Fig. 7.1
3D real time image showing an ostium secundum atrial septal defect from the right atrium with the catheter crossing trough it during percutaneous closure

Fig. 7.2
Live 3D image during percutaneous atrial septal defect closure. En face view of the defect from the left atrial aspect. The location, shape and sixe are clearly seen

Fig. 7.3
Multiplanar reconstruction of a small ostium secundum atrial septal defect. Planes are aligned at the level of the defect in the desired moment of the cardiac cycle, perpendicular to each other and final measurement is performed in the “en face” view of the defect, lower left image
The closure procedure is very straightforward through a femoral vein access. TEE allows visualization of the sheet trough the defect into de left atrium and the deployment of the device, first the left atrium disc and second the right atrium disc. 3D TEE allows monitoring this procedure by means of real time 3D imaging. 0° four chamber views at the level of the atrial septum is normally an accurate plane to monitor the procedure. By clicking the 3D button, a thin 3D pyramid is obtained. If needed, vertical width can be increase to get a full visualization of the atrial septum form the left atrium by a slight counter clock volume rotation. After implantation and before its release, correct position of the device in the septum needs to be confirmed as well as normal function of the mitral valve and flow in the pulmonary veins. Residual shunt needs to be rules out. With 2D TEE echocardiography different planes need to be performed for a comprehensive evaluation of the results. 3D TEE imaging allows visualization of the septum from different perspectives in the same volume providing a unique “en face” view of the device (Fig. 7.4, Video 7.1).

Fig. 7.4
Live 3D image of the left atrial aspect of the interatrial septum showing the left disc of an Amplatzer devices for atrial septal defect closure
3D TEE has become a must in the evaluation of patients for TAVI both prior and during the procedure [6, 7].
Prior to the Procedure
Before the procedure to define true severity of the aortic stenosis and to measure the annulus dimensions. This is performed by means of 3D TEE (Table 7.1). Acquisition is performed in the short axis view of the aortic valve (45ª) and in the left ventricular outflow tract view (120°). Normally 3D zoom modality is used with adjustment of the lateral and vertical width to assure that the complete annulus, left ventricular outflow tract and proximal ascending aorta is included. Temporal resolution should be optimized as much as possible with at least 10 volumes/second. This is easily achieved in 1 single beat acquisition mode if the volume is adjusted to the aortic annulus. In some cases however, high volume rate acquisition can be used but spatial resolution and image quality for measurements will decrease. Since the aortic valve in these patients is extensively calcified we recommend acquiring 3D images in both planes so possible limitations due to calcium acoustic shadow are reduced. Multiplane reconstructions from 3D volume acquired are used for both aortic valve area and annulus measurements. Perpendicular adjustment of the reference planes at the level of narrowest valve opening in systole allows aortic valve area tracing (Fig. 7.5). Different papers have shown the superiority of 3D valve area planimetry over 2D in determining aortic stenosis severity. This measurement has also shown a good correlation with both continuity equation valve area and hemodynamic vale area assessment. In the same multiplane images, the image plane can be moved down to the aortic annulus where both diameters, area and perimeter can be easily measured. AV annulus dimensions are measured from the hinge point of the right coronary cusp to the anterior aortic wall, perpendicular to the long axis of the aortic root, in mid-systole where its diameter is at its maximum (Figs. 7.6 and 7.7) Since the aortic annulus is not circular but rather elliptical, 3D sizing of the aortic annulus is superior to the 2D assessment that gives only the sagittal smaller diameter. Different papers have shown the superiority of 3D annulus assessment, both with TEE or computed tomography over 2D [8, 9]. Annulus sizing is more accurate and this translates in better results, reducing the rate of paravalvular regurgitation [10]. Additional information obtained from 3D images are the distance to the right and left main coronary arteries, level of calcification and severity of mitral regurgitation.

Table 7.1
3D imaging prior to TAVI procedure
Image plane | 3D modality | Comment | |
Aortic valve area | TEE 45° and 120ª, aortic valve short axis view and LVOT view | Zoom 3D, adjust volume the aortic valve to optimize temporal resolution | Acquire images with the 3D and 3 2D orthogonal planes visualization to assure relevant structures are inside the acquired volume Analysis is performed in multiplanar reconstructions. Adjust planes perpendicular to the narrowest aortic valve area in systole |
Aortic annulus diameter | TEE 45° and 120°, aortic valve short axis view and LVOT view | Zoom 3D, adjust volume the aortic valve to optimize temporal resolution | Analysis is performed in multiplanar reconstructions. Adjust planes perpendicular to the aortic annulus in mid- systole when leaflet calcification are no further seen (bellow the calcified aortic annulus plane) |
Aortic root evaluation | 120° -140° LVOT view | Zoom 3D, adjust volume the aortic valve to optimize temporal resolution | Analysis is performed in multiplanar reconstructions. Adjust planes perpendicular to the aortic wall at different levels in diastole |

Fig. 7.5
3D aortic valve area measurement performed after multiplanar reconstruction selecting the minimum aortic valve area. The plane is place perpendicular to the aortic leaflets in a more distal position where the smaller area is seen

Fig. 7.6
Multiplanar reconstruction from 3D zoom image acquisition of the aortic annulus. The axes are aligned perpendicular to each other in the 3 orthogonal planes at the level of the aortic annulus

Fig. 7.7
From multiplanar analysis, the best image of the artic annulus is selected and zoomed for measurements of the diameters area and circumference
Guiding the Procedure
During the procedure, both 2D and 3D TEE imaging are used. 3D overcomes some of the limitations encountered with 2D; it provides a better visualization of the wires and catheters and both real time orthogonal biplane and 3D imaging helps in different steps of the procedure (Table 7.2). Crossing the stenosed aortic valve may be difficult in some case, real time 3D imaging provides an “en face” view of the valve and may help in this task along with biplane imaging. In the long axis left ventricular outflow tract view, 3D real time imaging allows visualization of wire, valvuloplasty balloon position, inflation and results (Fig. 7.8). In the same way, prostheses advance and positioning is also possible, providing a better delineation of the balloon and prostheses for optimal positioning in the aortic annulus. Edward-Sapiens valve optimal position is 2–4 mm bellow the aortic annulus plane, while Core Valve should be place 5–10 mm bellow [6, 7, 2] After deployment, evaluation of prostheses position, leaflet movement and presence and degree of valvular regurgitation is needed. In this way, assessment of both prostheses position and leaflet movement can be performed with 2D and 3D imaging (Video 7.2). 3D imaging, both real time or zoom 3D allows multiplanar reconstructions in cases where prostheses mal function is suspected or limited evaluation is achieved with 2D echo. Both valvular and paravalvular regurgitation is better evaluated with 3D echo. First biplane simultaneous visualization of the aortic prostheses in the short and long axis view is possible and a first approach to the extension and location of the aortic regurgitation is performed (Fig. 7.9). Color 3D acquisition with 3D zoom modalities allows multiplanar reconstruction to assess origin and size of the regurgitant jet or jets as well as its extension in the annular ring. Vena contracta area can be measured avoiding the limitation of 2D assessment of the regurgitant jets. The VARC recommendations suggest that for paravalvular jets, the proportion of the circumference of the sewing ring occupied by the jet gives a semi-quantitative guide to severity: <10% of the sewing ring suggests mild, 10–29% suggests moderate, and ≥30% suggests severe [11]. This is essential during the procedure because in some cases depending on the degree of valvular regurgitation and prostheses position post-dilatation may be needed. Once prostheses correct position and function is confirmed and before ending the procedure mitral regurgitation severity, left ventricular segmental wall motion, pericardial effusion and aortic wall assessment should be performed to rule out other more rare complications of the procedure.

Table 7.2
3D imaging during TAVI procedure
Image plane | 3D modality | Comment | |
Aortic valve crossing | TEE 45° and 120ª, aortic valve short axis view and LVOT view | Orthogonal biplane imaging, real time 3D short axis view of the aortic valve | Both orthogonal 2D images and real time 3D images with en face view of the aortic valve may be useful in crossing the valve in selected difficult cases |
Aortic valvuloplasty | TEE 120° LVOT view | Real time 3D image | Evaluation of balloon position during inflation and evaluation of immediate result |
Aortic prostheses implantation | TEE 120° LVOT view | Real time 3D image | Confirmation of prostheses position in the aortic annulus, evaluation of its deployment and immediate result |
Evaluation post implantation | TEE 45° and 120ª, aortic valve short axis view and LVOT view | Orthogonal biplane imaging without and with colour Doppler, real time 3D short axis view of the aortic valve, zoom 3D of the aortic valve, zoom 3D with colour | Orthogonal 2D images allow first approach to valve position and leaflet movement. With colour Doppler evaluation of aortic regurgitation, jets, location and extension Real time 3D imaging complement visualization of leaflet movement and prostheses position Zoom 3D images with multiplanar reconstruction allows complete assessment of leaflet movement and vena contracta area measurement of the regurgitant jets |

Fig. 7.8
Live 3D image, left ventricular outflow tract view, used to monitor percutaneous aortic valve implantation

Fig. 7.9
Biplane 2D color Doppler image showing the aortic prostheses and significant aortic paravalvular regurgitation located posteriorly (*)
Percutaneous mitral valve repair (MVR) using the MitraClip system (MitraClip, Abbott Vascular, Abbott Park, IL, USA) has emerged as an alternative treatment option for patients with severe MR and high surgical risk for MVR. This technique is based on approximating the free edges of the anterior and posterior leaflet with a clip creating a double mitral orifice, increasing valve coaptation and thereby reducing mitral regurgitation. Echocardiography, especially 3D TEE is essential in all the steps of the procedure: patient selection, procedure guiding and evaluation of results. The efficacy and feasibility of MitraClip therapy is dependent on the appropriate patient selection and on the precise evaluation of valve anatomy and function. Implantation requires a correct selection of the patient, guidance of the procedure and evaluation of the result before releasing the device [12, 13].
Prior to the Procedure
Comprehensive assessment of mitral valve is mandatory before MitraClip procedure. 3D TEE overcomes many of the limitations of 2D echocardiography and has proved to be superior in many clinical conditions. Main advantages of 3D TEE in MitraClip patient selection are the evaluation of mitral regurgitation severity and mitral valve morphology [14, 15]. In the first case, direct measurement of the proximal isovelocity surface area and vena contracta without geometric assumptions with 3D TEE, improves accuracy [16, 17]. This is particularly relevant when dealing with functional MR.The asymmetrical deformation of the valve apparatus will generate non-spherical and more funnel-like regurgitant orifices encompassing the coaptation closure line, which can only be completely visualized with 3DTEE. A first color zoom 3D acquisition including the entire mitral valve is normally performed to localize the regurgitant jet; this is very important, since optimal jet origin should be between A2 and P2 segments, being eccentric or more complex jets less suitable. Subsequent, a smaller volume centered in the regurgitant jet (excluding part of the mitral annulus) is acquired with higher temporal resolution for mitral regurgitation vena contracta area analysis (Figs. 7.10 and 7.11). Different papers have shown the higher accuracy of this method compared to 2D TEE evaluation. In the second case, for MV morphologic evaluation, same 3D zoom image offers the advantage of visualization a highly detailed image of the whole MV in a single view (Video 7.3), which can then be rotated and angulated in all image planes; furthermore, additional en face views of the MV from both the LV and LA can be obtained [18]. It has been demonstrated that 3DTEE is more accurate in identifying valve segments compared with 2DTTE as well as clefts, gaps and perforations, frequently missed in 2DTEE. The evaluation of these images allows planning of the procedure, to locate the exact place of maximal mitral regurgitation or even plan a strategy of two clips in cases where mitral regurgitation is very large. Also mitral valve area evaluation by means of planimetry from 3D images (Fig. 7.12) is essential since valve areas bellow 3 cm2 are a contraindication for the procedure (Table 7.3).

Fig. 7.10
Color Doppler 3D image, multiplane image showing the jet in the 3 different planes for 3D vena contracta area assessment

Fig. 7.11
Measurement of 3D vena contracta. Alignment f the axes is performed perpendicular to the vena contracta. “En face” view of the regurgitant orifice is visible and area can be manually traced (lower let image)