patients with HFpEF show a blunted exercise-associated vasodilation [68, 353, 371].
This compromised vasomotor function with enhanced vascular tone during exercise may be related to endothelial dysfunction [68], a well established feature in HFpEF pathophysiology [68, 439]. Also, an improvement in aortic distensibility, reducing aortic stiffness and subsequently attenuating afterload, is demonstrated to be missing [63, 315]. Thus, blunted vasodilation and missing improvement in aortic distensibility (as such an altered vasorelaxation in the presence of an attenuated contractile reserve) lead to dynamic limitations in ventriculo–arterial coupling during exercise [55, 61, 68, 371]. While in healthy humans the Ea/Ees ratio declines during exercise, since the increase in Ees (reflecting a true augmentation of contractility) exceeds the change in Ea [61], this drop in Ea/Ees ratio is markedly more blunted in HFpEF patients compared to hypertensive patients not suffering from HFpEF [55, 68].
Other peripheral issues suggested to contribute to the patients’ exercise disability include deranged muscle microcirculation [438], limited lean total and leg muscle mass, and altered muscle fibre composition [440, 441].
Cardiac features applying, disturbing, and restricting reserve function are chronotropic incompetence, depressed systolic function, and possibly diastolic filling abnormalities [15, 19, 20, 25, 442]. Patients with HFpEF show at least a limited peak chronotropic reserve [54, 55, 68], up to 50% even fulfil the criteria for chronotropic incompetence while exposed to stress [443]. The contractile reserves are attenuated in persons with HFpEF [55, 68, 371]:
The contractile reserve is mitigated by a high basal Ees as typical in this patient group and a further increase in Ees, due to positive inotropic effects displayed during exercise, will only gently augment net contractility [62]. The systolic restriction may further be related to ischemia, oxidative stress, disturbed energetics, passive stiffening, and abnormal Ca handling [49, 55, 60, 272, 336, 351, 444]. Therefore it is important to note that the increase in end-systolic ventricular elastance during exercise is highly likely to be mainly related to passive myocardial stiffening rather than indicating a true increase in contractility. This evidence is further supported by the trend that the increase of Ees in HFpEF patients is higher compared to hypertensive individuals (2.42 mmHg/mL vs. 2.3 mmHg/mL) [49].
Although limited diastolic filling has, without a doubt, a significant impact on exercise intolerance, the study findings are quite controversial:
The preload reserve seems to be shortened as no relevant increase in LV end-diastolic filling (LVEDV) could be observed in HFpEF [26]. However, the study results are somewhat conflicting and a recent trial found a mild increase in LVEDV [61]. Other authors have demonstrated an attenuated preload reserve (diminished increase in diastolic filling despite marked elevations in filling pressures) [25, 445], while some did not find relevantly diminished diastolic filling volumes [54, 68] in HFpEF patients during stress. Anyway, end-diastolic left ventricular filling volume is obviously not the crucial factor of stress intolerance [19, 68, 258].
5.5 Diagnosis and Clinical Issues
5.5.1 Symptoms and Signs of Heart Failure
Dyspnoea on exertion and exercise intolerance, although being functional hallmarks of heart failure in general, are together with acute pulmonary edema key clinical pictures HFpEF patients typically present [19–21, 446]. The typical patient suffering from HFNEF is the elderly woman [437, 447] with arterial hypertension (with or without LV-hypertrophy), and often additional co-morbidities commonly present in patients with HFpEF, particularly diabetes mellitus and obesity [5, 50, 85, 89, 276]. However, early on in the disease course, the symptoms of heart failure may be really discrete and signs of overt heart failure like fluid retention and/or edema formation may be missing [407, 448]. Accordingly, other causes (differential diagnosis) of exertional dyspnoea may be looked for [449]. Since in addition the signs and symptoms of heart failure are generally non-specific, thus not really discriminating between HF and other causes [450–452], HFpEF may be an under-diagnosed disorder [6, 20]. Particularly in HFpEF the prevalences of typical symptoms and signs of heart failure are usually lower compared to HFrEF [103]:
Prevalence of clinical feature | HFrEF/systolic heart failure (%) | HFpEF/diastolic heart failure (%) |
Orthopnoea | 73 | 60 |
Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea | 50 | 55 |
Peripheral edema | 46 | 35 |
Jugular venous distension | 96 | 85 |
Hepatomegaly | 40 | 30 |
III. heart sound (S3) | 65 | 45 |
Rales or crepitations | 70 | 72 |
Chest X-ray consistent with | ||
– Pulmonary venous hypertension | 80 | 75 |
– Cardiomegaly | 96 | 90 |
Breathlessness, orthopnoea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea, reduced exercise tolerance, fatigue, tiredness, increased time to recover after exercise, and ankle swelling are considered to be more typical symptoms and signs of heart failure, while elevated jugular venous pressure, positive hepato-jugular reflux, and the presence of a III. heart sound are probably more specific [452–454]. Rales, crepitations, III. heart sound, and peripheral edema may be more common in case of acute decompensation, but rarely found in chronic heart failure [455].
However, the diagnostic evaluation always commences with the history and the physical examination [446].
An ECG may reveal signs of LV hypertrophy or concomitant conditions like arrhythmias (particularly atrial fibrillation), however, a normal ECG in the setting of suspected acute heart failure virtually rules out this diagnosis [456], but not HFpEF [446]. An abnormal ECG simply increases the likelihood that heart failure exists, but its specificity is really low [454, 457, 458].
Differential diagnostic considerations (adapted from Wachter and Edelmann [7] and modified) include
– Pulmonary maladies: |
• Chronic obstructive lung disease |
• Pulmonary embolism |
• Pneumonia |
• Pulmonary fibrosis |
• Pneumothorax |
• Pleural effusion |
• Lung cancer |
– Cardiovascular: |
• HFrEF |
• Pulmonary hypertension (for other reason than HFpEF) |
• Valvular heart disease |
• Constrictive pericarditis |
• Hypertension and hypertensive crisis |
• Arrhythmias |
– Neuromuscular maladies |
– Adipositas and obesity associated hypoventilation syndrome |
– Varia: medication, anemia, deconditioning |
5.5.2 Ejection Fraction
In order to assess the systolic function of the heart and thus the second criterion of the definition of HFpEF, in the vast majority of cases an echocardiogram will be performed. Echocardiography is anyway the main tool in the diagnostic work up [3, 4, 449, 459], playing a pivotal role in the diagnostic process [3, 4, 449, 460].
EF is the most common parameter used to assess the systolic function of the left and right ventricle [355]. EF succeeds due to its easy application, is well understood, and its reliability to detect any abnormalities in contractility is at least reasonable [355]. The level of EF that defines a normal systolic function is somewhat arbitrary [461], but, nevertheless, in the (joint) American and European echocardiography guidelines on the diagnosis of HFpEF [462–464] and the most recent European and American guidelines on HFpEF [3, 4], a LV-EF ≥ 50% determines a normal or only mildly impaired LV systolic function, as previously proposed by other authors [1, 5, 6, 293].
However, EF is far from an ideal parameter to assess the contractility, and a preserved EF does not automatically imply normal systolic function [62, 336, 465]. Being dependent on afterload, preload and on heart volume and mass [356, 357, 466], EF will fail to report excess afterload [467], in cases of augmented preload [468, 469] and when concentric LVH is present [470] (see Chap. 1, paragraph 6).
As such, EF may be, by all means, seen as a coupling parameter, describing fundamental aspects of ventriculo–arterial coupling rather than truly reflecting contractility [471, 472]—for more information see Chap. 1, paragraph 6.
Often misinterpretation and a failure to detect an impaired systolic function can be avoided by assessing the longitudinal fibre shortening. The longitudinal shortening may be reduced but the EF appears to be normal, or nearly normal, secondary to an increase in the radial shortening, compensating the longitudinal weakness [46]. Thus, the longitudinal shortening must be assessed separately in order not to miss a compromised systolic function [46]. A decrease in longitudinal shortening is an early sign of LV (RV) systolic dysfunction [473, 474].
This can easily be done by assessing the systolic atrial-ventricular (AV) displacement of the mitral valve (systolic mitral valve annulus displacement) [336] or tricuspid valve (TAPSE), respectively. AV displacement reflects systolic LV (mitral valve annulus) and systolic RV (tricuspid valve annulus) function [475, 476]. Assessing the motion of the mitral valve annulus, the subendocardial longitudinal muscle fibres are examined [477]. Unfortunately, this element of contraction is not assessed by examining the ventricle in the conventional way [478], measuring the overall (global) performance in M- or 2D-mode, expressed by EF (or FS) [479]. The contribution to the global systolic function of the longitudinal fibres is normally greater than that of the circumferential fibres, which are usually assessed [480, 481].
Yip [478] showed that a significant number of patients with a normal EF, and therefore classified as suffering from HFpEF (in his study termed diastolic dysfunction), indeed have a reduced systolic function when assessing the longitudinal fibres by the mitral valve annulus displacement method.
The measurement is not only technically easy but is shown to be markedly more sensitive than cardiac catheterisation and older echocardiographic parameters in detecting subtle systolic dysfunction [465], overview [336, 477, 482–484].
Normal displacement amplitude of the mitral valve annulus is 12–14 mm [336, 482, 484]. A displacement of <10 mm clearly indicates impaired systolic function (overview by [336]) as well as an unfavourable prognosis [482].
It should be mentioned that the velocity of the septal annulus site is usually lower than the one of the lateral site, thus an average value of the measurements of both septal and lateral displacement is recommended for evaluation and decision making [1].
It was previously recommended that all patients should undergo echocardiography within 72 h after onset of symptoms [5] in order evaluate the systolic function, and in order to diagnose or exclude HFpEF because rapid improvement may be seen in a short time period. This appears redundant now as Ghandi [21] showed that no improvement of LV function can be expected in the days following hospitalisation, and thus there will be no change in systolic function on admission in comparison to a few days later. Expedient echocardiography is of course desirable for other reasons previously defined.
5.5.3 Diastolic Dysfunction, Structural Changes and Bio-markers
The third criterion required to meet the definition of HFpEF is “diastolic dysfunction” which may be evaluated by echocardiography, more precisely Doppler-echocardiography, cardiac catheterization and/or by measurement of plasma natriuretic peptide concentration [89]. Natriuretic Peptides
The most recent ESC guideline [3] requires elevated levels of natriuretic peptides, defined as BNP > 35 pg/mL or NT-pro BNP > 125 pg/mL, as one “sub”-criterion of the third benchmark of the definition of HFpEF. In acute conditions, higher values (>100 pg/mL for BNP and >300 pg/mL for NTpro-BNP) should be used [3, 485]. The ACCP/AHA guidelines and most of the publications still use “older” BNP/NT-pro-BNP cut-off levels of >220 pg/mL NTpro-BNP and >200 pg/mL BNP [1, 7, 449, 486].
Indeed, the release of BNP/pro-BNP will be induced by myocardial wall stress reflecting myocardial stretch and thus indirectly elevated filling pressures [449].
The importance the ESC attributes to the biomarkers is somewhat striking as up to 30% of all patients with HFpEF do not exhibit elevated BNP or pro-BNP serum levels, although filling pressures are elevated [487]. In HFpEF patients, BNP (and its biological inactive form pro-BNP) levels tend to be lower anyway, compared to patients suffering from HFrEF [487, 488]. This may be due to a lower BNP expression associated with obesity and insulin resistance [489–491], furthermore, concentric remodeling (hypertrophy) reduces both systolic and diastolic wall stress following the law of LaPlace [492]. On the other hand, proBNP levels rise with age and are higher in women than in men [493], increase with deteriorating renal function (as soon as GFR < 60 mL/min) [494, 495], and in case of tachycardic arrhythmias such as atrial fibrillation or in myocardial ischemia [496] and may be affected by comorbidities such as liver failure [497] and sepsis [498]. Accordingly, BNP, respectively pro-BNP plasma concentrations, are to some extent non-specific [496] and with limited sensitivity. This is at least of relevance in patients with milder forms of HFpEF who merely exhibit elevated filling pressures on exertion [407]. Furthermore, the natriuretic peptides may not reach the level as a stand-alone parameter providing sufficient evidence of functional and/or structural alterations satisfying criterion 3 of the definition. Functional and Structural Alterations
Confirmation of altered diastolic properties/function by tissue Doppler (TD) assessment or invasive hemodynamic measurements gives by itself sufficient evidence to fulfil the third criterion [3, 4, 89, 446, 449]. As such, diastolic dysfunction (functional alterations) may be indicated by the E/e′ ratio determined by tissue Doppler echocardiography, or by the invasively measured/calculated left ventricular filling pressure (pulmonary wedge pressure respectively), or by calculation of the relaxation constant τ, or the constant b of the pressure/volume slope [1]:
The ESC [3] further proposes in its most recent guideline that a mean velocity of e′ < 9 cm/s on septal and lateral mitral wall may be equally qualified as a stand-alone parameter to indicate abnormal relaxation and thus diastolic dysfunction, a proposition based on the results of echocardiographic assessments and research [462, 464, 500, 501]. E/e′ Ratio
The E/e′-ratio is a marker of LVEDP and LV stiffness [7] and is considered to reflect LV-filling pressure [3, 8]. E represents the peak flow velocity of transmitral blood flow in early diastole, a well established element in the assessment of mitral blood flow profile [449]. A reduced early transmitral blood flow velocity, characterized by the E-wave, indicates impaired relaxation [446] while an increased velocity may reflect a reduced compliance (e.g. due to increased LV stiffness) [446]. The tissue Doppler assessment of the velocity of the mitral annular longitudinal myocardial fibre shortening and lengthening, characterized by the e-Wave and called e′, has been a big step forward in the assessment of the diastolic properties of the LV: e′ reflects the recoil and the active phase of diastolic relaxation, and is shown to correlate well with τ [502, 503]. The lengthening velocity of the lateral and septal mitral annulus myocardial fibres in early diastole is considered to be a sensitive and reliable parameter, reflecting diastolic properties [504, 505]. e′ is less influenced by loading conditions and other variables as compared to E [504, 506], and a reduction in e′ to <8.0 cm/s [504, 507] clearly indicates a slowed relaxation [508]. Again, the combination of E and e′ is of special value and their ratio is an even more accurate estimate of ventricular filling pressure (LVEDP) with good accuracy over a wide range of EFs [503, 509–511]. Thus, with the ratio of the velocities of the E-wave of the mitral inflow pattern to the velocity of the e′ wave of the tissue Doppler assessment of the myofibres of the mitral valve annulus region, we are able to estimate the end-diastolic intraventricular left ventricular pressure (LVEDP) [503]:
E/e′ ratio > 15 → LVEDP > 15 mmHg, and thus clearly elevated [503]Stay updated, free articles. Join our Telegram channel
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